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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. n V l. ‘ *9 i Aril 24, 1941. \ SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Pa e Seven _._....._. "“m ‘ YOU CAN'T SELL UNTiL YOU ~ ."e more ‘ g )erculOSllf . ielvcs, 32° I r perimen I n I; 0 i March had an operating gain‘DrugSi dressings and l.vwvv_vvvv_vmv""m X' WV " I , v." . . . . )us to Deratlon of $1,293.63, the statement indi— other hospltal sup- 12 r I 1 m", mm . nmw.~‘ Wm w... m -————-‘ W.— the same‘, * O L cates, receipts totalling $8,040.23 plieslalgitlaundgy -------- -- . 7606' . Used Cars Real Estate Class],fled Servlfje I For Rent RATES » only h, [It OSS and disbursements $6,746.60 dur- Fuel: 13 8 an wa- 19183,,,,..,W,,,,V--_v--,_-vn “A u :” _”.‘ point of '1 -' ing the month t.“ --------------------------- " 50'00 ‘ 1940 Buick Coupe. Low mileage,‘ “““““‘“ “‘ . anw““‘“ On Classified Advertisement? menace“ . The condensed statement f or Maintenance 1 ---- " 822'90 under seat heater, De- 3 FOR SALE WATERFRONT: two‘ SHELTQN FURNITURE UP_‘FURNISHED APARTMENTS for 10 cents a line (5 word”- at“ .f there is' . '\ MaTCh Opel’atlons fOHOWS: Hilton”? Supphes """ " ' :Luxe equipment ______________ __ splendid tracts, 9 and 12 acres. HOLSTERING, furniture recov-l rent (2 and3rooms), Good lo-I insertion, 5a a. line each aubu- al-culosis (A We fun 3 d - RECEIPTS lDePrec‘atlon an m- 405 151939 Chevrolet Master 3 Partially Cleared. g00d Water. ered and rebuilt. Free estimates.‘ cation. Very reasonable. Golds-‘ quent insertion. Mini mum ltl'y HOG” Shelton hog r5515 (Less charity cases and burance """"""""""""" " DeLuxe. Excp. condition... electricity, buildings on one 714 Ellinor Avenue. Joe Nuss—iborough Apts, Second and Knees charge 30c. V _* “Considerable; 0 griffin discounts) ..................... $8,040.23l "3;; 74665 1937 Ford ‘35: 2-dr. sedan $ tract. Near Shelton cn Arcadia baumer, prop. Phone 590-W. l land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf.l Classified advemseanehm my i had accr d a 13‘ thg DISBURSFMENTS ' One owner, low mileage... Road- For full partlculars call 4—15—5-15. 1m. m»: —_- -m~ . cepted over the “[10” 1,00 . month “9 mmg e . "n ,‘ 3‘ .t‘_ , . . ‘——"' 1934 Chevrolet 4_d1~. Completely‘ at C0. Supt: office or phone 366. — « WWW a FOR RENT: .Sleepmg room for h b fiber Enema ,dmg, in H hs of the year and Medical staff and oil Maren Operating Gain ..$1,293.63 one O‘Vter‘motor over_ $ 4_15_h5_1_6t. C. 0 SMITH, the Watkins man woman or glrL Mrs‘ W. A_ p one su so 11 :iPCashrdéi.i r '1‘ the a balanc.e Of Sld-C ipecglism 1’327'70 New?” Gam W 3/31/41 399'29?1§~u1ed YN'ew oaint ~ 1 who lived at 1521 Union street, Brodt, 121 E. Cedar. Phone 582- azchfing’nate @560“? m; W—‘fid I e mou'St quarters OP- Admlm‘lian’lqfl’ .11“ :h Dggatlons I‘QCEIVCd In Hri o Ad] V)" FOR SALE; 4 excellent building has moved to Cedar Street 3'27—tf- p y . : nthly condensed mg, X—Zdfi. LibOYe I hilarch ............................ .. 142.15.193U or Cry w 1. 1h 1 F , 1.1. 1 . ‘ . .-,1 i x .q, h, .0. f —_——————————————«———— 0f we monfih to save $2119" statement released to— tory, ki‘t’lhell hPiD, NOTE; Officers and trustees ‘good ---------------------------------- -- 11023” V‘EL‘thaIirlfl I??? {L1, flat??? , of" rm“; Eire ft , FOR RENT: 3 room furnished 0f billing- An eXtra- 01191236., a! M . . SykeS, treasurer of Ol'del‘lii‘s and {1001" i never have and do not receive 1930 MOdel A F0“? Z'dr‘ Motor Qt-l (i1. '1 11002632231 18‘: Patton.) mm. 9&me __' apartment, downstairs, private 100 will be made when bilun H 0 aSSOCiation, shows. maids rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .. 2,672.46 any compensation for their ivery good. New pamt. $12 5 pailflars- '*‘ '_ “DO YOUR FEET HURT? Have, bath. Call 323 North 4th. necessary. Card of than“ 00. new covers ....................... .. 1929 Ford 2-dr. Fair. Asvis ...................................... All ’41 state tested . . . BOB ERVIN 5th & Railroadellison Motors Phone 94 services. Submitted by I SHELTON HOSPITALI‘ ASSOCIATION. I 5: Shelton Grad Assists "‘ In C.P.S. Productionf Tacoma, April 19. —— Miss Mary , , Catherine Lincoln was a membcrl the general production staff [for the production of “Smilin’ 1'1‘hrough” by the Campus Play- .FOR ,. doZers — Pile Drivers —— Shovels "' Trucks —- Logging Trucks 33 Trailers ' ‘ D CLEARING and EXCAVATIN—G Information and Estimates Free ROY KIMBEL WILL TRADE DcSoto Airflow for equity in late model coupe or sedan. Phone 169-J. McG-v4—22—-5—13-6——6t ' FOR SALE CHEAP: Master Town ton Reed high school in 1939. ards. 619 Arcadia. 4-24-29-5-1-3t $9699 099659030} o°oo°o 0 7; ‘0 o o egogoo; O O O O O O O O O 1 00.96 “.0. 0... 0.06606000‘ 9 o o o o o o G¢OOOOOOOQ¢W¢¢€299 0 oétogeegoevooe’o 6 060o.«.».»,.oo.».».».uo O 0 0:. 0’9 NINE LEFT 01 The Shelton-Mason County Journal’s Subscription Campaign f 0? ONLY , 00060006960000.0690 0.00.“.O0.00.00. .00....”.OO.OO.OOG ,p€¢.OO.Q0.00.00.¢ O .0 N O O O O «’99 60 O 0 0 0. O O O O 0.0 Days eft Eor Candidates to Do Their Best Work to Win Their Choice of the Mole Prizes ays Left FOR SUBSCRIBERS , To RENEW, PAY or on SQRIBE AT THE SPECIAL RATE or 3.00 $3.90 for yrs. for 2 yrs. cu by mail by carrier tsxde Shelton in Shelton “O 0 O O O O 9 .90966 66.0 6 09 O 0.0 O O «.0 O or one of the Cash Commissions O 9 9.00.0. PLUS THE NEW PRIZE OF Special Offer Ends with the Campaign ,3 'turda Ma 3 mm $10 In Cash y Announced in Tuesday’s Journal ¥ ‘ SCHEDULE OF POEN TS TO THE PARENTS FOR SECOND NEW $10 CASH PRIZE CAMPAIGN A11 subscriptions turned in You should interest yourself, actlvely, in between Thursday morning.—~ the campaign of your boy or girl entered in this subscription campaign. I“ 0;. 0:0 9:0 0:» 0.9 o 0 April 24, and Saturday night,—— April 26, will count points to- wards the New $10 CASH PRIZE as follows: The campaign work is an experience and «69 1 year _________________ 7 points training that will be invaluable to your child 6‘0 4“ years ................ ..14 points . later in life. O.‘ Subscriptions turned in betwc ' A ' O . . e .. en Monday morning, pm] 28, . . n 9 ggneSCiay night, April 30, will count points towards the New 310 Your Chlld wants a new bicycle 01 he or .:. . H yea prize as follows: 6 points she would not have entered this campaign. .3. ',.. Years :::::._.._._.._-,..,._-.________::;::::::::::::::3::j:j:::.‘j::j;:::::::;;:.'.'::12 points By helping your child win one of these 3. 0d :‘fisal’tiptions turned in between Thursday morning Ill/fay and bicycles you save the actual money it would ,3, . g,M 3, ‘11 t it ' in AS . xenon? '1'“ follows; ay W1 0mm P0 n S towards me New $ H cost you to get a bicycle for him or her. .3. IV- S“ “M; 2 $984" ___________________________________________________________________________________ ._ points "1‘": m gigs ____________ _.10 points Even though you can Well afford to buy ’3’ You will receive more points for subscriptions the ea’rller' ' ' 00 1‘1 imam in during this new $10.00 Campaign. Subscription-s turn- . a bicycle your bay ‘01: gfrl W111 demve lots 0f .3. & foslaturday’s report will count more than those turned in dur- pleasure from the blke he or She has won, Scheéngng days. Start now. Take advantage of the highest plus the additional thrill of a real accom_ 0:. \ \- -—-YOUR OPPORTUNITY— plishment. ’3’ 00 . 0 Fun . t , I _ . .E. so. and Complete Information, call 011, elephone, or write Campaign Manager —- 0.6 ‘ 0’9 Sh It M n C I l ’g‘ e on- aso oun y ourna .3. Office. open each evening until 8:00 Shelton, Washington-£407 South Fourth ‘: . ,. . o x Q" o. 0 o“:”:«:«:«:«:o0:00:99?9:0{9.39:00:06:00}9:90.”.05¢:”:«:«:«:«:o{00:00:00}{oozuzwzwzoozuzuzo{093003039303 i 3“ mmtlucted with the recommendation and under the authority of the Washington Newspaper Publisher‘s Association, Inc. Agent crafters this weekend at the 001-; Ch 1 t S d 1936 d C "1"" legs of Pu et Sound. . <5er 8 9 an s00 0n- ;. She is agsophomore at the 001—: Legal owner called .fOI‘I 1'1 liege and graduated from Shel- selective service. Merlin 0. Rick- , I I l l l l i I i l l l ,l su l l , status. l i l l l l l l Ltaxes, as officially announced by. FOR SALE: IO-acres close in, be—’ low Arcadia road. Partly clear-l ed. Good laud, creek, young or—j, chard, large garden on creek bottom, berries. New 6 room: house, unfinished interior. Fulli basement. Outbuildings. $2,700. cash. Pete Eitreim, Route 3. 4-22—tf FOR SALE: 4—room modern home on Hillcrest. Inquire Eagle Bar- ber Shop at Mac’s Corner. B——-4-22-24-2t. FOR SALE: 5 acres, 2 cabins, well, on Olympic highway. 1520 Union, Shelton phone 375-M, evenings. S—4-24-29--5—1—3t] FOR SALE 1 5-room modern home with nook and built—ins. Good yard and close—in. Why pay rent when can get a home like this for $1450 on terms of $250 down and monthly payments. acres of property on the Bay about 4 miles from Shelton, has 175 feet of waterfront and 1,900, feet deep to the road. Springi runs through the" property and; there is lots of nice timber and‘ wood. This is about the last piece of waterfront property am the Bay close in and is well worth the price of $1075. Some terms. . * a: ‘ a: a: Business building in Shelton. Ren- tal income. Terms. $4,600.00. * * * 1-room log cabin on Isabella Lake. Terms. $950.00. I HERBERT G. ANGLE Bargain'for Quick Sale 1 5-room modern home in good con- dition located on Island Lake. Property has the finest beach on the lake, fine gravel bottom.l Cut from $1700 to $1450 for quick sale. See it today as it will not last. :3 :1: I 5-room modern home, with hard- . ,wood - floor, fireplace, furnace and basement, 21/2 acres of ex-l cellent ground, with fruit trees and large chicken houses. Thisi will make you a fine surburbanl home, close in. $3450, terms may! be arranged. Herbert G. Angle I Angle Bldg. Phone 304 l DEFERRED FROM TRAINING! Marvin Biehl, Rayonier employe ‘ordered to report for active train-. ing with the Naval Reserve las week, has been given a deferred{ SALES TAX Beginning May 1, everyone will( 'pay asales tax of three per cent,. iinstead of two. While tokens will still be with us, they will be less in evidence: than now. They will be usedl (only on purchases of 5 cents to, and including, purchases of 293 cents. They will be worth one. ,thircl cent each. 010 purchases of 30 cents and; more, the tax will be payable in: pennies. ‘ Here’s the schedule of ' 1 sales a the state's tax commission. Clip’ :this schedule, and keep it for your, 1 information: l Your Purchase Tax I $ .05 to $ .14. ...... .. ] Token .15 to .29 ...... .. 2 Tokens .30 to .49 ...... .. 1 Cent .50 to . .84. ...... .. 2 Cents l .85 to 1.14 ...... .. 3,0ents 1.15 to 1.49 ...... .. ‘4 Cents 1.50 to 1.84 ...... .. 5 Cents 1.85 to 2.14 ...... .. Cents 2.15 to 2.49 ...... .. 7 Cents 2.50 to 2.84 ...... .. 8 Cents 2.85 to 3.14 ...... .. 9 Cents . 3.15 to 3.49 ...... .10 Cents l l , l LEGAL PUBLICATIONS II CALL FOR BIDS _ The City Clerk of‘ Shelton, Wash- ington will receive sealed bids at his office in the City Hall in said city! until 8:00 o'clock P. M., Thursday.I May 1, 1941, for installing about 25.- a free I‘edograph print and foot analysis at the Buster Shoe Store in Olympia. 4—3mvw5-1-A-9t Brown Summer Home Specials ‘Davenport and Chair .......... .. 7.50 “All-Steel Sanitary Cot __ 3.95 ,Leather bed davenport ........ .. 7.95 5-pc. Dinette Set. mahogany, top extension table ............ ..12.75 Tvy. doubledeck bed spring... Lumbermen’s Mere. Co. Easter Loans Wat..— Lawful LOW Rates $10-$300—c0nfidential 5 to 20 months to repay UNDER STATE REGULATION Columbia Industrial Loan Co. 221 Security Bldg. Phone 5862 OLYMPIA ) Looking For A Letter? Then write one on Eaton Stationery. It's socially correct. FIR DRUG STORE LARGE SIZE Duplicating SALES BOOKS 50 Each ’1‘ 55¢ per dozen We also take orders for all kinds of special—~ PRINTED SAIES BOOKS Our prices are a?! low or lower than outside salesmen can quote you. THE JOURNAL BE POPULAR Give Whitman Chocolates. Love thrives on thoughtfulness, bring a box of Whitman’s Chocolates —4it’s the thoughtful thing to do. FIR DRUG STORE m LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED Keys made — washing ma- chines repaired -»— specialist in fine mechanical repairs and upholstery. Handy Man Shop Mason County Maps LARGE Mason County Township maps $1.00. Also maps 01 Olympic Peninsula, Puget Sound Country and State 500 to $1.00. The Journal Girls Save Bacon For Highclimber Net Aggregation I l Thanks to its feminine racquet: swingers, Shelton initiated its 1941 prep tennis season with a 6i to 4 victory over Ccntl‘alla high, net forces here Saturday. The girls contributed five of the. six Shelton points, sweeping their: imatches with the visiting prepi girls, while theHighclimber boys won only one of their five matches, that being Walt Eddy's triumph in the No. 1 spot. The results: BOYS SINGLES: Walt Eddy 8.75“ I l l l i l vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv‘ ’RELIABLE MAN WANTED to D-4—22-24~—2t. FOR RENT: May 5, 3-room mod- ern furnished apartment, pri- vate bath at the Mallows Apart- ments, 718 N. Sixth. 4-17—tf. FOR RENT: waterfront 4 room house, acreage. Suitable for small family with cow and few chickens. Garden, various kinds of fruits and berries. Wood, well, electricity, school bus. R.F.D. Phone 61-M. E—4-22-24—2t. Classified Display Rates on Request. 'vvv'v'vvv‘v'vvvvvv'vvvv For Sale LAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FOR SALE: three godd used 'wood circulating heaters. Excellent condition. Shelton Gas Compan . 4-24-29~571——— t. EOE RENT: summer ‘cabiii Von FOR SALE; Goldbrownston play- Hood Canal. Inquire 204 E. Pine. I er piano, 50 r0115. 0, w, Brown- K—4-24-29—2t- er, Hoodsport. 4-24—29—2t. HOUSE FOR RENT with orchard '— ._ V and plenty garden ground, phone FOR SALE: complete outfit: pho- O. T. Aubol, 217-R-4. 4-24-29—~2t tography equipment, also small paint gun. Inquire 940.;East Cas- FOR RENT: Sleeping room, $10 ‘cade, 1,—4-24.‘gp_.-5-1__3t, month, gentleman preferred. 206 North. First. 0 4~24~29~2t FOR SALE: piano, good condition. Call evenings. Mrs. Neil McPhce, Lake Isabella. 4-24-29——2t FOR RENT: 50 acres good pas- ture, well fenced and plenty of Wanted «AAA-AAAAAAAAAAAA-A-AA;Ji STEADY WORKflGOOD PAY . F. call on farmers in Mason County. water- Very rea‘f‘onable" 3' No experience or capital requir- StOtSberyv Arcad‘a 42191524 . t ed. Write McNess Co., 2423 Magnolia St., Oakland, Calif. WORK WANTED by experienced hour worker. 35¢ hour. Mrs. Nellie Dunning. Phone 267-RX,| Pioneer Road, Hillcrest. ‘ 4-15-18-22-24—4t. : WANTED: will nah. large lot‘. on Hillel-est for water power FOR SALE: FISHER'S_ SAVE- TIME CHICK MASH by local dealers. Egg prices indicate- ’41 profits. SAVETIME helps raise chicks with minimum/mortality, helps build high producers. Share the profits. light plant about two killowatt. S E“ L. ’L. Dickinson, Hoodsport. Hot Point Electri Range 4-15-17-22-24—4t. I new _ _ _ “inwaso ILET PLOVIE make your lawn1 HOt POint Elem“ Refrig" i WANTED: experienced i l l l l l and rockeries; plant‘your flow-lI era-tors; Pew -------------------- --_ "139-50 ers and shrubs evenings. 726 S.” . Large 5129 POtter Refrig‘ . First St, lerator ...................................... .. 69.50 P——4-15-29—5t. , . . 1 National automatic hot wa- EXPERIENCED VVOMA'N wants ter heaters, 40-gal. 59:50 day or hour work. Phone 83-J. Lang oil range .... .. 69.50 B—~4—24-29—2t. l Lang wood range 9.50 7 Wm {Lang wood range .. .. 24,60 woman ! Rebuilt Maytags ................ 39.50 for general house work. Inquire N Journal. M—4-24_1t. I RELIABLE GIRL wishes—care of; children, days, evenings. Inquire 7'19Arcadia; 4-22—211u—2t. WANTED: Sawyer. Churchill Tie. Mill. Matlock Route, Shelton, Wash. 4-22—tf. Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (H006 Canal tides are one hour vv'rvvvvvvvv PROFESSIONAL CARI}! .. AAMAAAM “A M. ‘ ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title Insurance Building 1 V ‘ I Opposite First National Bank J 8: 55 minutes earlier) Phone 23 Shelton ,-. Fri. High 5:41 am. 13.5 ft. . ~ April 25 Low 12:17 p.m. 0.9 ft High 7 :33 pm. 13.4 ft. g lNSURANCE 1 Sat. Low 12:30 am. 4.3 ft. . 1 April 26 High 6:05 am. 13.4 ft. HERBERT G. ANGLE Low 12:46 p.m. 0.4 ft. tr - High 6:57 pm. 13.1 ft. office at Angle Sun. Low 1:07 am. 4.7 ft. 1 April 27 High 6:30 am. 13.2 ft. Low 1:16 p.m. 0.0 ft. . . High 8.09 p.m. 13.6 ft. B. Mon. Low 1:44 am. 5.1 ft. . ' April 28 High 6:56 am. 13.0 ft. Accounlmg Tax Smile“ Low 1:47 p.m. ~02 it. Bookkeeplng Systems H" h 8:46 .m. 13. t. ,, ‘. ‘g p 123 4th St. Phone .565 r' Tues. Low 2:23 am. 5.5 ft. April 29 High 7:26 a.m. 12.8 ft. Low 2:22 p.m. -0.4 ft. ~ Wed. Low 3:06 am 5.9 ft. No. 11 F. a. A.M. 1April 30 High 7:59 am 12.5 ft. 1 j Low 3:00 p.m. —0.4 ft, Next Regular Communication x High 10:11 p.m. 13.8 ft. MAY 10 l 1 I M. H. NEEDHAM . Worshipful Malt“ c'l' .2000 New Residence Planned on Hillcrest Construction of a new $2000 (S) beat Dick Barlow (C): 6'3 home at Stevens and Roosevelt r .. ~ .. 6-2; Fred McDowell .(C) Don Haney (C) beat Jean Hub- 'bard (S), 6-2, 6-3. BOYS DOUBLES: Barlow—Mc- Dowell beat Eddy-A1 iere, 7-5, 6-3; Crawford-Edmond- Son (C) beat Jackson-Hubbard, 10-8, 6-4. GIRLS SINGLES: Betty Lou Macke (S) beat Barbara Hicks (C), 4—6, 6-2, 6-4; Barbara Lin-. ‘ 000 feet of water mains. together with coln (S) beat Elizabeth Benedict valves, hydrants and fittings. in the Shelton Water System. The bids will then be opened and read before the City Council. Plans and specifications may be ob-l ‘tained from the city clerk upon de- push; of $2.00. which amount is con- sidered rental and will not be re- turned. I A certified check for five percent' of the bid must accompany each pro-t posal. The, City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Dated April .17, 1941. GLENN W. LANDERS, City Clerk. 4-22-24-29-3t. CALL FOR BIDS The City Clerk of Shelton. .Wash- mgton. will receive sealed bids at his office in,the City Hall in said city until 8:00 o‘clock P. M. Thursday. May 1. 1941, for one pumping unit capable of delivering 1000 gallons of water per minute against a head of apprOleately 200 feet. Bids will then be opened and read before the City council. . Specifications may be obtained from the City clerk upon deposit of $1.00. which amount is considered rental and will not be returned. A certified check for five per cent of the amount of the bid shall ac- company each proposal. The_ City Council reserves the right to reJect any or all bids. Dated April 17. 1941. GLENN W. LANDERS, City Clerk. 4722—24-29—30 .»M«H~~_.m_ (C) 6-2, 6-2; Donna Castagno (S) beat Betty Benedict (C) 6-4, 6-3.‘ GIRLS DOUBLES: Lincoln- Castagno beat Hicks-E. Benedict 6-0, 6-3; Macke-Carol Jean Hat— cher beat B. Benedict—VanLiew 6-0, 6-1. This Wednesday the Highclimb- er net squad goes to Chehalis. Eddie Duyff is coaching the team this year. Warmup Matches For N.I.B.C. Saturday Two teams from Olympia and, one from Centralia will tangle with Associated Service of Shel- ton in a practice bowling match at Shelton Recreation alleys Sat- urday night as a tuneup engage- ment for the Northwest Interna- tional Bowling Congress at Port-. land early next month. At the N.I.B.C. Shelton will have three teams entered, Mason Laundry having both men‘s and women's lineups which will bowl on May 3 and 4, while Associated Service will take the alleys on May 9 and 10. heat streets was Martel Jackson (S). 2'6) 7‘5: 6'0; when Loran B. Hunter obtained l l l LaBiSSOH“. cured a building permit for con- indicated Saturday M WITSIERS . FUNERAL HOME ,- Licensed Ernbalmcrc l w. A. Winters/Prop. ; Phone 180 - ~ Shelton. Wash. 8. building permit fromCityvAudi- ' tor Gordon Hendry. Yesterday James Watson l se- struction of a woodshecl valued at $35 at 1312 Edgewood street. mww