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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa 0 Six M—arines Always Found April Was Month_gf Action Many stirring highlighs in Mar- ine Corps history happened in April, according to the Corps Cal- endar of events, which shows the fourth month of the year to be an unusally active one for the sea soldiers. April 1 marks the anniversary of a fight the Marines had with Samoans ‘way back in 1899; the‘ . , 5endar include such divcrsmed hap- , $553,331.46; land, $6,128“); tide 2nd was the date that the Mar- DANCE at DAYTON Sat. April 26 Music by Four Aces $1.95 FULL QUART Leader Straight Rye Whis- key is truly a leader . . . light- bodied, 4 years old, full 90 proof, smoother and better than ever. And at this price you’ll want to try this leader in value and quality. us. untur a. (0., mt, buxom atom l :quis de Lafayette witnessed a sea lbattle in which the Marines took {an important part in 1751. Un lApril 3, 1918, a dispatch bearer lwas severely wounded. lone of the first Marine casualties in France. I The sea soldiers landed at ,Shanghai, China, April 4, 1854, to iprotect Americans; they fougn a Elively engagement in the Philip— ipines on April 5, 1899, and on iApril 6, 1776, sea soldiers were iwounded in a desperate sea fight. !Thus goes the record. day by day, l, throughout the month. ‘ Other events on the April cal- ;penings as battles with pirates in [Cuban waters, a landing made at ,lVera Cruz, Mexico, a tight with {Santo Dominican bandits, and the jstorniing of a fortress in Tripoli. {April also marks the entrance of :the Marines, along with ibranches of the service, into the gfirst World War. i During April the Marines have gtaken part in such solemn affairs las the guarding of the body of iPresident Lincoln, after he had ,‘been assassinated on the 14th of. lthat month in 1865, and the un- p/ciling of Grant‘s Tomb in Newv EYork City on April 27. 1897. A painstaking historian found some epochal event :W’lllch the Marines in [through the years. during each of. [the 30 days of April. Often there marking » other ‘ has participated “Me—fla— l i l I l i | l i i l i l $17,041 In State Timber Here Goes On Block May 6th Olympia, April 11. m State~ ~owned timber, land, tide lands and gravel appraised at $607,671.56 will be offered at public auction May 6, Jack Taylor, Commission-; er of Public Lands, announced to-' The sale will be held in 27 includes 112 indi- day. counties and i vidual applications. Till: appraisal includes timber, and shore lands, $45,185.60; est board timber, $2,776.50; and gravel, $250.00; and land leases $137.98 per year. sale by counties follows: Chelan: $7,578.00, timber; 00, shore land leases. Claliam: $7,065.50, timber. Columbia: $4,104.00, timber. Cowlitz: $196,403.10, timber; $1,306.50 shore and tide land; $200.00, sand. Franklin: $105.00, land. Grays Harbor: $11,094.35, tim— ber. Island: $400.00, land; shore and tide lands. Jefferson: $657.65, tide lands. King: $4,429.40, timber; $600.00, land; $23,138.60 shore and tide for- sand shore The $20.- $30.00, shore and iwcrc two or three outstandingilands. iliappenings on the same date, but l I i l $117.98, shore leases. Kitsap: $4,137.00, shore and tide Gents 35¢ — Ladies 10¢ llin different years, adding still lands I more variety to the record. Kitutas; $1,248.00, land. , g ‘ ‘ Klickitat: $45,816.45, timber; I~———~—-—~—*—‘——""‘— """ g$2,288.00, forest board. Lewis: $107,926.45, timber. Mason: $17,041.90, timber; $1,- 577.45, shore and tide lands. Okanogan: $2,610.00, timber. Pacific: $38,657.50, timber; Pend Oreille: $200.00, land. Pierce: $11,780.15, shore and tide lands. San Juan: $1,058.25, shore and l tide lands. SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL { SilliTONlVlASON COUNTY ioUilNAl. l Consolidated with The Shelton Independent E Entered as second—class matter at the postoffic-c at Shelton, Washington Subscr1pt10n Rates: { BY MAIL: in Mason County (outside of Shelton city mail carrier districts) ; $2 per year; 6 month, $1.25; 3 months, 75¢. Foreign $3.50 per year. Postal Iregulations forbid residents of Shelton served by city mail carrier from {receiving their Journal by mail. . BY JOURNAL CARRIER: in Shelton, 25¢ per month (collected by carrier) ior $2.50 per year in advance. l CCCCGRVANT c. ANGLE Editor Manager Association Member of “'ashington Newspaper I’ubiisliers‘ and National Editorial Assoczation. PAYROLL TAKES ALREADY HEAVY l i' ,- One of the measures passed by the last leg— gislature would increase the industrial insurance gawards, including those pending, about fifty per Ecent, which would increase the payroll taxes for iindustry in the same proportion; and it is doubt-l 'ful if industry can carry the rapidly increasing fstate and federal tax burden without a reaction iwhich would be serious to labor. i The latest news is that a referendum will be {filed if some 30,000 signatures can be obtained, iwhich would defer the increases until after a vote 'in the general election of 1942; and in View of the fact that under the present law and rates a re- iserve has been set up to guarantee the payment gof some thirteen million dollars in awards and pensions already closed, an idea of the magm- itude of the payroll taxes may be gained. rnew industries; in fact, must have them if the Estate would keep anywhere near the present pace of industry and employment and find the money ito iof present industries of peacetime must been- lcouraged, and some degree of confidence given i The State of Washington is eagerly seekingl keep them going. New industry and expansion. .2. 9 .g. Ia. OCIAL ,Eagle Social Club Luncheon Successful i From all reports the luncheon! Iserved Wednesday by the drill lteam of the Eagle Social club, was ithe most successful of any yet ‘served. The tables were beauti- ufully decorated with lilacs. the Moose Hall tonight at o‘clock. iall members are urged to be in 'attendance at 8 o’clock for the nomination of officers. Rebekah Social Club Holds Regular Meeting l The Rebekah Social club held in regular business meeting at the lOdd Fellows Hall on Wednesday afternoon with a very good attend- iance present. The next meeting iwill be May 13. Visit Son Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George McCreary motored to Fort Lewis Tuesday evening, to visit their son Lyle, who is stationed there with the '91st Observation Squadron. Lyle Irecently received a rating as fourth class specialist, and left Wednesday for Denver, Colorado to take a four-month course in a Technical School. His rating also means an increaso in salary. l ;V.F.\V. Sewing Club lWill Meet: Friday The V.F.VV. Auxilian smvinfr luncheon and afternoon of sewing with Mrs. Fred VVeaVer at Buck .. Prairie. l _. ! GARDEN SEEDS l SUPPLY ENOUGH club will meet this Friday for a. l l l l l ’ The Drill team will practice atygmm' i imoney for the digging or drilling, the hows if there is , , i . . . . , V w- ,. s , b . ‘ Th9 Aumliary W111 how the” of wells, for materials used foriavian tubel'culOSlS [regular m eetmg at the Odd Fel- casing and covering. and , . I . . I-lovvs Hall Monday evening, and I purchase of plpc‘ pmrpsy motmsd l {equipment used in the house or i l l purposes. Thursday, April Farm Water Loans [Heréshsuscepfl ' l i 1c (en New Available To 2 ,2 .1 ,5 Hogs are more.s w ‘ '~ 1 s: f armel S 5 chicken tubercu o as ;cns themselves, grcccnt experiment ‘ru LL. According to Robert p Gross. gtoys of the U, S. ‘ County Supervisor", Farm Security 5 Agriculture Theref ‘ Administration funds are nowlof Animal Industry ' available in Thurston and l‘wlason l is hazardous to . counties for farmstead water loans % to mm in the same1 0 under the Water Facility pro- E It i5 not 0n1y h ithe standpoint 0f ; ‘ These loans will make availablci but it is a menace“ , , , ., . gm full 11160 101‘ . in the poultry flock- thelton ( , -~————-” - aCOnsid and installation of such cquip—: 111mmx . . . I ' ~- oc " mcnt. EXisting water systems ‘, Adm‘msuatlon 1 . . . * 'n 0. may also be improved under this innit)" Bulldmg’l ': program. Vl’atcr for domestic use 17mg 0‘1‘ may include the irrigation of the; farm garden, providing it does notg exceed one acre. VVater Facilities funds, however, do not provide; 81 358°C for the purchase of plumbing barn. , g Water Facilities loans may be“ had for a period not to exceed 205 years or for the useful life of thel facility at an interest rate of 3%.; Farmers who have not been able; to obtain satisfactory financial es— sistance through the usual chan-’ nels of credit will be eligible for, loans. Funds are also available: to small groups of farmers who} might be interested in developing? for community use a water facil—l ity for livestock and domesticl Further information concerning! 3 applications for assistance: in ob-i 9 Reasonable. a N0 DsLAi taining farmstead water loans may be had by calling at the coun- ty office of the Farm Security Announcing Our Appoint Skamania: $9,984.50, timber. Snohomish: $58,155.30, timber; ‘ ' A ' ‘ There is apparently enough seed to new investment that taxes old and new Will not , of most kinds of garden and truck crops to provide for the 1941 de— l $175.00, land: $488.50, forest board and $50.00, sand. Spokane: $1,650.00, $600.00, land. Stevens: $3,891.00, timber. Thurston: $6,025.50, timber; $1,— 200.00, land; $1,500.00 shore and tide lands. Wahkiakum: $400.00, land. Whatcom: $30,548.95, timber. Yakima: $350.00, timber; $1,- 200.00, land. Oysters in Pacific county ap- praised at $100.00. ' Sewing Projects Geared Up To Aid Nationil Defense Sewing projects under the di- rection of the Work Projects Ad— ministration, are being geared to perform additional services that might be required to speed up na- tional defense and to meet any national emergency, according to Assistant Commissioner Florence Kerr, Washington, D. C. There are three sewing pro— jects in Pierce County, two each in Grays Harbor and Thurston, ‘and one in Mason. Millions of yards of material are utilized by sewing projects throughout the nation to the ben- efit of textile industries. Surplus quantities of wool, sheepskin and leather garments. Textile concerns are drawing on this vast reservoir of skilled garment workers in order to in- crease their forces and produce new equipment necessary for na- tional defense. SHELTGN MILK PRICES In order to comply with fair trade practices, the Retail Milk Distributors of Shelton agree to maintain the es- tablished price of milk as follows, effective as of May 1: WHOLE MILK ' 'SKIM Mll. .05 per Qt. .20 per 4 Qts. .15 per gal K .11 per Qt. . can .07 per Pint .05 per y, Pint coMMERCIAicmM WHIPCREAM 1.80 per Gallon .50 per Qt. .25 per Pt. .15 per 1/2 , 2.50 per Gallon .65 per Qt. .35 per Pint Pt. .20 per 1/2 Pint BUTTER MILK 25¢ per Gallon; .08 peth. 40¢ per gallon shall be effective to consumers that use not less than one gallon delivery, on alternate days. tinned. Milk tickets shall not be sold at reduced prices. The practice of donating free cream shall be discon- In order to give the Retail Deliverymen one day off per week, effective September 7, 1941, Sunday delivery will be discontinued. Twice-a-day delivery will be made on the Saturday prior. (Signed) MASON COUNTY CREAMERY .............. .. Emil Lauber, Mgr. 4-E DAIRY .......................................................... .. Everett Fourre LATZEL DAIRY .......................................................... .. M. Latzel OLUND’S DAIRY ..................................................... .. Ed Olund TAYLOR’S JERSEY FARM .............................. .. Geo. R. Taylor BIEHL’S GARDEN DAIRY ............................... .. Harvey Biehl MIDGET DAIRY ........................ ........................ .. J. H. Rutledge FRED BELL’S DAIRY ................................................ .. Fred Bell timber; ' are converted into outerl in time amount to confiscation. i SPRUCE FOR PLANE BUILDING _,_1__._ 1* 1.. .._-_ 1 Two stories of interest in the news of the day promise to become important to the industrial development not only for the more emergent war needs but for the future economic purposes and the building of new industries in this region. aged for a common purpose, the building of air~ planes, although a hundred other uses are possi- ble; one is the use of spruce timber for building of light training planes, the other the develop- ment of phenol rosins to make plywood fit for planes. :more planes, and the promised shortage of light [strong metals now used, it is wondered that at- étention has not been turned back to spruce for :light planes and blades which proved their value . gin speeding planes for‘the World War needs. A I , There is still an abundance of spruce timber gin the Olympics, and plywood is becoming the great building factor in replacing and conserving inew and large industry for the future of this im- imediate region, of which- Shelton is a center. After the demand for the present war is over ialmost as many of our people as those now mov- iing in automobiles will be taking to the air, in the Etravel, and our young people be demanding light I planes for pleasure and business, making this a igreat industry. I - - ! LOST TIME WILL COST LIVES } Now that this country is getting into full ispeed on its war preparedness and demanding {that industry and labor stop all foolishness and join hands in united effort to produce all and leverything needed, the people are beginning to :realize that lost time now means lost lives later i on. President Roosevelt is also taking tardy n0- tice of the fact that Communists are at the bot- itom of many if not most of the big strikes going ’on over the country, intended to disrupt industry and delay war work; and nearer home the same element is coming to the front in the Boeing Air- plane factory at Seattle. —_.__~ MOVING TO THE WESTWARD The Northwest and particularly Puget Sound 18 due for another of the early day booms which brought the first boost to population and indus- try and business in this region, a necessary se- quence to the huge public spending and building program which attracts and will leave many new- lcomers here. This boost will be felt in every city and town Iand there Will be a new era of expansion in every direction to take care of the influx of people, as well as of new industries which have been dor. mant or held back for a decade awaiting more propitious times and conditions to bring them into life. " ‘ ’ True, this is more or less frothy and tempor- ary, unless the boost is taken advantage of along more permanent lines; there are fields for new industry, particularly along the lines of mining land development of light-metals, as well as in manufacture of new products of science' therein lies opportunity for future progress. {Beef Diarketing To Be leXtCnSion economist at the State Iconege 0f Washington. Turner- ] Favorable T‘VO Years | [9615 that numbers of cattle will increase and they may meet a less favorable market by 1944. l Heavy marketings of beef cat-l tle, steers, cows and heifers, are favorable during the next two! If you Wish to Sen you’ll Have years while consumer purchasing t0 Tell~Journnl Want-Ads. power is high, says R. M. Turner. Journal Wallt-AdS—Phone 100 l The two items are related and are encour-J In the great scramble to build planes andi :not too distant future losing their fear of air! mand in spite of 'the fact that importations of certain vegetable seeds from Europe have been cut off as a result of the war, accord- ing to information received by F. E. Balmer, director of extension at the State College of Washing- ton from the agricultural market- ing service. In View of the importance of the home garden in the defense pro- gram and the need of home food production and storage, Balmer suggests that growers turn their attention toward the increased use of kinds and varieties of gar- den seeds that are offered at prices not abnormally increased. Seeds which are in short sup- ply compared with a year ago in— clude spinach, mangelwurzel, col— lard, kale, leek, celery. Swiss chard. onion, eggplant, kohlrabi, cauliflower, carrot, non-sweet- ‘1 :ports. j Practically all types of seeds ishowed heavier acreage plant- ,ings in 1940 in an effort to com- [pcnsatc for importation losses but Ilower than normal yields reduced |production that. might otherwise thave been expected. } ...._—_._ logs and timber; and therein lies the promise of I 97w %nm i l l o/am Movie”! yWi/iflz . .f. corn, beet and radish, Balmer re— 1 l l l l v i l I l l Glorified for'l‘oday’s GIRL «1 BAD UATE LANE can“; .8 OLD as romance itself is the EQUIE’ . Take Movies 9"”: tions, travels. f3 i . hobbies Hollywood pl‘e . , New FILMO 8, w or 16mm. mOV‘ i ing picture mfi‘ ' .' chines. low 35 Also New Low Prices on Screens and Praise... . ANDREWS STUDIO HOPE CHEST or loosen because they are applied 1 a" A ilsen Furniture COm “FINE FURNITURE FOR THE HOME" minimnonunion ancient tradition-dear to the heart of every girl—of saving pre- cious things in her hope chest for the happy day when she would start her own home. Today that tradition is glorified by America’s most popular gift for girl graduates -the Lane Cedar Hope Chest. Workmanship that surpasses the skill of the old masters—gorgeous veneers that can never», peel off with the exclusiVe, waterproof,Lane‘ welded process the only tested aroma-tight chest in the world—'3 free moth insurance policy writtfin by one of the world’s largest in‘ surance companies—these are but a few of the many features offered byLane Cedar Hope Chests! Its-Iii?t on a genuine Lane! Parents, sisters, brothers, come in and see our heal“ tiiul display of these ideal gilts' THE LANE fimda No. 48-1890—The front cen‘fi’ walnut stump flanked at each 89 with matched Oriental wood. ed Equipped with Lane’s pate!" remarkable value. panel of this contemporary desk; is richly figured American Hi" I‘ . automatic tray. See ‘1“. pan