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] 959
..... HA 6-4147
qtiglt'ed With the
Write today for
tot ',The Story of
illustrations in
facts and corn-
Includes blo-
op important
former gov-
and first Sen-
re, Shel-
Viola Ferris, Marvin Biehl Installed
........ JOURNAL -- in "C'h,','istmastmc., U.S.A.," £he!ton, Waahin
..... ! "i116 roll Homemakers
Plp n P!!blie Bard Party t 0 (' I I € V e n t $
Welcome Chapter Matron, Patron 0000;;'Hill00,.est Cl,,00 ....... " ....
will meet at noon Wednesday,,. . Ma,. } Society Editor • • Phone HA. 6-4412
6, in the P.ome of Mr. John Jack- .,,,
son, 1119 CoLa, for a poLluck lun ................................................................................................................................
The 651h installation of officers
(d" \\;Velcome Chapter No. 40, Or-
der of the Eastern Sl:r was heht
on April llth at the Masonic Tem-
ple with Viola Ferris being in-
stalled ns \\;Vorthy Matron and
Marvin Bielll qs Worthy Patron.
The crispier rooln \\;VHS beautiful-
ly decorated to represent a friend-
ship garden, theme for the year.
A trellis of greenery with pink
to deep purc sweetpcas formed
the background in Hm East, large
candelabras were also used. Win-
dow boxes of g'reenery, pink chef
ry blossoms and daisies were used
behind the ehaits of the star
points. Hattie Pierce, retiring Wor-
thy Matron and Lorell Seljesta(l,
retiring Worthy Patron presided
at the opening ceremonies. Ruth
Williams, grand representatiw and
Wilma Rasmussen, deputy instruc-
t,it' of the Grand Chapter of Wash-
ington, OES, were introduced.
Installing officers were: Hattie
Pierce, Worthy Matron; Lorell Sel-
jestad, Worthy Patron; Fred Fer-
ris, Past Patron; Lavella Andrews,
Past Matron, installing chaplain;
Ruth Williams, past matron, in-
stalling Marshall, and Erma Perry,
past matron of Reliance No. 70,
Bremerton, installing organist.
The installing marshal escorted
the new officers into the chater
room. Viola Ferris, Wort]ay aa-
tron, wore an orchid ntvlon chiffon
formal, and Doris Hillman, asso-
ciate matron, a light green silk
taffeta formal. The other" officers
installed to office wore white
dresses and all carried white East-
ern Star Bibles with corsages of
sweet peas in pink to orchid
I shattes.
! Other officers inslalled were
: I,'hn',mee Weeks, secretary; Flor-
,,nee Taylor, treasurer; Estella
l{ohertson, condnetFess; Dorothea cheon and business meeting. Mrs.
I{rickert, associate conductress; V, M. Jackson will be hostess.
lhqene liehl, chal)lain; Elsie Sel- Nomination and election of offi-
jestad, marshal; Alice Palmer, of eRrs will be the order of business•
ganisI; Jnlia Watts, Adah; Eve- The club will sponsor a pnblic
iyn Fllison. I{nlh; Bessie Hall, Es- card partY Saturday, May 2, in
lher; Inez Dammann, Martha; Ju- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
anita Potter, Electa; Esma Fenti- Stoner, 1736 Olympic Highway
man. Warder; and Fred Ferris, South, with Mrs. Ellis Wells and
sentinel. Mrs. Irene Jackson as hostess. Re-
C'.¢mrtesy officers will be: Bible h.eshments will be served.
bearer, Marie Runnion; prompter, At the last. meting Mrs. Wells
Grace %Vells; jewel bearer, Vearl and Mrs. Nellie Riter gave an in-
teresting re) )ort on safety in the
l:iurst, and registrar, Agatha Nor- home and id'eas on now to pre-
by. vent home accidents. Each mem-
The choir for tile coming year ber was asked to bring a remedy
includes Alice P,lmer, director; !or burns and an article written
l)orothy Carh)n, musician; Don on burns to the next meeting.
Palmer, Alberta Landers Wa[ren
Toby, Frank Fentiman, Velma'Mc-
fnelly, Chester Williams, Annette
Munson, Loe and Gladys Martin,'
Clarence and C aro I Grunert,
Claude and Viola Danielson, T. E.
and 3ewell Deer, members.
A vocal solo was given by Ann
Settle of Priscilla Chapter, Port
Gamble. Linda Stevens played &
piano solo.
Candlelighters for the occasion
were Misses Linda and Karolee
Stevens. Master Lout'e ay Fer-
ris carried the Bibl'b the Jtar
preceding the ins'allation of new
officers. The programs were' pass-
ed by Georgia Umph6nofl'r, Worthy
Advisor of Rainbow and Vaiar!e
Latham, Hohdred Queen" of Jo
Daughters. Ella lvcCq!louga 'was
in charge of the ghesL book.' "
Following the installation at,re -
ception was held in the' diniff
room which was beautifully, dec0-*
ated with umbrellas mac]eo ri:
bon and flowers anipg from the
ceiling, als0 baskdts of' flowers
and greenery to carry' out tKe
theme. '
Lois Davidson and Muriel
Rhodes were in charge of the d@c-
orations in the dining room. Dor-
is Hillman was"In charge of the
decorations in the chapter room.
Chairman of the refreshmenl; com-
mittee was Annettee M'uns6n.'.In
charge of the gift tabld Was petra
Sutton and Alma Catt0, Past Ma'-
Gladys Martin, Past Matron aed
Claude Rhodes, Past l?atro n, wel,
cored approximately 300' members
and friend from S.heRon, OlyM-
pia, Bremerton, Seattle, Renton,
Elma. Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Po
Orchard, Union, Belfair, an-
bridge, Poulsbo, Port Gaible,
Emlmclaw, Tenino and A.rcata,
, II
• k Convenient Terms
• Reasonable Rates
Hc00i ,Canal Women
TO Fete 32nd Year
The annual birthday dinner o[
:he Hood Canal Woman s @lu'
ill be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday,
ntlle Colonial House. Lilliwatii)
nembers of the club will hoste$
he dinner. All members, charter
mbers. and past. presidents• are
aske to ate.n.] ]:,he n anniver-
sal'y of thd$0d!fig of the 'club•
follwg'offic'ers were
''d foi #''flie' ensuln ear at
............. g Y
la'st'"Thurhdpy'@ meeting of the
[ltl: Mi.s.'(rge Brever, Shelton,
pr#ident; Mrs. Ann ]Rowe, "Iot-
i'tClt, first vice president; Irs.
gaye Sterling,'Imon, second Vice
-.=,ao, t. x¢ s Winffred Gilmore
a]aan, o0Iporg; Irs. Rose
MillOy, lll;hP0 rt, trtmtee for
hree yea]'l.rs. Oletha Stark,
fffil0'.n, ustee"for one year.
.... Prbeeeds fo, t]ae w h!te ele-
phant sale fle.ttd $16 wnlcn wm
be added to the county Y eaera-
tion of W0azi's Clubs to aid]' in
sending a 'ta]:e t6 te state
convention lfa , 'B and6 in "Ta-
It was decided to decorate a
window during the Forest Festi-
val. Mrs. Etttel )alby will be in
charge of getting matertal for the
Mrs. Donovan Palmer of Shel-
ton sang ahd played a selection
of several songs which stir had
written. Als0 on the program was
aCi¢ A. N. Ellis, supervisor of the
Bremerton Child Guidance center,
Who spoke on mental health.
Mrs. Vivian Jones, Mrs. Kaye
Sterling and Mrs. Marie Tu[mer
Y2et'e welcomed into the group as
ne', members. Guests at the meet-
trig Were Mrs. Eva Jenson, Lil-
liWaup, and Mrs. Cathryn Niles,
Benefit ArbOretum
'Early next month six Seattle
gardens will be opened to the pub-
lic as a money-naking project by
th'e University of Washington Ar-
boretum. The tours will be held
lVay 6 and 7.
Season tickets for the three
tours are available at $5 for the
14 gardens of the summer tour
from Mrs. George Cropper, Ar-
boretum board member, HA 6-
Mr. andMrs. I. T. Winieeki, Mrs.
Jaes Grimes and Mrs. George
Cr6pper atteded the recent stock-
Iders hmcheon of the Olympia
rewing Company at the Olym-
an Hotel.
SO LITTLE. PacificTeleph0ne
Mason County Savipgs
& Loan Askoeiation
Title Insurance Bldg.
It's Your Chevrolet Dealer's 2nd Annq00
::00'CU[AR DEALS NOW, your00-favQTil00t
00ltltE AII!ll SAVE N01V.,
t!i'r t Part °f the Sal" Spectac{dar is the kind : , m
.'= noney buys Eve Chevy-sedan, sort "J¢ spotty Impala c0nvert! .
i°a'slares a lean an% lively $,imline ,oPok,
.l .Q,-dl room and a ride that's right for the l
teau _ ght away '€" C°trnrCesinrland take.a close look at
The 1959 Impala Sport l.,
Sales Spectacular" deal see your ! ......
1st and Grove Sts. HA 6-{{,26
MISS NANCY SMITH, Everett, became the attractive bride of
Mr. John G. Butler last Saturday in Everett. The young couple
are making their home in Spokane.
* * * *
Nancy Smith, John Butler Repeat
Vows In Impressive Ceremony
Standards of pinl¢ 'etnd white A pink and White theme was
stock and gladiolus decorated the
Eve/'ettFirst Presbyterian dhurch
for the wedding of Miss Nancy
Smith ana Mr. John G. BuLler
last Satnrday. The Reverend Rob-
ert E. Baldwin performed the c:m-
dlelighted double ring ceremony.
The bride is the (laughtw of Mr.
and Mrs. Dean O. Smith of Ever-
eLL, and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Buth,r of
Mrs. K. D. Kohler provided nup-
tial nmsic and accompanied Mr.
James Vander Wegen who sang
"Because." "You'll Never Walk
Alone," and "The Lord's Prayer.'
Given in marriage by her fa-:
ther. the bride wore a chapel
length gown of white Chantilly
lace and nylon tulle. Tle long
sleeved bodice of lace over satin
with a square scalloped neckline
finished with hand-clipped lace,
held the bouffant skirt of nylon
tulle, designed with a ruffled un-
derskirt and an overskirt of tulle
and lace edged with hand-clipped
scallops, and ending' in a dramatic
over-size how in back. She wore a
double-tiered, finger-tip length
English imported illusion veil
caught, to a demi-hat of tulle, styl-
ed with a widoW'S peak and edged
with tulle ruching, and further en-
hanced with seed pearls. Her bou-
quet was white gardenias, pink
baby roscbuds and lilies of the val-
lIrs."-- Wesley Hamblen was ma-
tron of honor. Her gown was of
radiant blue tissue taffeta, prin-
cess style, with a portrait neckline
draped'with matchiffg chiffon fall-
Ing to a' fly-away panel in the
back. A garland of white rosebuds
held her matching tulle headpiece,
and" she carried white carnations
and pink rosebuds.
BridesmaldS'were the Misses Ann
Retmafl, of' Seattle; Gall Wilcox,
of Spokane, sororit:( sisters of the
bride, and Miss Patsy Herley, 'of
lerett. Their gow-ns were. identi-
cal to the matron of honor's and
they also carried white carnations
tgh(, ;van:l4nk rosebuds. All wore white
and wite eaings, gifts of
]: Hde; "
Little' Ann Kelly, niece of the
bidegroom, in a white nylon sheer
bouffant dress with vows of lace
and blue sash, and headpiece of
blue tulle and white rbebds, wa
flower girl. She cprrte¢:]'g dainty
basket of pink rosebttffd.
Young Johnny Eager, nephew of
the bridegroom, carried the rings
on a white satin pillow.
Mr. Wesley Hamblen of Aber-
deen, was best min, and ushers
were Messers. John Eager of She]-
fon,'and' Samuel Kelly of Belling-
ham, brothers-in-law of the bride-
groom, and Jack Carnegie of Seat-
For the wedding the bride's mo-
ther wore a beige silk sheath
dress, with matching accessorles.
Her corsage was of green Cymbi-
dium orchids. Dusty rose lace and
chiffon, with matching accessories;
Was worn by the groom's nlother.
i-e r corsage Was of white orchids.
--Teaehers -Fete---
kI'is, Rempel at Meet
'Mrs. Marie McKay entertained
at luncheon on Friday, April' 17.
Guests were Mason county retired
teacher Mrs. Jessie Marble, Mrs.
Verda Wilson, Mrs. Mabel Rempel,
MrS. Florence Weeks and the host-
ess. The hmcheon honored Mrs.
lempbl who is leaving in May for
a tou/* of Europe.
A business meeting followed the
lunche0n'and a social hour was en-
joyed at which time Mrs. Rempel
was 'prehented with a going-away
Rhododbndron amp NO. 888,
Royal N#tghbors of Americt, will
leet at r7:30 p.m. Mortally t$
M l Hall. TII !;ing will
the initiation of Mrs.
Stella Booth will
carried out for the reception in
Westminster Hall. An arrangement
of white snapdragons and pink
roses in a silver and crystal bowl
with pink candles in Silver candle-
abra centered the tea table, which
w;ts covered with a white linen
mosa.ic outwork and embroidery
ch)th. The table whicll hcht the
Maltese Cross wedding cake was
covered with white net: over pink,
adm'ned with nosegays of white
roses and ribbon.
l)(llll'ing for the recel)tion wcrc
Mrs, (Aq)rge P. l.)tlocy arid l'krs.
It. W. Stuart; also Mrs..lohn Ea-
ger and Mrs• Sanluel Kelly, sisters
rff Lhe groonl. Miss Annette Gerry,
assisted by Miss Sally Dodelle, cut
tile cake. Misses Jane Talbot and
Jane Tomlinson. both of Seattle,
served tile tIuneh, while Mrs. Don-
ald Shaw held the guest book.
Others assisting with the reception
were Mrs. F. J. Follett, Mrs. John
Whiteley, Miss Flora V/hiteley,
Mrs. L. A. Wendt and Miss Janet
Duecy. In eharge:- of gifts wasMrs.
R. M. Ostrander. Miss Robin Stu-
art passed the groom's cake.
For a short trip to the Oregon
Coast, the bride wore a navy blue
silk suit with white ilat and navy
blue accessories. Over it she wore
a full length white wool (',oat and
a gardenia corsage.
The bride is a graduate of Ev-
erett high school and the bride-
groonl, of Shelton high school.
Both attended the Unt;¢eraity of
Washington, where the bride is a
member of the Kappa Alpha Tehta
sorority and the bridegroom's fra-
ternity is Kappa Sigma.
The couple will live at 1621 Mar-
guarite St. in Spokane. Mr. Butler
is a radio-television audio engineer
at KREM-TV in Spokane.
' S
Co. Homemaker,
Hold S fety Meet
Mason (?,runty }tomenmkers A-
soeialioIl held their spring eoll-
venlion a.t the Armory April !4th
wilh the Soiilhside l,'rielutship Chib
as hosi(ss. The t)i'og'raill carried
olit lilt, ll2,ell¢!rnl tllellle of safety
in the home and tile guest spe:iker
was Miss Lois Liebach of the
\\;Vashington State Department of
tlealth whose snbject was "The
Facts of Home Safety." In this
state la.t year h,)m accidents
CAI.IIIe n(!xI to traffic for accidental
deaths, wiHt industrial accidents
coml)a rat ively small.
Much credit is due the Friend-
ship Club for tile attractive hm-
cheon tables, with spring flower
arrallgenlenls and clever place
nlats, esch bearing a safety slogan.
lrs. Don McCuisLen was ehair-
II1H, n.
The Dayton Ladies Club present-
ed a millinery style show, each
hat decorated with articles wllich
might be involved in a home acei-
A survey was t:tken i,) find out
what aspects of imme making were
desired for lessons ncxl year.
The Homemakers Association
will hold a hake sale at Sears Fri-
or some 4-}{
day to raise funds ,
campships, or for sending some
4-H member or leaders to the state
S0uthside Executive
B6a'd Holds Last Meet
The last execotive board meeting
of the Southside Parent Teachers
Organization for the 1958-59 school
termwas held on Monday of last
New menlbers of the nominat-
ing committee were announced as
Mrs. James Waldrip, Mrs. Arthur
Mell and Mrs. DOnald Browr.
Election of oficers for the 1959-
60 term will be held at the PTO
meeting May 4 in the Southside
school. Everyone interested in the
efficient administration of the PTO
to attend.
Saturday, April 25
Music by
Hailoway Orchestra
A,New LM S,ervi=e
S prlo!l Wed4inlilS • • •
Irighfiy Form I
Handsomely correcL, and o
c)nlfortabie! A large selec-
tion {vailable for summer
fornlals. Sparkling l i g h t-
weight . . • just right for
your wedding! Compleio for-
nmi rental .rvice.
Quantities limited at
this spedal sale price
A Product of The International Silver Company
Here's a wonderful opportunity you
can't afford to miss.., beautiful 12 Vz"
Serving troy with ¢lassic border,
delh:cde piercing and chused center.
Prolessionat Care
For the Clothes You Wear
• /
Pantor,um Cleaners
• Where the Charm e I Newness 18 Restwrt •
] 959
..... HA 6-4147
qtiglt'ed With the
Write today for
tot ',The Story of
illustrations in
facts and corn-
Includes blo-
op important
former gov-
and first Sen-
re, Shel-
Viola Ferris, Marvin Biehl Installed
........ JOURNAL -- in "C'h,','istmastmc., U.S.A.," £he!ton, Waahin
..... ! "i116 roll Homemakers
Plp n P!!blie Bard Party t 0 (' I I € V e n t $
Welcome Chapter Matron, Patron 0000;;'Hill00,.est Cl,,00 ....... " ....
will meet at noon Wednesday,,. . Ma,. } Society Editor • • Phone HA. 6-4412
6, in the P.ome of Mr. John Jack- .,,,
son, 1119 CoLa, for a poLluck lun ................................................................................................................................
The 651h installation of officers
(d" \\;Velcome Chapter No. 40, Or-
der of the Eastern Sl:r was heht
on April llth at the Masonic Tem-
ple with Viola Ferris being in-
stalled ns \\;Vorthy Matron and
Marvin Bielll qs Worthy Patron.
The crispier rooln \\;VHS beautiful-
ly decorated to represent a friend-
ship garden, theme for the year.
A trellis of greenery with pink
to deep purc sweetpcas formed
the background in Hm East, large
candelabras were also used. Win-
dow boxes of g'reenery, pink chef
ry blossoms and daisies were used
behind the ehaits of the star
points. Hattie Pierce, retiring Wor-
thy Matron and Lorell Seljesta(l,
retiring Worthy Patron presided
at the opening ceremonies. Ruth
Williams, grand representatiw and
Wilma Rasmussen, deputy instruc-
t,it' of the Grand Chapter of Wash-
ington, OES, were introduced.
Installing officers were: Hattie
Pierce, Worthy Matron; Lorell Sel-
jestad, Worthy Patron; Fred Fer-
ris, Past Patron; Lavella Andrews,
Past Matron, installing chaplain;
Ruth Williams, past matron, in-
stalling Marshall, and Erma Perry,
past matron of Reliance No. 70,
Bremerton, installing organist.
The installing marshal escorted
the new officers into the chater
room. Viola Ferris, Wort]ay aa-
tron, wore an orchid ntvlon chiffon
formal, and Doris Hillman, asso-
ciate matron, a light green silk
taffeta formal. The other" officers
installed to office wore white
dresses and all carried white East-
ern Star Bibles with corsages of
sweet peas in pink to orchid
I shattes.
! Other officers inslalled were
: I,'hn',mee Weeks, secretary; Flor-
,,nee Taylor, treasurer; Estella
l{ohertson, condnetFess; Dorothea cheon and business meeting. Mrs.
I{rickert, associate conductress; V, M. Jackson will be hostess.
lhqene liehl, chal)lain; Elsie Sel- Nomination and election of offi-
jestad, marshal; Alice Palmer, of eRrs will be the order of business•
ganisI; Jnlia Watts, Adah; Eve- The club will sponsor a pnblic
iyn Fllison. I{nlh; Bessie Hall, Es- card partY Saturday, May 2, in
lher; Inez Dammann, Martha; Ju- the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
anita Potter, Electa; Esma Fenti- Stoner, 1736 Olympic Highway
man. Warder; and Fred Ferris, South, with Mrs. Ellis Wells and
sentinel. Mrs. Irene Jackson as hostess. Re-
C'.¢mrtesy officers will be: Bible h.eshments will be served.
bearer, Marie Runnion; prompter, At the last. meting Mrs. Wells
Grace %Vells; jewel bearer, Vearl and Mrs. Nellie Riter gave an in-
teresting re) )ort on safety in the
l:iurst, and registrar, Agatha Nor- home and id'eas on now to pre-
by. vent home accidents. Each mem-
The choir for tile coming year ber was asked to bring a remedy
includes Alice P,lmer, director; !or burns and an article written
l)orothy Carh)n, musician; Don on burns to the next meeting.
Palmer, Alberta Landers Wa[ren
Toby, Frank Fentiman, Velma'Mc-
fnelly, Chester Williams, Annette
Munson, Loe and Gladys Martin,'
Clarence and C aro I Grunert,
Claude and Viola Danielson, T. E.
and 3ewell Deer, members.
A vocal solo was given by Ann
Settle of Priscilla Chapter, Port
Gamble. Linda Stevens played &
piano solo.
Candlelighters for the occasion
were Misses Linda and Karolee
Stevens. Master Lout'e ay Fer-
ris carried the Bibl'b the Jtar
preceding the ins'allation of new
officers. The programs were' pass-
ed by Georgia Umph6nofl'r, Worthy
Advisor of Rainbow and Vaiar!e
Latham, Hohdred Queen" of Jo
Daughters. Ella lvcCq!louga 'was
in charge of the ghesL book.' "
Following the installation at,re -
ception was held in the' diniff
room which was beautifully, dec0-*
ated with umbrellas mac]eo ri:
bon and flowers anipg from the
ceiling, als0 baskdts of' flowers
and greenery to carry' out tKe
theme. '
Lois Davidson and Muriel
Rhodes were in charge of the d@c-
orations in the dining room. Dor-
is Hillman was"In charge of the
decorations in the chapter room.
Chairman of the refreshmenl; com-
mittee was Annettee M'uns6n.'.In
charge of the gift tabld Was petra
Sutton and Alma Catt0, Past Ma'-
Gladys Martin, Past Matron aed
Claude Rhodes, Past l?atro n, wel,
cored approximately 300' members
and friend from S.heRon, OlyM-
pia, Bremerton, Seattle, Renton,
Elma. Hoquiam, Aberdeen, Po
Orchard, Union, Belfair, an-
bridge, Poulsbo, Port Gaible,
Emlmclaw, Tenino and A.rcata,
, II
• k Convenient Terms
• Reasonable Rates
Hc00i ,Canal Women
TO Fete 32nd Year
The annual birthday dinner o[
:he Hood Canal Woman s @lu'
ill be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday,
ntlle Colonial House. Lilliwatii)
nembers of the club will hoste$
he dinner. All members, charter
mbers. and past. presidents• are
aske to ate.n.] ]:,he n anniver-
sal'y of thd$0d!fig of the 'club•
follwg'offic'ers were
''d foi #''flie' ensuln ear at
............. g Y
la'st'"Thurhdpy'@ meeting of the
[ltl: Mi.s.'(rge Brever, Shelton,
pr#ident; Mrs. Ann ]Rowe, "Iot-
i'tClt, first vice president; Irs.
gaye Sterling,'Imon, second Vice
-.=,ao, t. x¢ s Winffred Gilmore
a]aan, o0Iporg; Irs. Rose
MillOy, lll;hP0 rt, trtmtee for
hree yea]'l.rs. Oletha Stark,
fffil0'.n, ustee"for one year.
.... Prbeeeds fo, t]ae w h!te ele-
phant sale fle.ttd $16 wnlcn wm
be added to the county Y eaera-
tion of W0azi's Clubs to aid]' in
sending a 'ta]:e t6 te state
convention lfa , 'B and6 in "Ta-
It was decided to decorate a
window during the Forest Festi-
val. Mrs. Etttel )alby will be in
charge of getting matertal for the
Mrs. Donovan Palmer of Shel-
ton sang ahd played a selection
of several songs which stir had
written. Als0 on the program was
aCi¢ A. N. Ellis, supervisor of the
Bremerton Child Guidance center,
Who spoke on mental health.
Mrs. Vivian Jones, Mrs. Kaye
Sterling and Mrs. Marie Tu[mer
Y2et'e welcomed into the group as
ne', members. Guests at the meet-
trig Were Mrs. Eva Jenson, Lil-
liWaup, and Mrs. Cathryn Niles,
Benefit ArbOretum
'Early next month six Seattle
gardens will be opened to the pub-
lic as a money-naking project by
th'e University of Washington Ar-
boretum. The tours will be held
lVay 6 and 7.
Season tickets for the three
tours are available at $5 for the
14 gardens of the summer tour
from Mrs. George Cropper, Ar-
boretum board member, HA 6-
Mr. andMrs. I. T. Winieeki, Mrs.
Jaes Grimes and Mrs. George
Cr6pper atteded the recent stock-
Iders hmcheon of the Olympia
rewing Company at the Olym-
an Hotel.
SO LITTLE. PacificTeleph0ne
Mason County Savipgs
& Loan Askoeiation
Title Insurance Bldg.
It's Your Chevrolet Dealer's 2nd Annq00
::00'CU[AR DEALS NOW, your00-favQTil00t
00ltltE AII!ll SAVE N01V.,
t!i'r t Part °f the Sal" Spectac{dar is the kind : , m
.'= noney buys Eve Chevy-sedan, sort "J¢ spotty Impala c0nvert! .
i°a'slares a lean an% lively $,imline ,oPok,
.l .Q,-dl room and a ride that's right for the l
teau _ ght away '€" C°trnrCesinrland take.a close look at
The 1959 Impala Sport l.,
Sales Spectacular" deal see your ! ......
1st and Grove Sts. HA 6-{{,26
MISS NANCY SMITH, Everett, became the attractive bride of
Mr. John G. Butler last Saturday in Everett. The young couple
are making their home in Spokane.
* * * *
Nancy Smith, John Butler Repeat
Vows In Impressive Ceremony
Standards of pinl¢ 'etnd white A pink and White theme was
stock and gladiolus decorated the
Eve/'ettFirst Presbyterian dhurch
for the wedding of Miss Nancy
Smith ana Mr. John G. BuLler
last Satnrday. The Reverend Rob-
ert E. Baldwin performed the c:m-
dlelighted double ring ceremony.
The bride is the (laughtw of Mr.
and Mrs. Dean O. Smith of Ever-
eLL, and the groom is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Glen H. Buth,r of
Mrs. K. D. Kohler provided nup-
tial nmsic and accompanied Mr.
James Vander Wegen who sang
"Because." "You'll Never Walk
Alone," and "The Lord's Prayer.'
Given in marriage by her fa-:
ther. the bride wore a chapel
length gown of white Chantilly
lace and nylon tulle. Tle long
sleeved bodice of lace over satin
with a square scalloped neckline
finished with hand-clipped lace,
held the bouffant skirt of nylon
tulle, designed with a ruffled un-
derskirt and an overskirt of tulle
and lace edged with hand-clipped
scallops, and ending' in a dramatic
over-size how in back. She wore a
double-tiered, finger-tip length
English imported illusion veil
caught, to a demi-hat of tulle, styl-
ed with a widoW'S peak and edged
with tulle ruching, and further en-
hanced with seed pearls. Her bou-
quet was white gardenias, pink
baby roscbuds and lilies of the val-
lIrs."-- Wesley Hamblen was ma-
tron of honor. Her gown was of
radiant blue tissue taffeta, prin-
cess style, with a portrait neckline
draped'with matchiffg chiffon fall-
Ing to a' fly-away panel in the
back. A garland of white rosebuds
held her matching tulle headpiece,
and" she carried white carnations
and pink rosebuds.
BridesmaldS'were the Misses Ann
Retmafl, of' Seattle; Gall Wilcox,
of Spokane, sororit:( sisters of the
bride, and Miss Patsy Herley, 'of
lerett. Their gow-ns were. identi-
cal to the matron of honor's and
they also carried white carnations
tgh(, ;van:l4nk rosebuds. All wore white
and wite eaings, gifts of
]: Hde; "
Little' Ann Kelly, niece of the
bidegroom, in a white nylon sheer
bouffant dress with vows of lace
and blue sash, and headpiece of
blue tulle and white rbebds, wa
flower girl. She cprrte¢:]'g dainty
basket of pink rosebttffd.
Young Johnny Eager, nephew of
the bridegroom, carried the rings
on a white satin pillow.
Mr. Wesley Hamblen of Aber-
deen, was best min, and ushers
were Messers. John Eager of She]-
fon,'and' Samuel Kelly of Belling-
ham, brothers-in-law of the bride-
groom, and Jack Carnegie of Seat-
For the wedding the bride's mo-
ther wore a beige silk sheath
dress, with matching accessorles.
Her corsage was of green Cymbi-
dium orchids. Dusty rose lace and
chiffon, with matching accessories;
Was worn by the groom's nlother.
i-e r corsage Was of white orchids.
--Teaehers -Fete---
kI'is, Rempel at Meet
'Mrs. Marie McKay entertained
at luncheon on Friday, April' 17.
Guests were Mason county retired
teacher Mrs. Jessie Marble, Mrs.
Verda Wilson, Mrs. Mabel Rempel,
MrS. Florence Weeks and the host-
ess. The hmcheon honored Mrs.
lempbl who is leaving in May for
a tou/* of Europe.
A business meeting followed the
lunche0n'and a social hour was en-
joyed at which time Mrs. Rempel
was 'prehented with a going-away
Rhododbndron amp NO. 888,
Royal N#tghbors of Americt, will
leet at r7:30 p.m. Mortally t$
M l Hall. TII !;ing will
the initiation of Mrs.
Stella Booth will
carried out for the reception in
Westminster Hall. An arrangement
of white snapdragons and pink
roses in a silver and crystal bowl
with pink candles in Silver candle-
abra centered the tea table, which
w;ts covered with a white linen
mosa.ic outwork and embroidery
ch)th. The table whicll hcht the
Maltese Cross wedding cake was
covered with white net: over pink,
adm'ned with nosegays of white
roses and ribbon.
l)(llll'ing for the recel)tion wcrc
Mrs, (Aq)rge P. l.)tlocy arid l'krs.
It. W. Stuart; also Mrs..lohn Ea-
ger and Mrs• Sanluel Kelly, sisters
rff Lhe groonl. Miss Annette Gerry,
assisted by Miss Sally Dodelle, cut
tile cake. Misses Jane Talbot and
Jane Tomlinson. both of Seattle,
served tile tIuneh, while Mrs. Don-
ald Shaw held the guest book.
Others assisting with the reception
were Mrs. F. J. Follett, Mrs. John
Whiteley, Miss Flora V/hiteley,
Mrs. L. A. Wendt and Miss Janet
Duecy. In eharge:- of gifts wasMrs.
R. M. Ostrander. Miss Robin Stu-
art passed the groom's cake.
For a short trip to the Oregon
Coast, the bride wore a navy blue
silk suit with white ilat and navy
blue accessories. Over it she wore
a full length white wool (',oat and
a gardenia corsage.
The bride is a graduate of Ev-
erett high school and the bride-
groonl, of Shelton high school.
Both attended the Unt;¢eraity of
Washington, where the bride is a
member of the Kappa Alpha Tehta
sorority and the bridegroom's fra-
ternity is Kappa Sigma.
The couple will live at 1621 Mar-
guarite St. in Spokane. Mr. Butler
is a radio-television audio engineer
at KREM-TV in Spokane.
' S
Co. Homemaker,
Hold S fety Meet
Mason (?,runty }tomenmkers A-
soeialioIl held their spring eoll-
venlion a.t the Armory April !4th
wilh the Soiilhside l,'rielutship Chib
as hosi(ss. The t)i'og'raill carried
olit lilt, ll2,ell¢!rnl tllellle of safety
in the home and tile guest spe:iker
was Miss Lois Liebach of the
\\;Vashington State Department of
tlealth whose snbject was "The
Facts of Home Safety." In this
state la.t year h,)m accidents
CAI.IIIe n(!xI to traffic for accidental
deaths, wiHt industrial accidents
coml)a rat ively small.
Much credit is due the Friend-
ship Club for tile attractive hm-
cheon tables, with spring flower
arrallgenlenls and clever place
nlats, esch bearing a safety slogan.
lrs. Don McCuisLen was ehair-
II1H, n.
The Dayton Ladies Club present-
ed a millinery style show, each
hat decorated with articles wllich
might be involved in a home acei-
A survey was t:tken i,) find out
what aspects of imme making were
desired for lessons ncxl year.
The Homemakers Association
will hold a hake sale at Sears Fri-
or some 4-}{
day to raise funds ,
campships, or for sending some
4-H member or leaders to the state
S0uthside Executive
B6a'd Holds Last Meet
The last execotive board meeting
of the Southside Parent Teachers
Organization for the 1958-59 school
termwas held on Monday of last
New menlbers of the nominat-
ing committee were announced as
Mrs. James Waldrip, Mrs. Arthur
Mell and Mrs. DOnald Browr.
Election of oficers for the 1959-
60 term will be held at the PTO
meeting May 4 in the Southside
school. Everyone interested in the
efficient administration of the PTO
to attend.
Saturday, April 25
Music by
Hailoway Orchestra
A,New LM S,ervi=e
S prlo!l Wed4inlilS • • •
Irighfiy Form I
Handsomely correcL, and o
c)nlfortabie! A large selec-
tion {vailable for summer
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weight . . • just right for
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nmi rental .rvice.
Quantities limited at
this spedal sale price
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Here's a wonderful opportunity you
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Serving troy with ¢lassic border,
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Prolessionat Care
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