April 23, 1959 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 23, 1959 |
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,1959 ' gHELTON-MASON COUIT JOURNAL -- PuNished in "Ch, ri.tma.fown, U.,.A.,'-- " Shelton, Waahingt0n
CLASSIPIED NoTcJ." oF waTEB Rm.T I No'fIe,,: tw Va'r:r ,.,:.','
APPJ.IC¢'rlON Nil. 153113 [ AI'I'I,li'ATION Nil. 13315
ITATE OF WASItlNCT()N, OFFICE gTATIC O1,' WA,;IIIN(;'I'()N, )l;'l,'H'l':
ey making AUTO PANTING $40. Also spray ACCORDTON private lessons in your OF SUPERVISOI ()F WATER b:E- el,' SUPEitV1S(H' I," WATb:I{ ltl,:
¢ available paint hottses, roofs, etc. For esli- imme Slam'ate National School of . " i S(*t I{l'l,',S, 'qH.YMI'IA
rep- males phone I-TA 6-4329. Inquire Accm.di-,n. Mrs. Casada, phone tAn TAKE NOTICE: Thai Nalhaniel and l TAKE N(VPII'E: Thai .h,hn E. and
(?usl.tnors 1202 Cola St. R3/12 lfn 6-g229. 111 Ghidys ilorri(,k ),1' ,*lfair. Wa.hing-]lh,h,n M. l;r,'viv, ,l" Sh,'ll.e, Wmhim.',-
ton on Mar't 21 J t. I fi ed all p I'l- I t,, l, ,, h I," N, lq', < fihd :tlq,h(':l-
llOnLat, rei.,.ail IIa '0RN: WAN"]-I)--'C'I-e;:kin-g care-'for l".l,:(::],qTlql{El) ARARI'AN Stalli(m at lion for porn,it to divert Ihe public !i,,I) fHr I ....... it t,+ diver! lh,' ]HII)lh'
G'l/9 tfn sit'k, house clean)fig, janitor work :qllll I. al.qw, w,'tl Iil;(l'l+s. Dark i,hesl- waters ttOf Wlllllllnod Bil't'alll, tl'ibU I '3' V,'III,'t'S ,d' 1' rd', ('re,,k awl I','av,w . ....................................... _. .......
of" will baby sit nights. Mrs. Lol.li ntll, ,I sh.'kim4s, bhlze. Box 103, of Unioh River. in the ;llllllUlll ii1" 0,Ol Dan,s. lrib'dlary Hf .ltd.HiiH.h l:P, iq. .............................
])eeled fh' poles Durand, phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- Matl..k IIA 6-6070• 1t3/19 lfn second foot, SuI,J(q'I to exislillg rights, in tlw anmunl .f 1 s.c,md h.,t, .ul(iH'l
Pole3012,andTav,,nmPiling ................................................ 33..:,. .,,.2 tfn ,.,,(.,, ,',.ar ,,,,. il,,. ,,u,'- i .... ,i.i,,,. ,,. ...... ,,,,,l i,, Faith .l00utheran Tvn00hle.00..-00 .00uMec t
4/I6 [fn B()AT BUILDER. cabinet nlflker, o1' __ .se ol (hHnesti(" Stlpl)l.v; Ill(it liH' tip- O' Hh,," st ,' c VP ' If*l L 11 c p It'|H,::,,
....... ...-a,,,bitl,,.s ..o.n ,.an i,, le,.n USED CARS ,,,,in,at,, point ,,f d,,,.,si,., ,s ,,,,at,.d ,,f i, , ,.,,.,,,, ..... ,,,,,,,,, ........ ,, ,,,, ,,, ' V ..,eunna - Set ...he Service
inter- b,,at building, Apply 1916 l) v p : ,)thin SWL of Section 20. Townshil nleslic .u I)P Y: thai th,. ai,pr.xim.i,' * 7 S
• N.. Range 1 W. W.M.. in Mason I;.inl of (ILv-rsi(m is i,,('d*.d wHhin k .
--- two open- It)way North (w call tlA 6-6837 ev,-
married, higll lllllg. B3/26 Ifn I'(911 SAIA.,'--52 Deluxe Chevrolet. aulo- Count:,'. SI':'L Nl,;, (,f S,',rml '27. 'l'(,wuMdi, 21 Tills '2Hllldlly ik l,(yally Silrld(ty The ever-present light of ihe
ragedCar' hwa15136 ref-net PREPARE .............................................. FOR Real Estate Exannlia- Iminl,malic Iransmissmn.good buy. realtiA ('lean,6.4619, good I)yAnYa tw.°bjecti°nsdollar mustl,$2.001b(,r,eordaCCompaniedng 1' , coN" Ivl:ang" I W. W.M., in Ma,,n :ll l¢;lilb lalllwra)l, l]''(,;'y• meal- Christ, Truth, will be stressed at,
M,t/9 tfn and filed with file State Sul-,'vis r ¢:f
tion. Tacoma Real Estate School I,e- Any ,)hi,,cli.ns IHU<I t-, a(',',m,i)anied I)'r is lll'ged io bl prt.st,iu, at one Chri,.tiau Science services Sunday.
ear, $125 a gins May 5th, Nine classes. Inquire .............
Ask your Bernadine Edrington, Box 1405, Ta- ]'(.)R S(i:i:i-'7-:-94-7--F(wd t-ud/wl-"g od Water Rcsourc,'s within lhiv v ,30) t, a tw,; d,,llar .2,110 v,..ordinn l',',' (fl' lhe two worship seviccs, Tile Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon
days fl'onl April 23, 1959. and I'ihM with Ill(' Slab' Siiperxis,r of
or pimne ItA 4/9-23 ('ondili,,n. St,(, at 1003 Raih'oad. Witness my hand and (ffl'i(,ia[ s(,al Wal,H' I.,s(mrc's w l ))'Iv 31)) early morning worship is at 8:15 entlll*ed "Probation After Death,"
4/19 tfn coma. PImm. itA 6-2496. O4/16 this 61h day of April, 1959. dt5's frmn April 9:f. 1959. for early risers. And the ec, nnd is the Golden Text frorP. Isaiah
nces.SummerphoneW°nldm°nths'likeitA WILLtheerences.ltour.DO PhoneIRONINGpickuP6-8704,andin deliver.)',mY home.w4/gRef_BYlfn 1')I'1"5( I(I, .]".DSMi?I I -'::E-,]-K:yT----) Ew88 r H,IH d " )(.u p(e::, W'at erM'Stab'G' rhLKERsuporvisortlvs.urces ol' ihisWilm'ss25th dayrVM. ')f(Lhand'Ma rH.WiiKFitand 1959.°i'ficial seal w(,rsh ipnlllsi(: wil/b°HrbeiS l )rOV i(.tedat l l:00..atSPecialboth darknesst9:21: "ThehavepCopleseen thata greatwalkedlight:tll
FOR FULLER BRUSH needs call Mel- nltlst sacrifice. Phone IIA 6-4507." .1/16-.23 2t Slah, S.I-'Vvs.r ,d' s('rvicos and Pastor tretheinl will they that dwell in Lte land of the
vin L. Arnold. HA 6.-2052. A10/30 tfn P.1/16-30 ...................... Wawr 10,s.m,',,s bring I he second melange in a se- shadow of death, upon them hath
of ....................................... :- /%-ff--/S-M2E----'4------fii,\\;:----d,;Ul% '0Me ,, i6-2:: 21
at WE BUY ecrap iron batteries, radm-k 270 mote,, pho,,, r'aa.)( .r,;,, a.i) CAI,L FOR BID,. Fh's on the Holv Spirit. Bring the light shined,"
er tors. copper. lvaSe of all kinds, [ ,, ........... m a/,)_r./,7 ,Sale of Equipment s()lYlCOll(, wilh yon h) church tllis The power of this ll'ht Is also
.Shelton Junk Co., ]lrst alad Mill |;,.-.Tc---77---.-v;------r --- :v- ............ Sealcd bids will be reveivod ai the N.. 3106
9/20tfn Streets Phone HA. $-$828. 84/7tfu i :' r t, 'z l).,u p|('KUp WUU (:an- Sllll(biy.
.... -- ......... "- ........................... i opy, excellent rnnning condition, "flce of the Mason Cmmly Commis- NOTI('E 'rtl I'IIEI)ITIIli brought otlt in selechons to be
WANTED--Roto-tilling, gardens and[ /'ood rubber, $300. Phone ItA 6-8815, sioners until 2:00 p.m., Al?Ol 27t , l'' IN Till,; SUI'ERI()I{ ('()UIYF ()b' TllE The Stlnd[y school arid adult read from "Science and Health
th, w, le or the certain umts r,' 'ountv STATE t)F WASIIINGT()N l,'()l{ Bibh classes nlt!e, at 9:30 each with Key to the Scriptures" by
lSwns, 14 years experience. HA 6-I $4/23-30 q'mi'nent, and there puhliely openet MASON COi?NTY
oysen, 2219 6842, 2/5-5/28 i=fX-fi5-'i-806-'F.QGirY-in.,]br t.ype," and read. In the Maltvr ¢,f' th,' tqslal, ,,f 1VA Sunday morning. ,ary Baker Eddy, including the
9/25 tfa ' ; . ..... ] three bedroom home h)cated 132 So. "
,l*,A,.l"ll"],rll .]VI'-,E[ Montgomery St. Bremerton for Bids must be accompanied by ('(rti- STONER, De('eu.ed. Youth night will be held Sun- foll0wing (215:12}: "Whatever is
fled check in the amount og 1()0, of John W. St.mq' is lh,, appoinb,d and day' evening at 6:30 urlder the governed by God is never for an
[ boat, ta(.to(, doze: or car. the bal- the bid price p!us state sales tax.' All qualifb,d Administrah)v ,)I said (.slal('. ,
ante due $3300 $40 monthly pay-
fREES TOPPED, trlmmea, removed• [ ments Phon,: tt', aua /9. o./7 nnsucccssful Induors nlay pick up their All l),'rsons havim4 claims :U.;ainsl ::aid sponsorship of the Lather Leagne. instant deprived of the: light and
Larry'e Tree Surgeon Service. ,HA. ! p.a.=:);i--a.'-t_y'?.¢:"::v:w,y.'5 checks from the Clerk o1' tlu, Board ira- (iec,'asvd are r,'quir,'(t 1,, s,,t',. H,' All Voulh who are 1,t years of age m!ght of intelligence and Life."
s_s 2/13tfn ,,) 2u (:v mg truck anu trauer, mid ately All eqmpment, sold wil e same in dupli('ai,,, duly verified, on " Included tn the Bible passages
........ • ) , .
.................... Go d condtu)n. Reasonable. Jack Mold on a "whcro;m .... as=m" basis and said Admimstrat.r ()r his atl,wn(,v, and older are welcome.
&]tTIFICIAL BREEDING service for Metcalf, Copalis C,'osng, Wash. the sccedtful bdder .wdl remove it Robert L. Snyder at the ad(h',,ss bch,w ()n Tuesday, the Mission Circle to be read is this Verse from Mat-
] [oth dairy and beef, $7.00 cash. Ev- Phone Cop. 2007, 4/23-30 frqm the cunty prcmmes, stated, and file th. same wilh th- of the chllr(,h will be host to the :hew (5:16}: "Let yotlr lfght sO
"" rgreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. , : " - The county serves th- rlg'ht to re- Clerk of sahi Court, Iogetl],w wtlh shine before men, that they may
[all William Turner, Olympia, col- NAfl"g'-t ..T -- - " ject y. or all bids if !n the optnion pro,ff of suvh, service, wifhin Mix Norweign Mission Society from see your good worka, and glorify
lect. FL. 2-2118. . tfn xv. -MAUaLaIztIN'ILJ-- . of the board they ,are ?o low. nmnths after )he (late of firsl puhlica- Aberdeen beginning with a potluck y0m: Fatlei. which is in haven."
-ExnertSEWING-¢tv:'4"{Jl l.,I]"-- RS "" . ............... i ......... - " Each piece of equipment will i)(, sold bei°nbarred,°f this m,ti('e, .r the sanw will lllncheon at 12:30. A issionary
vee ' II, D OF A! [ RECI'ITION , sennratelv in order to bring the ) ghest m ................................................
.... " 9 Christian Church
t.£.'; ,i11"-" $o'u'fffl'lone redness and sympathy of neigh- l'etu'rn to:he cotlty. " DATE ,1" first paid)cation: April program will be presented by the
A','6-. 'e8"8'" lne I)m's and friends in our recent sorrow No MUCh employee amy pur- 1959. visiting group following the lun-
Co.: GISmplL ll/22tfn will always remain with ns as a aipment. "J()HN W. ST[)NIJR
.... I)roci,)us memory. Oar sincerest thanks at liw Ma- Adnflnist,'at,,r cheer), Services ....°lanne't
ROOFING. blown rok wool lnsula, ad gratilude for all those comfort- where it S{ar Route 2,, l?,,,x 1.19 The junior youth class meets o1
tion. Guaranteed. Plloae HA. 6-6417, itg a(qs. Sheih, n. VCashizlgtoa
by Tuesday at 7':00 p.m. with the pas-
1/1 tfn 6/20tfn The Balsch Family offide fvrms may at the ROBERT L. SNYDER . The First Christian Church
MASSEUR TRIA'I'ENTS at n)y res-" of the County Engineer in 'the Gow,,vAtt('rnCYBuihlingat Law D)l'.Tile midweek service of Bible meets every Snnday at 9:45 a,m,
Idence near the Lower kokomisll Conrthotlse or at the Mason C.unty Shelton. WaslHngt,,n 4/9-16-22-;10 .It Sunday school and Bible stildy
School. Call Troja 7-5438 for ap- Central Shop. • stlldV and prayer fellowship wtll will be held and a nursery serv-
pointment Sattlrday. Sunday, and NOTICE Oe SAt OF STATS The following equipmcnt Is for sale. " .................... • •
consider "Witnessing with the ice is available for those who need
Wnesdhy. A. F. Oppelt. 04/:[6 tfn TIDE LANDS Dcserlptim No. 266e
Nt)TICE OF IIEAItlNI; FINAL Vord t() lhc FauLtfinder" on Wed- it. The church meets in the Odd-
i NOTICE IS HEREBY" G-IFA" That 1,94 Ford Truck Chassis & Cab REPORT "AND Iq,:TrroN nesday at 7:00 p.m. The senior !ellows Hall.
SE---':CI:)TI .... a Tues I the '5th day. of' Ma.v, 73 1961 Dodge 3 yd. Dural) Truer FOR IilSTilIIII'TII)N choir rt'hearses at 8;00 p.m. the Choir practice will be held
159, co , [! mmg at te o'clock in the 76 1941 Chev. Truck Chassis & Cab,iN TIIE SI]'PEI{lf)t COURT ¢)F THE
TANK forenoon of said day, an front of the 35 1951 AC Model D Grader STATE OF WASIIIN(I'i()N FOR same evening. The junior choir re- Thursday evening in the Mill,
Onea.m.ESsex INSTALLATIONS ).a,ncvurt entranCeHouse in doorthe cityt° the Counl 4022 1942 FarmallAdams Modeltractor With84 Pull Gradernll)wer MASON , (?OI.NTYiIn Probate hearses on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. home on Capitol hill. Tl:ete will
county of Mason State of 2 Ta(pot Patcher )Trailer) In the Malh,r ,,f )by Elale*.f MA- A clean-up week is being oh- bca gospel testlval at the Puget
PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS by the County Anditor of said 81 8 ton semi-trailer BEb CARMAN, Dec,':tsed. served in our cimrch beginning F,,)und college of the Bible in Se-
150-gal., 250-gaL, 590-ga1., the following described state tic 54 Trailer dolly NOTICE IS HEREb'Y ¢:IVEN lhal this Saturday, April 25, at 9:00 ttle on April 23 and 24.
750-gai. lands, together with the improvements 2 Dump truck bodys GLENN E, CORREA, as Adminislrator •
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging situated thereon, will be sold at public 2 Dozer blades for IItC TD9 do bonis non of ih- *,.tate of Nlabel a.[ll, and continuing through the The intermediate boys will have
SHARER DIGGING SERVICE anetlonto.wit: to the highest bidder therefor, 12 12A frameangle bladePUlleYwith & arms Carman,clerk of haSsaidriled(,mu, tin hi.the Final'ffi('e lteperl"f the following Saturday, May. 2, Work- day of fun :'t the ocean Satur-
Phone HA.. 6-3660 NOTE--No one exeep citizens of the BY ORDER OF THE BOARD and Petition for Dislributi,,n. askh(u ors should contacL the church of- dt,y 'at morning.
8-18tfn' United Staten, or perkons wha bathe MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS )he Court to settle suid P,('poY1, dis- fice for job opp¢)rtunities. - .........................
3/12 tt such, can purchase state lands. Clerk of the Board ther6to entitled and t dis('har/4e .'ahl ....
AI'PI,ICATION NO. 4/16-23 2t Administ'alor do bonis re,n: nnd lhat "A4nazing Wonder of Love Di- ,
aid Report and Petiti(,n will I)e heard vine" will be the theme for the
The tidelands of the secon
. below the line of mean low on tiv, 15th day of May, 1959. ul lO.Ou "Adventure in God's Word" sched- The Walther League 0f Mount
ed by the State of NOTIC]E OF SALE OF TIMBER A.M. at the (h,urt Room of lh i-h',-
.ZCELLENT DDUYS! in front of. adjacent to ON STATE LANDS bate De, part:neat .f .:aid CmH'I. at llle(I at [Caittl Lutheran church Olive Lut|leran church will host
on those portions of G Notice is her "iven that on Tues- which time and place any p,,r.,,n inter- May 8-12. Speaker for the series -he Southwest zone spring rally,
osted ill said Estate' may :).nl' and
5, SeCtion 24, Township 21 Nor May, 1959, corn- file obJvcii(ms lh,.v,'h al;d '(,lll('M t I,' v,'ill be I:'astor R H. Rismiller, fac- Sunday, in the Shelton Armory.
Range 2 West W.M. described in the forenoon sanu,, ultv member of the Lulheran Bible Approximately 130 Leaguers are
HOME HAS PLENTY 0" ROOM follows: ' ' In front of the main en- DATED this 10ih day of April, 1:t59. ' expected• Registration will begih
• " " The east 246,7 feet of said Govern- trance door to the county court house ttARRY I)E:I,]TTlq I nstilute in Seattle.
one because it has large rooms, is nicely meat Lot 5 with a frontage of in the City of Shelton, C.unty of Ma- Clerk of said C.Hr in emphasizing the importance at 2 p.m. and the rally conchlde
son, State of Washington, by the Coua-
kitchen, excellent furnace heating, 2 car lineal chains, more or less, By Irene Mc(iuh' . l.,,/)uiy )1' the Bit)le Conference the Rev. at p.m.
at SLY.00 per lineal chain ty Auditor o said county, the timber LEWIS & CORREA - " The program will inch:de devo-
ne neighborhood, A real nice home and it only Tlmt portion of the on the following described state land Attorneys for Estate ,l. Brnhard Br'etheim of Faith
in. G)vernment Lot 5, will be sold at public auction to the Bell Building Imtherm ChllrCh said. "It is in the tions, business meeting, rec.reation
East 246.7 feet the a front- therefor, to-wit: 121 South Fom.tb Stre.I eveah'd \\;Vord of God that we banquet and entertainment.
age of 6,45 lineal chains, more or less, Ilication No. 2,5683 Shelton, Washinu'h,n ,I/16-,23-30,.5/7 4t find lhe liffht for understanding
2 BEDROOM HOME AT AGATE . . . appraised at $25.09 per lineal chain within a marked sale area ...................
home, fruit trees, berry patch, and garden or $161.25. ,ary, comprising apl)roxinmtely tilt! signficinace and purpose of life,
Said lands will be sold.for not less 242,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir, 38,000 No. 3033
'ith $800 down then $50/month. To make it than the apl)raised value labove stated bd. ft. of hemlock and 16,000 bd. fi. NOTICE OF IIEAItlNG ON FINAL Ttlt til)le holds tie key to ntore
anything of value for down payment . . . and upon the terms and conditions white ine, h)cated on the SVz of ItFP()ItT AND P:TIT[ON snc(essflll and victorious living."
land, etc. following: of Section 18, Township 22 FOR DlSTRIIII'I'ION Pastor Bretheinl and the Faith
4 West, W.M., in Mason IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Lutheral church extend 'a cordial
Not less than one-tenth' of the pur-
chase price must be paid at the .ime County, containing 20 acres, more or
MONTH FOR 1 BR ANGLESIDE HOME..• of sale. The purchaser, if he be not less. STATE OF WAS[tINGTt)N .F()I invitation to everyone t:o attend
You can have your own home for only $22,50 the owner of the improvements, ] Timber will be Hold on a cash basis. MASON COUNTY
range, and automatic HW unit. " forthwith pay to the officer ma Mlntmun acceptable bid Is $6,934.00. In Hm Ilatte,' of tlw Eslat,, el I'ETE the coining services.
the sale the full amount of the At lime of sab • the opurchaser must YORK, Deceased ...........
praised value or the improvements, pay $6,934.00, plum a $..00 bill of sale NOTICE IS IIEREIY GIVEN lha MT. OldVE LUTltERAN
WN, $65/MONTH FOR THIS'2 SR HOME . . , above stated. One-tenth of the fee, or a total of 6,936.00 in the form Pete I .•. Wh(,1]lanL AdnH'nislrahq c.l.a. CIlUIt(Jll
lify, owner will sell on very easy terms. IIas elmse price must be paid cash, money order, certified check of ssid estate, has filed wttll tlw (."h!rk
thereaftcr with Interest on all bank draft. The balance between of said C,,urt his final retmrl arm 1"- %V. F. Kellerman. Pastor
g, newly redecorated2:car garage. $6950. payments at the rate of six centUni )raised wice and the bid price, tit)on for distrihution asking lt, Court Sunday school and Bible classes
per annum: Provided check, to mettle and approve lhe same, to
LOTS . .,," ' ¢ chaser may make full a surety distribute the property lo the (pea(Ins ariD:45, wor'shiD service with ttoly
cipal, interest and of $2,000.00 to guarantee complN thereto entitled and t di,chargs,aid (onm]llnion tt ll:00. Iegislration
of flowers, lovely shrubs, and fruit trees are any time and obtain deed. ance with all terms of the bill of sale. A(lministrat.r c.l.a, tiff" l':[(fly Commllt)ion on S,turday
modest home at only $5000. Only $500 down chaser of land containing timhe] money orders, etc. are to NOTICE IS FURTIrEI- ('HVEN thatt ,'tt'lhe office, '
mOnthly, other valuable materials Is payable to tim Commissioner said final report and petitition for ds-/ SHndav afterno(m he zone rally
Lands. tributlon wql be heard on Friday. the •
by law from cutting or
such timber or materials wRhout Tinm for removal will be one year, 1st (lay of May, ]959. at ttm hoar el of the v'allher League will be held
DUPLEX FOR SMALLER HOME . . ob$alning consent of the Commissioner Located approxhnately 22 miles 10 o'clock A.M. al the (?mn'lr,(,nl (,f]n the local Armory. Regislration
' of Public Lands, until the full amount northwest of Shelton, said Courl in SIwlt.otL Washinglon. will begin at 2:0(}. Rev. E. Get-
ileal for family wanting room for an in-law, of th purchase price has been paid Acceasibility: Purchaser must enter DATED THIS 30th das' of March,
S; the other side as 1 bedroom. Both " and deed issued.
into road use agreement with Strop- 1959. ken of Ihlvalhlp will serve as lopic
quarters. Near schools. Owners will take All sales of state lands are made son Logging Company, copies of which HARRY' IEYETTE leader and Chaphtin Reinhardt of
:de, balance on contract, $10,750. subject to the reservations of oils, gas- are on file tn the District and Olym- Mason County Clerk For[ Lewis will 1)e the, banquet
es. coal, ores, minerals and fossils of pin offices. By: Irene McGuire
every name, kind and description, and Complete contract speclficatlons may Deputy Clerk. spetk(,t'.
T PHILLIPS LAKE LOT . . . to the additional terms and conditions be examined at Shelton District Heed- ROBERT L. SNYDER Thi wecken(1 thc Washington
$1495 with $250 down and $25 per month, prescribed in section 3 of chapter 258 of County Auditor's office, and Govey Buildtn D i s t r i c t Lutheran Laymen's
the Laws of 1907. of Public Lands, Olym- Shelton,. Washinglon "
ating, swimming, small cabin, etc. Said land Will be sold subject to the League will hold its convention in
terms, conditions and rese:vations of timber on said land will be sold Attorney for Adminislrator ('.t.a.
4/2-9-16-23 4t Memorial Lutberan chul'ch of
)WNTOWN BEDROOM HOME chapter 312 of the Session Laws of for not less than the appraised value ...........................
• ' ' 1927, relating to easements for rights- asappraised hy the Comnflssioner of 13r'e|erl.(n.
lospital district, and has a fenced yard with of-way and he carrying of timber, Public Land in the manner provided No,- 3101 The adult mcmbership class
by law, a statement of which is now
shop and separate garage too, $8500. stone, minerals and other products on file in the office of the Auditor of NOTICF" TO cREI)ITORS T O meets on ]Vhmday at 8:00 p.m.
over the same. PgESENT AND ILE CI,AIM, The high school class on Wednes-
of Public Lands• Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid IN THE .SUPERIOR C,()itRT ()f," TIIE day a, ftern(stht at, 3:45. The jnnior
to get ready for summer, and we have 4/2-9-18-23-30--5t. on the day of sale, confirmation elass meets Satur-
view propertyavailable. Check with Commisslotmr of Public Lands (In I'robste) day mornings at 9:00.
" No. 3052 4/2-9-16-23-305t In the Matter of the. Estate (,f IR- The Lntheran Women's Mission-
NOTICE OF HEARINO ON FINAL VIN A. AMES. Deceas,',l. ary League will meet on Tuesday
FOR DISTBIBUTION In Bankruptcy the undersigned, Bclla J. Anms has
been appointed and has qualified a
,La-LE OF REAL, Executrix of lhe Last Will and Testa- lu th Matter of
MASON COUNTY ;,P][OIeEd[tTY AT PUBLIC, ,Luc'rl(IN nient and of the estate of Ervin A, {'(II'NTY ROAD I'ItOJECT Nil. :11111
--------' I S In the Matter of the Eitateof ALO'IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Ames, deceased and that all persons IT IS III,]REBY BESOLVED BY )he
]" • Title n urance Bldg FRED J. HULTGREN, Deceased. , UNITED STATES FOR TE WEST- having clabns aga nst the said e,,t, ate B,mrd .f (hmnly Commis,i(mers that it
Retta E. Hultgren, Admlnistratrix EINIITRXCT OF WASHINGTON
the estate,'has filed in the --:OUTHERN DVISION
or the said deceased are her'by r(,-
said quired to serve the same duly ve'rifiod ivilll/tlt]ylheh' illtt'nliHnl,l Illih' ell° (,c°nstrUCtun y roadappr°X'from
her final In the Matter of CORPUS CHRIS- in duplicate with the necessary winch- I'h,nson Lake not'lh,rly h Stl.r'wood
distribution, TIE HANDLY. a Married Man. l ers attached, upt)n tbe undersigned
aid report, distr te the la PI .ant to an order of the above-llxecutrix or her attorney of r,,cord at (:r',,k.
thereto entitled qltl' e/eottrt, tn bankruptcy, :lie un-lth e law office of B. Franklin t h.uton, This mpr.,,v,,men is h, eat(.d in the
,verraa00'ere- t'i00rti---pe'es ... ,led:lle truttee of the prop, erty|&ngle Bnllding, Shelton. Washington, NW NW Socl,,m 3. Township 21 N,
1959, aim etato of 1he bankrupt a/oveland file such claims tngeth,:r wtth Range 2W W.M,
The ln'incipal quantiiies arP cl.ar'-
named will offer for sale, at the en-|proof of service with the Clerk o be Ing eigiH a('rt's unclas.,:ifled excava-
said trance of said property on the Olym-labove eat)tied Couri within ,,Mix (6) tion 2,000 ,uhic yards,
the County Courthouse at She North, Shelton, Washing-)months after tim date of llm fh'st
$50.00 PER MONTH Washington. ' P,E In. ` FUItTIIR I(ES(H,VED that
.... DATED THIS BthDlaCE,fprtl, 1959• publication of this notlee, ,(,-wil: 2
April 1959, or all clainls not so pre- the ah,)ve described tinnily road l)r0-
to theairport), on the
of April, 1919. t th hour iect is nocessaYy qnd pl' )er. and the
than average 2 bedroom home on M, of said day, the follow-, sented and filed will be forever barred. sttmat,.d ('0::is .t sitid pr ieci are
in living room and bedrooms, said Court ins describ real property: BELLA J, AMES
nd nice utility. Newl:y redecorated. All that porthi)a .of the NI/ el the , Executrix, EstaH, of Ervin i,,r,,wlth ,t ,,u t( d4ail as follows:
F/'(H/I ('i tlS Ta× ftlnds Road Con-
SW,i of the I(WI/ of Section_ 12, A. Ames. de('eas'd, siructi(n, $.000.00. Labor: Day,
• Tgwnship 20 N0th. lLarl$'e 4 WesL Address: Tl,. county road project Iv*retn des-
against inflation is a home of your for 4/9-18-23-304t W.M., lying northeast of P.S.H. Rt. 1. Box 425 ('ribHt iv HEREBY DICLARED to be
No. 9 (Olympic Highway) as now Shelton, Washington a public n,wessity and )he County Road
I,cated, and & parcel contiguous B. FRANKIXN IIEUST()N En'tn,,,.r is IqEREBY ORDERED AND
t, 3oBEDROOM, MT, VIEW thereto beglnhing at the SW cor-
.... NOTICE OF.SALE OF 'IIMBER Attm'ndy for said Estate AUrH()RIZ:I) t. report and proceed
attractiv roomy home must ON STATE 14ANB ' n "Of Ti t Oymplc Highway Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash i her,m as i)y hlwpl'W ded.
elt ttt the NW, of the NWV of 4/2-9-16-234t BE IT FITRTtlER RESOLVED khat
aPlreciated.. Located on 90x100 with Notice iS Stion. 1, gid, ioWnkhlp and
tOO lot available. Fireplace, baseboard the. 5th range; thence East 600 feet to the his proJ,,(.i, if day work, b(, p(,rf.r/ed
oven and rhnge, hardwood floors west corller of Trgct 3; thence NOTICE OF I,E OJV NATIONAL by snpervi.'or in accol'dlll'tCe W tb the
pin#. tered. Man' more extras of the main North 181A feet; thdnce West 600 FOREST TI.'[BF, R Standardli4ms o' thelt°adstateand of BrtdgewashitlionSpeeiflcS'as
f.et to Olympic Highway; thence Public notice is herel)y given that adopied )W tbts hoard,
landscaped, yarn. $550 dowq of Washington, South 1914 feet to potnt of be- pursuant to the provisions ,)t' Section 5
f said county, ginl.ng, aIYln Mason County, State ADOPTED li)ls 20ih day of April,
of Public Law 273, 78th Congress 15g 1959.
or wauhlnto .
foUowlng aescrlbed 91 Said sale wll? be eOndtlcted by the stat. 132; 16 U.S.C.A. 583-583i). and BOAR1) ()[," COUNTY COMMIS-
SEDROOMS?' land will be sold at public auction t the Cooperative Agreemem h)r the SI()NERS OF MASON COUNTY.
4 bedroom home IS Jtit the an- the highest btdder there°r,h, to-wlt: unders!gned trustee to the highest and Management of the Participating 1,'of WAStlINGT(')N
family. Chose to Mountain View Appllcatlbn Na. x-ot best bidder for cuh, .The highest bid est Properties in the Shelton ((,opel'- Jdm Baritman Chah'man
All timber witllin 2 marKea sale must be accompanied by a ative Sustained Yield Unit ent,,red into C. W, Str ck'nbath
the amount bid, and all
big 100'x210' lot. Baseboard boundaries, nlu a few raarked America and the Stmps,m L6gging ATTEST:
birch kitchen, are but a few outside of the sal Will be offered for -y and between the United States of Roy Mlteiell
eet to valid Jlens and Company, dated December 12. :]946, all C. Nolan Mason
Total down payment of mortgages, for taxes or otherwise, merchantable timber marked .r des- Ch,rk of )he B.ard 4/23-302t
• which may exist against it, to the
ignated for cutting on an are 8 :m- . ........................
[A payments, extent of the right, title and interest bractng 234 acres, more or less, within
the bankrupt had. and the under- Sectlohs 90 and 31. T. 22 N., R, 5 W., No, 3104 .
$;]50.04} OWN PYMENT . . . trustee now has, in the same. tnd sjtios 25 and 36, T. 22 N,, R. 6 NOTICE TO CREDI'rf)R
comfortable home on Hill- lales are subject to confirmation W., W.M,, strveyed, Blngman Block IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT (')F THE
the payments are consider- the above entitled court, and the Maon C(mnty, Shelton Cooperative STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR
rent. It will pay you to investigate Range 1 Is. ,right to reject any ustalned Yield Unit, Oiyn)pic Nath,nal MASON C()UNTY
Forest; State of Washington. will hc (In I'rohate)
Call to see it today. ,more el GLENN E. CORREA =old to the Simpson Logging C,ml,any, In tlw Malt'r of th Estate of AL-
ess. LI South 4th Street Seattle, Washin,gton, on May 11, 1959. RERT I ('t)LLINS, als,, known as
3 SEDROOM? Timber Shelton, Washington The estimated volumes are: 12.800 M IEP.T. (?OLT.TNS. Deceased.
.... " ' ' 4/9-16-23 3t N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
board. feet Douglas-fir and , Weslern
to investigate this one. Very At time white pine, 30(} M board toot Western ill,' un(h.r,ign,,d has boon appointd
out. Large living room, dining ay red cedar and 2.900 M hoard fe,.t West- n I h s q mHf ed ts th,, Admilli'strata
ele, or a ' . : No. 3105 era hemlock and other species. The ,,f Ih,. Estale of Albert r,. Ctllill, also
large utility, and garage• Lo-
f0rtn of cash, N'OTJCE TO CR};1DITORS mJnimun) acceptable price per M board Ien.wn as l¢('t Collins de(',ased; lhat
yet outide city limits, check or bnk tN THE SUPIRIOR COURT.OF THE feet is aM follows: Donglas-fir an¢l all p,q's,ms having claims agahlst said
$7,950. LOW down payment and low tween tbe and the STAT ' OF WASHINGTON FOR Wesiern white pin, $21.2. Woslern rcd ,.I,,c,,asvd d-(, hvf'hy roqlih'ed t(, serve
price, if any MASON COUNTY rodar $7,f10 and Wcstm'n hemlock and th- snnw, ,hlh' vm'ified, on ti,, tlnder-
sonal check. In the Matter of the Estate of CAR- other species $7,25, This in,'ludes th*
;-ign..d ,]:wk Eilioll m' his ittttSl'rley,t[
OLINE ROBINSON, Deceased, folh)wing stlnnl)agl rnh,s per 51 board ', I'd a( th, ad :lres, below .lated ad
ILY HOME .... nish suret: erms of Al0lz Robinson is the appointed and feet: Douglas-fir and West.rn white fib' the same l,ith ll:w Clc'vk of the
qualified Executor of said estate, All pine $2L40, Wesb,rn red cedar $6.55 todd Court, toXe[ci" with prof of suvil
for the family that wants a lot of etc. are to havi said de- and Western hemlock and (dher slmc.ies m-rvi¢'e wilhtn Mix memths ('ler the
With large.workshop area, 5 are the same $6,40, plus $0.45 for sah' .rea be[ler-, date .I first pllblh,alion ,l" this uotlce
on main floor, with space upstairs Time for removal will be one year. ! ment and $0.40 for siaM( disl.mal f,)r ,,r the ,am,' will be imrrd.
plus recreation area. Truly an Located approximately 15 miles north-: all species. If requested by the Slate JACK EIAJ()q'T
vest of Gorst. the ddress of Washlngtor 0r by Mmon (¢,unty HYtt(IN E. McCI,ANAtIAN
$12,750 with only $450 down plus Accessibiiity: Via public access roa iame with or by any pet'son dot, m,.t t(, h,ve a
Conlplete contract ?peeif.icatJon m Court, together with proof of reasonab]lntercst in tbb prop.sod Al(,wn,,y flw Esfate
()['fic, and Post Office Ad(tre:,s:
' ' be examined at Port urcnard Distri within six months after sale, or m its tarnm, a public hearths (',mrthmtse
• of ,first publication of this will ba held in the office of tho F,n'cst Shelh,n Wasidnuton 4/,).16-33t
SALE " Headquarters, County.AUaltor's offic
• • • • and ommissioner or k'ublic I will be barred. ,uperx:lsor, Post Office Btli[ding, ()lyre- _ ..................................
downtown home, low down payment, Olympia. ' )ublicatlon: April 9, daxil, "1959, at 2:00 P.M. Request for
Said timber said land will be ,ia, Washington, on the 29th day of
,ubllc hearing wiU uot be considered
for not less AL(YNZO ROBINSON %
utor inless received in the otflce of the
REALTY ,.p..,.r POSt o,llee
ton ng, Olympia, Washtntoh, on or be-
f)re April 24, 1959. Dated Alarll 1
'a " countY. - at Law 1959, Lloyd G. Gi]lrnor. ForeSt Super-
Terms ot ale are: cash to be paid visor, Olympic National Forest.
22 lorth First on the dayf sale, -O'- = 4/9-16-23o30 4t - 4/9r16-23-304t "
m-Si.'iior. .. qiil,/,iidiSt Jouimal Waft: Ads Pay Journal Want Ads Pay
Adventist Service
Ends Seturday
The special e,,v e r y evening
"Flight of Prophecy"* services con-
tinues through this week, with
the subject tonight, "Why so many
denton)nations?" following the 11lo-
tion picture "Fur Cotmtry,"
Saturday night ts the great clos-
ing service, "The last night on
earth," preceded by film *'Tim
Great Adventure," All are wel-
come. Today the Federated Dof
cas Societies of this area will meet
in Olympia for an all day session.
Firsi Ohridlan
"New Testamrtt Chrlqtianit]P*
Lewis E. Whitney, Minister
Odd Fello----'s HMI
tible 8ohoot 9:45 Ibm.
Chureh 8erv|oes 1:ff0 a.m;'
anti 7:00 p.m. to 8;00 p.m.
Memorial Building
Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday
Sponsored by
Firs t Mlislonary Baptist Church
of Puyallup, Waeh.
Everyone Welcome
r ' i''1 - ':?': ' -
Ihhit OaVldN Ohuroh
4th & Cedar Stree(s
Rev. Robert Bonnet Echoll,
4th Sunday After Easter:
9:00 a,m. Holy Communion
9:45 a.m. Church School.
'11:00 a.m, Service and Serm-
....... T"T-
4th & Pine Parsonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 |
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m.
I I -- II iiii
i j i,| _.
5th & Cota Rev. E.'¢. Knautz, Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp.
"A Whole Heart"
6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments.
7:00 p.m.
"Modern Amusements"
I I"1 l] F ti i .......
FAITH LUTHERAN 11111111011
i i
Seventh & Franklin Sta. J. Bernhard Bretheim, Paator
Stmday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m,
ld-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m.
Sunday h001 .......... i .......... ...'. .............. 9:4 a.m.
Morhlng Wdrthip ........................................ 11:00 a.m.
Evangelistio Service .................................... 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting ........................ Wodneday 70 p.m.
$02 Alder St., 8he t . Wdsh,
Sunday School 9:30 a.m, Chtrch 11 a.m,
' Wednemlay evening testimorl meetings 8 p.m,
Reading i%om located in church• Reading rom hOUrs 2 to
4 p.m. Men. ,& Fri• Wed. evenitg 6:45 to 7:45.
Washington & J Stl. Eugene Breld, Pastor
Sunday School ......................................... : .......................... 9:45 a,m,
Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m,
A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.nu
Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m
Mid-week service Wdnesday .......................................... 7:30 p.
9:15 a.m. Coffee tirne.
9:30 a•m.--FIf
"PaCific Paradise" ,.
10:00 a.m. Bible Study.
"A Poor Swap"
You Are Welcome At the Friendly
130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor
Sunday School ..................................................................... 9:45 a,m.
"Baby Day in Our Sunday Scl'oot"
Morning Worship ............................................... '....: ......... I1:00 a.m.
Christ's Anlbassadors ..................................................... 6:00 p.m.
Reviwd Services .................................................................. 7:00 I?/.
,1959 ' gHELTON-MASON COUIT JOURNAL -- PuNished in "Ch, ri.tma.fown, U.,.A.,'-- " Shelton, Waahingt0n
CLASSIPIED NoTcJ." oF waTEB Rm.T I No'fIe,,: tw Va'r:r ,.,:.','
APPJ.IC¢'rlON Nil. 153113 [ AI'I'I,li'ATION Nil. 13315
ITATE OF WASItlNCT()N, OFFICE gTATIC O1,' WA,;IIIN(;'I'()N, )l;'l,'H'l':
ey making AUTO PANTING $40. Also spray ACCORDTON private lessons in your OF SUPERVISOI ()F WATER b:E- el,' SUPEitV1S(H' I," WATb:I{ ltl,:
¢ available paint hottses, roofs, etc. For esli- imme Slam'ate National School of . " i S(*t I{l'l,',S, 'qH.YMI'IA
rep- males phone I-TA 6-4329. Inquire Accm.di-,n. Mrs. Casada, phone tAn TAKE NOTICE: Thai Nalhaniel and l TAKE N(VPII'E: Thai .h,hn E. and
(?usl.tnors 1202 Cola St. R3/12 lfn 6-g229. 111 Ghidys ilorri(,k ),1' ,*lfair. Wa.hing-]lh,h,n M. l;r,'viv, ,l" Sh,'ll.e, Wmhim.',-
ton on Mar't 21 J t. I fi ed all p I'l- I t,, l, ,, h I," N, lq', < fihd :tlq,h(':l-
llOnLat, rei.,.ail IIa '0RN: WAN"]-I)--'C'I-e;:kin-g care-'for l".l,:(::],qTlql{El) ARARI'AN Stalli(m at lion for porn,it to divert Ihe public !i,,I) fHr I ....... it t,+ diver! lh,' ]HII)lh'
G'l/9 tfn sit'k, house clean)fig, janitor work :qllll I. al.qw, w,'tl Iil;(l'l+s. Dark i,hesl- waters ttOf Wlllllllnod Bil't'alll, tl'ibU I '3' V,'III,'t'S ,d' 1' rd', ('re,,k awl I','av,w . ....................................... _. .......
of" will baby sit nights. Mrs. Lol.li ntll, ,I sh.'kim4s, bhlze. Box 103, of Unioh River. in the ;llllllUlll ii1" 0,Ol Dan,s. lrib'dlary Hf .ltd.HiiH.h l:P, iq. .............................
])eeled fh' poles Durand, phone HA 6-3036 or HA 6- Matl..k IIA 6-6070• 1t3/19 lfn second foot, SuI,J(q'I to exislillg rights, in tlw anmunl .f 1 s.c,md h.,t, .ul(iH'l
Pole3012,andTav,,nmPiling ................................................ 33..:,. .,,.2 tfn ,.,,(.,, ,',.ar ,,,,. il,,. ,,u,'- i .... ,i.i,,,. ,,. ...... ,,,,,l i,, Faith .l00utheran Tvn00hle.00..-00 .00uMec t
4/I6 [fn B()AT BUILDER. cabinet nlflker, o1' __ .se ol (hHnesti(" Stlpl)l.v; Ill(it liH' tip- O' Hh,," st ,' c VP ' If*l L 11 c p It'|H,::,,
....... ...-a,,,bitl,,.s ..o.n ,.an i,, le,.n USED CARS ,,,,in,at,, point ,,f d,,,.,si,., ,s ,,,,at,.d ,,f i, , ,.,,.,,,, ..... ,,,,,,,,, ........ ,, ,,,, ,,, ' V ..,eunna - Set ...he Service
inter- b,,at building, Apply 1916 l) v p : ,)thin SWL of Section 20. Townshil nleslic .u I)P Y: thai th,. ai,pr.xim.i,' * 7 S
• N.. Range 1 W. W.M.. in Mason I;.inl of (ILv-rsi(m is i,,('d*.d wHhin k .
--- two open- It)way North (w call tlA 6-6837 ev,-
married, higll lllllg. B3/26 Ifn I'(911 SAIA.,'--52 Deluxe Chevrolet. aulo- Count:,'. SI':'L Nl,;, (,f S,',rml '27. 'l'(,wuMdi, 21 Tills '2Hllldlly ik l,(yally Silrld(ty The ever-present light of ihe
ragedCar' hwa15136 ref-net PREPARE .............................................. FOR Real Estate Exannlia- Iminl,malic Iransmissmn.good buy. realtiA ('lean,6.4619, good I)yAnYa tw.°bjecti°nsdollar mustl,$2.001b(,r,eordaCCompaniedng 1' , coN" Ivl:ang" I W. W.M., in Ma,,n :ll l¢;lilb lalllwra)l, l]''(,;'y• meal- Christ, Truth, will be stressed at,
M,t/9 tfn and filed with file State Sul-,'vis r ¢:f
tion. Tacoma Real Estate School I,e- Any ,)hi,,cli.ns IHU<I t-, a(',',m,i)anied I)'r is lll'ged io bl prt.st,iu, at one Chri,.tiau Science services Sunday.
ear, $125 a gins May 5th, Nine classes. Inquire .............
Ask your Bernadine Edrington, Box 1405, Ta- ]'(.)R S(i:i:i-'7-:-94-7--F(wd t-ud/wl-"g od Water Rcsourc,'s within lhiv v ,30) t, a tw,; d,,llar .2,110 v,..ordinn l',',' (fl' lhe two worship seviccs, Tile Keynoting the Lesson-Sermon
days fl'onl April 23, 1959. and I'ihM with Ill(' Slab' Siiperxis,r of
or pimne ItA 4/9-23 ('ondili,,n. St,(, at 1003 Raih'oad. Witness my hand and (ffl'i(,ia[ s(,al Wal,H' I.,s(mrc's w l ))'Iv 31)) early morning worship is at 8:15 entlll*ed "Probation After Death,"
4/19 tfn coma. PImm. itA 6-2496. O4/16 this 61h day of April, 1959. dt5's frmn April 9:f. 1959. for early risers. And the ec, nnd is the Golden Text frorP. Isaiah
nces.SummerphoneW°nldm°nths'likeitA WILLtheerences.ltour.DO PhoneIRONINGpickuP6-8704,andin deliver.)',mY home.w4/gRef_BYlfn 1')I'1"5( I(I, .]".DSMi?I I -'::E-,]-K:yT----) Ew88 r H,IH d " )(.u p(e::, W'at erM'Stab'G' rhLKERsuporvisortlvs.urces ol' ihisWilm'ss25th dayrVM. ')f(Lhand'Ma rH.WiiKFitand 1959.°i'ficial seal w(,rsh ipnlllsi(: wil/b°HrbeiS l )rOV i(.tedat l l:00..atSPecialboth darknesst9:21: "ThehavepCopleseen thata greatwalkedlight:tll
FOR FULLER BRUSH needs call Mel- nltlst sacrifice. Phone IIA 6-4507." .1/16-.23 2t Slah, S.I-'Vvs.r ,d' s('rvicos and Pastor tretheinl will they that dwell in Lte land of the
vin L. Arnold. HA 6.-2052. A10/30 tfn P.1/16-30 ...................... Wawr 10,s.m,',,s bring I he second melange in a se- shadow of death, upon them hath
of ....................................... :- /%-ff--/S-M2E----'4------fii,\\;:----d,;Ul% '0Me ,, i6-2:: 21
at WE BUY ecrap iron batteries, radm-k 270 mote,, pho,,, r'aa.)( .r,;,, a.i) CAI,L FOR BID,. Fh's on the Holv Spirit. Bring the light shined,"
er tors. copper. lvaSe of all kinds, [ ,, ........... m a/,)_r./,7 ,Sale of Equipment s()lYlCOll(, wilh yon h) church tllis The power of this ll'ht Is also
.Shelton Junk Co., ]lrst alad Mill |;,.-.Tc---77---.-v;------r --- :v- ............ Sealcd bids will be reveivod ai the N.. 3106
9/20tfn Streets Phone HA. $-$828. 84/7tfu i :' r t, 'z l).,u p|('KUp WUU (:an- Sllll(biy.
.... -- ......... "- ........................... i opy, excellent rnnning condition, "flce of the Mason Cmmly Commis- NOTI('E 'rtl I'IIEI)ITIIli brought otlt in selechons to be
WANTED--Roto-tilling, gardens and[ /'ood rubber, $300. Phone ItA 6-8815, sioners until 2:00 p.m., Al?Ol 27t , l'' IN Till,; SUI'ERI()I{ ('()UIYF ()b' TllE The Stlnd[y school arid adult read from "Science and Health
th, w, le or the certain umts r,' 'ountv STATE t)F WASIIINGT()N l,'()l{ Bibh classes nlt!e, at 9:30 each with Key to the Scriptures" by
lSwns, 14 years experience. HA 6-I $4/23-30 q'mi'nent, and there puhliely openet MASON COi?NTY
oysen, 2219 6842, 2/5-5/28 i=fX-fi5-'i-806-'F.QGirY-in.,]br t.ype," and read. In the Maltvr ¢,f' th,' tqslal, ,,f 1VA Sunday morning. ,ary Baker Eddy, including the
9/25 tfa ' ; . ..... ] three bedroom home h)cated 132 So. "
,l*,A,.l"ll"],rll .]VI'-,E[ Montgomery St. Bremerton for Bids must be accompanied by ('(rti- STONER, De('eu.ed. Youth night will be held Sun- foll0wing (215:12}: "Whatever is
fled check in the amount og 1()0, of John W. St.mq' is lh,, appoinb,d and day' evening at 6:30 urlder the governed by God is never for an
[ boat, ta(.to(, doze: or car. the bal- the bid price p!us state sales tax.' All qualifb,d Administrah)v ,)I said (.slal('. ,
ante due $3300 $40 monthly pay-
fREES TOPPED, trlmmea, removed• [ ments Phon,: tt', aua /9. o./7 nnsucccssful Induors nlay pick up their All l),'rsons havim4 claims :U.;ainsl ::aid sponsorship of the Lather Leagne. instant deprived of the: light and
Larry'e Tree Surgeon Service. ,HA. ! p.a.=:);i--a.'-t_y'?.¢:"::v:w,y.'5 checks from the Clerk o1' tlu, Board ira- (iec,'asvd are r,'quir,'(t 1,, s,,t',. H,' All Voulh who are 1,t years of age m!ght of intelligence and Life."
s_s 2/13tfn ,,) 2u (:v mg truck anu trauer, mid ately All eqmpment, sold wil e same in dupli('ai,,, duly verified, on " Included tn the Bible passages
........ • ) , .
.................... Go d condtu)n. Reasonable. Jack Mold on a "whcro;m .... as=m" basis and said Admimstrat.r ()r his atl,wn(,v, and older are welcome.
&]tTIFICIAL BREEDING service for Metcalf, Copalis C,'osng, Wash. the sccedtful bdder .wdl remove it Robert L. Snyder at the ad(h',,ss bch,w ()n Tuesday, the Mission Circle to be read is this Verse from Mat-
] [oth dairy and beef, $7.00 cash. Ev- Phone Cop. 2007, 4/23-30 frqm the cunty prcmmes, stated, and file th. same wilh th- of the chllr(,h will be host to the :hew (5:16}: "Let yotlr lfght sO
"" rgreen Northwest Breeders, Inc. , : " - The county serves th- rlg'ht to re- Clerk of sahi Court, Iogetl],w wtlh shine before men, that they may
[all William Turner, Olympia, col- NAfl"g'-t ..T -- - " ject y. or all bids if !n the optnion pro,ff of suvh, service, wifhin Mix Norweign Mission Society from see your good worka, and glorify
lect. FL. 2-2118. . tfn xv. -MAUaLaIztIN'ILJ-- . of the board they ,are ?o low. nmnths after )he (late of firsl puhlica- Aberdeen beginning with a potluck y0m: Fatlei. which is in haven."
-ExnertSEWING-¢tv:'4"{Jl l.,I]"-- RS "" . ............... i ......... - " Each piece of equipment will i)(, sold bei°nbarred,°f this m,ti('e, .r the sanw will lllncheon at 12:30. A issionary
vee ' II, D OF A! [ RECI'ITION , sennratelv in order to bring the ) ghest m ................................................
.... " 9 Christian Church
t.£.'; ,i11"-" $o'u'fffl'lone redness and sympathy of neigh- l'etu'rn to:he cotlty. " DATE ,1" first paid)cation: April program will be presented by the
A','6-. 'e8"8'" lne I)m's and friends in our recent sorrow No MUCh employee amy pur- 1959. visiting group following the lun-
Co.: GISmplL ll/22tfn will always remain with ns as a aipment. "J()HN W. ST[)NIJR
.... I)roci,)us memory. Oar sincerest thanks at liw Ma- Adnflnist,'at,,r cheer), Services ....°lanne't
ROOFING. blown rok wool lnsula, ad gratilude for all those comfort- where it S{ar Route 2,, l?,,,x 1.19 The junior youth class meets o1
tion. Guaranteed. Plloae HA. 6-6417, itg a(qs. Sheih, n. VCashizlgtoa
by Tuesday at 7':00 p.m. with the pas-
1/1 tfn 6/20tfn The Balsch Family offide fvrms may at the ROBERT L. SNYDER . The First Christian Church
MASSEUR TRIA'I'ENTS at n)y res-" of the County Engineer in 'the Gow,,vAtt('rnCYBuihlingat Law D)l'.Tile midweek service of Bible meets every Snnday at 9:45 a,m,
Idence near the Lower kokomisll Conrthotlse or at the Mason C.unty Shelton. WaslHngt,,n 4/9-16-22-;10 .It Sunday school and Bible stildy
School. Call Troja 7-5438 for ap- Central Shop. • stlldV and prayer fellowship wtll will be held and a nursery serv-
pointment Sattlrday. Sunday, and NOTICE Oe SAt OF STATS The following equipmcnt Is for sale. " .................... • •
consider "Witnessing with the ice is available for those who need
Wnesdhy. A. F. Oppelt. 04/:[6 tfn TIDE LANDS Dcserlptim No. 266e
Nt)TICE OF IIEAItlNI; FINAL Vord t() lhc FauLtfinder" on Wed- it. The church meets in the Odd-
i NOTICE IS HEREBY" G-IFA" That 1,94 Ford Truck Chassis & Cab REPORT "AND I'l,:'rrroN nesday at 7:00 p.m. The senior !ellows Hall.
SE---':CI:)TI .... a Tues I the '5th day. of' Ma.v, 73 1961 Dodge 3 yd. Dural) Truer FOR IilSTilIIII'TII)N choir rt'hearses at 8;00 p.m. the Choir practice will be held
159, co , [! mmg at te o'clock in the 76 1941 Chev. Truck Chassis & Cab,iN TIIE SI]'PEI{lf)t COURT ¢)F THE
TANK forenoon of said day, an front of the 35 1951 AC Model D Grader STATE OF WASIIIN(I'i()N FOR same evening. The junior choir re- Thursday evening in the Mill,
Onea.m.ESsex INSTALLATIONS ).a,ncvurt entranCeHouse in doorthe cityt° the Counl 4022 1942 FarmallAdams Modeltractor With84 Pull Gradernll)wer MASON , (?OI.NTYiIn Probate hearses on Thursday at 3:30 p.m. home on Capitol hill. Tl:ete will
county of Mason State of 2 Ta(pot Patcher )Trailer) In the Malh,r ,,f )by Elale*.f MA- A clean-up week is being oh- bc a gospel testlval at the Puget
PRE-CAST SEPTIC TANKS by the County Anditor of said 81 8 ton semi-trailer BEb CARMAN, Dec,':tsed. served in our cimrch beginning F,,)und college of the Bible in Se-
150-gal., 250-gaL, 590-ga1., the following described state tic 54 Trailer dolly NOTICE IS HEREb'Y ¢:IVEN lhal this Saturday, April 25, at 9:00 ttle on April 23 and 24.
750-gai. lands, together with the improvements 2 Dump truck bodys GLENN E, CORREA, as Adminislrator •
Drain Fields, Ditch Digging situated thereon, will be sold at public 2 Dozer blades for IItC TD9 do bonis non of ih- *,.tate of Nlabel a.[ll, and continuing through the The intermediate boys will have
SHARER DIGGING SERVICE anetlonto.wit: to the highest bidder therefor, 12 12A frameangle bladePUlleYwith & arms Carman,clerk of haSsaidriled(,mu, tin hi.the Final'ffi('e lteperl"f the following Saturday, May. 2, Work- day of fun :'t the ocean Satur-
Phone HA.. 6-3660 NOTE--No one exeep citizens of the BY ORDER OF THE BOARD and Petition for Dislributi,,n. askh(u ors should contacL the church of- dt,y 'at morning.
8-18tfn' United Staten, or perkons wha bathe MASON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS )he Court to settle suid P,('poY1, dis- fice for job opp¢)rtunities. - .........................
3/12 tt such, can purchase state lands. Clerk of the Board ther6to entitled and t dis('har/4e .'ahl ....
AI'PI,ICATION NO. 4/16-23 2t Administ'alor do bonis re,n: nnd lhat "A4nazing Wonder of Love Di- ,
aid Report and Petiti(,n will I)e heard vine" will be the theme for the
The tidelands of the secon
. below the line of mean low on tiv, 15th day of May, 1959. ul lO.Ou "Adventure in God's Word" sched- The Walther League 0f Mount
ed by the State of NOTIC]E OF SALE OF TIMBER A.M. at the (h,urt Room of lh i-h',-
.ZCELLENT DDUYS! in front of. adjacent to ON STATE LANDS bate De, part:neat .f .:aid CmH'I. at llle(I at [Caittl Lutheran church Olive Lut|leran church will host
on those portions of G Notice is her "iven that on Tues- which time and place any p,,r.,,n inter- May 8-12. Speaker for the series -he Southwest zone spring rally,
osted ill said Estate' may :).nl' and
5, SeCtion 24, Township 21 Nor May, 1959, corn- file obJvcii(ms lh,.v,'h al;d '(,lll('M t I,' v,'ill be I:'astor R H. Rismiller, fac- Sunday, in the Shelton Armory.
Range 2 West W.M. described in the forenoon sanu,, ultv member of the Lulheran Bible Approximately 130 Leaguers are
HOME HAS PLENTY 0" ROOM follows: ' ' In front of the main en- DATED this 10ih day of April, 1:t59. ' expected• Registration will begih
• " " The east 246,7 feet of said Govern- trance door to the county court house ttARRY I)E:I,]TTlq I nstilute in Seattle.
one because it has large rooms, is nicely meat Lot 5 with a frontage of in the City of Shelton, C.unty of Ma- Clerk of said C.Hr in emphasizing the importance at 2 p.m. and the rally conchlde
son, State of Washington, by the Coua-
kitchen, excellent furnace heating, 2 car lineal chains, more or less, By Irene Mc(iuh' . l.,,/)uiy )1' the Bit)le Conference the Rev. at p.m.
at SLY.00 per lineal chain ty Auditor o said county, the timber LEWIS & CORREA - " The program will inch:de devo-
ne neighborhood, A real nice home and it only Tlmt portion of the on the following described state land Attorneys for Estate ,l. Brnhard Br'etheim of Faith
in. G)vernment Lot 5, will be sold at public auction to the Bell Building Imtherm ChllrCh said. "It is in the tions, business meeting, rec.reation
East 246.7 feet the a front- therefor, to-wit: 121 South Fom.tb Stre.I eveah'd \\;Vord of God that we banquet and entertainment.
age of 6,45 lineal chains, more or less, Ilication No. 2,5683 Shelton, Washinu'h,n ,I/16-,23-30,.5/7 4t find lhe liffht for understanding
2 BEDROOM HOME AT AGATE . . . appraised at $25.09 per lineal chain within a marked sale area ...................
home, fruit trees, berry patch, and garden or $161.25. ,ary, comprising apl)roxinmtely tilt! signficinace and purpose of life,
Said lands will be sold.for not less 242,000 bd. ft. of Douglas fir, 38,000 No. 3033
'ith $800 down then $50/month. To make it than the apl)raised value labove stated bd. ft. of hemlock and 16,000 bd. fi. NOTICE OF IIEAItlNG ON FINAL Ttlt til)le holds tie key to ntore
anything of value for down payment . . . and upon the terms and conditions white ine, h)cated on the SVz of ItFP()ItT AND P:TIT[ON snc(essflll and victorious living."
land, etc. following: of Section 18, Township 22 FOR DlSTRIIII'I'ION Pastor Bretheinl and the Faith
4 West, W.M., in Mason IN TIIE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Lutheral church extend 'a cordial
Not less than one-tenth' of the pur-
chase price must be paid at the .ime County, containing 20 acres, more or
MONTH FOR 1 BR ANGLESIDE HOME..• of sale. The purchaser, if he be not less. STATE OF WAS[tINGTt)N .F()I invitation to everyone t:o attend
You can have your own home for only $22,50 the owner of the improvements, ] Timber will be Hold on a cash basis. MASON COUNTY
range, and automatic HW unit. " forthwith pay to the officer ma Mlntmun acceptable bid Is $6,934.00. In Hm Ilatte,' of tlw Eslat,, el I'ETE the coining services.
the sale the full amount of the At lime of sab • the opurchaser must YORK, Deceased ...........
praised value or the improvements, pay $6,934.00, plum a $..00 bill of sale NOTICE IS IIEREIY GIVEN lha MT. OldVE LUTltERAN
WN, $65/MONTH FOR THIS'2 SR HOME . . , above stated. One-tenth of the fee, or a total of 6,936.00 in the form Pete I .•. Wh(,1]lanL AdnH'nislrahq c.l.a. CIlUIt(Jll
lify, owner will sell on very easy terms. IIas elmse price must be paid cash, money order, certified check of ssid estate, has filed wttll tlw (."h!rk
thereaftcr with Interest on all bank draft. The balance between of said C,,urt his final retmrl arm 1"- %V. F. Kellerman. Pastor
g, newly redecorated2:car garage. $6950. payments at the rate of six centUni )raised wice and the bid price, tit)on for distrihution asking lt, Court Sunday school and Bible classes
per annum: Provided check, to mettle and approve lhe same, to
LOTS . .,," ' ¢ chaser may make full a surety distribute the property lo the (pea(Ins ariD:45, wor'shiD service with ttoly
cipal, interest and of $2,000.00 to guarantee complN thereto entitled and t di,chargs,aid (onm]llnion tt ll:00. Iegislration
of flowers, lovely shrubs, and fruit trees are any time and obtain deed. ance with all terms of the bill of sale. A(lministrat.r c.l.a, tiff" l':[(fly Commllt)ion on S,turday
modest home at only $5000. Only $500 down chaser of land containing timhe] money orders, etc. are to NOTICE IS FURTIrEI- ('HVEN thatt ,'tt'lhe office, '
mOnthly, other valuable materials Is payable to tim Commissioner said final report and petitition for ds-/ SHndav afterno(m he zone rally
Lands. tributlon wql be heard on Friday. the •
by law from cutting or
such timber or materials wRhout Tinm for removal will be one year, 1st (lay of May, ]959. at ttm hoar el of the v'allher League will be held
DUPLEX FOR SMALLER HOME . . ob$alning consent of the Commissioner Located approxhnately 22 miles 10 o'clock A.M. al the (?mn'lr,(,nl (,f]n the local Armory. Regislration
' of Public Lands, until the full amount northwest of Shelton, said Courl in SIwlt.otL Washinglon. will begin at 2:0(}. Rev. E. Get-
ileal for family wanting room for an in-law, of th purchase price has been paid Acceasibility: Purchaser must enter DATED THIS 30th das' of March,
S; the other side as 1 bedroom. Both " and deed issued.
into road use agreement with Strop- 1959. ken of Ihlvalhlp will serve as lopic
quarters. Near schools. Owners will take All sales of state lands are made son Logging Company, copies of which HARRY' IEYETTE leader and Chaphtin Reinhardt of
:de, balance on contract, $10,750. subject to the reservations of oils, gas- are on file tn the District and Olym- Mason County Clerk For[ Lewis will 1)e the, banquet
es. coal, ores, minerals and fossils of pin offices. By: Irene McGuire
every name, kind and description, and Complete contract speclficatlons may Deputy Clerk. spetk(,t'.
T PHILLIPS LAKE LOT . . . to the additional terms and conditions be examined at Shelton District Heed- ROBERT L. SNYDER Thi wecken(1 thc Washington
$1495 with $250 down and $25 per month, prescribed in section 3 of chapter 258 of County Auditor's office, and Govey Buildtn D i s t r i c t Lutheran Laymen's
the Laws of 1907. of Public Lands, Olym- Shelton,. Washinglon "
ating, swimming, small cabin, etc. Said land Will be sold subject to the League will hold its convention in
terms, conditions and rese:vations of timber on said land will be sold Attorney for Adminislrator ('.t.a.
4/2-9-16-23 4t Memorial Lutberan chul'ch of
)WNTOWN BEDROOM HOME chapter 312 of the Session Laws of for not less than the appraised value ...........................
• ' ' 1927, relating to easements for rights- asappraised hy the Comnflssioner of 13r'e|erl.(n.
lospital district, and has a fenced yard with of-way and he carrying of timber, Public Land in the manner provided No,- 3101 The adult mcmbership class
by law, a statement of which is now
shop and separate garage too, $8500. stone, minerals and other products on file in the office of the Auditor of NOTICF" TO cREI)ITORS T O meets on ]Vhmday at 8:00 p.m.
over the same. PgESENT AND ILE CI,AIM, The high school class on Wednes-
of Public Lands• Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid IN THE .SUPERIOR C,()itRT ()f," TIIE day a, ftern(stht at, 3:45. The jnnior
to get ready for summer, and we have 4/2-9-18-23-30--5t. on the day of sale, confirmation elass meets Satur-
view propertyavailable. Check with Commisslotmr of Public Lands (In I'robste) day mornings at 9:00.
" No. 3052 4/2-9-16-23-305t In the Matter of the. Estate (,f IR- The Lntheran Women's Mission-
NOTICE OF HEARINO ON FINAL VIN A. AMES. Deceas,',l. ary League will meet on Tuesday
FOR DISTBIBUTION In Bankruptcy the undersigned, Bclla J. Anms has
been appointed and has qualified a
,La-LE OF REAL, Executrix of lhe Last Will and Testa- lu th Matter of
MASON COUNTY ;,P][OIeEd[tTY AT PUBLIC, ,Luc'rl(IN nient and of the estate of Ervin A, {'(II'NTY ROAD I'ItOJECT Nil. :11111
--------' I S In the Matter of the Eitateof ALO'IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE Ames, deceased and that all persons IT IS III,]REBY BESOLVED BY )he
]" • Title n urance Bldg FRED J. HULTGREN, Deceased. , UNITED STATES FOR TE WEST- having clabns aga nst the said e,,t, ate B,mrd .f (hmnly Commis,i(mers that it
Retta E. Hultgren, Admlnistratrix EINIITRXCT OF WASHINGTON
the estate,'has filed in the --:OUTHERN DVISION
or the said deceased are her'by r(,-
said quired to serve the same duly ve'rifiod ivilll/tlt]ylheh' illtt'nliHnl,l Illih' ell° (,c°nstrUCtun y roadappr°X'from
her final In the Matter of CORPUS CHRIS- in duplicate with the necessary winch- I'h,nson Lake not'lh,rly h Stl.r'wood
distribution, TIE HANDLY. a Married Man. l ers attached, upt)n tbe undersigned
aid report, distr te the la PI .ant to an order of the above-llxecutrix or her attorney of r,,cord at (:r',,k.
thereto entitled qltl' e/eottrt, tn bankruptcy, :lie un-lth e law office of B. Franklin t h.uton, This mpr.,,v,,men is h, eat(.d in the
,verraa00'ere- t'i00rti---pe'es ... ,led:lle truttee of the prop, erty|&ngle Bnllding, Shelton. Washington, NW NW Socl,,m 3. Township 21 N,
1959, aim etato of 1he bankrupt a/oveland file such claims tngeth,:r wtth Range 2W W.M,
The ln'incipal quantiiies arP cl.ar'-
named will offer for sale, at the en-|proof of service with the Clerk o be Ing eigiH a('rt's unclas.,:ifled excava-
said trance of said property on the Olym-labove eat)tied Couri within ,,Mix (6) tion 2,000 ,uhic yards,
the County Courthouse at She North, Shelton, Washing-)months after tim date of llm fh'st
$50.00 PER MONTH Washington. ' P,E In. ` FUItTIIR I(ES(H,VED that
.... DATED THIS BthDlaCE,fprtl, 1959• publication of this notlee, ,(,-wil: 2
April 1959, or all clainls not so pre- the ah,)ve described tinnily road l)r0-
to theairport), on the
of April, 1919. t th hour iect is nocessaYy qnd pl' )er. and the
than average 2 bedroom home on M, of said day, the follow-, sented and filed will be forever barred. sttmat,.d ('0::is .t sitid pr ieci are
in living room and bedrooms, said Court ins describ real property: BELLA J, AMES
nd nice utility. Newl:y redecorated. All that porthi)a .of the NI/ el the , Executrix, EstaH, of Ervin i,,r,,wlth ,t ,,u t( d4ail as follows:
F/'(H/I ('i tlS Ta× ftlnds Road Con-
SW,i of the I(WI/ of Section_ 12, A. Ames. de('eas'd, siructi(n, $.000.00. Labor: Day,
• Tgwnship 20 N0th. lLarl$'e 4 WesL Address: Tl,. county road project Iv*retn des-
against inflation is a home of your for 4/9-18-23-304t W.M., lying northeast of P.S.H. Rt. 1. Box 425 ('ribHt iv HEREBY DICLARED to be
No. 9 (Olympic Highway) as now Shelton, Washington a public n,wessity and )he County Road
I,cated, and & parcel contiguous B. FRANKIXN IIEUST()N En'tn,,,.r is IqEREBY ORDERED AND
t, 3oBEDROOM, MT, VIEW thereto beglnhing at the SW cor-
.... NOTICE OF.SALE OF 'IIMBER Attm'ndy for said Estate AUrH()RIZ:I) t. report and proceed
attractiv roomy home must ON STATE 14ANB ' n "Of Ti t Oymplc Highway Angle Bldg., Shelton, Wash i her,m as i)y hlwpl'W ded.
elt ttt the NW, of the NWV of 4/2-9-16-234t BE IT FITRTtlER RESOLVED khat
aPlreciated.. Located on 90x100 with Notice iS Stion. 1, gid, ioWnkhlp and
tOO lot available. Fireplace, baseboard the. 5th range; thence East 600 feet to the his proJ,,(.i, if day work, b(, p(,rf.r/ed
oven and rhnge, hardwood floors west corller of Trgct 3; thence NOTICE OF I,E OJV NATIONAL by snpervi.'or in accol'dlll'tCe W tb the
pin#. tered. Man' more extras of the main North 181A feet; thdnce West 600 FOREST TI.'[BF, R Standardli4ms o' thelt°adstateand of BrtdgewashitlionSpeeiflcS'as
f.et to Olympic Highway; thence Public notice is herel)y given that adopied )W tbts hoard,
landscaped, yarn. $550 dowq of Washington, South 1914 feet to potnt of be- pursuant to the provisions ,)t' Section 5
f said county, ginl.ng, aIYln Mason County, State ADOPTED li)ls 20ih day of April,
of Public Law 273, 78th Congress 15g 1959.
or wauhlnto .
foUowlng aescrlbed 91 Said sale wll? be eOndtlcted by the stat. 132; 16 U.S.C.A. 583-583i). and BOAR1) ()[," COUNTY COMMIS-
SEDROOMS?' land will be sold at public auction t the Cooperative Agreemem h)r the SI()NERS OF MASON COUNTY.
4 bedroom home IS Jtit the an- the highest btdder there°r,h, to-wlt: unders!gned trustee to the highest and Management of the Participating 1,'of WAStlINGT(')N
family. Chose to Mountain View Appllcatlbn Na. x-ot best bidder for cuh, .The highest bid est Properties in the Shelton ((,opel'- Jdm Baritman Chah'man
All timber witllin 2 marKea sale must be accompanied by a ative Sustained Yield Unit ent,,red into C. W, Str ck'nbath
the amount bid, and all
big 100'x210' lot. Baseboard boundaries, nlu a few raarked America and the Stmps,m L6gging ATTEST:
birch kitchen, are but a few outside of the sal Will be offered for -y and between the United States of Roy Mlteiell
eet to valid Jlens and Company, dated December 12. :]946, all C. Nolan Mason
Total down payment of mortgages, for taxes or otherwise, merchantable timber marked .r des- Ch,rk of )he B.ard 4/23-302t
• which may exist against it, to the
ignated for cutting on an are 8 :m- . ........................
[A payments, extent of the right, title and interest bractng 234 acres, more or less, within
the bankrupt had. and the under- Sectlohs 90 and 31. T. 22 N., R, 5 W., No, 3104 .
$;]50.04} OWN PYMENT . . . trustee now has, in the same. tnd sjtios 25 and 36, T. 22 N,, R. 6 NOTICE TO CREDI'rf)R
comfortable home on Hill- lales are subject to confirmation W., W.M,, strveyed, Blngman Block IN TItE SUPERIOR COURT (')F THE
the payments are consider- the above entitled court, and the Maon C(mnty, Shelton Cooperative STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR
rent. It will pay you to investigate Range 1 Is. ,right to reject any ustalned Yield Unit, Oiyn)pic Nath,nal MASON C()UNTY
Forest; State of Washington. will hc (In I'rohate)
Call to see it today. ,more el GLENN E. CORREA =old to the Simpson Logging C,ml,any, In tlw Malt'r of th Estate of AL-
ess. LI South 4th Street Seattle, Washin,gton, on May 11, 1959. RERT I ('t)LLINS, als,, known as
3 SEDROOM? Timber Shelton, Washington The estimated volumes are: 12.800 M IEP.T. (?OLT.TNS. Deceased.
.... " ' ' 4/9-16-23 3t N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that
board. feet Douglas-fir and , Weslern
to investigate this one. Very At time white pine, 30(} M board toot Western ill,' un(h.r,ign,,d has boon appointd
out. Large living room, dining ay red cedar and 2.900 M hoard fe,.t West- n I h s q mHf ed ts th,, Admilli'strata
ele, or a ' . : No. 3105 era hemlock and other species. The ,,f Ih,. Estale of Albert r,. Ctllill, also
large utility, and garage• Lo-
f0rtn of cash, N'OTJCE TO CR};1DITORS mJnimun) acceptable price per M board Ien.wn as l¢('t Collins de(',ased; lhat
yet outide city limits, check or bnk tN THE SUPIRIOR COURT.OF THE feet is aM follows: Donglas-fir an¢l all p,q's,ms having claims agahlst said
$7,950. LOW down payment and low tween tbe and the STAT ' OF WASHINGTON FOR Wesiern white pin, $21.2. Woslern rcd ,.I,,c,,asvd d-(, hvf'hy roqlih'ed t(, serve
price, if any MASON COUNTY rodar $7,f10 and Wcstm'n hemlock and th- snnw, ,hlh' vm'ified, on ti,, tlnder-
sonal check. In the Matter of the Estate of CAR- other species $7,25, This in,'ludes th*
;-ign..d ,]:wk Eilioll m' his ittttSl'rley,t[
OLINE ROBINSON, Deceased, folh)wing stlnnl)agl rnh,s per 51 board ', I'd a( th, ad :lres, below .lated ad
ILY HOME .... nish suret: erms of Al0lz Robinson is the appointed and feet: Douglas-fir and West.rn white fib' the same l,ith ll:w Clc'vk of the
qualified Executor of said estate, All pine $2L40, Wesb,rn red cedar $6.55 todd Court, toXe[ci" with prof of suvil
for the family that wants a lot of etc. are to havi said de- and Western hemlock and (dher slmc.ies m-rvi¢'e wilhtn Mix memths ('ler the
With large.workshop area, 5 are the same $6,40, plus $0.45 for sah' .rea be[ler-, date .I first pllblh,alion ,l" this uotlce
on main floor, with space upstairs Time for removal will be one year. ! ment and $0.40 for siaM( disl.mal f,)r ,,r the ,am,' will be imrrd.
plus recreation area. Truly an Located approximately 15 miles north-: all species. If requested by the Slate JACK EIAJ()q'T
vest of Gorst. the ddress of Washlngtor 0r by Mmon (¢,unty HYtt(IN E. McCI,ANAtIAN
$12,750 with only $450 down plus Accessibiiity: Via public access roa iame with or by any pet'son dot, m,.t t(, h,ve a
Conlplete contract ?peeif.icatJon m Court, together with proof of reasonab]lntercst in tbb prop.sod Al(,wn,,y flw Esfate
()['fic, and Post Office Ad(tre:,s:
' ' be examined at Port urcnard Distri within six months after sale, or m its tarnm, a public hearths (',mrthmtse
• of ,first publication of this will ba held in the office of tho F,n'cst Shelh,n Wasidnuton 4/,).16-33t
SALE " Headquarters, County.AUaltor's offic
• • • • and ommissioner or k'ublic I will be barred. ,uperx:lsor, Post Office Btli[ding, ()lyre- _ ..................................
downtown home, low down payment, Olympia. ' )ublicatlon: April 9, daxil, "1959, at 2:00 P.M. Request for
Said timber said land will be ,ia, Washington, on the 29th day of
,ubllc hearing wiU uot be considered
for not less AL(YNZO ROBINSON %
utor inless received in the otflce of the
REALTY ,.p..,.r POSt o,llee
ton ng, Olympia, Washtntoh, on or be-
f)re April 24, 1959. Dated Alarll 1
'a " countY. - at Law 1959, Lloyd G. Gi]lrnor. ForeSt Super-
Terms ot ale are: cash to be paid visor, Olympic National Forest.
22 lorth First on the dayf sale, -O'- = 4/9-16-23o30 4t - 4/9r16-23-304t "
m-Si.'iior. .. qiil,/,iidiSt Jouimal Waft: Ads Pay Journal Want Ads Pay
Adventist Service
Ends Seturday
The special e,,v e r y evening
"Flight of Prophecy"* services con-
tinues through this week, with
the subject tonight, "Why so many
denton)nations?" following the 11lo-
tion picture "Fur Cotmtry,"
Saturday night ts the great clos-
ing service, "The last night on
earth," preceded by film *'Tim
Great Adventure," All are wel-
come. Today the Federated Dof
cas Societies of this area will meet
in Olympia for an all day session.
Firsi Ohridlan
"New Testamrtt Chrlqtianit]P*
Lewis E. Whitney, Minister
Odd Fello----'s HMI
tible 8ohoot 9:45 Ibm.
Chureh 8erv|oes 1:ff0 a.m;'
anti 7:00 p.m. to 8;00 p.m.
Memorial Building
Service Time 2:30 Each Sunday
Sponsored by
Firs t Mlislonary Baptist Church
of Puyallup, Waeh.
Everyone Welcome
r ' i''1 - ':?': ' -
Ihhit OaVldN Ohuroh
4th & Cedar Stree(s
Rev. Robert Bonnet Echoll,
4th Sunday After Easter:
9:00 a,m. Holy Communion
9:45 a.m. Church School.
'11:00 a.m, Service and Serm-
....... T"T-
4th & Pine Parsonage 320 N. 4th -- Phone HA 6-4174 |
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:45 a.m. Second session 11:00 a.m.
I I -- II iiii
i j i,| _.
5th & Cota Rev. E.'¢. Knautz, Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School.
11:00 a.m. Morning Worahlp.
"A Whole Heart"
6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. Four Departments.
7:00 p.m.
"Modern Amusements"
I I"1 l] F ti i .......
FAITH LUTHERAN 11111111011
i i
Seventh & Franklin Sta. J. Bernhard Bretheim, Paator
Stmday School, 9:30 a.m. Sunday worship 8:15 a.m. and 11 a.m,
ld-week Service---Wed., 7:00 p.m. Choir at 8 p.m.
Sunday h001 .......... i .......... ...'. .............. 9:4 a.m.
Morhlng Wdrthip ........................................ 11:00 a.m.
Evangelistio Service .................................... 7:00 p.m.
Prayer Meeting ........................ Wodneday 70 p.m.
$02 Alder St., 8he t . Wdsh,
Sunday School 9:30 a.m, Chtrch 11 a.m,
' Wednemlay evening testimorl meetings 8 p.m,
Reading i%om located in church• Reading rom hOUrs 2 to
4 p.m. Men. ,& Fri• Wed. evenitg 6:45 to 7:45.
Washington & J Stl. Eugene Breld, Pastor
Sunday School ......................................... : .......................... 9:45 a,m,
Morning Worship ................................................................ 11:00 a.m,
A. Y. F ................................................................................. 6:30 p.nu
Evening Service .................................................................. 7:30 p.m
Mid-week service Wdnesday .......................................... 7:30 p.
9:15 a.m. Coffee tirne.
9:30 a•m.--FIf
"PaCific Paradise" ,.
10:00 a.m. Bible Study.
"A Poor Swap"
You Are Welcome At the Friendly
130 East Pine St. • Mason Younglund, Pastor
Sunday School ..................................................................... 9:45 a,m.
"Baby Day in Our Sunday Scl'oot"
Morning Worship ............................................... '....: ......... I1:00 a.m.
Christ's Anlbassadors ..................................................... 6:00 p.m.
Reviwd Services .................................................................. 7:00 I?/.