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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P 6 m,,, , , ,, , , i FOR VOUR Magaz|ne SUBSCRIPTIONS New or Renewals Subscribe from EARL HARKINg ManEtte Station Bremerton, Wash, Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORT " Plumbing and Heating Dmmng Pumps PHONE Hoodsport 17 [ se.ed P0tatoes Yield Seeds Olympia Feed Company O'Neill Bldg.- Shelton , , .. , i n SAVE TIME! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY - BREMERTON -SEATTLE L. Seattle Lv. BreJ 12:30 A.M. 1:30 .4:00 2:45 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 t7:00 7:15 7:30 7:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 12:15 P.M. 12:30• P,M 12:45 1:00 1:15 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:40 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 7;15 7:15 7:45 7:50 8:40 8:30 9:30 9:00 10:20. 10:00 11:30 11:10 i u i ,qr  .lp. v qp,.lp.,qlJ.,v, ,v ,qp-.qlpqp.-,,r,,.q•. v ,,ip. ,,p-vqr lle LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Wr tw,qt* ¢ V vV 1 'V.',',W ,V 'V',tr ,.',.tt.'.',,rV-V,qr ,V'    tate of qlshington OFI,'ICIC OL¢ ,IfI'ERVISOIt OF 11YDRA U LICS Dlympla ,NOTICll,] el" WATER RIGI|T AI*i'LICATION NO, 7027 T() WItOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that Mildred Ghmn, David E, Anderson and Helen Marie Mitchell of Belfair, Siato of Washington, under date of April 7, :1946,' fried with tile State Supervisor of Ilydraulics, Olympia, Washington, ml application for a pernfit to divert the public waters of all umlanlcd at ream tributary of Hood Canal. in the. amount of 0,03 second-foot, sub- lect to existing rights, for tile pur- i)o, of donlcstJe ,,upply continuously; that tile; aPl)roxima|,e point of diver- ion is hr)catcd within SE¼ of NWZ%. of Sectiou 2, TownMxip 22 N., Range 2 W.W.M.. in Msson County. A nmp sllowJng' |he lDca4ion and plan of said diversion and tlc place of the pro- 1)osed use Is on file in the off lee of tlc State Supervisor of Iiydraulics, Olympia, Washington, tog,%her with sucll ,pther inforrnatlon as is required by Jaw. "Ally person, firm or corporatiou whose right will lie injurlotisly af- fect.ed by said application lnay file with the Slate Supervisor of llydrau- lies, at Olyll pia, Wasilington sllCIl object OIlS or rt,,prescnt/lt o11 ill writ- ing as he lnaY deire to rnuke, within illirty (30) (tIlys al'tcr date of last I o lhtl ,n, which date is May 2, 1946. Wless lily hand and official cal this 8th flay (if April. A.D, 19.16, (SEAL) R()DNEY RYKER. State Supervisor of IIydraullcs, 4-25--5-2--.2t, Cause Nil. 4,102 Nt;TICE OF HIIERIFF'S SAI,E OF REAL ESTAA'rE Under General Eueentlon IN THE SUPEf#.IOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IPOI. MASON CouNTY. MAI.IlON M, CLINE and ESTELLE N. CLINE, husband and wife, Plain- tiff --VB,--- G, G. FISHER. Defendant IYnder and by vlrtl.lC of a general exccul,ion issued otit Of gild under the t,, o,'tbc gth }lay of Ap,'il, 19'16, upon a .ludment rendered In said Court on tile 2;'111 day of February, 1946, in favor of Marion M. Cllne and Estelle N. Ciine. husband and wife. and against (;. G. Fisher judgment debtor for the sum of One thousand six hun- dr(;d forty-four and 60/100 ($1644,60) Dollars, together •with attorney's fees, hxterest, costs and increased cost, and tn nit: dir.ected and delivercd I did On the I0th day of April, 1946. levy upon all tile right title and interest of said judgment debtor in and to tile follow- InK decrlbcd property to satisfy said judgment, to-wit : Southwest Quarter (SW,J) of S0utlwest Quarter (SW1A) except Rlgit-of-Way, Section 22, Twp, 20 N, Rang(: 5W, W.M., South- west Quarter (SW,6) of Southwe.t Quarter (SW4.) except South half (S:) of S,,ction 10. TWp. 20 N, Range. 5 W W.M, . Eust 60 ft. of Nortl three-fourths (N'%) of SoUtheast Quarfer ISE¼) of Southwest Quarter (SWA) See- ttou 2, Twp, .19 N, Rangd 6 W, W.Nf. contalnin 1,35 acres. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREIIY GIVEN, That (,n Saturday, tile ]Sth day of May, 1946. at I0 o't:h}ck ill the foI'e, noon of said day, I will :4ell tile Ill)Ore d IS( ribf d properly, or (1 IOUCII thcri)of tiS may be neccs- sa)' ),) .atlsfy said '}udment. togcth- or vlt|l tltorllcY's ftes, interest, c(,st. lind inuFtyascd ,',)sts, in all ILniounttlflg tO lhe ,lln] of (.)he thousand six hxm- dred sixiy-thrve and 68/100 ($1668,58) Dolbu's. Said salt. will take place at tim East door ,w the C.urt llousc at Shclton in said County and State and will be at l)ublJe ttucti,m, for cash in hand to tim high,st and best bidde.r, Dated at Shell.on, Wash., this ]0th (lay of April, 1946. E. F MARTIN, Sheriff of sotd County, 4-18-25---5-2-9.t6-5t Use the Journal Classifieds tley really get results. tllSlllllllllllllIillllllllgllllllilllllUl " Mason County - Creamery Says:. = Butter production contin- i - ues to skid to new low fig- , ures because last week the . marie droppedto 34% under  -_ 1945. Some seasonal in- ---- crease has been registered  -- on the Pacific Coast as pro- -- ductlon here was only 37% _ down from the year prey-" = Ious. The trade Is waiting-" -- for word of the O.P,A.'s = i latest attempt to overcome the laws of supply and de- _ mand. i "_= , = -- = Mathematicalty speaking, = = the difference between fasc- = Except Sunday _ ism and communism is the = -'-sum total of plus or minus _ BLACK BALL LIHE _= zerb. = = .= -dllllllllHflilllllllllliIIIIIlllllllllllilihv " ....... 77:"%" ...... : ..................................................................................................................... ; ............... -:" BremertomTaeoma Stages Schedule NORTHB0tJN D  DAiEY SOUTHBOUND Leave ] Leave Olympia I Shelton ' - .... : ..... ' 6:00 a,m, 5:15 a,m, - ..... ' - 8:30 a.,n.] 9:15 a.m. 10:45 a.m3 11:30 a.m, 1:45 p.m.l 2:45 p,m. 5:00 p.rn,l 5:50 p,m. 7:15 p.m" 8:00 p.m. 10:15 p,mJ Leave Bremerton 7:15 a.m, 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m, 4:15 p,m, 7:30 p.m, 9:35 p.m, Leave Shelton 7:00 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m, 3:30 p.m. 5:45 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Leavens iremorton for Hoodsp0rt dailyat 4:15 p.m. except unday. Leaves Hoodsport for Bremerton daily at 6:15 a.ra. except Sa'turday and Sunday. Leaves Navy Yard daily at 4:45 p.m. except Saturday and unday. Pickup at Kuetts for Hoodsport. Leaves Shelton daily 2:30 p.m. for Bremerton via Union. SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight hould be routed.via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Temoma Freight vla l;r. Skookttrn Chief, Milwaukee Dock, NO, 2 f Time Schedule as ollows. Leavcs Taconla daffy, except Sunday at 5 p, nl. for 01ympia and Shelton Arrlve Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLNDER, President PUGET SOUND FREIGHT LINES q, v vvvvv REAL ESTATE Z,'OI SALE: mnall looIhouse on Angle- si(h'., 9 9 on skids suitable for chicken house, $40, See Herb Angle. 4-25tfn. FOR SALE: 4-rt,om house, full base- Illenl, and furnace, Inquire 1035 East I{aLLroad. N4-255-7 FOR SALE: a bedroom modern home, $6,500. See C. L, Cellins, 1612 Divi- sion Street, Pllone 240W, 4-255-7 USINESS SITE FOR SALE:' lot on higtlway. Concrete foundation laid, one block north Pines Auto Camp. Ph(,ne 653-W. Jack C. Osborne, Nit. View, 4-25--5-7 FOR SALE: 20 acres., ber- ries, nice lit)me. One mile south Allyn. lnquire Gas and Oil Inn, Al- lyn. 4-26--5-10 FOlt SALE: 4-room llouse, electric pump, garage, good outbuildings. Will take '36 m" '27 car in on pave- ment, Earl Myers, Rte, 3, Box 182. 4-255-9 FOR SALE: ranch, 10 acres. P.O, Box 341 Shelton. 4-25 FOR BETTER FINISHING of your Kodak snaps Seo Andrews Studios 3-14tfn, FOR SALE: 6-room all modern home, full Llasement. Can give hnmediate OSeession, Furnished or unfurn- hed. 504 Belh, ue, J-4-11-25 FOR SALE: 7 acres, partially cleared 1 nlile from cry limits on Arcadia Road. Phone 381-J or inquire 1428 Olympic tIighway, M-4-11-25 FOR SALE: 6 lots oll Lake Nahwatzel on She.lton-Matloek highway. 1 lot has 8-room cabin with hot ana cold water, Will sell all or part, E. Bate- nmn, Star Route 2. Shelton. 4-185-2 FOR SALE: 5-roum lxouse furnished or unfurnished at 320 Laurel. Phone 225M. T4-185-2 FOR SALE', 2 cleared lots wlth spring water and Model A Ford pickup, Norman Norsby, Route 8, Box 142 (Arcadia Road), ' N4-18---5-2 FOR SALE: 3-room nlodern house. automatic gas water heater. _gas range. George Thompson, 619 Fair- mont. 4-11-25 HOQUIAM PROPERTY for sale: 3- roonl house, garage, woodshed, L, arge corner lot, near bus, .chool, sores, mills. Inqmrc arl Scnnfldt. Capitol Hill, 4-11-25 i I FOR BALE 164-Acres of Skokomish River bot- tom soil. with 80 to 40 acres under )low, 20 to 40 acres pasture. Plen- y of wood timber, Siz room house with gravity water, large barn in lair conditlon ana good fruit or- chard. If desired 60 acres can bo taken from property with an ad- Justment in px, l.ce, Pricod at $9500. 280 Acres farm with good barn 42x 48. 7-room modern home with full basement and unfinished upstairs. EIectrlc llghts, phone, electric punxp and good well. Located close in, Priced at $7500 with at least $2500 (:ash. HERBERT G. ANGLE I I FOR SALE: Iiood Canal waterfront and tidehmds described as follows I on records of Mason Couuty: Lot 4, tract 2, Section 32, Township 23 *North, lange 8 W.M. Con- W. talns aPl)roximately 28 acres, Inves- tigate and make offer to 2606 West 571h, Seattle 7. Wash. S-28--5,30 WANTED WANTED: Old :growtll etulnpg any amount, I'hone 216J3, C. It. "Cliff" Bordcn. St. Route 1, Box 95, 3-28-tfn WANTED: Experienced woumn fox" general IlelISework and cal'(*, of one child. }'{.corn, board, good salary. In- quire Journal. 4-11-tfn OPPORTUNITY OF' LIFETIME 'sup- plying DDT and other profitable products to ft|rurlers In Ma3on Coun- ly. No experience or CUl)ital requh'- cd. Must have auto and good refer- enee. Pcrnlanent. Writo or wire Mc- NESS COMPANY, Dept. D, 2423 Magnolia St,, Oakland 7. Calif. 4-25--5-2 WILL PAY CASH for weined colt that will make good saddlo horse. h'[ust be frmn good stock, Write Valtur cbring; Tahuya. 4-255-2 WANTED: naLional geographic fronl 1905 and back. Bruco Phillips, Rte, 8. Box 248, 4-55-9 WANTED: capable wonmn to Work as maid at Slxelton Hotel. Inquire at desk. 4-25 WANTED: boy or man onc day a week to help in garden. Plmne 160M. E4-25--5-7 WANTED: experienced legal steno-" rapher. Referom:es. Apply Suite 7, Angle Building, Shelton. Wash. W4-25--5-2 WANTED: Cedar shakes. Will trade Seattle safety deposit box for or/e in Shelton. J. L. Morrow, Star Rte. 4-185-2 1, Box 177. IYlI,L TAKE CARE of children after- noons and evenings at your homes. Phone (;88. W-4-11-25 WANTED: Woman or girl for general housework. May stay nights, Sun- days off, good wages. Call st 2218 Jefferson Street or inqulre at MObil (;as Station, Mt. View addition. Mc4-4-25 "----,;6-ii -97z¥-;r}7-Ffi I SH IN d--- of your Kodak snaps See Androws Studios 3-14tfn, I WANTED FURNITURE RANGES SEWING MACHINES APPLIANCES 322 South 2nd St, Shelton - - Phone 661 I "I WANTED: women to work as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, cohect0 ak for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn WANTED: used stoves, ranges, furni- ture. $22 S. Second St.. Shelton. 1-10tfn. WAITRESS and kltclen help wanted Apply Hotel Shelton Coffee Shop. 5-4tfn WANTED: men to Work on oyatet beds. For partlculara inquire at Cliff Wlvell's Texaco Servlc in per- scka. Olympia Oyster Ce. 12-14tf WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink d. Myers and Hanson Mink Farm, ympia, Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tfn NOTICE I wilt n(,t 1)e resl)OllsiIle for lny debls other than my uwn. 4 Slgned:-ls---2 FAY JOHNSTON. i [I ii ul ii i CALL FOR BIDS FOR COUNTY PRINTING r Notlec lS Hereby Given that until 2:00 p,m. Qn Monday, May 13th 1946 sea]od bid. will be," recewed bY the {{r, ttrd of Comlty Commlss|ouers Of. Mason County at their office in thc court Imuse at Slielton, for county ad- v,,rtisin/g and o/Ttctsl publication of all notices for tbe term of one from July 1st, 19,46 bids to be l)ased OU llonparcil solid. Amount of b011d to be fixed at timc of letting contract, Dated this 3rd day of April, 1946. I,AI{RY I)EYETTJ)].: (.lcrk of the Board of Mason County Connnissi0ners, Shclton Washington, 4-11-18-25--.5-2-4t Use tho Journ'A1 Classificds- SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI . i . . r . I n I I I I , !  i .... v  vvv% v w'v  v T-r - • Classified Service IF YOU WANT that odd Job done, call Cbapman. The tinkering or re- pairing you can't do yourself. Phone 100. 3-14---4-25-t fn IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS cotaet C. L. Col- llns, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 3-80tfn HEMSTITCHING lf ARD. Knife and scissor sharpening. Would like to continuo with Mrs, Twohy's cus- tomers. Mrs. Fred Elson, 427 Belle- vue. 8-7-tfn -m i ii For BULLDOZING ROAD BUILDING LAND CLEARING See PAUL BROS. Route 2, Box 108 Shelton, Wash. Phone 10F21 After 5:30 p.m. 12/1S-tfn Mr£CHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O SPECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUM REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton WE "HAVE THE NEWEST TYPE BAR FOR REBORING Cleans Its Own Cut, No Shavings To Clean Out Afterwards O Crank Shafts Ground MITCHELL'S Automotive Shop 407 S. First St. Phone 628 II I For Dependable PLUMBING 00ERVICE Phone 550 C. W. WESTCOTT 1st and Mill Sts. with General Supply Co. I I SHARPENING Lawnmowrs, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Cota PHONE 243 [  VVVVV VVV V VVVV*' qVV,r' LOST AND FOUND PLEASE RETURN two purses and contents, keys and personal papers urgonuy needed. Keep money. Lost Shelton Valley dance April 13. Re- turn to Journal office or call 6655, L4-18-25 FOR BETTER FINISHING of your Kodak snaps See Andrews Studios 8-14tfn. THE PERSON THAT TOOK the ,22 rifle from Skookur Point please be a sport and return it to H. B. gle Rohto 3, Box 200 or Journal office. 4-18-25 FOUND: three horses. Owner iden- tify and pay for adv. F. K. War- fen (Sbelton Valley) Route 1, Shel- ton, 4-25 LOST: Navy identification card. ' Please retui'n to Journal office, Re- ward. Iavrne R, Grlggs. H4-25 NO. 1761 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION OR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of John Kublk, Deceased; NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Marie Kubik, Executrix of the estate of John Kubik, deceased, has filed wlth thc Clerk of the above entitled cmn't her final report and petition for distribution asking the court to settle and approve said final report, distribute the property to the persons thereto ont, itled, and to aisenarge the Classified Ads Classified Service HEMSTITCHING: I0c yard. also but- tonhoIing. Mrs, Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and Boundary Streets,) 2-28-tfn FOR BETTER FINISHING of your Kodak snaps See Andrews Studios \\; S-14tfn, USED TIRES: .passenger and truck recalptn E ana repairing. Sam B. smtn uo,, Legion and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753, U. S. Tires' and batteries, ll-15tfn. BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING near Junior High School. Closed Satur- days. 1221 Franklin. Phone 112W or lave work at KIllmer Electric, 5-7 / TREE - TOPPING. high climbing. Phone 19-F-4. F4-4---5-30 SMALL CONCRETE Jobs done by contract. Phone Union 383. L-4-4-425 WE DO ALL types of concrete work. Work guaranteed. Union labor. L. Henshaw, 941 N, Wyckoff, Bremer- on, Phone Bremerten 4257. 4-4-5-23 BUILDINGS RAISED. new founda- tlo placed under them and other alterations; C. N. Allen, Rt, 1, Box 140 (Mill Creek Road), Sbelton. 12-27-5-30-tfn ELECTROLUX VACUUM CLEANERS Sales and Service O JACK MANLEY FOR SALE FOR SALE: two bicycles. Gh'ls and' boys. Ray Stevens, Rt, 2, Box 75. 4-19--5-3 FOR SALE: Baby chicks, New Hamp- shire U.S. Approved. Hatching ev- ery Friday. Sharp's Hatchery, l.oute 1. Box 386-D. Olympia, Mud Bay. Phone Olym. 4139. S-21--5-23 FOR SALE: wooI lmaer, $20. 323 Cookson, phone 623J. REINFOR(HNG IRON. surplus steel, chain nomts and trolleys, used pipe, wire rope ana guy lines, Western Machinery Exchange, Port Dock, Aberdeen, Phone Aberdeen 980. 4-11-5-2 FOR SALE: Large saddle horse, sor- rel, 5 yrs. Pbone 691-R after 6 p.m. L-4-11-4-25 FOR SALE: Old growth wood. Phone 421-R, Me-4-11-52-4t FOR SALE: Westinghouse electric roaster. Excellent condition. Inquire Journal office. B4-25 FOR SALE: 6-ycar size crib and mat- tress. Like new. Phone 179W. C4-25 FOR SALE: fryers and pullets, just starting to lay, $2,00 a piece. R, D. Stockwell. Phone 133J. 7th and Wy- andotte Southstde Angle. 4-251fn. FOR SALE: rabbit hutches, one 4- unit, one 2-unit. Phone 309M. C. A. Rutter, 1221 Birch St, 4-25--5-2 FOR SALE: large 19 month old colt, Ed Olund, Route 1, Box 204, Shel- _ ton, Wn, 4-25--5-2 NEW TIRES One lot of 7:50x20 ten-ply at substantial discount. Con- tact BOB PEARSON Phone 548-W FO-R-SA-EE: buzz saw with 33"-'.p, gas motor. Phone 403J. L4-25 Phone Hoodsport 2W2 III II INTERIOR PAINTING Paperhanging and Signs F. K. McCUTCHEON Phone 685 SHELTON, WASH. 4-185-9 I II I Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 132-M Prompt Service illll I I III I I FOR SALE: one apartment size gas ran "e, Sheg)on,lt Inquire 1011 Cota Street, K4-25 FOR SALE: 2 does with litters, bred doe, buck, 3 hutches water foun- tain, part sack feed, etc, $30. In- quire Petty, East Pine.  H5-25 FOR SALE: davenport in good con- dition, Also matching davenport and clmir. Occasional chair, kitchen chairs, two occasional tables cof- fee table, Phone 468. 4-25 FOR SALE: large walnut dining ta- ble, buffet to match. No chah's. $50. Dresser $12,50. Pllone 591R after 6 p.m, L4-25--5-7 IOR SALE: Regist,ed Pekingese puppies rom champion show stock, Mrs. Juanita Grant on Priszner 4-4-4-25 Farul at Matlock. n, ,, ELECTRIC HOT WATER TANKS $95 Olsen Furniture Co. 321 Railroad Phone 102 I II I SLAB WOOD Cut any Length Hasn't been in Salt water AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK CO EATON Body and Fender Works Across from Mason Co. Creamery PHONE 84 SWEDISH MASSAGE Rheumatism, overweight, tmderweight. Regulates 'functions of skin, nerves, digestion, lumbago, Circu- lation .and elimination. MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. 228 South Second St. A. F. OPPELT Phone Hoodsport 24J4 or Shelton 448 I I Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX I III EVANS-McPHERSON CONTRACTORS Spray Painting All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory FREE ESTIMATES Phone 9-W Shelton, Wash. 4-44-25 vv vv vvv FOR SALE FOR SALE: slnal'l, slightly used oil heater with piping, two drums and 80 gallons oil All for $60 casll. Call Mason at Union 386- 4-18-25 FOR SALE: Swiss Super-giant Pan- Sy plants, 75c dozen delivered. COOK PLANT FARM, 2 nil. on Cole Road. R.R. 3, Box 265. " 4-1-28 MEMO PAD SPECIAL 2 Lbs. 15¢ JOURNAL OFFICE FOR SALE: large Frigidaire suitable for family or commercial use.-Cash. See it at Union. Mrs, Winne. Phone 341, Union. 4-25 G'IRL'S gOLUMBIA BICYCLE for sale, Fair condition, Phone 352-J before noon. Following April 28 phone after 4 p.m. N4-25--5-7 'OR SALE: Jersey family cow, $85 or trade for harness or saddle. Also 23 x 6:00 tire and rinx. Phillip Hardie. Rt, 3, Box 249, 4-25 'OR SALE: very good pair hickory skits with poles, clamps, straps, etc. $10. Inquire Catto Hardware, 419 Railroad. 4-25 OR SALE: sturdy hi-chair; metal stroller; old wool rug 8, x,10/ with pad. Very reasonable. Ca H 286W. 4-25 FOR SALE: new brown Alligator pumps. Size 7AAAA. Cost $13.00 Sell for $9.50, Also white shirt size 16. Phone 699. 04-25 FOR SALE: used bed, excellent con- dition, six years old. Maple finish. Phone 315 on Friday. •4-25 FOR SALE ON THE GROUND: 16- inch slab wood. part dry. 5 per cord. Call 218-R-3. 4-25--5-9 I DELCO LIGHT PLANT Thursday, FOR SALE CLASSIFIED 20 words charge) 3 weeks Lower rates more insertions. Readcr notices minimum *:barge , Card of Thanks. poetry 50c per display rates on Advertlsements the telephone from scribers. Cash all other orders or within five insertion to save ing. An extra be made sary. PHONE FOR FOR IIIRE: Ford. farm work. an; Old Kamilche. Box 105, Shelton. FOR RENT: pasttu young stock. All tie, Rte. 1, Box RENT: 4-room house with month. Larr 235 (Cole FOR RENT: Several excellent Killmer Electric 208 or 49-1. FOR BETTER of S FOR RENT: North Bay and { ,IIyn, Wash: ins, hot and retrigeration, burner and Apartment Cabins $15 lcy, Manager. READER: Save books for 40c. Club of America, lywood, 28, Calif. FOR BETTER of AUTOMATIC, 6,000 WATTS, 120 VOLTS D. C. $750. J.B. BARTLETT, L A K E W O O D MANOR, ALLYN, WASH. CARD OF We wish to , friends and FOR SALE: 3 Geraniums 85cts. Other ness and floral lants 10 and 15 cts. each. Window Uncle ox vines and plants, Glads and oth- er bulbs, large and small; cactus Cecil shrubbery. Postage paid on orders James of 75e and more. Evergreen Gardens. Route 2• Box 228. Shelton. 4-4-5-30 'OR SALE: Western oblong hot air furnace, wood or coal, complete with blower and air filter. Suitable for large house, Available in approx- imately 30 days. $200. Phone 477-W. C-4-4-tfn 'OR SALE: one black wool suit; GARDEN or one brown check wool suit. Both pre-war material and size I6. In- Work Guaranteed quiro Journal. B4-11tfn FOR SALE: geographical magazines F.E. with maps in good condition. Mrs. Rt. 2, Box 18, Laura Abbott. Route 2. 7-18--5-2 PHONE Between" 5 gh , Hospital Bed Motorola Radio " " Drag Saw NOLAN Daveno rompt Delivery Davenport and Chair HONE 218-R-3 Sinks Lavatory Walter A. O. Charlson I 'Professional ,-Washing Machine 4-4-25 FREE EST I i  52 6ighty-rod spools of 322 S, SECOND ST. Write P.O. Box 1, cattle wire, 12,gauge 2 point gel- " Phone 661 vanized, Also 200 lbs of IA inch galvanized staples. Call 590-W, 4-7-4-25 I I FOR SALE: horses and harness, plow, 5-tooth. Inquire Carl A. Blomgren, Shelton. Quick Shoe/ Repair, 820 South Fh'st St. G4-18--5-2 F'OR STkLE', Westinghouse 2-burner hot plate, large trunk, foot locker, only used twice. Smith, Rout 2. Box 219. 4-18--5-2 B. Franklin ATT( Courthouse,  Phone A. K. Personalized Address: Rt, 3, CRAIG P. ELECTRICAL Eliot Electric Title Phone Wrigh| Charles Virginia G. Angle phone CHARLES ATTO R N EY 119-121 Sou Bell Shelton, ALDEN Title Opposite First Phone 23 Licensed W.A, Phone 180-- said Executrix. NOTICE IS FURTHER IVEN that said final report and petition for dis* tribution will be heard on Saturday, the 18th day of May, 1.946 at the hour of 10 o'clock in the orenoon, at thc court  room in the court house Ill Shelton. Washington. Dated this :13th day of April, I946, (SEAL) CLARE ENGELSEN County Clerk. CHAS, R. LEWIS, Attornsy for said estate. Bell Bd/Iding, 119 St). Fourth St Shelton. Memon County, Wash, " 4-I B:25--5".2-9--4 t. • NOTI{)E to c3pl:css our heartfelt {lanks i'lr the loely flowers, card letters of vlnpathy and tim many kindnesses shown ns dm'ing the loss of our hus- band and father. Mrs, Charles W. Leake, Mrs. Lona LeakeHaig. NOTICE On and after tlis dote I will not bo for debts lXOt contract- ed Raymond Sentt, Rte. 2, SHELTON MACHINE SHOP Phone 384 Machine Work -- Welding Portable Equipment EAST PINE STREET Near City Dock Route 2, Box 56, ShelLon ]111 PAPERHANGING INTERIOR PAINTING KEMTONING Now's the time to plan your Spring Renovating W. Sawyer St. WE Have Several GOOD USED RADIOS FOR SAI:E Consoles - Table Models Portables TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th & Cota PHONE 128 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment, Home free.z- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, portable coolers, Powe meat saws, 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants. Prices right-- quick Ed!vries. MISKELLA RE- FRIG T ON . & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olympm, on the Highway at Mu4 Bay "Y". P.O. Box 612. , 2/7-tfn i wood for sale, any .length. Prompt aelivery. PIKae 216J3. C. R. "Cliff" Borden. S-28-tfn USED CARS 1936 OLDSMOBILE scdau for safe. Phono 21585, B4-18-25 TRADE 5-ton Whito truck, long whcel base: gog.d running condition, seven 1u-ply ures, for 1 or l& ton truck witb dual tlres, sho' wheel Fred Budig, 41,_]? plone 22F21. TIE SLAB FOR SALE in 2-cord loads, Phone 52. G1-S-S0 NEW PRINT JERSEY DRESS size 14. Side drape style, $7.50. Never worn, too small. Cost $10. See at Journal office. A11-Stfn CONVERT YOUR KITCHEN RANGE to oil. See the new Therm silent Air Flow Burner in operation at Sam B. Smith Co., Legion Way "and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 775S. ll-15tfn. FOR SALE: deep and shallow well pumps. Pipe andplumbing supplies. teneral Supply uomlanyo First. and Mill Streets. Phone B50. ll-15tfn FOR SALE: Galvanized hot water tanks at Western S^uply CO., 21I First St., Phone ±. BRIGGS AND STRATTON mr cooled gas engine. Smith and Binger, Le- gion Way and Cherry, Olympia. Phone 7753. 11-15tfn COOK PLANT FARM 2 miles on Cole Road Rural Route 3, Box 265 SHELTON FOR SALE: 1932 C]n'yslcr sedan. Good motor, $250, Gordon Dickin- son. Hoodsport. Pilone Hoodsport 12W3. 4-18--5-2 Accounting Bookkeeping 123 4th St. Office at Ang Is ffohn Shelton, Office 1930 INTERNATIONAL TRUCK 6 speeds, with stock rack, dual tires, just rebored, new drive shaft. Priced right. Phone 17-F-4, Route 1, Box 238, 2 miles from town, Shel- ton Valley. W. M. AVERY 4-255-2-9 FOR SALI: 1983 Chevrolet truck flatbed, long wheel base. Also new all steel cargo body suitable for dump. L. W.. Bouqr, Star Rt. Box 7 Union, none Union 254. 4-11-S WANTED TO BUY Good Used Cars for Cash at OPA Ceiling Prices. S. L. PEARSON Phone 548-W -qL----X--2---d a m-E'-Ek": ceIIent condition. $200. Ehner Meek. Kaydec Apt. No. 1. 4-25--5-9 We have a complete line of VEGETABLE, POT AND BEDDING PLANTS Also Window Box Mixtures ORDER EARLY List on Request VISITORS WELCOME , Mc--i-11-5-16 FOR SALE: White Pekin duck eggs, $1,00 per setting. Inquire Olympia Feed Co. 4-:[8---5-2 FOR SALE: drag saw t magneto type, two blades, in runmng order, with now franle. Fred Fcrrls, Star Rte, 1. Box 111, Shelton. 4-18--5-2 FOR SALE: pro'table utility, cement mixers. Westeru Supply, 218 S. Firsl Shelton. Phone 126. 4-181fn. FOR •SALE:----Choice' gladiolus bulbs, Azaicaznuns, tulips plants. Earl's Gladiolus Garden, 2 miles south of Shelton on Olympia highway. 4-19--5-10 FOR SAL]E: we have in stock wire ropo. ],i inch tO :Jl ineh. Chokers, eauthook8 and pcavies. Felling saws, axes. Olympia Fecd Co. 4-18--5-2 WE HAVE F6R IMMEDIATE DE- LIVERY two No. 75 Unidek Hudson electric brooders and two No. 905 Unidek Hudson electric brooders and two No, 256R Hudson oil hov- ers. Olympia Feed. 4-18--5-2 FOR SALE: 1931 Chcv. $35.00 534 Cascade. $4-25 FOR SALE: mahogany fkxish Fashion Flow be0room set In exdellent con- FOR SALE: 1932 Studebaker sedan, ditlon. Phono 280M evenings. Mrs. $150.00. Iltquire 219 South J,)lln V. Sullivan 1004 East E}lnor Strt after 5 I>. m. book your Ear{/ ning Appointments evening before if ;ible. $11 Garage ........... i ....... IE IER Water" (//i ,the call's fo, .... 'i,:! i ',!,  ...... i AL OCTANE QUALITY GA erever naturM beau W is g the Redwood Highv following the ocea aally find grades,and c b power can be dangero iag:' That's where Ao smooth, 'posMve  s most. When you step on -die Dttal Oc r !ne.__you,re up  and pa e ahcad quickly and saf{ wit/l room to s /,: j- i:(?: ¸ IL: : t|c:: "25/1.94:6: