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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa e Four Golfers Have Hidden Hole Tournament Due Another competitive event in the , form of a hidden hole tournament will give local golfers another crack at prizes on the links next Sunday. Competition starts at ten o’clock. O QUALITY \~ CHICKS 1w ‘ PU‘IALLUP‘VALLEY co-or HATCHERY 401 E. 26TH, TACOMA, WASH. CHICKS S C W. LEGHORNS, NEW HAMPSHIRES' R l. REDS, DAY‘OLD LEG. COCKERE’LS l l l l I Holy Mission Slated ‘at seven, 'in the morning and every week- ‘be held every evening at At St. Edwards Church At St. Edwards Catholic Church a Holy Mission will be preached by the eminent Redemptorist Fa- ther Joseph B. Maier next Sun- day, Rev. Mark Weichmann ali- , noun ccd today. Sunday masses April 21 will be eight and ten o'clock day next week morning masses will be 6:15 and 9:00 o'clock, each mass to be followed by an in- ,struction, Rev. Weichmann said. The special mission sermon will 7:30 o‘clock and a special children's mission each afternoon at four o’clock. Special announcements will be made each evening. Everyone is invited to attend any or all the exercises. COME ON . . . County and State Hunting and Fishing L I C E N S E S Here! ! SPORTING BOOTS Goodrich Liten-tuf —— buff color, ankle fit boots. All sizes. Johnson s STREAMLINERS New Beauty. Prices begin at“ $59.00 Delivered here! YOUR OWN TERMS Within Reason Better Protec- tion and Higher Efficiency result from the New Stream- lining in 1941 SEA-HORSES. let’s so Fishngl whim 0/256 We've rods and reels to make a hard boiled fisherman get poetically sentimental! If you are a fishermane—you’re an adventurer—so come exploring our stock! You‘ll find every- thing for the fresh or salt Water fisherman. I WV“: Anmzo-MAVS 6.95 Goodrich Liten-tuf boots with cleated soles. 5.95 Your Complete Department Store l suinv‘aiey * A. Rutledge. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett‘ and Mrs. H. A. Winsor visited lwith Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ben- ,his nephew, Roscoe Stowell, and i News Brevities j Reported Here I —<—- I By Una W'insor ’ Shelton Valley, April 23. w» The Home Sewing club will meet next? week, Thursday, May 1, at Echol, . Farm. There will be an exchange > of corsages in celebration of May Day. Mrs. H. A. Winsor was a busi-i ness visitor in Olympia Wedncs—, day, in company with Mr. andl Mrs. Frank VVandell of Shelton. l. Mrs. Frank Gordon and daugh- ters Gail and Helen Robinson of; Shelton visited Thursday eveningl with the Winsor and Dewey Ben- nett families. Mrs. Hazel Healey and daugh- ter Ann, drove over from Olym—l pia Sunday for an overnight visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. , nett in Shelton Saturday after—. noon. I Mrs. Chas. Cooke and Mrs. S. W. Cross were visitors Wednes— day at Mud Bay. Alvah McKibben of Shelton,’ Mrs. Hazel Johnson of Tacoma, Mrs. J. A. Roles of Shelton, Mrs.‘ Signe Kneeland, Mrs. Charley Ba— ker and Jean spent Saturday eve-z ' hing with 'Mrs. H. A. Winsor and; Bill Skiff, new manag family. ViSlting and cards were' the chief amusement, followed by refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland, Iwere out from Shelton Sunday‘ evening for. a visit at the High-. lands. ' Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Bennett were visitors at the meeting of. ,the Agate Grange Saturday eve-i ning, where, with Mrs. Lucy Ed-i miston of Shelton, they acted as} judges for the dress contest. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shafer visit-u ed in Shelton Thursday eveningI with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Grenberg. Mrs. Charley Baker and daugh- ter Jean, and Mrs. Dewey Ben-i Inett and son Keith, took in the; band concert at the junior high‘ school in Shelton Sunday after» lnoon. They also called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bennett. Mr. and ‘ Mrs. Vearl ennctt and children [also called t ere. brought the Rainiers north April 22nd. As usual many on hand to see the opening The Sacramento Solon Martin of pennant. Pigmon Motor Co. Becomes Dealer For Nash Autos Mr. and lVlrs. J. A. Shafer were' visitors in town Friday evening ati Impressed by the rapid public the Mt. View home of Mr. and‘aceeptance of the Nash Ambass- Mrs. Bob Ramin. 1ador ‘600,’ the newest automobile Mr. and Mrs. R. Phillips of to make its appearance in the *Shelton, Mrs. Charley Baker and lowest-price field, one of Shel- Jean, were Sunday evening visit- ton’s automobile men will switch ors at Echo Farm. ithis week to selling Nash cars in i ,Those enjoying the meeting and this area. noon luncheon of the grange aux-1 . A familiar and highly regarded Illary ThurSday at the home 0f figure in local automotive circles, Mrs. Estella Holman were Mrs. Owen pigmon announces his ap- 13- Evans, Miss Kathryn Evans ' 'oointment as a dealer here for the M1“_S- Clinton OkeFStI‘Om. MYS- Ned Nash Motors Division of the Nash- Wivell, Mrs. Clarence Wivell, Mrs. Keivmator Corporation. He Will Dewey Bennett, Mrs. Signe Knee-g pally, Pigmon Motors. “In All” Our Years in Sheltonéu WE HAVENEVER SEENA CAR » PERFORM LIKENASH!" l Come on! Drive it at PTGMON MOTOR 'CO. 231 MAIN STREET gr IN all our , years in business, never have we seen a car per- form like Nash. Good drivers are getting 25 to 30 miles a gallon. Big as it is—it’s as fast as a. jack-rabbit. It darts through traffic, fairly scoots up hills.’ And it rides like a dream . ; ; glides over bumps as if they didn’t exist ; . . clings to curves like it’s running on rails. Nash is the first low-price car with coil s'prings on all four Imagine—25 to 30 Milesgon it Gallon in This Big Nash! flash 6’s and 8’: are Today's Top ~Values in all Three Popular Price Fields land, Mrs. Peter Bolling, Mrs. Mell Saeger, Mrs.‘ Jack Renskers, Mrs. Chas. Wivell, Mrs. James Mc- I‘li'tjuham. Mrs. Myrvai’f"‘W’iiféll,'Mi-s. Mrs. Chas. Cooke called on Mrs. The company, it was announced, {will handle all three series of new. . , , priced Nash Ambassador ‘600,’ the Signe Kneeland Monday evening; big, high_economy car with which .Oliver Constable and the liestess. Nash is competing with Ford, Curtains and tea towels for thC'Chevrolet and in hall ‘were worked on. - . . mass market this year. Mr. and Mrs. R. E.’ Grenberg “Nash has been working for were out from Shem-0n and Spent four years on its plans to enter Monday evenmg‘wnh her parents’ 1the low-price field,” declared Pig- Mr' and Mrs' JEA" Shafer' mon, “and this year brought out i Mrs. Dewey Bennett visited on 1 t 1 4 . Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Wal— the only 00"?!) e y new 19 1 3"" tomobile, With an array of fea— iltggdcomm and Mrs' Sigma Knee- tures that are giving it tremen— ' dous appeal to buyers of the most wheels . ; first with Two-way Roller Steering . . . built with body and frame welded into one solid unit of amazing strength. There’s simply no comparison between this Nash and other low-price cars! Come in—see the differences—and you, too, will change to Nash this year! BIO 4-DOOR SEDAN 1 (Illuilmted)Ambassador"600" series, delivered hero. Price includes standard equipment and federalmx! Weather Eye, Bumper Guards,_White Side Wall Tires are optional extras. Pigmon Motor Co. IST & PINE PHONE 392-J . i inexpensive cars.” The Ambassador '600,’ he said, is distinguished principally by its size and unprecedented big-car economy. Front seats are near- lclass, its roominess is not sur- passed in 25 different comfort .measurements, he declared. spite its size, the car will travel ifrom 25 to 30 miles on a gallon l of gasoline, with the average driv- er at the Wheel. This remarhaple economy, he pointed out, was achieved by Nash by means of a new type of body construction, described as “uni- tized,” and a new “Flying Scot" power plant. The body, with an integral chassis frame, As of bridge-truss construction whicilii he said added considerable strength land rigidity while trimming about i 400 pounds of useless weight from l the can l Pigmon pointed out that the lnew car is the only automobile in its. field to be suspended on four e011 springs, with a front-end sus- .penSlon adapted from a high-price European racing car, and featur— ing the “Weather Eye" system of conditioned air for -winter driv- ing. Also available for the first time in the field is the famous Nash “bedroom,” and fourth speed forward, an optional cruising gear that further increases the great economy of the ‘600.’ I With this new car, and the two :senior lines of Nash automobiles. the Aeropowered Nash Ambass- ador Sixes and Eights, the com- pany now has a car to offer near- ly every motorist, covering 92 per cent of the automotive mar- ket. Last year Nash competed in only about 35 per cent of the market. Parts and service facilities of lthe new company are thoroughly modern, and its used car depart- ment, located adjacent to the sales and service plant, is declared to be one of the finest in the Shelton area. Geared to get off to a flying THE NEW KIND OF BAR III THE LOWEST-PRICE FIELD! GET MORE ROOM. . . Nash has greatest seating width of all low-price cars. It’s a big car, too- 195 inches long, from bumper to bumper. GET NASH WEATHER EYE EDHDITIONED MR SYSTEM . .. keeps you warm as tropics. Nothing like it offered by any other car! Completely auto- m_a.tiC; effective to 10° below zero. it BET SMOOTHER RlnE...Nash is the only low- price car with i softcoil springsonallfourw/zeels. on April 7 with an “open house" celebration, to which all Shelton motorists were invited. Prep Trackmen Head For Hoquiam Friday Coach Wait Hakola will take a' squad of 17 Highclimber track- men to Hoquiam this Friday af- ternoon to engage in the annual Iquadrangular meet in which El- lma and Montesano are the other entries. The Highclimber squad has had only last weekend’s Centralia Re- lays in the way of competition so far this season. Skiff handle his new assignment. new manager in the person of World Series fame with the St. Louis Cardinals, will be Seattle’s opening opponent. The Salons, incidentalli, are rated as the team with the . best chance of beating the Ruiniers out for the 191,1 direct operations of the new com- . Nash cars, including the new low. 1y five feet wide, and in its pricei De- l SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Sinners SKIFFINEW LEADER i the Seattle Rainiers, ' succeeding the late Jack Leoilvclt, who led the Seattle team to two consecutive Pacific Coast League pennants, er of to open their home season Shelton diamond fans were game and watched Skipper l themselves boasting a the colorful Pepper 8) Daffodil Festival Picture-s Enjoyed 1 By Agate Grange; By Mrs. Mary Matthes , Agate, April 23. The Agate Grange members enjoyed a very pleasant and interesting meeting Saturday night. Mr. Okerstrom, county agent, was present, and showed moving pictures of the Puyallup Daffodil Festival and several other educational films in farming. There were several oth- er guests present to judge the ladies’ dress-making contest. The ladies winning were Mrs. Eva Ho- vind, first prize; Mrs. Elsie Van- derwal, second, and Mrs. And- rena Hawkinson, third. Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawkin- h‘on of Agate and Mr. and Mrs. Speigelberg anchthree children of Bremerton, with a delicious East- er Sunday dinner. The Agate Sunday school at- tendance is steadily growing. Ev- eryonld‘rnisgcordially invited to at- tend. Services start'at 11 a. m. every Sunday. . ,, The Ladies Sewing club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. J. Auseth. A very pleasant day was enjoyed by all present. Sew- ing and visiting. A delicious lunch was served before depart— ‘ing. Next .meeting will be with were: Mrs. E. .Vanderwal, Mrs. E. .Auseth, Mrs. H. Halbert, Mrs. P. .York, Mrs. G. Auseth, Mrs. R. lClark, Mrs. H. Guyer, Mrs. A. Hawkinson, Mrs. J. Howard, and lthe hostess Mrs. J. Auseth. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Sands of :Seattle were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Hawkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Hovind and son returned home last Wednes- lday after a two-weeks’ visit with Mrs. Hovind's parents in Puy— allup'. _Mrs. P. York spent the weekend ViSlting relatives at Port An- geles. l Mrs. L. Mott has been [the Shelton hospital the l several days, It improving. l " tlock Family “eve s Over To ill in past She is reported as BonnevilleHome H By Mrs. Zoo Priszner Matlock, April 23. ~9Mr. and Mrs. H. Asche and sons of ,Arcadia Point, spent Sunday af— |ternoon with Mr. ’and Mrs. Fred lberris, Sr. in peckerville. I Mr. and Mrs; Axel VVillardson land family visited Thursday eve- l ning With Alb t Winkelman. Mr. and Mrs: Ernest Dalman are parents of a 71/g-lb. baby boy at ‘the Shelton hospital early Sat- urday morning. This being the )couples' first child. ‘ Mrs. D4 Portman and Mrs. tAugusta :Portman were callers in . Shelton Tuesday. : Mr. waiter Warren came over ‘fpom Bonneville dam to move his {family over, where he has been workingifor some time in the Iflsi’H hatchery. They left early Saturday morning. The commun- ity regrets , losing such good m“jlghbors and active citizens. We |wish them lots of luck and hap- piness in-their new home. Mrs. Zoo Priszner was a busi- ness caller in Aberdeen Thursday. .Mr. and Mrs. Ted Ferris and [son and daughter of Camp, Spent =Sun_day afternoon with the for- mers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Ferris, Sr. This is the first time Delores has been away from home isince her sick spell of bronchial pneumonia. I Mildred Priszner spent the week ;in Sheltoxi with Violet Weiscrt. : Clinton Reed was an Elma call- er Monday. ' MARRIAGE LICENSE Charles Dahlman, legal, 3 Alvena Mallows. legal. not“ ‘ and iShelton. applied for a. marriage ' licenSe at the auditor's office here lTuesday. . Well Mrs. J. Howard. .Those present Death and... Millo Mourned By Hoodsport F o l k l l i l l l i l Thursday, Ap Store inn. {u‘irl born in Sir . Thursday. The' ' v t B if "r v , At in if: anil all/111‘ “81:31:: guests over the . ‘An “It 0f More Coming Harris home. ,, l Mr. and Mrs; Elia By Yvonne Bartcls 3 By Mrs, ‘iadys Irving; ‘daughter Villa-Eda! an Were Hoodsport, April 23. A great} Beli'air, April 23. Nels Barker l Mrs, Christmnson Going shock to his many l-riends ir ,‘is building an addition to his store i visited the meis JO, chem Hoodsport was the sudden cleatlllnear Beli‘air, and will start a: Sunday. ' . Ver Tuesday evening of 'Elmcr Millo, I restaurant later on. n. Mrs. Gimmes Irvingn' , nez S 40, foliowmg a major operation, Mr. anu l\.'lr:~;. J, C, it'Ic-AmneyiElmm. Hill/in Port l '2 Griggs on Saturday, April 19th at thetand son Herbert, have moved to ; Friday. rune Hm; are . ‘ Shelton hef- ital. He was bOI‘lcheir daughter‘s, Mrs. Lucy For—*’inow house near For on July .31. I 1900, at Newportiter‘s old, home place. The Boy Scouts ‘ News, Virginia. and has lived! The l‘vClS Jonnsous, who rccent~ l Auxiliary r of Boy 5" and worked in l—ioodsport for the past eight years. Besides Mrs. Alice ‘lVllllO, his widow, he lraves ‘ ic this week as business picks up. his mother, Mrs. Ellen Millo, his father, Mr. Richard Ivlillo, both of Hoodsport; four brotlir; .‘i , of Seattle and Richard of Clinton, on Whirl v Island. be held .. av afternoon at 2:00 o'clock p. m. at Witsiers Mortuary to bc Shelton. Guest of honor at a bridge lun- cheon W'cdllesday afternoon was Mrs. Matt Kaare. It was a fare- party given her by Mrs] Cliff Reader, Mrs. Burl Simmons, and Mrs. Janie; Sir/ii'noiis of Pot- latch. Mr. and Mrs. Illilil, Kaarc and son George, are moving per— manently to Tacoma on Saturday or Sunday. A visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Alex followed by lllLCililt.lic ... Bartcls from Sunday to W'ednes-l day was Shirley Shelton of Shel- ton. On V'Vednesday Mrs. dar- tels. llrfiss Shelton, and Miss Gloria McKiel motored to Seattle. The C. H. Palmc “s of Sequim re- :cently moved into Gateway Inn. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dan-- iels last weekend was his mother, Mrs. Karl Aberg of Seattle. She returned home on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Dickinson went to Seattle Tuesday to bid. 'Gordon Dickinson goodbye. He plans to leave Saturday on the freighter “Will M. Point,” for Alaska. Lorraine Pagel and Ruth New- ton are now- working at the Hoodsport Cafe for Josie Lassoie. Elmplcymieiit’Past March 88% Better Than l Year Ago The number of persons who were placed in enmlcymcv‘t (“W‘s month of March through the Olympia Office of the Washington State Employment Loch“... . ... approximately 88% greater than for the same month in 1940, Man- ‘l agcr Alice Helenius reported to— day. During the month of March. 1941, 209 persons were placed in jobs by the Olympia Office. This brought the total number of per- sons placed through this office! during the first quarter of 1941 to l 459. The state "wide figures just re-' leased by Commissioner Jack Bates of the Office of Unemploy- ment Compensation 'and Place- ment in Olympia Show that 8,175 ipersons were found work during the month of March by the State Employment Service. Mrs. Helen- ius reports that this was 23% greater than the month of March, 1940. The number of persons regis- tered With the Olympia Ufflcc as' being available for work at the present time is 1,285. This is a slight increase over last month. Services will i I l Haroldlfi‘om Olympia, visited Mrs: Al": and Vv'alter of Iloodsport, Albcrtllen's parents, l l l l l l I I l i l l l 1y nloyed lilto‘ti'l‘.) Belfair Garage, 1 meeting dyt the schoal' have had to hue another mechall- ; There are quite _ ‘who corrie to Belf Vile Wish them success. , _ I expressed their views Mr. and Mrs. henlmth Allen tiful scrf-nery around» , First Iaid classes Mr. and Mrs. Glen 3 March and given. Harris, on Saturday. day under the direct“) Jack lioeselle wasvvisiting home ‘ , , Mason of Sheltth V folks over the Iweekend. He is schoomousc’ and 3m} from Camp Downs, ‘ . I - , ‘ enroilynent, there 15 Mr. and Mrs. llarris VVuts-on of has gm first aid Allyn the parents of a babyi ‘ . . 1 Huh“ ".2 CD '9- WHEN YOU TAKE A TRIP you’re entit expect more than merely transportation- fort, convenience, friendly courtesy—good "'j at reasonable prices and scenic beauty Of' —these are a few features you enjoy if you NORTHERN PACIFIC ticket. Aim-Conditioned NORTH COAST LTMI TE for utmost in com-f :rt’ on a trip East For greatest economy, reclining chair coaches 0. .' em Tourist sleeper-5;. also Standard Pullman. 51?, berths, compartments, drawing rooms and private. rooms. Fares are low—ask about them. i See your nearest Travel 011 “N. P.” Agent ' if yoll OUT! UI FREIGHT : NORTHERN PACIFIC Steam PEAR PHONES 303 55 VAP'ORIZER ‘ laid 50c Squibb Baby Oil ................... ..: .... .. 500 McKeSson Baby Oil .................... ._ Large Dennison Baby Pads ............ ,_ 79/? Lu; linen Talc ....................... .. , 'son Baby Oil .............. 500 Solid Albolene ..................... ~ Large Box Q-Tips ................... l-lb. Hospital Cotton ~_ .............. .— 1-lb. Castile Soap .................... Cotton Pickers ............. ..................... _. 3c Whit-e Vaseline ................ ............... ._ 10¢ 40?. Castoria ........................................ .. c31¢ 1 pt. Super D Oil ............. “I ................ __' 1.39 8-02. Super 1) Oil ................................ .. 83¢ 1 pt. Milk Magnesia ............................ .. 19¢ S—oz. Caniphorated Oil ...................... .. 19¢ ---- .. 4—02. Boric Powder ............................ _. 15¢ 39¢ 39¢ 98¢ . 98¢ ', ; Cliux .............................................. . . . . . . . ~ _‘ Hankscroi t Baby Bottle Warmer 98¢ Rubber Baby Pants .......................... .. 15¢ Rubber Crib Sheets .................. ..j ...... .. 19¢. , Like a miracle Heinz Baby Foods .... _. for 15¢; doz. 89¢ _itlic_]ps.hidetifll', . . l 9 pleXion faults ' Heinz Junior Foods .................. .. for 25¢ _makes the skin! v6t 11. tale?“ smooth as vel —stays lovely f0. without re-pow A C Y WE. DELiVER