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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2): z used oil Irunm and cash. Call 4-18-25 kD PICE i&apos;e suitable use. - Cash. me. Phone 4-25 L'CLE for Lone 352-J April 28 N4-25--5-7 • cow, $85 lddle. Also n. Phillip 4-25 ir hickory traps, etc. [ware. 419 4-25 air ; metal '/2 x,10% able• Call 4-25 Alligator $13,00 Sell rt size 16. D4-25 ellent con- .ple finish, '4-25 )UND : 16- • y. 5 per 4-25--5-9 WATTS, L J. B: WOOD IH. Thursday, CLASSIFIED 20 words or charge) 3 weeks Lower rates more inserttona. Reader notices $01 minimum charge ( Card of Thanks, poetry 50c per display rates on Advertisements the telephone scribQrs. Cash all other orders or within five (5) insertion to save ing. An extra be made when sary. PHONE FOR FOR HIRE: farm work Old Box 105, Shclton. FOR RENT: pastul young stock. All tie, Rte. 1, Box FOR RENT: 4-room house with- larg, month. 235 (Cole FOR RENT : excellent Killmer Electric, 208 or 49-iI FOR BETTER of S FOR ItENT: North Bay at Allyn, Bays[de Apts. ishes usual furn ins, hot and c( refrigeration, burner and ent $15 READER: Save books for 40c. Club of America, lywood, 28, Calif. FOR BETTER of CARD OF We wish to i Jl ,i friends and nel 5ets. Other ncss and • Window Uncle Is and oth. dl; cactus Cecil on orders James n Gardens, • 4-4-5-30 ag hot air complete r. Suitable in approx- one 477-W. C-4-4-tfn wool suit; GARDEN or suit. Both ze :16. In- Work Guarante eul B4-11tfn magazines F.E. ltlon. Mrs. Rt. 2, Box 4-18--5-2 PHONE 1 Between" 5 2-hurner oot !ocker: Route 2, 4-18--5-2 cord loads. G1-8-80 RESS size '.50, Never 10. See at All-8tfn IN RANGE erm silent )eration at Way 'and 775S. ll-15tfn. allow well hot water co. air cooled ] NOLAN Waiter '.,Professional FREE Write P.O. Box B. Franklin: Courthouse' t Phone A. K. Personalized Address: Rt. 3, CRAIG P, ELECTRICAl- Eliot Electric Title FARM oad : 265 line of POT NG LY t )ME , saw Woo'd ate 1, Box a Valley)• r. Ic--i-11-0-16 duck eggs. • e Olympria 4-18---2 gneto type. )rder, with Star Rte. 4-18--5-2 it, y' cement , 218 S. 4-18Lfn. Mus bulbs, its. Earl's s south of hwa . 4-f-y-5710 stock wire Chokers, IATE DE- [ek Hudsoa ,o No. 905 : brooders )n oil hey- 4-18--5-2 s-h- Fashi !ellent con- Iings. Mrs. ast Elhlor 4-184.'2 Charles Virginia Angle Building, CHARLES ATTO R N EY 119-121, South Bell Shelton, 4, ALDEN Title Opposite First Phone 23 - Licensed W.A. Phone 180-" Aocountlng Bookkeeping 123 4th St. Office at '$ohn Shelton, Office / Ad Fi P f C li Elk ( f 260S N R d ( Sp Ap ] - , , AnP "" ams'][n ne er ,usta son s ets ew ecor as at o rtsmen s ............... e CI s With Clos Mat h s S 3 ght .', Althou2.h somldly trouneed I)y tcaP.'s :e::ond place finish, and ,c) (Final gtandings) tn II mt of their last 12 games i ,: i:  ":['h '-.z2i l-IoquianT,; powerful track entries, two fom•tl place;; earned by Gene 0iF (', L_31¢:.tll V L despite a league toppinK individ- I the Sholt.00.-, 00-00igh- Wh00t. i,, .,e l.w 00al'- To00n 00oaln ba:0000ib:,ll Acii.'e 50 ",'.4 ',: .l" ,...I, ,. .... °': book your Earl)/ ................ uvA total of (;11 posted by Pro> octoet in tile HoodSl),ort .:e:hc,l, ! ,!1; =:;:;2';;;t  ...... c!hv, L'cr.q to provide, tim two (,ut- ry C,tr(Iinal ill tile shotput, official (}.ebtlt tIE Loop f*Jt-t;I :2(':it. ]',A.:;OI G:liindry ........ d7 37 tinleV; 1"(?.! l?'redson • i' ..... Appointments s:mdi'_G nmr] m a triangular The surml,ury: Sundav when tile (;helton LoR- Simpson Log' . ......... ,14 40 In ,ie lasL nighi?a other two fro' on tie n,ee(ing' provrc, nl :u':; f. .... :.. ,,.o.:. =w lg before if ('i,dc,' se:sion at 13oquiam la:t Pole vault .Lurson (HI. For- gers e; the str(mf;' Centralia A:-,;ociaed Oil 42 42 matches, Rec.d il! tOO!: over :;ole iICtL:(led O[)C':li]:" lODlrl:'[ioi';:" f,.' "----,k''='":r';;'*'':Z22": th e. ............ ,vec.l.: vhcu Harold Ankcr. Shel- sell (I!). Giskc H. Calhoun (H), Ellis in a doub!ehcadei starling at Lumbermcn'; Mere.._ 40 4,t possession of sixth place ew.m new association officers plus sev- ,-- .... _ _ . toll blond btfllet, dasied the een-. tied for first, 9 ft. 6 inches, one o'clock. Reed Mill ....................... 39 45 though losin' to the champion eral reels of colo;'ed 1;aolio:l :filnl.q Shelton Garage tm'y in 10.4 seconds and Gordy lq0-yd, l-1. H.-Bbr'gstrom (H), The LoKgers will no only be Pa.stime ................... 38 .t6 A.etivc. Clull, 2 to l. tnd re,lend of Olynlpic Mountain wild lifc l- .... ' Ad:uns leaped 20 feet. one quarter Lever,on (H). Root (HI, White in,rod,icing ttle 19d6 ball season lg'c, kwith's ................ 37 47 Beckwith's deeisione,J third l31-lce take n by [,:?stel" Di(,Ii:'tson. veter- $l$.yi.of/•.;l, . in(,h ill [he brol}Aljtllnr)., iS). 16. I. to Shelton f'ans; in fin offit.i:.d mar,- Year's High Scores Simpson LoM' by the sam( courlt flu {)ly,.,'pic b;li(tc • :ltt] l't?Sol'tlYli/!'l.l .......... 1 ( l:Ioqlfiam tallied an even 100 100-yd. (lnsl . Anker (S), Hart nor, lint v•,ill :t .'.. ) initiate their Total---Pete Roberts 661. when ]Tire Chief Teedec Deer pro- F't.freshments as usmtl, will t , . .. paints in thc trialquh/rmeet witI, (H). Fenton ,Ill M,,rphy (M). guady new uniforms. Garne--G. A. Gustafson 260. duced :, hip.' 2",3 s,w.oud game und ah'.o be one of the lcatu,'e:.: whic!l EN,t/  )D Slwlton and Montesano trailing 10. I. With two games in wllich to de- T(.an Came--Laundry 1025. Clint Mifflin kicked in with an have made s:peu'smens meeting.' si)ectively... Hoquiam is generally (HI, l.".,rker (M), Hosea (H,. Stewa.rt will be aMc to show Shlq- Team Total .Lnund,'y 2916. Sclmeidcr ;tltl Lee \\;Vesthmd paced]will President'e°lne rcmludedlmee!]ng'l beauty21, o ncocoatreat.t /'' cone.edcd to have one of the state's 5:00.5. toll fans every member of a Los- ]:3eckwith's 2837. the Activiana' victmy. The Ill,c- I melubers. I VOtl most lmtent prep track aggrega- Shot -Seott (ID. Sewell (H), ger squad which is packed at ]east ........... ltl)S: .!!i!i: tions i;his year, Gunt,:u',,, in. ,li[), Cardinal (S), 4:, ft. two deep with power andexper- ttotlv contested nlatches and Mason Ldy. (3) Pastime (0)] .................................................... ] merit fo,' [-/1: [ Anker, in addition to his re- " I ienced 1)layers in every position, one new scorinK mark bid "tdieu to Handicqp 2161Hand,call ¢l:l furniture,wood. L: )'./i-)ii } markable century perfornmnce. ,l.10-yd. rml--Pearson (H), Hay Font members of the squad are the 1945-46 city league bowling W. Woods 568 Allen ,150[ COUPLE MARRIED HERE L  :.,':('!,':,'.gS breezed to victory in the 220 y').rd (It). McMonaglo (H), Ebl Smith Kamilche 1P.ds and one of tllem ia season Priday night an Associated Dunbar 425'Sl:aley 4.t2 Cimrlie E. Ray of SeaLt.le and work . . . toys[  =w, :/ • " (H) 55,6. showir, g ur,';the bcstpiteher on Oil created the bigg.cst noise of D. Woods 409I(oimerman 498 Maude D. Mil!cr °f Pnrt Orchard H'ghg loss;'' '  dash in the fine tithe of 2:1.9 sec- • were married in Lhe Baptist Par- Brilliantcolor! ends. Anker and Adams. with l-[igh jump --- Leverton (H), the roster, the schedule's finale by ousting Smith 541.'K. Fredson 611] s(m:gc April 20. Th( Revcl'ed Pint i their three first t)laees, scored ]5 Hoiloway (M), Krekow (Fi), He is 212-pound ri'hthanded th L.M. from fourth plnce with I. H. Woods ,t,t0 Ferrier 509 ... of Shelton's 2:1 1)oints. Others B'ackrcll (H). 5 ft. 51/.', in. fastballer 'McCtllh)tlgil, who will a whitewash, triurnl)h over the Total 2599) Total 254:] J" O. Beret ))oi'foi'med llle cere- 220-yd. L. H.---Bergstronl (H), probably get the starting call in Merks. Associated (3) L.M. (0) mony. . .... "-- were scored by Buzz Fras6r's see- I. Wincewicz (IvI), Faekrell (H), the first game. Manager Stewart G.A. Gustafson, an employe of Handicap 541Handicap end .................. in the broadjumI), ................ the relay Root (H). 24, said. McCullough Ires been show- the L.M:. himself but anchorman I)aniels 5,21 Stewart 5:11' " SHE'RWlN.ILLIAM$ " Discus ..... Scott (H). Fackrell itlg brillia'ntly in Logg'ev practice for the oilers, was the chief, cog Yoang 456 Giblet' 5221 l|l]l,lll|l]l|H:ll|H.'t]]lHiH]ll]|ll]il'l [t4). Durrin (M). Gunter (H). 119 sessions. ,Villowy lefLhanded ,lack in tlle machinery which pumped Skelsey 539 P• Roberts 5S2 S i -- L U E ft. % in. Colel)robablywillgettheatartil,g Associated up into the first diviso Holt 480Lindenlan .1371 _ . "" t W ' N 220-yd. dash Anker (S), assignment fro' the second game, ion and the L.M. down into the Gustafson 60:1 C avareski ,186 (- : " | |H 1 This Is Buckley (H), Hart (H), Fenton but none of the hurlers are re:dy aecond division. Gus poured out Total 2675! Total 26.'t2 L[ (H). 23.9. for tie iull route ye so rigbt- :, 260 pin second game to estab-- Actlvian '(2) Red Mill () k &TION L , SYwayt,';'givek Water" National 880-yd. run--Young (H), Kal= handers Jess Phillips mid Stan lish a new.individual mark for Handkmp 261 Handicap 111 '-IsHH.  bafl,¢00mwalts and al! wood, las (H), Crass (M), Jim Slnith Armstrong will be seen on the ten fr'unes fro' the season, top- Bisbop ,161 M. Frcdson 51.1  . work fresh, cheer al (H). 2:12.6. mound beforc eiti,ergame is eoln- ping Pete Roberts' 257 which had Schneider 542,Drtnnmond 413 &"  Broad jump--Adams (S), Fra- pleted. Manager Stewart, a ]efty, stood for half the season or more, McCaslin 4221W Snelgrovc 45.1  colors, amazingly  ''' ser (S), Scott (H), Buckley (H). is ready for relief duty, too, if All tl, ree ASsociated victories Price :}9:, Carte,' 442 /= [r \\;washable beauty, 20 ft.  in. needed• were by slim pin margins. 922- Westlund 546 Forbes 541 Relay .... Hoquiam "(Bergstrom, Catching chores will be divided 904, 930-925, and 823r813. Such Total 2625 Total 2475 A|)ril 28 - Ma,y 4  ' O Pearson, Hart. Buckiey), first; among Don Satra, Cliff Kelly and also was the case asMason Laun- Beckwifh (2) Simpson (1) \\; $1 2 Shelton, Hoquiam seconds, Men- George Snyder. The Loggbrs Will dry. aked ,out sec(nd place se, Handicap 1771Handicap ].11 ® ') tesano. 1:38.3. have a potent outfield with Stan eurely' in the standings with a Dodds 530 Ar0nson 528  Quay, .............. and Buck Armstrong, Ken Fred- three-ply verdict over Pastime, Merrick 513' Petersen 517 Remirtds Us To men, Ken Latham and Joe ]3roven the scores being 845-842, 845-834, Deer 50:-JIF Snelgrove 397 = " " ' - :  : -- CIIARLES PRENTICE all packing heavy hitting reputa- and 909-877. rarren Woods and Mifflin 4.19 B. Roberts 511 Remind You r ......... ESTATE tions and strong defensive abil- Bill Smith paced tbe lanndry Bayley 5371.P. Fredson 5,t8 Judge Wright signed an order' [ties. scoring a the sudsmen ran their . Total , 2679 r ' ,Total 2712 That AH Your HERWlN=WKLAM fixing the time for hearing the In the infield. Dannv Cormier ............................ :'  • -.----..L-:.=-=-.._=---- ......... [ g " ' ' ..... ' ............. __. "'"°° MAR-N01 VtI0000]S00 final report and petition for dis- and Ed Brown will split the first " " " I[I7," tributi0n on the Charles Pren- hassock assignmenL Clayt Ferrier 5 Clubs Jousting Chmbers ,>, tice estate, for Saturday, May 25. and Omer Dion the keystone as- , -' ,'" , ' ' ,,, ) signment, Bill Levett and Pete For Commercial T00gers, GoTo "" , Bloomfield the shortstop duties, extremch,¢, 1 cle'ar varnish for And a 00ood War,'en Woods Oho00 B,,'- Loop Pifi Title Chehalis Friday L. CATTO :: • o S,ook o, On H 0 M E ,er the hot corner cllores. ' The two Brown hrothers and (OMMERCIAL LEAGUE PREP BASEBALL HARDWARE furnituo..wood. Cuttyhunk Bloomfield complete the Kamilche , W L V L rl' rq work:,, floors.,, i i / quartet along with McCullough Morgan Lumber . ............... 22 14 Chehalis .................. 1 0 16 7 317 Railroad Pitone 48 Gloss fiaish, . ,J= L 0 A N S and all four are no lqss than 50-50 Lake Cushman ................ "22 14 SHEITON ............ 1 0 6 4 .... . ,, Nylon Leaders choices at their poMtions. Olympic Plywood ............ 20 16 Centralia ................ 0 1 4 6 ................................... :L:==-_-. i' "I ) ' ,,,,°" .................... Grunert's Service ............ 20 16 Olympia ................... 0 1 7 16 ................ : ...................................... . ............. l.lke.... N t Pantorium ........................ 19 17 ....... Quart Bait - Spoons * Convenient Terms Highdimber e local 161 .......................... ].5 21 Chehlia loomed asthe team m Kimbel Motors ................ ]4 22 beat for the northern division , , " ....... Ph, gs - Fashers r easo,,able Rates Men LoseTo Bears Mell Chevrolet___. .................. 12 24 afterS°Uthwestthe BeareatsPreP baseballhad soundiyC"°wn [M V'inning only one doubles match, * With the. tape just six gam0s )hd}la.cked Olympia, 16 to 7, Fri- e'y M  g),o.. and Other F, ishing the Highclimber tennis team distalt, five teams are within day in their conference ]nalA;urtll I " " Supplies Which  NO DELAY dropped its inaugural match of striking distance of the commer- at Chehalis, You'll Find At the 1946 season to the Olympic cial bowling league championship. The St,el,on Highclimbers also By 31ervin Getty, Editor Eears last week. 4 to 1, on ho Lake Cushman Resort. paced by enjoyed a conference opening sue- .- . ,  ..... , _ . Bears' home courts. Skif)per Allic Robinson. yanked it- cezs witlt a.6 to 4. home-diamond Howdy Folks: The moon nlay • S}l/;c' 'our old LUMEERMEN'S Mason County S¥ings The two teams will tangle in self up into a first place tie on victory over Cerltralia last Wed- not int'hmnce the tide bn ]t screens-, .. give ,¢  ,. ¢2 ][9n Association return matche.: here in Shelton a three-ply victory over Olympi5 nedaY but 'tllat first place tic certainly has vn effect on the them ycarsmore ,.jCzql.L]8 ] this Saturday, with the High- Plywood while l he season-10nc will go by the bgardsthtu Friday untied, service, with this climbers ta.king on 1he Aberdeen lcagtm Icnctcrs, Morgm Lunlber. , when the I]ighclinlbers go to Ctlc.- ,, , g - uokinl, , Hardware Department Title Insurance Bid G. Bobcz,&s at Aberdeen this mid- was suffering" a calcimining at halls for a g'lme which will go a ood I- ,, " week in their second competition the hand:i of Kimbel Moto's. , I Iongway, t(ward settling the title. . Cne man bla)d his ram'. non-¢lo:zg, ing " ,,- . . -- - of ,be year. The Highclimber failed to slmw )'iage cn the mon. He said black coa[nl... ! , [[I-[H[[[[":' , ": [r, f :7 :[[ " [!" ,. Shol[o..'s ly'y a ,'.st Thc plywood defeat, alon3 with if it haant of been for the a 2 to 1 ;:et)ack for Gmncrt's mucl: batting strength and were ....................... : " '" the Bears wa.a in the No. 1 doll- Chcvroh Service at the bands of I ot!thit bv Cent,'alia last ;vaeli. bllC moon. her old m:n never I.l;t.3,/.g.(,r,; I bles mo, tch, whine (,ly £,eekwith Pan,or, urn Clc'ne,N,. left :Grutl-. took ad'artagc of Tig(u; fieldtl,g would have ca:ght him. -; };ttl:! Jack Graham scored over ere,: and the plywood t!ed for l lapses to otiscc4'c 'tic' ,:sitoJ, Quart Slelton ffOt a\\;Vay Lo a t,hree-rm .... Bob Dawley and Don Lee, 6-1, third plac.o two games behind the  - ' sffart wh,.n Johunv Ddub, ar O£,,:n- Of cnm'so marrt:ve i:; tho 2-6 6-0. leLct(';s, and Iantorinnt in fifth cNt .the .first l'ran: with a sip, fie, splice of life. " ) , .,t. : Tffer"Bears'"w0n "allr ""other plae.: iil} ,Z,L/:Sd . &mcs . in. [he "" • .... - - • "matches Dawley downing" Gra- rear. so the y.lodng two nig'hts  9f 8,ok', and scored :Is) Pitche 1-][ttrn . -.i ham, 7-5, 6,4. in a pai, of skin'- play finds five team:.; :;p'u'vmff for tossed Mary CartWright's bunt " ,i€ , ,:, -: ,$flRWlNol/IItltIM$ tip:ht':egs;Lecdr°ppedNatWal" th:tiLui°vl'°n°rs' away' Ct!rtwri'l't checkcd b" a" I r W" '''' ' "''" '"a  FLO WAX • Centerfieldcr Unwin bobbl,?d Cnl'l  who w, ent into marriage with " drip, 6-3, 7-5: and Dob Bratton A:le Ihq)pcrman al:d \\;Vari'cn Snndsten'a fly and the Highclimb- ,,' his : eyes cl0sc Her father • .qinglcsdefeatedandBeckwith'copped the6"1' No.6"3' 2indou-tlm Ealq. paced tllc Kinbel triunlpI er catcher counted the tidied/run packcd an awful wallop, ..-.. uad Pantoriun, got st.cady per- of the inning Oh T0,y NeLm'a" I ,: , ,I' '[ ' QUlCKwaxforlhx)r, b!es wllen 'rod Drunnnond and formances all down the lineup to fly to center. i " (gk, woodworkq Just ap. Fred Schillint;. won over 'Waldrip a,.ot.liL for iL,- victory. In tb0, only .Ceuz'alia ,had taken ti-e Some times  nwn takes  '___.,tl! " ply Fie.Wax--no and A1 McBrLde, 6-.4, and 9-7. in a matcli not affecting chanlpioi- lead w:itg a f(:lur-rvn. Sp':eo in tlle , wife ,:"oz" mate snd nhe Uums \\;'. rb!Nopolil!,!Ddcs' pair of hotly contested.matches, ship impea last week,, re,lend M6tl fourth on four hits a walk av.d ut tie 'be a ldpper, " '.,.Wg., to a rich, smnolh, --"---_.. ....... Ci,ewoh:g won ; pau' fr,nn Local a ieldcr':; choice, Nei,on scored Well, nlarrmge is a fine in- .; ]  L?.,/2J.tO It; wear.reds,ant finF'M .. ].61 wiO,. Roy Longacrcs in ":siz- the tying' counter in thc High- st, rut,on. We wouldn't be , ' : ..... .. " zling 'perf.ormancc 7_'he. lineups.:, climber fourth when his single without it. , .::;.... (.r{,nert's {1) Pantorhm, (,) v,as. followe(.l by Gene Wel!,s saf e .  5]nt handicap 372 handicap 399 blast, arid Mary Cartwright drove ':' * * C.Bare 458: E.Lindeman 436 homo the winning rim ill the fifth Just .e.s you'll newn" be with- i J.Stev.enson 4101H.Gruver 4G, With a single which scm'ed Her- out our beverages once you've, i - " ..... t<.Brown 2b J.Howal;d 44 old Wilson. who had sinff;!cd and h'ied them I!.Cole 391!Dummy 417 moved llp on Herb Angle's ,'mc- ,0, ,.,,,co. * J Carlo Total 2.157 To1al,, 2549 A 8uperfhl0'lis but welcorac ,.. " } ' . If[rebel's (3) '" Morgans (0) Shelton itln came over in the i ' lt00ndica00 will,out a 00,it when 00elson 87ub Cig J.Puhn 3681B.Forbei ' 540 tl'plled, w, as bmtedah)ng I)5', Tom ar Stor ' .... l,V.N.Earl 468jT.Salgeant 45t) Kdweil, advanced (m Wells' in- 109 ,% 2nd St. Phone Is 'I,AR D W A R E t:kldEarl 41'/ Mel Morgan 392 fieid roller, and :mored as ¥ilsorl .37o, Ra.ih'ad' Phone.48 Dummy 426 IM..0rgan 423 got a .life mt Secoacibaseman A Koppe;'n 5al B.Mogan. ,  84 Wall's miscue. " -- " - -  Total 25161 Total. 2315 Nelson played a large role in ............. ._ .................................................. Local 161 (1) M011 Chev. (2) Sl}elton's vlqt0rY, € the first game - '=---- I [11 I I ..... -;52-2Y7---.-_ ........ -"'-'/_i ........ 7"".- Fo T the poultry raiser Who l mndicap 339' haridicap • 537" under Coach Chet Dombroskis tu- .  : W an t s' a money-making H.Skclsey 411R.Babcock , 408 torng',, for.. h.addition to pifching "Your Bes Set Is fl0bk of tiigh egg producers L.Friend 4641 A;T0ney 407 the full route he drove ill one run and more profitable birds B.Lunsford 327i !t,olgtcres 524 and sc0red,two himself. He fanned A.Dittman 412 W.Dunda8 34' nie in te sevml inning contest, -' ' 'i. . for . market, select your N.Weatlund 51] P.St0pler 4'1 ................. clicks from us. Bred for 2532 walked only tllree. C O R E T hMth arid vigor, early ,ha-  Total Total 2632  The box score: the call's for FAST, SMOOTH PICKUP... It's turity and bigegg size. Plywood (0) Cushman (8) (Mhtrlia ab r h o a e ( • .. , hand,cap 459 handicap. 210 Wall, 2b ............ 4 0 2 0. 0 1 H.Ahlfikog 397[ A,Robinson 5S. Johnson, ss ...... 4 0 0 2 0. 0 " We Haldle H.Bohn 3861 &Roles ,t72 WontwortlL lf.. 4 1 2 " CENTENNIAL an(l J.Evans a061 Dummy. ,4N.7 u,win cr ........ a 1 1 The May Issue IsNow On the News. . ,tand I(.Roe .5il L.A.Carlson 40S Jefinings, lb .... 3 1 1 5 0 1 : HOLM CHICK FEED P.Funk 42,1 J.Forrest 492] Tomaschek, c ._ 3 1 0 7 0 0 and Features Such Interesting Reading As FOg CT/## X.a. JIL F ed Total 2480= Tot.l.,, .2557, Lunt, 3b ..........  0 0 1 1 0 • ,7= ...... , -r Bullock, rf .... 0 0 0 .-0. 0 : TALOR TRANSIPERRED Hurn,:p ............ 3 0 1.1 3 1 "AMERICA'S KID SISTER"--an ex,ittn£1 pictorial a e ,['Major Homer Taylor, former Totals .............. 30 4 7 18 4 4 document of today's lovable teen-age girl. . Shelton high school vice-principal, Sleltoa " . ab . It o a . ." ' ..... OCTANE QUALITY GASOLINE  CO has been transferred from his Dunbar, 3b ........ 3 1 1 I) 1 0 "WNTED:: A U.S. Department of Welfare." Will mpany Texas Army Air Base to the Fort Car,wright, ss 8 1 1 0 2 1 Ateriea c6ritinue to muddle along or, will it act to Lewis Separgtion Center when his Carlson, 2b ........ 3 0 0 1 2 0 protect the health and hnppiness of its citizens? • return to inactive dity from the Sundsten, c .... 3 1 0 1'2 0 0 .erever natural beauty is greatest... ARoTt¢ is blended and double-tested O'N'iell Bidg; '$hlton Army AAr Forces is scheduled for NelSon)  p ........ 2. 2 1 0 1 e Redwood Highway, in the for top road performance at all speeds un- , I . sometime next ,week. : Kidwell, If ........ :3 0 0 0 0 0 ".MANHUNT ACROSS THE W6RLD"No barriers .............................. stop our Army and Navy in their relentless seal'Cll for ins, following the ocean's shore der all conditiom. Hard starting, uneven Wens. cf ........ 3 o ] I 0 o "'* Wilson. 1W. ....... 3 0 1 7 0 3. the "misin i a77on." "" " mou-'e Ower can be dangerous as well as tion," are all eliminated by perfect volatil-  -m:'. ' Totals ............. 25 6 5 21 6 2 "kVHERE OUH PRKSICENTS LIV E"--A picture story • Neore by nnings of tile Whita House. That's where ARoTAN Gas- ity control. Touring the West---or just , , "'" , Gentralia .................. 000 400 0-- smooth, "positive acceleration driving to work- is more pleasant with  ,,,  Getting the hits .................. 102 400 0---7 Shelton .................... aoo 111 x-6 And,Many Other Thrilling Storics lnost. When you step onthe tfirottle ARoTaNn Gasoline in the tank. --. Ball Game hits .................. 100 220 x.--5 the Dual Octane Quality l - ................. ' ............. rc up'and past the slow AROTANE.COStS you no more than other 1 These Days? Ragtime Doubles Run  Now on Sale at Shelter, s Leading New Stands . ahead qulcMy and safely and back premium gasolinesat Friendly Associatcd 0 May 9 For Bowlers " OUr'lane with room to spare. " Dealers everywhere. ® Spirited competition is now go. MARKHAM VARIETY STORE FIR DRUG STORE ing on in  ragt:ime doubles tour- ECONOMY DRUG STORE SHELTON HOTEL Leave Your Radio at the nament being onducted at the PREPP'S DRUG STORE RALPH'S GROCERY ' " = Shelton Recreation bowling alleys. McCONKEY pHARMACY ,' .I/A. AOg ) in which any two players with 12- LUMBERMEN S MERCANTILE game or over league averages " may compete by tossing a two-bit ...... 00adio &.,00ppt0000nce Service " " • = fee into the t)o and bohng for Distributed Locally with Many O.Iher Leading National and $$'  'crate h. The ragt,m,.0peried last . , ,. . 75, handicap up tO a 400-pin Western I:'ublications and Periodicals by-- LOCATE.D, IN FURNITURE DEPARTMENT qhursday ad wlll close May 9 ....... with the firrt pla('e pair fairing- OLYMPiA NEWS AGENCY Ass)clated DealerYou Want a Credit Card 6o;: of the pot, the second place )alr 'the remaining dO 9;:. --- - ........ II I I I!r. "'" i " - [ ,f(It "19d( SHELTON.MASON COUNTY J()UILNAI, .Page