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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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rill pre- Thurs- Belfair [10, vio- os; }Is- and se- Those Barrow, Bland, Mercer, Suhr, Kerriek, ,e, Mrs; 0hns0n, a, Zhry loll, La- Hurst, e, Nor- ry Gid- Thursday, Get butter, you simpl) when you enjoy AYDS candy In clinical teats conducted more titan leO pc&apos;ol averag in a few Candy cducing B0-da of AYDS onl McCONKEY PH (Tear Out This Ad '.rhursday, FROM 5 BIG Frlday. thru April 26 ST. Bing Crosby : Bergman Tednesday - May ,1 TWO mteed In Our, New RADIO ;7,; •7 DEFT. Managed Merrit Eells ced radio man just out of the iI Corp% and long a RE WHAT AILS YOUR :AVE IT DOCTORED HERE BltOTHE 'Street :ili Phone 334 T ¸ RE • NOW INS LILY PeNs WALTZ? Abln; I,II See You / My' Secret Heart; others) . . . Orchestras Andre Kostelanetz and vonel. Set M-MM.606 • LILY PeNS PROGRAM from Rigoletto--Verdi; #1 ations--Doch; Charmant La Perle Du Br&ll--David) conducted by I Abravand. Set M-MM-582 • TWO FAMOUS (Bell Song" from Scene from Luc|a di Lammei nlzetti) . . Orchestra Pletro Cimara. Set THREE OPERATIC ARIAS oper Orcheera Set 'M:MM50 • $2.7S, (All Prices Shown Are Hear These Records m Musk ',KWITH, GIFTS - JEWELRY : 25, .I 9d6. EPAB!ITIt}III00 .ETa, SALVE, ROPS Oly as Directed 'SBEAUTIFUL $IADES "CO. 3PER Gerry BId(j. I SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  L ()vex" sixtymembers of the Ba D I riealti] DISCUSSIOII AL Dprlng iv}e,et I X lirthday dinner WaS ticld for .  - ][ J, IF,' T i  "flit rlr,l Baptist Young People 1F.A,...t-,A llMa.  f'h,h'|', h'vlf,,ra n. tL .niuuv,' ,*, ' , ....... ,. .... L_li  I/  II I I . ,- . .-y . t n'l:$UlSilil,tSILl IYUIIIt.UIL %.)LllltJ .ILIJ Jt %..t.l.i. %. , i.. '. .,..... .,, '.,. la z  L v  ± q  LJ Have unrxse ervlces  , ,,. =x. • .,  •   ] I Iorore on lrrnay I0 V tist ¥oun.g I eopie concurred Sun- I ' " I H. H, Ha.lbert on his 72nd- birth- Mrs. Wells Honored LI, Col. Jim Mills rise serwees at, 1Vebb Hill E'ster i, Widespread public .interest in prizes and the r ,qrt entries w i!l be l day ' April 18, at his home at Spen- morning, nealth is expected to araw a mrge on exhihit announces Mrs. . . cer Lake At Auburn Party. Arrives On Leave attendance for the afternoon open Boysen. district Fine Arts chair- program of the Mason County man. The Shelton Hardware,and District Federation of Women's the Tcndercrnst Bakery are the Clubs at its Spring meeting Tues- lcal busine.<s firms who are con-I Mrs, Ads Wells was pleasantly LL Col. Jim Mills arrived in surprised with a birthday party Shelton last week on leave after hold at the home of her daughter, 27 months duty in the European Mrs. Stanley Fox at Auburn. She theatre. He was greeted by his received many beautiful proseuts' wife and small daughter, Who and had an enjoyable visit, have resided here during his ab- sence. VISIT SISTER Mrs. Mills lies been employed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose and as a nurse at the local hospital. son. Kenneth, and Mr. and Mrs. Col and Mrs. Mills left this Wally Anderson spent Easter Sun- week to visit friends in Salt Lake day in Olympia with Mrs. Albert City and San Francisco. Rose's sister, Mr. and €Mrs. New- ton White and family. [ O.E.S. WILL MEET ' EASTER DINNER GUESTS t The Order of Eastern Star will Easter dinner guests of Mr. and hold a regular meeting this Sat- Mrs. Earl Lcggett were Mr. mid urday evening at the Masonic Mrs. Robert Rose, Billy Bernert, Temple. Tbe new officers will Fred Rose and Jim Leggett. have harge of the meeting. Vera Tim group also celebrated Rob- Duffield is in charge of the sup- err Rose's birthday, per committee. NOW AVAILABLE -1A7 and 3Q5 Replacement Tubes for Portables TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th and Cota Phone 128 Ereakfast was served at the church to the group follow!ng the services by Mrs. Bovee, Mrs. May Danicls, Dorothea l-lurst and Er- nestine Cole, The Sunday school class passed their goal of 300 last Sunday morning. Capacity crowds at- tended the morning anal evening services alia nine persons were baptiaed and received into the fel- lowship of the church. Mill Creek Club Elects Officers The Mill Creek Home Econom- ic Club met at the home of Myrtle Swearingen on April 17 to elect officers for the coming year. The officers eleqted were Charlotte Gardner, president; Myrtle Swear- ingen, vice president and Violet McGee, secretary-treasurer. Refreshments. were served and the afternoon was spent arran'ging. for the coining year, '['he meeting of May 1 will be held with Mrs. Gardnl;r. General Welfare .Club Plans Business Meeting The General Welfare Club" will hold a business meeting on Sat- urday, April 27, at 7 o'clock in the Odd Fellows hall. All members are urged to be piesent: Following the meeting cards and bingo will be played. Lunch will be served. The public is in- vited. /- A rtist- Po rtrait- Photog rap hers Andrews 119 Railroad - Phone 152 (lay, May 7, in the Baptist church. Culminating its own survey of district health .facilities, the Fed- eration has for the theme of its program, "Your Health is the Wealth of the Nation." The sur- vey report covers the public health facilities in Thurston and Mason counties and was made#with the aid of Thurston county club- women. "Publie Health --- Present and Future," is the subject of Dr. J. B. Eason, Thurston-Mason Coun- ty District Health Officer, who is scheduled to speak at 2:30 in the afternoon. He will outline the services and need for expansion of our present public health pro- gram and give the highlights of some of the various plans sug- gested for extending health serv- ices to the people. The program, which follows a morning business session and a luncheon, will begin at 1:40 with assembly singing, led by Mrs. Donovan Palmer. Then Mrs. Grace Budde, State ,Director of Child Welfare and Social Morality of the W.C.T.U,, will speak on "The Effects of Alcohol and Nar- cotics on Health," Miss M a r t h a Shamberger. Health Education Consultant of the State ' Department of Health, who supervised the health survey worl of the local clubwomen, will spea briefly on its significance. Assembly singing in the after- noon will be led by Mrs. John Dotson. Other musical features of tlle day will include vocal solos by James Needham and Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda and violin solos }by Rev. H. W. Harshman at the luncheon hour. District winners in the art con- test sponsored by the State Fed- eration for students of the 7th and 8th grades will be awarded Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda Guest On Programs Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda was a guest artist at the meeting of Ta- coma Woman's Club, last wee. The Olympia Chapter under the direction of Mrs. J. H. Kib.lar, president, presented the program, Mrs. Ferwerda sang "When I Have Sung My Songs" and "Christ Went Up Into the Hills" by Rich- ard Hageman and an aria from Verde Opera, O'Don Fatale. tributlng' lhe eIh to make pos- sible awards to first, second and third prize wirmcrs. Judges, wlol will choose the winning entries Saturday, April 27. are Mrs. Or- val _Andorso Mrs. Otto Geld- schmid and Mis' Peggy Boiler, Junior high scsool art teacher, May ./.st is the "dead-line" for hJncheo reserva tiolm for the dis- trier convention. Luncheon will be served iuthe First Methodist church by the Women's Society of Christian Service of that church. Reservations chairman is Mrs. Ellis WelTs, 405 Arcadia,'580-W. Members of l;h, Hillcrest Home- makers' Club will decorate the lunchcol tables; the Lake Isabella Club aud the Picketing Home- m:aker's Club will decorate the Baptist church and the Garden department of the Hood Canal Woman's Club will make corsages for the officers, club presidents and sl)eakers. Hood Canal Club El00ds Mrs. Avey I "When I)ropagating rhodedend-  runs, always take your slip fl'om the sunny side of the bush." stated Mrs. Carl M. Iallard of the Uni- versity of Washington Arboretum Soolety, in her talk to tlle Hood Canal Vomcn's Club April 18. Mrs. Ba,llard spoke ()ix magnolias. primroses and shrubs as well as rhodedendrons. Most interesting was her explanation with illus- trations, of how to prepare slips fl'om shrubs and trees :for plant- ing, 1 .Accompanying Mrs. Ballard from Seattle was Mrs. A. H. RollS- seau, executive secretary of the Arboretum, who spoke on the benefits bf the society to all. The Garden department 0t' the ,Hood Canal Women's Club voted in favor of taking out a unit mere- t bership. " ' I G.ucsts welcomed at the meeting I were Mrs. D. H. Collins of TrY- coma, Mrs. "Clifford Johns of Lil- [ liwaup, and Mrs. :orrest 'Briggs, 1 formerly a member, t During the business session, election of officers for the coming year brought the" following re- sults: Mrs. Mabel Arty, p'resi- Those present were the mn- ored guest, Mr. Halbert, ]2[rs. Htl- bert, Mrs, JOan :Gregg and chiL- dren. Mrs, Gunnar Johnson and children and Rolland .Ihrtstrom of Hoquiam. RETURNS HOME Mrs. Robert Rose has returned from a two weekS' visit at Free- water, Oregon, witl her daughter and friends. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM and.all STYLES Every Wednesday 2 to 6 p.m. . Shelton Eagles .Ihll Phone Union 3 "CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES" ---These most wonderful of all birthday words Call be enhanced greatly when accompanied by a beauti- hilly arranged bouquet of our fresh, lush flowers, Ieave your •birthday list ith us and we'll take cai'e  of each occasion wltll an oppropriate arrangem4tts. Flowers telegraphed Anywhere Travis Floral ShOp Mrs., Wilma i A ways and means committee con:dating of Mrs. lrvin McVay, chairman, assisted by Mrs. =Iclcn Anderson, Ers. Elizabeth Robin- ,;ou. Mrs. M,rgaret Anderson, and Mrs, Mabel Avey, was appointed by the president. Vh's. lh'ances Hill, Cemmit;k, er .tpp)iJJ.te At Womun s Club Meet The Shelton Woman's Club met for their l':t<JL reguhF meoting' )f/ the season on Monday, April Z2, i re: a ;t2:30 ]unclcort a,; "the Coton- i,ql "(ouse. The newly e!eeted president ' Mrs. Wltsierg. 1Drosidcd at the bus- inesa meeting at which time uhe appointed comniittee,; for the casumg year: Hospita!ity, Mrs. A. Almaden, Mrs, W. C. Batche- lor aTld i's. Robert Price; Mem- .bership, ]%gr.', ])(m McKay, Ivh's. C. E. Rtua.cres, xiz's. E. D. Boy, Phone 232 :- "5 Y ... 39¢ S,M.A. 9S¢ ..... 21¢ ..., 19¢ Riolac. 23¢ Foods # $1,25 Similac .. 98¢ ?5¢, " . ' " " "r " " DeXtn Malt 63¢ l-lb. Dryco ... 79¢ i-lb. Malt Milk 59¢ ELECTR I C $6.95 I SACHET HANGERS 98¢ II 0 '" ;) 0 © illlllllilllllllllllllllllltlllllllillllllllllllt I I .... I I I1" • FIREPLACE-FURNACE a.d MILL "WOOD Up to 24-Inch Lengths (Sold Strictly On a C.O.D. Basis) tl We Have Also Arranged to Have SACI( COAL Available for your Pick-up Convenience at Eacrett's Hillerest Service Shtion Carl Morgan Fuel Co, Phone 381-5 dent: Mrs. Minnie Sauer, first vice " -. _    4 I J l J II I I J I _ JL_.J president; Nlrs. Bulah Worl, sec ............................................................................................................................................................... ond .vice president; Mrs, Lois Mrs. Ferwerda was also guest Pierce secretary; soloist at the Olympia Methodist Vail, reasurer. Church at the annual Pahn Sun- day services. Mrs. Gunner Johnson Visits Her Parents Mrs. Gunnar Johnson and two children of Hoquiam visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Halbert at Spencer Lake Camp Groun(l for (ur;day. ,:last :wcelo' . '" Also'a guest atthe Halbert home is a grand,,0, olland Hartstrom of Hoquiam. Q • '7t -tan: t ublicity, Mi's, H. 17. ttarh- man, Mrs. (.)laude Hrmlon, ]%iz's.; Walter Elliott. The program com- mittce as i)revioualy appointed by Mrs. C, E, Runacrcs iI Mrs. Grey (:.r -rewster. IVLrs. Purl .]emlson and Mrs. H. E. Miller. The program for the afLenloon was plamed by Mrs. Robert Trenckmann and rs. A. Alma. den. The subject of "Youth Con- servatiou" was most ably dis- { cussed by vi[,itin speakers: Mrs. ) Carl Quarnsrom, F['ank Heuston and Rudie Oltman. A discussion i period followed. Guests fGr the afternoon were! Mrs Bonebra,,:e, Mz'>q. Weeks, Mr,. Bernice rStewart, MrS. Frank Wtl- lard aci 'h-s. Alfred ,Michaelson. Itood 'Canal' Omrch Has Easter Service More than 100 people were in attendance at the l!ood canal Community Church on Easter morning to hear the Easter mes- sage presented by the Reverend C. A: Pickering. In the church, beautifully' ;decorated with lilies, magnolias, spirea and other ferns andflowers, the Hood Canal choir sang the Easter Cantata "The Victorious Chri'&" Most inspir, ing was the blending of' voices and pkmo accomvmiment. Memb(.rs of the Choir led bY Ricllard Bates, were Mrs. Flora Lockwood, Mrs. Jess Hilligoss, rs. Charles Everett, Mrs, Alma Moore, Mrs. Lois Pierce Mrs. Bu- lab %Vorl, Ar'. Dorcas i iekering, Mrs. Mabel Avey, Harold Sund, Charles Everett, the Reverend Picketing, and Mrs. Richard Bates, Mrs..:Marion Robbins officiated as Cantata reade L and ,Mrs. Adelia R6ssLtcr as pianist. Wa,lte v Ger-m'in ] Vsts Friends Walter Germain of Salem, Ore- gon, now statione d at Fort Lewis, ,.Jailed,, Yr. and Mrs. Mel Dobson Sunday cvening'. He also vis- ited Joe Carstairs at :hgatlocL Mr. Germain was a forrfie; ason County rcstdent. SHELTON MIKED CHORUS The ghelLoll Mixed hot%tS will meet 3£op.(ia.y, A.ptil 29, at 7:30 p.m', in the Senior high band room. All mombers are urged to be pres- etlt. / R be,,ah, To nitia,e The Ruhy Rebekah Lodge will initlat, a class of members at their meets, U thiJ Sails;day eve-" ning at 8 oclock in the Odd Fel- lows hlL All menlber,, are lrg'ed to be present 'Refreshments will be served fel- l lowing the meeting. L • ols M Lam00s We Are Well Supplired With Mazda Light Bulbs in 25 - 40 - 75 - 100 - 150 Wat Sizes & Cer - D.'eted Llue (r chylhL.  Plua Plenty f CORDS AND PLUGS i:.cct, real Appliances We Can lake Cords On Order Any Length Desired As We 14ave Plenty o'F Cord Wire,. Ropax Circuff Beaker  Protector Plugs To Save racti0nal Horse- power Motors from Burn- ing up uncer 0vcrleads. " NEW ELECTRIC IN, ' STALLATIONS MADE G,VE ELIOT ELECTRIC Koep,.g 00our E,oo. EQUTMENT CO. thical Gadgets in Good Co,dltion. Title Insurance Bldg. ' Phone (45 ., WILLYS UNIVERSAL 1€€P SER! .1N A J  .O piece of equipment in the hands of men, the JEEP, redesigned by Wtllys for civilian service; is "earning equally as high. esteem as a peaoedime', every-day, multi- purpose , vehicle with its versatile ability to be either Truek - ,Traetor - Rtmabout - Mobile Power Unft as its owner wishes Thus'It Has Proven Indubitably That NO. OTHER MOTOR VEHICLE IN HISTORY CAN DO AS MANY THINGS AS THE 'JEEP' Distributed in Ma Sakes and Service Temporarily Located at the S HE L T O N FIRST &NO COTA PHONE 52 $" , /. ," . ¢ 2"> ../4 <"-" /2 :!T,; i 71 /'< zS' % ,,::! ' , ,-. . #\\; _A. 'i.,.5 XL' so easy, Mother, to giv0 your baby lovely eurI,z with the aid of Ne2tle Bby Hair 'Treatment. Used for over 30 year s bythou- sands of 1Vfothers after baby's econd growth of hair is abouL ne inch long. Commended by .Parents' Magazine, $1.00 bottle rnake a full quart  ..... 50¢ J. & J. Talc .... 39¢ $1.00 Mennen Oil .. 89¢ 5O¢ Johnson Lotion .... 43¢ Lg. Wool Foam .... 49¢ Q-Tips ..... : .............. "25¢ Even Flu Sets ........ 25¢ DAPT .................... 90¢ ThaLX .................... 49¢ '30 ce Super D Concentrate ..... .I $3.24, J FORMULA FEEDING SET 69¢ i " i • ELASTIc II BABY PANTS [ I I FIR DRUG STORE 329 Railroad --Phone 63 ' PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY , Fourth and Railroad -- Phone 303, q 1