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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1959 BAY MO()RE By MARY DAWSON first day of fish- It: was really a prerfect (lay a beautiful day for fishing&apos; Sunday as the season sportsman opened for lowland lake fishing. Anglers of all sizes and ages in at Trask Lake all lypes of boals dotted the lake Walt Allen, by nlid-nlorning. Chappell Some were very disappointed ar from empty while olhers really had a ball for al of 22 fish. " themselves catch{ng fish, mostly weather encour- rainbows, from 6 inches to 16 shing Sun- inches. The largest one measured alt Allens' and weighed at Dawsons Resort by was Bill Kingery of Shelton with Chappell ia 2-pound ,t-ounce rainbow meas- return h,me of :uring 16 inches.. Jack Eidemiiler fishing excur-i of Seattle also came up with a 2- [pound rainbow about 151/.a inches long. Amel Tveit, resident of tlle consid-Lake, snagged himself the first :limit we know of. Before the dty skiing on Passtime: This sir spare time :Mr- Magness joined them for the days in weekend. to do so all Mr. and Mrs. Ray #Colins en- was no excep- joyed a weekend visit from son, :Ray, and his fiancee Sally Jo Bon- the nett, who notored down from Se- was given attic. Mrs. India SATURDAY evening the Collins were family drove to Bremerton to see Di- Mr. and Mrs. Lauri Nelson. and Mr. and A day of shopping in Seattle !was spent by Mr. and Mrs. Karl 1Ptes in Olym- Sells and son, "Jim, on Saturday. with Saturday evening callers of Mr. Sells. and Mrs. Bill Price were Mrs. rough Price's sister, Ilene Springer, of of Dr. and .Seattle. and fiance Bob Blenz of Mrs. Ry- Spokane. The group enjoyed an Magness. evening out for dinner. ATOR REPAIR Alderbr00k inn Has Interesting Earl00 History Fishing Good At Lake Nahwatzel was over nlany more of the larger (rues and lots of the small ones \\;vere taken. Joe Brown and SOIl of Shelton checked in 22 nice ones, while Mr. and Mrs. Howard Me- I)urmitt of Seattle netted 23. Also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurst of Camp (.h'isdale caught 27 nice flail Al- together, including the weather and amount of fish taken, I'd say it was a wonderful spring day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCowan and son of Montesano and Ken- neth Howard of Math)ok were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. l<alph Springer. James and Howard Weed of Renton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anml Tveit. They spent Sunday fishing and all had good luck. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ed- ra Batsman is ill with the flu at the Shelton General Hospital. A speedy recovery to yon, neigh- bor. Mrs. Newton Kendall returned to her home here last Friday, af- ter many months convalescing at the Botts Nursing Home. We are all very happy to have her home again. Mrs. Dennis Reed and daughter Roberta were Sunday evening din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of Tacoma were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth myett. Mrs. House and Mrs. Zillyett vis- ited the Edward Valleys in Mat- lock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs: AI Pautz of Ta- coma enjoyed the nice weather and good fishing Sunday and Mon- day at the Resort. Mr. and Mrs. AI Kirsch, Mrl and Mrs. D. Bronson and Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor all of Seat- tle spent the weekend at their smnmer homes here. Others en- By Vivian Jones UNION.---ALL OF YOU by now have probably scanned the sketch in last Sunday's Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia newspapers of the architect Pereey Bell's drawings, depicting great dgvel- ol)ment of year 'round luxury fa- cilities at the Ahlerbrook Resort. Wes Johnson, rcalter, is the de- veloper. Seems some 45 years ago the Henry Stetnners, of Seattle, came to Union. There were no roads, no facilities, but peace, quiet and beauty. The Steumers were the first owners and develop- era of Alderbrook and believe yoll me, ft was strictly a pioneering jeb. On the property at that time had been erected some first class new lumber chicken houses. These were razed and the new lumber used to build tent cabins, the very first accommodtltions at Alderbrook. The Steumer home was built with lumber rafted down the Canal from Union. Time was, when a lumber mill, the "Big Bend Mill" was situated on the present Don Beckman property. Henry Stuemer, and his son, Har- old, working early till late, sawed beach combed logs at the mill, then floated them on down the Canal for use at Alderwood. The Steumers too, built the Inn orig- inally, which over the year, new owllel's have remodeled and changed. Clara Eastwood of Se- attle and Miss Jessie Mustard of Olympia, were the next owners fl)r some ten or so years. Then Miss Mustard married M. L. Anderson AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR lhil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core hA"-- o- 3483 joying their cabins on the Lake of Everett. Late,', Clara Eastw,,ed were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall took a flew partner, Miss El(rise. • I Briggs, Jr., of Raymond, Mr. and Flagg, of Seattle. "lis partner- SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mrs. Marshall Briggs Sr. of ship proved very successful and !-- zi ill II  Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pal- profitable, and the two ladies, "% Uea"n', Sheei Melal mer and children, Mr. and Mrs. made a lot of friends and an (-n- Ronald MaeLennon and Mr. and viable reputation. Some ten years First . Lea Hansen, Owner Mrs. Don MacLennon all of Se- passed and the resort was sold to attic. {he three Schafer brothers, John, Carl and Edward. The Schafers made many changes, among them  Hoodspor! PTA Elects Officers Eduration $urvey , : ' ,, ', t hi n s,()r, "rne Due ... _.._ the school. New otfl(.ers lor tile m( .zs makn g t le g .'  ' .. . coming year are Mrs. Wes John- secenc prize was won by Mrs. I Shel(on is one of the 123 com- son, t)resident M)*s. b're(I Kil- Archie Calahan. ' munities .where people will be 7,n- b(nu:ne, vice president Mrs. Bart MI{N GI,;NFVIFVE McEvov at- terViewea oy menmel ox tne toot)ins, secretary; and Mrs. Ray tended "a reunion pa)tv ;if tl{e lo- rashit] gt0n. Citizens. ])(hlcaton Peters(m, lreasurer. The nextieal group which had'traveled to wounc.azm .tner,vx),agruC:e nleeting will join witil tile l,)w(,r'tl.,wqi i with tilt' "V'ltTen tleedtZens. ']INS pr( leer ]. u . p leadersllip of Mrs. Floyd ltovey aTld Mrs. (]raves were unable to attend. Hostesses for the eveuing were Mrs. Ruby Schwab, Mrs. Harrison DeVoe and Mrs. Erling Eastgard. Mrs. Helen Cook's par- ents won the room c(mnt. The cubs who performed the skits were Bob Bingley, Tom Eastgard, John Aaro, Bill Essex and Den Chief Tom Riker. Weekend guests in the Bob Smith home at Potlatch were Mr. and Mrs. vIaynard Falconer an(t son Jim of Seattle. OIl S/today Bre.nt Hagen and Gent Maynard of Tacoma joined the group for dinner. Brent, Gene, Jim F. and Jim Smith with Darrell Peterson attended the road races at the air- _2' & m u b When People Have A Choice . . .. They Choose.... Skokonlish PTA to nlat{e final at-Jlolll', Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed were ()pinion s/lrvey of a cross-section rangements for tim District Forest lhostesse s in the Tacoma home of of citizens in the State of Wash- Festival Fhmt and the school pit:-iMr, and Mrs. H. L. Bennett. Oth- ington in which the Council hopes nic. The progranl for the evening! (.rs attending were Mr. Herman to create a lot more interest in ed- was given by the Cub Scouis ledMeyerhoff ot' Puyaiup, b'rank Gra- ucntion and to find out just how bV Mrs. t tob Beal'den an(l Mrs. i tias of Taeonm, Jan Alben and well infornled and how interested 140b Bingley. The C, ubs gaw a Percy F. Wood of Seattle, Ray Mr. Average Citizen is in public sk)t (. ressed as Canadmn Mourltms Wicks of Olympia,. Mr. and Mrs. education. which followed the theme of last Saduel Seems of Toledo, Nel)n The State Department of Public month. Krummick of Seattle, Mr. and Instruction plans to tabnlate the They also sang "Cub scouting Mrs. George Burton, Seattle, Mr. results of the survey, and with the we will go" with their faces show- and Mrs. Jack Lenhart of Puy- results the Washington Citizens ing through a back drop depicting alhlp, Kitty Stobel and Mr. and Education Council plans to develop ttm four phases of cub scouting. Mrs. R. B. Strobel of Tacoma and an action program for bettor Dne to illness the den under the Mr. and Mrs. R. Weeks of Lacey. schools in the State of Washing- port. The Ray Peters(m family also were at the Smith home for dinner. TIlE IIOOIINPOi¢T preschool mothers will meet on April 28 in the home of Mrs. Oliyer G'ay with Mrs. Bart Robbins co-hostds.. Mrs. Gray lives on the Hamnvl Harems Roa'd across from Hidd,m C()ve. Anyone wishing a ride can make arrangenlents with Mrs. Bill thin- ner. Mrs. Emery Winters, pre- school teacher, wishes anyone wire plans to enroll their chihi in kind- ergarten next year to contact lmr before next Monday, April 27. This inchdes four and five year olds. razing the tent cabins and bulldin'g [ Mr. and Mrs. Ray l(illingbeck strictly modern mlpmx cottages, land son Phillip are spending some A short time it seemed, and the' time in the Pi'e )'s h(mse at Pot- ,','sort was sold to thc Dickmans, [latch. Phyllis i pl t'le d;{ughter of of DickmanLumber Co. of Ta-[the Preppq. coma. They are the present own-[ Mr. and Mrs..Cliff Tyler spent ers, and by the wey and for fun, l a week visiting in Por'tland. the original property had an alder } Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab and grove and a sparkling stream, [Carolyn spent the weekend visit- hence the name Alderbrook, which [ing with their parents, Mr. and brings us all too soon to a 70-]Mrs. Peter Bourke and Mr. and room hotel and Olympic sized Mrs. John Schwab in Cle Elum heated swimnling pool--Oh well! and Roslyn. W,]l sir' Thi lavo]v_n,,h, [ Old Mother Nature really let ...... , ........ ,, ...... j . . hezself go last eek On Tuesday weather has completely cheered us ' " • ' .... " • nftot rnntlin veto) T T (rn /she blew raine(t and then snowed lip, ._ ..... ' ...a ..... r, J ..... " ........ -." " " ' ........ come tax to you), Wow-ee! The loggers had quite :t bit ill the woods and reports from Cushman igold a r. it easy. • SEBALL 18 the main topic of conversation among the small ,, fry,<this time of year. Wednes- du?t day afternoon, Union grade school ro baseball team played Middle Sko- komish, (didn't hear the score) • before this copy went to press, on the team, and substituting too, are Richard Wyatt, Seth Coles, Ted Morse, Gary Pearce, Don Wright, George Morse, Chuck Viger, Colin Moris, Mike Fanning, Robert • Johnson, Z,arr: Deemer. • Our school principal, Mrs. Bergs, and Mrs. Hinebaugh are giving I.- A, , all Union grade school students a Ul ore skating party Thursday, May 7, After at the Shelton Skating Arena, 6:30 Sto th gb to 9:00 o'clock. It isforUnion re, rou oui youngsters only, first to sixth T5 grades, brothers, sisters, Pa and , Ma. Yippee ! u n0un00 A reminder to all to try your W5 best to attend this Friday evening, April 24, 8 o'clock in the neW • ere -,o.-narteoid building in Shelton, a talk on Formosa by Niam Lung Chang. Because it's Locdl Oempeles , , , It Winst We are all happy to hear Bessie Mawson is home, from a week's stay at the ShelLon General Hos- pital having been attacked by that, you know what, flu-bug. Bessie's sister, Mrs. Bertha Mc- Donald of Seattle, is here to help keep Bessie 'a resting, and taking Formosa is her country, so the talk should be most interesting. Come one, come all. Our sixth grade youngsters had a wonderful time last Friday on their trip to the tree farm where they saw good forest management practices, to provide a continuous source of raw material for the county's basic industry. From Union were Janice Blake, Richard Wyatt and Seth Soles. Mr. and Mrs. Dunning, the new host and hostess at St. Andrews, have had a busy time these last weeks and as the weather warms up and sunny days remain with us longer, the Dunnings will really have their hands full, but then they love it so. The youngsters on the Canal look forward every year to the "Kids Fishing Party" sponsored by the Hood Canal Sportsman's Association. This year it is Sun- day, April 28, and as usual at Wright Carlson's ponds, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ¥ishing, fun ad food, all for free. The kids fish- ing party originated some ten or twelve years ago in Hoodsport and was set up by Mr. Archie Cal- lahan, the idea being to instill sportsmanship in the kids, also conservation and proper fishing technique. The Sportsman's Club will meet Thursday, April 30, at the Com- muiMty hall, Union. There will be nomination of new officers. Elec- tion will be next month in May. The film to be shown, is a film on oysters, which we hoar is most interesting. Oh. yes, must add, this is a hoped for film. SEE ¥ the paper the state Apple Blossom Festival is April 30 to May 2 in Wenatchee. Bloss- om time festival May 4 to 10 BeN lingham, and Spring Flower show May 15 at Snohomish, and just by e way let's not forget National abe week, April 25 to May 2. These babes do grow into future citizens---Cheerio.' WIIITE ELEPHANT SALE CANCELI,ED A white elephant sale scheduled for today and Friday in the PUD by the Iome and School group of the Adventist grade school las been .postponed, ,V-"J that it was really coming down. And then, just to prove that she does have a kind heart, the week- end blossomed forth with the glor- ious sunshine that thrilled th.e hearts of the anxious fishermen. The Canal tlighway was a busy place on Saturday and early Sun- day as boats of every description raced past toward their fishing destination. Hope they all had good luck, but with such a day, an excursion into the woods would be just as grati£ving. LAST WEEK'was a busy oue for the fifth and sixth grade stu- dents of Hoodsport. On Thursday the fifth grade students of Mrs. Frances Ross' room accompanied by Mrs. Lea Sandvig, Mrs. Sid Anderson, Mrs. George Clark, and Mrs. Bob Pcarce, left early in the morning for Olympia where they bbarded the train for a trip to Se- attle. In Seattle they were met by a chartered bus which took them to the museum to view the Van Gagh exhibition. Then for a thrill- ing time viewing lhe many won- ders of Woodhmd Park and home again by train, a tired but hap- py bunch of kids. The sixth grade students of Mrs. Helen Cook were included tn 1he county-wide group that traveled to the Pan-Handle Lake,Yree farm for an educational hick into the business of perpetuattlg the growth of trees and the logging industry. They took sack hmches and were treated to pop. Students of the seventh and eigth grades at Lower Skokomish school traveled to Quilcene on Sat- urday for four baseball games. The girls lost their game by a core of a8 to 34. The boys played three games and won them all. The O.N.O. Club met in the home of Mrs. Rudy Schwab with Mrs. Bill Goodpaster as co-hostes. 1) GROVE Darigold Dairy Produols Are Produced and Pro00 In 'Maun ud Kilsap OeUnties, Dairymen's Assn. ]Pheue ]HIA 6.4473 The .g,.o),p enjoyed a wonderful ton. evening wcwing the moving pic- The people to be interviewed lures and slMes they had all taken have been selected from the list- during the totlr, ings in the telephone books of each Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson commmity, using a random table have recently retm'ned from a of numbers., three months vacation trip in the You, MX. Citizon, be prepared to southwest. In California they answer- questions about your public purchased a travel trailer at the schools! factory then toured Encinada, Se- nita, Nogales and Juarez, Mexico. , They also traveled into Arizona, married on March 17 and is now Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Mrs. David Weaver. They all live came honle through Nevada and in Sealtle. Idaho. While in New Mexico they Another' group taking advantage visited the many Pueblo villages of the h)vely sunny Sunday were at Taos. Other side trips took Mrs. Herb Boeck, Marietta Rtm- them to the White Sand National sell, Charolette Kirk and Barbara Monument, Oregon Pipe Cactus Linda, and Wendy Jarvis. They National Monument, and the San- were off on a horseback riding ta Rita. Copper Mine. They also jaunt up the Finch Crdek valley. added many beautiful rocks to! Mr. and Mrs. Nell North of Seo their colection. The. Dickinsons al-i attle visited with her folks, the so visited with the many ttoods-]Clarence Hicks, on Sunday and port couples who travel in the they also enjoyed a riding trip South during the winter. The on their horses. most satisfying part of their trip i was the fact that they could park %.===.=.=.==.;==.-- ,uuuu the trailer and go Into the intr-i, eating spots and not have Lo worry i a])ollt hnntillg for a cabin in the / ewmin K. i /,4 Jim Brown attended a music l meel. on Saturday as a member of a saxaphom', quartet. Mr. Wnd Mrs. Lester Dickinson spent several days visiting in Port Angeles with their son and family, the Floyd Dickinsons. Mrs. Don Rollevson spent a few days in the Sheiton Hospital lust \\;reek. TIlE SECOND grade Brownies DO IT THE under the leadership of Mrs. Ray Peterson and Mrs. Norman Gray EASY WAY! were treated to a trip to the aquarium for their meeting last It's no longer necessary to wee](. Ew.'n bad pol)er,rn, buy several separate poll- Mrs. Georgia ILll(L'i is visiting cies to meet your home wilh the Earl Crumb family, protection requirements. The men of th(, ,wo Cushman A single, modern, conven- plants attended a fi)'/:t aid course lent Homeowners Policy given by F(,d 'Patron at the Worn- will protect you against en's Club Hons, x los from many perils in- cluding fire, water dam- Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters age, theft, and liability ,Ir. have moved to Hoodsport In suits: the house owned by Mrs. Lem Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bristow have s(,ld their heuse at Potlatch and A N G L E are on their way Lo Florida, wher he will be working. The Hoodsport Girl Scouts and some. of the Brownies attended a: 4th & R.FI. skating party in Shelton on Thurs-i HA 6-8272 day evening. MRS. WINIFRED Williams al,d t STAnet oH II son and daughter were Sunday  callers in the home of Mr. and . ....=m.=....=------. Mrs. Clark Beall. Sharon was -,,w.w..i.www=.=i..., )l ...................  m ............. -i I "- GET hEADY NOW! The Big Season's Ahead SHARPEN, OVERHAUL YOUR LAWNMOWER NOW.00 LAWN BOY and SAVAGE J Sales and Service v WE SHARPEN AND REPAIR ALL MAKE OF MOWERS AND ENGINES Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop LAWNMOWER HE,DQUARTERS FOR OVER 25 YEARS 223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-8118 w iWhy Olympia is brewed only at Tumwater i Since 1898, light Olympia Beer has been bwed at the little town d Tumwater, near Olympia, in Washington State. For it ha hera that Olai'I famed brewing water warn discovered flowtn eo/d and pre Item deep artesian wells. At variotm times in the past, Olympia's founding |amily established ether breweries along the Pacific Coast. I]entieal equipment and nmtlmd were employed. TI aHam premium quality holm and grains were The best water supply available in each region was utilized. Yet, at none of these other loeatioM was it possible to blew a beer of th clmracr and quality which the name Olympi had come to represent. Without the one priceless ingredient- the naty, raUy per[ect brawing wator -Olympia 'a refreshing flavor could not be dupHeated elsewhere. This ha ihy Olympia Beer ha br/)wed only at Tumwater-4nd why Olympia's good taste remaip, s re]rd4y .... differ(n yet alwaya ,, just the sam the one i priceless . ingredient . the Water" e" ,42, .f OtYAPI nUWN € '@ , , ,. t ,, ', U'. ' '. News about the NewRockets! 1959 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 FIESTA--Olds has done great ever before. For your workaday needs, the rear seat things with the '59 Fiesta! There's more passenger folds flush with the floor in a single, eimple notion o. o room and more cargo space! When you're going places giving an 8-inch longer cargo deck, 13% grer tarj with the family, the new Fiesta seats six in solid com- in capacity. For early delivery, see your local autbm fort.., with more leg room and mole hip room than ize4 Oldsmobile Quality Dealer today! MELL GHEVRoLET GOMPANY 1st and Grove Sts. . O 1959 BAY MO()RE By MARY DAWSON first day of fish- It: was really a prerfect (lay a beautiful day for fishing' Sunday as the season sportsman opened for lowland lake fishing. Anglers of all sizes and ages in at Trask Lake all lypes of boals dotted the lake Walt Allen, by nlid-nlorning. Chappell Some were very disappointed ar from empty while olhers really had a ball for al of 22 fish. " themselves catch{ng fish, mostly weather encour- rainbows, from 6 inches to 16 shing Sun- inches. The largest one measured alt Allens' and weighed at Dawsons Resort by was Bill Kingery of Shelton with Chappell ia 2-pound ,t-ounce rainbow meas- return h,me of :uring 16 inches.. Jack Eidemiiler fishing excur-i of Seattle also came up with a 2- [pound rainbow about 151/.a inches long. Amel Tveit, resident of tlle consid-Lake, snagged himself the first :limit we know of. Before the dty skiing on Passtime: This sir spare time :Mr- Magness joined them for the days in weekend. to do so all Mr. and Mrs. Ray #Colins en- was no excep- joyed a weekend visit from son, :Ray, and his fiancee Sally Jo Bon- the nett, who notored down from Se- was given attic. Mrs. India SATURDAY evening the Collins were family drove to Bremerton to see Di- Mr. and Mrs. Lauri Nelson. and Mr. and A day of shopping in Seattle !was spent by Mr. and Mrs. Karl 1Ptes in Olym- Sells and son, "Jim, on Saturday. with Saturday evening callers of Mr. Sells. and Mrs. Bill Price were Mrs. rough Price's sister, Ilene Springer, of of Dr. and .Seattle. and fiance Bob Blenz of Mrs. Ry- Spokane. The group enjoyed an Magness. evening out for dinner. ATOR REPAIR Alderbr00k inn Has Interesting Earl00 History Fishing Good At Lake Nahwatzel was over nlany more of the larger (rues and lots of the small ones \\;vere taken. Joe Brown and SOIl of Shelton checked in 22 nice ones, while Mr. and Mrs. Howard Me- I)urmitt of Seattle netted 23. Also Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurst of Camp (.h'isdale caught 27 nice flail Al- together, including the weather and amount of fish taken, I'd say it was a wonderful spring day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCowan and son of Montesano and Ken- neth Howard of Math)ok were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. l<alph Springer. James and Howard Weed of Renton were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Anml Tveit. They spent Sunday fishing and all had good luck. We are sorry to report Mrs. Ed- ra Batsman is ill with the flu at the Shelton General Hospital. A speedy recovery to yon, neigh- bor. Mrs. Newton Kendall returned to her home here last Friday, af- ter many months convalescing at the Botts Nursing Home. We are all very happy to have her home again. Mrs. Dennis Reed and daughter Roberta were Sunday evening din- ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd House of Tacoma were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth myett. Mrs. House and Mrs. Zillyett vis- ited the Edward Valleys in Mat- lock Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs: AI Pautz of Ta- coma enjoyed the nice weather and good fishing Sunday and Mon- day at the Resort. Mr. and Mrs. AI Kirsch, Mrl and Mrs. D. Bronson and Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor all of Seat- tle spent the weekend at their smnmer homes here. Others en- By Vivian Jones UNION.---ALL OF YOU by now have probably scanned the sketch in last Sunday's Seattle, Tacoma and Olympia newspapers of the architect Pereey Bell's drawings, depicting great dgvel- ol)ment of year 'round luxury fa- cilities at the Ahlerbrook Resort. Wes Johnson, rcalter, is the de- veloper. Seems some 45 years ago the Henry Stetnners, of Seattle, came to Union. There were no roads, no facilities, but peace, quiet and beauty. The Steumers were the first owners and develop- era of Alderbrook and believe yoll me, ft was strictly a pioneering jeb. On the property at that time had been erected some first class new lumber chicken houses. These were razed and the new lumber used to build tent cabins, the very first accommodtltions at Alderbrook. The Steumer home was built with lumber rafted down the Canal from Union. Time was, when a lumber mill, the "Big Bend Mill" was situated on the present Don Beckman property. Henry Stuemer, and his son, Har- old, working early till late, sawed beach combed logs at the mill, then floated them on down the Canal for use at Alderwood. The Steumers too, built the Inn orig- inally, which over the year, new owllel's have remodeled and changed. Clara Eastwood of Se- attle and Miss Jessie Mustard of Olympia, were the next owners fl)r some ten or so years. Then Miss Mustard married M. L. Anderson AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTOR lhil Out, Rod Out, Re-Core hA"-- o- 3483 joying their cabins on the Lake of Everett. Late,', Clara Eastw,,ed were Mr. and Mrs. Marshall took a flew partner, Miss El(rise. • I Briggs, Jr., of Raymond, Mr. and Flagg, of Seattle. "lis partner- SOLDERED, ALL WORK GUARANTEED Mrs. Marshall Briggs Sr. of ship proved very successful and !-- zi ill II  Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Pal- profitable, and the two ladies, "% Uea"n', Sheei Melal mer and children, Mr. and Mrs. made a lot of friends and an (-n- Ronald MaeLennon and Mr. and viable reputation. Some ten years First . Lea Hansen, Owner Mrs. Don MacLennon all of Se- passed and the resort was sold to attic. {he three Schafer brothers, John, Carl and Edward. The Schafers made many changes, among them  Hoodspor! PTA Elects Officers Eduration $urvey , : ' ,, ', t hi n s,()r, "rne Due ... _.._ the school. New otfl(.ers lor tile m( .zs makn g t le g .'  ' .. . coming year are Mrs. Wes John- secenc prize was won by Mrs. I Shel(on is one of the 123 com- son, t)resident M)*s. b're(I Kil- Archie Calahan. ' munities .where people will be 7,n- b(nu:ne, vice president Mrs. Bart MI{N GI,;NFVIFVE McEvov at- terViewea oy menmel ox tne toot)ins, secretary; and Mrs. Ray tended "a reunion pa)tv ;if tl{e lo- rashit] gt0n. Citizens. ])(hlcaton Peters(m, lreasurer. The nextieal group which had'traveled to wounc.azm .tner,vx),agruC:e nleeting will join witil tile l,)w(,r'tl.,wqi i with tilt' "V'ltTen tleedtZens. ']INS pr( leer ]. u . p leadersllip of Mrs. Floyd ltovey aTld Mrs. (]raves were unable to attend. Hostesses for the eveuing were Mrs. Ruby Schwab, Mrs. Harrison DeVoe and Mrs. Erling Eastgard. Mrs. Helen Cook's par- ents won the room c(mnt. The cubs who performed the skits were Bob Bingley, Tom Eastgard, John Aaro, Bill Essex and Den Chief Tom Riker. Weekend guests in the Bob Smith home at Potlatch were Mr. and Mrs. vIaynard Falconer an(t son Jim of Seattle. OIl S/today Bre.nt Hagen and Gent Maynard of Tacoma joined the group for dinner. Brent, Gene, Jim F. and Jim Smith with Darrell Peterson attended the road races at the air- _2' & m u b When People Have A Choice . . .. They Choose.... Skokonlish PTA to nlat{e final at-Jlolll', Mr. nnd Mrs. Reed were ()pinion s/lrvey of a cross-section rangements for tim District Forest lhostesse s in the Tacoma home of of citizens in the State of Wash- Festival Fhmt and the school pit:-iMr, and Mrs. H. L. Bennett. Oth- ington in which the Council hopes nic. The progranl for the evening! (.rs attending were Mr. Herman to create a lot more interest in ed- was given by the Cub Scouis ledMeyerhoff ot' Puyaiup, b'rank Gra- ucntion and to find out just how bV Mrs. t tob Beal'den an(l Mrs. i tias of Taeonm, Jan Alben and well infornled and how interested 140b Bingley. The C, ubs gaw a Percy F. Wood of Seattle, Ray Mr. Average Citizen is in public sk)t (. ressed as Canadmn Mourltms Wicks of Olympia,. Mr. and Mrs. education. which followed the theme of last Saduel Seems of Toledo, Nel)n The State Department of Public month. Krummick of Seattle, Mr. and Instruction plans to tabnlate the They also sang "Cub scouting Mrs. George Burton, Seattle, Mr. results of the survey, and with the we will go" with their faces show- and Mrs. Jack Lenhart of Puy- results the Washington Citizens ing through a back drop depicting alhlp, Kitty Stobel and Mr. and Education Council plans to develop ttm four phases of cub scouting. Mrs. R. B. Strobel of Tacoma and an action program for bettor Dne to illness the den under the Mr. and Mrs. R. Weeks of Lacey. schools in the State of Washing- port. The Ray Peters(m family also were at the Smith home for dinner. TIlE IIOOIINPOi¢T preschool mothers will meet on April 28 in the home of Mrs. Oliyer G'ay with Mrs. Bart Robbins co-hostds.. Mrs. Gray lives on the Hamnvl Harems Roa'd across from Hidd,m C()ve. Anyone wishing a ride can make arrangenlents with Mrs. Bill thin- ner. Mrs. Emery Winters, pre- school teacher, wishes anyone wire plans to enroll their chihi in kind- ergarten next year to contact lmr before next Monday, April 27. This inchdes four and five year olds. razing the tent cabins and bulldin'g [ Mr. and Mrs. Ray l(illingbeck strictly modern mlpmx cottages, land son Phillip are spending some A short time it seemed, and the' time in the Pi'e )'s h(mse at Pot- ,','sort was sold to thc Dickmans, [latch. Phyllis i pl t'le d;{ughter of of DickmanLumber Co. of Ta-[the Preppq. coma. They are the present own-[ Mr. and Mrs..Cliff Tyler spent ers, and by the wey and for fun, l a week visiting in Por'tland. the original property had an alder } Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab and grove and a sparkling stream, [Carolyn spent the weekend visit- hence the name Alderbrook, which [ing with their parents, Mr. and brings us all too soon to a 70-]Mrs. Peter Bourke and Mr. and room hotel and Olympic sized Mrs. John Schwab in Cle Elum heated swimnling pool--Oh well! and Roslyn. W,]l sir' Thi lavo]v_n,,h, [ Old Mother Nature really let ...... , ........ ,, ...... j . . hezself go last eek On Tuesday weather has completely cheered us ' " • ' .... " • nftot rnntlin veto) T T (rn /she blew raine(t and then snowed lip, ._ ..... ' ...a ..... r, J ..... " ........ -." " " ' ........ come tax to you), Wow-ee! The loggers had quite :t bit ill the woods and reports from Cushman igold a r. it easy. • SEBALL 18 the main topic of conversation among the small ,, fry,<this time of year. Wednes- du?t day afternoon, Union grade school ro baseball team played Middle Sko- komish, (didn't hear the score) • before this copy went to press, on the team, and substituting too, are Richard Wyatt, Seth Coles, Ted Morse, Gary Pearce, Don Wright, George Morse, Chuck Viger, Colin Moris, Mike Fanning, Robert • Johnson, Z,arr: Deemer. • Our school principal, Mrs. Bergs, and Mrs. Hinebaugh are giving I.- A, , all Union grade school students a Ul ore skating party Thursday, May 7, After at the Shelton Skating Arena, 6:30 Sto th gb to 9:00 o'clock. It isforUnion re, rou oui youngsters only, first to sixth T5 grades, brothers, sisters, Pa and , Ma. Yippee ! u n0un00 A reminder to all to try your W5 best to attend this Friday evening, April 24, 8 o'clock in the neW • ere -,o.-narteoid building in Shelton, a talk on Formosa by Niam Lung Chang. Because it's Locdl Oempeles , , , It Winst We are all happy to hear Bessie Mawson is home, from a week's stay at the ShelLon General Hos- pital having been attacked by that, you know what, flu-bug. Bessie's sister, Mrs. Bertha Mc- Donald of Seattle, is here to help keep Bessie 'a resting, and taking Formosa is her country, so the talk should be most interesting. Come one, come all. Our sixth grade youngsters had a wonderful time last Friday on their trip to the tree farm where they saw good forest management practices, to provide a continuous source of raw material for the county's basic industry. From Union were Janice Blake, Richard Wyatt and Seth Soles. Mr. and Mrs. Dunning, the new host and hostess at St. Andrews, have had a busy time these last weeks and as the weather warms up and sunny days remain with us longer, the Dunnings will really have their hands full, but then they love it so. The youngsters on the Canal look forward every year to the "Kids Fishing Party" sponsored by the Hood Canal Sportsman's Association. This year it is Sun- day, April 28, and as usual at Wright Carlson's ponds, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. ¥ishing, fun ad food, all for free. The kids fish- ing party originated some ten or twelve years ago in Hoodsport and was set up by Mr. Archie Cal- lahan, the idea being to instill sportsmanship in the kids, also conservation and proper fishing technique. The Sportsman's Club will meet Thursday, April 30, at the Com- muiMty hall, Union. There will be nomination of new officers. Elec- tion will be next month in May. The film to be shown, is a film on oysters, which we hoar is most interesting. Oh. yes, must add, this is a hoped for film. SEE ¥ the paper the state Apple Blossom Festival is April 30 to May 2 in Wenatchee. Bloss- om time festival May 4 to 10 BeN lingham, and Spring Flower show May 15 at Snohomish, and just by e way let's not forget National abe week, April 25 to May 2. These babes do grow into future citizens---Cheerio.' WIIITE ELEPHANT SALE CANCELI,ED A white elephant sale scheduled for today and Friday in the PUD by the Iome and School group of the Adventist grade school las been .postponed, ,V-"J that it was really coming down. And then, just to prove that she does have a kind heart, the week- end blossomed forth with the glor- ious sunshine that thrilled th.e hearts of the anxious fishermen. The Canal tlighway was a busy place on Saturday and early Sun- day as boats of every description raced past toward their fishing destination. Hope they all had good luck, but with such a day, an excursion into the woods would be just as grati£ving. LAST WEEK'was a busy oue for the fifth and sixth grade stu- dents of Hoodsport. On Thursday the fifth grade students of Mrs. Frances Ross' room accompanied by Mrs. Lea Sandvig, Mrs. Sid Anderson, Mrs. George Clark, and Mrs. Bob Pcarce, left early in the morning for Olympia where they bbarded the train for a trip to Se- attle. In Seattle they were met by a chartered bus which took them to the museum to view the Van Gagh exhibition. Then for a thrill- ing time viewing lhe many won- ders of Woodhmd Park and home again by train, a tired but hap- py bunch of kids. The sixth grade students of Mrs. Helen Cook were included tn 1he county-wide group that traveled to the Pan-Handle Lake,Yree farm for an educational hick into the business of perpetuattlg the growth of trees and the logging industry. They took sack hmches and were treated to pop. Students of the seventh and eigth grades at Lower Skokomish school traveled to Quilcene on Sat- urday for four baseball games. The girls lost their game by a core of a8 to 34. The boys played three games and won them all. The O.N.O. Club met in the home of Mrs. Rudy Schwab with Mrs. Bill Goodpaster as co-hostes. 1) GROVE Darigold Dairy Produols Are Produced and Pro00 In 'Maun ud Kilsap OeUnties, Dairymen's Assn. ]Pheue ]HIA 6.4473 The .g,.o),p enjoyed a wonderful ton. evening wcwing the moving pic- The people to be interviewed lures and slMes they had all taken have been selected from the list- during the totlr, ings in the telephone books of each Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dickinson commmity, using a random table have recently retm'ned from a of numbers., three months vacation trip in the You, MX. Citizon, be prepared to southwest. In California they answer- questions about your public purchased a travel trailer at the schools! factory then toured Encinada, Se- nita, Nogales and Juarez, Mexico. , They also traveled into Arizona, married on March 17 and is now Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Mrs. David Weaver. They all live came honle through Nevada and in Sealtle. Idaho. While in New Mexico they Another' group taking advantage visited the many Pueblo villages of the h)vely sunny Sunday were at Taos. Other side trips took Mrs. Herb Boeck, Marietta Rtm- them to the White Sand National sell, Charolette Kirk and Barbara Monument, Oregon Pipe Cactus Linda, and Wendy Jarvis. They National Monument, and the San- were off on a horseback riding ta Rita. Copper Mine. They also jaunt up the Finch Crdek valley. added many beautiful rocks to! Mr. and Mrs. Nell North of Seo their colection. The. Dickinsons al-i attle visited with her folks, the so visited with the many ttoods-]Clarence Hicks, on Sunday and port couples who travel in the they also enjoyed a riding trip South during the winter. The on their horses. most satisfying part of their trip i was the fact that they could park %.===.=.=.==.;==.-- ,uuuu the trailer and go Into the intr-i, eating spots and not have Lo worry i a])ollt hnntillg for a cabin in the / ewmin K. i /,4 Jim Brown attended a music l meel. on Saturday as a member of a saxaphom', quartet. Mr. Wnd Mrs. Lester Dickinson spent several days visiting in Port Angeles with their son and family, the Floyd Dickinsons. Mrs. Don Rollevson spent a few days in the Sheiton Hospital lust \\;reek. TIlE SECOND grade Brownies DO IT THE under the leadership of Mrs. Ray Peterson and Mrs. Norman Gray EASY WAY! were treated to a trip to the aquarium for their meeting last It's no longer necessary to wee](. Ew.'n bad pol)er,rn, buy several separate poll- Mrs. Georgia ILll(L'i is visiting cies to meet your home wilh the Earl Crumb family, protection requirements. The men of th(, ,wo Cushman A single, modern, conven- plants attended a fi)'/:t aid course lent Homeowners Policy given by F(,d 'Patron at the Worn- will protect you against en's Club Hons, x los from many perils in- cluding fire, water dam- Mr. and Mrs. Emery Winters age, theft, and liability ,Ir. have moved to Hoodsport In suits: the house owned by Mrs. Lem Roe. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Bristow have s(,ld their heuse at Potlatch and A N G L E are on their way Lo Florida, wher he will be working. The Hoodsport Girl Scouts and some. of the Brownies attended a: 4th & R.FI. skating party in Shelton on Thurs-i HA 6-8272 day evening. MRS. WINIFRED Williams al,d t STAnet oH II son and daughter were Sunday  callers in the home of Mr. and . ....=m.=....=------. Mrs. Clark Beall. Sharon was -,,w.w..i.www=.=i..., )l ...................  m ............. -i I "- GET hEADY NOW! The Big Season's Ahead SHARPEN, OVERHAUL YOUR LAWNMOWER NOW.00 LAWN BOY and SAVAGE J Sales and Service v WE SHARPEN AND REPAIR ALL MAKE OF MOWERS AND ENGINES Sleyster's Bike and Fixit Shop LAWNMOWER HE,DQUARTERS FOR OVER 25 YEARS 223 Cota Street • Phone HA 6-8118 w iWhy Olympia is brewed only at Tumwater i Since 1898, light Olympia Beer has been bwed at the little town d Tumwater, near Olympia, in Washington State. For it ha hera that Olai'I famed brewing water warn discovered flowtn eo/d and pre Item deep artesian wells. At variotm times in the past, Olympia's founding |amily established ether breweries along the Pacific Coast. I]entieal equipment and nmtlmd were employed. TI aHam premium quality holm and grains were The best water supply available in each region was utilized. Yet, at none of these other loeatioM was it possible to blew a beer of th clmracr and quality which the name Olympi had come to represent. Without the one priceless ingredient- the naty, raUy per[ect brawing wator -Olympia 'a refreshing flavor could not be dupHeated elsewhere. This ha ihy Olympia Beer ha br/)wed only at Tumwater-4nd why Olympia's good taste remaip, s re]rd4y .... differ(n yet alwaya ,, just the sam the one i priceless . ingredient . the Water" e" ,42, .f OtYAPI nUWN € '@ , , ,. t ,, ', U'. ' '. News about the NewRockets! 1959 OLDSMOBILE SUPER 88 FIESTA--Olds has done great ever before. For your workaday needs, the rear seat things with the '59 Fiesta! There's more passenger folds flush with the floor in a single, eimple notion o. o room and more cargo space! When you're going places giving an 8-inch longer cargo deck, 13% grer tarj with the family, the new Fiesta seats six in solid com- in capacity. For early delivery, see your local autbm fort.., with more leg room and mole hip room than ize4 Oldsmobile Quality Dealer today! MELL GHEVRoLET GOMPANY 1st and Grove Sts. . O