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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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fill! (|rdo i(o : &apos;:lIll Nos. o11. April lll'('l', t:ll!'l ' }'. • 1-25-- I t, ,U BELIEVE ]iT'S YEAS 0 V,.rO \\;VOtl]d . . llnow whal: does for ch)tbes in the oily e×pert emer,ae new, re:dy to life all over yOllt" wardrobe life by s e n clothes to ns CLEANEgS & St. Phone Genuine PART ands Strictly I Factory Rebuilt I Not Reconditioffed Local Welftre Folks To Attend Conclave Mrs. Corn Kelly, Mrs. Mary Mc- Bride and Mrs. Betty Decgan are planning on attending the region- al meeting of the American Pub- lie Welfare Association at the Multnomah I=[otel in Portland May 2 and 3. This is a public meeting and covers the states of Arizona, Cal- Idaho, Montana. Nevada, { ifornia, Oregon and Washington. I An outstanding group of speak- ers have been secured. Further in- formation regarding the meeting may be obtained by phoning Mrs. McBride. 25, 1946. '-' • Cure tire wearing car =hlnrny. , ,t We kill it ano prevent " [m killing you and our . -- Y ! us and motor more lafe miles on your tires. GARAGE 2.t'. tur Wrecker Service ,at & Cota Phone 52 RHEUMATISM and ARTHRITIS 1[ suffered for years and am so thankful that I found relief from this terrible affliction that I will gladly answer anyone writing me for information. Mrs. Anna Pautz P.O. Box 825, Vancouver, Wash. Pd. Adv.---NU E-OVO Laboratories PREPP'S PRESCRIPTION SERVICE II] O n ii 2 d At Railroad " Phone 89 CHR¥SLEE CARS:'j  JA .,s DID YOU KNOW and ':::{' .m,,, Whe " "'' :!'J {{{{1{ never uou find a drua store with a repu- TATInNAL TRUCKS i [i ration for a tr'uly profes-sional prescriptmn ..........  SeT " " " , , ., 1{{{11., V_we, there, too, wall you #rid only the . = <[.g IT.esh, pure drugs of reputable pharmaceu-- [  L ,^  MI{] tteal houses. Birds of a ]eather flock to: /lJ:W{ aether, and like combines with like. And TP  ,A WI- o, in our prescription department, skillful € '  • ',{ COmpounding combines with quality drugs " 'n+-rn-ti-,,al V'V,im ` m{ o produce medicines that are letter perfect "",'.j "  • .i!]m ]{{{[ ith your doctor's orders. We regard pro- '"'V ''Va ::{ Iessional skill and quality drugs as being -. --:- --_- .-- ..... "'i M  necessary to each other as the mortar and :Sl pestle. Both work together here to give 00,ii|:llllll 00,ou the finest pr000000rip00ion service. ............................. When ill see your physician, then bring eription to PREPP'S PRESCRIP- We carry a eom- line of biologicals, chemicals and s in Order that YOUR pre- may be filled edtly" as YOUR ordered. E BREWING & MALTaiq( 978 4= E. G. Sick, Pres. 'S OLDE$'r INDUSTRIAL IHSTITUTION ;Keep 'era In NoW a thorou aates gladly given before Heavy Equipment Of Wes Johnson's Avialab!e Here Released from the need to de- vote his time and equipment to war-time necessary projects, Wes Johnson of Hoodsport has made his heavy construction machinery available to property owners in this locality for any type of small -or large project requiring such equipment, such as filling, excav- ating, road building, land clear- ilg, and so forth. During the war Mr. Johnson, a:on of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Johnson of Hoodsport, was engaged on Stlch government war projects as the Navy air bases at Shelton, Quilayute, and Whidby Ishmd; the Shelton - Bremerton railroad, the Port Orchard federal housing prp- ject. Bow Lake airport, Pier 91 In Seattle, Fort Lewis and Crescent Beach Army bases, the BangOr ammunition dump, and several state highway improvements. Now his fleet of 12 dump trucks, lowbed Fageol diesel trailer-truck, bulldozer (a second is coming), Lima power shovel, and two pick- up trucks is engaged in making excavations fox' commercial build- ings and private properties, and improving waterfront properties. Mr. Johnson, who attended the Hoodsport grade school two years and later the University of Wash- ington, owns property at Hoods- port on which he is making extens- ive improvements and building roads at present as well as mak- ing improvements to the business property owned at Hoodsport by his parents. BOY ARRIVES A baby son arri-d at the Shel- ton General Hospital April 21 for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seymour of Hoodsport. DON'T LET YOUR TIRES DIE • . . before their time. Have us O.K. Recap them in time to save precious miles, for O. K.'s denser tread protects tiees to do more miles. 24-HOUR SERVICE ON RECAPPING 0. K. TIRE SHOP Franz T. Rauscher Hillcrest SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i SOCIAL EVENTS O.E.S. SOCIAL CLUB The O.E.S. Social Club will meet Tuesday, April 30. for a 1 o'clock hmeheen at the home of Mrs Purl Jemison. Mrs. Walter Elliott will be hostess with Mrs. Jemison. Women of Moose Report Meetings Senior Regent Evelyn Cobnrn announced the Shelton Chapter, Women of tlte Moose, held their regular meeting on Tuesday, April, 16 8 p.m. At this time they en joyed an official visit from co- worker Constant Leckey of Seat- tle. She is junior gradtiate assoc- iate dean Academy of Friendship. They held their monthly card party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Lynn on Friday evening, April 17. Itigh honors went to Lucy Lynn and Henry Elliott, and low to Ellis Wells and Delores Kingsbury. Miss Janice Schwarck Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Schwarek this week announced the engage- ment of their daughter, Miss Jan- ice Schwarck, to William Chase, son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Chase. [ The wedding is planned for "this fall• Isabella Club Sponsors Party The first in the series of card parties sponsored by the Lake Isa- bella Club was held on Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gunter. Four tables of pinochle were in play with honors going to Mrs. Ida Downie, Mrs. Florence Palms, Ernest Gunter, and Sam Avery. Floating prize was won by Ern- est Gunter and Mrs. Vera Hunt- ington. Lunch-was served at the close of the evening. Another party will be held this Friday evening start- ing at 8 o'clock at the home of Mr. ad Mrs. Gunter. AT ALAMEDA Alice Russell, ormer Shelton resident, writes that she is living in Oakland and working at the NavalAir Station at Alameda as a cashier. While working in the canteen she met Harvey Reams and Eli Penovich. Mr tnd Mrs. Lawrence Egbert, former Shelton and Hood Canal residmts, are the parents of a baby girl born in Seattle April 8th. PLUMBING ..... and HEATING Service E. E. Roberson George Strandwold 528 Cedar  PHONE 181J _ - . -_ _ . . - _ I Excavating' Fills Gradin000000g Land Clearing--Heavy Hauling . Road Construction and Grave{ing Shovel-Trucks-Bulldozer Very Best of Equipment Thoroughly Extierienced Workmen -- Lowest Possible Contracting Rates FREE ESTIMATES Wes..Johnson Best Equipment ed in testing and 'gUlfing P) "EST PRICES are assured t / ERCANT[LE RTMENT Thursday, Member Puget Sound Construction Commil Phone Hoodsport 8 SHELTON-00SON COUNTY JO00AL Published every Thursday morning Member of Washizlgton Newspaper Publishers' Association and National Editorial Association EnIer'(,d as second-ela.ts mattm' at the postoffiee at Shelton. Washington WILFORD L. JESSUP, Editor and Publisher Bill Dickie Advertising Mar. Bessie helen, Business Mgr. Subscription Rates: $2.50 per year in advance: 6 nmnths $1.50: outside Mason County $2.75; Canada and Foreign $3.50. Evangelist Shank To Be Here Two Evenings Evangelist Willis Shank of Se- attle will appear at three Shelton religious programs this week end. The Calvary Pentecestal Church at 120 East Pine street invites Shelton's young folks to hear Rev. Shank m;d the special music and singing which will feature a pro- gram starting at 7:45 p.m. Fri- day at the church. Rev. R. I. Caddy announced Tuesday. On Saturday evening, Rev. Shank will be the featured Speak- er and will also play special mu- sic at a Youth for Christ rally to be held at 8 o'clock in the Bap- tist Church• Sunday he will be guest.speak- er at the regular 11 a• m. service a Mt. View Alliance Chapel. Rev. Shank is a talented musi- cian and whistler who formerly appeared on the theatrical stage as well as being a dynamic evan- gelistic personality. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Charlie g. Ray, 53, of Seattle, and Maude D. Miller, 45, of Port Orchard, at Shelton, April 16. Harold Lee Borovec, 19, o£ Che- halls, and Alberta Frances Mc- Chesny, 16, of Oakville, at Shel- ton, April 18. Buster Lee Hammond, 20. of Thurston county and Geraldine Rae Chistensen, 16. of Mason county, at Shelton. April 19. Joseph M. Olaf son, 24. of Shel- ton, and Beret Orrestad, 24, of Seattle, at Shelton, April 20. Walter R. Eddy, 22. of Mason county and Bobbee E. Judd. 22. of Spokane county, at Shelton, April 22. Robert H. Keir, 2,t, ,and Emily M. Adamson, 22, both of Mason cotmty, at Shelton, April 22. Glen Peters, 21, and Beth My- ers, 18, both of Port Angeles, at Shelton, April 22. Grapeview Mr. and Mrs. H. Felton of Seat- tle have I)urchased the Pomeroy house, lately owned by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mitchell. Mrs. Felton is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Knapp of Seattle• The Knapps also own property in this vicin- ity and plan tb erect a perma- nent home here very soon. John Bush, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carol Bush, ¢flew to Aimhorage, Alaska., a week ago last Sunday. He will work as a mechanic for the Alaska Road Commission. John's wife and baby will remain here until suitable living quarters can be obtained in the North• Followig an an0ual custom, :Mr arid ]r8. '(harle: Sffhers 'bY the St. Charles Winery invited those of the employees who are interested in baseball' to attend the opening game in Seattle on Wednesday, April ]7th. Besides seeing the game, the group was entertained at dinner and each lady was presented with a gar- denia corsage. Those leaving fr)m ,here were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Web Ether- ton, Mr. and'Mrs. John McCloth-' lin, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Bucking- ham and Walter Eckert: etchers joined them in Seattle. Bobby anal Kenny Eperett, of Shelton, gr#ndsons of Mr. and rs. Walter Eckert spent their Easter acations here. Kenny stayed with his -grandparents while Bobby spent some of the time with Gone Eldred. Bobby and Gone play in the Junior High School band and have become very good friends." The school board lind its an- nual budget reading at the school house last Saturday evening. A small but very interested audience attended. The lunch program for next year was also discussed. It was decided to start, lunches on the first day of school with a complete meal each noon. Mrs. Verna Johanson will cook. I Miss tlattie Barker went to Seattle for 'her birthday April 24th. The next meeting" of the Grape- view Community Club will be held on May 3rd at the school house. George Palms has shipped out again. This time fox' Yokohama, Japan. Ivan Palms is at present at Salinag; Calif. Lindy Kept has joined tale l'- my Air Corps. THINGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued from page 1) were lost through enemy action to the Japanese, a fact which ross well knows, for it was his responsibility to cdrrect these mistakes through salvage opera- tions. Foss followed through on all of the isbmd invasions and he gained enthusiastic ommend- ation for his work. He suggests that a second Annapolis be cre- ated on Puget Sound, specifically in the San Juan islands and that our new naval officers be made truly seamen by the handling of all kinds of craft in the treach- erous currents, shoals and beach- heads that are provided there. It is Captain Foss' belief that too much attention is paid to unes- sential traditions of the service, and not enough to the ftmdimen- tals of ship-handling and naviga- tional lessons. Had our ,naval 1 e a d e r s possessed outstanding qualities of seamanship, Foss' job as salvage officer would have been made easier and the task of car- rying the war to the enemy would have moved faster, with the aid of ships, out of action because of the inefficiency of officers. URING the hectic war days when people suffered from shortage of help, supplies and were overworked to distraction, and almost collapse, by demands of the times, human qualities of friendliness, courtesy and helpful- ness were rarely encountered, ser- vice to a customer was almost a forgotten thing, and take it or leave it spirit seemed to prevail. Because of such experiences, an incident of human kindliness and cqsideration stands out like a sore thumb and prompts me to have some measure of faith in humankind reaffirmed. While trying to get settled in a new home in Shelton, several details of alteration and modernization were tltought necessary. One item was the laying of a piece of, linoleum in a bathroom, the project entail- tng a scurrying about for a piece of linoleum first and then some- body to install the covering. Fin- naliy all details were arranged, but tlm job had to be undertaken at once so that plumbers could in- stall some fixtures. The man promised to came during the eve- ning, meanwhile taking sick and being forced to his bed. However he had promised to do a job. so he got up, chattering "from chills and fever and made good on his prom- ise, completing an efficient and workmanlike task, even though so handicapped. I am obligated to Arnold Rex, rural mail carrier and linoleum layer for pulling me out of a hole, when he should have beon,,$ighting illness in ,bed. He: is another of the many fine Shel- ton ,people, making this a good town in which to live, SHELTON, WASHINGTON WELCOMES YOU SERVICES Sunday .......................... 11 a.m. Wednesday ...................... 8 p.m. Sunday School .......... 9:45 a. rm Reading Room at the Church 302 Alder Street Open Monday thru Saturday 2:00 to 4 p.m. Wednesday Evening 6:45 to 7:45 Sunday, April 28 "PROBATION AFTER DEATH" Christian Science Literature a- vailable at all times at the Church or on request by mall. Branch of The Mother Church The First Church of Chr!t, Scientist" Boston, Mass. NORCO VENET,AN .L,.OS REFLECT QUALITY THROUGHOUT • STYLED CORRECTLY • RUSCO TAPES AND CORDS • 'POSITIVE ACTION" HARDWARE • BAKED ENAMEL FINISH • ALUMINUM SLATS • 30 DAY DELIVERY Have your whidows measured and estimate given by experientgd persomel or bring in your me- urements for quotation. 49¢ Square Foot Measured and Installed DICK LYNCH 328 SOUTH THIRD PHONE 623MX First Baptist Church J, O. Bovee, Pastor Paul Sweeney, Assistant Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship at 11. Sermon Evening Service at 7'.30 Instrumental Music, Choirs and Congregational Singing. - Gospel Preaching - U. R. INVITED Welcome TO THE" Church of Christ 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Each Sunday Bible Study, Friday 8 p,m. 2021 Hay Street Shelton C. S. Hamilton, Minister Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. Sunday Schoo19:45 a.m. Morning Worship---ll:00 a.n Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p. m, Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 7:45 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor Page 3 CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST of L. D. S. Sunday School .............. 10 a.m. at Odd Fellows Hall Listen to Spoken Word and Mormon Tabernacle Choir KI RO8:30 a.m. Sunday Pres. A. 12. Ferwerda Phone 2963 or 52 UNITY CLASSES "420 Franklin St., Apt. 2 8p, m. Sunday--Preaching Service MondayLessons in Truth Tuesday--Christ Enthroned WednesdayTeach Us To Pray Thursday--Study at 2 p.m. FridayTeach Us to Pray Leader M. Hookett BE SURE TO HEAR Bey. Willis Shanks Outstanding "Youth for Christ" Speaker, Talented Musician Sunday at 11 a.m. The Pastor Will Speak at the Evening Evangelistic Service at 7:45 p.m. MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHAPEL Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor First Medtohsit Church "A Friendly Church in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Sermon Topic: "And Jesus Himself Drew Near" REV. HARDWICK W. I-IARSHMAN, Pastor Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276-W ,MOUNT OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Highway & Cascade Sunday School 9:45 a, m. I1orning Worship 11:00 a. m. THE REV. WAiTER ] WANGERIN, Pastel: 705 Dearborn St., Tel. 395-M - Church Office Tel. 230 Let's Sing At the YOUTH FOR CHRIST , RALLY EVERY OTHER SATURDAY NIGHT Baptist Church THIS SATURDAY NIGHT April 27 - 8 P. M. Featuring Another Dynamic Personality WILLIS R. SHANK, OF SEATTLE Whistler - Former Stage Star Hear Him Play The Glorified Oil Can Violh Musical Saw and Novelty. Instruments He Likes Youth  and Youth Likes Him WILLIS SHANK THE SPEAKER WILLIS SHANK THE MUSICIAN ]tear this Man Who has Thrilled Thousands in YOUTH FOR CHRIST" Rallies All Over the iNation i ; ....