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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pal: 10 "1959 World&apos;s Finest Outboard . Now at HILLOREST HARDWARE Fafrmont & Olympio Hlway i i SI_ .TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "hrlMmasown BLAZERS BLISTER BULLDOGS, HOST 3-TEAM MEET'TODAY Blazer lmnerd, throwers and above his best previons effort) jumpers flirted with two school and the 42' 2" and 39' 68 '' records ahd a 200 point to(al as Class B shot puts,by Stan Johnston they swamped Washington junior and Crandall McCutcheon. high of Olympia in a track meet Today the Blazers host North on Loop Field last Thursday. Thurston and St. Martin's in a tri- angular meet on Loop Field, fay- The final victory margin was Shelton 193V, Washington 50. ored to hang up another triumph. It was the ninth straight dual trt- Tie results last week: umph for Coach Bill Brickert's CLASS A cinder squad over a three-year (Sheltou 69Vz, Washington 20'/z) period. LOW HURDLES--JIm Lamt S, Gary Shelton and Dave Robert- Ed lKazinsky S, Don Johnson S. son were the record-threateners 16.5. Shelton ran the Class A 180 in SHOT PUT--John Sells S, Gary 20.9 seconds to come within one- Combs S, Dave Lament S. tenth of a second of the pinnacle 44' 5". set by Dan Loitz in 1955 while POLE VAULT---JIm Iaumont S. Robertson's 9-foot Class B pole No Other places. 9' 6". vault was within one inch of the 10OrYAR.DASH--ails S, Pane- standard held jointly by Gene Geist wicz W, Palmer W. 11.6. ' and Larry, Porter set in the same DISCUS--D. Lament S, Kazinsky meet in 1957. Other noteworthy performances S, Combs S, 95' 3A". by Blazer athletes included Gary 50-YARD DASHPanowicz W, Stmons' 18-foot-2-inch Class A Gary Simmt 8, Roth W. 6.3. broad jump (a foot and a half 660-YARD RUN---Jerry Linton S, McLam W, Jolumon S and Wood: LAWNMOWERS Sharpened We have recently acquired a new SIMPLEX 400 lawnmower sharp- ener, the newest and most accur- ate straight-line mower sharpener ever built. WE'LL SHARPEN ANY MOWER . . . reel, rotary, hand, or power . , . from 4 inohes to 3S inches in cut- ting width. W tied. 1:43. 180-YARD DASH  Shelf,s S, Springer W, Corky Petrmm 8. 20.9. HIGH JUMP---Kazinaky S, Peter- ion 8. No third. 5 feet. BROAD JUMPSIms S, Pan, owicz W. McLam W. 18' 2". RELAYShelton (Sells, Samoan, 8helton). 52.4. CLASS B (Shdt 68, Washington 1S) LOW HURDLES--Rich ]lrle,r .S, Crndail McCutcheon S, Gary OiJklm S. 14.3. POLE VAULT--Dve Robertson S, Rieky Durkin 8, Parr W. '9 feet. 100-YARD DASH---Dave Utter S, Carlton W, Rennie Anderson S. U.S.A " t .00SI)()RTS00 EVERGREEN TEXACO pinfems captured the season championship of the Housewives bowl- ing league in a play-off with the second half title winner, Shelton Union Service, last week at the Timber Bowl. Members of the pennant win- ners are (from left) Lorna Churchill, Alice Crossan, Dorothy Killcy, Dolly Davidson, and Jean Rau. Jean led the title-winning effort with a stellar 560 series (223-157-180). Betty Thompson's 425 series topped the losers. Ever- green Texaco won the first half dhamplonship and finished third in the second half. Other members of the Shelton Union Service team were Goldie Williams, Helen Nutt and Stella Howard.  Climbers Surprise In Easy Win Over 3 Rivals; Home 'l00eet Friday Every Central League track, absence of potential winners. El- squad has now felt the bite of ma was without Bob Beerbower the potent Highclimber cindermen" Shelton, Washin ' SARGENT NO-HITS, IIALLORY .o. 1 BLANKS GULLS IN TWIN WIN this CENTRAL LEAGUE W L rt ra SHELTON ................. 4 0 23 2 Nm'th Thurston .......... 2 0 18 3 Chehalis ...................... 2 0 11 2 St. Martin's ............... 2 2 10 17 Montesano ................. 1 3 10 22 Raymond ...................... 1 3 10 16 Elma ........................... 0 4 4 24 Last Friday Shelton 4-6, Raymond 0-0 Chehalis 2-9, Elms 0-2 Monte 4-3, St. Martin's 0-4 North Thurston 5, Peninsula 4 ( non-con ) TI|I. Friday Shelton at Montesano. ...... o_ ..... Strong-armed Jim 'Sargent was in a stingy mood at Loop Field last Friday afternoon and because :of it the husky senior righthander has a non-hit, no-run game to his credit today. He accomplished the feat against Raymond in a five-inning Central League contest which found the visiting Gulls returning to their Willapa Harbor nest without put, tinga dent in home plate all day because just prior to Sargent's no-no performance junior lefthand- er Jerry Mallory had also shut the door in a 4-0 decision in the seven- inning opener. SARGENT WON his game by a -0 margin. His only generosities fro" the day were four walks and a pair of wild pitches. Two of the walks and both errant tosses came in a shaky first frame. After that the only other Gull batters to reach base were the pair he granted free transporta- tion in the fourth and a lone run- ner given a life in the second with ttvo out by shortstop Kerm the bases loaded. The second game. h)o, was tight until the last: inning. Shclton had o 1-0 lead until five tallies cheeked in behind four hits, two walks, two run-scoring wild pitches, and one costly erFol'. * It all happened after tile first two batters were retired. Then the error, on Getty's bouncer to 1209 short, opened the gates and Tem- ple followed with a single, Sargent walked, Manke, A1 Smith and Mal- i lory singled iu succession and Liv- rmore walked. Getty and Smith scored on wild pitches, Manke plated two with his blows and Mallory another with his hit. TEMI)LE DROVE in what really was the winning run when he singled Bill Fitchett home iu the second. Fitchett had walked and moved to third on wild pitches. This Friday the Climbers make ... -he';verdi their first road trip of the season, going to Montesano for a double Complete bill to face a team that cowld be mighty tough with George Raines wiring, on the mound. Raines shut out roofing, St. Martin's last Friday on three range, hits. ter tank. R H E Raymond ........ 000 000 0--0 3 3 TO Shelton .......... 000 004 x--4 4 0 Batteries--Evans and Ray; MaN lory and Hermes. H E 2 B.R." Raymond .............. 000 00--0 0 4 Shelton ................ 010 5x--6 5 1 3 B.R. " Batteries--Olson and Ray; Sar- gent and Hermes. 3 B.R. " R H E St. Martin's .. 000 000 0--0 4 4 4 B.R. ° Montesano .... 022 000 x-4 6 1 Batteries---Morley and Bucsko; Raines and Colton. R H E 12 fiat. As AS INTRODOCTORY 50-YARD DASH--Start Johnston .o ]j. Offer for the Next 30 Days S, Parr W, Barge]" S. 6.3 '=-,,_  HAND S d SHOT eUT---Jolmuton S, MeCut- :'S'.''" "" "" -- POWER $4i. r 180-YARD DASH--Parr W, Fred MOWERS ........ --dbllq eheot S, Carlton W. 42' 2". MOWERS ........ 'NI'IV BostJek S, Dan Olmm S. 21.4. ROTARY .I " HIGH JUMP--Anderson S and Joe BLADES ................ V Watm S tied, Roberton S. (If brought in detached) 4' 6". BROAD JUMPUtter S, Barger Engin Repairs e Mowers,, CultiVators, e. We Proudly Announoe Our Appointment as AUTMORIZED SF, RVICE • STATION for Repairs and Parts for CLINTON and BRIGGS & STRATTON Motors, COOPER CLIPPER Reel-type Mowers MASTERCUT Rotary-type Mowers SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS MERRY TILLER GARDEN TRACTORS • EYS MAOa HERE • 123 COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-4321 S. 17 feet. RELAY---Shelton (Bostwick, el- son, Johnston, Utter). 52.4 ....... CLASS C (Shelton 60, Washington 17) LOW HURDLES--Bob C-rsen S, Gary Brevlg S, Joe Snyder S. 14.9, 100-YARD DASH---Cronk W, Dan McHenry S, Brian Briekert S. 1.2.8• POLE VAULT-- Irry Leighton S, Carson  and Brevlg and Phil 8crafford all S tied 2nd. 7 feet. 50-YARD DASH--George David- son S. Darrell Coehran S, Moore W. 6.9. 75-YARD DASH Bill Miller S and Cronk W tied, Moore W, 10.2. SHOT PUT-ronk W, Cochran HIGH JUMP-Brickrt S, Brevtg nd Leiglton S tied. 4' 2". BROAD JUMP--Miller S, David- m S, Moore W. 14' 6". RELAY--Shelton (McHenry, Mil- ler, Dvldson, Brickertl. 58 flat. FORI SHELTON SAFE DRIVER$1 If you think you are now paying high insurance rates despite your good driving record and constant care-then call us todayl Safeco "Preferred Risk" Auto Insurance ottem  driv lower rates. You can probably save tool Besides cash savings, Safeco means excellent cowxqe and 24-" hour claims serv/ce-coast to coast and,in Canada It's the finest auto insurance available to respons/ble persona As a mature, intelligent driver you deserve Safeco's important cash savings. CaLl us now for complete/nonnat/on SAFECO A I1 TO INSURANCE Companion Company of General Insurance Company el Amerit SAVE WITH F ROCKY HEMBROFF AGENCY 116 NORTH 2NO - HARRISON 6-3357 UI II IlL [ after Coach Bob Sund's Shelton athletes administered a surprising- ly one-sided whipping to a four-: team field at North Thurston last Friday. At the final count the score read this way: Shelton 60, North Thurston 40 Elma 30, St. Mar- tin's 10€. Highclimber juniors played a major.role in the triumph, win-: ning two events and scoring a total of 25 points. OUT-STANI)ING in the High- climber performances for the meet were junior Tom Kendall's 11-foot pole vault, the best of his life; the excellent 1:39.9 mm:k trained in by the relay quartet of seniors Harley Somers and ton Deyette and sophomores Sherry Halbert and Vince Bostwick; junior War- ren Zeitler's throws in the shot and discus, which were the best of his life albeit good for second places only; and sot)homore Vince Bostwick's 55.3 quarter mile sprint. Sund had been  bK apprehen- sive over this meet, figuring North Thurston for a rougher go of it than the Rams produced. How- ever, both the Rams and Ehna were below par somewhat by the PREP TRACK I{ESULTS Shelton 60, North Thurston 40, EI- ma 30b, St,. Martin's 10 Chehalis 89, Montesano 40!.., Ray- mond 10 '/a Centralia 62, Kelso 5(3 Olympia 70, East Bremerton 43 Port Angeles 93, South Kitsap 32 Lincoln 75, West Bremerton 38 Central Kit 75V,, North Kit 46 Stadmm 74. Aberdeen 38 Fort Vancouver 68. Hoquiam 50 EVERGREEN SWEEPS POINTS, OUNDHES MAJOR PIN TITLE MAJOR LEAGUE l'ts Northwest Evergreen ........ 210 Home Gas Company ............ 185 Dan's Nite Hawks ............... 182 Timber Bowl ........................ 175 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 127 Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 126 Olson Barber & Beauty .... 99/,'., Ritner's Broiler ................... 99 t High totals--Sonny Lowe 601 Bill Roberts 600 , High game--Bill Roberts 232 Northwest Evergreen clinched the second half Major league bowl- ing championship Friday night with an unprecedented feat of sweeping all 23 pqssible points un- der the scoring system used by the citxmit. $ This Friday winds up the schcu- Hie with playoff following between the Evergreen lineup and Dan's Mite Hawks, first half champs. Scoring was below par last Fri- day with Sonny Lowe's 601 snd Bill Roberts' even 600 topping the field. Roberts had the only out- standing single game at 232. Friday's finale will settle, prin- cipally, who gets second and who gets last place in the second half standings, althqugh no rungs are clinched except the one at the top. LOOAL YAOHTSMEN TO JOIN OLYMPIA SEASON OPENING Shelton Yacht Club boats and members have been invited to join the Olympia. Yacht Club in 1959 opening 'day ceremonies this coming Sunday. Commodore Don McCuiston of the Shclton yachting group urges all bost owners to join him at the Olympia. Yacht Club for break- fast between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Smlday. "Join me," said Conunodore Me- Culston, "but bring your own fifty cents bccansc that's th(, price of the huge captain's breakfust." Officers of .the Olympia club will nmke and serve as ]lllny hot- cakes as Hnyone can eat, McCuis: ton explin. Roy Kimbel will lead the parade of Shelton boats in his daft))dil- yacht-parade wiuner. Flamingo. The Shelton boats will parade to- gether in the Olympia opening day how and at the conclusion of the festival will rendezvous at Steam- boat Island before returning to lwmo po and George Peek. , whose ,absence Livermore's error. However, Bill made a big difference m the Eagle Fitchett saved Sargent's no-hitter St. Martin's ........ 211 06---4 6 1 relay team and in the sprints while with a brilliant stop of Don La- Montesano .......... 000 30---3 7 1" Robin Brockmueller didn't run the pinski's hard smash down the Batteries--Bucsko and Rouleau; 220. John Lund didn't compete third-base line to retire the side Cokeley, Raines (3), Cokeley (5) for the Rams in the weight events, in the third, and Colton. It' H E where he had been a consistent Mallory struck out 13 and gave winner earlier this season, but three hits in the opener but Chehalis .......... 000 001 1--2 5 2 IN THE EARLIER meets the he was somewhat wilder than usu- Elma .............. 000 000 0--0 1 2 Highclimbers had defeated Che: al with three walks a hit batter Batteries --- Dowling and MeN halls in a dual meet and Monte- and two wild pitches.' No Raymond hart; Osgood and Himes. sand and Raymond in a triangular, runner got past second base. R H E so Friday's victory completed a sweep of Central League rivals. However, the Climbers will play host to North Thurston this Fri- day in a dual meet on Loop FieId starting at 3:30. Lund will be in Ram regalia this time. Sbelton's surprising 60 point to- tal Friday was achieved by win- ning five events (25 points), cap- luring eight seconds (24 points), four thirds (8) and three fourths (3). Junior Rawlin Mclnelly in tlm mile and senior Harley Seiners in the low hurdles were the other Highclimber winners. The results: SHOT PUT--Williams NT, Warren Zeitler S, Walt-n NT, Pete Bue- ehel S. 47' 1.1, ''. HIGH HURDLES- Wetd E, L.rle S(mmr, S, Murphy E, Blume NT. 18.1. HIGH JUMP-.Olson NT, Rertsch NT, Murphy E and Barry E tied. 5' 8". 100-YARD DASH .... Brockmueller E, II. Seiners S, Yarbora NT, Mason NT. 11 flat. 880-YARD RUN ..... Ayotte SM, Roy Buzzard S, I)ave Romnltr( S, Olson NT. 2:06.1. 440-YARD DASH :--- Wince Boat- wick S, ton l)eyette S, Sher- rick SM, Hamlon NT. 55.3. POLE VAULT.-. Tom Kendall S, Berg NT and Murphy E tied, Ron Guthrie S. 11 feet. 220-YARD DASH -- Mason NT, Sherry Halbert S, Ed lwson S, Koenig NT and Levesque SM tied. 25.3. DISCUS--McCall NT, Zeitler S, l)ave Sharpes S, Williams NT, 130' 3 !;,". LOW HUI’I)LES. If. Somer S, Weld E, Kendall S, Walton NT. 23.5. BROAD JUMP--Brockmueller E, Ray Baker S, Weld E, Olson NT. 18' 11". RELAY--Shelton (H. Somers, Hal- bert, Bostwick, Deyette), North Thurston, EIma. 1:38.9. PREP BASEBALL SODRES Centralia 9, Olympia 0 Aberdeen 14, Hoquiam 11 South Kitsap 11, Port Townsend 0 Sequim 5, North Kitsap 2 East Bremerton 2, Stadium 1 Stadium 3, East Bremerton 0 Centralia 2, Hoquiam 1 Montesano 5, St. Martin's 0 St..Martin's 4, Montesano 3 Lincoln 15, West Bremerton 1 Lincoln 1, West Bremerton 0 Chehalis 2, Elms 0 Chehalis 9, Elma 2 Shelton 4, Raymond 0 Shelton 6, Raymond 0 l North Thurston 5, Pe|insu a 4 Wilson 6, Olympia 0 Olynlpia 12, Wilson 11 MEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Delight Park ................ 38 22 Leal 161 ...................... 36, 23. Hanson Oil .................... 32., 28 Gott Oil ......................... 30/. 29fi Verle's Sporting Goods 30 30 Wingard's Sport Shop 30 30 Ritner's Highbalicrs .... 24 36 Moose Lodge ............... 19 41 High game-..-Jim Archer 215 THE SLIM southpaw was in most serious trouble in the third, when two hits with none away looked ominous. However, Mallory then struck out the next three. The Gulls had two aboard in only one other inning, by a walk and hit batter with one down in the fifth. At the same time the Climbers were not bruising the ball very vigorously themselves as they gar- nered only nine hits in the two games and earned only one run. There were no extra base blows. Husky first-sacker Denny Tem- ple was the day's batting luminary with three hits in five tr/ps while stubby second-sacker Ray Manke drove in three runs for honors in that important department, though he had only one hit. Mallory con- tinued to sahn the pellet hard! with two-fin'-five for the day and a season mark now of 8-for-17. THE FIRST GAME was a score- less duel for 5 /nnings, the Climbers plating all four of their rims in the sixth on one hit (Bill Fitchett's lead-off single), three walks (to Garth Getty, Roger Hermes and Manke), two errors and Bob Fitchett's stolen base. The only RBI credited among the four was when Manke walked with TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed fQr Hood Canal (Oakland Bay flde are oe ao. and i mlnut later.) Chehalis ................ 125 01-. 9 5 2 Ehua ...................... 011 0{---2 2 4 Bo, tteries-. Lyle, Arrington {3), Allie (5J and Melhart; Tornquist and Osgood. Priday, April 24 High .............. 4:48 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low ................ 11:39 a.m. -2.5 ft. High .............. 6:28 p.m. 12.4 ft. Low ................ 12:02 p.m. 5.1 ft. Saturday, April 25 High .............. 5:28 a.m. 12.1 ft. Low ................ 12:24 p.m. -2.7 ft. High .............. 7:24 p.m. 12.4 ft. Sunday, April 26 Lqw ................ 0:56 a.m. 5.7 ft. High ............... 6:11 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 1:15 p.m. -2.5 ft. High .............. 8:23 p.m. 12.3 ft. Monday, April 2" Low ................ 1:56 a.m. 6.2 ft. High .............. 7:00 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low ................ 2:07 p.m. -1.9 ft. High .............. 9:25 p.m. 12.1 ft. Tuelay, April 28 Low ................ 3:04 a.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 7:56 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 3:04 p.m. -1.1 ft. High .............. 10:29 p.m. 11.9 ft. Wednesday, April 29 Low ................ 4:21 a.m. 6.3 ft. High .............. 9:09 a.m. 9.1 ft. Low ............... 4:07 p.m. 1.0 ft. High .............. 11:33 p.m. 11.8 ft. Thursday, April 30 Low ................ 5:42 a.m. 5.7 ft. High .............. 10:41 a.m. 8.6 ft Low " 5:15 p.m, 2.0 ft play ball I. emm i-. immm mamm i imm SDIIm i f @ m am no r,ght Outboarding's n PROFILE ol, POWER, • o.. ronl D B I 2200 HOQU! High series--Bill Beach 587 Tax Booklel Now " Available Here ' To the 39 county assessors of Washington and to various agen- cies and individuals interested in valuation aud assessment, prob- lems the State Tax Commission has distribul:ed a 52-page booklet ent'it.led "County Assessor's Guide," Chairman William S. Schtunacher  ep<,rted l,oday. This booklet, first of its kind in Washington, was compiled by the Assessment Standards Divi- sion. It lists ttm duties to be per- formed by the assessor in specif- ic monlhs, quotes the laws pertain- ing to the county board of equal- l ization, enumerates five ma3or teps in a Simplified method of he- valuing" rm'a] land and offers sug- gestions on the assessing of per- sonal property, iNumerous forms a' InludeA, j, 'New inside as The new JohnsO better make your SAEGER MOTOR HILLCREST , PHONE HAl WAU$ • B, ICtOSUeLS • IC - i  •  • €.ns. • sc NOWONI 34x96-1nch Panel--S11.10 * 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 * 34x144-1n(;h LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY ,00oso % i.::) Pal: 10 "1959 World's Finest Outboard . Now at HILLOREST HARDWARE Fafrmont & Olympio Hlway i i SI_ .TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "hrlMmasown BLAZERS BLISTER BULLDOGS, HOST 3-TEAM MEET'TODAY Blazer lmnerd, throwers and above his best previons effort) jumpers flirted with two school and the 42' 2" and 39' 68 '' records ahd a 200 point to(al as Class B shot puts,by Stan Johnston they swamped Washington junior and Crandall McCutcheon. high of Olympia in a track meet Today the Blazers host North on Loop Field last Thursday. Thurston and St. Martin's in a tri- angular meet on Loop Field, fay- The final victory margin was Shelton 193V, Washington 50. ored to hang up another triumph. It was the ninth straight dual trt- Tie results last week: umph for Coach Bill Brickert's CLASS A cinder squad over a three-year (Sheltou 69Vz, Washington 20'/z) period. LOW HURDLES--JIm Lamt S, Gary Shelton and Dave Robert- Ed lKazinsky S, Don Johnson S. son were the record-threateners 16.5. Shelton ran the Class A 180 in SHOT PUT--John Sells S, Gary 20.9 seconds to come within one- Combs S, Dave Lament S. tenth of a second of the pinnacle 44' 5". set by Dan Loitz in 1955 while POLE VAULT---JIm Iaumont S. Robertson's 9-foot Class B pole No Other places. 9' 6". vault was within one inch of the 10OrYAR.DASH--ails S, Pane- standard held jointly by Gene Geist wicz W, Palmer W. 11.6. ' and Larry, Porter set in the same DISCUS--D. Lament S, Kazinsky meet in 1957. Other noteworthy performances S, Combs S, 95' 3A". by Blazer athletes included Gary 50-YARD DASHPanowicz W, Stmons' 18-foot-2-inch Class A Gary Simmt 8, Roth W. 6.3. broad jump (a foot and a half 660-YARD RUN---Jerry Linton S, McLam W, Jolumon S and Wood: LAWNMOWERS Sharpened We have recently acquired a new SIMPLEX 400 lawnmower sharp- ener, the newest and most accur- ate straight-line mower sharpener ever built. WE'LL SHARPEN ANY MOWER . . . reel, rotary, hand, or power . , . from 4 inohes to 3S inches in cut- ting width. W tied. 1:43. 180-YARD DASH  Shelf,s S, Springer W, Corky Petrmm 8. 20.9. HIGH JUMP---Kazinaky S, Peter- ion 8. No third. 5 feet. BROAD JUMPSIms S, Pan, owicz W. McLam W. 18' 2". RELAYShelton (Sells, Samoan, 8helton). 52.4. CLASS B (Shdt 68, Washington 1S) LOW HURDLES--Rich ]lrle,r .S, Crndail McCutcheon S, Gary OiJklm S. 14.3. POLE VAULT--Dve Robertson S, Rieky Durkin 8, Parr W. '9 feet. 100-YARD DASH---Dave Utter S, Carlton W, Rennie Anderson S. U.S.A " t .00SI)()RTS00 EVERGREEN TEXACO pinfems captured the season championship of the Housewives bowl- ing league in a play-off with the second half title winner, Shelton Union Service, last week at the Timber Bowl. Members of the pennant win- ners are (from left) Lorna Churchill, Alice Crossan, Dorothy Killcy, Dolly Davidson, and Jean Rau. Jean led the title-winning effort with a stellar 560 series (223-157-180). Betty Thompson's 425 series topped the losers. Ever- green Texaco won the first half dhamplonship and finished third in the second half. Other members of the Shelton Union Service team were Goldie Williams, Helen Nutt and Stella Howard.  Climbers Surprise In Easy Win Over 3 Rivals; Home 'l00eet Friday Every Central League track, absence of potential winners. El- squad has now felt the bite of ma was without Bob Beerbower the potent Highclimber cindermen" Shelton, Washin ' SARGENT NO-HITS, IIALLORY .o. 1 BLANKS GULLS IN TWIN WIN this CENTRAL LEAGUE W L rt ra SHELTON ................. 4 0 23 2 Nm'th Thurston .......... 2 0 18 3 Chehalis ...................... 2 0 11 2 St. Martin's ............... 2 2 10 17 Montesano ................. 1 3 10 22 Raymond ...................... 1 3 10 16 Elma ........................... 0 4 4 24 Last Friday Shelton 4-6, Raymond 0-0 Chehalis 2-9, Elms 0-2 Monte 4-3, St. Martin's 0-4 North Thurston 5, Peninsula 4 ( non-con ) TI|I. Friday Shelton at Montesano. ...... o_ ..... Strong-armed Jim 'Sargent was in a stingy mood at Loop Field last Friday afternoon and because :of it the husky senior righthander has a non-hit, no-run game to his credit today. He accomplished the feat against Raymond in a five-inning Central League contest which found the visiting Gulls returning to their Willapa Harbor nest without put, ting a dent in home plate all day because just prior to Sargent's no-no performance junior lefthand- er Jerry Mallory had also shut the door in a 4-0 decision in the seven- inning opener. SARGENT WON his game by a -0 margin. His only generosities fro" the day were four walks and a pair of wild pitches. Two of the walks and both errant tosses came in a shaky first frame. After that the only other Gull batters to reach base were the pair he granted free transporta- tion in the fourth and a lone run- ner given a life in the second with ttvo out by shortstop Kerm the bases loaded. The second game. h)o, was tight until the last: inning. Shclton had o 1-0 lead until five tallies cheeked in behind four hits, two walks, two run-scoring wild pitches, and one costly erFol'. * It all happened after tile first two batters were retired. Then the error, on Getty's bouncer to 1209 short, opened the gates and Tem- ple followed with a single, Sargent walked, Manke, A1 Smith and Mal- i lory singled iu succession and Liv- rmore walked. Getty and Smith scored on wild pitches, Manke plated two with his blows and Mallory another with his hit. TEMI)LE DROVE in what really was the winning run when he singled Bill Fitchett home iu the second. Fitchett had walked and moved to third on wild pitches. This Friday the Climbers make ... -he';verdi their first road trip of the season, going to Montesano for a double Complete bill to face a team that cowld be mighty tough with George Raines wiring, on the mound. Raines shut out roofing, St. Martin's last Friday on three range, hits. ter tank. R H E Raymond ........ 000 000 0--0 3 3 TO Shelton .......... 000 004 x--4 4 0 Batteries--Evans and Ray; MaN lory and Hermes. H E 2 B.R." Raymond .............. 000 00--0 0 4 Shelton ................ 010 5x--6 5 1 3 B.R. " Batteries--Olson and Ray; Sar- gent and Hermes. 3 B.R. " R H E St. Martin's .. 000 000 0--0 4 4 4 B.R. ° Montesano .... 022 000 x-4 6 1 Batteries---Morley and Bucsko; Raines and Colton. R H E 12 fiat. As AS INTRODOCTORY 50-YARD DASH--Start Johnston .o ]j. Offer for the Next 30 Days S, Parr W, Barge]" S. 6.3 '=-,,_  HAND S d SHOT eUT---Jolmuton S, MeCut- :'S'.''" "" "" -- POWER $4i. r 180-YARD DASH--Parr W, Fred MOWERS ........ --dbllq eheot S, Carlton W. 42' 2". MOWERS ........ 'NI'IV BostJek S, Dan Olmm S. 21.4. ROTARY .I " HIGH JUMP--Anderson S and Joe BLADES ................ V Watm S tied, Roberton S. (If brought in detached) 4' 6". BROAD JUMPUtter S, Barger Engin Repairs e Mowers,, CultiVators, e. We Proudly Announoe Our Appointment as AUTMORIZED SF, RVICE • STATION for Repairs and Parts for CLINTON and BRIGGS & STRATTON Motors, COOPER CLIPPER Reel-type Mowers MASTERCUT Rotary-type Mowers SALES • SERVICE • RENTALS MERRY TILLER GARDEN TRACTORS • EYS MAOa HERE • 123 COTA STREET PHONE HA 6-4321 S. 17 feet. RELAY---Shelton (Bostwick, el- son, Johnston, Utter). 52.4 ....... CLASS C (Shelton 60, Washington 17) LOW HURDLES--Bob C-rsen S, Gary Brevlg S, Joe Snyder S. 14.9, 100-YARD DASH---Cronk W, Dan McHenry S, Brian Briekert S. 1.2.8• POLE VAULT-- Irry Leighton S, Carson  and Brevlg and Phil 8crafford all S tied 2nd. 7 feet. 50-YARD DASH--George David- son S. Darrell Coehran S, Moore W. 6.9. 75-YARD DASH Bill Miller S and Cronk W tied, Moore W, 10.2. SHOT PUT-ronk W, Cochran HIGH JUMP-Brickrt S, Brevtg nd Leiglton S tied. 4' 2". BROAD JUMP--Miller S, David- m S, Moore W. 14' 6". RELAY--Shelton (McHenry, Mil- ler, Dvldson, Brickertl. 58 flat. FORI SHELTON SAFE DRIVER$1 If you think you are now paying high insurance rates despite your good driving record and constant care-then call us todayl Safeco "Preferred Risk" Auto Insurance ottem  driv lower rates. You can probably save tool Besides cash savings, Safeco means excellent cowxqe and 24-" hour claims serv/ce-coast to coast and,in Canada It's the finest auto insurance available to respons/ble persona As a mature, intelligent driver you deserve Safeco's important cash savings. CaLl us now for complete/nonnat/on SAFECO A I1 TO INSURANCE Companion Company of General Insurance Company el Amerit SAVE WITH F ROCKY HEMBROFF AGENCY 116 NORTH 2NO - HARRISON 6-3357 UI II IlL [ after Coach Bob Sund's Shelton athletes administered a surprising- ly one-sided whipping to a four-: team field at North Thurston last Friday. At the final count the score read this way: Shelton 60, North Thurston 40 Elma 30, St. Mar- tin's 10€. Highclimber juniors played a major.role in the triumph, win-: ning two events and scoring a total of 25 points. OUT-STANI)ING in the High- climber performances for the meet were junior Tom Kendall's 11-foot pole vault, the best of his life; the excellent 1:39.9 mm:k trained in by the relay quartet of seniors Harley Somers and ton Deyette and sophomores Sherry Halbert and Vince Bostwick; junior War- ren Zeitler's throws in the shot and discus, which were the best of his life albeit good for second places only; and sot)homore Vince Bostwick's 55.3 quarter mile sprint. Sund had been  bK apprehen- sive over this meet, figuring North Thurston for a rougher go of it than the Rams produced. How- ever, both the Rams and Ehna were below par somewhat by the PREP TRACK I{ESULTS Shelton 60, North Thurston 40, EI- ma 30b, St,. Martin's 10 Chehalis 89, Montesano 40!.., Ray- mond 10 '/a Centralia 62, Kelso 5(3 Olympia 70, East Bremerton 43 Port Angeles 93, South Kitsap 32 Lincoln 75, West Bremerton 38 Central Kit 75V,, North Kit 46 Stadmm 74. Aberdeen 38 Fort Vancouver 68. Hoquiam 50 EVERGREEN SWEEPS POINTS, OUNDHES MAJOR PIN TITLE MAJOR LEAGUE l'ts Northwest Evergreen ........ 210 Home Gas Company ............ 185 Dan's Nite Hawks ............... 182 Timber Bowl ........................ 175 Wolden's Chevron Service .... 127 Jim Pauley Inc ..................... 126 Olson Barber & Beauty .... 99/,'., Ritner's Broiler ................... 99 t High totals--Sonny Lowe 601 Bill Roberts 600 , High game--Bill Roberts 232 Northwest Evergreen clinched the second half Major league bowl- ing championship Friday night with an unprecedented feat of sweeping all 23 pqssible points un- der the scoring system used by the citxmit. $ This Friday winds up the schcu- Hie with playoff following between the Evergreen lineup and Dan's Mite Hawks, first half champs. Scoring was below par last Fri- day with Sonny Lowe's 601 snd Bill Roberts' even 600 topping the field. Roberts had the only out- standing single game at 232. Friday's finale will settle, prin- cipally, who gets second and who gets last place in the second half standings, althqugh no rungs are clinched except the one at the top. LOOAL YAOHTSMEN TO JOIN OLYMPIA SEASON OPENING Shelton Yacht Club boats and members have been invited to join the Olympia. Yacht Club in 1959 opening 'day ceremonies this coming Sunday. Commodore Don McCuiston of the Shclton yachting group urges all bost owners to join him at the Olympia. Yacht Club for break- fast between 8:00 and 11:00 a.m. Smlday. "Join me," said Conunodore Me- Culston, "but bring your own fifty cents bccansc that's th(, price of the huge captain's breakfust." Officers of .the Olympia club will nmke and serve as ]lllny hot- cakes as Hnyone can eat, McCuis: ton explin. Roy Kimbel will lead the parade of Shelton boats in his daft))dil- yacht-parade wiuner. Flamingo. The Shelton boats will parade to- gether in the Olympia opening day how and at the conclusion of the festival will rendezvous at Steam- boat Island before returning to lwmo po and George Peek. , whose ,absence Livermore's error. However, Bill made a big difference m the Eagle Fitchett saved Sargent's no-hitter St. Martin's ........ 211 06---4 6 1 relay team and in the sprints while with a brilliant stop of Don La- Montesano .......... 000 30---3 7 1" Robin Brockmueller didn't run the pinski's hard smash down the Batteries--Bucsko and Rouleau; 220. John Lund didn't compete third-base line to retire the side Cokeley, Raines (3), Cokeley (5) for the Rams in the weight events, in the third, and Colton. It' H E where he had been a consistent Mallory struck out 13 and gave winner earlier this season, but three hits in the opener but Chehalis .......... 000 001 1--2 5 2 IN THE EARLIER meets the he was somewhat wilder than usu- Elma .............. 000 000 0--0 1 2 Highclimbers had defeated Che: al with three walks a hit batter Batteries --- Dowling and MeN halls in a dual meet and Monte- and two wild pitches.' No Raymond hart; Osgood and Himes. sand and Raymond in a triangular, runner got past second base. R H E so Friday's victory completed a sweep of Central League rivals. However, the Climbers will play host to North Thurston this Fri- day in a dual meet on Loop FieId starting at 3:30. Lund will be in Ram regalia this time. Sbelton's surprising 60 point to- tal Friday was achieved by win- ning five events (25 points), cap- luring eight seconds (24 points), four thirds (8) and three fourths (3). Junior Rawlin Mclnelly in tlm mile and senior Harley Seiners in the low hurdles were the other Highclimber winners. The results: SHOT PUT--Williams NT, Warren Zeitler S, Walt-n NT, Pete Bue- ehel S. 47' 1.1, ''. HIGH HURDLES- Wetd E, L.rle S(mmr, S, Murphy E, Blume NT. 18.1. HIGH JUMP-.Olson NT, Rertsch NT, Murphy E and Barry E tied. 5' 8". 100-YARD DASH .... Brockmueller E, II. Seiners S, Yarbora NT, Mason NT. 11 flat. 880-YARD RUN ..... Ayotte SM, Roy Buzzard S, I)ave Romnltr( S, Olson NT. 2:06.1. 440-YARD DASH :--- Wince Boat- wick S, ton l)eyette S, Sher- rick SM, Hamlon NT. 55.3. POLE VAULT.-. Tom Kendall S, Berg NT and Murphy E tied, Ron Guthrie S. 11 feet. 220-YARD DASH -- Mason NT, Sherry Halbert S, Ed lwson S, Koenig NT and Levesque SM tied. 25.3. DISCUS--McCall NT, Zeitler S, l)ave Sharpes S, Williams NT, 130' 3 !;,". LOW HUI’I)LES. If. Somer S, Weld E, Kendall S, Walton NT. 23.5. BROAD JUMP--Brockmueller E, Ray Baker S, Weld E, Olson NT. 18' 11". RELAY--Shelton (H. Somers, Hal- bert, Bostwick, Deyette), North Thurston, EIma. 1:38.9. PREP BASEBALL SODRES Centralia 9, Olympia 0 Aberdeen 14, Hoquiam 11 South Kitsap 11, Port Townsend 0 Sequim 5, North Kitsap 2 East Bremerton 2, Stadium 1 Stadium 3, East Bremerton 0 Centralia 2, Hoquiam 1 Montesano 5, St. Martin's 0 St..Martin's 4, Montesano 3 Lincoln 15, West Bremerton 1 Lincoln 1, West Bremerton 0 Chehalis 2, Elms 0 Chehalis 9, Elma 2 Shelton 4, Raymond 0 Shelton 6, Raymond 0 l North Thurston 5, Pe|insu a 4 Wilson 6, Olympia 0 Olynlpia 12, Wilson 11 MEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Delight Park ................ 38 22 Leal 161 ...................... 36, 23. Hanson Oil .................... 32., 28 Gott Oil ......................... 30/. 29fi Verle's Sporting Goods 30 30 Wingard's Sport Shop 30 30 Ritner's Highbalicrs .... 24 36 Moose Lodge ............... 19 41 High game-..-Jim Archer 215 THE SLIM southpaw was in most serious trouble in the third, when two hits with none away looked ominous. However, Mallory then struck out the next three. The Gulls had two aboard in only one other inning, by a walk and hit batter with one down in the fifth. At the same time the Climbers were not bruising the ball very vigorously themselves as they gar- nered only nine hits in the two games and earned only one run. There were no extra base blows. Husky first-sacker Denny Tem- ple was the day's batting luminary with three hits in five tr/ps while stubby second-sacker Ray Manke drove in three runs for honors in that important department, though he had only one hit. Mallory con- tinued to sahn the pellet hard! with two-fin'-five for the day and a season mark now of 8-for-17. THE FIRST GAME was a score- less duel for 5 /nnings, the Climbers plating all four of their rims in the sixth on one hit (Bill Fitchett's lead-off single), three walks (to Garth Getty, Roger Hermes and Manke), two errors and Bob Fitchett's stolen base. The only RBI credited among the four was when Manke walked with TIDES OF THE WEEK Computed fQr Hood Canal (Oakland Bay flde are oe ao. and i mlnut later.) Chehalis ................ 125 01-. 9 5 2 Ehua ...................... 011 0{---2 2 4 Bo, tteries-. Lyle, Arrington {3), Allie (5J and Melhart; Tornquist and Osgood. Priday, April 24 High .............. 4:48 a.m. 12.3 ft. Low ................ 11:39 a.m. -2.5 ft. High .............. 6:28 p.m. 12.4 ft. Low ................ 12:02 p.m. 5.1 ft. Saturday, April 25 High .............. 5:28 a.m. 12.1 ft. Low ................ 12:24 p.m. -2.7 ft. High .............. 7:24 p.m. 12.4 ft. Sunday, April 26 Lqw ................ 0:56 a.m. 5.7 ft. High ............... 6:11 a.m. 11.6 ft. Low ................ 1:15 p.m. -2.5 ft. High .............. 8:23 p.m. 12.3 ft. Monday, April 2" Low ................ 1:56 a.m. 6.2 ft. High .............. 7:00 a.m. 10.9 ft. Low ................ 2:07 p.m. -1.9 ft. High .............. 9:25 p.m. 12.1 ft. Tuelay, April 28 Low ................ 3:04 a.m. 6.5 ft. High .............. 7:56 a.m. 10.0 ft. Low ................ 3:04 p.m. -1.1 ft. High .............. 10:29 p.m. 11.9 ft. Wednesday, April 29 Low ................ 4:21 a.m. 6.3 ft. High .............. 9:09 a.m. 9.1 ft. Low ............... 4:07 p.m. 1.0 ft. High .............. 11:33 p.m. 11.8 ft. Thursday, April 30 Low ................ 5:42 a.m. 5.7 ft. High .............. 10:41 a.m. 8.6 ft Low " 5:15 p.m, 2.0 ft play ball I. emm i-. immm mamm i imm SDIIm i f @ m am no r,ght Outboarding's n PROFILE ol, POWER, • o.. ronl D B I 2200 HOQU! High series--Bill Beach 587 Tax Booklel Now " Available Here ' To the 39 county assessors of Washington and to various agen- cies and individuals interested in valuation aud assessment, prob- lems the State Tax Commission has distribul:ed a 52-page booklet ent'it.led "County Assessor's Guide," Chairman William S. Schtunacher  ep<,rted l,oday. This booklet, first of its kind in Washington, was compiled by the Assessment Standards Divi- sion. It lists ttm duties to be per- formed by the assessor in specif- ic monlhs, quotes the laws pertain- ing to the county board of equal- l ization, enumerates five ma3or teps in a Simplified method of he- valuing" rm'a] land and offers sug- gestions on the assessing of per- sonal property, iNumerous forms a' InludeA, j, 'New inside as The new JohnsO better make your SAEGER MOTOR HILLCREST , PHONE HAl WAU$ • B, ICtOSUeLS • IC - i  •  • €.ns. • sc NOWONI 34x96-1nch Panel--S11.10 * 34x120-1nch Panel--S13.90 * 34x144-1n(;h LAWTON LUMBER COMPANY ,00oso % i.::)