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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Four _ GIRL FOR “'EILEND'IANS I A baby daughter was born to! Mr. and Mrs. Byron Weilenman of Route 2 Friday at Shelton hos- I pital. W.L...L_L.#___ , “'OLDENS HAVE SON Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wolden of; Shelton became parents of a baby boy born Friday'at Shelton hospital. DON’T ‘ i as new the day you bought them! Spots and i, wrinkles disappear under our skillful care. Creases . in suits and pleats in i dresses spring into shape , again . . . colors take on new life! Revitalize your ' entire wardrobe by fre- quent trips to our estab- lishment. MASON COUNTY STEAM LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS By SIMMONS COMPLETE “Fine Furniture MCCONKEY Phone 3033—4555 Complete Your TRIANGLE BANDAGES .................. .. 25¢ MILD TINC. IODINE ABSORBENT COTTON, 4-0z. ............ .. 27¢ 38 BANDAIDS ......... .. Lge. BURNTONE —-Tannic Jelly ...... .. 39¢ GAUZE, yd. ............... .. BABY nuns DEXTRI—MALTOSE, lb. ...................... .. 63¢ sec PABLUM ........... .. 50¢ J & J TALC ........ __ 'BABY CASTILE, 2 large bars .......... .. 25¢ ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT, 1oz. ...... .. 19¢ CERAVIN, large ..... .. con Liven. om, pint ........................ .. 98¢ RUBBER CRIB SHEETING ______________ ._ 19¢ MOTHERS’ STANDBY Spressure cookers are an asset to! sure gauge should be tested oc- . cassionally to see that it is main- trip the young couple will return :check his equipment is welcome ~ Sofa- $49.50 Velours —l Tapestries —— Mohairs In Complete New Color Selections BUY NOW FROM A BEFORE "PRODUCTION IS CURTAILED Olsen Furniture Co. ........................... .. 39¢ C Seattle Man To Be Buried Here Although never a resident of SOCIAL Christine Thomassen Married Wednesday l SHELTON-MASON o v i, l 0 .. ? [Lake Isabella Club lHolds Regular Meeting l Wednesday, April the Lake l Isabella Club met at Maple Beach for a o'clock potluck luncheon. . ,. . -Mrs. Lois Tucker was hostess to . Miss Chiistiiic Tliomasscn,. V . Shelton! the remams 0f J' Bruce daughter of Mr. alid Mrs. Jolinithc 12 members and gueStl Mrs" lRuth Morris of Tacoma. Sproule, 53, Seattle advertising Thomassen and Louis Neal Red“ ‘ The new officers for the year,‘ l @ agent, will be buried in Shelton man wer arr. d ‘Vednesd .n‘. Memorial Park saturday fouow' i the parislf lldeuscleof the SaintLyEtl- Mrs- ESther 30109: PreSldEHt; MYS- ing funeral services at Witsicrs . - Gertrude Rains, vice president:i Chapel at two o’clock. Imiigagmgghlhit lfiiéfifi 1 Mrs. Lois Tucker, secretary andl He died in Seattle Tuesday. He Weichmann ers. Lucy Weyand, treasurer! was the husband of the former _ ' g were inducted into office in a very l Cora Biehl. daughter of Mr. andl Tile bride W019 ‘1 smart tall“: impressive ceremony. Mrs. Imo— l Mrs. C. H. Biehl of Skokomish Cred pastel Plaid Slut With blondelgcne Combs was installing 051:1- iaccessories, and a corsage of‘ . . 1 ,cer. I ithlee green QrShldS and Rm“ 1&3", The club members are to bel }acmth. She was attended by Miss: Guests of the Arcadia Club on Florence Cormier and Miss Fran-l 2‘ E l Valley. Two brothers and a sis- ter in the East also~ survive. Mr. Sproule was born at Kan- sas City, Mo., December 4, 1888. , Friday, April for a 1 o’clock ces VVinsor. Miss Cormier wore a lulmh at the Southside commun_ brown and tan suit with a cor- Pressure Cooker lsage of roses and gardenia, and RV nan“ . , , . i Mrs. Combs. chairman of the Tester Available M155 Wmsor W01“? 3 powaer: revision committee introduced a blue tailored suit With red acces- _._ ElleVV resolution to the club char- Food production and food pre-lsories. jter which win he acted upon at S?rvat.i°n and Storage are of prin'l A shipmate of the groom, Dan' the next meeting. All members Cipal importance this year due toiwl Berna“, was the best man ,Bre urged to be present MIR the heavy demané for canned The ceremony was solemnizodlBoice, announced she would have gOOdS by the armles' before a few close friends and; her program ready to present at Properly handled and cared forla reception followed immediately 1 the next meeting, at the Thomassen home. A lovely: The club has adopted Mrs. four-tiered bride's cake toppcleohn Whitehurst, general federa- with a miniature bride and groom ? tion president‘s suggestion thatz under a large bell graced the cen- i the right hand he held over the ter of the table. A wedding din- heart for the flag salute instead ner was served to the bridal par-1 of extended. I ty later in the afternoon. Mrs! Thomassen wore a green printj “Mum Home dress with a iris and pink car—j MYS- Edlth ACkleY. Sister 0f Ed nation corsage_ [Elliott has returned to her home Following a 1m Bend, Oregon, after a brief‘ any household and contribute greatly to the food preservation program. Pressure cookers, how- ever, are no longer available on the market so folks who have one should see that the greatest use is made of it by themselves and others. To do proper canning, the pres— week‘s wedding visit in Shelton. to Shelton. Mrs. Redman was em-l .MUGS ElliOtt returned A Pressure gauge tester iSlployed at Forrest's Flower andi 311' mic 111 Sacramento Wednes- available at the extension officelGiit Shop. Mr. Redman, who isiday alter spending several days in th‘? POStOffiCe budding- Any- from San Francisco, California, is at home- one Wishing to use this tester to m the Umted states navy, -1 Garden Club Slates l Monthly Meeting " The Shelton Garden Club Will‘- temporaryl hold their regular monthly meet-, taining the proper temperature. to the‘ 3 ‘5 Enumclaw Ladies G-uests ———-——- ' In Shelton Thursday SON BORN FRIDAY Mrs. J. D. Stack, Mr. and Mrs. John Oakes of ‘ Shelton resident, was hostess yes-lmg at the Memorial hall at 2 Shelton became parents of a baby , terday afternoon at a luncheon in i P-m-‘Mondayi April 27- Clinton Okerstrom, county ag~ 50“ born at Shelton hospital Fri- 9 the Colonial HouSe for Mrs. C.l day- B.‘ LaFromboise, Mrs. 'Louis Ol-lentv W111 Speak and demonstrate son, Mrs. J. J. Smith and Mrs. l on the Control of Insects and Di- J. A. Anderson of Enumclaw and! 399595 m Gardens» He is aSking Mrs. J. E. Angle of Shelton. members to bring; samples of di— seased plants for discussion. He I The visiting ladies were taken! , l on a‘ tom. of? Sheltong beautiful! will also give out bulletins on Vic- !gardens" whiCh they much en-': “Or-V Gardens- joyed. ’ Monthly exhibits in charge of‘ ‘ ' .Mrs. Don McKay and Mrs. Harry Esther Ruth Circlew 'Pari‘y will include, floweringl Meets On Wednesday gb‘ulbs, primroses. pansies. flower— By . The Esther Ruth Circle of the: ma trees and shrubs or any otherY IVV.S.C.S. was entertained at theffIQWBTing Specimen. Container: !A. J. Ferguson home on Wed-1W11l be furnished for all but thel lnesday. Mrs. Leo Martin assisted: HTUSUC arrangement- l lluncheon, Mrs. Oliver Constable ‘ fiapfisg Ch“r"h H0195 l $ lreviewed her trip to Australia.‘ "mm- R0" 0311 Dinner ’ i i. l t. . l M” 10g“ 109 “6 96‘” “ms gheld at the Baptist Church Wed—l lFrom Oregon in95day evening under the aus-l lplces of the Homebuilders Class] [Jerry Sample and baby son are lvisiting at the home of her bro—j Herbert Brumbaugh were in ther, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Samples. i Charge The men of the class lFalls, Oregon, expects to visit} The Officers for the ensumgl here about a month. 'yeal' Were elected. Mrs. Mark Pickens 9 Official’ Amaranth . Mrs. Grover Brewster enter-i 'The Official visits of Mrs! ‘itained with a bridge luncheon at‘ Nil-“CE BUYI‘OWS, grand 1“y'all ma—‘ e; home on Tuesday, honorin tron of Cashmere, Louis Muscek, leave soon to join her husban‘l‘l in] and Mrs- KGttering 0f Seatt10,l California" 3 grand marshall, to the local Laur- Mrs. Bruce Wilcox and Mrs. el Court, Order of Amaranth were ]F S t1 _<,____ Masonic Temple. rom ea to g A dinner preceded the meetin Mrs. Ralph Clyde, of Seattle, at the Colonial House. Visitoril lthe hostess. Following the salad l l The annual Roll Call dinner was l 1 Mrs. Hugh Hopkins, the former .Mrs. Walter Moultrop and Mrs' Mrs. Hopkins, now of Klammathi sel‘Ved at the tables. Honored Tuesday lMake Their Visit hut“ m w.n , . ., I‘M'rs. ~Mark Pi-ckéfig’V'W/ho T’Willggl‘and royal patron, of TacOma, Harold Smith won honors. made Wednesday evening. at the is visiting this week with her were present from Everett, Seat- to do so. STOCK AND mother, Mrs. George Parker and tle, Tacoma, Olympia, Chehalisl For The Home” her father, Who is confined to the I Aberdeen and Puyallup. Mrs: hospital. ,lGeorgia Hill of Chehalis, pastl supreme royal matron, was also; lpresent. The was conferred i Fred Beekwith. I Refreshments and a social hourl followed the meeting in the ban-l lquct room, decorated with dog‘- initiatory degree‘: on Mr. and Mrs. .=. 1'29 ‘ ' wood. T300? 7 :; Geraldine Carlson, Scribe i The Brownies met with Mrs. Lloyd Morgan on Monday as us- ual and worked on their Mother . Day gifts. Birthday cake was ,brought by Carol Jo Lovell. l ‘ 1 $1.00 BOXES ‘ i ‘ l TROOP 5 A ‘ SOAP Special 59¢ PHARMACY We Deliver ____ First Aid Kits Girl Tuesday at the Lincoln school to V learn the American Barn Dance, .to the tune of “Turkey in the , Straw” This is the last of a ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' n ‘ , 5:11.195 0f folk dances being learn-l WITCH i 0 under the direction of Mrs. ‘Work on their First Aid badge :Friday night after school and 1their Homemaking badge, Mon- ‘ day afternoon. They plan to have HAZEL print 29¢ m.— LIGHT ........................... .. 23¢ l ,William Stevenson. The girls will . l Wednesday Ev;de 1 Mrs. Wayne Arrowsmith enter-‘ ............. 15¢ . . . ltained Wednesday evening at 8 Mlneral 011 lo’clock at the Harold Carr home pint 39;: i at Kamilche with an linen shOW- , er honoring Miss Elsie Smith,; J; g bride-elect of Dave Kneeland. , j Games were played during the ;_ i evening. Refreshments were serv- 5 ed from an attractive table cen- tered with small airplanes, tiny 'I fiflags were used for place cards- , Those present were Mrs. Tom- l ‘my Kneeland, Mrs. Edgar Byrney l Miss Jean McDonald, Miss Ml1-‘ dred. Parson, Miss Marie Pauley. l Mrs. Shirley McLean, Mrs. Bill;l l l l t l ........................... .. 39¢ .. Shelton, Miss Eulalie Stephens, 1 Mrs. James Gilbertson, Mrs. Ralph Paulson, of Shelton, Miss Eliza-_ beth Cameron of Olympia, MiSS, Jean Alaways of Sedro Wooley,‘ the honored guest and the host-l l, . ess. Miss Smith will leave in the middle of May for Arizona where . .. she will marry Mr. Kneeland. i . following his graduation from the I :Army air corp. ........................... “43¢ '“—‘ l Attends Institutes Mrs. W. F. Roberts spent last! week visiting Cowlitz, Pacific ' and Wahkiakum' counties where she attended Womens Christian' , ‘ Temperance Union institutes. 50¢ Shave Cream I KO DACO Lo R 1 25¢ Blades FILM for color prints ‘ Mrs. Morgan E~nte—rtains ' Club Tuesday Evening Mrs. Vivian Morgan entertain-l Biggest new: of the you-i Snapshots in color with new 3' Kodaoolor Roll Film: Used 1. _' l . culinary Kodak: like blaeh‘ .i ed the members of her club on HlndS Honey MMNoeameqdp. 'Tuesday evening. Honors werg a... an I, .590. a “I won by Mrs. Fred Hickson an Almond cream M 1“:ng an no 3 M Mrs. John Cormier. Mrs. O. K- “, m» m m . Stephens was guests of the club. "a h Moo.“ . Refreshments were served. Y h "P". i- A new. home costs 10 to 1F , _‘- “I, per cent less when constructed i culil‘L‘ly Ui‘ WOW}; I —-for instance, l— Scout Troop No. 5 met , 5 their badges before school is out. v, QUNTY JopaNAL‘ Pine-chic Party Wins Popularity From Grapeview Grapeview, April e- Once more the women of the Commun- ity Club sponsored a successful pinochle party at the school house. On Saturday evening there were six tables playing and a few on- lookers. The popularity of the parties was proved when the president of the club, Mrs. Johan- son, called for a vote on contin- uing, at least through May.‘There was quite a majority voted to go on. As usual, much of the suc- cess was due to the work of Mrs. Charles Schwinn, in charge of refreshments, and Mrs. Cliff Barrett and Mrs. Sarah Hansen, who arrange the prizes. The tally cards have been made all year by Mrs. Johnstone and have clev- erly carried out seasonal ideas. This time they were decorated with cartoons which created much merriment. Special thanks are due Mrs. Johnstone for her work. The high honors were held by Mrs, Will Spooner and Mr. John Sund ~-probably due to one'hand which had a thousand in aces. Mr. Orin Buckingham and Mrs. Bert Mit— chcll were low~~wc can't explain that. Mrs. Orin Buckingham had the floating prize and Mrs. Sop- hus Hanson the door prize. Mr. and Mrs. H. Hatfield of‘ Raymond were guests of the lBuckinghams for the week—end and joined us at the community party. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Paynton left last Week for an extended trip east and south. Chicago will be their first stop, then on to Louisiana where Mr. Paynton’s [brother is in the air service. They will return the southern Way by ‘Los Angeles and stop there for a visit. We are sorry that bad word has been received from another trav- eler. Pete Davis, that he is not well. Mr. and Mrs. Davis left some weeks ago, intending to go east after a visit in California. They have been unable to con- tinue their trip, however, since he is in the hospital following a heart attack. Mr. and Mrs. Web Etherton and children have moved into their attractive new home on the wa-l terfront near Stretch Island bridge. Mr. and Mrs. Etherton managed to leave lonor enough to' attend. the wedding of his sister in Seattle, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, newcomers, havel moved into the Etherton’s former‘ home. There will soon be Firt Aid classes started at the school house Watch for further an— nouncements as to dates in this column and at the store. Margy Schwinn and Marian Olro‘mk met with the 4—H club‘ leader, Mrs. W. R. Spooner, on Saturday, to practice for a dance they will give at the county rally. Connie Bryant ceizld not be pres- ent as she was ill, but will he in the final performance. Inga and Dorothy Sund helped with the practice. , Mrs. Sarah Hansen is said to be amusing herself turning on and off her newly acquired elec- tricity. It is interesting that what I was a luxury three decades ago is now a necessity. We may revise our ideas in the next few years is a rowboat a necessity when permission to use it involves trips, blanks, finger- prints and, most of all, time! APPENDIX REMOVED Nadine Drake, 10, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Drake of Shel- ton. underwent an appendectomy at Shelton hospital Monday. H l lfllllllllflfl .1 though we sold good‘work I shirts for those times, they l Hum, 'iiiil'lillillliiui” ” NEEDS DROPPth . or MlNllR ISSUES? Mrs. M. L. Watson, of Hood Canal, who is taking a serious interest in all county defense 1 plans and projects, gave the Ki- wanis Club an inspirational talk Tuesday urging more united ef- fort in support of the various pro- grams and of President Roosevelt as director of all national defense. She reviewed the progress of the war so far, since Pearl Harbor. Manila, and the continued swarm- ing of the Japanese over Asia warns America of the serious prospect ahead, and the need for dropping all minor issues and un- iting on the main cause of win- ning the war as soon as possible and saving the American way of life as well as American lives. She pointed out the great sacri—l fices so recently made by the: brave men who fought the hope-l less and losing fight on Bataan,l in contrast to the apparent ap- pathy of our people at home, who are sacrificing nothing as yet but living in the old care-free way with l money to spend for every whim. She urged that soon there will be more loose money than goods to buy, and people should spend on- ly for what they really need, tol avoid inflation dangers, and-put their spare cash into government} bonds as a reserve against the' day when depression and the need for renewed labor and civilian re- building will be pressing. Speaking of unity she urged‘ that constructive criticism is still in order in pointing out the wastes , being carried on in the name ofl defense, but that it should notI deal in rumors and should be car-i ried direct to our Congressmen in, personal letters, with some pros-i poet of attention since an election is coming this fall. Naturally amid all the rush, there will be much weakness in administration} 1 of defense, and that which ShOws no political aim may well bei passed over. but the citizens} should not hesitate to expressI themselves strongly on waste and inefficiency which hampers war: progress anywhere. She also urg-i ed an open forum in every com-i inunity in which the public might! express its thought, clear up wrong impressions, and become' more united. In closing she crit-l icised action particularly on su- gar rationing to the homes, while. the government permits using the; bulk alcohol for drink, which' could as well be made from huge? stores of last year’s corn. ' Phil Murphy called attention tol the Monday defense group meet-l ings and urged more attendance? of business men; also to thel meetings in outside communitiesi to organize for defense at home,| reporting much interest wherever! the speakers had visited. l :‘TASTOID OPERATION Marilyn Munson, 41/2, daughter! of Mr. and~Mrs. Lawrence Mun-. son of Shelton, underwent a mas-l toid operation at Shelton hospi-i tal Sunday. Visit Centralia Mrs. Glen Chase and Mrs. James C. Roush, visited the lat- ters parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKinna on Sunday in Centralia. Buy A Supply For Spring Dainty. priced! were nothin like, ovum? Macs’fof to 11'" NOW . . . It’s Sanforized Big Mac“. OCR K 5 H I R T S Built fer hord wear—lull-cul extra-heavy chombroy or c.0- xl veri; bar-fucked against strain. J’Iicg. U. S. Pat. 0H. ssnforized moans fabric shrinkage Will not exceed 1%. For Every Oecasion! Penney’s HOSIER-Y F u l l fashioned! , 1 I 1 Perfect quality I In flattering spring shades! Girls’ Rayon UNDIES 2r cunning tailored and trimmed sytles . . like mother's! Knit rayon! L_o ii g wearing DIHOWS plumpll Full of fine lea. thers! COTTON Pajamas $1.98 Butcher boy sf. y lesi Pretty trimmings! Belfair Man Weds , T0,, Late to c and Miss Mary Ellen Hicks of Port Orchard stole a march on their many friends and were mar- . ried Wednesday. , ter, Susan Jean. two daughters, of Olympia, visit- ed hcr sister, Mrs. -Glen HarrisI and family Saturday. Mrs. Glen Harris Sunday evening. 1, Republican Meet 1 l tee send out notices of a big par- ty gathering at Seattle, with con—! ferences during the afternoon and I a big meeting at the Metropolitan 1 Theatre, land party workers of the West l Side, to which all Republicans are iinvited. The main address will be by Clarence Kelland, noted pub- licist of the national committee, who is making a three-day swingj phone 232 of the state. ANDREWS _’_l:_U_ J.‘9.JP‘”UIY_ 60.. jute; My Famous Adonna Rayon UNDIES smooth fitting pan- ties that cling slcckly uiidor slim dresses and ski r ts! Smartly t a il 0 r e (1. Value Buy and Save at Ponney’s! 1! THE Pew-run mu: m: JHBlFU 'wavjx'iijnus THRIFTY-!£AY.I§ n16 AM I. . Friday, .ArrilZ‘l vvvvvvvvvvvvvv,, 01‘ E: 0hServati lAAAAAAAA‘AAAAAA‘( FOR RENT: May 1 Port Orchard Girl By Mrs. Mary Rose ‘ 4 300m, complgtséz '- 21.; v B d mo ern home, 0. ' Belfau’ Apnl Roy 03 month. Phone 181-1 D iron RENT: 3 room? . ha Mrs. Ted Roessel has returned apaltment “nth l “i a ‘ d h_ heat. Western Supp 9!, re to b home With her new baby aug 218 N. First. I FOR SALE: enamel". class condition, $45.3. Carroll, 805 Allegh2 4_ . Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ruchty and, l Mrs. Edwin Mickelson was a! Wm”... would be ,Bremerton caller Friday. 1 WANTED; drag saw. V request ,3, Mrs. Orvil Kenny gave a birth-‘ good condition and i "of a rulind day party for her daughter Doris i J. H. Cross! Route ' 00mmiggi’3r on Monday evening- Shelton, Wash. leg, ‘ has been l Virginia Herrick {y'.A.i\iTED:Mgiiil oi? w home with the mumps the last few days. l with housework, S Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbs, ofl Phone 108.}. Vi \\\ a Port Orchard, visited Mr. and.l v UNDERGOES 0P. <., *5 i Charles Evans of lShelton hospital Tues. ldergo minor surgery. In Seattle April The Republican State Commit- Say WITH FLO. ‘ They Bring CO and Happi" FUNERAL DESIQ HOSPITAL BoU Delivered anywhert’ji Travis Floral? Shelton Hardwa"! April 28th, for puDile YOUR ' PORTRAIT 'W' p rfect gift F0 MOTHE] . . . or of you with your family. the gift that she will cherish it Come in today . . . no necessary. Special 8” X 10” Photos Hand Tinted... Now Only, Fine Quality Rayon! WOM EN’S Cynthia SLIPS 1.29 ' Daintin Trimmed Smartly Tailored f Select fine C Y N T H I A rayon crepes. in tailored or lace trimmed styles! Four—gore. bias . . . or straight out types with rounded or V neck. Sizes to 52. BUY UNITED STATES .’ SAVINGS Fashionable Slimness! Foundation Garment 3.49 cotton basistc and rayon Willi “Lastex”! Lace bust sections. net lined! 32~40. Savings! Men’s Underwear 29¢ Madge ea. Evans 1t nev combed cot- ' ton SHIRTS Dresses lvnth th and Briefs! '1 the p; SHORTS) of 4 e M J B Broadcloth! °. ' ' B9ys' Si... his “8”” ea. 25¢ . . Gay prints. glve you navy! Rayons! Men’s Armorfoot 12-44- DRESS SOCKS SW”!!! “A73 2' 1.98 Flattering 93¢ pr. styles! Smart Pum s Slack _or regular length to p wear for sports or dress! In . many colors. Real \alucs! Elasticized! Bright SKIRTS for Casual Wash BLO Little Boys’ Washi CHILDREN’S ANKLETS Get 'Lots For Summer! All colors! Tuck- ¢ stitch! Stay up tops 1 5