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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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, April- ation Y’April 24, 194g, H gm SHELToN-MASONpogNTr JOURNAL I Jlasses 5 . LL- I 113117: ’“O":¢b:o5:00:0o:¢0:00:o0:00:00:o¢:99:00:0 9:0goozoozoozoozoozoozoofio} 0:»:09:99:“:99:«:«:«:¢9:”:09:»:»:«o 0’0 ,. . . Social Securl ones are " lC demand '7 a Kirklan on supe v. ,y. " Iirlmmc :omlng yea e by, Allrl will take tit YourHelp--- lowing M0 May 4 ‘ Llr dutydtfls, . . . . o 'L’igifé‘éers" Many a plane Wlll soar, many a tram Wlll roll, many a shlp Wlll sail, on will 10" l and busi . . :sfgidetlfie carrying our treasure, our heart’s blood, our full measure of devotlon of Eagles- ”- to those who are fighting freedom’s battle. Check your home. A of mm, gun barrel or a dozen bombs might be made from your useless metal. [ON Keep the steel mills humming! ,. '9 Al, m’ ".r'r" ‘° ‘. . I ii to. i Here is an oppoi'tiinity for all of us behind the wards victory. The old scrap metals and paper you salvage may not seem much, but the sum total of all our efforts will add new strength to our Armed Forces. ..... _.2 ‘ e _———r This page is one of a series sponsored by the individuals and firms listed below who have pledged 100 percent support of America’s Fight for Freedom r Gloss 1 Pantorium Cleaners Wivell’s Texaco Service Shelton Auto Body Works Sleyster’s Fix-It Shop J. C. Penney Co. Hillcrest Hardware Pastime Tavern George A. LeCompte, M.D. Tony’s Place No, 10, Hotel Shelton Dunning Paint Store Gilbert Frisken, Shelton Garage Ralph’s Grocery Associated Oil Distributor '4 ' Iii-School Service Shelton Cash Grocery Dr. M. C. Melcum l Paramount Theatre Mac’s Corner Dr. R. W. Norvold ‘ City Market Charles T. Wright Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. Hilltop Tavern , Nash Brothers Eaton Body & Fender Works ‘ lCacrett’s Standard Service Herbert G. Angle - ‘ Grant Lumber Co. . ‘ Robbins Electric _Doane Brodie Weinel-‘Olstead Insurance l 4.]; Dairy Charles R. Lewis . , Agency . ' Sanitary Market M & S Food Store . Werberger Winery Steele's CutLRate M. C. (Neil) Zintheo ‘ Shelton Hardware Co. Fir Drug Store Rayonier Incorporated St. Charles Winery , Witsiers Funeral Home SimpsonLogging Company Western Supply Co. 9 as Olympic Plywood Co. Shelton Laundry Kimbel Oil Co. 4 Shelton Gas Co, Elliott B. Spring Olympia Feed 00. Wilson’s Cafe ' Pigmon Motors J. W. Graham . Lawton Lumber Co. Shelton Sporting Goods Heinie’s Cafe . ' , H, L, Kennedy, M. D, Bates 20th Century Store Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill Shelton Meat & Ice Co. Rube Cohn Auto Parts & Timberworkers Union . Al Huerby Motors Mason County Saving & A. C. Linkletter, M. D. McConkey Pharmacy Loan Ass’n. Daviscourt Bakery Olsen Furniture Co. Ivan Neuenschwander, Jeweler Mason County Creamery Munro’s Men’s Store . M38011 County Abstract & Association i F. E. Beckwith Title Go. Marie’s Popcorn Shop 1 ‘ M- H, Needham plan’s Wear Wilcox 10¢ Store AI Dickinson Andrews Photo Studio Stretch Island Winery ' B. N. Collier, MD. Shafer’s Bakery N e9dham Food Store . Washington Service Corp. Fessler’s Super-Creamed 3‘ o o o o o o o o o 6 .0...o.».oo.».«.oo.oo.«.oy.« O O O O O 0.9... , can Fl'om ._ I: battle lines to do something which will help to-' r lnleidualor firm who wishes to have hls or their name on this list in succeeding pages, call The Journal 0.90 00.00 90“. 0000 ”.O’.Of.”.”.00.90.”.”.”‘”.”.”’.“ O 00 00 ‘ “.00 999099990.6.0000900000090600 O 69 00 09’. .90 0.69.999. 9009690.”.00.‘ O.OO.¢O.OO.OO.OO.O0. o F Join In This Patriotic Effort Send Your Scrap to "Scrap the lap" Mason County Salvage Committee Chairman Walter Magoon, Phone 115 Committeemen: Chas. Savage, Active Club & Grange Clarence Latham, Labor Wm. Dickie, Publicity Chas. Wright, Boy Scouts Vern Eaton, Legion and Automotive Committeewomen: Mrs. John Dotson, P. T. A. Mrs. V. E. Paul, Federated Womens Clubs SALVAGE FOB VICTOR! Look In Your Attic For:— Beds made of brass or iron, Electric cords (They contain copper wire) electric toasters, iron, heaters, fans, or any electrical equipment. Metal doorknobs, hinges, keys, locks, trim, springs, old knives, pans, pots scis- sors, lamps & lighting fixtures, parts of radios, screens, sleds, ice skates, roller skates, and vacuum cleaners, metal ash trays, bowls, statues, vases, porch & garden furniture, all made of metal. Look In Your Cellar Forz-m Metal scrap, coal stoves. andirons, grates, doors. old gas stoves, pipes, pieces iron, brass or copper piping, bath tubs, faucets, sinks, radiators, ice trays and old tools. Look In Your Garage For:— Chains, batteries, license plates, motor parts, tires and tubes, bicycles, tricycles, lawn mowers, hoes, pick-axes, rakes, shovels etc. Look In Your Yard Or On Your Farm For:— Farm tools, chains, wire fencing, metal posts, well handles, nuts, bolts, ploughS, & wheelbarrows. ' Separate iron, brass, copper and nickle. ‘ HOW "ro snvr: PAPER Stack newspapers in large bundles, tie two ways. Open card-board boxes, lay flat, tie in bundles, stuff small waste paper in burlap bags or boves. Magazines using glazed paper should be segregated. Caution: Do not save waxed paper, celophane or butcher paper. Rags: How to sate: Keep burlap bags separate, cotton and other textiles keep separate. Old Clothing: Shirts, suits, towels stuff into bags or make bundles. Rubber: Anything made of rubber. Pieces of manila rope. Segregate material—D0 not mix metal, paper, rubber & rags. Organizations and persons having scrap materials—Call Walter Magoon, Phone 115 giving address and amount of material on hand. Please have enough to justify a call. ' SALVAGE FOR VICTORY 60 99900 000 9..OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. 0.60.99.» 00. 00.00’N’”.”.“.”.”.”.O9.00.0...O.”.”.OO.”.OO.”.” O. O. “’09.”.99. O 990 ., Pagefieven oo’oc’o o’oo’oo’o 90 w o ’0 O O 0.909. O. O 0.0 ’9 ’0 O 0 0.09.. O O O O 6.00 ’0 W O Q .99 O ‘0 O O 0.9 9.0 ’0 ’9 O O O O 9 0000000 .0 O 9 .00‘0 0 O.” O O O M O ’6 O O 6‘... .0 O .0 O O 9969 O Q Q. Q 9.. ’6 O O O W o 0 O O O O ’0 ’0 O 0.0 ’9 ’o O .0 0 O O O O O O O O .“.”.O0. O O O O O 9.00.... O O O .66 O W O ’0 O O ’0 ’o O O O. O O 09 O O O O O O Q O O O. .90. «’0 9.00.. 00 O O O .999 .0 ’«’o O O O O .60 N O. O O O O “.09 O 6.00 9 O “.0 O O O O O O O .00.”... O O 0.0. c o o o o o o o o o o o .09....oo.oo.oo.¢oooo.oo.o¢:oo¢¢.o5.. O 9’» O Q 0 .9 9.” O O 9 O O O O ’0 O 0.0 O 9 0 g”. 00 O O O O O 0 0.00.0... o’w’» ooo”’