April 25, 1946 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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l?age 8.
....... , L J ,, ,
40 & 8 Session Due
Tonight At Clubroom
AL the summons of Correspon-
dent teginald Sykes, members of
Voiture No. 135, Forty et Eight,
Mason cotmty's section of the fun
organization of the American Le-
gion, will meet tonight at their
club rooms at the Forty et Eight
club in tll, Shelton heel.
The meeting and dinner session
fol/owa a. refreshnent hour at
6:30 Celoek. Several interesting
innovations in the monthly so, s-
sJon are planned. Members will
be fined if they appear without
proper regalia.
....................................................................................................... q ...........................
K'_J I r " II '----
Opening Soon
erie of the Best Equipped, Most Modern
Auto Painting and Body Shops in South-
west Washington.
Located On Mt. View Phone 420
W. E. (Bill) Ells and Greye R. Ells
"1 II • I II I II
Cleans easier and faster,
hasn't scratched yetl
12-oz.pkg. 10c
^LL aEL $2..8 9
_. - __ - -. _ -_ - - '
• i,
Troop 25 Parents
Night Program
Strongly Attended
Approximatcly 70 parents and
Boy Scouts attended a highly suc-
cessful and interesting Parents'
Night program staged by Troop
25 last week, with parents aver-
aging better than two per Scout
for the 22 members of the troop.
Tenderfoot investiture ceremon-
ies featured the progrmn with
Danny Austin, Jim Bariekman,
Dale Belling, Martin Fowles,
Shirley Hatch, GarLh Grunert,
Dick MeCoffey, Norman Eveleth
and Dick Kieburtz, Jr., receiving
their Tenderfoot pins.
Competitive games between
Scouts and Dads found the Scouts
winning all events except tbe
cracker eating contest, where Dick
Kieburtz, Sr., downed three in 93
seconds to win first prize of an-
other cracker.
A tumbling act by Albert Fisk
and Scoutmaster Ernie Grant pro-
vided much comedy when a
feigned injury to AF resulted in
an "operation" performed by Jim-
my Simmons and Dick Kieburtz,
Jr., behind a semi-transparent
ca'lain accompanied by weird
grunts, groans and screams and
other sound effects affected by
Ginger Deer.
Refreshments of ice cream and
cookies were dished up by Chefs
Chuck Berets, Martin Fowles and
Bob Strobe, cleverly robed for
their roles, The newly organized
Troop 25 Mothers' Club prepared
the "chow" and promoted attend-
ance for the program.
Robert Strobe of Troop 25 re-
ceived his first class badge and
A s s i s t a n t Scoutmaster Dean
Palmer of Troop 25 received merit
badges for Art and Photography
t the monthly Boy Scout court
of honor held at tle courthouse
Monday evening.
Two colored films on wild life
and sports contests provided by
thc Standard Oil Company enter-
rained a large attendance at the
court at which Troon 12 and
Troop 25 were strongly repre-
The next court of honor will be
May 27 with the board of review
May 23.
Mason District Boy Scout "com-
mittee chairmen held their month-
ly get-together with D i s t r i e t
Chairman Carl Quarnstrom and
Council Executive Max Jonson last
Thursday evenmg at the senior
high and heard phms outlined for
tile a,nmml Tunlwater Cmmcil
Camporee May 18 and 19 at Camp
Olympus, summer camp June 30
to July 28, senior scout eamp
June 10 to 15, Wilderness Trip
August 4-10, and the Scout Lead-
ers picnic May 30 at Camp Olym-
Numerous details ()L" routine
business we/:e aired, including Mr.
JenseWs report on the Centralia
Merit Badge show, which he said
was attended by 1500 to 2000 peo-
ple who enjoyed among other
things a (;lever exhibit staged by
Explorer Troop 99 of Shelton, a
financial drive report by District
Finance Chairman Roy Ritner in
which he said the Mason County
drive is not yet complete and
falling short of its goal, and dis-
eussion of a couple of overnight
camp sites offered ShelLon troops
by H. L. Alexander at Arcadia
Point and tile Simpson Logging
Company on Lake Isabella..
Veterans Counselor
To Be Here 2 Days
Due to the many calls for his
services. G. J. Magulre, contact
counselor for the Veterans Ad-i
ministration who hag been coun-
selling war veterans and their de-
pendents on Mondays at the city
hall. ix adding a second day to
his weekly visits to Shelton and
hereafter will be at the ety hall
from 10 "L m. to 4 p. *n. on Fri-
days as wcl[ as Mondays.
Advice and counsel op. all vet-
erans problems as wed as prob-
lems confronting veterans depend-
ents is offered free by the con-
tact counselor.
Chris Curtis Recovers
"From Major Operation
Chris Cur[is who recently un-
derwent a serious surgical opera-
tion at the Shelton General Hos-
pital has returned to his normal
business activities after a period
of convalescence aL his home. He
was confined in tim hospital for
sew:ral weeks.
• • "
For Hire --
by day or contract
• •
215 Harvard Phone 655
Safeway has a wide assortment of
cleaning aids.., soaps, cleaners,
bleaches, brushes and others. You
will be pleased at Safeway's low.
er prices!
Doctors Gather
From 4 Counties
Forty-two medical doctors of
Mason Thurston. Grays Harbor
and Clallam counties gathered in
Shelton Tuesday evening for a'
sectional meeting and to hear ad-'
dresses on professional subjects.
The meeting wax presided over by
Dr. L. A Campbell of Olympia,
who acted in the absence of Dr. B.
N. Collier, president of the Thurs-
ton-Mason County Medical so-
The business session followed a
dinner nerved at Colonial House
and included talks by Lieut. Colo-
nel Wolfe of the Veterans Bureau
of Seattle and Dr. Hale Haven of
Virginia Mason hospital in Seattle.
McConkey Basketcers
Ilonored by Sponsor.
Sponsor Roy McConkey wined
and dined his McConkey Phar-
macy city league basketball team
at Rau's Chicken Dinner Inn last
week in probably the last gasp of
the late basketball season.
All but one member of the team
--Butt Dickinsonattended the
fete and along with .their wives
as guests of their sponsor.
W. L. Jessup Named
To Library Board
To fill a vacancy on the Sial-
ton library board created by the
resignation of Alden C. Bayley
after many 5ears service, :Mayor
Frank Travis this week /ppointed
W. L. Jessup, Journal publisher,
to the place.
FLOOR CLEANER "*"°'°-'"""'"" Qt
wood and linoleum. Wax base. II
DRY CLEANER ,,,,., ,, with 2 gal 1 49
Aunt Sue's French Cleaner m A •
MOP STICKS -,, Each 15c
Spring, plain round wooden mop.sUcks,
xour old mop.stick
SAN! FLUSH 22-0. can 18c
Cleans toilet bowls without sCourlno ll
afe In septic tanksl
VANO CLEANER °'-'00'-""'""' OZ. 290
If you aren't using Vano you're working too hardl
.., oo. ...., .u.,,,. WHITC UAP.IP RI eAiJi . ,,,,, ,,,.,,, =,.,h - ,a,, . fit .Q,,
IflUM(flM ¢ RI lili.PirllA'll' ,0, ol,,ealn, ,,.0,.-..,$, at fiR,
' IJUIllIOUI1 O UL'U UVI=I/ ,nst, (V, gal. 1.49) Itll 1t1 I/
E m
Vegetable juices blended LUXURY Beef Broth (Doz. 79€) 4½-oz.
t safe,o use.., a "co,,- " " COFFEE HEIHZ STRAIH!D .......... 3 for 20c
('1 l trolled aotion" bleach. V.8 Cocktad 46 oz. 30¢
j Makes cleaning easier. Town House, fancy 46-oz. REG. OR DRIP Custsrd (Doz. 79c) 4Va-oz.
ailon 19o " ' * j
G Gra)efrmt Jmce 3 ¢
10 l - ..... HEINZ STRAINED .......... 3 for 20c
lit, c Gar.osido, standard, out Apricot-F.lea (Doz. '90 4Yrn=.
Green Beans v 19-oz. 12¢ LIBBY'S STRAIHED ........ 3 for 20c
Apple-Prunes (Daz. 79e) 4]/2.oz.
'LIBBY'$ STI1AIIt[D ........ 3 for 20¢
All varieties (DOz. 79¢)
G[RBER'$ JUNIOR .......... 3 for 20c
Cueal or Oatmeal
CLAPP INSTAHT .......... 8 oz. 13¢
Recommended by doctorsl
PABLUH CEREAL.:. ....... 8 oz. 19c
He. 9 (tar 5-1bLl expires April 30
C & H CANE 5-lb, 35€. 10-lb. 69€
HighwAy, extra stnd. 2g-oz. can
Sweet Peas ................ 12¢
Enriched, large 1Y2-1b, loaf
Mrs. Wright's Bread 13¢
Luckies, Raleighs, eto. 2 pkgs, 31€
Cigarettes ...... Ctn. $1.55
Grade "AA" Dozen
Lai'ge Fresh Eggs .. 43¢
NO SALES TO DEALERS: Prices for Friday and Saturday, April 26 & 27,
subject to market changes hod stock,
Grade "A." Choice. tender wholc or half
,ou.o 40¢
'LAMB ROAST, Grade "Choice" Sq, Shoulder Cut .. lb. 35¢
*LAMB CHOPS, Grade Choice Rib Chops ................ lb. 43¢
*LAMB STEW, Breast or Neck .................................. lb. 19€
N. Y. Dressed, Grade "A"
.OONO 39€
*FRYERS, N,Y; Dressed, Grade "A" ........................ lb. 43¢
*ROASTERS, .N.Y. Dressed, Grade "A" . ................. lb. 45¢
' 9¢
California All (;reen, Wcll-Trin]med POU N D
*ZUCHINNI SQUASH, Fresh Italian ....................... lb. 15€
*CARROTS, Calif. Clip-top, la,'ge ................................ Ib. 7¢
l''='r' ' S H S 4 i 0 €
Ix]cal, New Croi), /i'rcsb Wirnu Crisp BCHS,
ARTICHOKE$. at their best! .................................. lb. 11]¢
,SUNKIS'T LEMONS, iarge and juicy .................. lb. 12€
' "" " 19€
l IN EAI i I.,E
Fresh Ctlbtlll Gol(:icl Jil')C ]ello,v POUND
*GRAPE.FRUIT, Arizona .Marsh Seedless ........... lb. 6_,¢
.*LETTUCE, Calif. barge solid, crisp ...................... lb. 10€
1 O1 ATOES PEAS ............
Bliss Triumph CaliL Fresh Tendel'
,ASPARAGUS--New Crop Kennewick, U. S. No. 1! Clean,
Fresh, 5talks -- No Wilt or Broken Tips.
.... II ...... " .......
[{El) COD FILLET (Snapper) 36¢
tLed Snapper POUND
*HALIBUT STEAK OR ROAST CUTS .................. lb. 39¢
FreslL Pacifio, Small PINT
,BOLOGNA, Sliced or Piece, A.C. Type 2 ................ lb. 35¢
,LUNCHEON MEATI Spiced, Pork, for baking ...... lb, 53¢
Dr. Collier Called to
Brother's Bedside
Dr, B. N. Collier' left Sunday by
air for Oklahoma City, Oklahoma,
where him brother, Dr. Knox Col-
lier, a practicing physician of Tip-
ton, Oklahoma, is seriously ill. A
telegram,, to Mrs. Collie,', received
after the Shelton surgeon's arrival
in Oklahoma, stated that his
brother was seriously ill, but that
he hoped to be able to return here
this week.
Jap Doetor On Trial
For Sheltonian's Death
Accused of performing an illegal
operation which resulted in the
death of a Beulah LeClair, 18, of
Slelton last Dccember 2. Dr.
James M. Unosawa, 55, Seattle
Japanese doctor, went on trial this
week in Seattle charged with sec-
ond degree murder, manslaughter
and abortion.
Defense attorneys said they
would prove Dr. Unosawa olera-
ted only because it was necessary
in an effort to save the girl's life
md that the operation was not
:Matlock Club met Thursday at
the hall. Hostesses for the day
were Leva Altemus and Marquar-
itc Cook. Nine members and tlwee
children were present. A dcligit-
ful shower was given to Dora
Hearing. Nickle exchange was
taken by Leva Altemus. :Mem-
bers come out next meeting, :May
2 for we want to take some pic-
tures for our club book. Hbstess-
es for next meeting will be Agncs
Nyc and Nellie Rossmaier.
Mr. and :Mrs. Charter Williams
werc callers at the A. N. Palmer
*rome Tuesday evening.
:Mrs. Ruth Hartman and son
Denny of Ta(oma were Tuesday
and Wcdnesday visitors at her
parcnt's home, the W. B. Palm-
ers. Demw remained to spend the
summer here with his grandpar-
N[r. and :Mrs. Elvin Hearing
and Mrs. Anna Rediska were Eas-
ter Sunday dinner guests of :Mr.
and :Mrs. Elmer Barberry of Shel-
Sunday Mrs. W. B. Pahner and
sons Arthur and Gene spent thc
day in Tacoma.
Mr. and :Mrs. Sam Nye had as
dinner guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Valley and children.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Rossmaier and
children spent Sunday at the for-
reef's parents, :Mr. mrd Mrs. L.
lossmaier of Rochester.
Usc tire Journal Classificds--
they really gel results.
Auditor's Annual
ReportPages 10-11
]f you're : figure bug there's
plainly of arithmetic exercise il]l(t
merited gyrllnasl;ics ;vailnblo for
you on lmgc's 10 ill(l 1] o[" today's
Journal, wherein is imblished the
auditor's annual report.
We won't attempt to recite just
what the report covers---4hat's
like scraping the frosting off the
cAke--but if you want to know
what happened financially to Ma-
son county during 19,15 the statis-
tics are all there so hop to it.
Rev. Wangerin Clmrus
Director For Rally
Rev. Walter M. "Wangerin, pas-
tor of the Mt. Olive Lutheran
Church of ShelLon, will direct a
mass chorus which will tnke part
in the Lutheran Houl' Rally Lo be
held in Olympia May 26 at Stev-
ens Field featuring the personal
appearance of Dr. Walter A. Mat-
er, noted speaker of the Interna-
tional Lutheran Hour radio pro-
Dr. Mater is also noted as a
writer, having published extensive
devotional material and particu-
larly the well-lcnown n)atrimon-
ial book entitled "For Better, Not
For Worse."
Begun in 1930 over 32 CBS sta-
tions and resumed in 1935 after
a suspension dne to restrictions
on religious program broadcast-
ing, the Lutheran Hour is now
heard over 756 American stations
and plans are made to broadcast
it in Spain, Italy, Greece, Portu-
gal and Andorra.
Lincoln Open House
Slated Next Thursday
Parents and friends of Lincoln
grade school pupils are invited to
attend an open house next Thurs-
day evemng at 7:30 o'clock in the
Lincoln sclmol building at which
parents may meet their childrens'
teacher's and view exhibits of 'he
work being done in each room.
Some of the exhibits include
model airplanes, bird houses, gar-
den sticks, kites, art work and
daily classroom work. In addi-
tion an entertainment program
has been arranged featuring the
annual ldndergarten maypole
dance, tumbling acts. and other
,songs and dances.
1st Classroom Teacher
Conf.[ Gets Delega;te
:h{rs. Mary Anderson. head
Leacher at the Bordeaux grade
school, will attend th,., first mec.t-
Thursday, April
Toots W00eck®00
' Service
1941 HUDSON Coupe, radio, heat€
1937 HUDSON Sedau, good tr#
1936 CHEVROLET Sedan, ready
Place Your Order Now
For Early Delivery of a
America's Safest Car
First and Mill Street - Phone 5 t
Now Open for Busines00l
inn Of eiassi'ooal teac]lers ever
held in this slate at 'Walla Walla In Our Location on "
next Saturday.
It will bc a. s(,ssion held under
the ausl)ices of the \\;ashington
EducAt*on Ass',, and Mrs. Ander- Mountain View
son will attend as l'cpreseJllIitivc
of the ShelLon l:ducaLion Ass'n.
R I D L E Y' SBody and Company " L'
Fender Works
PICKUPand Due to present centurions our serViC0
DELIVERY will be limited for some time, bt
SERVICE soon as possible we will hand le
WORK GUARANTEED cam lete lne of building materialS.
I Mile South On P --
Olympic Highway " _
Phone 218R-2X l
For he benefit of the many individuals who may not be a
quainted with the unusual modern facilities available in o
" Service Station, we are conducting a Motor and Safety Testi
New Scientific Machine Reveals
All Motor Operations
Thursday and Friday
April 25 - 26
Clinic will be conducted by F. B. Harwood of the
SUN ELECTRIC CORP. Your" motor will be tested
with original Nash factory testing equipment. Dick
I Breading, our service manager will assist, e This
service has been installed to better serve you and
s available to everyone as well as NAsh owners. SUN MASTER
• , . • • , ;0
Obviously many car ownez s will want the test, and m ordeL.
take care of you promptly, we suggest that you telephone t0
an appointment.
This Test Will Reveal the Cause of...
CHard Starting OExcessive Gas OLoss of Pep
eIguition Trouble Consumption and Power
Ingram. Bridges Motor Co.
Nash - Whito Trucks
First and Pine - Phone 621 Shelton, Washington
pril 25, 1946.
2_ "2_,
cultivation of v
munity, for the
and thereby cr(
exist not only
many related li
• :equipment woul
: , containers and
establiihment ,
any present in
as does a pebbl
Added purchas
every professic
munity benefit,
a business of t
The individual
factor in casca
consider himsel
is just:that, for
, as does the owl