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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Barstine Grangers Host Southside Training ,Course Ends ..... PFC Gary vy. Deyette, son of on the 26th of Apz'il. ]_ very nice literary program. re were some forty guests Dremt. After the regular meet- mg there was a potluck luncheon n  social hour. We wish to thank all.iLhe people for helping make l a successful meeting. It was  teasure to see the old hall filled :Wi'th Gragdrs again. Miss Cindy Waite was recently inLtiated Into Job's Daughters in Shelton. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carlson of Oakland, Calif., spent several days on their little island, off the coast of Harstine. They picked lovely weather for their trip and are eag- erly looking forward to their long stay this summer. Mr. Dick Knauf has been at'- tending first aid classes in Shel- teR at the court house these past two weeks. This is a required course for all Mason county road foremen. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCul- loch were very pleasantly sur- primd by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy and family of Seattle this past lovely summer Sunday. It was nice to see lights in the old Carnes place again this week- end with the John Budds coming from Sektu to do a little more work on their place. BEAUTIFUL POINT Wilson was very much populated this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Spahr, Mr. and Mrs. George Wan- geling, both Sr. and Jr. and grand- son out and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bachnam of Olympia came by boat to visit the Jim Lohrers. Mr. Ralph Wingert spent sev- eral hours Saturday visiting with his parents and family, the Arthur Wingerts. Lt. j.g. Bill Williams is spend- ing a 30-day leave here at his Is- land home. Bill is stationed on the U.S.S. Biddle Dredge at Astoria, Ore. His wife, Grace, is taking a hair styling course in San Fran- cisco, Calif. We wish you the best of luck, Grace, in your chosen field. i Mrs. Seed wishes to announce that the names of the children have been drawn and that Miss Ruth Wingert will be the Har- sttne Island princess on the float for Forest Festival and that Dan- ny Knauf will be captain of the ferry and David Barnett will be deck hand for our contribution to the Forest Festival. We would like to welcome new subscribers to the Mason County Journal and the Harstte news col- umn.Lt: j.g. Bill Williams and Dr. Raymond Waid, all of Har- stine Island. Happy anniversary S u n d a y, April 26, to Paul and Odeyne Chaffee. ,tnity hall and without you there 4-HNews V0Uld be no community. The time tgin is 7"30 Thursday evening StIE - " " " ] ,LTON VALLEY CLOVERS e one come all ..... .....  -'r  - "- -""  f The Shelter Valley Clovers 4-H i r. a G a eL ¢t, u uer o , , , ,' , , . ,:met last :Thursday tn the a mona wala at xnBpwatlon  Y . [practiced dem onslrations for the ark this past Tursoay Ma on c i n d m _. " ..... .." , . | s o ty' e one, ration con- we wren m say 'maRK you' to [test: April 25. Hitchtck, Jack Meeks, A1 " -' I The meeting was adjotlrned and tin, Dick Knauf, Bob Bu-refreshments served. Games con- Ernie Crouch, Glenn Yates, [eluded the veninm Glaser for so generouslY giv: I The next meet'ing will be bald of their time to work on the [May 7 in Karen Frnklin , house. we also want to thank Mrs, ] Dcg Ew rs reporter for 8ezing coffee to the" BUSY BE4 - :R. AND MRS. Donald T. Bur, efJ,. and children, Danny and ViJti, of Hoquiam were the al- So'st overnight guests of the H. ! V, Glasers. The Burnetts and Udren brought along their trail- : house and enjoyed sleeping in for the first time. The Burn- tt$ entertained the little Glaser iid for lunch in the trailer house. )alene is Donette Glaser's twin er. landers wish to extend their, silcere sympathy at this time to i Mr. Celia Glaser on the loss of l e sister, Mrs. Helen Farrell, in Paoma this last week. Mrs. Far-I i was very well known to I-] anders because of her frequent 1 Vislts to the island ovr a 40-year riod. She was a registered urse at St. Joseph's hospital in O1Tla, ! here was a nice turnout Sat- Or4ay at the Stan Yates home to ork on the Hartine Island float if0r the Forest Festival. A lot was ¢complished. There is a little work yet to do on the overall cture, and also the paddle wheels, which Mr. Jack Meeks has ioffered to make, Mr. Robert Bar- 'inert has offered to paint the float iwitl his spray gun. Remember, ,all, you out of county people, this ;l YOUR float too. We will need a!ot of help on May 22 to decor- :$t$ the truck and finish last min- 'rute: odd and 'ds on the float. Scircle the date on your calend- md plan on being on the main- nd aide around 10:15 on that day. Mrs Dorothy Barnett is in charge of the evergreens to dec- orate, with so anyone wanting to .Offer cedar or' fir bows for the float, please contact her, or leave note on the ferry. ATTENTION ALL 18LAND- ER$: There will be a very iro- n,errant meeting this Thursday, ]April 23, at the Community Hall t 7:0 to discuss the ways and l$ns of getting water in the ball. one who has ever been assoc- iated with any of the doings at e hall knows how inconvenient is to pack all the'water from to the hall. There will also be p for dscussion plans for the ark across the street from the . Remember, this is. a corn- The Busy Bees 4-H Club learned to thread a sewing machine at the last meeting of the group. It was decided to give demonstrations at the county demonstration contest Saturday April 25. Kathleen Riedle and Carol Ly- man gave demonstratio.s on the measurement of dry foods and threading a sewing machine. Cindy Burnett flm Tracyton was a guest at the meeting. . Kathleen Riedle, reporter and Mrs. Neis Baunsguard a few days in Sequim .visit- their son ald family, Mr. Mrs. M|lo Rice. and Mrs. Mel Cams and of Des MoiReS were out last weekend spending& visit Paulene s parents, Mr. and John Hltchcock. LANDER8 WI&H to ,ay a speedy recovery to one of neighbors who is ill in me CLOQUALLUM Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W, Deyette, Star Route, Sheltron, Wash., re- cently completed the six-week wheeled and tracked vehicle main- tenance course at the Army Euro- pean Engineer-Ordnance School in Murnau, Germany. Deyette entered the Army in February, 1958, completed basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and • E arrived m ,urope last October. He is regularly assigned as a wrecker operator in Headquarters Battery of the 71st Artillery's 3rd Missile Battalion in Ettlinger. The 20-year-old soldier is a 1958 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School and was employed by the Shelton.Meat Co. prior to entering the Army. Hy DON EVELETil Mr. and Mrs. E,'nie Mull(mix m;d daughter Cathy of PeEll were Snnday visitors at the Jotm \\;Vlzit- :gs. The Kenneth Pearson family visited Mrs. Pearson's great-uncle ir Chehalis Saturday. Mrs. Tom Kearney has returned from a week's visit with the George Becketts of Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher (Dar- lene Kearney) and family of Ev- erett have been visiting the Kear- r.eys for a week. Mrs: Beverly Mallett was hos- tess Thursday night to the Pino- chle Club at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. George Leboki. Guests were Mrs. Orvile Huffman, Mrs, Elbert Crabbe, Mrs. Barney Sar- vinski, Mrs. Vic Kelly, Mrs. Doug Senalor Sandison to Talk Here Tonight Senator Gordon Sandison of Port Angeh's will bc the ges! speaker t lhc D¢,mocratic club meeting to be held in the P.U.D. auditorium tonight at 8 p.m. He is slated to talk on taxes and other issues of interest to voters. The public is welcome and re- freshments will be served. h'elly, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. ]Iargie Wagner, and Mrs. Marion Eveleth. High score was won by Mrs Sarvinski, second by Mrs. Wagner, and low by Mrs. John- son. Dick Oppelt was a guest of Don Eveleth Sunday. The two enjoyed the opening day of lake fishing, and caught some fine trout. .Theton's, F/nest Mea IlOT.ROli|! Meaty Savory Blade Cuts of VNF, U. S. "Choice" Beef... A Terrific Buy! Ib 7-BONE ROASTS . . . VNF, U.8. "CHOICE" BEEF POUND ROHNT GROUND BEEF ""''"'H 39 PURE ...................................................... LB. Th Olympic Park Jobs! A Journal Classified Ad will find a Open at Pt. Angeles A (.ivil service examilmtion has [)((I1 ;tl tl(/lnlced for Forenlan I Laborer and Operator (eel'al p(}- sitions al ()lympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington. The. pay ranges fronl $2.11 to $2.43 pet' hollr. Persons interested may secure applications at various Post Of- fices and file them with the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the National Park Service, 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco 5, California, until fur- ther notice. Use Journal W anl Ads BLUE OX "FRESH A $ A DA IS Y" PROD UCE Bnnnngs POTHTOE$ 00,NO, ,o WHITE SHAFTERS POUNDS FANCY GOLDEN RIPE LBS. Friskies ooo 2 29 FOOD Tins CLAUS .ow,o 29 T-OZ. TIN CHIPS 49 Potato 3 BAGGIER Cl0r0x ............ 37 KITTY Cat Food Lb. ,..19 SPAGHETTI MACtRONI 2"35 COMBINATION PACK Oz. i ii i SH Phone HA 6*3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6*4486 sos OAD TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU FOR DRUGS r MoConkey,s Phlrmaey, serving Mason county residejnts for more than 24 years, beings you this oolumn taken from the flies of yesteryear, We hope it is of interest to you. APRIL 18, L 1939,--Flrst forest fires of the sea, on plagued Forest Warden Charles egg over the weekend. Fire . starting in the old logging works of the Castle and Wivell Log- ,;ging company between Iabella Valley and Dayton had burned ,ver 30 acres this afternoon throwing a mnoke pall over ShelteR iWhich partially hid tl Sun. ., Walter Bishop and Frank Barnett spent the past winter ,'pening up their gold mining properties in northeastern Idaho. iild weather forced the men to close down the mine until sum- ,,  !]'tier. if: signal honors were bestowed upon the ShelteR school senior 'band Saturday when it was given" a unanimous excellent rating y all th judges at the Southwest Washington Music meet at  ;',, While they didn't set the world on fire, trackmen who par- -Ucipated in the CentraUa relays Saturday, brought hope to Coach Walt Hakola with their showing against the strong cem- Best nhowtng of t lot was made by Dave Dalby, discus hearer. Dalby toed the saucer 117 ft. to take ,/: Shelter Highltmtmr took an 8 to 4 victory over the Abet- Bobcats on L0op Field Friday. The Climbers took the ::ld in the last hdf of the fifth when Don Satra tripled and Norm Harris singled him home. * $ $ $ APRIL 20, 1939.--Use of a special instrument at the Chin Hospital in Seattle succeeded in removing ' 'c$2 calibre shell from the right lung of 15,months old Nell (Buddy) Speece, son of Mr. ad Mrs. Marian Speecc. The tiny ,:tot swallowed the shell early this week. The third semi-annual meeting of the Mason County Fed- eraU0n of Women's Club will be held this Saturday. Scheduled :tie take part in the president s hour will be  re. Charles Hunter, club; Mrs. Grace Wheeler, Camp 3 club; Mrs. W. A. Harstine. Island club; Mrs. B. C. Combs, Lake Isa- club; Mrs. G. H. Brown, Arcadia club; Mrs. Herbert. Bre.h- ;,::meyer, Deckervtlle club; Mrs. G. W. Smith, Matlc,k club; Mrs. Rlebow, Hood Canal club and Mrs. Edna Reed, of the om,'s club. For Over 24 Years It Has Been 20 Years Ago ORESOENT PUBE VANILLA. . . . . . 2-oz. 35 CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS . . • • I-lb. pkg. 35 STRAWBERRY JAM Sunny Jim.... 2U-oz. 39 HUNT SOLID PAOK TOMATOES.... 2½ tins 2/49 6 OZ. MEAT LIBBY'8 FROZEN CHICKEN, BEEF OR TURKEY PICTURE It doesn't take art talent to know get the best foods for this delicious You don't even have to be able to Straight line.., just follow one to SOUP CAMPBELL's TOMATO No. 1 Tin nnpBins AA LARGE SCOTT FAMILY 60-et. pkg. 2 DOZEN PARKAY MARGARINE . . . . 4 DOLE PINEAPPLE Crushed. ; No. I NABISCO GRAHAMS..... Ib. DARIGOLD BUTTER Prints, Cubes.. [HEES£ FOOD KRAFT'S VELVEITA 2-Lb. Loaf HRImP PACIFIC TINY 4-oz. Tin H,IHGTON PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., APRIL 23-24-25. LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED' Pl ORANGE MINUTE MAID FROZEN JUI.(E HET(HUP HEINZ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 24 - 25 "MAN OF THE WEST" "PARTY Starring Gary Cooper Starring Man of the soft word and slow Cid walk, man of the notched gm You'll meet her and fast draw, man of the lean parties with jaw and hard fist, man of the in town. Wild West in the role that fits him f'st buck and like a gun fits a holster. In often danced Deluxe color and Cinemascope. the music, the .... PLI6S ...... era. FLASH! Due to Special Arrangement Walt Shaggy Dog" will play six big days beginning 22-23-24-25. Forest Festival Week. Special 12:00 p.m. Continuous. Admission Children 35¢, Adults 85¢. BEEF STEW ................................ 69 |lm--m li ii L SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washin Barstine Grangers Host Southside Training ,Course Ends ..... PFC Gary vy. Deyette, son of on the 26th of Apz'il. ]_ very nice literary program. re were some forty guests Dremt. After the regular meet- mg there was a potluck luncheon n  social hour. We wish to thank all.iLhe people for helping make l a successful meeting. It was  teasure to see the old hall filled :Wi'th Gragdrs again. Miss Cindy Waite was recently inLtiated Into Job's Daughters in Shelton. Dr. and Mrs. A. B. Carlson of Oakland, Calif., spent several days on their little island, off the coast of Harstine. They picked lovely weather for their trip and are eag- erly looking forward to their long stay this summer. Mr. Dick Knauf has been at'- tending first aid classes in Shel- teR at the court house these past two weeks. This is a required course for all Mason county road foremen. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond McCul- loch were very pleasantly sur- primd by a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy and family of Seattle this past lovely summer Sunday. It was nice to see lights in the old Carnes place again this week- end with the John Budds coming from Sektu to do a little more work on their place. BEAUTIFUL POINT Wilson was very much populated this weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Spahr, Mr. and Mrs. George Wan- geling, both Sr. and Jr. and grand- son out and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bachnam of Olympia came by boat to visit the Jim Lohrers. Mr. Ralph Wingert spent sev- eral hours Saturday visiting with his parents and family, the Arthur Wingerts. Lt. j.g. Bill Williams is spend- ing a 30-day leave here at his Is- land home. Bill is stationed on the U.S.S. Biddle Dredge at Astoria, Ore. His wife, Grace, is taking a hair styling course in San Fran- cisco, Calif. We wish you the best of luck, Grace, in your chosen field. i Mrs. Seed wishes to announce that the names of the children have been drawn and that Miss Ruth Wingert will be the Har- sttne Island princess on the float for Forest Festival and that Dan- ny Knauf will be captain of the ferry and David Barnett will be deck hand for our contribution to the Forest Festival. We would like to welcome new subscribers to the Mason County Journal and the Harstte news col- umn.Lt: j.g. Bill Williams and Dr. Raymond Waid, all of Har- stine Island. Happy anniversary S u n d a y, April 26, to Paul and Odeyne Chaffee. ,tnity hall and without you there 4-HNews V0Uld be no community. The time tgin is 7"30 Thursday evening StIE - " " " ] ,LTON VALLEY CLOVERS e one come all ..... .....  -'r  - "- -""  f The Shelter Valley Clovers 4-H i r. a G a eL ¢t, u uer o , , , ,' , , . ,:met last :Thursday tn the a mona wala at xnBpwatlon  Y . [practiced dem onslrations for the ark this past Tursoay Ma on c i n d m _. " ..... .." , . | s o ty' e one, ration con- we wren m say 'maRK you' to [test: April 25. Hitchtck, Jack Meeks, A1 " -' I The meeting was adjotlrned and tin, Dick Knauf, Bob Bu-refreshments served. Games con- Ernie Crouch, Glenn Yates, [eluded the veninm Glaser for so generouslY giv: I The next meet'ing will be bald of their time to work on the [May 7 in Karen Frnklin , house. we also want to thank Mrs, ] Dcg Ew rs reporter for 8ezing coffee to the" BUSY BE4 - :R. AND MRS. Donald T. Bur, efJ,. and children, Danny and ViJti, of Hoquiam were the al- So'st overnight guests of the H. ! V, Glasers. The Burnetts and Udren brought along their trail- : house and enjoyed sleeping in for the first time. The Burn- tt$ entertained the little Glaser iid for lunch in the trailer house. )alene is Donette Glaser's twin er. landers wish to extend their, silcere sympathy at this time to i Mr. Celia Glaser on the loss of l e sister, Mrs. Helen Farrell, in Paoma this last week. Mrs. Far-I i was very well known to I-] anders because of her frequent 1 Vislts to the island ovr a 40-year riod. She was a registered urse at St. Joseph's hospital in O1Tla, ! here was a nice turnout Sat- Or4ay at the Stan Yates home to ork on the Hartine Island float if0r the Forest Festival. A lot was ¢complished. There is a little work yet to do on the overall cture, and also the paddle wheels, which Mr. Jack Meeks has ioffered to make, Mr. Robert Bar- 'inert has offered to paint the float iwitl his spray gun. Remember, ,all, you out of county people, this ;l YOUR float too. We will need a!ot of help on May 22 to decor- :$t$ the truck and finish last min- 'rute: odd and 'ds on the float. Scircle the date on your calend- md plan on being on the main- nd aide around 10:15 on that day. Mrs Dorothy Barnett is in charge of the evergreens to dec- orate, with so anyone wanting to .Offer cedar or' fir bows for the float, please contact her, or leave note on the ferry. ATTENTION ALL 18LAND- ER$: There will be a very iro- n,errant meeting this Thursday, ]April 23, at the Community Hall t 7:0 to discuss the ways and l$ns of getting water in the ball. one who has ever been assoc- iated with any of the doings at e hall knows how inconvenient is to pack all the'water from to the hall. There will also be p for dscussion plans for the ark across the street from the . Remember, this is. a corn- The Busy Bees 4-H Club learned to thread a sewing machine at the last meeting of the group. It was decided to give demonstrations at the county demonstration contest Saturday April 25. Kathleen Riedle and Carol Ly- man gave demonstratio.s on the measurement of dry foods and threading a sewing machine. Cindy Burnett flm Tracyton was a guest at the meeting. . Kathleen Riedle, reporter and Mrs. Neis Baunsguard a few days in Sequim .visit- their son ald family, Mr. Mrs. M|lo Rice. and Mrs. Mel Cams and of Des MoiReS were out last weekend spending& visit Paulene s parents, Mr. and John Hltchcock. LANDER8 WI&H to ,ay a speedy recovery to one of neighbors who is ill in me CLOQUALLUM Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W, Deyette, Star Route, Sheltron, Wash., re- cently completed the six-week wheeled and tracked vehicle main- tenance course at the Army Euro- pean Engineer-Ordnance School in Murnau, Germany. Deyette entered the Army in February, 1958, completed basic training at Fort Ord, Calif., and • E arrived m ,urope last October. He is regularly assigned as a wrecker operator in Headquarters Battery of the 71st Artillery's 3rd Missile Battalion in Ettlinger. The 20-year-old soldier is a 1958 graduate of Irene S. Reed High School and was employed by the Shelton.Meat Co. prior to entering the Army. Hy DON EVELETil Mr. and Mrs. E,'nie Mull(mix m;d daughter Cathy of PeEll were Snnday visitors at the Jotm \\;Vlzit- :gs. The Kenneth Pearson family visited Mrs. Pearson's great-uncle ir Chehalis Saturday. Mrs. Tom Kearney has returned from a week's visit with the George Becketts of Mt. Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fisher (Dar- lene Kearney) and family of Ev- erett have been visiting the Kear- r.eys for a week. Mrs: Beverly Mallett was hos- tess Thursday night to the Pino- chle Club at the home of her sis- ter, Mrs. George Leboki. Guests were Mrs. Orvile Huffman, Mrs, Elbert Crabbe, Mrs. Barney Sar- vinski, Mrs. Vic Kelly, Mrs. Doug Senalor Sandison to Talk Here Tonight Senator Gordon Sandison of Port Angeh's will bc the ges! speaker t lhc D¢,mocratic club meeting to be held in the P.U.D. auditorium tonight at 8 p.m. He is slated to talk on taxes and other issues of interest to voters. The public is welcome and re- freshments will be served. h'elly, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. ]Iargie Wagner, and Mrs. Marion Eveleth. High score was won by Mrs Sarvinski, second by Mrs. Wagner, and low by Mrs. John- son. Dick Oppelt was a guest of Don Eveleth Sunday. The two enjoyed the opening day of lake fishing, and caught some fine trout. .Theton's, F/nest Mea IlOT.ROli|! Meaty Savory Blade Cuts of VNF, U. S. "Choice" Beef... A Terrific Buy! Ib 7-BONE ROASTS . . . VNF, U.8. "CHOICE" BEEF POUND ROHNT GROUND BEEF ""''"'H 39 PURE ...................................................... LB. Th Olympic Park Jobs! A Journal Classified Ad will find a Open at Pt. Angeles A (.ivil service examilmtion has [)((I1 ;tl tl(/lnlced for Forenlan I Laborer and Operator (eel'al p(}- sitions al ()lympic National Park, Port Angeles, Washington. The. pay ranges fronl $2.11 to $2.43 pet' hollr. Persons interested may secure applications at various Post Of- fices and file them with the Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiners for the National Park Service, 180 New Montgomery Street, San Francisco 5, California, until fur- ther notice. Use Journal W anl Ads BLUE OX "FRESH A $ A DA IS Y" PROD UCE Bnnnngs POTHTOE$ 00,NO, ,o WHITE SHAFTERS POUNDS FANCY GOLDEN RIPE LBS. Friskies ooo 2 29 FOOD Tins CLAUS .ow,o 29 T-OZ. TIN CHIPS 49 Potato 3 BAGGIER Cl0r0x ............ 37 KITTY Cat Food Lb. ,..19 SPAGHETTI MACtRONI 2"35 COMBINATION PACK Oz. i ii i SH Phone HA 6*3456 329 RAILROAD Phone HA 6*4486 sos OAD TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU FOR DRUGS r MoConkey,s Phlrmaey, serving Mason county residejnts for more than 24 years, beings you this oolumn taken from the flies of yesteryear, We hope it is of interest to you. APRIL 18, L 1939,--Flrst forest fires of the sea, on plagued Forest Warden Charles egg over the weekend. Fire . starting in the old logging works of the Castle and Wivell Log- ,;ging company between Iabella Valley and Dayton had burned ,ver 30 acres this afternoon throwing a mnoke pall over ShelteR iWhich partially hid tl Sun. ., Walter Bishop and Frank Barnett spent the past winter ,'pening up their gold mining properties in northeastern Idaho. iild weather forced the men to close down the mine until sum- ,,  !]'tier. if: signal honors were bestowed upon the ShelteR school senior 'band Saturday when it was given" a unanimous excellent rating y all th judges at the Southwest Washington Music meet at  ;',, While they didn't set the world on fire, trackmen who par- -Ucipated in the CentraUa relays Saturday, brought hope to Coach Walt Hakola with their showing against the strong cem- Best nhowtng of t lot was made by Dave Dalby, discus hearer. Dalby toed the saucer 117 ft. to take ,/: Shelter Highltmtmr took an 8 to 4 victory over the Abet- Bobcats on L0op Field Friday. The Climbers took the ::ld in the last hdf of the fifth when Don Satra tripled and Norm Harris singled him home. * $ $ $ APRIL 20, 1939.--Use of a special instrument at the Chin Hospital in Seattle succeeded in removing ' 'c$2 calibre shell from the right lung of 15,months old Nell (Buddy) Speece, son of Mr. ad Mrs. Marian Speecc. The tiny ,:tot swallowed the shell early this week. The third semi-annual meeting of the Mason County Fed- eraU0n of Women's Club will be held this Saturday. Scheduled :tie take part in the president s hour will be  re. Charles Hunter, club; Mrs. Grace Wheeler, Camp 3 club; Mrs. W. A. Harstine. Island club; Mrs. B. C. Combs, Lake Isa- club; Mrs. G. H. Brown, Arcadia club; Mrs. Herbert. Bre.h- ;,::meyer, Deckervtlle club; Mrs. G. W. Smith, Matlc,k club; Mrs. Rlebow, Hood Canal club and Mrs. Edna Reed, of the om,'s club. For Over 24 Years It Has Been 20 Years Ago ORESOENT PUBE VANILLA. . . . . . 2-oz. 35 CAMPFIRE MARSHMALLOWS . . • • I-lb. pkg. 35 STRAWBERRY JAM Sunny Jim.... 2U-oz. 39 HUNT SOLID PAOK TOMATOES.... 2½ tins 2/49 6 OZ. MEAT LIBBY'8 FROZEN CHICKEN, BEEF OR TURKEY PICTURE It doesn't take art talent to know get the best foods for this delicious You don't even have to be able to Straight line.., just follow one to SOUP CAMPBELL's TOMATO No. 1 Tin nnpBins AA LARGE SCOTT FAMILY 60-et. pkg. 2 DOZEN PARKAY MARGARINE . . . . 4 DOLE PINEAPPLE Crushed. ; No. I NABISCO GRAHAMS..... Ib. DARIGOLD BUTTER Prints, Cubes.. [HEES£ FOOD KRAFT'S VELVEITA 2-Lb. Loaf HRImP PACIFIC TINY 4-oz. Tin H,IHGTON PRICES EFFECTIVE NOON THURS., APRIL 23-24-25. LIMIT RIGHTS RESERVED' Pl ORANGE MINUTE MAID FROZEN JUI.(E HET(HUP HEINZ Friday, Saturday, Sunday, April 24 - 25 "MAN OF THE WEST" "PARTY Starring Gary Cooper Starring Man of the soft word and slow Cid walk, man of the notched gm You'll meet her and fast draw, man of the lean parties with jaw and hard fist, man of the in town. Wild West in the role that fits him f'st buck and like a gun fits a holster. In often danced Deluxe color and Cinemascope. the music, the .... PLI6S ...... era. FLASH! Due to Special Arrangement Walt Shaggy Dog" will play six big days beginning 22-23-24-25. Forest Festival Week. Special 12:00 p.m. Continuous. Admission Children 35¢, Adults 85¢. BEEF STEW ................................ 69 |lm--m li ii