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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. April 24, 1942,, one. . . Co. Asked To 'H b Expense we to C finnervation Phones v\vv,vv AAAAA“ . May 1 ‘ 18h Grange has drawn completely? liltion requesting the Pa- ome, down. QIePhone and Telegraph one 181-1- raft warning observation 3 . with b5 '“ghout the State, copies ;ern Supply are to be sent to the .“st. ' ompany, the Public Ser— ~* 81, "mission, Gov. Langlie, “$221113 , ‘1 Interceptor Command, ,5 Aliegh ‘ 5 ate grange convention. 4-2 phone company has indi-i .mam WOUId be glad to carry :lrag saw. _ request but cannot be-' mo“ and a ruling of the Public is, Rout Commission, the resolu- x'ash. . girl or V4 cwork, pital Tue. surgery. ‘ lee, dishes, Fonts ’n duds- 5'30 absorb the cost ofl ghis face with the boiling liquid. Shelton Boys A Dewatto Couple Save Home From Fire; Close Call l I -flLi WW. i Dewatto, April 217—Mrs. l Present were u Cunningham, I'S. Mrs. A c: a... Mrs. Carney is reported 9.” ,‘ “paticn A near tragedy happened at the ,home of Lee Baxter and Mrs. ’Lizzie Bedell last Thursday. The iwoodshed located a few feet from the house,caught fire, presumably from a spark from the chimney. [They had just lit the fire and neither had been out of the house when the fire was discovered by Mrs. Bedell. They had little pres- sure on their water line and the fire almost got away. Mrs. Ann King came and by diligent hard it caught a couple of times. All three suffered light burns on their faCes and hands. The loss, while , small, will be felt keenly by these old folks. Six or eight forest wood will be hard to re- place as Mr. Baxter is physically not able to cut it and wheel it in. l l i l l l lwork the house was saved, altho- l 1‘ He also lost all his tools, exceptf saws, an axe and shovel. Monroe Nance was painfully burned on his face one day last week. He was canning some meat in a pressure cooker. He removed ithc jars from the cooker to seal‘ them when one burst, spraying Mr. and Mrs. William Markwell Markwell‘s mother, Mrs. Justice, spent the evening of Saturday, April 18 at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. C. E. Williams. Mrs. Justice has recently returned from Con- necticutt where she has been making her (laughter for the past ‘year. 0n U. Honor Roll 'V‘ M. . L ’~‘~ . all take to i =3 S a l v“ e VJ ilk wan suds! i 3- ' dIl'tthey‘?There is no purer l ., SWan. It’s good to hands. \ eYYthing. .71 ‘ Whebsehaltinthekitehen, ‘ ath. One soap for every- -derful!”. l ' "Ver week: GRACIE ALLEN ‘ “RN: - PAUL WHITEMAN \—_— WHITE FLOATING SOAP "Ell COMPANY. CAMBRIDGE. MAss. l [University of Washington, releas- Two Shelton boys appeared on the fraternity honor roll at the ed this week. Bruce Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Cole and a member of Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Maurice Necdham, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Needham and a member of Phi Kappa Psi, both earned the required 3.25 or bet- ter grade average for carrying at least ten hours of studies to make the honor roll. ' ' Both boys have been active in extravcurricular affairs in addis tion'to their studies, Bruce being the No. 1 high-jumper on the University track team and Maur- ice being vice-president of the Inter-fraternity council and stu- dent senior manager of the vars- ity swimming team. "Strong or weak , M 'J _l\7 NANCY KELLY tells RI C21: . "tong ,cofiee. "CHARD: It’s great/ Black ghy it never fails! Make “9? With the same care as iv "1 the past. These two e M. J. B. features—a roqst— and double blend- glVe you the finest cup 5’0“ ever tasted! ., “50R noun IACKI Buy it,” M. J. B. If you don’t . 3 better than any other return the lid to M. J. B. " We will refund double '7 ,hase price. filming Paramount’s "FLY BY NIGHT” . "SHARE: 1 love coflee if it’s good and strong—bu! ‘5' look: a little too lady-like for fine. i . "‘NCY: Think so? Why not try it first? .llsHAln; [459 '1'; back—this is weaker, but it’: l “‘8’”? good. Full of flavor! I “ANCI: Apologies accepted. Now I’ll make some "0‘ bitter. You’re some coffee-maker! NANCY: No, 1’»: fax: average—but anyone can make. good cofl’ee every lint: with M. I. B. l 200 WWAI’I'vflli/AA’J-‘lf 'iP orgies: coffoo mokors. REGULAR GRIND, for porcolalor or cuff-o F“??- l m Bess ' Carney was hostess at a. luncheon : telephone Service atl party at her home on Thursday. Marguerite Marion Burt, .Mrs. Douglas Babcock, Mrs. Pat. Simpson, Mrs. Beckman, Miss Eva Barlow and Mrs. Carney. A pleas- ant day was enjoyed by all the ladies and after lunch all hands lgot busy and practiced first aid. a fine rick of . of Holly, accompanied by Mrs' home with another. students , ILois Pearce; I ridal Shower ’ Honors Former . Hoodsport Girl By Yvonne Bartels Hoodsport, April 21»On Wed- ,nesday evening, Mrs. John Hadley, formerly Ruth Linscott, was hon- ored with a bridal shower in the Hoodsport school given by the combined effort of most of the icommunity. The horse shoe shap- ‘ed table formation was decorated with patriotic red, white and blue streamers all leading to the table which seated the guest of honor, and corresponding in color were the vases of white Bridal Wreath, red currant and blue forget-me-nots. A huge cake. topped with the traditional bride and groom and surrounded by tiny red and blue umbrellas to sig— nify it was a “shower,” was plac— ed before the bride. Games were played, followed by a lunch of fruit gelatin with whipped cream, cookies. coffee and the bride’s many shower gifts was drawn up “Oh-ing" and “Ah-ing” all lovely presents. Mrs. Hadley plans to return soon to her home in San Francisco following a visit lVVlth her parents, Mr. ’ Hoodsport’s coincidence to beat all coincidences is the recent case of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Goodpaster and Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kaare.‘ :The two families live side by Esido in our small town and last lweek they were both honored with 8-lb. baby boys. Mrs. Kaare’s arriving on Thursday and Mrs} iGoodpaster's on Friday, both in! the Shelton hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Handly en-, 1 tertained on Sunday with a birth-, day dinner party in honor of Mrs. Mack Handly. Guests includ- ged Mr. Handly, Jack Pearce and Naomi Horne. I‘ Those attending the installation‘ lof the Elinor Chapter O.E.S. held ,in Union, Tuesday evening, were 'Mrs. Will Lunt, Mrs. Harry Yell- ', ter, Mrs. H. R. Dickinson and Mrs. Kenneth Bitney of Lake Cushman. l , Mrs. Terry Pogel, who is em— ployed in Chehalis, spent Satur- ‘day and Sunday with her hus- band and daughter, here. I Will Lunt motored to Tacoma lon Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs .Jack Manley are moving from the house where they ihave lived for many years to the George Lavendar house. Mrs. Irene Hembury plans to move into the house vacated by the Man- ley’s soon. i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson, .Gloria and Buddy, spent Satur- day and Sunday in Longbranch ‘ with relatives. ‘ *Earl Dickinson of Olympia and .his daughter, Pat of Seattle, en- jOyed visiting relatives and old friends here on Sunday. I Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Morgan. and family moved from Hoods-' ‘port Sunday to take up residence,: in Allyn... . w. .1 :—‘ Canal “’omen’s Club , Hold Election Meet i The meeting of the Hood Canal,y VVomen’s Club, held on April 15,: ’resulted in the election of the fol- lowing officers: president, Mrs.‘ 1st vice president, Elizabeth Robinson; 2nd vice pres- ident, Margaret Anderson; secre-, tary, Cora Ayers; and treasurer,1 |,Oletha Stark. The installation of tha Dunbar, Helena McCann Vi- officers will be held at the second‘ ; May meeting. l The first returns from the im-! aginary bazaar were announced,‘ and proved gratifying to both the chairman, Jessie Read, and the club members. I l l l l I i or in-betwem -, ,3" l CHARD CARLSON while l O a: the ace of spades, [ml . Aberdeen, :Mrs. Carl Hell;le The group voted to telegraph: ‘the General Federation president,: V ers. \Vhitehurst, in protest to the 101' five days before returning tol oleomargarine resolution to be brought before the national con— vention. l After the noon luncheon, Mrsi Betty Deegan, popular club mem-l her, and nutrition chairman for Mason county district, presented a fine ~n~utrition program, and ended the meeting with a ques- l . 'thl'l and answer period on the can't make ~- cl luul cup of subject. The May 7 meeting will be in charge of the Garden Club and the program will be announced later. An executive board meet— ing will be held on May 19. Mr. and Mrs. \Vyckoff Leave for “’ashington, D. C. Mrs. Cliff Wyckoff held a din- ner party at the Colonial House last Friday evening before her departure for Washington. D. 0-. where she will join her husband.‘ Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wy- ckoff of Belfair, Mrs. McCaw Of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rupert and Mr. and Mrs. Win- ston Scott. Mrs. Frank Russell Enter-talus Club Mrs. Frank Russell entertained her bridge club at her home 0nI Thursday with a 12:30 luncheon and afternoon of bridge. Honors were won by Mrs. John King and Mrs. Waren Abel. Mrs. George McCreary was the guest. of the club. Mrs. George Dunning Entertains Friends Mrs. George Dunning entertain- ed at her home on Thursday eve- ning for the members of her bridge club. High honors went to Mrs. Clarence Grunert and Mrs. Harry Cole. A delicious luncheon Was served by the hostess. To Tacoma Mr. and Mrs. Harold Suther— land, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Klink. and Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cheney Spent Saturday evening in Tac- oma. Entertains Club Mrs. Carl Hellman entertained her club at her home on Monday evening. Honors were won by Mrs. Edgar Brynes and Mrs. Roy Getty. Mrs. Brynes also won the‘ galloping goose. Refreshments were served by the hostess. cake. Then the table holding the‘ and the next hour was spent in’ the r and Mrs.i O. K. Linscott, of Lake Cushman. .Mrs. T. Tough and Mrs. Milt La- ‘a bridge party and a 7 o’clock‘ . cent evacuees of Honolulu. SHELTON-, ASQN. l l 1Sam N ebel W’cds Olympia Girl Friday, April 3rd. ! Of interest to many Shelton ‘friends was the wedding of Sam Nebel, son of Dr. and Mrs. Rob- ert. E. Brown. and Miss Eleanor Hart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. éBenjamin T. Hart of Olympia. ‘ The young couple were married iin the parsonage of Mount Tabor Presbyterian Church in Portland, Friday, April “ O. l, The bride was attended by lMiss Ada Jiovanetti of Portland, formerly of Olympia. Charles ,Verstig of Portland was best man. Mr. and Mrs. Nebel will live in Portland. where the bridegroom iis attending the University of fOregon School of Medicine. He will be graduated next Spring. yMrs. Nebel is a graduate of lOlympia schools and Saint Peter’s §School of Nursing. l ,____ _. Rebekahs Hold _‘ Potluck Supper } Members of the Rebekah Lodge and friends met last Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Mabel Burk for a potluck supper. Thoso present were Mamie 48.1.1, Nellie Nelson, Teckla An— derson, Grace Anderson, Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Johnson, Mr. and1 -Mrs. Harry Carlon, Mr. and Mrsi Gene Martin, Mrs. Mei Dobson, Mary Dobson, Ruth Latham, Mary Ann Latham, Eli Penovich,, M. E. Schumacher, Guy Call, Han- ’ nah Peterson, Dorothy Hildcrman and baby daughter, Anna Wyatt and Mabel Burk, the hostess. On Friday evening, April 24. the Rebekahs will hold a PHON regu- ; lar lodge meeting in the Odd Fol-l COUNTY. JOURN AD E 100 V.F.W. Auxiliary Installs Officers ' Friday evening, the V.F.W. Post land Auxiliary held joint installa- ltion Ceremonies for their officers. Auxiliary officers installed were .Mrs. R. W. Strike, president; Mrs. Fred Weaver, senior vice prem- dent; Mrs. Arthur Welch, junior vice—president; Mrs. Harry Han- son, chaplain; Mrs. Ralph Plgg, conductress; guard; Mrs. E. F. Martin, secre- Itary—treasurer: Mrs. Harry Hall, lpatriotic instructor; Mrs. Esther i tin Smith, musician; Mrs. Fred ‘Hickson, Mrs. Arthur .Mrs. Orden Harrison and Mrs. “William Compton, color bearers; lanr‘z Mrs. Mackey, Mrs. Hickson and Mrs. Compton, trustees. Mrs.‘ Pigg was installing offi— cer, assisted by Mrs. Smith. Mrs. lStrike presented gifts to the in- stalling officers and the past ,prcsidents pin to the out-going ’president, and also a gift from the auxiliary. Shelton “’oman’s Chorus *To Hold Monday Meeting The Shelton Woman's Chorus wvill hold a 45 in tho nuisic room of the senior high school on Monday at p.m. one hundred per cent attendance is urged. There will be an election of of- ficers. Mrs. Evelyn Russell, Mrs. Caroline Lentz and Mrs. Nena Roberts are the nominating com- mittee. The hospitality commit- tee, Mrs. Roberts, chairman, Mrs. Bea Larson and Miss Signa Shultz are planning a party for May 4 lows hall at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served at the close. From San Francisco Sunday night Truman ’l‘ougl‘i,l Mr. and Mrs. John Francisco, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Martin arrived for a four day visit at the homes 01‘ throp and Mrs. W. Lipscy. Mr. and Mrs. Francisco are the par- ents of Mrs. Tough and Mrs. Mar— tin is her sister. I Mr. Tough has been, in San Francisco for the past six months ' for his health and is much im- proved. He will return there on' Thursday. Capitol Hill Club Holds Regular Meet The Capitol Hill Club met last Thursday at the home of Mrs.’- Ida Armstrong at 10 am. A pot~§ luck luncheon was served at noon and the afternoon was spent ty-E ing several quilts. l The next meeting will be held! April 30 at the home of Lillian Calkins. 1 j Mrs. Loui Larson ' Entertains Thursday Mrs. ,Loui at her home last Thursday with' dinner dessert, honoring Mrs. Standford Randell, who is a re— Honors at the four tables Were} won by Mrs. R. B. Dickey, Mrs.‘ J. L. Dotson, and Mrs. Randell. Mrs. Randell showed colored mov- ie pictures of the scenery and flowers in Hawaii. Guests were Edith Hickson, Re- cic Attwood, Jo Dickey, Pearl Noblett, Grace Stephens, Bea Gray, Ethel McPhee, Mary Cor- micr, Esther Morgan, Marie Ger-‘ hardt, Bird Dotson, the hostess Bea Larson and the honored guest, Mrs. Randell. Mrs. Randell and son DavidI were houseguests of the Larson's, Tacoma. Cousins Visit For i First Time in 50 Years l On April 4 George Dance of‘ Portland was an overnight guest at the home of his cousin, Mrs; A. N. Guynup. It was the first! time they had seen each other ml 50 years. 1 *Last Friday Dec Vernon, an- other cousin, visited at the Guy- nup home. He recently returned from Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, wherel he witnessed the attack on De- cember 7. .__._. _ l Mrs. J. F. Bichsel Entertains Club . Mrs. J. F. Bichsel entertainedl last Friday afternoon for the; members of her bridge club. Hon—v ors were won by Mrs. Francis Eacrett, Mrs. Roy Rector, Mrs. Grover Brewster and Mrs. Fran- cis Rutherford. Mrs. Rutherford. of California, is the (laughter ofl Mrs. Bichsel. Week End at Paradise Mr. and Mrs; Frank Houston spent the week end skiing atl Paradise. They were accompan- ied by Miss Irene Rivers, his fa— ther, B. B. Houston and his bro- ther, Paul Houston, the latter two are from Tacoma. Rainbow Mothers Club Hold Tuesday Meeting The Rainbow Mothers Clubl held a meeting at the Masonic‘ Temple on Tuesday, at which time they elected their president and vice-president, Mrs. Clyde Wells and Mrs. W. F. Valley, re- spectively. The secretary ;and treasurer will be elected at'the next meet- ing, a potluck luncheon in May. Young People Give Church Dinner I The Young People of the Ep- worth League gave the monthly dinner at the Methodist church! Monday evening. The program! consisted of talks of the League and InstitUte summer camp life and a picture about the camp at Clear, Iowa. Leaves for Portland Mrs. Alice Gorham, who has? been visiting her daughter, Mrsl I l Ncil Zintheo Since the first ofischool house on Friday. May ll Elsie Vanderwall the year left on Wednesday for} Portland for an indefinite visit. l l'land, but still a member of the llow the business meeting. The .meeting on Friday at the home at the home of Mm. W. A. Mid- i dlebrooks. ‘ The Chorus’ contribution to music week this year will be Sing- ing' in the churches, May 10. Mr. Hallgrimson will be unable to be with the Chorus on May 3rd. From Lyle Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crane of Lyle, Washington, are spending the week in Shelton with their‘ s o n Ernest Crane. Ernestine Crane, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crane is reported improv-' ing nicely. 8 ct 40 Holds Tuesday Meeting Tuesday evening the 8 et 40 Pierce County Salon met at Rau’s 'on the Mountain Hiway for the visit of Mrs. Hilda Schumacher, state chapeau and Edna Lathrop, sccretarv—treasurer. Mrs. M. C. Meicum became a: - new member from Shelton. Also attendingwere Mrs. W. A. Wit- sicrs, Mrs. E. F. Martin and Mrs. Anna Rottie, now living in Port- ;local unit. ’ Larson ,entertained..yisit in Seattle . Mr. and Mrs. A. ’Almaden spent! Saturday and Sunday in Seattle F visiting his sister, Mrs. Art Gag-i man. ,: From Elmira. [ ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engelsen and daughter,.Mrs. O. J. Wood, and Geneva Spangle, arrived Sunday from Elmira for a week’s visit with Clare Engelsen, the former'sl daughter. Grace Engelsen of Van- couver also visited over the week] end with her sister Clare. To Seattle ; Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Anderson' spent Thursday and Friday in Se- attle where he attended a meet-l ‘ ing of the J. C. Penney Company. -wfl Mrs. Harold Mead Entertains Club Mrs. the members of her bridge club on Friday evening at her home. ,. TWO tables of cards were in playi with Mrs. Charles Walton, guests [of the club and Mrs. L. E. Wood winning honors. Attend District Meetings Mrs. B. T. Smith of Hoodsport, and Mrs. W. A. Brodt spent Fri- day in Chehalis where they at~ tended the district meeting of the Women’s Society for Chris— tian Service. Several national of-. floors gave talks, from which Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Brodt ga- thered many good ideas for the local society. Soldiers Entertained At Welfare Meeting A group of soldiers from Fort Lewis with their Captain and Lieutenant were entertained by the General Welfare Club at the Memorial Hall Saturday evening, April 18. Their company was en- JOyed and the Club is looking ward to another group at their meeting Saturday, April 25. Re- freshments and dancing will fol- public is invited. Mrs. Brumbaugh Entertains Thursday Mrs. Herbert Brumbaugh en— tertained at her home on Thurs- day evening for Mrs. Walter Moul- l trop, Mrs. Jim Butterfield, Mrs. F. F. Warren‘and Lillian War-i ren. The evening was spent sew- ing. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the, . evening. VV.C.T.U. Holds ! Friday Meeting The Women's Christian Tem—i perance Union held a regular! 01’ Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove. Plans- woz-e completed for a rummage. sale. which will be held in the Bell Building on Friday and Sat- lll'day of this week. Mrs. W. F. Roberts is in charge. There were 12 members and one present. Meeting For May lst The Agate Parent Teachers As- sociation will hold a tea at the at 1 p.m. Mrs. will be the hostess. Mrs. Charles Clark, ' Cunningham, historian; Mrs. Mar-l Mackcy, ' minute rehearsal : T", 5,“ Harold Mead entertained! r Att-' 1' for- ,' visitor i Agate P.-T.A.— Slates ; l Monday Meeting Held By Woman‘s Club The Shelton Woman's Club met on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Edwin Lovell. Members who attended the district meet— ing on Wednesday gave brief re— ,ports on the same. Mrs. Lovell ireported on the progress her [committee had made in regard 'to the community project spon- sored by the club. Election of officers was held. .Ncw officers are: president, Mrs. JLeo Martin; vice president, Mrs. Edwin Lovell; secretary, Mrs. Francis Eacrett; treasurer, Mrs. W. F. Roberts and parlimentarian, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson. A program committee, consist- ing of Mrs. William Maxwell, Mrs. E. F. Martin and Mrs. Nina Mill- [er, was appointed to plan an out- line for the club to consider on ,next year’s work. The program of the day was in charge of Mrs. Charles Run- lacres and the topic was “garden- ing in God’s Great Outdoors.” She presented a very pleasing message stressing the joy of gar- dening. The following members assisted on the program, Mrs. Leo Martin, discussing “Bulbs,” Mrs. Duncan Wilson “Roses,” Mrs. Don McKay, “Chrysanthemums,” Mrs. Francis Eacrett.and Mrs. {Cliff Wivell “Flower Arrange- ment.” The next meeting of the Club in11 be held on Monday, May 4. Mrs. Frank Willard will be the ,program chairman. All members ,are urged to attend to welcome the new officers. Mrs. Lyda Goodwin Entertains N. B. Club The N. B. Club met at the home of Mrs. Lyda Goodwin on Thurs- day, April 16 for a 12 o‘clock luncheon. The business meeting was held and the afternoon was spent Sewing. Those present Were Mrs. Greva Toby, Mrs. Addie Bishop, Mrs. Ellen Brice, Mrs. Nida lerstrom, Mrs. Gertrude Morgan, Mrs. May Morgan, Mrs. Alice Deigh and the hostess Mrs. Lyda Goodwin. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, April 30 at the home of Mrs. May Morgan. Mrs. Scott Entertalns Bridge Club Friday Mrs. Winston Scott entertain- ed the members of her bridge Mrs. John Hooper and Mrs. Rob<l art McGaugh were guests of the' .club. Mrs. Hooper won the hon- ors. Plain or Mint Flavor A & D Tablets (Tested) souma Mineral Oil 75¢ sz. 16—oz 59¢ ' 1.25 52 32-oz 89¢ iseveral American folk dances by: cards reminding the members of . ‘ t z: club at her home on Friday af—‘ ternoon, with a dessert luncheon. ’Lineoln P.-’l‘.A. Holds Regular Meeting The Lincoln Parent—Teachers} :Association met on Thursda.y,f lApril 16, with Mrs. John Dotson,V opening the meeting with the flag, salute and singing of American The second grade presented thel program a play, “Freddie and Hisl ; Fiddle" by Miss Week’s class and; Miss Frank’s room. Miss Alma Peterson, schooli nurse. announced the pre-school; roundup to be held at the Baptist. church next week. ‘ l Miss Blanche Bertrand told of! the precautions taken by Lincoln? school against possible air raids, The nominating committee made; the following report, Mrs. L. A.i Munson, president; Mrs. Natalie; duBoisc, secretary; Mrs. Gilmore,:’ treasurer. The officers will be elm ected at the May meeting. It was decided to send the newl president to the State P.T.A. con-l vention in Bellingham with ex-j penses paid. Miss Frank’s room? won the flag for attendance. Tea was served by the fourthi grade mothers with Miss and Miss Armfield pouring. Mrs. Brodt Entertains Circle Meeting Mrs. W. A. Brodt was hostess to a Circle meeting of W.S.C.S. Wednesday afternoon for a des- sert luncheon and business meet~ ing. Those present were. Mrs. L. D. Hack, circle president, Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, W. F. Roberts, Miss Mirian Johnson, Mrs. W. H. Snelgrove, Mrs. C. C. Anderson, lVlrs. Marvin Carter, Mrs. Loui Larson and the hostess. Attend wedding Mr. and Mrs. Harold Suther- land attended the wedding of Miss l serberger on April 9 in the Saint Michael's Church in Olympia. Navy MothersTClul‘l Slate Meetings minding members “that the mem— bership cards and rituals have ar- rived. The May meetings will be held on the 2nd and 4th Wednes- on Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Odd Fellows hall for monies. The drill team will put on the floor Work. Refreshments will , Monday evening at p.m. One-A-Day Vitamins Fever Thermometer .. .l 89¢ 50¢ Pablum Baby Cereal 39¢ 50¢ Lysol ............... ._ V; in. 5 yd. Wetpruf Tape 10¢ in. Gauze Bandage .... .. 15¢ First Aid Kits 59¢ to 15.00 deoz. Sterilized Cotton .. 33¢ Bandaid .......... ._ 60¢ Allis-Seltzer 60¢ Méntholatum Tooth Paste 25.5mm The drill team will pmcticel l If You wt Knouloiir vnmms Know ' If .2 “rh‘r‘mahriisx us: 12.02. Squibb Cod n...“ Oil Plain or Mint Flavor-a better Cod Liver Oil 24-02. Squibb Cod Liver Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.69 49¢;1.17;2.11 1.25 Squibb Cod Halibut Liver Oil . . . . .8-oz. 1.09 ‘ With Natural Vitamins A & D in Oil Iii-oz. Super D Cod Liver-Oil . . . . . . .. 1.39 25 Abdel Capsules with C ..... . . . . . .. 1.39 loo-0o. Parke Davis and Company Springtime Is KODAK TIME . We have your special size of Film—be it Miniature- Candid-Standard, Movie, Verichrome, Kodachrome, _____ _. 47¢ Kodacolor """ “ 49¢ etc. ..... __ 53¢ Shaving Cream” a nd Buyers Be Sure To Bring In Your Empty Tubes WHITMAN’S Box Chocolates The Sure Way To A Womans Heart at ,and tea. Mrs. Bethel McDerby and Chester Was- . ' The Navy Mothers Club is re-l day in the court house l '_‘ Degree of Honor ‘ 1' Will Hold Meeting j The Degree of Honor will nlcct‘ 3 initiation cerc— i be served. ‘ ' RICHARD E. GEE illth FiltSS'firitllllllS l8 illt illilST lillPllillilill PERI ill 888 Page Five Mrs. Bertie McKinneyA Entertains Circle 4 Mrs. Bertie McKinney enter- tained Circle No.‘ 4 of the W0- men’s Society for hristian Serv- ice. at her home on Wednesday afternoon for a business meeting Pittinger led the devotions and presented each member with attractive handmade their scripture study for the next meeting. M Fri.-Sat., April 24-25 “Valley of The Sun” with Lucille Ball, James Craig, Sir Cedrick Hard— wicke, Dean Jagger Clarence Budington Kel- land‘s stalwart story of Struggle Hope- Love and Revengell plus Nous—(lartoon-Serial W— SIlll,-Mon.—Tucs. Matinee Sunday 2:15 Charles Boyer, Margaret Sullivan in Appointment For Love” with Rita Johnson, Eugene Pallette It's the prize surprise of the year! plus News and Donald Duck Cartoon , \Ved. Thu-rs. V ’l‘Wo liig Features “We Go Fast” with Lynn Bari, All Curtis, Sheila Ryan, Don Deforest It’s a fast Life and thrill- ing one, tor the Ivlotoruyclc i squad! mand— rm iron.“ in “Come on Banger” with Frances Neal. Ray \i'liitley, Lee \Vhitc f, .........98¢ ,, FX, PX, XX, You have every reason to rely on us‘when you to rely on us when your doctor gives you . a prescription to have filled. ‘ 0mm“ E126 9 Prop.