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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 ::HEI,TON-MASON cOU&apos;NTY JOURNAL w Phblished in "Cwrcst, m' +sto,t:u Police Courl Fines 400 Sludenls Visit D00TOR,S TESTIFY FOR STATE AND DEFENSE I Twn inl IFt.ove +li+inli+i.,,ll+ l.dl+a I : t ,t + ,>+. +) th,, ,,;+h,i.n ,)r t,,,, ,>r th,+ ti,,.,,+ mwu ,.-.illlUl lilllllilll + Uillllllilllllllll llilllll tthat institution, l)1'+ (Ja, mpbell snid El+ sle ,' I: Iv +''es}Jc+n- Alfrod Ramov ]!), Shellon. was! ()\\;'+.r four hundred sixth grade[ that the defendant was u para- sible l'ath+'v lha+l + 'lmuu+m,.+u fi:wd $50 a.nd il:l<t his driver's li- M:ts+m C,I lnlv students observed[hOld personality and qnite sel'iolts- opiniln. The tmm?s <)f I)t. ('l,!p- ('ellS(' SllSpt,lldell for 30 davn Moll .+ (,oils(q'valion Day l-it Camp Pan- ly 111. The doctol, however, added ):1t'11, Dr. I(a:s ilItl I)r. M(ll\\;*ltl+. that she did know )be differ(moo \\;vet'(, signed +11 the })(III(HII ill lhc day ni;4hk in the helt(in t'olicc, tmn(tl( April 17th. They arrived Ct)III'I.. ' ' hl Sl!]lOOI bllsts an(I were welcomed th' WaS C}l[llJ2t'(1 %\\;ith Ft':l';lt +>IN hv b'vancis Wrighl, district ad- dl'ivinl4. + i isl rator, Department (if Natur- .lack "l'il)bits, 21, Sh(dlon, was'. 1 ILt'sonrces. fint,d $100 plus c(lltvt (.o+), au(t' The Cimsevvation [)ay observ- had his lietmse nuspend('(I for 61am', was in the form of a tour months. He was charged wt(h :1o interesting conservation stops. vccklc+ss dz'iving, l-te IZ;Iv( O1'11 I ' 'l he students and their teachers notice 111" apt)oat, v, alked t'rom stop to stop to listen i t11 experts on many phases of ha- l I II1';11 i'q!SOll|'ces nmnagement. ; "l?he inntructional stops included stills and their formation, minor f(.2r('st products, pruning +£nd thin- ning forest trees, tree identifica- tion, animal damage to the for- :{,,st + forest fire, prevention and conti"ol, +rod seeding and planting a forest. ORDER OF MOOSE Lodge No. 1684 HELD EACH and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 P.m. Airport Governor 6-4743 YYnismaa, Scy. HA 6-3292 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Pinone I|A 6-3157 Jacuzzi Pumps Sales & Service route 1, Box 8, Shelton Lyle Ware Repl+ac-es Cromer al Fire Dep!, l)avidson and Goodwin,s Lyle Ware has been appointed the post of city fireman recently :(<,placing former assistant chief Hel'b Cromer who retired April 1. Ware is a 1950 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and has been working as volunteer' fire- man for the past few months. The city fire department now has three full-time firemen including the chief. Evergrn =€o Service Births . Nheltoll (lent,Pal tlospltal ltepresentatlve in Mason County for " 0il & Wood i ' I II I III PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils lit and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE 'i (L" /(,, i ¸. / Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Young; Star Route 2, Box 189, a boy, April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Pierce, Star Route 1, Box 36, a girl, April 17. Mr'. and Mrs. Leelund Bainter, Route 2, Box 144, a boy, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrison, Star Route 2, Box 96, a girl, April 19. CIinh. Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Stanley James, West H Street, a girl, April 21. Mr'. an(] Mrs. Fred LaMarsh, Route 3, Box 298, a girl, April 22. IT'll A SPE01AL GIFT FOR il FULL YEAR'S SUPPLY OF CAKE and BAKE MIXES WITH PURCHASE OF HORGE RAMGEI GOOD and EASY COOK iOOgl O 2$6 pagesl Opens flail Contains tO00 tempting recipesl OESSERT SERVERt Beautiful "Twin Star" paern On4 15+ SOLD, SERVICED AND GUARANTEED BY YOUR QUALITY NORGE DEALER , Also... 6 months to l year supp!y.on 19§8 ap- Princes. These are specnau purchase special prices--Ranges, Refrigerators and Laundry Equipment. Come see--+Easy terms. \\; I gild BE(TIlt 4TH & COTA . HA 6-6602 + + between right and wrong. He tol(t the court that the paranoid indi- vidual blamed society for his or ller shortcomings, but was ahle to use reanon in v,(gard to the nature anti cons{qtlel ices of heF actions. The doct(ir teslified that she was a wonlan of Stll)el,io I. in- telligence. He, said that the lna- jority of mentally ill people know the difference between right and wroiig and that only thone who are completely detached fron) re- alRy are incapable (if making judgments. Dr. Mac Knutsen, a psychologist at the hospital, also testified for the state. He said that the tests given to the defendant while in the hospital showed that+ ste was dis- turbed but the tests did not show that she belonged in any specific classification of mental illness. He also felt that she had superior intelligence and that she knew right from wrong. MRS. GREECH'S attorney, Hen- ry Opendack of Seattle, claimed in her defense that the state had a weak ease without a mur'der weapon and that tim testimony concerning the shooting was in- conclusive He asked early in the trial that the case be dismissed on thesle grounds. Judge Henry Clay &g!lew of Seattle turned down this request. The defense also pre,ented ten- timony from two psychiatrists, Dr'. Myron Kass and Dr. I-tarlan :Mc- Nutt, both from Tacoma. They said that she wa schizophrenic-, ll.,,A.," Shelton, Washington lel tev, Tile jury adj,)u+'nelt :t1: ll:iti /ellnesdtl,V nl ()l'llill' ll) (Z()I?:{illtIl the vel'diet. Legal Publicatior s N()'I'I('E. ()l," lll:,%l,tlN(; ()N IN'I'I':NTION "I'(} ,I(I,I, ('I)I+N'I'Y I'EI':SI)NAI. l'Itl)l'l,'.ItT'i N()TI(71q IS tIE[ET:Y (',I','lqN. Ih:d it al)lH:ll'S (,I IIW b!:I inl,,l(s+ +,f ;\\;ill bll I1] ('IHlltI y IIHII [L,' t,,]lI,wllltf li' '¢ t*I'i])l'(I l)Ol'S+)llll[ I=l'iplty Jl,'l<dl;aill;: tl, MtiN(Jll (!'Illlt 3 ],c :4tdd' ('( t1111 y [']q (till. l (++:+:c Fild i+,11 12 I,%t2 IC,,rll "l'it+k I'h:u.,dm & ('all) 7t 1951 I),)(ILt,' 3 3d. I)um[) q'it(k 711 1911 ('}+l', TlUlk 1'11'+:;: i: tq' (':tl, :15 1951 At" g'hM,'l t). (;r:,d,,r 22 A(lah++ Mt,dcl N[ l't+ll (;r:.l+r ,16 l!tl2 lQtvm:tll t i;+,'t,,r V' hl, iW4 I" 21 "Pll 1'1)1+1 t)lllchl I' l'l+I :,ih,r I R[ N Iilll :t'iui -t rtiitt+r 5'1 T1:iihq' 5' '2 lltllllp lll},+J( bt,,ii,': :] I)+,Z,'r' I,l:(,IPs ft,t Ill(' "1'1)9 2 A l;r:ml,, pull,+b I 12 anl-'b' })lltlO with :)Fill: +, NOTI('E IS [,'lJIUrlll,:It (;IVI,:N. l!mt lht + |I(;t l'd tf ( !,Hlllt3 + ( ) Hlltl liF]i )lit ! :; will zw'-I ,z( M.Jub,y, May I, l!K!l ;li 2:00 l'.31, ill tll+' (dflct, ,d" it). i+-+.zd il) th,, C<ml'l ]](*il+' 'ill 4h,,!hql, I, }i+'+il' tlnd (ll,h'rlllin# ilw li<t\\;i:wihilily +lr iii:ik.- ITlg' sIWh .tll(L ll Whh'h INII,' :11)(I Id:u+, ' th+' said I'Iial'd shall h,'ul ,'virl+uw+ ;ltid to.kt tGNt[lll(llly+ hl,ll]d ;l|ly hi, ll]'t'+,ll II its tel 1hi' ]))'l)])Fil'ly ;llid ;l(himibi]it$ ,,J' ililtkilig Sil('h [)i'll)Otd alo, I)ATI{:I) this 2iilll (lay +d April. I!159. t::()Al]'_) ()F Ct)I!NTY C(JMMIS+ SI()NIqFIS (11," MAS(IN COIT:,,T¥. "WASH INI ; T()N ,1 +)hli laril'klrlalt I¢..y Mih'holl ('. Vi r. Sh--'l,.,llbrtch ATTEST : C. N,dafl Ma.on C](u'k ,+I' th(' Ft,mrd I +';/ 10 "!1. In Ihe Matter of TooLate To Ci-si!y Baptist Meet "+' "+":+' "+ '"' .... ++-n-sEd Td-0-ay :lli Ill!' %%,111t"1' Itl [illllllt" "'ll]1411q'l I1] i :: i>( li !q.,1. ,'hi'k,ll hllll:', , W;itt'I : hi'HI +l, ;i111( lubb', i II,111>I, Itt'<l+ %V:!llo,r t>alk tbmtl, +,%. Fll,;i :11 ),?l}tl, l,]'l:;% 11,111!; |'h,,liV Ilk (;i;:lS't, t?1'2:{-'31) Today ial'k.l the final (ill}' ()f thc s|.alo conv(,liti(in of (I)llSt'I'Vit- I,'tlt :'ld", I I,,dl,.,m i.L.c at I::;I tire .l?,aptists being hosted bv the \\;':t 'l'llill,'!, \\;Vi'il<' I11 q,+. ('ill'lTV. ' '] ',,1"[ ,\\;]1'' l'' ": r I I'l 2:1", }1 ! Sh('lt,tut I3apti,,t church. I't I:NITIItE I,'(11( S.,I, ,' l,iin)4 M.(ire than 2(i0 ":ire reglsterect for / ,,,1,, t wih i'u'., ,,,Ill!,', ' and ,,nd the (:tlllV(,lltion. Highligiats of yes- ,::hi, ,, E, i .,m :-.+t lfin, lt,, (,I. tcr(hiy's u(livities included it .\\;Ji ill ,it !i,.:iil} Ii, w. l'ii,,ll, I I:\\; 6 tH]'<l YI 23-5/7 l,'(ll': ';\\;llq :lit :l, tx I;i1111, ll;Irliall ' tJ, t!','d, wilh !l t.,ih,,+!ll !!l.hi,,, 7ix I!lll< ' ]'11,llL Sh''ltl,li < l);iyl(ill I"+i:ld }, 1 'h,>li+' t !.'% (; d;fi;I, ' Y I,'2:;I I rll WA NTI",i ) t .i r".;i ' t r,',': i'l,11111vi,d [tu till ;11t.i,[ ('+lllt:lcl (il) l+li;'Jllt','l '. I/2;1 F(ll( 7/\\;1' t ] Axtl ;llld tWI, ixl("'ll'illCll 'wh<-'l+ f- ',,lll I.ui +l' uiilil. lrail-. ,,i. IIA I; ;%iX, (t, S]/23 i"i;i< Qt'I('K SAIA'; lt,'l::t,ll:lhl,!, Vl's- { IPI;; li 'tl:4,' I'll<l'i I[l' ;tllll I' \\;vith fl\\; ('ll and bib.ut :;i,>lix ,,it Iwat('r, ill+'ditllll yiz,,, t+.,d t+,udilil,li, I'h,,no M. (7. ;-ti:ll, <A1;I I'lih,il. 1,23:1tl il\\;VNb:: .\\;ll'ST XiA(H',ll"l(!li: tlii:, 'x- (''ll('lil '21H cIl+ii'ilil,i' lii 311. Vh'w. It W lhuil:4+ l}[{ I: lillllly ?ll(llt' t'X11";i!4 iiL< !tldilu; :q llt,<'hl'd 1., J I'Ii  I ! t 1In'V: l',ii('c. ICull I)ril+(+ ,,(lly ,qlff)0 $1;t51) +lltlil )  |akt' liV¢!I' $71|011 loW hlhi'- ,'1 Ill lil(,ill.ltto. ('sill Klil'l. Malill, \\;V;lll,rrrottl [{(!filly, I1A (g :',|5. 't,/2,'| li't IR RENT t',,lll'+l),'(|l"oilt tlflllS;L "g;l;q 1';1)17. ' :lll(I Ill+f1 t ++1', :';:{5 lli I' Ilii qll+]l. t>i!,li, ' I1.\\; ti-,t;3!t. IL.1,'2'. I)III'].4MK. IN(; ;iDr] A]t,']':iliil(4. tll11"- I<,!lll,,l+':, 1111 fill-', ziPt.'rs, Cl'(Iuht't :llld Ilill( \\; Wlil'l( iliadl  Ill <ll'd,l', litliltio ItA G L',!iii. I/:F,/ ti'1t 1;t)l.l) b'I,-'ll li'(ilt SAI.t'], :/;',<', Pllt)n, l lA 6-I:fN'L (;q8 <\\;r'caditi. V4/'23 I91, NAFil, I'Udi<, :liill lil'al+'i;, D4,1od til":llft!+ ;lll(t tirt':< l]h,clric hilt plalo. '+'W "l'f'|l'Jl ' tl+;l|(!F ", (ll'lllt] AIldl'- ,li, t{lllltc 2 1M;ind lzlk,' ,1/2'3 It()[ISt",' Ii'()] .AIA'], ;I-)l+'dl'otlil. Mt. Vii'w. $9)t+1. ('all f;-,¢{1:18 It1'll'l 6 t),lll, ,n' wc,,kt,)ids. I).t/'23-5/7 \\;VANTEli I lit,;i;iol' (lnd ",'x t,'i:i-I '' Imiulin': I;ill t [+llti:lli. t']lllll,, ttA 6-.(i'.I:l",, (':ill t't i'ltilli4L 111/23-5/'7 I,'( )l . t', ENT (llg. ,A I,b2 T]i r,<,!-|)l)dl'(l(ili'l ]tlnchiuHi for the iV(llnen's li'elLow - ship in the arln(wy building at which t]]r,,t  nli,siona iy guest speak('iFN %<VCl'(, hcurd. A ltulch- con in 111(' Shelton hotel, ottended by. 55 nlen preceded the after- noon l)rograni, b'eaLured at to- day's sessi(lllS will be the instal- hitil)n +if ilffict,rs f(ir the c(inting term. Cloan Up rConlinues Here Until April 30 The tillntl(tl clean lip week ill pr0paration for the l'ore, st Fes- paranoid type and was not ",&Iml,ll of distingu:.alling righl; or ,rcPff in the normally accepted ense. i Dr. Kass told the! court that her illtless ws of long duration and that her personality makeup was so twisted as to make her unable to make normal decisions. He agreed that she was a well read woman and of above average in- telligence but felt that much of her intellectualism was caused by her condition and tt was mostly superficial. Dr. Harian McNutt also agreed with Kass in his view of the de- fendant and said that she was a very sick and dangerous to be at COUNTY ROAD I'IIOJI,,('T N(), :llll tilliutnih,d }i,,tl+.. t.-al;t'o. Pti<,lit! IT 1S I.ll]t{l]['i" RES()I.Vt, H) I,Y th,' ItA (; .1:}19 ,1' llA I; 41',16 t'2/26 Ifli Dli)lll'(| ( ' ('<'/ I $" ( I)1111 liS:4i(/llt' 'S li: ! il ....................................... is thPil' ill|l,lll i,11 1,) C,HiFIl'tlcl ;Jlllil+t,x- I l( ?>',])]\\;"1']1( 3 +' t liqll t lll,'S, new iinalldy 1 1 l (+ (l" (qil 1 ly i+i! l f(' 1 t tll'plll #-'ili. .F'Oill''ll! %v('l. l.ltt, tailt,i'cd 4i.Jn. ,Mdndiving' lllld tlter I-Jl,ilsn IAiko ll,lllllt).]y ill Sll,,i"w+ll,d I skiilll' +:(1i1.; (ll' kils. N0W,sl ill kl/l- Cl'l'+'k. This hnlli'llvt!in<!lll i!'h.'ut.t in th. dJvin;" +,<lililliii(.lil. 1951 liilhluin N%,V NW S'cli+ln 2, q',P'll.<diip 21 N, Min:.:, l'lmil, 1{,4 li-fiv;TT. Mol'gllS' I.llni! 2W W.%1, DiVili!( & 31:il'iill , '1 ntih,s E(I, td Tho l)vhicillal qllUrliilb,-; ;11! i:h+ar+ A!7('a,liu l,,:ld, + :1/19 tfli iilg eighi li(Ti'.<-l, tiilchi:il'Jed ILN('iVB,-!'l'lL4|)l'] $ SIt0 EQI!Iq'Y in (ii(h!r ty!llJ, ti(m t2,(la0 (qli)ic )':tl't ?4, |hl'l,c t)t'(ll'o(,lll II!>llll* Iti('(ll('d 1:t2 SO, BE IT t('lJlTtll!]t, I(EO1fV]ilt l}i;il the M!,,vo d,'clib,'d (:l,llilf;y I+o:ti| l)lui.. jl.ct is ll<'C,'S:4;tly :lll(t ]llJl)t'r+ ttllll th < i+;-I J IiI;i1+,(t <.,ll:4 4,r '41 i d ]ll"lljt"<'l :ill' h,!vl'witl] s+'t i,111 in (I-i:lil as l'+dl<,w: ]* I'o I)1 (IHbl Tax 1L(lld' lii(Htd (lll- Sl rile1 h)l(, I,), IIt I(I.( i< I T,,tal, $5,0tli1,+10. ],ll.l><)l" ; I);13', Th,' c(dlllly )',Jl(| llr,Li,>lti h+'+,bl +h':- crilmd is I.IEttli'l:Y lll,]([,Af',l':ll h, 1.' MIHIt j4,ml,'l' 3 i., l|i'l'ilitq'toli, l'i )1' Ill,lit, 1 i';icl,F, d<lT, t'i' lii' ('lir. lh0 llli)- ;lll('t (lili, ,,:l,',{ill}, $'|0 lll,llllh)y tmy- ltlt:nl:, l'hllt: |'lA H-.4.99:L .I.,'2:1-30.5/7 I,egal Publications N()TIiI'; I)F b4Al,I,; ()1 +' I{EAI, I' I¢4 i I' I'; I| T I" large. The state's final medical wit- ness was Dr. Richard Berg of Olympia. Dr'. Berg agreed with doctors Kass and McNutt that she was a very sick person but did not agree with them that she did not know the difference be- tween right and wrong. THE DEFENSE made a point of a letter received in September by the prosecuting attorney stat- ing that in the opinion of three psychiatrists the defendant was mentally irresponsible and not able to cooperate in her defense. He said that letter stated that it was the concensus of ()pinion of the three doctors that she was mental- ly irresponsible. Dr'. Campbell said that the letter meant tim) it was POSTER 00NTEST (C<mtilltlod frlail page ]) Yeck, Route 2, Box 875, Shelton (Shelton junior highl, fourth; Norman MeNulty Jr., Star Route 2, Box 169, Shelton (Shelton ju- nior high), fifth; Gerrie Gems, 618 Dearborn, Siaelton (Shelton junior htgh), sixth; Cheri Daniels, P.O. Box 222, Shelton t Shelton junior high), seventh ; and honorable men- t ha---Elizabeth Somers, .Qrape- view; Bruce Miller, Star Route 1, Box 165, Shelton (Shelton junior hight; Kelly Hurst, 127 Roosevelt, helton (Shelton junior high); atsy Caulfield, Route 1, Box 542, Shelton (Shelton junior high) ; Mary Rockefeller, P.O. Box 338, Shelton ( Shelton junior high; Dora Minegishi, Route 1, Shelton (Kamilche Valley.); Pamela Clay- ton, (3rapeview; Nits Potter, Route 3, Box 291, Shelton (South- side); Sand) Bedell, Route 3, Box 170, Shelton (Southside); Babe Donaldson, Star Route 2, Box 2, Shelton (Shelton junior high). INTERMEDIATE DIVISION (4th, 5th, 6th grades I --Bernice Watson, Allyn, first; Cindy WiN lard, Route 3, Shelton (BordeauxT, second; Mattie Robbins, Harems Hamma Farm, Lilliwaup (Hoods- port), third; Sandra Tobey, Grape- view, fourth; Jack Anderson, A1- lyn, fifth; Katherine Crapser, tar lute 1, Box 155, Shelton (ttoodsp0rt), .ixth; Laura Rickey, 903 N. 7th, Shelton (Mt. View), seventh; and honorable mention-- Richard Silcox, Star Route 1, Box 110, Shelton (Middle Skokomish); Ronnie Ray Healey, 418 Cascade, Shelton (Bordeaux); Mike Fry, Route 1, Box 248, Shelton (Ka- milche Valley); Cheryl Meeks, Route 2, Shelton (Harstine); Pat- ty Jo Mell, Route 3, Shelton (Southside); Joe Simpson, 420 S. 1st, Shelton (Evergreen); Tim Schnitzer, Route 1, Box 61, hel- ton (Bordeaux) ; Linda Rawaing, P.O. Box 339, Shelton (Ever- green.); and Ronnie Godwin, Route 1, Box 555, Shelton (Evergreen). PRIMARY DIVISION (1st, 2nd, 3rd grades )--Eddie Western, A1- lyn, first; Linda Parker, 503 Laur- el, Shelton (Evergreen), second; David Barnett, Route 2, Box 432, Shelton (Harstine), third; Jim awalczyk, Allyn, fourth; Sharon cHenry, Route 1, Shelton (Ka- mtlcho Valley), fifth; Leslee La- Bissoniere, 809 7th, Shelton (Ever- green), sixth; Christi Ness, Route 1, Box 382, Shelton (Bordeaux), seventh; and hmmraie mention .... Bill Crabill, G street, Shelton (Mt. View); Garr Stites, Route 3, Shelton (Soutlllide); Stanley Hun- ter, Star Route 1, Box 75, Shel- ton (Middle kokomih); Donald Somers, Grapeview; Alan Slmons, Potlatch (Hoodsporti; Philip Bar- nett, Route 2 Box 432, Shelton (Harstine); Eddie WaRe, Route 2, Shelton tHarstine); and Janice Dion, 1110 W. Birch, She!ton (Mr. View). KEEP WltSHInGT0n :t lnltdh ' liocos.ily and th*, (h,ilnly II,,:1,1 l:': Till,; b;U|'lqltl<ll (' I|'I('1" )I+' "17'11I 4] I ]llt4'illi'or i ItEltEIIY (lttl)t+]1tEt) ,\\;Nil ,q'1' \\;TE (11" W.\\;SttIN(;T()N I'(1I( AITTllIIIlZI,]II 1,, I'l'l)(il'l 'illd pr,,','d IITSAI' ('(H'NTY {li'l'<li ;t;l }))" I:iw lr<,i,l-d. Ili lhl..\\;4all'l ol Ihc El:ih' (ll' SI':I+- lie I'l" l"l'lTllli',F{ [{I']SOINEIJ lliill MA I,:INII'A .\\;JNSW(IIUI'[I [.ll,vl!u,t,(l+ this pl'+j¢'cl, if ll,lt' WOI+](. hi,' )"1'I'+,I'111' (| ,\\;( I'[ l(' '] S llEltEIlf l]l[Vtl]N Ihhl |)y  I)t' ",' t" in am oi'(|iiiic+, wtih lll,' "V:ll or Edwin AillWll1'lh his tllllli('- l,llldal'd t{c)ll(l :1till Ih'idl4+' StH't'i['il'a" I[% :l: !J111111Illll"L[ll|' ()1 th,' iIh(i\\;l, t'> lh)ll ill' 111,' S1;Ih' tH' W+tlli)ll+ll s !+la/'.  li -I'Ll ill 111 i\\;:il+' :qih' thl l,d- adotllod tiy i|li Io i'rl, v/ill, <1 .uu.Jl.ut i,¢,;11 p +ill)t,' %' ill II- AI)()PTEI) ilib4 2ttlh (l:lv ill AI)ril, 4t,ll i >11111\\;'. -l:lh, (ll 'vV:l::lliig'l(,)l; 1959. Trm 1 Ill. l)L;ll t,I I 'l I1'1 <ill |4t 'i('li [i()Al;|) (J[" (()|.!]"/T ('I)JMLtTJ'q" " Tt I('l'l ll,  Mll,ll Ih,tl111V Vl,'ali - SI(NERS ()la MA,4(.)N C()I;NTY. WASttIN(IT(IN J(Ihll [{tll'il!klIHll)+ ('tllti1'111;lll (7, W. 11' they Mitclwll ATTEST: ('. Ndall '(1.<41111 (Tlt'l'k of I)lt' [/<J:tl'+] 4/2;I-;;(I 21 ........ ....................... N(I'I'I(!E (IF I%'ATI,;li RI(;ilT I'l'lJ(!ArlON N() 153S!) llll'lflll, ilt'l<ll(Jt11' hi Ill(' I'C('tll'(ll'(l ])fill Ill Vl+l. t ol Pbtls. l>iigc 17. I'l'('l'l'(l o[ A(Jl]ilr. M11ill ('illlllI.V Vil lii i£ w. oil h, 1 hit!lli'yl Id(Idol' h111 (indt,l' 1111 ii,Clliii:l;lli(,i,:4 loi' ll,. lhali $111,5(l(LIIti. i>\>id illlll lit. sill)illill+'d II wi'ililil llll(l iiiHl I)(' l,'ft with Ihl' l:tW fil'lll I)1 I','l'i]lil' i, Thi,Dillli. ;ilhllll+'ys llil tht' ;1d111111171 I'i11,ti , ;1[ boll ( H'[i<'i+4 billOW :']ti'll+ Th I)ll|N will h,' l'out'l%,'d lllilil STATIq ()It WASIIINqlT(IN. (llCFi(.E r l}, d-,,. ,I ,.J,. ()l c llI'li]|(VlSt)]: (tl," WA'|'I';I<' Itl+. '1't1+' sltil' will i,,, :al I)lo lit)lit' *,l 10:11(I S(IUH.(H,]S, ()I.YMI'IA <,'h.k A.M. M x 2 1959. ;il lht ,,Lli('+' TAE N()T]('IC: 'J'llat loill ii. ll,ii'- ,,i I', iriil' & Th'oin i<.,n lilltl)l(>v, l'i' H(lll of *,.hl'l|oll, Wli]ili l+ill +ill Alirll lh+ ii(lllli111711'illlti' Kit:4ap ('lll111|,'v 13, 1,q59, till'd atllllh+ull,,, l)i iPr111il I,i nlilil< l:uildin., l'+,rt (Irchal'd Wa!dl- liv,,r'l th,' InibJh' wulcr +iJ L:il., iJ((l- JJIL'L,,II. "[il,/ adlniiti,l.rnlt)r 1,,st,l'v,. (','1" in Itic ;1111<,(1111 .+M OI :t','+,] tl 10,,t. !]1o iV']ll < ",'locl ;I11V :111(1 (1|1 bl(l Ubj+'('l I<l ('xi'l1111-; rit.4hl, ['!'rt A|)l I1 |)l't+;-,|}l'l'|lvt, lllil<l,'t Illll,k IISl)*'('I l}i' ]5 ill ()'L<lb#H' I'l(| )'t' ' I'(,I' |hi' [lllF+ I )l'''lltlf+'4 l+ri'+l" ll ,-:Ill( te,' (,(llll;ll'tillM' )oso I)1' irril4'ati(,n', thlil. II1(, {li)pl'(J,,(i- llt'l'l'illl> ' rl'lu,II l)ll]l ;llt(l'lll'%s ill" liilt[t' ]Jtsillt I)l' I'|i\\;'t'l,iir)ll t ]o,';l!l+(l ¥'iLIl+ |]ll' I'.ll,lli '. ,)1" t{ W. (';(d.V, .it It,Alll+l'. i(/ Lois 26 &. 27, Si t,Tl(, I1 Ltll4*. 'L][ t'l'- ;il {l+'ll";Itl dVHs.hlliUhil fr(,lll "li'i-i(,t, (ll" i,cLitili 'd2,* 'l'owli;]lil I I)ah, ld" Iirl IJllldh'lllllil( Aiiill 23, 21 N,, Rang,. '2 W, %VM. i£1 Mli::(li lf)'d) C- ty W .\\; I/l'l,:l{ EDWIN A I N S\\;V( ) I{'l.'I 1 Ally IdLi¢>clilm: liitl:l IH ;i<'c{tl:ill:/lill'd .\\;(llilllll"|l';lltll t,i Tl*i' Ell;il lly li Iwii d+dilir 12.<li|) r(,cordinc ll,l [qqllIN[q & TII(h%IPS()N fill(| fil,'d wilh ILl( Stlllo ill)ol'\\;lslli ill' AIllll'll'\\;'N hiF th" l]:q;ll+ WH| Ol' l;h's+tll'C('s wililhl llltl'I ; (:I(1) [{ il:::lp ('+lllll| V |/Iillt4 I-llll](l i Iig" d iy, I'l (Jlii :\\;1)1'il :|1t, 1!15,% WJllil', lil)' hn(Id alid ,ffl'1i.I s.,, liis ltllh I v id" Alu'il .-Ji M. (;, WAI.KEI. l;lll+ "ll {)o 1'1' 1 SOl' ()l" lIV:l{ <'1 I|i'slillr l'i+ SEA[.) ,]/2,1 "ttl 21 No, 2#t)t| NO'rlCI,: Ill," ;AI.I,] Ill,' IlEAl. I,.'I'A'I 1+7 No, 30!):l IN TIlE SU['I,]III()I¢. ('()I}HT ()1,' TltI,l STATE ()I i' WASIlIN(;T()N l+'t IH, MAS()N (it')tINT Y (|1i lll'olliilt ' ) ]In th+, Maltt,l' <ff lh¢, C(mihjtl(+fl I,:- tab's t)l" JOSEI'tl ('AI{L I<NAtll'. l)l,+ vo(tsorl, ltlld II ADYS KNA Ill+' 1J('-- (+t'I4H(+(L NOTICE IS tlEREI;Y (It Vih+;N li;il M[I-A()ID C. INAI'I". in his < lp <' t\\;" ;IS 8(llllJni81rtltl$l' <it i11t + t,Sltil,, ' ,{(I sl'l)l) Cal'l Kll:llll', (t'q'l':lS(J(] .llld [:\\;I?1( - EL WALKEIL as ac|lliilli:.;trall IX ,1 l}1(+ ++.;tate <if (Jllidy Ki'lallf, I,'(' utm 'd. 'tll s,'ll at ])l'JVtttl+ Suit' ;lnd Ii)1' ('/iVIil + r',dhwing d+,>.lcrilwd I,al estat(.: That portion of th," Northoasl ( Illll'h,r ,f the Sotlthw,.<tt (ITI;Ir tcr Wt,sttq'ly I ffhl+o|'-wil . ItD< ,,, lli Old ((lulity |{lll<t iii<l ;ll ,+l 11i Northwl,st q 11+11'1 ,'1' (ll lhl' *l lll }i- W(lllt qtlltl'l,'r INW1i W 1 t 0X- (' 'ptinff 'igh -(>f-way ,," I'xist ilk ('hlqu.ql]uln 0otlllly' l{i)ad, ltll i)o- iliff il) o(,lh,n lhr,t, CI) Towll.- ship 11 illl+l I','ll (Ill) N+lr'l|t I';i(l:l, fmir 61) Wl,sl. W..M i< tho higllesl iilid b,'st I,idd,.'r. Hid,.: irliist t)e sUt),nillod in wi'ili)lls aild ill;iV h0 left with th0 'adluJ[llslrlllrJl <+llld ;td+ lil i n L'It rlit i'ix ill 121 (Jlllh I'rHlVl h ti'otq, Shott.n, WliMlillhHI. V;id wil IL)e 1"coiv r (] IIn{ii lhl. (I;dl+ "I :till'. The lalo will I) ll!lidP Oll llr iltof ily 1, ]iS,Q, The lidrillllitr(ltor i111d lldilihlill'Mrlx I'O>ut+iT' tll righl Ii rclt,IJi lilly :illd all hirl.. M[IA'()ttI) (7. KN,4UI+' AdIlllllistrahn' id' ttli l,]st;lt,' t,f J(leph ( ,8 i'1 Klla (il' | )('l't#(ii+qd, I.AI l RIJI, WA LKEIt. A rlnlini,l rltl rix ill" (hi. Eif uio ol" (]hldys I{ntillf+ l)l,l i.ast,d LEWIS & (!OllREA. 17:(,11 Bulldim4 121 Sotlt.h l'mirlh ll,'('I Sh*,lton, WI.L)I illg'| (in 4/2:J 3fl '.1 In thl, Millier (it COUNTY ltllAI) I'il(IJl';|'T NO. 310 IT IS HEREt/Y RES()LVEI) IIY liJ+ tloavd i)|" ('o I V ('Olillili,l,uil,iivv- |hill il iS Ih,'h' inLiqltilm to rq'l)ln(u' ;J W+,q,tl+ ('11 t)l'idgv OV+'i" I)lIW ('l't'ok lit] (rtlllll) I'(l(l(| n(L 261) |l/ P+ll+l|l'tll'l]l i.. ;i ]1t' dill cllive('L pip(,. Th|s i ill |) l'( iv +' I I/I 1) t iFi lo4'}lt O f] Ill t}10 SE NE Soclit,n 9. Township 22N+ ];11114,, 4 W W.M. The I)i'illCil)lil qllaill il ioS iliVlll\\;'ed ll f ](i0 1ill fl. 11)' dilt, (.llh0rl lllpv, 5.iill(I ('tl. ,V(]S. ('1ili1II11111 I*X(il,\\;';llllJll llild l ,(11111 (tl $(1 ''"l: i+ sut;. li'ITlCTItli]l¢, l.lqS()l.VIqll ihui the above de,cl'it)e'd t i{ I )' FIH(d 1)1'(), ,IO, l:t i8 Ilt'c('tliry lind i)l,cll),i :lil(] lho t,,Lhllatod ('osls of slli(I l)rll.ll'Cl :il'l herewith let otli ill d*'l;lli "< l',dl,,ws: 1'(Inl fla, T.lX liJll(l 17]il.>llll+,rllil $300.00; ILo£td (}Ollstl+lli'lioll. dt.7(i0.(l): Total, $1(I,0(1(I,(}(), Lilt)Ol,: 1)a%. Tlit, i,lltln[y rlllid lti'll+ct hoi'cin (tP,- cribed in HEREBY I')E('I.AI¢I,]I) t,, t., a public I)(.('lssJ I )' ti I*l (I lh* ('l);l Ill d Road Enginler Is ItERtqI+Y ()t'>l)l+]I|,]15 AND AUTtIORIZEI) io I'l,ltlrl all(J |)rocof!d lhPIo(ln aS l)y I:iw llrlvldt,d BI I'T I,'LIF,tTITEIt llt,2q(d,\\;'lql) lhill thin I)l'ojl,(1, If < ;1%' wrk h,' i)+,i'l',lrlil,,l| by llp q'\\;'Js(ti' il) ficcrllnilc+. J<'illi lle tlindllrd Rolid i1111 ],l'i( |lo('il'il'IL- tlrm,"4 ill" II'w St;ill, Il' W;thhll41Nli m.i mhqiod I).v Ihi, . ;it l, AI)OPTED Ihi 2(lth day of Atn'il, t 959. BOARD OF' COI.JNTY COMMIS- SIONERS ely MASON C(')I+N'I'Y. WASHINGTON ,Tohn Bart0knl:ln, Clitii'liltn C, W, Sl.l'Ol'k"lll'qtcli Roy Mtlcholl ATTEST : C. NoIttll Mason Ch+rk ,if the Bu(J.rd 4s2'3 30 2t ['.() toX '1,r15 \\;/:lliii .!hdi '1/2:{ It Pa tiv+d will i:onih'an, tlriti] April 30 in Shelton. % The city said that anyone who has ")'elude arot,nd their property cim it picked Ill) by city trucks if ttiey leave it in the alley or on the plTkig strip in front ii i All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes INDUSTRIAL & BUILDERS SUPPL" FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 of .their home. I ,_ I .I i i For the Finest in T. V. < andHiFiit's it's rated First Trade In Your Present T.V. On a Zenith Olsen Furniture 328 COTA PHONE HA 6-4702 I'1 II M,dsllio,. Hand.set hurl lldays, Nut Brown Walnut, Taffy Wahiut or Moonstone Mahogany, #8234 Choose from Our Big Variety of Styles and Finishes-- AS LOW AS Make Your Selection .Early - Delivery Later, if You Wish - Easy Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co. 328 COTA STREET - PHONE HA 6-4702 II I II I j I 1959 ::HEI,TON-MASON cOU'NTY JOURNAL w Phblished in "Cwrcst, m' +sto,t:u Police Courl Fines 400 Sludenls Visit D00TOR,S TESTIFY FOR STATE AND DEFENSE I Twn inl IFt.ove +li+inli+i.,,ll+ l.dl+a I : t ,t + ,>+. +) th,, ,,;+h,i.n ,)r t,,,, ,>r th,+ ti,,.,,+ mwu ,.-.illlUl lilllllilll + Uillllllilllllllll llilllll tthat institution, l)1'+ (Ja, mpbell snid El+ sle ,' I: Iv +''es}Jc+n- Alfrod Ramov ]!), Shellon. was! ()\\;'+.r four hundred sixth grade[ that the defendant was u para- sible l'ath+'v lha+l + 'lmuu+m,.+u fi:wd $50 a.nd il:l<t his driver's li- M:ts+m C,I lnlv students observed[hOld personality and qnite sel'iolts- opiniln. The tmm?s <)f I)t. ('l,!p- ('ellS(' SllSpt,lldell for 30 davn Moll .+ (,oils(q'valion Day l-it Camp Pan- ly 111. The doctol, however, added ):1t'11, Dr. I(a:s ilItl I)r. M(ll\\;*ltl+. that she did know )be differ(moo \\;vet'(, signed +11 the })(III(HII ill lhc day ni;4hk in the helt(in t'olicc, tmn(tl( April 17th. They arrived Ct)III'I.. ' ' hl Sl!]lOOI bllsts an(I were welcomed th' WaS C}l[llJ2t'(1 %\\;ith Ft':l';lt +>IN hv b'vancis Wrighl, district ad- dl'ivinl4. + i isl rator, Department (if Natur- .lack "l'il)bits, 21, Sh(dlon, was'. 1 ILt'sonrces. fint,d $100 plus c(lltvt (.o+), au(t' The Cimsevvation [)ay observ- had his lietmse nuspend('(I for 61am', was in the form of a tour months. He was charged wt(h :1o interesting conservation stops. vccklc+ss dz'iving, l-te IZ;Iv( O1'11 I ' 'l he students and their teachers notice 111" apt)oat, v, alked t'rom stop to stop to listen i t11 experts on many phases of ha- l I II1';11 i'q!SOll|'ces nmnagement. ; "l?he inntructional stops included stills and their formation, minor f(.2r('st products, pruning +£nd thin- ning forest trees, tree identifica- tion, animal damage to the for- :{,,st + forest fire, prevention and conti"ol, +rod seeding and planting a forest. ORDER OF MOOSE Lodge No. 1684 HELD EACH and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 P.m. Airport Governor 6-4743 YYnismaa, Scy. HA 6-3292 Webber Drilling Company John Webber Pinone I|A 6-3157 Jacuzzi Pumps Sales & Service route 1, Box 8, Shelton Lyle Ware Repl+ac-es Cromer al Fire Dep!, l)avidson and Goodwin,s Lyle Ware has been appointed the post of city fireman recently :(<,placing former assistant chief Hel'b Cromer who retired April 1. Ware is a 1950 graduate of Irene S. Reed high school and has been working as volunteer' fire- man for the past few months. The city fire department now has three full-time firemen including the chief. Evergrn =€o Service Births . Nheltoll (lent,Pal tlospltal ltepresentatlve in Mason County for " 0il & Wood i ' I II I III PRODUCTS COMPANY Grade Fuel and Diesel Oils lit and Franklin Phone HA. 6-3031 PROMPT SERVICE 'i (L" /(,, i ¸. / Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Young; Star Route 2, Box 189, a boy, April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald. Pierce, Star Route 1, Box 36, a girl, April 17. Mr'. and Mrs. Leelund Bainter, Route 2, Box 144, a boy, April 18. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Morrison, Star Route 2, Box 96, a girl, April 19. CIinh. Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Stanley James, West H Street, a girl, April 21. Mr'. an(] Mrs. Fred LaMarsh, Route 3, Box 298, a girl, April 22. IT'll A SPE01AL GIFT FOR il FULL YEAR'S SUPPLY OF CAKE and BAKE MIXES WITH PURCHASE OF HORGE RAMGEI GOOD and EASY COOK iOOgl O 2$6 pagesl Opens flail Contains tO00 tempting recipesl OESSERT SERVERt Beautiful "Twin Star" paern On4 15+ SOLD, SERVICED AND GUARANTEED BY YOUR QUALITY NORGE DEALER , Also... 6 months to l year supp!y.on 19§8 ap- Princes. These are specnau purchase special prices--Ranges, Refrigerators and Laundry Equipment. Come see--+Easy terms. \\; I gild BE(TIlt 4TH & COTA . HA 6-6602 + + between right and wrong. He tol(t the court that the paranoid indi- vidual blamed society for his or ller shortcomings, but was ahle to use reanon in v,(gard to the nature anti cons{qtlel ices of heF actions. The doct(ir teslified that she was a wonlan of Stll)el,io I. in- telligence. He, said that the lna- jority of mentally ill people know the difference between right and wroiig and that only thone who are completely detached fron) re- alRy are incapable (if making judgments. Dr. Mac Knutsen, a psychologist at the hospital, also testified for the state. He said that the tests given to the defendant while in the hospital showed that+ ste was dis- turbed but the tests did not show that she belonged in any specific classification of mental illness. He also felt that she had superior intelligence and that she knew right from wrong. MRS. GREECH'S attorney, Hen- ry Opendack of Seattle, claimed in her defense that the state had a weak ease without a mur'der weapon and that tim testimony concerning the shooting was in- conclusive He asked early in the trial that the case be dismissed on thesle grounds. Judge Henry Clay &g!lew of Seattle turned down this request. The defense also pre,ented ten- timony from two psychiatrists, Dr'. Myron Kass and Dr. I-tarlan :Mc- Nutt, both from Tacoma. They said that she wa schizophrenic-, ll.,,A.," Shelton, Washington lel tev, Tile jury adj,)u+'nelt :t1: ll:iti /ellnesdtl,V nl ()l'llill' ll) (Z()I?:{illtIl the vel'diet. Legal Publicatior s N()'I'I('E. ()l," lll:,%l,tlN(; ()N IN'I'I':NTION "I'(} ,I(I,I, ('I)I+N'I'Y I'EI':SI)NAI. l'Itl)l'l,'.ItT'i N()TI(71q IS tIE[ET:Y (',I','lqN. Ih:d it al)lH:ll'S (,I IIW b!:I inl,,l(s+ +,f ;\\;ill bll I1] ('IHlltI y IIHII [L,' t,,]lI,wllltf li' '¢ t*I'i])l'(I l)Ol'S+)llll[ I=l'iplty Jl,'l<dl;aill;: tl, MtiN(Jll (!'Illlt 3 ],c :4tdd' ('( t1111 y [']q (till. l (++:+:c Fild i+,11 12 I,%t2 IC,,rll "l'it+k I'h:u.,dm & ('all) 7t 1951 I),)(ILt,' 3 3d. I)um[) q'it(k 711 1911 ('}+l', TlUlk 1'11'+:;: i: tq' (':tl, :15 1951 At" g'hM,'l t). (;r:,d,,r 22 A(lah++ Mt,dcl N[ l't+ll (;r:.l+r ,16 l!tl2 lQtvm:tll t i;+,'t,,r V' hl, iW4 I" 21 "Pll 1'1)1+1 t)lllchl I' l'l+I :,ih,r I R[ N Iilll :t'iui -t rtiitt+r 5'1 T1:iihq' 5' '2 lltllllp lll},+J( bt,,ii,': :] I)+,Z,'r' I,l:(,IPs ft,t Ill(' "1'1)9 2 A l;r:ml,, pull,+b I 12 anl-'b' })lltlO with :)Fill: +, NOTI('E IS [,'lJIUrlll,:It (;IVI,:N. l!mt lht + |I(;t l'd tf ( !,Hlllt3 + ( ) Hlltl liF]i )lit ! :; will zw'-I ,z( M.Jub,y, May I, l!K!l ;li 2:00 l'.31, ill tll+' (dflct, ,d" it). i+-+.zd il) th,, C<ml'l ]](*il+' 'ill 4h,,!hql, I, }i+'+il' tlnd (ll,h'rlllin# ilw li<t\\;i:wihilily +lr iii:ik.- ITlg' sIWh .tll(L ll Whh'h INII,' :11)(I Id:u+, ' th+' said I'Iial'd shall h,'ul ,'virl+uw+ ;ltid to.kt tGNt[lll(llly+ hl,ll]d ;l|ly hi, ll]'t'+,ll II its tel 1hi' ]))'l)])Fil'ly ;llid ;l(himibi]it$ ,,J' ililtkilig Sil('h [)i'll)Otd alo, I)ATI{:I) this 2iilll (lay +d April. I!159. t::()Al]'_) ()F Ct)I!NTY C(JMMIS+ SI()NIqFIS (11," MAS(IN COIT:,,T¥. "WASH INI ; T()N ,1 +)hli laril'klrlalt I¢..y Mih'holl ('. Vi r. Sh--'l,.,llbrtch ATTEST : C. N,dafl Ma.on C](u'k ,+I' th(' Ft,mrd I +';/ 10 "!1. In Ihe Matter of TooLate To Ci-si!y Baptist Meet "+' "+":+' "+ '"' .... ++-n-sEd Td-0-ay :lli Ill!' %%,111t"1' Itl [illllllt" "'ll]1411q'l I1] i :: i>( li !q.,1. ,'hi'k,ll hllll:', , W;itt'I : hi'HI +l, ;i111( lubb', i II,111>I, Itt'<l+ %V:!llo,r t>alk tbmtl, +,%. Fll,;i :11 ),?l}tl, l,]'l:;% 11,111!; |'h,,liV Ilk (;i;:lS't, t?1'2:{-'31) Today ial'k.l the final (ill}' ()f thc s|.alo conv(,liti(in of (I)llSt'I'Vit- I,'tlt :'ld", I I,,dl,.,m i.L.c at I::;I tire .l?,aptists being hosted bv the \\;':t 'l'llill,'!, \\;Vi'il<' I11 q,+. ('ill'lTV. ' '] ',,1"[ ,\\;]1'' l'' ": r I I'l 2:1", }1 ! Sh('lt,tut I3apti,,t church. I't I:NITIItE I,'(11( S.,I, ,' l,iin)4 M.(ire than 2(i0 ":ire reglsterect for / ,,,1,, t wih i'u'., ,,,Ill!,', ' and ,,nd the (:tlllV(,lltion. Highligiats of yes- ,::hi, ,, E, i .,m :-.+t lfin, lt,, (,I. tcr(hiy's u(livities included it .\\;Ji ill ,it !i,.:iil} Ii, w. l'ii,,ll, I I:\\; 6 tH]'<l YI 23-5/7 l,'(ll': ';\\;llq :lit :l, tx I;i1111, ll;Irliall ' tJ, t!','d, wilh !l t.,ih,,+!ll !!l.hi,,, 7ix I!lll< ' ]'11,llL Sh''ltl,li < l);iyl(ill I"+i:ld }, 1 'h,>li+' t !.'% (; d;fi;I, ' Y I,'2:;I I rll WA NTI",i ) t .i r".;i ' t r,',': i'l,11111vi,d [tu till ;11t.i,[ ('+lllt:lcl (il) l+li;'Jllt','l '. I/2;1 F(ll( 7/\\;1' t ] Axtl ;llld tWI, ixl("'ll'illCll 'wh<-'l+ f- ',,lll I.ui +l' uiilil. lrail-. ,,i. IIA I; ;%iX, (t, S]/23 i"i;i< Qt'I('K SAIA'; lt,'l::t,ll:lhl,!, Vl's- { IPI;; li 'tl:4,' I'll<l'i I[l' ;tllll I' \\;vith fl\\; ('ll and bib.ut :;i,>lix ,,it Iwat('r, ill+'ditllll yiz,,, t+.,d t+,udilil,li, I'h,,no M. (7. ;-ti:ll, <A1;I I'lih,il. 1,23:1tl il\\;VNb:: .\\;ll'ST XiA(H',ll"l(!li: tlii:, 'x- (''ll('lil '21H cIl+ii'ilil,i' lii 311. Vh'w. It W lhuil:4+ l}[{ I: lillllly ?ll(llt' t'X11";i!4 iiL< !tldilu; :q llt,<'hl'd 1., J I'Ii  I ! t 1In'V: l',ii('c. ICull I)ril+(+ ,,(lly ,qlff)0 $1;t51) +lltlil )  |akt' liV¢!I' $71|011 loW hlhi'- ,'1 Ill lil(,ill.ltto. ('sill Klil'l. Malill, \\;V;lll,rrrottl [{(!filly, I1A (g :',|5. 't,/2,'| li't IR RENT t',,lll'+l),'(|l"oilt tlflllS;L "g;l;q 1';1)17. ' :lll(I Ill+f1 t ++1', :';:{5 lli I' Ilii qll+]l. t>i!,li, ' I1.\\; ti-,t;3!t. IL.1,'2'. I)III'].4MK. IN(; ;iDr] A]t,']':iliil(4. tll11"- I<,!lll,,l+':, 1111 fill-', ziPt.'rs, Cl'(Iuht't :llld Ilill( \\; Wlil'l( iliadl  Ill <ll'd,l', litliltio ItA G L',!iii. I/:F,/ ti'1t 1;t)l.l) b'I,-'ll li'(ilt SAI.t'], :/;',<', Pllt)n, l lA 6-I:fN'L (;q8 <\\;r'caditi. V4/'23 I91, NAFil, I'Udi<, :liill lil'al+'i;, D4,1od til":llft!+ ;lll(t tirt':< l]h,clric hilt plalo. '+'W "l'f'|l'Jl ' tl+;l|(!F ", (ll'lllt] AIldl'- ,li, t{lllltc 2 1M;ind lzlk,' ,1/2'3 It()[ISt",' Ii'()] .AIA'], ;I-)l+'dl'otlil. Mt. Vii'w. $9)t+1. ('all f;-,¢{1:18 It1'll'l 6 t),lll, ,n' wc,,kt,)ids. I).t/'23-5/7 \\;VANTEli I lit,;i;iol' (lnd ",'x t,'i:i-I '' Imiulin': I;ill t [+llti:lli. t']lllll,, ttA 6-.(i'.I:l",, (':ill t't i'ltilli4L 111/23-5/'7 I,'( )l . t', ENT (llg. ,A I,b2 T]i r,<,!-|)l)dl'(l(ili'l ]tlnchiuHi for the iV(llnen's li'elLow - ship in the arln(wy building at which t]]r,,t  nli,siona iy guest speak('iFN %<VCl'(, hcurd. A ltulch- con in 111(' Shelton hotel, ottended by. 55 nlen preceded the after- noon l)rograni, b'eaLured at to- day's sessi(lllS will be the instal- hitil)n +if ilffict,rs f(ir the c(inting term. Cloan Up rConlinues Here Until April 30 The tillntl(tl clean lip week ill pr0paration for the l'ore, st Fes- paranoid type and was not ",&Iml,ll of distingu:.alling righl; or ,rcPff in the normally accepted ense. i Dr. Kass told the! court that her illtless ws of long duration and that her personality makeup was so twisted as to make her unable to make normal decisions. He agreed that she was a well read woman and of above average in- telligence but felt that much of her intellectualism was caused by her condition and tt was mostly superficial. Dr. Harian McNutt also agreed with Kass in his view of the de- fendant and said that she was a very sick and dangerous to be at COUNTY ROAD I'IIOJI,,('T N(), :llll tilliutnih,d }i,,tl+.. t.-al;t'o. Pti<,lit! IT 1S I.ll]t{l]['i" RES()I.Vt, H) I,Y th,' ItA (; .1:}19 ,1' llA I; 41',16 t'2/26 Ifli Dli)lll'(| ( ' ('<'/ I $" ( I)1111 liS:4i(/llt' 'S li: ! il ....................................... is thPil' ill|l,lll i,11 1,) C,HiFIl'tlcl ;Jlllil+t,x- I l( ?>',])]\\;"1']1( 3 +' t liqll t lll,'S, new iinalldy 1 1 l (+ (l" (qil 1 ly i+i! l f(' 1 t tll'plll #-'ili. .F'Oill''ll! %v('l. l.ltt, tailt,i'cd 4i.Jn. ,Mdndiving' lllld tlter I-Jl,ilsn IAiko ll,lllllt).]y ill Sll,,i"w+ll,d I skiilll' +:(1i1.; (ll' kils. N0W,sl ill kl/l- Cl'l'+'k. This hnlli'llvt!in<!lll i!'h.'ut.t in th. dJvin;" +,<lililliii(.lil. 1951 liilhluin N%,V NW S'cli+ln 2, q',P'll.<diip 21 N, Min:.:, l'lmil, 1{,4 li-fiv;TT. Mol'gllS' I.llni! 2W W.%1, DiVili!( & 31:il'iill , '1 ntih,s E(I, td Tho l)vhicillal qllUrliilb,-; ;11! i:h+ar+ A!7('a,liu l,,:ld, + :1/19 tfli iilg eighi li(Ti'.<-l, tiilchi:il'Jed ILN('iVB,-!'l'lL4|)l'] $ SIt0 EQI!Iq'Y in (ii(h!r ty!llJ, ti(m t2,(la0 (qli)ic )':tl't ?4, |hl'l,c t)t'(ll'o(,lll II!>llll* Iti('(ll('d 1:t2 SO, BE IT t('lJlTtll!]t, I(EO1fV]ilt l}i;il the M!,,vo d,'clib,'d (:l,llilf;y I+o:ti| l)lui.. jl.ct is ll<'C,'S:4;tly :lll(t ]llJl)t'r+ ttllll th < i+;-I J IiI;i1+,(t <.,ll:4 4,r '41 i d ]ll"lljt"<'l :ill' h,!vl'witl] s+'t i,111 in (I-i:lil as l'+dl<,w: ]* I'o I)1 (IHbl Tax 1L(lld' lii(Htd (lll- Sl rile1 h)l(, I,), IIt I(I.( i< I T,,tal, $5,0tli1,+10. ],ll.l><)l" ; I);13', Th,' c(dlllly )',Jl(| llr,Li,>lti h+'+,bl +h':- crilmd is I.IEttli'l:Y lll,]([,Af',l':ll h, 1.' MIHIt j4,ml,'l' 3 i., l|i'l'ilitq'toli, l'i )1' Ill,lit, 1 i';icl,F, d<lT, t'i' lii' ('lir. lh0 llli)- ;lll('t (lili, ,,:l,',{ill}, $'|0 lll,llllh)y tmy- ltlt:nl:, l'hllt: |'lA H-.4.99:L .I.,'2:1-30.5/7 I,egal Publications N()TIiI'; I)F b4Al,I,; ()1 +' I{EAI, I' I¢4 i I' I'; I| T I" large. The state's final medical wit- ness was Dr. Richard Berg of Olympia. Dr'. Berg agreed with doctors Kass and McNutt that she was a very sick person but did not agree with them that she did not know the difference be- tween right and wrong. THE DEFENSE made a point of a letter received in September by the prosecuting attorney stat- ing that in the opinion of three psychiatrists the defendant was mentally irresponsible and not able to cooperate in her defense. He said that letter stated that it was the concensus of ()pinion of the three doctors that she was mental- ly irresponsible. Dr'. Campbell said that the letter meant tim) it was POSTER 00NTEST (C<mtilltlod frlail page ]) Yeck, Route 2, Box 875, Shelton (Shelton junior highl, fourth; Norman MeNulty Jr., Star Route 2, Box 169, Shelton (Shelton ju- nior high), fifth; Gerrie Gems, 618 Dearborn, Siaelton (Shelton junior htgh), sixth; Cheri Daniels, P.O. Box 222, Shelton t Shelton junior high), seventh ; and honorable men- t ha---Elizabeth Somers, .Qrape- view; Bruce Miller, Star Route 1, Box 165, Shelton (Shelton junior hight; Kelly Hurst, 127 Roosevelt, helton (Shelton junior high); atsy Caulfield, Route 1, Box 542, Shelton (Shelton junior high) ; Mary Rockefeller, P.O. Box 338, Shelton ( Shelton junior high; Dora Minegishi, Route 1, Shelton (Kamilche Valley.); Pamela Clay- ton, (3rapeview; Nits Potter, Route 3, Box 291, Shelton (South- side); Sand) Bedell, Route 3, Box 170, Shelton (Southside); Babe Donaldson, Star Route 2, Box 2, Shelton (Shelton junior high). INTERMEDIATE DIVISION (4th, 5th, 6th grades I --Bernice Watson, Allyn, first; Cindy WiN lard, Route 3, Shelton (BordeauxT, second; Mattie Robbins, Harems Hamma Farm, Lilliwaup (Hoods- port), third; Sandra Tobey, Grape- view, fourth; Jack Anderson, A1- lyn, fifth; Katherine Crapser, tar lute 1, Box 155, Shelton (ttoodsp0rt), .ixth; Laura Rickey, 903 N. 7th, Shelton (Mt. View), seventh; and honorable mention-- Richard Silcox, Star Route 1, Box 110, Shelton (Middle Skokomish); Ronnie Ray Healey, 418 Cascade, Shelton (Bordeaux); Mike Fry, Route 1, Box 248, Shelton (Ka- milche Valley); Cheryl Meeks, Route 2, Shelton (Harstine); Pat- ty Jo Mell, Route 3, Shelton (Southside); Joe Simpson, 420 S. 1st, Shelton (Evergreen); Tim Schnitzer, Route 1, Box 61, hel- ton (Bordeaux) ; Linda Rawaing, P.O. Box 339, Shelton (Ever- green.); and Ronnie Godwin, Route 1, Box 555, Shelton (Evergreen). PRIMARY DIVISION (1st, 2nd, 3rd grades )--Eddie Western, A1- lyn, first; Linda Parker, 503 Laur- el, Shelton (Evergreen), second; David Barnett, Route 2, Box 432, Shelton (Harstine), third; Jim awalczyk, Allyn, fourth; Sharon cHenry, Route 1, Shelton (Ka- mtlcho Valley), fifth; Leslee La- Bissoniere, 809 7th, Shelton (Ever- green), sixth; Christi Ness, Route 1, Box 382, Shelton (Bordeaux), seventh; and hmmraie mention .... Bill Crabill, G street, Shelton (Mt. View); Garr Stites, Route 3, Shelton (Soutlllide); Stanley Hun- ter, Star Route 1, Box 75, Shel- ton (Middle kokomih); Donald Somers, Grapeview; Alan Slmons, Potlatch (Hoodsporti; Philip Bar- nett, Route 2 Box 432, Shelton (Harstine); Eddie WaRe, Route 2, Shelton tHarstine); and Janice Dion, 1110 W. Birch, She!ton (Mr. View). KEEP WltSHInGT0n :t lnltdh ' liocos.ily and th*, (h,ilnly II,,:1,1 l:': Till,; b;U|'lqltl<ll (' I|'I('1" )I+' "17'11I 4] I ]llt4'illi'or i ItEltEIIY (lttl)t+]1tEt) ,\\;Nil ,q'1' \\;TE (11" W.\\;SttIN(;T()N I'(1I( AITTllIIIlZI,]II 1,, I'l'l)(il'l 'illd pr,,','d IITSAI' ('(H'NTY {li'l'<li ;t;l }))" I:iw lr<,i,l-d. Ili lhl..\\;4all'l ol Ihc El:ih' (ll' SI':I+- lie I'l" l"l'lTllli',F{ [{I']SOINEIJ lliill MA I,:INII'A .\\;JNSW(IIUI'[I [.ll,vl!u,t,(l+ this pl'+j¢'cl, if ll,lt' WOI+](. hi,' )"1'I'+,I'111' (| ,\\;( I'[ l(' '] S llEltEIlf l]l[Vtl]N Ihhl |)y  I)t' ",' t" in am oi'(|iiiic+, wtih lll,' "V:ll or Edwin AillWll1'lh his tllllli('- l,llldal'd t{c)ll(l :1till Ih'idl4+' StH't'i['il'a" I[% :l: !J111111Illll"L[ll|' ()1 th,' iIh(i\\;l, t'> lh)ll ill' 111,' S1;Ih' tH' W+tlli)ll+ll s !+la/'.  li -I'Ll ill 111 i\\;:il+' :qih' thl l,d- adotllod tiy i|li Io i'rl, v/ill, <1 .uu.Jl.ut i,¢,;11 p +ill)t,' %' ill II- AI)()PTEI) ilib4 2ttlh (l:lv ill AI)ril, 4t,ll i >11111\\;'. -l:lh, (ll 'vV:l::lliig'l(,)l; 1959. Trm 1 Ill. l)L;ll t,I I 'l I1'1 <ill |4t 'i('li [i()Al;|) (J[" (()|.!]"/T ('I)JMLtTJ'q" " Tt I('l'l ll,  Mll,ll Ih,tl111V Vl,'ali - SI(NERS ()la MA,4(.)N C()I;NTY. WASttIN(IT(IN J(Ihll [{tll'il!klIHll)+ ('tllti1'111;lll (7, W. 11' they Mitclwll ATTEST: ('. Ndall '(1.<41111 (Tlt'l'k of I)lt' [/<J:tl'+] 4/2;I-;;(I 21 ........ ....................... N(I'I'I(!E (IF I%'ATI,;li RI(;ilT I'l'lJ(!ArlON N() 153S!) llll'lflll, ilt'l<ll(Jt11' hi Ill(' I'C('tll'(ll'(l ])fill Ill Vl+l. t ol Pbtls. l>iigc 17. I'l'('l'l'(l o[ A(Jl]ilr. M11ill ('illlllI.V Vil lii i£ w. oil h, 1 hit!lli'yl Id(Idol' h111 (indt,l' 1111 ii,Clliii:l;lli(,i,:4 loi' ll,. lhali $111,5(l(LIIti. i>\>id illlll lit. sill)illill+'d II wi'ililil llll(l iiiHl I)(' l,'ft with Ihl' l:tW fil'lll I)1 I','l'i]lil' i, Thi,Dillli. ;ilhllll+'ys llil tht' ;1d111111171 I'i11,ti , ;1[ boll ( H'[i<'i+4 billOW :']ti'll+ Th I)ll|N will h,' l'out'l%,'d lllilil STATIq ()It WASIIINqlT(IN. (llCFi(.E r l}, d-,,. ,I ,.J,. ()l c llI'li]|(VlSt)]: (tl," WA'|'I';I<' Itl+. '1't1+' sltil' will i,,, :al I)lo lit)lit' *,l 10:11(I S(IUH.(H,]S, ()I.YMI'IA <,'h.k A.M. M x 2 1959. ;il lht ,,Lli('+' TAE N()T]('IC: 'J'llat loill ii. ll,ii'- ,,i I', iriil' & Th'oin i<.,n lilltl)l(>v, l'i' H(lll of *,.hl'l|oll, Wli]ili l+ill +ill Alirll lh+ ii(lllli111711'illlti' Kit:4ap ('lll111|,'v 13, 1,q59, till'd atllllh+ull,,, l)i iPr111il I,i nlilil< l:uildin., l'+,rt (Irchal'd Wa!dl- liv,,r'l th,' InibJh' wulcr +iJ L:il., iJ((l- JJIL'L,,II. "[il,/ adlniiti,l.rnlt)r 1,,st,l'v,. (','1" in Itic ;1111<,(1111 .+M OI :t','+,] tl 10,,t. !]1o iV']ll < ",'locl ;I11V :111(1 (1|1 bl(l Ubj+'('l I<l ('xi'l1111-; rit.4hl, ['!'rt A|)l I1 |)l't+;-,|}l'l'|lvt, lllil<l,'t Illll,k IISl)*'('I l}i' ]5 ill ()'L<lb#H' I'l(| )'t' ' I'(,I' |hi' [lllF+ I )l'''lltlf+'4 l+ri'+l" ll ,-:Ill( te,' (,(llll;ll'tillM' )oso I)1' irril4'ati(,n', thlil. II1(, {li)pl'(J,,(i- llt'l'l'illl> ' rl'lu,II l)ll]l ;llt(l'lll'%s ill" liilt[t' ]Jtsillt I)l' I'|i\\;'t'l,iir)ll t ]o,';l!l+(l ¥'iLIl+ |]ll' I'.ll,lli '. ,)1" t{ W. (';(d.V, .it It,Alll+l'. i(/ Lois 26 &. 27, Si t,Tl(, I1 Ltll4*. 'L][ t'l'- ;il {l+'ll";Itl dVHs.hlliUhil fr(,lll "li'i-i(,t, (ll" i,cLitili 'd2,* 'l'owli;]lil I I)ah, ld" Iirl IJllldh'lllllil( Aiiill 23, 21 N,, Rang,. '2 W, %VM. i£1 Mli::(li lf)'d) C- ty W .\\; I/l'l,:l{ EDWIN A I N S\\;V( ) I{'l.'I 1 Ally IdLi¢>clilm: liitl:l IH ;i<'c{tl:ill:/lill'd .\\;(llilllll"|l';lltll t,i Tl*i' Ell;il lly li Iwii d+dilir 12.<li|) r(,cordinc ll,l [qqllIN[q & TII(h%IPS()N fill(| fil,'d wilh ILl( Stlllo ill)ol'\\;lslli ill' AIllll'll'\\;'N hiF th" l]:q;ll+ WH| Ol' l;h's+tll'C('s wililhl llltl'I ; (:I(1) [{ il:::lp ('+lllll| V |/Iillt4 I-llll](l i Iig" d iy, I'l (Jlii :\\;1)1'il :|1t, 1!15,% WJllil', lil)' hn(Id alid ,ffl'1i.I s.,, liis ltllh I v id" Alu'il .-Ji M. (;, WAI.KEI. l;lll+ "ll {)o 1'1' 1 SOl' ()l" lIV:l{ <'1 I|i'slillr l'i+ SEA[.) ,]/2,1 "ttl 21 No, 2#t)t| NO'rlCI,: Ill," ;AI.I,] Ill,' IlEAl. I,.'I'A'I 1+7 No, 30!):l IN TIlE SU['I,]III()I¢. ('()I}HT ()1,' TltI,l STATE ()I i' WASIlIN(;T()N l+'t IH, MAS()N (it')tINT Y (|1i lll'olliilt ' ) ]In th+, Maltt,l' <ff lh¢, C(mihjtl(+fl I,:- tab's t)l" JOSEI'tl ('AI{L I<NAtll'. l)l,+ vo(tsorl, ltlld II ADYS KNA Ill+' 1J('-- (+t'I4H(+(L NOTICE IS tlEREI;Y (It Vih+;N li;il M[I-A()ID C. INAI'I". in his < lp <' t\\;" ;IS 8(llllJni81rtltl$l' <it i11t + t,Sltil,, ' ,{(I sl'l)l) Cal'l Kll:llll', (t'q'l':lS(J(] .llld [:\\;I?1( - EL WALKEIL as ac|lliilli:.;trall IX ,1 l}1(+ ++.;tate <if (Jllidy Ki'lallf, I,'(' utm 'd. 'tll s,'ll at ])l'JVtttl+ Suit' ;lnd Ii)1' ('/iVIil + r',dhwing d+,>.lcrilwd I,al estat(.: That portion of th," Northoasl ( Illll'h,r ,f the Sotlthw,.<tt (ITI;Ir tcr Wt,sttq'ly I ffhl+o|'-wil . ItD< ,,, lli Old ((lulity |{lll<t iii<l ;ll ,+l 11i Northwl,st q 11+11'1 ,'1' (ll lhl' *l lll }i- W(lllt qtlltl'l,'r INW1i W 1 t 0X- (' 'ptinff 'igh -(>f-way ,," I'xist ilk ('hlqu.ql]uln 0otlllly' l{i)ad, ltll i)o- iliff il) o(,lh,n lhr,t, CI) Towll.- ship 11 illl+l I','ll (Ill) N+lr'l|t I';i(l:l, fmir 61) Wl,sl. W..M i< tho higllesl iilid b,'st I,idd,.'r. Hid,.: irliist t)e sUt),nillod in wi'ili)lls aild ill;iV h0 left with th0 'adluJ[llslrlllrJl <+llld ;td+ lil i n L'It rlit i'ix ill 121 (Jlllh I'rHlVl h ti'otq, Shott.n, WliMlillhHI. V;id wil IL)e 1"coiv r (] IIn{ii lhl. (I;dl+ "I :till'. The lalo will I) ll!lidP Oll llr iltof ily 1, ]iS,Q, The lidrillllitr(ltor i111d lldilihlill'Mrlx I'O>ut+iT' tll righl Ii rclt,IJi lilly :illd all hirl.. M[IA'()ttI) (7. KN,4UI+' AdIlllllistrahn' id' ttli l,]st;lt,' t,f J(leph ( ,8 i'1 Klla (il' | )('l't#(ii+qd, I.AI l RIJI, WA LKEIt. A rlnlini,l rltl rix ill" (hi. Eif uio ol" (]hldys I{ntillf+ l)l,l i.ast,d LEWIS & (!OllREA. 17:(,11 Bulldim4 121 Sotlt.h l'mirlh ll,'('I Sh*,lton, WI.L)I illg'| (in 4/2:J 3fl '.1 In thl, Millier (it COUNTY ltllAI) I'il(IJl';|'T NO. 310 IT IS HEREt/Y RES()LVEI) IIY liJ+ tloavd i)|" ('o I V ('Olillili,l,uil,iivv- |hill il iS Ih,'h' inLiqltilm to rq'l)ln(u' ;J W+,q,tl+ ('11 t)l'idgv OV+'i" I)lIW ('l't'ok lit] (rtlllll) I'(l(l(| n(L 261) |l/ P+ll+l|l'tll'l]l i.. ;i ]1t' dill cllive('L pip(,. Th|s i ill |) l'( iv +' I I/I 1) t iFi lo4'}lt O f] Ill t}10 SE NE Soclit,n 9. Township 22N+ ];11114,, 4 W W.M. The I)i'illCil)lil qllaill il ioS iliVlll\\;'ed ll f ](i0 1ill fl. 11)' dilt, (.llh0rl lllpv, 5.iill(I ('tl. ,V(]S. ('1ili1II11111 I*X(il,\\;';llllJll llild l ,(11111 (tl $(1 ''"l: i+ sut;. li'ITlCTItli]l¢, l.lqS()l.VIqll ihui the above de,cl'it)e'd t i{ I )' FIH(d 1)1'(), ,IO, l:t i8 Ilt'c('tliry lind i)l,cll),i :lil(] lho t,,Lhllatod ('osls of slli(I l)rll.ll'Cl :il'l herewith let otli ill d*'l;lli "< l',dl,,ws: 1'(Inl fla, T.lX liJll(l 17]il.>llll+,rllil $300.00; ILo£td (}Ollstl+lli'lioll. dt.7(i0.(l): Total, $1(I,0(1(I,(}(), Lilt)Ol,: 1)a%. Tlit, i,lltln[y rlllid lti'll+ct hoi'cin (tP,- cribed in HEREBY I')E('I.AI¢I,]I) t,, t., a public I)(.('lssJ I )' ti I*l (I lh* ('l);l Ill d Road Enginler Is ItERtqI+Y ()t'>l)l+]I|,]15 AND AUTtIORIZEI) io I'l,ltlrl all(J |)rocof!d lhPIo(ln aS l)y I:iw llrlvldt,d BI I'T I,'LIF,tTITEIt llt,2q(d,\\;'lql) lhill thin I)l'ojl,(1, If < ;1%' wrk h,' i)+,i'l',lrlil,,l| by llp q'\\;'Js(ti' il) ficcrllnilc+. J<'illi lle tlindllrd Rolid i1111 ],l'i( |lo('il'il'IL- tlrm,"4 ill" II'w St;ill, Il' W;thhll41Nli m.i mhqiod I).v Ihi, . ;it l, AI)OPTED Ihi 2(lth day of Atn'il, t 959. BOARD OF' COI.JNTY COMMIS- SIONERS ely MASON C(')I+N'I'Y. WASHINGTON ,Tohn Bart0knl:ln, Clitii'liltn C, W, Sl.l'Ol'k"lll'qtcli Roy Mtlcholl ATTEST : C. NoIttll Mason Ch+rk ,if the Bu(J.rd 4s2'3 30 2t ['.() toX '1,r15 \\;/:lliii .!hdi '1/2:{ It Pa tiv+d will i:onih'an, tlriti] April 30 in Shelton. % The city said that anyone who has ")'elude arot,nd their property cim it picked Ill) by city trucks if ttiey leave it in the alley or on the plTkig strip in front ii i All Kinds LUMBER For All Purposes INDUSTRIAL & BUILDERS SUPPL" FIRST and PINE Phone HA 6-4393 of .their home. I ,_ I .I i i For the Finest in T. V. < andHiFiit's it's rated First Trade In Your Present T.V. On a Zenith Olsen Furniture 328 COTA PHONE HA 6-4702 I'1 II M,dsllio,. Hand.set hurl lldays, Nut Brown Walnut, Taffy Wahiut or Moonstone Mahogany, #8234 Choose from Our Big Variety of Styles and Finishes-- AS LOW AS Make Your Selection .Early - Delivery Later, if You Wish - Easy Convenient Terms Olsen Furniture Co. 328 COTA STREET - PHONE HA 6-4702 II I II I j I