April 24, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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in April 24, 19.4.1.
Mrs. Len W'eston iNelghliors 0f \Voodcraft
. l
IyTESIllno Honored At Party. Postpone Installation ‘
Lula enmg, several memw A group of lriends Sllrprlsedl Friday evening the
ha“ Shelton Degree of 3, Mrs. Len Weston on her birthday i of Woodcraft
will hold a regular?
Deed to Temm) to visit ; Tuesday with a handkerchief meeting at the home of
Mrs. Susie:
.,; .An interesting pro— " shower. Those gathering at the Pauley at
o‘clock. The installer,
nu “g 0f initiation rlndl'Westcn home unite, Mrs, ’l“. V.‘tion
planned for Friday evening!
“hers Was Drown-mil, lDunnillg‘, Mrs. Richard Korns. has been
"7?“da'n . its Were Served during‘ 1 Mrs. Merrit Johnson, Mrs.
W. R. PHONE 100
Jo‘ I 'Mf‘fing from‘ her:- Collier. ‘Bovce.h Bt’ltOthCl:
130- St... Davids Guild “"‘r
““‘*“'~"““~“‘“W—r—ww ~~-—~--—~—— .
. gmlth Cvell, Lawrlc Hill, twee, Mrs. EangFltc e ,MMls.RL. ,“m Meet May
14 Shvmm Garden Club (Lake Isabella Club
',’1neze$1 ‘Hanfim‘g’i ‘gélllljy'mfilnlfifg
6"“Eoncibbrss' The St. Davids Guild of theEWill Meet Monday
Noon‘ _ {Holds installation
9,.ng 0ft“? :3“: 4“ pm“ wag s ‘ent‘ sewing. and‘Episcopal
Church will hold a 1:001 The Shelton Garriep cmb W111, In the dining hall
at Maple
,C‘ng a g’ and Ebtho‘ 3,. i. The goup took theirio'clock potluck
luncheon withiemel‘tam Wlth a '12tu-0 lullChCOIifBeach Resort,
beautifully deco-
pcar For Illiiégffilents Wgh ihem iMrs. Bernhard Winiecki on May ; for
the HOOd'Ca’lal Women S Clllb ‘ rated, the first installation of
‘Scouts \~‘~—‘~~ WM 1 e ,M. This date appeared in error Monday,
Apr1129 at the MemomalLakc Isabella club was held on
)f 30V __ z. ,. ,. ‘ t, lin Tuesday's paper. ,Hall. All Shelton
members are l vvednesday afternoon, After can.
V‘S‘t-“g Pare“ ” -R... urged to attend, but those unable ing the
meeting to order; Mrs
Mrs. Edna Kirkvmod and Mrs.
Leona Lauber drove. up from Van-
couver. Wash, to spend the week—
end with their parents, respect—
ively, Mrs. Mary Shelton and Mr.
and Mrs. Al Butler.
to attend the luncheon should be; Lucy Weyand, president, present-l
Holds Card Party izn atgenldanclg for the incitinguat:
Efirsblrriogeng‘gombts, preiidgnt]
a , , g o c or. . eserva ions or e o e .is rict e era ion 0' o- l
Iggfée“ neg Hggggdéfildevgiluncheon should be made by Sat-i men‘s
Clubs, as installing officer.
Eir at the OS; Finowé Han Thplurday by either calling Mrs. Al Mrs. Corcta
Nutt, retiring secre-
dm‘g riz‘e was won b "qu jewe’ i Huerby at 353 or Mrs. Wm.
Max—. tary, escorted Mrs. Erma Roesscl,
'Parrelzt bdrm; at brig e ,3-V mg swell at 174w. Mr. Louis Mobe first
to be inducted down the hall
" ‘ g i " of Mud Bay will give a talk on;to the front. which
was Cleverly
Degree Of Honor
W anng Comfort
a")‘where, anytime
, ,lLoaVi- ()n Trip I
Browning will give a paper on , background of green house plants.
“Pruning and Feedingw~Esselltial Following were Mrs. Lula Per-
for Beautiful Shrubs." All mem- kins escorting Mrs. Esther Boice,
bers who have flowers are urged: treasurer. incumbent; Mrs. Edna
[to bring them to the hall during Johnson, retiring vice-president es-
the morning as there will be some‘ corted Mrs. Grace Petty, vice-
A'l'oni l u " .. . .. .
, ju 1v ' y ‘ Mgrcf‘anfgo Afig'mmfitgmfiagrmagfg a);
Ggfi%}é¥d (5,102 Gardening and Mrs. Purl Jemi- ; decorated with
lavender and white
there is l R L halal Graffe, and Mrs. Harry C. John- , checkers, and Mrs.
William Nob-Ifg‘lcrgg éfjr‘jlazngfivsonFquf:l21310513? etw?)
huggtqflogr bgstkets
it aid- H son left this week for a two—week .lett and C. B. Mitchell won
hon— r- A g g ouqu gal s a
:1 ' ardware Bldg.
270_w ors at pinochle. Refreshments
trip to Boise and 'l‘wm Hails, luo-
were. served during the evening.
ho, to visit relati
sou on'i' make a cup
~Patrz'cz'a M orison tells Preston Foster,
on the lot between scenes of
fThe Katmai U1),”a Paramount Picture
Plusrom These costumes for our
new picture 3201? carry me back,
Patricia- Life must have been swell
one there to receive them. It le
requested that as many as possi-i
ble bring them arranged in their!
containers, if this is done theyi
can be brought just a few min--.
utes before the luncheon. The:
plant sale which was announcedi
last week has been cancelled. '
Tomorrow, Friday, is the Car-3
den club’s clay to sew for the Red.
Cross. Those who will be sewing;
are Mrs. Harold Munson, Mrs. Sid’
Hatcher, Mrs. C. C. Gibbs, Mrs. 0.5
D. Durand. There is
material and yarn for those who
wish to sew at home.
plenty of i
president; Mrs. Lucy Weyand then
followed with Mrs. Edna Johnson,
newly elected president, who was
presented with the club gavel.
Mrs. Combs presented each lady
with a lovely corsagc. The win-
ning side of the recent member-
ship drive gave a return dinner
to the losing side. The lilacs were
used for the decorations on the
table, with the placecards also,
carrying out the color schemefi
The program for the year wasi
discussed and voted upon. Al,
Year Book will be prepared and
each member during the year will
present a paper on prominent L...—.
Methodist Circle
Held \Vednesday Meet
The Circles of the Methodistl
Church, VVomen‘s Society of
Christian Service, met VVcdnes-.
day at the following homes:
Circle No. 3 met at the home
of Mrs. L. D. Hack for a 1130’
dessert luncheon with Mrs. M. C!
Stark of Union as hostess. Mrsi
Robert C. Johnson was in charge:
of the program. Mrs. Roberts re—‘
viewed “The History of the Negros
in the United States.” Mrs. Char-
les Runacres reviewed “Conscient-
ious Objectors" following which
there was an open discussion. Mrs.
W. A. Brodt led the devotionals.~
The Hack home and tables were
beautifully decorated with talis-
man roses and spring,r flowers.
There were 11 ladies present.
Circle No. 2 was entertained by '
Mrs. Harvey Hale at her home
With a 1:30 dessert luncheon. Mrs.
Troy was in charge of the de-
votionals, Mrs. ‘N. M. Elliott in
charge of the study period, gave
a report on “The Late Senator
Sheppard." Following the pro—
gram 3. social hour was enioyed.
Circle No. 4 joined with the. 10
members and live guests of C.=r-
clc No. 2. The next meeting of
Circle No. 2 will be held with
Mrs. Troy.
Circle No. 1 met with Mrs. Hugh
Hamilton for a 1 o’clock dessert.
luncheon. The three tables were?
beautifully centered with
kets. Following the luncheon a‘
lovely handkerchief shower was
given in honor of Mrs. Robert
Brumblay. Then the Circle's presi—
dent, Mrs. Clare Hammond, call-
ed their business meeting. Mrs.
Hugh Hamilton led the devotion-
als and Mrs.
“Some Highlights in the Life of
a Methodist Preacher‘s Wife.”
, There were 15 members in attend- .
Brumblay gave, ~
...‘11, ,. ,,
V Friendship Club
igram for May 16.
l o n g p
spikes of bluebells in crystal bas—.
Page Five
‘Brmncrlon (‘horal (‘iub
Mot “’ednesday iW'ill Present Concert
Mrs. 'Winnifred McDonald criter-
taincd at her home VVednt-sday
afternoon for 15 members of the
Friendship club. Following the
business meeting the group sewed
for the Red Cross. Delicious rc-
fi'e5~;llmcnts were served during the ' ,
afternoon. The next meeting will ,
be held May 13 with Mrs. C. 13.5
The Bremerton Choral Club will
present their
‘(lay at. 2:30 at the First Christian
Sprll‘ig Concert Sun-
id Vcnrta. All
‘~ 'ers are invited
"'ts Trio, out-
.cmble of Se-
at 9th
'.;il Molher Saturday
Lula Perkins and Sam
M Gee motored to Marysville on
Sat. to visit their mother
and s .. .. ‘. A brother from Orc—
gon, whom they had not seen for
quite some time, was also there.
They found their mother in poor
health, they reported. They re-
turned Sunday aching.
Friendship Club
Plan Silver Tea
Mrs. Lura Hurst, chairman of
the Friendship club and her as—
sisting committee, are planning a=
silver tea and an interesting pm-
It will be held
at. the new Moose Hall from 1
o’clock to 3:30.
The Victoria trip, spring floweri
festival, sponsored by the Wash
ington State Federation of Gar-
den clubs will be held April 30 to
May 3 inclusive. An excursion to
Victoria will leave Seattle at the
Lenora Street Terminal at 9 a.
in those good old days.
unlcuu Pooh to the good old days!
I’ll bet they didn’t have cqfiee as
good as this.
"menu I’ve tried it, and know:
you can’t make a. bad cup of M. J. li’.
Weak or strong, it hits the spot.
Pusrom Guess you‘re right, Pa.-
tr-icia-—we do have an edge on tho
old-timers in a good many ways.
Pour me another cup of that swell
1941' cofee, will you?
dies of either the past or pres-l ~-
. , , i ancc and the next meeting Will be
Cnl- The Chlb Voted to 30’“ the i hold with Mrs. Leo Martin.
Women’s Field Army for Cancer, ._
Control. Eighteen members ell-[Thimble Club
joycd the meeting and Mrs. Bert Slates Meeting
Raut will tbe the ligstess at thel The Thimble club will meet this
, 0 i lnex mee ing on ay 14. Each! Thursday, April 2<l with Mrs. Pearl
are Algalim‘agén Itp‘g’égicbestigsggf member is to bring her pet
recipe Willey at 8 p. n. for a regular
lifor exchange. They are to beimccting‘.
“Princess Kathleen.” All Garden' . i .
club members and friends are in- . (Giggionstrated 1n the potlucu lunch—
{ Homehufldem "01d
vited to go. Garden club mem- :Regular Meeting
bers will be given a special rate. ‘ Shah” “vomenyg Chm,“ Tho
regular mnctmg of tho
_‘ ‘ , In A! i n r A I “ ’ V
égyogfiouwlgllézgtégftlfi;ingerggé To Be Heard 0m,- KGY Homebuilders
was held at the
Cropper ' 5 Final arrangements have beeillBalltISLrClJU1'Cih
TUGSday eVCmng.
- ,‘made for the Shelton Women'sinLl’l 2'0 member»? Present-
iBX‘PJ]. Change Chorus to appear over Station topic ff “1? evening was
lThumdav Meeting Date KGY, Olympia Tuesday evening, , ment, which will be
The B..Y.P'Ul of the First Bap» April 29 at 19 o'clock in a 1;,
lat the next meeting Tuesday eve-
\ JV
l Industry is delivering the ball straight and hard th
days. The telephone helps its speed and its control.
And the telephone company is moving with all its
resources into the gigantic task of making and keeping
’ telephone facilities ample for the needs of the times.
...Make your coffee with the same
Plant additions for 1941 are now expected to be well
over $65,000,000.
care and in the same way you have ' fist . . minute r ning at 7 :30.
The host grin r
. . Church Will entertain the ' p ogram' . e‘ ‘5 *Or
.tation, in the past. Two exclusuve M. J. B. Puget Sound ASSOC-amen of the
f The Chorus will meet in the I the evening were Mrs. Frank ' . .
' i a » w r w . . lV RAPH COMPANY
good i . features—arrowroast—anddouble organization at the Church Fri-
» mus-m mom of the senior high i Swanson and Mrs. Ianl-leth Lalk- THF
blending—Winn gwe You the fines“ day, April 25, at 7:30 p. m. Re- 1
school at 7 o’clock for an hour's “‘5' Phone 497 150
i ... ...._.__ -__. -. -_ .W.___ __._..._-,
». w
L \\\\\:
cup of coffee you 'ever tasted.
GUARANTEE.Buya pound today.
Try it for a week. If it’s not the
best you ever tasted, return the lid
to the M. J. B. Co.,665 Third Street,
San Francisco, and we’ll refund
freshments will be served during
the course of the evening. This
is an election rally of the group.’
Any young person interested is
invited to attend.
The Thursday evening prayerl
practice before motoring to Olym-
pia at 8 o’clock. It is requested
all members be free to support
the chorus in this radio perform-
ance.“ Numbers to be used will be
selected Tuesday evening by Mr.
service will not be held this week‘ Hallgrimson from bOth the 01d
because of the annual Roll Call and the new mUSiC- The PUbliC
banquet at the church. However, i of Shelton is invited to tune in on
on Sunday evening, the younglKGY at that time.
people cordially invite all Shelton]
young persons who are under the'lLim‘Oln P-‘T- A- new
age of 16 and who have no'other l Thursday Afternoon
church home, to attend this pray- Th5 Teg‘llar monthly mefling 0f
er, songvand Bible study service.itho“Lilicoln P.-T. A. was held
It Will Start at 6:15 p. m. llast Thursday afternoon at the
? lschool. The meeting opened with
lthe usual singing of America, and
,, .,,‘, ithe Flag salute was led by two
“1‘7 llocal patrol boys. The meeting
" i was presided over by Mrs. John L.
Dotson, president. The associa-
ltion made a donation of $10.00 to
lhelp finance the Scout Cub Pack
|No. 10 which they are sponsor-
. ling. The usual amount of $5.00
Ifor the Student Aid fund was
lpledged. The nominating com-
imittee reported the nomination of
lthe following officers who were
[unanimously elected: President,
' ‘Mrs. John L. Dotson; vice-presi-
den-t, Mrs. Lawrence Burrell; sec-
retary, Mrs. Viola. Mehus; treas-
urer, Mrs. Lloyd Loughnan. The
. president. Mrs. Dotson, was chosen
to represent the Lincoln P.~T. A.
:‘\.'\\\‘\~\‘ ‘ \ \\\\\\
is. l .C l
. .‘\\ -. \
.\\ ‘.\\ .
you MAKE —
DRIP GRIND...for drip or glass
coffee maker:
REGULAR GRIND...for percolalor
or coffee pol
\ \ ..
§‘\\ w \ '\ ‘
rm onus
Prices effective Friday thTu next Monday, April 25-26-28
W; Y°“ 9“ Va'ue' fu” weigh“ and f”” “aw”
'in every purchase of fine quality foods you
No. 1/2 S
buy at 20th CENTURY. Buy with confidence
and know your savings. Remember: EVERY
llllfaiffii‘ilis Cans ..... .. 17 L°W ' lam enthralling.
. n.” 5 1‘" 36“ r1 salsa is: .
3123332333 2 ctn. .... .. 1
E331.“all;'rrxa"l§;.‘igfi:.;éi§€?' 28° learns
$333223; 24358.3; NEEDS for THE BABY V
H . 14-3;- 15 ‘‘‘‘‘ . i ______ fig. .3: .2: J. J- W0"
P159698” - ~,- a - i r - 23¢
0 . elnz RM IBM 6 """ " Effé‘ijfimmww." 494b,
sack 154 gig; $53333? tggdsonggvggg: AdheSlVC poe, yd. X m. . . . . . . . .
. . . . 8;:
Silk Sifted Family Blend
Sh . ’ '
PILLSBURY ------ " 49-11). sack 1.64 oes Miss McClellands third
Baking Powder
grade described in detail a visit
Hot Water Bottle (US. Rubber) . . . . . . . . .. 59;:
1'18... 16
"Enriched" Flour I‘ d h ' t f J ,_ ' .5 . )
_________ .. :- ‘ 1 3_lbs. 13c , gaggerogplpge goil’ilrs
pfiorealfirt‘lmnél leper Dldper (Pink and blue) . . . . . . . . .
..... ,7 T s (gums; No. 2 /2 .CRISCO Bib, 5,, 3:1, Earthling?
501521.355; Guaranteed Electric Heat Pads .. . . . . . . . . . . 1.98
’ 01 AL Cans". SPRY ____________________________ ._ 3-lbs, 510 tea
Was served by the room mo-
____ _. q 1 d qt, yggsEfgeghgmggaggcggg age: Mennen Baby 011 43¢ 500
Kleenex 28¢-
ca 3 Giln‘me were in charge‘ of tie J. J. Baby Powder ...... .. 21¢
Boric Acid Powder 4-02. 19¢
Dressmg refreshments. Thc tea table was
beautifully decorated with lilacs
and bell hyacinth. at which Miss
Weeks and Miss Johnson, second
grade teachers, poured.
O Farm-Fresh PRODUCE
Q-Tips .............................. ._ 23¢ I
1... Pablum Cereal .............. .. 39¢
Miracle W
ORANGES ........ .. 2 doz. 45¢
‘ CUCUMB ...... .. eac
Albers Corn Flakes 3—8-oz. 19c LETTUCIERS 2 f h 10¢ Troop No. 11 Holds
Albers Minit Oats ---------- —- 9'1b5- 39c
""""""" H or 15¢ V i
ifiefilfiofiewnf r11 21 Troop 11 R TH
_ a‘ I !
Ground Parrot Brd ChOC- 14b» 330 ''' " 2 lbs’ met
a§3the llomepof Mrs. Morgan 5.6 E " ' ‘ 1 97
- ' 'th ' l. . t. 0 cc am am
...................................... .. .
Choc' Malted Mllk "" " 111.). tm 23c RHUBARB
""""""" " 11" 5¢ joinegclIr
Engrimp, vi}: 11113:; Super D Cod Liver Oil
_________________________________ ” 836
Golden West Coffee “3- 276: 2ij 510 CALAVOS ...... .. 2 for 15¢ a treat
furnished .by Mrs. Mor- 100C Natola Haliver Oil _________________ __ 57c
Chicken & N00d1€5--~ 16'02' 3” 22° NEW-SPUDS .... ..
10—lbs. 19¢ §§?'co:fifesa;:dafifigiuih§§ gays; Pt. Norweigian
_Cod Liver O_i1 ...................... .. 89c
Blue Pearl Oysters ---------- -» 5‘02- 110 here soon. Squibb Cod Halibut
LlVer 011 ...................... .. 1.09
Dinette Vegetable Salad N0._ 1’s 90 Fine selection of CHLOE DICKINSON.
scribe- 5cc Upjohn Super D COncentrate .................. .. 77c
Whole Kernel Com... 2—12-02. 23c New Potts - Carrots -. Celery 11:3“;
gringo Andrews ‘_ 10-025 UpJohn Vltrate
---------------------------------- -- 1-29
Blue Label Karo Syrup" 11/15'1b' 150 Spm'aCh and qut8 21h:
afigzigmglkrlhtgegommittee of :,
Red Label Karo symp,___ ll/g-lb. 152 the Ladies of the Moose met at .
‘ les 3 for 10 , the home of Mrs. George And- ’
3 38“ Stew Hershey Bars ----------------- " c -i BEANS Ramsms rews
with five members present.’ ~ 100 A.B.D. Capsules
...................................... .. 1.69
.g ......... 25¢ Victory Dog Food ........ .. 12 cans 57c l White or Red
Bonnie Best N51110:; needleltvgrk vggs accomplglgfl- u. 100 Halibut Liver
Oil Caps .......................... a 980
M.D. Toilet Tissue .......... .. 3 rolls 25c gosteggmg (,6 2;,
91'3001'1- h .- 100 Upjohn Yeast Tablets
............................ .. 49c . u p
. . STEAKS Lifebuoy Health Soap ____ ,_ 3 for 17¢ 3-1bs. , . 491b, bag
at the 0153:: eof theanllegtinlgtm 90 Oneil'A_ Day Tablets :
""""""" """""
" 836 I ‘- .
.814 .......... .. 23¢ ' ' ~- next meeting will be held at the 100
Upjohn Unlcap Vitamins ............ .. . 4.95 THE RIGHT THING
I'mch CED BACON home 0f MrS- Wm. Anderson, 1420 '2 100 Lilly
Hepicoleum Globules ............. .. _. 1.80 HANDY
_ h. N _ Boundary 0“ HlllcreSt 0“ May 1' . 40’s Lilly Betalin
Compound ........... ........... .. 1.44 A home that prompts
nde “"7 """"""" ~- 33¢ Leaves
For School 25 Squibb B Complex Vitamin Caps .............. .. 980 the fami,
, ea“,
0 y s , pped
faults P. Merritt E0115 left‘.135t.M0nday 25 Abbott Vita Kaps
............................ .. 1.27 with a medicine chest
lIll; 23¢ Plenty of Parking Space $535835"; l-lb. Squibb Navitol
Malt Compound _. _ _ 1.69 :veiésstocked with basic
' ‘ ' ~ - -. l ’ . . . . .‘ ‘5‘3
M « ~ 2s 2
AT son 0 r. an Mrs. Roy Eells. ‘
c H Southside Club 3 *- ,
Dell“ v Holds Meeting .i' ’-
iSure Strike The 3 th ‘d l b t t the ' ' . . '.
0f Conlinliléllily Fc‘rllda,maeftetl'noon, .‘ .- . ' :
'l '1 '. . ~ i
A i , .t :30 't. -‘ 1, .- w ' ,
bell; pres’eflt. 1 At Ellie 111;); $22; ' H E
‘ . fmg tfilay‘ 1?, plant: will be made . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' -'
or e ma so 00 picnic.