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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 24, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 24, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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pril 2,4,. April 24, ,—- 5 MINA , ifs: NC!) 1‘0- 341. after its assa e and ublication ac— 3§CE RELATING To (owing to" Lav? p ' I A. 0129 OF PEOPLE 13 INTRODUCED in regular Counci - n. R SHELTON DURING, Meeting this 18th day of December com ,ELATING TO PER-,1941. IN 0 UPON QR LOITER-i PASSED in regular Council Meet- 3 A AROUND PUBLICl ing this 16th day of April, TA ND PUBLIC PLACESi Approved: RIIN TIMES. RELATINGi WM. E. STEVENSON. , VEHGHT OF WAY OF Mo-f Mavor. OICLES UPON THE‘ Attest: . AND? THE CITY OF SHEL— GLENN W. LANDERS. ‘ G~RELATING TO THE‘ City Clerk. 0F LIGHTS IN PUB— Approved as to form: CITDY ERIVATE PLACES IN CHAS. R. LEWIS. F SHELTON DURING Cit Attorne v. ‘ AHOURS. AND PROVID- (CITY SEAL) l .n 6ATIES FOR THE VIO- ORDIF THE TERMS OF NANCE. I Cause No. 4094 an. Our Country is at war NOTICE or SHERIEE's SALE Italy. and Japan: and or REAL EsTATE ' one of the most dead~ , 0 Exet ution . gimOGern warfare is attack l‘nder General ms", and. I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ‘,_c]058‘ the City of Shelton is MASON COUNTY , ind t0 \‘ltal. and strategic Washington Service Corporation ' L. naval points: and. ' Plaintiff I ails-v a the most dangerous ee attack ls during the per— . oneofle half hour before sun- l Mfr hour after sunriSe: I VS. son, husband and wife. Defendants Under and by virtue of a genera _i S d- execution issued out , she“ tiring such period anyl 1y Oil Visible from the skies‘ '. State of Washington. resultiglve information to the . \.-‘ ‘ . r . OlmicHih- .County. on the 4th da' of Marcil,l':“11d Stat? Road N9 9i( y .p - gt Sheltng in a damaging at— upon a judgmentyrendered in'way)'. til-16mm N"2tr 19 E'f‘ Isa“? oon 0‘” 50m“ 0th” Place Justice Court on the 27th day of Cerf“? me'ua als “1198 on 't etetv ‘L; 1" naval importance and January, in favor of Plaintiff t_l“jn(e 0]“ ‘1‘) 31;? 0 354,3; rot he THEE-s of life and property. , and against Defendants, Fred Patter— { “.‘Eht' ,W1°?°29r2a,)1‘§s {.5 the a, 15,3 16% THEREFORE, THE COUN- son and Martha Patterson, husband. distal“ 3.1, “ ffidqgof’lgt‘. ti, l AIN ASCITY OF SHELTONi and wife. judgment debtors for the} gillqu 3:36: COIN}, "£0 ’t'm; 'ri‘fgxgfie ON “FOLLOWS . .» I “in: of “29*”? and, 110/190 ‘ whose radius is feet, a distance In“ shall be. unlawful; (25.51.00) Dollals. (upon which there .. f ,t. u . V 320 r0» E . on‘ison. firm. company. or. is a credit of $10.00) together with 01-33213. ‘22lenfcetx- 'tien “and , the any public 0!" ln‘ivat“ attorney's fees. interest. costs and: (“Suing 0 4,,‘6teetfi onh e j 1.1ty of Shelton to light. increased costs. and to me directed: {lrc- 01 ~a, crucne f0 t e “(if t' W OS? . any‘ghtcd. burn. or permit and delivered. I did on the day' liming. 15. "‘3'0. {Ive imam. 1%“.Ced-O ., of electric light. kerosene of April. levy upon all tliell"8’51”pt‘ than“: " 'J 1 "1 1.8- ‘ t‘ gaSOIine light. candle. . right. title and interest of said judg—l @3119“. Of-Sg feefl Inge or (35‘ (t) fin . Minemg from any WOOd. Veg-i mth debtors in and to the follow- lnurbwtmn‘ wlth es Sgu 330%?! y l (:0 ml: liquid' .gaSOOU-‘il ing described property to satisfy said bound‘iry mm of Lat ' 0 .531 oak lightmblnation thereof. or any. judzment‘ twwit: one. of Plat 'of .Hoodsport. and the hats emanating from any! 'Wii. of SE1, of NW1:l of SEE. of pom 9‘ begmmmfi Or-bthg. twat 0f . trogleven so that tho salnol Secti'gn 13' Township 20 NmUL,lairidmbggniolficgfimngeigri530.40, E 1 th any allglf. the Sklw Range 4 West. M.. except Tract distanm of 130 feet. more 0,. loss. to Q . . i Witsfonowmg' derisnatrd Per-i 19 described as follows: ‘ . . - .,.~ ‘ he Int One half hour lJEltlr‘)‘ Beginning at the. N.E. corner of all Inter'KU'th-W‘th t l 9r gin'l'enlllg and 0116? haul the above described tract; thence glllfikl)0fng?nplg?e 02f figfidfigofg 5:3? 1 ing srlse in the momng West. along the‘North line of said ’mi’wd at $175 00 ' ’ .. iefinch times as the nlili— will. SEI,;,_ Nwi/gv SEi/L said Sec_ P-Séid landq win be sold for not Vork ,lder it of theUnited States tion 13, 150 feet: thence South, par— 19% than “‘19 appraised value above iron, thesafevfor lights to he. alle] with the East line of said gated and upon’ me {ems a,“ com that th_ sky; and Proiided. tract. 396 feet; thence East feet. among following. 1108 .' the 1S ordinance shall not more or less. to the East line of N t‘mqq than o'mnusnth of the pup! .r, earmed forces of UN“ said tract; thence North. along the h‘, Iii}? must hp paid at the time1 or sngaged in carrying out East line or said tract. 396 feet more. 2,252,101) The p‘umhém. if he 13,, no, " Lecul‘i’el'lm'sv “9.1: the Stat]; or less. to the N.E. corner rthereof. U 0* w'nm. (,f' tho im'pfdvempnis 'must I Iurgeon‘? peace Olficei's. plus: and the point of beginning. togeth— f,‘ th" ,th Dav U, the 01-1765,. ,hak,,;., 'when‘s' and all emergent» er with the easeman and right of “4“; 3:21,? the‘fun am’mmt 01- me apt: erw emergency conditions ISO: Provided. However. hggch pers‘on' traveling by v. anally public or private road ligh‘shave their head lights. and tail way to use of a strip of poses only. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Fred Patterson and Martha Patter- of and underi the seal of the Superior Court of the’ in and for said land 30 feet in width along the North side of the. of the SE]; of NW1]. of SE13, said Section 13, for road pur- l NOTICE SALE OF STATE ! LANDS ‘ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 5th day of May, conllllencing at ten o'clock in the. forcnoc-n of said day. ill front of the main entrance, door to the County Court House in the city of Shelton. 1 county of Mason. State of Washing- . ton. by the County Auditor of said county, the following described state lands, together with the improvements situated thereon, will be sold at pub- lic auction to the, highest bidder there— for, to-Wit: NOTE.~NO one except citizens Of the United States. or persons who. have declared their intention to become such. can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. A tlact of land ill the SW1]; of Section Township 22 north. range 4 West. W. M.. being all that part of Lots 8, 10, 11 and 12. in Block 1, of the Plat of Hoodsport, as same is of record in the office of the Audi— tor of Mason County. Washington. that lies southeasterly of a line drawn parallel to and distant feet southeasterly from the following de— scribed center line of State Road No. 0F ' and of record in the office of the Di- ii‘ector of Highways, at Olympia, 1 Washington, to-wit: l Commencing at the southwest Cor- 1 ner of said section 12 and run easterly along the south line of said "section 12. iintcrscction with a distance of the. feet to an center line of northeast— praised value of the improvements. as above stated. One-tenth of the, pur- chase pricc must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all de- ferred‘ payments at the rate of six 5 lights 093' NOW E EF E. . Inch head 1, ms and tau HEREBYTE in, 0%,] IYOTSIFEE . per centum per annum: Provided, ‘ he bl IV ‘ at (n “Kurd” Th t ar )urchaser may make full ' 'On ' ma ackene out by SllCh the 23rd day of May. at 10 a ‘y I]. _. I . t d lmlSSI b 5’ now or hereafter be payment 0 pilnclpa . in elest an tight? Washington State Pa- m of Still 3. _ v... ilitary authorities arty. That no person shall o. . VI: l e necessary to satisfy .iter upon the Streets places of the City of .- such time‘ as it i i “E '. Min any light. so will costs and increased costs. ‘i 78/ ($51.78) Dollars. Said sale will East door Visible from any angle ‘ Alllhoiit good and proper "& It shall be"the. duty £2 t” .Derson. com any, or ‘5, “311112. the public streets ' Washington. of the Court House will be at public auction. ' i der. Dated at Shelton. §Wash., day of April. this 'pgn‘Sheltfini in r ’ i >' Y ve ice ereon o. E. F. MARTIN. “Violas to yield the right Twin times to any and all y 0195 of the. United States, es {Won engaged in Mill- ON 40" the United States. vim- Any person who shall innate any part of this Ord— in, “Don conviction thereof. r ‘e 3! Elfin}: ,.nof OBD NANCE NO. ORDIN 343 AN to ,ex’ce'ed Imprisoned , in the City ' DIN‘F TE .UANEOF , , . gypenod to exceed 30 EMERGENC‘? WERRASNSTS IN THE By FRANK YATES, by .lfiqulred to serve the same. duly 9‘ both sue 3“‘fine and im- SUM 013‘ $500.00. Assistant Commissioner. firmed or} the undersmned Execu- A: 5. ~ .' WHEREAS. at the time of the} 4-3-10-17-24-—5-1—5t. .3301” helhAttm'ney of Record at the byte This Ordinance is an adoption of the Budget Of the City _._ 2111 1IleSSIes ‘eI‘E‘lflllOlOVV- given, and file. falls] P01“? POWCI'S “f “"5 of Shelton for the fiscal year ‘ ‘ .fvalms‘ t‘lgethPI'Wlt_ll proof of Quito“ as a local defense our Nation was at peace, anal NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE seltyilce. With the'tlel-Kfit the above .1' y 01‘ the protection of life \VHEREAS Since the adoption of said TIDE LANDS $13.“th Ceurt. Willlln Six months af- ‘v..i.. ngublknecesaily and‘ Budget, sour Nation has become in» NOTICE,IS;HEREB¥,:GIYEN,;~That.i (Emile Agate of the first publication. nmun‘es the same. andlvolved in War lwith Japan, Germany. on Tuesdéy. the 5th day ,of May. 0_ .18 .‘Otice til-Wit April 17th, . ry'E‘fihEr necessary to aid 3 and“ Italy. and WHEREAS there has commencmg 'at ten _oclock in (011‘sa1d claims Vrlll _be iorever barred; vi if cos of“ the United been created as by Statute provid—‘ “1‘31"”??an Of Sand day' “1 front Ofilal'r? 0f hrs" pummatlon Apr” 17th’ It); . .', . ed_ a Local Council Of Defense for E the main entrance door to the County 91m , s: Should anv part of this the Cm: of Shelton, Washington and? Court House in the city of Shelton, 1‘ELVA F. PRICE, Roth adjudged Unconstitu- for such Council m function propm._'(‘otlnty of Mason. State of Washing- 13 Alder Street, WerWiSe contrary t0 LaW- l 1V and provide protection and relief l “’11- by 1h“ .C““m.y Audltor “t 53‘d Shelt‘lni M35011 COUMY. .fltion shall in no wise, I I’m. the residents of the City of Shel, ‘. county. the i0110w1ng_ described state OHAS R LEWashlngton. himmt‘tufionfllity 0f the 1'9' ton the expenditure of $500.00 is ncc- “do lands! mgethe“ W‘th ImpmVe- g7 Wlb’ . .91 feet, (,ng1”, and “,HEREAS an Emm__ msnts Sltuatod thereon, will be 391d uuite‘l. Lumbeimens Bldg” V 1.07: This Ordinance shall { g‘e'hcy exists requiring. ‘the expendi_ at public auction to the highest bid- Elgfiltflrl.'l\(lastin County, Wash., , J‘ me and “feet “"9 days l lure of such public funds for the do“ theremrl tO‘W‘t: .. "IN-l 10’ Ex‘ulhn‘ lmfigrvaudn of mum. and public NOTE_.~N0 one except Citizens of 4-17-24—n-1-8~4t. health. the United States, or persons who NOW THEREFORE THE COUN_ have declared their intention to .be- 'lDO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That an iexists which could not ‘, have been foreseen at the the adoption of the Budget lCity of Shelton for the fiscal requiring an expenditure $500.00 for the l l year for carrying out the work of tection of . llVenient Terms o'clock in the forenoon of said day, I will sell the above described prop- oi: so much thereof as may be said judgment. together with attorney's fees, interest. in all am- ounting to the sum of Fifty-one and take place at the. at Shelton in said County and State, and for cash in hand to the highest and best bid— Sheriff of said County. 4-28--5-1—8-15—22—5t. NCE DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ESTIMATING THE‘ AMOUNT OF MONEY REQUIRED TO MEET THE SAME.“ AND PRO- CIL OF THE CITY OF SHELTON emergency reasonably. time of of the of immediate. preserva— tion of order and public health. agild 6 local Council of Defense in the pro~ the life and property of ithe residents of the City of Shelton. SECTION II: That the City of Shel— lstatutory fees at any time and ob— tain deed. The. purchaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissmner of Pub- lic Lands. until the full amount of the. purchase. price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the. reservations of oils, gases. coal. ores, minerals and fos- sils of every name, kind and de- scription. and to the additional terms and conditions prescrlbed in section 3 of chapter of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms. conditions and reservations of chapter of the Sess10n Laws of relating to easements for rights— ;of—way and the carrying of timber. stone. minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. of Public Lands. Commissioner come such, can purchase state lands. APPLICATION NO. All tide lands of the second. class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in from of, adjacent to or abutting upon vacated Mason Avenue, Plat of Hood’s Canal Land and Im- 'provement Company‘s plan of .Union City. in government Lot 5, section 33, township 22 north, range 3 west, W. M.. with a frontage of lineal chains, more or less, appraised at $48.50. APPLICATION NO. All tide lands of the second class u asonabi Rates l “redone? “in: vigil ii i“:- 5“? alfresco“.- Wll] co e Iamoun o _ o nlee e m r- s1 ' ron o, a la 1 ., genmes heielnbefore stated. abutting upon the south halt in width :ycle Pr1 , 3 SECTION III: This Ordinance shall of Lot 5, section 30. township 23 151-1 PRI , f [be in full, force and effect days north, range 3 west, W. With a 11 s from and after its publication. frontage of lineal chains, as a INTRODUCED in regular Council or less, appraised at $307.50. 1e new Meeting this 19th day of March. Said lands will be sold for not the 01‘1 PASSED in regular Council Meeting less than the appraised value above ' . . . , this 16th day of April. stated and upon the terms and con— impalgfl . u, 0 . 1 WM. E. STEVENSON, ditions followmg: i Savmgs Mayor. Not less than one-tenth of the pur- Basis , I- Attest: S clflaselpriflg‘ti.1 must fie paidiag1 trig timttz ' ' GLENN W. LANDER . o sa e. 6 pure aser, i e e no I ltl‘ 1 ‘ Cit Clerk. the owner of the improvements, must ' ‘« 9 In Approved as to orm: iforthWIth pay to the officer making , , SUrance Bldg. CHAS. R, LEWIS. the. sale the full amount of the ap- '9n 1'. \ City Attorney. praised value of the improvements, (CITY SEAL) 4-24—1t. ‘ NO. 4098 SUMMONS FOR, PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Madge H. Miller, Plaintiff. l vs. . l William C. Miller, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. MILLO’S iTES: TO THE SAID WILLIAM C. MIL- LER: " You are hereby summoned to 8}" hetr utm ‘ * pear within 60 days after the date grity 0f ,. , of the first publication of this Sum- the coun mons. to—wit: within 60 days after . . clu, the 13th day of March, and de‘ 1513 m 14.. fend the above entitled action in the at 5111956 above entitled Court and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff. and serv? a CODY Of Your answer upon the un- i... at a? ESE MEATS . dersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at his conslde ' . office address below stated. and 1n, . . |e ’ . case of your failure so to do Judg- ehg'P i“ ment will be rendered against :ommiss' . laccording to the demands. of the y and 1‘ Was I Complaint. “Ehicllll hasdbegn féledpgggl- . the Clerk 0 t e sal our: ' Week' .‘ r -T FOOD3 AT tiff seeks a divorce from you. the I time' abovednamedIV Defendarit. upon the ’* roun s of ’On-suppor .. W g .r- laws, or ' aini 's orne ? on f Office and Post Office Address: -. Suite Lumbcrmen's Building. t 50 far‘ Shelton, Mason County. W11,ng their ’- . ‘ - ington. 3-13-20-27--4-3-10-17-24—- t and H ' , le. YolrI f I ldOll‘?" v- I. ' Still I =or an" ,o . ' count 2' ‘ , d was 01 , . FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Igelaht‘ should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock. reight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: , Tacoma daily, execept Sunday, at 5 p.m. for Q, ’mpia and Shelton -' él'FlYésRSllglfon daily, except Sunday . LARENCE' CARLANDER, President GHTUNES ‘1 '2 , . Revelle as above stated. One-tenth of the DUI“- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per cen- tum per annum: Provided, That any purchaser may make full payment of princ1pal,.interest and statutory fBES at any time and obtainrdeed. The purchaser of land containing timber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing any such timber or materials without flrst obtaining the consent of the Com- missioner of Public Lands, until the full amount. of the purchase prlce has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of 005. gases, coal, ores. minerals and fossils of every name, kind anddescription. and to the additional terms and con— 'ditions prescribed in section 0f chapter 256 of the Laws of Said land will be sold subject to the terms. conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of relating to easements for rights— of—way and the carrying of timber. Istone, minerals and other products over the same. JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner of Public Lands. By FRANK YATES, 4-3-10-17—24-—5-1—-5t. NQ_, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ! STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON [N PROBATE In the Matter of the Louise Huff, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un— ldersigned has been appointed and n has qualified as executrix of the es- tate of‘Louise. Huff. Deceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the. same, duly verified, on said exe-. cutrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court. ‘ together with proof of such service within six months after the date of lfirst publication of this notice, or the same. will be barred. Ilate of first publication April MABEL FISH, Executrix of said Estate. and Revellc, ,1 Attorneys for Estate. ‘l1382 Dexter Horton'Bldg” Seattle, VVashl Estate of 4-10-17-24--5-1:-4t. _W ‘ [WHY TAKE A CHANCE when $.25 per day will protect you while you are traveling? S e e Herb Angle, Agent. 9 (Olympic Highway), as now located, his 0 Ass't. Commissioner. l tention. "VV' "m Vvv V vvvvvvvm Wanted w‘wAA—AAA “Au‘A‘ w WANTED BY SCHOOL: a used piano in good condition. An— swers to Journal. YOUNG MAN WISHES WORK on farm or at other occupation. Board, room and compensation. Inquire Journal office. K—4-24~1t. WANTED: woman to care for semi—invalid. Can furnish ref- erences. VVI‘ite full particulars. Box S, c-o Journal. VS-4-24—-1t.. EXCELLENT O P P O R TUNITY for ambitious men or women to FOR SALE: 10 acres Harstine represent the McNess Co. in built up local territories. Write L. Overland, South J, Ta- coma, Wn. 4-10--5—10—1m. WANTED: 4 or 5 room house on Hillcrest. No children. Phone 470. S—4-l7-24--2t. lWANTED: sleeping room for woman on Hillcrest. Inquire at Journal, phone 100. , 4—17-24-2t lSTEiP INTO A PROFITABLE BUSINESS: Rawleigh Route established many years has just become available in a near- by county. Products thoroughly introduced. Previous experience not essential. Unusual oppor- tunities for right mail. See D. G. Swanson, Cascade Ave., Shelton, Wash. 4-17--5—1-—3t. WANTED: woman to assist with housework part time, nights. Inquire Journal. D—~4-10—tf. WANTED: woman 30 to years age for housework. Children 7 months, years. Full time, good wages, board, room. D. K. Dun-' oyier, Route 2, Box 235, Shel- home i __L JOURN L WWW"- l Real Estate MI FOR SALE: acres, some clear— l ed, rest easy to clear. Good. soil. Some timber, two good‘ springs.¢Ten miles from Shel- ton. Price $150.00. Oscar Lund—. berg, Dayton. 4-24--5-1—2t. “AAA AA AA“ Island waterfront, beautifuli view, fine sandy soil, 5-room log house sealed with flooring, fireplace, water piped to house, road, also rock garden, flow- ers, plenty wood, several hun- dred cedar posts can be cut. terms or cash. A. M. Strine, Camp 3, Shelton. , 1 FOR SALE: two acres on paved Arcadia Road, cabin, garage,l 3,4 acre fine garden soil; shrubs, : flowers. $600 terms or cash. A. M. Strine, Camp 3,- Shelton. 4-24--5—24--1M. Page Nine c“, Classified- Service Do. SEE US for your garden needs. Rose bushes, fertilizers, seeds, tuberous begonias, bulbs, sprays etc. Forrest Flowers and Gifts,v 313 Railroad 2-27—tf.l a I FLOOR SANDER 1 FOR RENT i by Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE USED FURNITURE- l 1—wood range, all enamel, ! like new .......................... ._ FOR SALE: 212 acres, 30 cleared, lots of range, river, $2,000.00 worth merchantable timber. Place support milk cows be,- sides young stock. Price $7,000, I half cash. 8 miles from market. . Inquire Journal office. S—4-24.—5—24——1M. l l FOR SALE: waterfront, 5 room, modern house, concrete founda- tion, 7 lineal chains tide lands. Situated on state highway on Hood Canal. G. W. McHenry, Box Lilliwaup, Wash. 4—24--5-1-8——3t. FOR SALE: unfurnished Geroom Reasonable terms or liberal, ton. d m 4'10'E7'24—{lt-l house with one acre good WANTED TO BUY: used out- grf’und’ Partly Clear? « goodl board motors. Hillcrest Hard— Soll' House can be.fims.hed. tol ware, phone 499, Olympic and suit buyer. Just outSIde City lim- 1 Fairmont. 4_10_tf. 1123. Phone 479. _.___ a I N—4-3-10—17-24—4t. WANTED AT ONCE: carloads or . I truckloads of large, smooth, F3? 0 roosmthgilse fen '- sound Alder and Maple logs Gun am lew‘ m 8‘ e‘ or , Iggfist pglgtet'lemlgféfal North_ Garage and woodshed, two lots. West Chair Company, Tacoma, Wash. 4,-3-24—4t. No. NOTICE TO CREDITORS N THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ‘ IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of ,Executrix of the Last Will and Tes— tament and of the Estate of Clara Maison, Deceased, and that all per- sons having claims against the, said Deceased or the said Estate are here— N0. NOTICE TO C. JDITORS ;IN THE SUPERIOR ggURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of ,the Estate IAer Frekman, Deceased. ! NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Undersigned. L. Bell has been appointed and has qualified as Ad— ministrator of the Estate of Axel Frekman, Deceased, and that all per- sons having claims against the saidI , Deceased or the said Estate are here- lbyrcquired to serve the same, duly verified, on the undersigned Admin- listrator or his Attorney of Record at' lthe addresses hereinbelow given, andl file such claims, together with proof l of more! of Service, with the-Clerk of the above entitled Court, wtihin six months af- ter the date. of the first publication of this Noice. to-wit: April 10th. or sai claims will be. forever barred,- Date of first. publication, April 10th, ‘ A. L. BELL. ) Bell Building, 119 South Fourth Street, Shelton. Ma- son County, Washington. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Suite 1, Lumber-men's Building. Shelton, Mason county, Washington. Attorney for Administrator. l 4-10-17-24———5—1--4t. No. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ~- Ruth Landon. Plaintiff. vs.. Floyd W. Landon, Defendant. State of Washington. to the said Floyd W. Landon, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear Within 60. days after the date of the first Publication of this sum— mons. to-wit: Within 60 days after the 10th day of April, and de- fend the above entitled action in the above'entitled Court; and Answer the Complaint of the Plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer upon the Undersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at ffice below stated, and. in case of your failure ,so to do. judgment willvbe rendered against you accord- ing. to the, demands of the Complaint which has been filed with the Clerk of. the said Court; The Objects of this}, action are that Plaintiff seeks a algorce from you upon the grounds (if n _~support, cruelty, and desertion. to secure the care, custody, and con- trol of Howard Landom a minor. and to.have awarded. distributed, and set asuie to her as her sole and‘separate fpro rty an equity in they Nl/z of the SW1 of the SW14. Section 13, Town— ship North, Range 2 West, W. M.. Mason County, Wash.. for $25.00 perl month for_ support money from you for the said minor child, for a $75.00 Attorneys fee. and for her Costs and disbursements herein incurred, and for such other further and different re— MASON COUNTY lief as appears, from Complaint on file in the above entitledrand above numbered Court and Cause. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Plaintiff’s Attorney. thee and Post Office ad- dress: Suite Lumbermen's Budding. Shelton, M a s 0 n 4 County. Washington. i 4-10-17—24—5—1-8-15-22—71; ‘ KIMBEL LOGGER ILL John Jensen, Kimbel Log ing company employe, entered hel- ton hospital Monday for medical care. GEORGE EGENES ILL, George Egenes,' Simpson em— ploye, was admitted to Shelton hospital Sundayrfor medical at- « e—mm—fi- 1......» scale_ apartments or rooming house.i with fireplace, i l |Dersons having claims against deposits have been found near 'Al- discount for cash. See or»Writel Mrs. Charles Dahlman, Camp 3. Shelton. D—4-3tf m 6-ROOM modern home, nardswood floors, fireplace, ,full ha$ement . and furnace. Also large unfin- ished upstairs. This home is 1 Clara Maison, Deceased. ; ’ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that lqcated‘ (31 0%:ed.street and has the Underslgned. Elva F. Price, has 11199 yar ' nt}re‘ property‘ In been appointed and has qualified as excellent condition, anal-priced below present value. Will con- sider terms—$4375.00. FOR SALE 7-room modern suburban home in excellent: condition. Plastered full basement. Flowers and shrubs and. fruiti trees of many varieties. Nice yard and lawn, all well kept. Also plenty of excellent gar- den land. Chicken house and barn. Gravity water system. Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a. real bargain at terms. Herbert G. Angie Angle Bldg. Phone 304 M. No. NOTICE, TO CREDITORS . l IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In the Matter of the. estate of John W. Wilson. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thati the undersigned has been appointed} and has qualified as Administrator of the above entitled estate; that all the said deceased are hereby requxred to serve the same, duly verified. on said Ed;- ward 'Wilson, Administrator. or his attorney of ' record at the. address be- low stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with. proof of such service, within six months after the. date of first publi-1 cation of this notice or the same will' be barred. Date of first publication April 17, EDWARD WILSON. (Signed) Administrator of said es- tate. Address: Route Shelton, Washington. B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON, ttorney for Estate , l ourt House Shelton. Washington. 4-17»24--5~1~8--4t Lani-glid- OAK-011's, ‘ Beware-h» Fund For 2*Type’s-013e Research funds for two-types]! of ore in which Mason Countyiis interested as possible develop ments for war production were approved this week by Gov. Ar- thur, B. Langlie, , . : He- approved an allotment of toward perfection of a con— tinuOIis. acid—leaching p re c~,e 5-5“ which would be applicable to low, grade manganese ores of the OIYmpic peninsula. , , « The-nearly completed. smelting plant at Hill Creek is believed to .be planning to use this process. ., The best. possible outlet for these, ores, inthe opinion of inyes- tlgators, lies in. the production of electrolitic manganese, which. ,‘qould be. used. for alloying. with». magnesium and aluminum. SPOnI-‘l Sor of this projecf is Dean A. Drucker. of the State College de- partment of. mining. . . ~ The, other project receiving, the- ,chlef executive’s sanction aims at _pr0duction of alumina. from Washington State’s high grade alumina clays by electric smelt- Ing, rather than by leaching. Such lyn and in other parts of Mason County. 'The wo'rk will be conducted first on Eastern Washington clays and then will bevextended to clays of Western Washington. Funds provided for , this project total $8,800. New source of Sitka. spruce-— the wood par excellence for air- plane construction—will have to be located and tapped, if the war demands of the United Nations are to be met. ._._ Law. 1~—used Range (Universal) l—wood and coal heater 9.50 1-Abreakfast table ______________ .. 5.50: 1——oak buffet, like new 1—table and 4 chairs __________ __ 14.50| 1—oak bed daveno . .. 9.50, 2 daybeds ............................ Olsen, Furniture Co. ReconditiOned Wood Clarinet Original value $75 ~ $27.50 E. ‘Beckwith Imi‘erial Washable I WAPL'L ‘ PAPERS , ! Now available in Shelton in many beautiful patterns and Shades to decorate room in the house. Exclusive in Shelton at Lawton Lumber Co. South. First Phone 56-J PlioiocRAPHic ACCESSORIES for better pictures . every B'OOKS on PHOTOGRAPHY How to Make Good Plumes—How to Make Good Movies—and other authentic photographic books.- CARRYING * CASES l Big assortment, l wide price range, l including models a for Brownies, folding .Kodaks, miniature Kodaks. C AME R A s U P P O R T S l Kodak Table Top, I Tripod and other models, Opti- pod,.fo: clamping to shelf, Koda- pod for gripping trees, fences, etc. FILTERS Kodak Sky Filter, Color Filters, Por- I train Attachments, Pictorial Dif- I fusion Discs, filter guides. ’ EASTMAN (HEM-lCAlS, i PAPERS. DARKROOM oumis drews Studio 1 l Twana Mercantile I At'UnjEt Closing Union, April 21~— Mrs. Rhea Howard is selling out the mer-I’ chandise of Twana. Merc. Com—i Pally. Her parents were in busi- ness there for years and many before them. The store will be greatly missed but it does not‘ dovetail» with'Mr. Howard‘s busi- ness. interests. Dan Johnson, well known bach— elor, is, winding up his business, affairs and bidding friends good; bye. He has» been called “to the; colors” and leaves Friday for South Carolina, according to his instructions. , Mrs. BessieDeRosia is In the Shelton hospital with an attack of pneumonia. ' Mrs. Oron Addlem'an of Vail is| visiting her sister, Mrs. Clara ‘Main, this week. Reuben. Holm of Alder-brook; Center was rushed to the hospital at Shelton last Monday and was operated onat once—appendix re—l moved; He is recovering rapidly and expects, to be home soon. Mrs. .Vern Nelson was taken tol the hoSpftal last week with what was thought, to be a nervous! breakdown. The. advanced class in First Aid, met Monday evening and cer- tificates were. given out to those who had taken the first course. ‘ Mrs. Mabel Martin who has been in Seattle for some time, came up over the week end to see her summer home, planning to move out soon. Fred Short and family plan to move, to their. new home this. week. They have made several alterations in the house. Walter Huson is in charge of the gar- age now. ‘ One of Gene Stark's horses has a baby colt which is attracting a lot of attention as very pretty and looks much like a. small deer. If you don’t think It pays to advertise—place a Want-Ad inthe Journal! - fl.“ 1.__.-LV... ..\ ,ping a 2 to verdict to tailend mm .Vm" For Rent wwmw CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (in i n i m u in charge) 3 weeks $3.00. week 50c. Lower rates for larger ads and lliole insertions. “AA RELIABLE party wishes to rent farm from acres up in or near vicinity of Shelton. Write Box Reader notices 3c per word. C (5'0 Journal- C‘4'24"5'1‘8""3t 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks. 75c: original W'"""""""""‘“"‘ poetry 500 per inch: classified display rates on request. I Advertisements accepted over the, telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be— fore the first of the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE "W'WVVVVVVVV FOR SALE: 1938 Ford V-8, $78 worth of extras. Radio, heater, defroster, $375. Elmer Yurks, R. 3, Arcadia Road. 4-24—-1t., FOR SALE: ’36 Chevrolet Coupe $100 cash, balance con—I tract or trade for good used! furniture. VVrite’Box N, c-o the Journal. N~4-24——5-1——2t. 'rvvvvvvmvvvvwvvv "V- O For Sale i “MW‘A‘A‘A‘AAAAA‘ AAA OLD GROWTH fir wood $7.50 cord, plus tax. Glen Watson, phone 4-24--5-1—~2t. FOR SALEEWI941 Glider Trailer, FOR " SALEi to; 75:50:2178 tires, 21—foot, excellent condition, fine: tubes and rims. Almost new. rubber, reasonable. J. N. Clark, " Inquire Roy Bowman, Rt. 2. LIL. ,1 .-_,,.v____.. I TRAILER FOR» SALE; 2-wheei. with good tires. George Yoshi—l hara, Bayshore Road. Sherwood Creek, County Road, ll ‘ l. 4-17-“4-f-1-3. e ewe-~77 r ~~~~—v A yn’ wag] 4 d t FOR SALE: bronze baby crib "m"""'"""V""m with mattress, twin bed and spring and kerosene stove with oven. B. L. Rose, 828 Franklin. 4—24-~5-1—2t. FOR SALE: good milk goats, the year around. We guarantee sat- Lost and Found: I FOUND: key in container. Own- er identify and pay for adv. Journal OffiCe. Phone 100- lsfaction. 50 head to choose 4‘24V1t- from. R. J. Gallagher, 3,4 mile from Lost Lake. LOST BOAT: 16-ft., white out-l' side, gray inside, 3 seats, 2 sets oar locks, 1 set oars, No. 30- Will give reward. R. F. Page, Route 2, Shelton, Har— stine Island. 4—17-24--5-1~e3t. LOST: $5 reward for return of or information concerning small black male Cocker Spaniel,‘. white spot on breast, lost on Hood Canal (Union side) about March Notify Journal or Geo. Reed, Rt. 1, Port Orchard. 4—10-—5—8e—3t. , "IF—l Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3.: 55 minutes earlier) FOR SALE: drag saw, practically new $90. T. D. Clark, Brock; dale Station, lympic Highway, miles north of Shelton. l—24--5—1—2t. FOR SALE: four used tires and tubes 28X5025777718. Cash $20. J. Lieffring, P. O. Box Shelton, 2 blocks west Bayshore Road. 4 FOR SALE or TRADE: partly built house trailer Also axle, springs, tires and tubes $10. Inquire at Ralph’s Grocery, Hillcrcst. 4-24--5-1-8—3t. FOR SALE: 4 horse outboard motor in good condition, $40. Ted Rauschert, Grapeview, Wna ER SALE:- good farm horse. - r... 2.53 3522:1233: Weight 160mm 1.0 years 01d- April High 1:24 p.m. 10.5 ft. Inqmre Journal emce- ? Low 8:17 p.m. 1.8 it; “A TA N—4-24-9-1—2fi _ —— FOR SALE; ‘Lange range. Good High a.m. ft. condition Phone 21734“ . I Sat. Low a.m. ft. ‘ _VA_4_17_24h2t April High 2:48 p.m. ft. ____ , _.___‘ LOW 9‘17 P-m 2-1 ft- JOURNAL Want Ads are used by . scores of your friends and Sun a 133% 13312 :‘g' neighbors with great. \success. April 26, High 4:02 p.m. 11.1 ft. “103????”th édf‘j‘m‘fi’f Low pm. ft- FOR SALE: adult Size wheel— —— chair almost new: Reasonable. High 4352 a-m-14~0 ft-l Contact Mrs. George Stoner, Mon. Low 11:23-a.m. 3.0 ft. Route 1’ Box 210’ Shelton April High 5206 p.m. 11.8 ft. 4-17-24*5_1_3t, Low 11:05 p.m. 2.6 ft. .. .——-————- __ TIMBER FOR SALE: on 80 acres. High 5:13 a.m. ft. Cedar, Hemlock, fir and spruce; Tues. LOW a.m. 1.8 ft. about miles west of Shelton, April High 6% p.m. ft.i partly opened up. Cash or pay Low p.m. 3.0 ft. as cut. Write: L. R. Byrne, own- _—. ~ er, Elma, Wash. . High a.m. ft. - . 4-10.17v24~«5-«1-8——5t. Wed. Low 12:36 p.m. 0.5 ft. . . , , .. ,, April High 6:55 p.m. ftl LARGE SIZE . Duplicating " Low a.m. 3.4 ft. ? Thurs. High 6:26 a.m. 14.5 ft. SALES BOOKS A ril 30 Low p.m. ft. , ' p High p.m. ft. for 15¢ 4 for 25¢ ——~« r Low 1:26 a.m. ft. 60¢ per dozen ' Fri. High 7:01 a.m. 14.6 ft. We also take orders for all kinds May Low p.m. -1.7 ft. of special—— High 8:37 p.m. ft, PRINTED SALES BOOKS Our prices are as low or, lower than outside salesmen can quote you. ASSGCIATED Wills," . .GONFALON lNiiSi “THE JOURNAL NIGHT 0ile PLAY Emmi: “ALMA. Am“ AAAAAMA“ CITY’BOWLING LEAGUE- . w. L ALDEN. C. RAYLEIE" IIolt’s AssociatedOil ...... ,. 35-, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mason: County Laundry Title Insurance Building ¥ashme 43' 41 Opposite First National Bank Jumbermen Mere. .. 41. fi Lucky Lager ...................... __ 41H 43. Pm“ Shelton “'ilson’s Cafe .................... .. 41 Munro’s Men’s Store 40 44 " Daviscourt Bakery .... __ 50 . \ High Scores lNSURANCE Game-——Paul Fredson, Bab Stew-l art each . TotaleBab Stewart 581 HERBERT G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building- Mitt the champs, Tommy Holt's Associated Oilers. ' I They waited until the last night of the schedule, to sew up the city league bowling title, but they wasted no time. Friday in putting,r the pennant in moth- balls,» winning the first two games of their show-down match with second place Mason Laune! dry. There wasn’t anything in the. individual scores of the title-de- ciding match to pop vest buttons , over for only one pinman of the ten involved shot a total and he, Jimmy Dunbar, possessed the _ lightest average of them all. LIcensed Embalmers Pastime blewa chance. to hold A Witsiers Pro undisputed third place by drop— Phone 180 _ Shelton, alash.’ ELLIOT B. SPRING" Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th St. Phone DOANE BRODIE Attorney-A’fi-Law Andra Building Phone .-. w . .. -v. Daviscourt Bakery, allowing the. L. M. to move into a tie by Odd- gaming Lucky Lager in a match, which produced high. individual scoring of‘the night by Bab Stew— art and Paul Fredson, _ Munro’s, defending champions, closed, the season with a2 to 1,, duke . over Wilson’s cafe. but wound up in seventh place after - leading the league for a good half the schedule. - .— Inekpensive lamb cuts such as shoulder, breast,,_flank, neck and ' what the butcher calls trimmings may be, made. into a nutritious and appetizing,,stew tr.» add. an. economical and different touch to Spring menus. _' I CHARLES RiLEWIS‘ ATTORNRM: A‘l‘ LAw . Suited, :;sIt\1.Mg,Bldg.l i Shelton, Washington r .1