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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 23, 1959     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 23, 1959
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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16 ) SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton Washin F0n S SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagener Feed Co., 9 So. First. Phone HA 6-4532. 3/12 tin BRA-A-NE--g-&apos;Suffer-Magic Couches Princea Model "L" all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20.48 down: $',3.05 monthly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-619, 3/ tfn arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; I944 hit. 2-ton trvk. $4,000 takes all, Call HA 6-8448 or ItA 6-3036. 4/9 tfn with flash attachment, 2 battrt,, 4 flad hultm, closeup attachment and cardbosrd carrying case. $10. Call tlA 6-4064. K4/9 tfn your lswn? Use Galbraith MOSSITE. Eliminates, £ertilizes as well, Nt,w is tie time to prepare your lawn for Otn' summer--just around tlw c.rm,r ttt,,y Say). Graystone of Simlton. 4/16-23 6*MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201, 8/26 fin ler, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- mr's Sterile, 124 No. nd. HA. s.a* -- $/t TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- rangements for all toure, trazpor- ration and reservations, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Boll Anglo. phone HA. 6-41a4 or HA. 6-72. #/ttn ch)th.s at 220 No. First St., next to Launderette, May 1 and 2. 9 a,m. to 5 p,m. Proceeds benef/t Seattle Orlhotdic Hosp|tal. R,I/23-30 ii iii ,,, i APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Fen gait Fon SALE ,u ,,u i BOYSEN PANTall types and kinds, &MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free choice of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR- with the purchase of any Kenmore ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. Washer. Sears Catalog Salts Office, 1/29 tfn Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn ONO CIIAIN SAWS, 8 h.p., direct drive, $99.60, 16-1nch bar ad chaln. FOR SALE OR RENT--Profeaslonal Hillcrest Hardware. ll/lltfl$ n rug, upholstery equipment, supplies. .-------'IM----. L, M, Decorating Center. 321 Rail- conditioned, ranges, refrlgerat0, } ". " ....... ..... ""_.- washers, aryers. elli & Wdley AP-IBOAT, :MOTORS TRAP, equip- pllance Center. 6/6tfn  meat at Walt's' Marine Supy, on I butfful Hood Cas. Phone Hood- Foil AL. ttry heavy or ugnt sum I tart TR. 7-tML 1/19tin wood, $10 a cord. HA 6-4127. I---" ................ C/I.HL T/LMS Sow nvgllablo on all building materials allows you to +,l, .',h.,., , m m,m-k-" ,, 1. cotrtmtion oo$t under one • .'%*J'7;,.'a.-"*-t .".',.' w'----"hl' bill. For information inquire at TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. 1. FOR SAL]--Jtmt received, a few 19i Oden. HA 6.61. 2/1 tfn model 16 h.p. llvinrude outboard me-! ......... ÷  ' tots at greatly reduced prices. Hill-: WE BIfY YOUR QUITT, or will sell crest Hardware, 1/15 tin on eonslgnment, youe hosts, motorL trailers, etc. Hflljrelt Har4wm, BIwr BUY IN oiwq! I Heavy Oler, s t9'nterY furniture, bed, chest, etc. Phone HA 6-3225, A3/6 tfn OR SI: ud tl, lat, pti., pulleys and sh. AI/tyDeS lair- rage. Shelton Junk Co., gh'at and Mill, phone HA, &I. 9/8tfa FOR SALENew and used tractors and cats, all prices; all kind of farm fnachinery. Terns or cash. Phone HA 6400L A3/19 tfn COVERING  for Walls. windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper. raPe& rugs, tile, y ardg0od, L.M. DECOR- ATINt CrER, $2l Railroad. tom atHilleaat Hlwsre. :/ Or0--R--SL--'-]allei-: 2 = traiieg fenders, sink and basin. Phone HA 6-6568. W4/16-0 USED BALD_.N Acroonlc Piaffo, like uew, Jobm s Music Rex. R/ tfn I : I ...... IJ I :: J Warehouse Specials: 30" Deluxe Kenmore Elec. Range Was $289.95 .......... Now $229.95 16' Upright Deluxe Coldspot Firat. &/grin Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- aertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ad on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Respermible" n o t I c e i $1.50 per insertion. All lalified advertitmmonta must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing l necessary. ii iiii FOR sALE IVIIUD OIST]ARD MEINR tl S[/PPLY OF TIDE free tm6 servi¢ at Hfllereat Hardware. 6-MONTHS 2]0tfn with the purchase of any Kenmore ..... Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, "HRISLI'OWN, U,S,A." rubber Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. Stamps for ale at the Journal, $1. 3/26 tfn lb. 107 SO. 41 /1 WARDS PORTABLE Zig-Zag Sewing eOR SAFr--2wheel trailer, flood con- Machine with Greist attachments, dttton. Call HA 6-826 preferably wardrobe trunk, like new. Phone HA eventng. G/26 tfn 6-3496, except Friday evening or Sat- urday: B4/16-30 USE COLORED STEPPING stones for that walk around the house. Cut out PRIMROSES! Polyanthus and auric- the grass w put ia the attractive ulna, many shades and colors, 35¢ sl)apes. A walk quickly and tnex- ca. of" 3 fo' $1.00. The Garden Shop, pensively done. Graystone of Shelton. Routh 1, Box 48. 4/16-23-30 4/16-3 DOORS AND WINDOWS for sale. AI BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt. Bathtubs and wash bowls. Cleave road and fill ffravel, waled tnd Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. and gravel, (h'8£aage grsyel and ]pea R4/16-30 Ip'avel for dlves. oI .An- TWIN STROLLER $13,50, portabh* eerier, phone HA. 6-$. flonn'i electric washer $I2.50, miniatm.e ar* Oroek nd  Gravel, 2n tificial flowers Imported from Clflna and styrafoam for arrangements. OHI DON, 86 months to pv Figurines and flower arrangements trader ].w•A. terms on all bu|Idlng for every oceaslon. Bar-Din Thrift upplies._Lump it all under one bill Gift and Hobby Shop, 520 Franklin, t, awton Lumer, 40 k let St. Ph. B4/16-28 6-40& 66tin GRAYSTONE AGAIN this year has a WITH FERTILIZER it is mits that stock of inexpensive outside white paint, ONLY $2.25 per galhm, or in count. Galbraith Golf Green is a lots of 4 gallons or more only $2,10 Polishem House Jacks LAWTON LDTIBER 420 S• 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-1Otfn BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave. - HA 6-4332 * * * Used Fm'nitue S Daven L : ...... 2 ....... $,0 E. Daveilport & Chair ........... $75.00 Davenport & Chair ............ $49,00 Electric Raoge .................. $59.00 3 Rcfriget'ators .......... $39,50 Ea, Trash Burner A-1 .............. $45.00 6-Year Crib ........................... $10.00 Stroller ................................ $5,00 Dining Set ............................ $29.00 Cheat, 5 Drawers ................ $20.00 W(md Bed ........................... $6.00 Baby Buggy ........................ $12,00 New Furniture Davenport & Rocker .......... $/19,00 Single Mattress & Box Spring ......................... $42.95 Set Unfinished Chest, 4 drawer $15.95 5-Pc. Din. Set .................... $19.50 5g-Gal. Water Heater ........ $89.95 Uph. Chairs .......................... $5,95 ,' r , I I "TT--'--7---"T" Keep Amerka Green Freezer-- 6.8-5 ORGANIC Lawn Fertilizer. 18 useful units for your lawn, only $5.60 Was $364.95 ........ Now $299.95 per sack. Yes -- You may use our spreader. Graystone of Shelton;6/. Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer '-"23 Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new 24" Mahogany TV Console Was $279.95 . ....... Now $229.95 Hi-Fi Stereo-- Was $264.95 ........ Now $239.95 Hi-F'I Sterio Speaker Wa $50.95 .......... Now $44.95 Sears Catalog Sales Office Shelton - Phone HA 6-8201 USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 Maple Twin Beds, Mr. & Mrs• Chest, Mirror and Nits Stand. 1 2nd Hand Chest Drawers Corner Cabinet 1 Mental Wood Heater 2 Wood Cook Stoves 1 Mahogany Desk 1 Davenport and Chair 1 5-Pc, Dinette Set er galhm. An economical way to nprove the looks oil that fence or arage you have left unpainted. Graystone of Slelton. 4/16-23 clothes at 220 No. First St.. next to Launderette. May 1 and 2, 9 a.m. SEPTIC TANKS to 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit S,,atlie Ortht?pedic Hospital. BA/23-30 Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 $/2711'n Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 Custom Tractor Work 4-16-23 .' , Rotovating or regular plowing, I  L I I ' I I I" II I , ein and harrowing, excavating,  ..... '": "  .... --FIR SLAB WOOD gravel."mae mv__eang,well.agedroadsawdusLgrading,workroad ' by hour single-handed. Jerome Green -- 15 - 20 Inch Burke, HA 6-3678. $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn SPECIAL SILVER PINE BUBBLE BATH leg. $4,38 NOW "2 FOR $2.78 Fuller Brush Phone HA 6-2052 I 40-Gal. Table Top Electric Hot " • 4-23-30 _ I Water Tank '  ' 5 Refrigerators .... $49.50 to $99.50  i W A N T E D I Apt. range eiee ................. $42.50 HIGHEST CASH PAID " ded Furniture 1 40" Else, range ................. $59.50 • Will Pay Cash or take on I 40- EZeo. ................ $39.50 For Timber Stumpage Consignment. 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 and Lands PHONE HA 6-3375 1 Else. clothes dryer ........ $69.50 • Interested parties or HA 6-2411 Coil springs call evenings collect. '' ,, , , K/3-12/tfn Spindle bed, full sITe Bar-Din Enterprises DRY SLAB WOOD 2nd Hand Chest .................. $12.50 FOREST PRODUCTS 96"" Mah. Drop leaf table Star Rt 2, Box 119, SheRon, Wn. $20.00 load 2 Youth beds Telephone HA 6-6837, Book c Ethe* M. Barton - John . Ding Phone HA 6-6463 2 Swing rockers . . , ....  ..... C-II-20-tI 2 Library thles ..... , , Bar-Din Bbats BATTERIES - TIRES K ! elly s Furniture 625 So. Mrst Phone HA 6-2411 DRAPERIES CUSTOM AND READY MADE Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your local Builders No Job .too large or too snail. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn g' - 14' boa our specialty Enlarged Stock for Any size ,or style boat on order Immediate Delivery WE FIBERGgakSS /west Cast per month for first line tires Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square FOR SALE MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1601 Laur- el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds repaired, Do it now! Come in and see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original inserted patterns in pillow cases. Mrs. Ann __T.W_ar, dpws ki t .................. l!/6t_fn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua lungs, new surplus :-in. Neoprene wet suits. tailored -in. skindiving and water skiing ants or kits. Newest in skin- diving equipment. 1950 Chew'olet sta- tion wagon for sale. Pixone HA 6- 6877. Morgua' Diving & Marine, 4 _'!i!ys }astl Arcad}a Road. ...... 3_/.19t fn EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly nw clothes at 220 No. First St,, next to Launderette. May 1 and 2. 9 a.m. to 5 p,m, Precc.eds benefit Seattle  0rthopedic Hospital. R4/23-30 PRACTICALLY NEW--Rt;yiiiite type- writer, 60 cash. Phone HA 6-6411. H4/23-30 R(ffrjgcrator. $149.95. 1 used Dryer. $65.00, 1 Rot issiere, $24.66. Also used Refrigerators. Sheiton Electric Co., 419 Raih'oad Ave.. 4/23 I)R SALE--10 H,P. Marlin outboard motor. Cleap for cash, or trade for 14' boat trailer. Phone HA 6-6217. ..................................... Z4(3 SINGER SLANT - NEEDLE. Repos- sessed. Take over payments of $6.00 er month or pay off balance of 6.80. Equipped to zig" zag, over- east, blind hem, do deeoratlve stitches, cte. Fox" further informa- tion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- t inw.. 4/23 tfn good condition. Phone HA 6-8418. F4/23 FOR RENT GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At high_ way bridge. S4/4tfn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex, Electric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/16 tfn FN'" light housekeeping rooms• 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. R4/18tfn FOR lENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 p.m. ' K2/26 tfn Used Guaranteed APPLIANCES 1 Easy Spin Dry Washer, Like new, sold $199.95 .... $99,50 1 Zenith 21" TV (1957 Model ) ................................. $99.50 2 Refrigerators .............. $45 - $65 1 Easy Spindry Washer .... $55.00 2 Wringer Washers $35. - $45.00 1 Console Ironer ................ $45.00 2 Wood Heaters .. $35,00 : $55,00 2 Oil Heaters ........ $25.00 - $45.00 2 Steam Irons (like new) ........................ $10.00 Each Used Television sets, consoles - table models ...... $55.00 - $65.00 2 40" Else. Ranges $50.00 - $75.00 2 Wood Incinerat- ors ...................... $35.00 - $40.00 3 ',:i-horse Elec. Motors $7.50 Ea. Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Used Furniture 2 Davenos ...................... $25.00 Ea. 1 Daveno (lille new) .......... $65,00 1 Rocker ................................ $15.00 2 Davenports, Only ...... $20.00 Ea, 2 Uph. Chairs ................ $1/).00 Ea, 1 Box Spring & Matt. set .. $25.00 2 Coil Springs .............. $10.00 Ea, 2 Dinette Sets (ncw) Tables only (Scat 8) ............ $25.00 Ea. 1 Drop Leaf Table ............ $15,00 01sen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 News From BELFAIR GARDENS Start spraying roses regularly for lovely bushes as well aa, blooms. Fertilize all your plants, they need energy as well as we all do. Re- member, plants make a home en, joyable; We have many usual and unusual one BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rt, 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. AcIss from Belfair P.U.D. i L  IIII III I ii Expert Workmanship formerly Martin's Boat Shop , Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Large Selection , p ..... " LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE ............... ;iii ,Dry Goods Dept. :''> '::'::' ,.2.23 E MiD LLEY - i I I i "<! ....... " ....... ee FRI00IDAIeE First Honesty, smeerity,_an  good service are remem bored long after pace _ [i REFRIGERATORS is forgotten. \\; • RANGES WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and "/'V 6ERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 BABY CHICKS ! New Hampshire White Leghorn White Rocks ! meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So., First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 M g IACANTtLg FOR RENT FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT: large 8-room building with two baths, some furniture, all new .220 wiring and plumbing, No leaks in roof. Reason- able. Please (:all HA. 6-4297. Marie FOR RENT: 3 room furnished house at 1522 Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- 6517, A4/2tfn TEACHERS. RELAX after sclmol hours. Schoel-year lease, furnished 2-bedroom Canal beach hens, wash- er, dryer. ALso summer season. Mrs. Carte, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, weekends oodsport, TR 7-5338. C4/2 tfn LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt,., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn FOR RENT--Two bedroom house, part- ly furnished on Mt. View. Phone HA 6-4349. D4/9-g3 FOR lNT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- i furnisneu, yard, large garage. Walter George. HA 6-664 or HA 6°4686. 10/2-12/18 tin UNFURNISHED two-bedroom house for rent on Stevens and Hay St..In- quire Stella Blna, Roosevelt nnd Hay St. • 4/9-23 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4846 alter 5 p.m. . D10/11ffn FOR RENT--Large partly furnlsh three room apartment downtown. Adults. No Pets. $50. Water, gar- bage furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. P1/29 tfn FOR RENT  Carlon Apts. Newly furnished, -room apartments, steam heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone HA 6-4655. 4/2 tfn 'OR RENT  One-bedroom cottage, electric heat, refrigerator and range, $45 per month, on Cole Road. Phonc HA 6-6952. L4/2-16 FOR RENT--2-bedrooms, large Iiving room, picture windows, utility room wired for washer & dryer, carport. close In, partly furnished. To see call at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. B3/12 tfn FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large building, 220 wiring, close to stores on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for cabinet shop or business or home or both er tear down if sold. Phone HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn FOI RENT--3-room apt. furnished, 5th and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry See These Bargains 7 H.P. Wisconsin Motor 5 Outboard M()tors 6 Boats 3 Light Plants 4 Bicycles Bathroom Sets - new nd used 2 Garden Tractors Lawn Mowers 3 Pianos- 1 player 2 Wheel Chairs, good c(mdition 1 Invalid Walker - - good condi- tion Ranges - Wood, Butane, Gas and Electric 2 Pickup Trucks - International and Dodge Electric Motors'- L 4 Chain Saws [ 20-Ton Chain Block: Tabl Saw - % h.p. motor Furniture -- Used, all kinds WE TAKE TRADES OF ALL KINDS AT THE I Second Hand Store 1st and Cota- Shelton The Garden Shop ROUTE 1, BOX 48 Phone HA 6-3710 Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Flame, yellow, lavender, heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $.75 & $2.00 Ea. FOR RENT FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 311! No. 1st. Phoue HA 6-3025, P3/12 tfn ONE--B g b R OO'--Kpartme i-t or- - %h-t with firepJaee, downtown. Utilities paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. I Furnished. $1/22 tfn reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn crest 4 blocks from scllool. Plane ttA 6-3545. B.1/9-23 ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished: apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6598. B6/26tfn RENT--Furnished one bedroom dplex apartment, washing facilities. I Cota. P1/29 tn 25 A MONTH unfurnished 1-bedroom apt. Neat, clean, completely modern. Also available 1 & 2-bedroom iur- nished apts. at slightly higher rates. : Sportmen's Apartment Motel, HA 6- 3772. A4/9 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfnl CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week• Cameron Hotel 2/3tfn home, I bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA -3641. G1/15 tfn FURNISHED A P A'- -- - -it-b  At Goldsborough Apts, S4/4tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utflitie furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6o8177. 12/4 tfn DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. Phone HA 6-6126. B4/19-30 FOR -- 3-room furnished apt., washing facilities, carport, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tf FOR RENT: a-room apt, completely furnisled. Phone HA 6-00. E 1/ tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn FOR RENT--Small house on side, Phone HA 6-3080 after room home, washer, dryer, fine beach. Owner reserves basemen apartment. Phone Mrs. Catto pia FL 2-3760 evenings, TR 7-5338 weekends. MOVERN--:r'i ;,h"-gri;-n-d---fii;i)--fir= nislmd apt. Steam heat electric kit- chert, oh)s(:! to stores. Ideal for pen- sionvd lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/I2 tfn FOl RENT --- Thrt - d)'o n unfur- FOR double Near five FOR SALE OR home---Modern Mr. View, D. Grytness, HA 6-8120. FOR SALFr-10 building site. $1.000, terms. FOR SALE or bedroom house, heat. Mt. Vie, HA 6-3459. plastered, througimut, 6-3180 after FOR SALE holle, large sun St. Phone HA HOME FOR one with rug; wall to wall age; two 60' x nice home down, HA 6-6573. FOR SALF_r-II shore on formation LAKE 50 ft. Call Seattle, 1B250 16th Wash. WILL TRADE and <Adams, s¢'wer tn for Ford. Phone | FOR SALE by ,m HillcresL furnace, 2 quick sale FOR SALE: erty on Union 411. WANTED: cohrteous llma 12/1 Inc. FOB Approximately front fine beach, nish,d ious,., awilable April 5. Ga- water, 6 room rage. Piano ItA 6-4549 oz' HA 6-8436. .................................... P3/26 .tl'*! rooms. 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- make several rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, 10 minutes electric range, trash bm'ner, oil heat- road. A good er. Water and garbage /ncluded. Ground floor. Shorter Apts.. 325 with terms. • , 5[1 & Pine. B2/26 tfn 5 room moder REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern house, electmc hot water tank. Skokomish VMley. Phone HA 6-3688. Bll/14 tfn FOR SALE--Tw,) bedroonl home; fire- place;, carpeting: new double gar- age: two lots in grass, one fenced; Beverly Heights. Phone HA 6-3265. P3/19 tfn FOR SALE--546' x 60' watex'ont lot on Totten Sln)res, $1,400, $400 down, $30 twr monlh. W,'lte Box BX, c/o The Journal. 4/16 tfn h.p. to 5 h.p. FOR SALE--Conff.L'tal)le two-L)('droom he)n(,, new concrete foondation, downiown, near schools, $6250. Phone IIA 6-4315. F4/23 tfn TWO BEDROOM Hillcresi home, dou- ble garngc, needs painting, $1100. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5279. D4/23-30 2t '8( - -FTI--WX T/ RI" IiON TI-- 3 bt;di;i)i,n mod(q'll, except heat, older }l()nm. Noat and oh!an 9 a(!r(,s. 2 wells, outbuild ngs, assorted froits. See to appre(!iate. 1:,% riffles from ga(e Store. $12,500. Follow signs. F. E. Hilton, Route Two. 4/23 ifn FOR SALE: C-room Hlllcret home, largo fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m, E3/27tfn FOR SALE--Furnished house. 2 view lots on IIil]crest priced for quick sale. For infornmtion call HA 6- 6409. P3/26 tfn FOR SALE Owner Transferred • SEE THIS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Pitons HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p,m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 4/23-5/7 FOR SALE , Magnolias ...... Ea. $3.00 lS6 FEET OF WATERFRONT on Blooming plants. Bay, 10 acres more or less, nice RED BUD TREES ...... $2,00 EA. creek on property, cose to town ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. ----$4,500.00. :It * * III If It's Concrete or Carpentry Work rooms, wired has new electric large located on nice yard and art)und home. G.I. 10 ) trade of in Dayton brush land. s * Also 2 homes be traded for in Mason have to trade WHY When you ern home large kitchen :wired for meat with age in lot with fruit. plot. A good $600 down 60 x 100 lot room with roon'l, expensive needed. block from streets. quick sale. Can yot! rise bed room, place, oil with space facilities in is in good cellent balance can meats Located bn hess district. ,. Nice 4 room bed roofns, garage home for Hillcrest value at dable party, s :: 3 bedroom place, utilt Let George Do It BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING S Coucl'ete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floor,, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored "(  R "q N) " GEe GE S GENERAL Ccmen't and Carpenter' HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Terms 3 BEDROOM house, living room and dining room combined, fire- dace, oil furnizce, plastered, one lot 60 x 100 f'oet--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. SPENCER LAKE waterfront, 330 feet at $25.00 per foot, low bank. 4 BEDROOM house, full base- lnent, fireplace, dining room, very good, condition, corner lot and in- side 1ot--$12,500.00. * * * 3 BEDROOM house, garage, one lot 60 X 100 ft., includes wall to i wall carpeting, draperies, nice lo- cation--S10,500, will F.H.A.. PRACTICALLY NEW 3 bedroont house on Mt. View, dining room, nice utility room,.attached gar- age, fireplace, all electric heat-, $12,000.00. 3 BEDROOM house, fireplace, ra- diaut heat in fh)ors, garage, one outside fireplace, one l)t, Angle- side.--S10,500.00, $400.00 down payment anti closing cost. 2 I].I!H)t{OOM house, central oil heating p/ant, nice ttL/lity voonL , one lot 60 x 100, yard in perfect ,:hape both front and rear-left. town, ntust sell at oncc, make an offer. * * * WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 in' Shelton center. Can pointment. , J6 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 good hardtOP sider terms. , 7 room rooms and Sells more outside city road. Priced : wishes on smaller SEVERAD Southde of Olympic at $950 each t 16 ) SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Christmastown " Shelton Washin F0n S SHRUBS--Good supply on hand, fruit trees, large well branched trees. Wagener Feed Co., 9 So. First. Phone HA 6-4532. 3/12 tin BRA-A-NE--g-'Suffer-Magic Couches Princea Model "L" all guarantees, now only $149.50, $20.48 down: $',3.05 monthly. Ralph Horton, HA 6-619, 3/ tfn arch; fire tools; guy lines, loading lines, blocks, shackles, chokers; I944 hit. 2-ton trvk. $4,000 takes all, Call HA 6-8448 or ItA 6-3036. 4/9 tfn with flash attachment, 2 battrt,, 4 flad hultm, closeup attachment and cardbosrd carrying case. $10. Call tlA 6-4064. K4/9 tfn your lswn? Use Galbraith MOSSITE. Eliminates, £ertilizes as well, Nt,w is tie time to prepare your lawn for Otn' summer--just around tlw c.rm,r ttt,,y Say). Graystone of Simlton. 4/16-23 6*MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free with the purchase of any Kenmore Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201, 8/26 fin ler, faster, more efficient. Also 24- hour photo finishing. Try us. Zleg- mr's Sterile, 124 No. nd. HA. s.a* -- $/t TRAVEL IS OUR BUSINESS! Ar- rangements for all toure, trazpor- ration and reservations, at no addi- tional cost to you. Clara Boll Anglo. phone HA. 6-41a4 or HA. 6-72. #/ttn ch)th.s at 220 No. First St., next to Launderette, May 1 and 2. 9 a,m. to 5 p,m. Proceeds benef/t Seattle Orlhotdic Hosp|tal. R,I/23-30 ii iii ,,, i APPLIANCES FOR RENT Clark Electric Moor Sanders Sterling Electric Portable Hand Sanders Regina Electric Floor Fen gait Fon SALE ,u ,,u i BOYSEN PANTall types and kinds, &MONTHS SUPPLY OF TIDE free choice of 1322 colors. L.M. DECOR- with the purchase of any Kenmore ATING CENTER, 821 Railroad. Washer. Sears Catalog Salts Office, 1/29 tfn Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. 3/26 tfn ONO CIIAIN SAWS, 8 h.p., direct drive, $99.60, 16-1nch bar ad chaln. FOR SALE OR RENT--Profeaslonal Hillcrest Hardware. ll/lltfl$ n rug, upholstery equipment, supplies. .-------'IM----. L, M, Decorating Center. 321 Rail- conditioned, ranges, refrlgerat0, } ". " ....... ..... ""_.- washers, aryers. elli & Wdley AP-IBOAT, :MOTORS TRAP, equip- pllance Center. 6/6tfn  meat at Walt's' Marine Supy, on I butfful Hood Cas. Phone Hood- Foil AL. ttry heavy or ugnt sum I tart TR. 7-tML 1/19tin wood, $10 a cord. HA 6-4127. I---" ................ C/I.HL T/LMS Sow nvgllablo on all building materials allows you to +,l, .',h.,., , m m,m-k-" ,, 1. cotrtmtion oo$t under one • .'%*J'7;,.'a.-"*-t .".',.' w'----"hl' bill. For information inquire at TOP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. 1. FOR SAL]--Jtmt received, a few 19i Oden. HA 6.61. 2/1 tfn model 16 h.p. llvinrude outboard me-! ......... ÷  ' tots at greatly reduced prices. Hill-: WE BIfY YOUR QUITT, or will sell crest Hardware, 1/15 tin on eonslgnment, youe hosts, motorL trailers, etc. Hflljrelt Har4wm, BIwr BUY IN oiwq! I Heavy Oler, s t9'nterY furniture, bed, chest, etc. Phone HA 6-3225, A3/6 tfn OR SI: ud tl, lat, pti., pulleys and sh. AI/tyDeS lair- rage. Shelton Junk Co., gh'at and Mill, phone HA, &I. 9/8tfa FOR SALENew and used tractors and cats, all prices; all kind of farm fnachinery. Terns or cash. Phone HA 6400L A3/19 tfn COVERING  for Walls. windows, floors. Paint, wallpaper. raPe& rugs, tile, y ardg0od, L.M. DECOR- ATINt CrER, $2l Railroad. tom atHilleaat Hlwsre. :/ Or0--R--SL--'-]allei-: 2 = traiieg fenders, sink and basin. Phone HA 6-6568. W4/16-0 USED BALD_.N Acroonlc Piaffo, like uew, Jobm s Music Rex. R/ tfn I : I ...... IJ I :: J Warehouse Specials: 30" Deluxe Kenmore Elec. Range Was $289.95 .......... Now $229.95 16' Upright Deluxe Coldspot Firat. &/grin Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional in- aertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ad on request. Card of thanks $1.50 Read- er notices 15 word minimum, $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Respermible" n o t I c e i $1.50 per insertion. All lalified advertitmmonta must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must be paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of 10€ will be made when billing l necessary. ii iiii FOR sALE IVIIUD OIST]ARD MEINR tl S[/PPLY OF TIDE free tm6 servi¢ at Hfllereat Hardware. 6-MONTHS 2]0tfn with the purchase of any Kenmore ..... Washer. Sears Catalog Sales Office, "HRISLI'OWN, U,S,A." rubber Evergreen Square. Phone HA 6-8201. Stamps for ale at the Journal, $1. 3/26 tfn lb. 107 SO. 41 /1 WARDS PORTABLE Zig-Zag Sewing eOR SAFr--2wheel trailer, flood con- Machine with Greist attachments, dttton. Call HA 6-826 preferably wardrobe trunk, like new. Phone HA eventng. G/26 tfn 6-3496, except Friday evening or Sat- urday: B4/16-30 USE COLORED STEPPING stones for that walk around the house. Cut out PRIMROSES! Polyanthus and auric- the grass w put ia the attractive ulna, many shades and colors, 35¢ sl)apes. A walk quickly and tnex- ca. of" 3 fo' $1.00. The Garden Shop, pensively done. Graystone of Shelton. Routh 1, Box 48. 4/16-23-30 4/16-3 DOORS AND WINDOWS for sale. AI BLACK TOP SOIL, fill dirt. Bathtubs and wash bowls. Cleave road and fill ffravel, waled tnd Robinson. Phone HA 6-3710. and gravel, (h'8£aage grsyel and ]pea R4/16-30 Ip'avel for dlves. oI .An- TWIN STROLLER $13,50, portabh* eerier, phone HA. 6-$. flonn'i electric washer $I2.50, miniatm.e ar* Oroek nd  Gravel, 2n tificial flowers Imported from Clflna and styrafoam for arrangements. OHI DON, 86 months to pv Figurines and flower arrangements trader ].w•A. terms on all bu|Idlng for every oceaslon. Bar-Din Thrift upplies._Lump it all under one bill Gift and Hobby Shop, 520 Franklin, t, awton Lumer, 40 k let St. Ph. B4/16-28 6-40& 66tin GRAYSTONE AGAIN this year has a WITH FERTILIZER it is mits that stock of inexpensive outside white paint, ONLY $2.25 per galhm, or in count. Galbraith Golf Green is a lots of 4 gallons or more only $2,10 Polishem House Jacks LAWTON LDTIBER 420 S• 1st Phone HA. 6-4303 2-1Otfn BUDGET SHOP Across from Evergreen Square 321 R.R. Ave. - HA 6-4332 * * * Used Fm'nitue S Daven L : ...... 2 ....... $,0 E. Daveilport & Chair ........... $75.00 Davenport & Chair ............ $49,00 Electric Raoge .................. $59.00 3 Rcfriget'ators .......... $39,50 Ea, Trash Burner A-1 .............. $45.00 6-Year Crib ........................... $10.00 Stroller ................................ $5,00 Dining Set ............................ $29.00 Cheat, 5 Drawers ................ $20.00 W(md Bed ........................... $6.00 Baby Buggy ........................ $12,00 New Furniture Davenport & Rocker .......... $/19,00 Single Mattress & Box Spring ......................... $42.95 Set Unfinished Chest, 4 drawer $15.95 5-Pc. Din. Set .................... $19.50 5g-Gal. Water Heater ........ $89.95 Uph. Chairs .......................... $5,95 ,' r , I I "TT--'--7---"T" Keep Amerka Green Freezer-- 6.8-5 ORGANIC Lawn Fertilizer. 18 useful units for your lawn, only $5.60 Was $364.95 ........ Now $299.95 per sack. Yes -- You may use our spreader. Graystone of Shelton;6/. Kenmore Comb. Washer-Dryer '-"23 Was $399.95 ........ Now $339.95 EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly new 24" Mahogany TV Console Was $279.95 . ....... Now $229.95 Hi-Fi Stereo-- Was $264.95 ........ Now $239.95 Hi-F'I Sterio Speaker Wa $50.95 .......... Now $44.95 Sears Catalog Sales Office Shelton - Phone HA 6-8201 USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES 1 Maple Twin Beds, Mr. & Mrs• Chest, Mirror and Nits Stand. 1 2nd Hand Chest Drawers Corner Cabinet 1 Mental Wood Heater 2 Wood Cook Stoves 1 Mahogany Desk 1 Davenport and Chair 1 5-Pc, Dinette Set er galhm. An economical way to nprove the looks oil that fence or arage you have left unpainted. Graystone of Slelton. 4/16-23 clothes at 220 No. First St.. next to Launderette. May 1 and 2, 9 a.m. SEPTIC TANKS to 5 p.m. Proceeds benefit S,,atlie Ortht?pedic Hospital. BA/23-30 Drain fields, Ditching, Excavating BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS HA. 6-6441 $/2711'n Gibraltar Const. Co. Earl T. Marr If no answer, Ph. HA 6-4692 Ph. HA. 6-3053 Rt. 1, Box 476 Custom Tractor Work 4-16-23 .' , Rotovating or regular plowing, I  L I I ' I I I" II I , ein and harrowing, excavating,  ..... '": "  .... --FIR SLAB WOOD gravel."mae mv__eang,well.agedroadsawdusLgrading,workroad ' by hour single-handed. Jerome Green -- 15 - 20 Inch Burke, HA 6-3678. $16 PER LOAD Shelton and Vicinty PHONE HA 6-2118 KENNETH F. COX 2-12-tfn SPECIAL SILVER PINE BUBBLE BATH leg. $4,38 NOW "2 FOR $2.78 Fuller Brush Phone HA 6-2052 I 40-Gal. Table Top Electric Hot " • 4-23-30 _ I Water Tank '  ' 5 Refrigerators .... $49.50 to $99.50  i W A N T E D I Apt. range eiee ................. $42.50 HIGHEST CASH PAID " ded Furniture 1 40" Else, range ................. $59.50 • Will Pay Cash or take on I 40- EZeo. ................ $39.50 For Timber Stumpage Consignment. 1 Wringer washer .............. $39.50 and Lands PHONE HA 6-3375 1 Else. clothes dryer ........ $69.50 • Interested parties or HA 6-2411 Coil springs call evenings collect. '' ,, , , K/3-12/tfn Spindle bed, full sITe Bar-Din Enterprises DRY SLAB WOOD 2nd Hand Chest .................. $12.50 FOREST PRODUCTS 96"" Mah. Drop leaf table Star Rt 2, Box 119, SheRon, Wn. $20.00 load 2 Youth beds Telephone HA 6-6837, Book c Ethe* M. Barton - John . Ding Phone HA 6-6463 2 Swing rockers . . , ....  ..... C-II-20-tI 2 Library thles ..... , , Bar-Din Bbats BATTERIES - TIRES K ! elly s Furniture 625 So. Mrst Phone HA 6-2411 DRAPERIES CUSTOM AND READY MADE Phone HA 6-4292 COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL New and Remodeling Tidewater Construction Your local Builders No Job .too large or too snail. Shelton, Washington 11-20 tfn g' - 14' boa our specialty Enlarged Stock for Any size ,or style boat on order Immediate Delivery WE FIBERGgakSS /west Cast per month for first line tires Fishermen and duck hunters, see us before you buy Bar-Din Enterprises Forest Products 1916 Olympic Highway No. Telephone HA 6-6837 Free Mounting of Passenger Tires Sears Catalog Sales Office Evergreen Square FOR SALE MT. VIEW DOLL Hospital, 1601 Laur- el. Phone 6-3187. Dolls of all kinds repaired, Do it now! Come in and see my collection of new dolls and fancywork. Also original inserted patterns in pillow cases. Mrs. Ann __T.W_ar, dpws ki t .................. l!/6t_fn SKINDIVERS -- Used aqua lungs, new surplus :-in. Neoprene wet suits. tailored -in. skindiving and water skiing ants or kits. Newest in skin- diving equipment. 1950 Chew'olet sta- tion wagon for sale. Pixone HA 6- 6877. Morgua' Diving & Marine, 4 _'!i!ys }astl Arcad}a Road. ...... 3_/.19t fn EXCITING BARGAINS in nearly nw clothes at 220 No. First St,, next to Launderette. May 1 and 2. 9 a.m. to 5 p,m, Precc.eds benefit Seattle  0rthopedic Hospital. R4/23-30 PRACTICALLY NEW--Rt;yiiiite type- writer, 60 cash. Phone HA 6-6411. H4/23-30 R(ffrjgcrator. $149.95. 1 used Dryer. $65.00, 1 Rot issiere, $24.66. Also used Refrigerators. Sheiton Electric Co., 419 Raih'oad Ave.. 4/23 I)R SALE--10 H,P. Marlin outboard motor. Cleap for cash, or trade for 14' boat trailer. Phone HA 6-6217. ..................................... Z4(3 SINGER SLANT - NEEDLE. Repos- sessed. Take over payments of $6.00 er month or pay off balance of 6.80. Equipped to zig" zag, over- east, blind hem, do deeoratlve stitches, cte. Fox" further informa- tion call Olympia, FL 2-2014, any- t inw.. 4/23 tfn good condition. Phone HA 6-8418. F4/23 FOR RENT GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK. Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At high_ way bridge. S4/4tfn FOR RENT--2-bedroom modern du- plex, Electric heat, garage, utility room. Phone HA 6-8150. 12/16 tfn FN'" light housekeeping rooms• 100 W. Pine, phone HA. 6-4679. R4/18tfn FOR lENT--Partly furnished apt. 2 large bedrooms. 2-room bachelor apt. furnished. HA 6-4394. Call after 6:30 p.m. ' K2/26 tfn Used Guaranteed APPLIANCES 1 Easy Spin Dry Washer, Like new, sold $199.95 .... $99,50 1 Zenith 21" TV (1957 Model ) ................................. $99.50 2 Refrigerators .............. $45 - $65 1 Easy Spindry Washer .... $55.00 2 Wringer Washers $35. - $45.00 1 Console Ironer ................ $45.00 2 Wood Heaters .. $35,00 : $55,00 2 Oil Heaters ........ $25.00 - $45.00 2 Steam Irons (like new) ........................ $10.00 Each Used Television sets, consoles - table models ...... $55.00 - $65.00 2 40" Else. Ranges $50.00 - $75.00 2 Wood Incinerat- ors ...................... $35.00 - $40.00 3 ',:i-horse Elec. Motors $7.50 Ea. Olsen Furniture 328 Cota HA 6-4702 Used Furniture 2 Davenos ...................... $25.00 Ea. 1 Daveno (lille new) .......... $65,00 1 Rocker ................................ $15.00 2 Davenports, Only ...... $20.00 Ea, 2 Uph. Chairs ................ $1/).00 Ea, 1 Box Spring & Matt. set .. $25.00 2 Coil Springs .............. $10.00 Ea, 2 Dinette Sets (ncw) Tables only (Scat 8) ............ $25.00 Ea. 1 Drop Leaf Table ............ $15,00 01sen Furniture 328 Cots HA 6-4702 News From BELFAIR GARDENS Start spraying roses regularly for lovely bushes as well aa, blooms. Fertilize all your plants, they need energy as well as we all do. Re- member, plants make a home en, joyable; We have many usual and unusual one BELFAIR GARDENS Star Rt, 1, Box 55 Belfair, Wash. AcIss from Belfair P.U.D. i L  IIII III I ii Expert Workmanship formerly Martin's Boat Shop , Shelton Ph. HA. 6-8201 Large Selection , p ..... " LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE ............... ;iii ,Dry Goods Dept. :''> '::'::' ,.2.23 E MiD LLEY - i I I i "<! ....... " ....... ee FRI00IDAIeE First Honesty, smeerity,_an  good service are remem bored long after pace _ [i REFRIGERATORS is forgotten. \\; • RANGES WASHERS • DRYERS also for EXPERT, ECONOMICAL, EFFICIENT APPLIANCE and "/'V 6ERVICE TELEPHONE HA. 6-8211 BABY CHICKS ! New Hampshire White Leghorn White Rocks ! meat type) Wagener Feed Co. 219 So., First St. PHONE HA 6-4532 M g IACANTtLg FOR RENT FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT: large 8-room building with two baths, some furniture, all new .220 wiring and plumbing, No leaks in roof. Reason- able. Please (:all HA. 6-4297. Marie FOR RENT: 3 room furnished house at 1522 Ridgeroad. Phone HA. 6- 6517, A4/2tfn TEACHERS. RELAX after sclmol hours. Schoel-year lease, furnished 2-bedroom Canal beach hens, wash- er, dryer. ALso summer season. Mrs. Carte, evenings, Olympia, FL 2-3760, weekends oodsport, TR 7-5338. C4/2 tfn LARGE CLOSE IN 2-bedroom apt,., heat and hot water furnished. Phone HA 6-3084. $3/19 tfn FOR RENT--Two bedroom house, part- ly furnished on Mt. View. Phone HA 6-4349. D4/9-g3 FOR lNT--Reed Apt. 2-bedroom un- i furnisneu, yard, large garage. Walter George. HA 6-664 or HA 6°4686. 10/2-12/18 tin UNFURNISHED two-bedroom house for rent on Stevens and Hay St..In- quire Stella Blna, Roosevelt nnd Hay St. • 4/9-23 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished apt. 718 No. 6th, phone HA. 6-4846 alter 5 p.m. . D10/11ffn FOR RENT--Large partly furnlsh three room apartment downtown. Adults. No Pets. $50. Water, gar- bage furnished. Phone HA 6-8270. P1/29 tfn FOR RENT  Carlon Apts. Newly furnished, -room apartments, steam heat. Downtown. $50 and up. Phone HA 6-4655. 4/2 tfn 'OR RENT  One-bedroom cottage, electric heat, refrigerator and range, $45 per month, on Cole Road. Phonc HA 6-6952. L4/2-16 FOR RENT--2-bedrooms, large Iiving room, picture windows, utility room wired for washer & dryer, carport. close In, partly furnished. To see call at 706 Cota after 6:30 p.m. or Sat. B3/12 tfn FOR RENT--Rent, lease or sell large building, 220 wiring, close to stores on highway, 201 E. Pine. Ideal for cabinet shop or business or home or both er tear down if sold. Phone HA 6-4297. 205 E. Pine. K3/5 tfn FOI RENT--3-room apt. furnished, 5th and Cedar. Phone 6-4676. M3/12 tfn Exclusively at Beckwith Jewelry See These Bargains 7 H.P. Wisconsin Motor 5 Outboard M()tors 6 Boats 3 Light Plants 4 Bicycles Bathroom Sets - new nd used 2 Garden Tractors Lawn Mowers 3 Pianos- 1 player 2 Wheel Chairs, good c(mdition 1 Invalid Walker - - good condi- tion Ranges - Wood, Butane, Gas and Electric 2 Pickup Trucks - International and Dodge Electric Motors'- L 4 Chain Saws [ 20-Ton Chain Block: Tabl Saw - % h.p. motor Furniture -- Used, all kinds WE TAKE TRADES OF ALL KINDS AT THE I Second Hand Store 1st and Cota- Shelton The Garden Shop ROUTE 1, BOX 48 Phone HA 6-3710 Azaleas .......... Ea. $1.75 Flame, yellow, lavender, heavily budded. Rhododendrons Large plants, budded. $3.50 & $4.50 Ea. Clematis Ten colors, large flowered blues, purples, pinks, reds and whites. Also evergreen. $.75 & $2.00 Ea. FOR RENT FOR RENT--One-bedroom heated fur- nished apartment. Adults only. 311! No. 1st. Phoue HA 6-3025, P3/12 tfn ONE--B g b R OO'--Kpartme i-t or- - %h-t with firepJaee, downtown. Utilities paid except lights. Phone HA 6-4655. I Furnished. $1/22 tfn reduced rent. Will take one small child. 1203 Railroad. Phone HA 6-2228. La12/4 tfn crest 4 blocks from scllool. Plane ttA 6-3545. B.1/9-23 ONE AND TWO bedroom unfurnished: apartments, hot water heat, range, refrigerator included. Holly Hill Apts., 920 Olympic. Joe Hartough, manager, Apt. 8. Phone HA. 6-8088 or HA. 6-6598. B6/26tfn RENT--Furnished one bedroom dplex apartment, washing facilities. I Cota. P1/29 tn 25 A MONTH unfurnished 1-bedroom apt. Neat, clean, completely modern. Also available 1 & 2-bedroom iur- nished apts. at slightly higher rates. : Sportmen's Apartment Motel, HA 6- 3772. A4/9 tfn FOR RENT--Modern furnished cabin, electric range and tank. Water free. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-4841. C1/8 tfnl CLEAN AND QUIET rooms, by day or week• Cameron Hotel 2/3tfn home, I bedrooms, city conven- iences, 10 miles from town. Call HA -3641. G1/15 tfn FURNISHED A P A'- -- - -it-b  At Goldsborough Apts, S4/4tfn LAWTON APARTMENTS, Bachelor units ideal for single men or wom- en. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All utflitie furnished except lights. Reasonable. Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6o8177. 12/4 tfn DOWNTOWN APARTMENTS for rent. Phone HA 6-6126. B4/19-30 FOR -- 3-room furnished apt., washing facilities, carport, adults only. 828 Cota. Phone HA 6-3445. R4/16 tf FOR RENT: a-room apt, completely furnisled. Phone HA 6-00. E 1/ tfn FOR RENT--Furnished cottages and trailer spaces. The Pines. L10/9 tfn FOR RENT--Small house on side, Phone HA 6-3080 after room home, washer, dryer, fine beach. Owner reserves basemen apartment. Phone Mrs. Catto pia FL 2-3760 evenings, TR 7-5338 weekends. MOVERN--:r'i ;,h"-gri;-n-d---fii;i)--fir= nislmd apt. Steam heat electric kit- chert, oh)s(:! to stores. Ideal for pen- sionvd lady. 208 No. 1st. Phone 6-6176 or 6-4481. M3/I2 tfn FOl RENT --- Thrt - d)'o n unfur- FOR double Near five FOR SALE OR home---Modern Mr. View, D. Grytness, HA 6-8120. FOR SALFr-10 building site. $1.000, terms. FOR SALE or bedroom house, heat. Mt. Vie, HA 6-3459. plastered, througimut, 6-3180 after FOR SALE holle, large sun St. Phone HA HOME FOR one with rug; wall to wall age; two 60' x nice home down, HA 6-6573. FOR SALF_r-II shore on formation LAKE 50 ft. Call Seattle, 1B250 16th Wash. WILL TRADE and <Adams, s¢'wer tn for Ford. Phone | FOR SALE by ,m HillcresL furnace, 2 quick sale FOR SALE: erty on Union 411. WANTED: cohrteous llma 12/1 Inc. FOB Approximately front fine beach, nish,d ious,., awilable April 5. Ga- water, 6 room rage. Piano ItA 6-4549 oz' HA 6-8436. .................................... P3/26 .tl'*! rooms. 5-ROOM FURNISHED apt., 2 bed- make several rooms, washer, dryer, refrigerator, 10 minutes electric range, trash bm'ner, oil heat- road. A good er. Water and garbage /ncluded. Ground floor. Shorter Apts.. 325 with terms. • , 5[1 & Pine. B2/26 tfn 5 room moder REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: Five acres, moaern house, electmc hot water tank. Skokomish VMley. Phone HA 6-3688. Bll/14 tfn FOR SALE--Tw,) bedroonl home; fire- place;, carpeting: new double gar- age: two lots in grass, one fenced; Beverly Heights. Phone HA 6-3265. P3/19 tfn FOR SALE--546' x 60' watex'ont lot on Totten Sln)res, $1,400, $400 down, $30 twr monlh. W,'lte Box BX, c/o The Journal. 4/16 tfn h.p. to 5 h.p. FOR SALE--Conff.L'tal)le two-L)('droom he)n(,, new concrete foondation, downiown, near schools, $6250. Phone IIA 6-4315. F4/23 tfn TWO BEDROOM Hillcresi home, dou- ble garngc, needs painting, $1100. Phone Hoodsport TR 7-5279. D4/23-30 2t '8( - -FTI--WX T/ RI" IiON TI-- 3 bt;di;i)i,n mod(q'll, except heat, older }l()nm. Noat and oh!an 9 a(!r(,s. 2 wells, outbuild ngs, assorted froits. See to appre(!iate. 1:,% riffles from ga(e Store. $12,500. Follow signs. F. E. Hilton, Route Two. 4/23 ifn FOR SALE: C-room Hlllcret home, largo fenced lot, $4900. Phone HA. 6- 4522 days, HA. 6-3559 after 6 p.m, E3/27tfn FOR SALE--Furnished house. 2 view lots on IIil]crest priced for quick sale. For infornmtion call HA 6- 6409. P3/26 tfn FOR SALE Owner Transferred • SEE THIS 6-ROOM Northcliff Home Pitons HA 6-4227 after 5:00 p,m. 923 Roy Blvd. P 4/23-5/7 FOR SALE , Magnolias ...... Ea. $3.00 lS6 FEET OF WATERFRONT on Blooming plants. Bay, 10 acres more or less, nice RED BUD TREES ...... $2,00 EA. creek on property, cose to town ROSES .......................... $1.00 EA. ----$4,500.00. :It * * III If It's Concrete or Carpentry Work rooms, wired has new electric large located on nice yard and art)und home. G.I. 10 ) trade of in Dayton brush land. s * Also 2 homes be traded for in Mason have to trade WHY When you ern home large kitchen :wired for meat with age in lot with fruit. plot. A good $600 down 60 x 100 lot room with roon'l, expensive needed. block from streets. quick sale. Can yot! rise bed room, place, oil with space facilities in is in good cellent balance can meats Located bn hess district. ,. Nice 4 room bed roofns, garage home for Hillcrest value at dable party, s :: 3 bedroom place, utilt Let George Do It BUILDING, REPAIR AND REMODELING S Coucl'ete Foundations, Sidewalks, Floor,, Walls, Driveways, Steps, Swimming Pools, Patios, Plain or Colored "(  R "q N) " GEe GE S GENERAL Ccmen't and Carpenter' HERMAN GEORGE Free Estimates HA 6-2487 Terms 3 BEDROOM house, living room and dining room combined, fire- dace, oil furnizce, plastered, one lot 60 x 100 f'oet--$13,650.00--will F.H.A. SPENCER LAKE waterfront, 330 feet at $25.00 per foot, low bank. 4 BEDROOM house, full base- lnent, fireplace, dining room, very good, condition, corner lot and in- side 1ot--$12,500.00. * * * 3 BEDROOM house, garage, one lot 60 X 100 ft., includes wall to i wall carpeting, draperies, nice lo- cation--S10,500, will F.H.A.. PRACTICALLY NEW 3 bedroont house on Mt. View, dining room, nice utility room,.attached gar- age, fireplace, all electric heat-, $12,000.00. 3 BEDROOM house, fireplace, ra- diaut heat in fh)ors, garage, one outside fireplace, one l)t, Angle- side.--S10,500.00, $400.00 down payment anti closing cost. 2 I].I!H)t{OOM house, central oil heating p/ant, nice ttL/lity voonL , one lot 60 x 100, yard in perfect ,:hape both front and rear-left. town, ntust sell at oncc, make an offer. * * * WALTER GEORGE Real Estate 124 North First Office HA 6-6642 - Res. HA 6-3530 in' Shelton center. Can pointment. , J6 acres of with nice plenty of about 8 good hardtOP sider terms. , 7 room rooms and Sells more outside city road. Priced : wishes on smaller SEVERAD Southde of Olympic at $950 each t