April 25, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Featuring MADGE %T TH E PANO
Outdoor Toe-Warme rs
The Business of Playing
InfantC ROMPERs lzffants" BOOTEES
y,: ..... ,
Keep Baby-sm,tg and warns
Playing is important busi- i1 fulI length, virgh wool
,nesi t6 the baby.., and'for bootes in pretty pastel
• ' Successful play he must have shades. .
a comfortable romper'suit 'to ...... .....
: : wear He tdefiniteiy prefers Right For, Growing Feetl
'because they wash "o Well. Infants SHOES
Fine knit all-wool in pastel
shades. Sizes 0-1-2. " ' " "
gglezoe room
"shoos! Sturdy
a snug-ankle
soft soled for $lex..
rns, a']l
grgle with so-
in a wink,
Brides.Elect Are
Feted At Dinner
Miss Olivia Cederberg and Miss
Martha Sheppard shared honors
at the no.host dinner and brtdal
slmwer given by he ladies of the
Lumbermen's McrF:mtile at the
Colonial House last onday. Each
bride-elect was presented a lace
table cloth.
Seated about the dining table
centered with a clever arrange-
ment of an Easterhat and hat box
were Gladyo White, Laur Gruv(,.r,
Maude LeMaster, Am Call, Z,[able
Burke, Nancy Smith, Alice Frisk,
Mimi Oppelt, Agatha Norby, Vir-
ginia Nelson, Zedra Gustafson,
Alice Boysen, Pauline Harris.
Gladys Bens0n, Frances Cole,
Core Cole, Winnifred O'Neill.
Beatrice Larson, Florence Cot-
mier and Marie Gerhardt.
Eacli of the honored guests el'so
received a corsage.
IIodslmrt Bluebirds
Hold Weekly Meeting
The Hoodsport Bh|ebirds held
their weeklY meeting Monday in
the school house: After'a short
business meetihg in ' wlflch two
new memberswere' welcomed, the
time. was: spen, t in plhyihg gmes.
Tlze hew member's' are Jean Smith
agd lgarla cilf£bn.
28:T0 MAY,4
For Your Stoat! Papoose
: Infants' SHAWLS
Wrap up the baby for Spring
in an extra heavy honeycomb
shawl, )Al!-w0o}, with fancy
all - over pattern : d e s i g n.
Large, sie;:' hafld -'ttn0tted
fring'e: It Comes in pastel
We ve All:.You Needl
ou'll find all the babies' ""
bibs you need in colors and
waerproof fabcs' you :ltle,.
here ',t Permey's L)ng-lat -
taft plastics in gay nursery
printS .
g U Baby:
For absent - minded junior'
Panties of finely ribbed, soft
cotton with a ouble eroteli
them snug around,his tum-
,,ny, SZes }to' 'i.
Editor PHONE 100
I Hilleres; Homemakers '
I Pepor First Meeting
Tim I i 1 i c r e s t t[0memal{ers'
Ch.tb me at the home of :Mrs.
:Marion Helser fol: a. potluck din-
ner on Thursday, April ]8. A very
delicious dinner was served to
(,i,ht of the members.
1 was decided to keep the
• same officers for another year as
tlis is a new club and the officers
}lave teld office for so short a
time. Two new members were en-
• Mrs E', Wells reported she had
attended tile executive board
. meeting of the Mason County Dis-
trict of Federated Women's Clubs
and enrolled tim Hillerest Home-
m. akers' Club;
Plans for a quilt sale were dis-
cussed as means for building club
I ftmds.
' The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. John Jack-
son at: 1119 Cots Street on :May
2. It will be potluck.
0Iivia C00erberg
Honored TUesday
A bridal st{ower for Miss Olivia
Cederberg wean given last Tuesday
at the ' H. H. Halbert home on
Spencer Lake by Mrs. Gunner
Johnson of Hoquiam.
Games were playedwith prizes
awarded Mrs Will}gin ,Fentinmn,
Mrs. Bruce Willey, Mrs A1 Hays
and Miss Cederberg. A door prize
was, won by, Mrs. Roy Longaere.
A coffee table was:presented
the bride-elect by the group, and'
at late hour tuhch was served,
,Those present were Mrs. Tom
Peckham, Mrs. Roy :Longacre,
Mrs. Bruce Wflley, Mrs: William
Feat}man, Mrs: George Cardinal
:Mrs, Kermit Livermore, Mrs. Or-
ville Moran Mrs. Emery. Austin,
Mrs. Leander Go}st, Mrs. Helen
Harrell,. Mrs. Lawrence -Oosser,
Mrs. Halbert, Miss Cederberg/all
of Shelton, Mrs. Charles Droseb-
er and Mrs. A1 Hays 'of, Olympia,
:Mrs. Richard Buechel of Union,
Mrs. Myron Moran, who is visit-
ing here ,from Alaska and the
hostess, Mrs. JohnsOn of Ho-
Those invited but unable, to at-
tend'were MiSs Florehce Corm}or,
:Mrs: Bessie Belch, and Miss Peg-
gy C6rmier.
You'll find Nalley's Mayoanaise
a favorite' wih Chefs . ,*. poptda
withAmstesss, whO:' prefer rich,
rs. Gee. Snyder
Is Complimented
Florence t)almg attd Viola Ev-
ans were co-hostesses at a bridal
shower llonoring Mrs, George
Snyder recently at the William
snyder home. The honored gttcst,
n English girl, just arrived here
this re(ruth to make her home in
ShMton. The young couple were
married while Mr. Snyder was
stationed in England.
Tulips and hyacinths decorated
th'e tables. Games were plLyed
with honors go}aft to Bertha Wal-
drip and Doris Buck. Guests in-
eluded Mrs. Core Drake, Mrs.
Norms Couly, :Mrs. Bertha Wal-
drip, Mrs. Norene Peterson, Miss
Sarah Waldrip, Mrs. W. P. Sur-
feit, Mrs, William Down}e, :Mk's.
Sara Anderson, Mrs. Leonard
Buck, Mrs. Bessie Vail, Mrs. An-
nt Serge, Mrs. A. H. Knudson.
Mrs. Lula Glmter, Mrs. Zora WaN
drip, Mrs. Ruth Millet', Mrs Viv-
tan Davison, Mrs. Dorothydee
Surratt, Mrs. Velma Strout, Mrs.
Csrol Prince, Mrs. William Say-
der, the honored guest, Mrs. Sny-
der and the hostesses, Mrs: Pahns
and Mrs. Evans.
Formey .Resident
Wins H:gh 'Honors
;Miss Louella Labor, former
Shelton student, now a senior at
John C, Fremont high school in
I Angeles, is among ten gradu-
ating 'seniors in a class of 400
chosen an aEphebian." The Ep-
hob}an, society is an organization
composed of outstanding students
in scholarship, leadership and
service to school,
Louella, daughter or Jobn La-
bor of Shelton and Mamie Labor
Of Los Angeles, is als0Student
Body vice-president, considered
the highest b£fice a girl can hold
in high School; editor of the year-
book;-and a member of "AI-Per-
---(altruism, personality and
leadership), only girls honor so-
ciety o£ the Los Angeles schools.
She formerly was Girls' League
vice-president and treasurer, and
assistant editor of the Pathfinder.
weekly Fremont publication.
John C. Fremont high school,
second largest in South California.
t has an enrollment of 2,800.
Louella wili enter Los Angeles
• City College in the fall. planiin
to major in political' science and
Eldon Club Membm's
Enjoy Meeting, Games
The adies of Eldon met Friday
afteruoon at the home of Mrs.
Charles Diesen on Hood Canal. A
delicious luncheon was served at
1 o'clock. The Easter motif" was
carried out in the room and table
[ decoYations, Easter eggs with
names painted o them wove used
for place cards,
The afternoon was spent play-
ing Tripoli. Honors went to Mrs.
Those enjoying the afternoon
were Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Evans,
Mrs. 'Dands, :Mrs. Pierce and
dattghter Janice, :Mrs. Morken,
Allio Ahl. }Its. Jack Case and
children, Nancy and Larrqy, Mrs.
Winters and tle hostess, Mrs, Die-
Mrs. Ruel Pierce will entertain
the ladies at the Eldon store on
May 3.
Juvenile D. of H.
Will Practice Program
Juveniles of the Degree of lion-
or will meet Saturday afternoon
at 1 p.m. in the Odd Fellows Halt.
All members are urged to be pres-
ent as there will be practice for
the Mother's Day program.
The Navy Mothe/'s Club will
meet Thursday, May 2, at the
Eagles Hall at 8 p,m.
lip tek. .e, to uo.r
love o fashion#...
your never:ending love of color. Creates a
breathtaking array of lipstick slMIlcs to compliment
you r costume.., to flatter you besides. Come in,., choose
now rom our bright eollelion! Ad, while
you're here, ch0asc, too', Chcn Yu lacquer to match,
mad hz U• & A,
P00epp*s , Drug St(ore
' ' J ,x
/ ,,,Ltt t _ ,
25, ]946.
"gR" 1
Weddm 00tes Are ProfeSsor MeGhee . l-
id Satu Presents Rcital •
He rday Pro00e00ser L. 00eOi00eo will 00re- Ga
A ])eautiful and impressive wed- sent his PUl)iis in a recital Thurs-
din g. ceremony was i)erformed at. day, A1)ril 25,, in the Belfair
the Mount Olive Lutheran Church School. There will be piano, vio-
Saturdav eve fin.(, Al)ril 20, when lin vocal and accord}an solos; }Is-
Miss Olivia Ccderberg, daughter waiian guitar selections and se-
el Mr. m,.d Mrs. C. A. Johnson, leetions by an orchestra, Those
l)]ivhLed her troth to Stanhy N. taking part are Euniee Barrow, butter, you
Cwi,m,tt. son of Mrs. Annie Betty Jo "vValmer, Elain Bland,
Gw..(tt of t.ent. Washington Stanley Erickson. Eddie Mercer.
Reverend V/alter M \\;Vangerin Win}fred Box(t, Frances Suhr, / moreln elinca!than 100 conducted
read the service :tt 8 o'clock before Tommy Taylor. Maxine Herriek. [ p,,.
a ]aro'e assenblage of rehttives Frank Niles, Anne Munroe, Mrs:
and friends. Mildred Mou'roe, At'land Johnson,
Calls lilies and snapdragons Lolly Miller, Jimmy MoRse. /vlary[ MoCC PH,
decorated the church. Jomes Bland, Irene Eddy, Patsy Moll. La- l (Tear Out This
Ne,dhnm. accompanied by Mrs. vern Simpson, Charlene Hurst.
Earl Jordan, sang, "The Lord's Gary Sallce, Virgil Sex;age, Nor-
Prayer." ma Lee I)avidson and Larry Gid-
Given in marriage by Ir. John- dings. .
gown of eggshell satin with a fin- iels, Boyd Peterson. Billy Dun-
gertip veil of illusion falling in ham. Carl Etlin, Jane "Williams,
t ES
soft folds from a pearl encrusted Kenneth OgIetree, John Herrick,
}readdress. She wore a string of Pat Henderson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs.
pearls, a gift from the groom, and Erickson, Patricia Prlen, Irene
carried a sheath of calla lilies. Rosenau, Frances Alley, and mem-
bers of the John :Moffett dancing
The matron of honor, :Mrs. Ed- class.
win 3/[. Pa':e of Portland, cous-
in of the bride wore a gown of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
pink satin and net and carried a
bouquet of iris. , Honeymooning On Canal FROM
Hilhnan Gwinnett of Renton, :Mason CoUnty friends will be
brother of the groom, was the interested in the announcement of
best nmn. Ushers were Edwin M. the marriage in Seattle Saturday,
Parker and Roy Longacre.
April 13th, of Miss. MarJorie
A receptimt followed in the Johnson, who became the bride of
clmrch parlors. Mrs. Charles David Johnson, son of Clifford
Geddes of Tacoma, V[rs. Andrew Jolmson of Lilliwaup. The bride
Swenson of Detroit Lakes, Minn., l is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J.
and Mrs, Ed Lewis presided at the H. Johnson of Grant, Nebraska.
bride's table, beautifully appointed lThe young couple came to Hood 5 BIG
with white candles and white and I their honeymoon. "
pink camel}as. Miss Florencel Canal on
Friday. thl
Cormier was in charge of the = I II April 26-
guest book.
After a honeymoon in Portland The Original "BELLS
the young couple will make,their
home at Auburn where he is era- UTAH ST.
ployed in th State Fish atch-I WOOLEN MILLS
cry. For traveling Mrs. Gwin-' Bing "
nett wore an apple green wool Jack Frost Pure Virgin Bet
suit with biege top coat and WOOLEN WEAR"
matching accessories. Her cor-
sage was of olfchids. Ladies' and Men:s. Tailored .....
For her daughter's wedding Suits Wednemlay -
Mrs. 5ohnson wore a two-piece May 1-, , ,
aqua dress with yellow straw haL, Ladies' Silk & Knit Dresses ,
and a corsage of yellow roses. The Tailored Sweaters and School TWO
groom's mother chose a navy blue Sweaters :
dress and hat with a corsage of Jack Frost All-Pure Virgin
pink carnations. Wool Blankets
Out-of-town guests included Mr.
and Mzs. Hfllman Gwinnett, Mr. Pearl Bradley -and-Z
and Mrs. Doug Gwinnett, Mrs.
Anna Gwinnett of Kent, Mr. and Sales Representative "MEN
Mrs. Edwin Parker of Portland; P.O. Box 82 - Shelton
Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles C. Geddes HER
of Tacoma. Mrs. Jennie Swenson Write for Appointment
of Detroit Lakes, Minn., Mr. and
Mrs, Earl Wineeka, Mr'. and Mrs. - - - - I
H. Winecka, and MaiJorie Cooper -"
of Renton and Mrs. Emma Lewis
of Olympia.
Lake Isabella Club
Will Mt April 24 EXPERT
The Lake Isabella Club was
lzeld at the homc of Myrtle Swear-
inger April 10. \\;
Year books were. p]apned. The Guaranteed In Our New
group voted to give $1D.00 to the
4-r Cl,l, o lelp send a g i,.1 to ' RAD10 :
the Pnllman convention in June. ,
The money will be raised lJy a 0 t"'L,, ',\\;
setqes of card p:trties to be held SERVICN
at tlm home of Mr. and Mrs. Er- A¢l(/
.e:-:t Ounter The first w=s held --;/-- '/' DEP'T.- Govey md,.
Friday evening, April 19 at 8 " , \\;W--- --, ..........
o'clock ..... I, L
, The penney drill was won by &l., c* .Managed
IW&'s. Cora Drake. / I
The next meeti;g will bc wih
Mrs, Luh. Cunter, A.pril 24, Tllere Merrit
will be a tea towel shower for
the hostess, who did the most Red , Eells
Cz'6ss sewing in the past year.
An experienced radio man just out of tte'
Hoodspor; Children Army Signal Corps, and long a
Enjoy .Easter Egg It[unt . of Shelton.
Children of Hoodsport: greatly
enjoyed thb aster egg lmnt ar- TO CURE WPIAT AILS YOUR
ranged by Rudy Becker of Beck- RADIO, HAVE IT DOCTORED HERE
er's Cash Grocery, which took
)illy as Directed
place at 12:30 p.m. Easter Sun-
day on the school grounds. NASH B00OTHF00
The ]ig'ht rain wqtich commenced
at the beginning of the trent did
uot" dampen the spirits of the
youthful egg hunters. For each 123 S Th,rd Street o one 3 4
gayly colored egg found, a candy
bar was given by Mr. Becker and
special pmzes were won by Nancy
Lockwood, Billy Ierson and Gcne ,,,
Winters. the latte:r winning two.
Ronald Magnussen, finder of the
most eggs, went happily home r-'' " " i
"with 14 eggs, 14 candy bars and a
quart of ice cream. A few egs , " :
were undmcovered until :Monday
morntng before school.
Friendship Club ::
Repos leeting ....
Friendship ClUb met April 17 : ..... •
at the home of Alice Stotsbery, i}N
who served a ,deliciou luncheon ....
Thebirthday cake and gift were ,- " r .....
,, 98
for; Tony Swger. There were 14
members and two guests present. • .
At the business meeting it was
voted to give ten dollars to the
Cancer Fund. A game was played c.,
which Ann Pearcy won. . .... ,
The next meeting will be with "
Ethel Mitchell on :May 1. ' R E .... '
A very nice time was reported
bY everyone at the Easter tea last ) ...,19
Saturday. Homemade hats were ,,
brought by everyone and modeled
by the buyer. They'were all clev- ,
erly made and the prize for the "NOW IN ST
best one went to Mrs, Gibbs.
AIn; Iql Soo
Held at potlatch Home i Secret Heart,
A P.-T.A. Pro-Shool Ehster egg others) , . . Orchestras
'hunt was held April 17 at the Andre Kosfe]anetz and
Potlatch home of Mrs, Walter vone]. Set M-MM.60 * • ,
Karnopp. Six mothers and twelve tlLY PeNS PROGRAM
children were entertained hunting" from Rigoletto--Verdi; ' . '
eggs, playing games and later otlons--P,och/,"Charmant b95n'* _
with refreshments, Which featured L Perle Du BrslI--Davld),
delightful cupcakes, topped with €onduced by Pletro Cimara a , :
rabbits, candy eggs and cocoanut AbravaneL Set M.MM-582 •
nests. .,
Mrs. Karnopp will hold the next xwo PANOUS :
study group meeting at her own (Bell So.9"'rom
home April 30, and will lead the Scene from Lucla di
discussion ou "Children's Man- nho.i) . . . Orchestra
.'lers." Plefro Cimara. Set
Belfair Club Plans o..m Or©he,fro ....
Spring Dinner Party se, M.S0S • s2.7
The "Spring Dinner" at the BeN (At! Prices Shown Are Ex¢luslV# . ,
fair school Saturday, A.pi'il 27,
to be held from 6 to 8 o'clock will Hear These
be highlglted by the presentN- ,
Hen of a pair of nylon stockings. Shelton "'us'cm
Tickets are now available fronl .
any club member or ttt the BeN :rth and
fair Variety Stoi'e. F, E. BECKWITH, GIFTS - JEWELRY
'Cards and bingo are to be play- [ 129 Railroad Phone "
ed. Ihere will also be a white ,.
elephant sale,