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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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,ervice 220 FIRST 00ARS TO E)N Coupe, radio, drive. DN Sedan, good tion. ROLET Sedan, ready Your Order Now Early Delivery of a 46 HUDSON rica's Safest Car MOTOR ED HUDSON DISTRIBUTOR ill Street en for Our Location on retain View il" an Lumbe0000i;i 00mpany :nt centurions our serVi¢ :ed for some time, but ssible we will handle' of building materialS. 57 P.O. BOX 595 SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i i iii I1[ i i Lals who may not be cilities available in otor and Safety i i UN MASTER MOTOR TESTER the test, and in order.° t that you telephone t0 • Loss of Pep and Power Motor Co. leks Shelton, Washington I I I I I I I | i I FIELDS AND FORESTS of Mason County produce a number of plants which are important in the manu- facture of drugs and medicines. The common foxglove is the source of digitalis. Belladonna yields atropine. Menthol and other essences are derivatives of spear- mint and peppermint. The Oregon grape --berberis possess valuable medicinal properties. Most important of all, perhaps, is cascara, the bark of the buckthorn tree, which is gathered and shipped in extensive quan- tities. Some of these plants occur naturally, others require cultivation of varying degrees. But all are important to every citizen of this com- munity, for they form the nucleus of an industry which could expand and grow, and thereby create new opportunities for employment. These opportunities would exist not only within the "herb industry" itself, but in many related lines. Cultivating, gathering and processing equipment would be needed in greater quantities. Shipping containers and forwarding facilities would be required. The establishment of any new industry, or the expansion of any present industry, invariably, reacts on a community as does a pebble dropped in a pool; the effects spread out. Added purchasing power filters through every business, every profession, every home. All members of the com- munity benefit, whether they work for wages or operate a business of their own. The individual who eeks to market foxglove- or be a factor in cascara bark on a commercial scale--may nut consider himself an "industrialist." But the fact is that he is justthat, for he inevitably faces the same basic problems , as does the owner of a factory or a railroad or a shipping "%. line. He must invest money in his venture, either for gathering gear or for storage facilities and shipping equipment. If his venture is extensive enough he must hire others to help him, and thus becomes an employer -- a creator of jobs, of pur- chasing power for others as well as for himself. This money he invests represents his risk  as does the time, the effort and the thought which he devotes to his own venture. As he sells his foxglove, or cas- cara or belladonna, he pays for the equipment he bought. He pays those who. have helped him. And, quite naturally, he hopes to have something "left over" --money which represents his return on his investment and his compensation for the risks taken. Mason County--and all Americawas founded and built on the fundamental principle that any man or woman hould have the right to workshould have the right to start a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a rcsult, no other nation in the whole world cab approach the industrial might of America. In no oher nation has the stmdard of living risen so ' high for the individual willing to work for it. This results from the American Way of Life, and is the pathway to an even greater America. Why change it? That is the basic, fundamental principle of the American way of life. For in America, men and womenall men and womenhave the full freedom of individual initiative. Each individual may choose for himself what shape his life shall take. This is the source of America's great economic strength this principle whi'ch says that any man is privi- leged to risk his time and money and work in an enterprise of his own choosing; which says, further, that hc , h::s the right to enjoy the fruits of his honest effort if his venture succeeds. The sponsors of this series of advertisements devoted to com- munity betterment are citizens of this community. They own homes here. Their children go to school here. They have a deep sense of responsibility to the individual citizens and to changes which will affect the community. They are interested in devel- oping a healthy community following the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come. Because of this ideal -- simple, yet so very, very wise -- America has become the greatest nation on Earth. Men and women are given the incentive, the drive, the ambi- tion, to plan ahead and build  build new industries, new products, new communities. In doing so they create better living for themselves, and for their neighbors as well. With this ideal kept constantly in mind, Mason County -- and all America  can make the future one of still greater promise for every man, woman and child. One of a series of advertisements devoted to community betterment. SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBERMENPS MERCANTILE • ROY KIMBEL ENTERPRISES • GEORGE M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY COMMERCE • AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR LOCAL ONIONS OF SHELTON • SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY • SHELTON CHAMBER OF