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Page A-4 Shelton-Mason Journal - Thursday, April 23, 2020
A madest virus proposal
noon to attend the “Hazard-
ous Liberty! Defend the
Constitution!” protest on the .
state Capitol Campus.
I took precautions, including
wearing a N95 mask that I cov-
ered with a purple bandana — I
double—bagged myself. I
also stayed on the edge
of the knots of people
who gathered between
the Legislative Building
and the Temple of Jus-
tice, around the Tivoli
Fountain and along the
Ileft my home Sunday after-
we want. Trust your common
sense, trust your instincts, and
most importantly, trust your
president’s gut. His gut is a
good gut. It’s a very stable ge—
nius gut. , ‘
“Honk if you question the
coronavirus,” one protester’s
sign read.
I did question the
coronavirus. “Don’t
worry,” it told me. “Take
a deep breath — while
you can.”
Washington Gov. Jay
Inslee should listen to-
sidewalk on Capitol the citizens of Wash—
Way.; ington and immediately
But it waSn’t until By KIRK allow public gatherings
several hours after the ERICSON so the people who know
protest — time spent the truth about the
thinking about the thou-
sands of joyous and horn-honk—
ing demonstrators at the rally
— that I realized what a fool
I had been to fear this virus.
These past six weeks,‘I have
paid attention to the alarmist
voices in state government, the
mass media and science. I have
secluded myself in my house,
confident I was doing the right
thing for America and my fam-
ily, but it was I who wore the
mask of ignorance.
What we need more than. a
vaccine to the coronavirus is
a vaccine to the overreaction
to the coronavirus. It’s words
and extreme emotions not
research and human trials ——
that will help 'us develop that .
We need to absorb the mes—
sages on the signs at Sunday’s
rally, including “Q sent me,”
“$30 car tabs,” “Faith. Facts.
Freedom,” “Inslee: Open parks
and fishing,” “Don’t govern by
false facts,” “I want to fish,”
“Liberty or death” and “Let me
catch crabs.”
We need to hear the words of ,
the fellow at Sunday’s rally who
was yelling “N o fake news!” and
another fellow who said, “Keep
your guns loaded and your gas
tank full.”
Don’t listen to the so-called
scientists and public health
experts. Retune your brain fre-
quencies. The globalists’ “facts”
will destroy the economy and
people’s freedoms, especially
the freedom to believe whatever
coronavirus hysteria
can gather in strong and pow-
erful numbers. Just imagine
thousands upon thousands of
these folks packed shoulder-to-
shoulder into stadiums, arenas
and convention centers through—
out our beautiful state. Imagine
them inhaling the shared drop-
lets of liberty and freedom.
Imagine the benefits that will
come to all of us if such gather—
ings are allowed. The idea gives
me goosebumps.
One more matter: Why
isn’t our president having his
campaign rallies? Strong and
powerful rallies across this na-
tion would be a fantastic way
to inspire people to unshackle
their neighbors’ chains. Imag-
ine 20,000, 30,000, or better
yet 100,000, of the president’s
supporters crammed into an
enclosed space. To promote even
greater solidarity against this
coronavirus hysteria, the presi-
dent could stroll along the front
row at rallies and shake a few
hands. It would give people “a lot
of hope. I mean, what’s he got
to lose?
These people —— these patri-
ots, these descendants of Thom-
as Paine —- who gathered in
Olympia on Sunday are willing
to sacrifice their own lives so all
of America can harvest the fruit
that grows on the tree of liberty,
freedom and $30 car tabs.
Let’s not stand in their way.
I Contact Kirk Ericson at kirk@
Wlionmamdhuntg iionmnl
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working and living during of the
COVID—19 pandemic.
Though more extensive testing capabil-
ity is coming, it’s not happening quickly or
extensively. America needs a major war-
time effort to get this done now.
We used to be really good at.this sort
of thing. Need thousands of B-17 bombers
and Sherman tanks to crush the Third
Reich? It’s on. Full—court press. We have
the capacity to do the same with COV-
ID—19 testing — all we need is clear direc-
tion and a focused effort of will, starting
at the top. I
We’ve let you know about local resi-
dents who have stepped up to make hun-
dreds of cloth’masks and face shields for
workers at assisted living facilities and
hospitals. We’ve interviewed residents
who have helped distribute food and
supplies to residents — reporter Gordon
Weeks rode along with Pioneer School
District staff who helped distribute sup—
plies on Harstine Island earlier this week.
This effort is already happening, but
Testing is the key to getting America
v We can do this, but we need help
we need more direction.
Every responsible road map to opening
up the country places testing all Ameri-
cans as its first requirement. ‘
“The ability to monitor and protect
our communities through testing, contact
tracing, isolating, and supporting those
who are positive or exposed,” is how the
State of California puts it.
We’ve been following reports that a
Virus relief bill is working its way through
Congress. By the time you read this, it
might have already received President
Donald Trump’s signature.
Either way, contact your US. senators
and your congressional representative
and let them know that there is no higher
priority than placing fully adequate test-
ing capability in the hands 0f health care
providers across this, nation.
Contact the White House and demand
A little of that gung-ho all-the-way-to-
victory spirit of yore would be most wel-
come right now.
we can do this.
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The Journal encourages original letters to the editor of local interest.
and varied opinions are welcomed. We will not publish letters that are
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include the writer’s
name, address and phone number, which will be used for verification
only. All letters are subject to editing for length, grammar and clarity.
To submit
.a letter, email adam@masoncounty.com or mail it to P.0._Box 430, Shelton,
98584. Until further notice, please do not drop off letters at the Journal
Publisher: Tom Mullen Front office:
John Lester, general manager
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Jon Garza
Newsroom: David Olson
-Adam Rudnick, editor in chief Niel Challstrom
Gerdon Weeks, reporter
Justin Johnson sports/Moors editor
Kirk Ericson, columnist/ proofreader
Lloyd Mullen, creative director
Dave Pierik, circulation and
classifieds manager
Composing room: '
William Adams, advertising and
technical support
All regular editorial, advertising
and legal deadlines are 5 pm. the
Monday prior to publication.
To submit a letter to the editor,
email adam@masoncounfy.com.‘