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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1/!,7 .! --. rage :10 , SI,LTON-MASON COUNTY J0[rRNAL Thursday, Ap Y, p& rfl 25, 1946: e ' RESOURCES AND LIABILITIES DETAIL OF MISCELLANEOUS RECEIPTS  Ro¢teo . ....... . ........................... (Current Exp.) ...... 11'¢¥ E _DETAIL OF DIS J tliFI/Vli ,vW I iS II IVi tl lliilBie RESOURCES Total AUDITOR'S OFFICE (Cment Expense) Pun(h Board Stamps mid 'l r';;'g:T= ...... ; ........................... 'jrst I)iql,[iet ..... Lyle O'Dell s:::R :::I:II::IIE:IIII t'CoIld Di.trict ............................. ................................... H. R. Dickinson ft. B. Hospitalization lllud .................................. 1,1,)4.o6 Certificates I ............................................................ 38.70 " " " * : -' - il ......................... q'hird Die, trier ........................................................................................ Roy Cart COUNTY OFFICIALS ]t.ldJl.or . ................................................................................ Harry Dcyettc Assessor _ .................................................................... Vincent E. Paul Attorney .................................................................................... B, F, Heuston Clerk ....................................................................................... Clare Engelsen Sheriff .................................................................................. Eug'ene F, Marl,in Superintendenl o17 Schools ............................................. I. W. Goodpaster Trcasltrer . ................................................................................... Oilier L, Dh)ll APPOINTIVE OFFICERS Agent .................................................................................. Clint Okcrstron Engineer - .................................................................... a ......... Arthur L. Ward ITealth Officer . .................................................................... Dr. J. 13. F.ason NCelfare Administrator .......................................................... Mary McBride Nm'se ...................................................................... Florence N. Smith. R, N. SUPERIOR COURT Ju(lgc ......................................................................................... D. F. Wrig'ht ,]udEe - .................................................................................... lohn M. Wilson STATE SENATOR (24th Dist.) Donald' Black ........................................................................... Port Angeles STATE REPRESENTATIVES George N, Adams ........ . ................................................................... Shelton U, S Ford ..................................................................................... : .......... Forks l;'rancis Pearson .................................................................... Port Angeles COUNTY OF THE SIXTH CLASS Population U. S. Census 1910 ................................. 5,156 1920 ................................ 4,919 1930 ......... : ...................... 10,012 1940 ............................... 11.601 Number of Acres Assessed 1945 ..................................................... 359,737,21 Taxable Vahm.thm ................................................................... $6,025,941.00 Pmard of County Commissioners mect in regular session on the first Monday of oath month and ad.jomm to Monday of each week thereafter, STATEMENT OF TAX LEVIED ON 1945" TAX ROLLS Public Health Pooling ............................................ 1,871.69 County Road District No. 1 .................................. 261.53 County Road l)istrict No. 2 .................................. 28.62 County Road District No. 3 .................................. 237.24 Tax l,'orec]osurc ...................................................... 532.26 Total county cash ................ A .......................... Delinquent taxes (county's portion) Real rind Personal .............................................. $ 7,675.07 Total .................................................................. Revolving funds ($100.00 Genl, $200.00 Xaso.) 300.00 Automobiles (official) (3 Sher., 1 Supt.) ........ 3,000.00 Road machinrey and tools .................................... 58,335.63 Quarriesjand implements ...................................... 1,000.00 F'erry .. ...................................................................... 25,000.00 Miscellaneous real estate subject to sale .......... 2,000.01} Fixed Assets Cotlrt House, jail and grounds ........................ $175,000.00 Furniture-and fixtures ...................................... 27,500.00 Social Security building ........................................ 18,000.00 . Walker Park ............................................................ 500.00 Total fixed assets ............................................ TOTAL .................................................... , LIABILITIES Warrants Outstaning Detail Salary Fund, Publte Assistance ............................ $ 2,192.37 Current Expense Fund ........... .t ............................ 6,928.03 County Road Fund ................................................ 8,033.58 T. B. Hospitalization ........................ ...................... 342.01 Public Health Pooling ............................................ 106.18 Total Warrant indebtedness .......................... Net resources ........................ : ................................... TOTAL ...................................................... $127,519.61 $ 7,675.07 $310,635.63 $445,830.31 Total $ 17,602,17 $428,228,14 $445,830.31 Marriagc licenses 152.00 fee only) ...................... 368.00 Auto license, fee ........................................................ 1,222.75 Sundry, affidavit ..................................................... 2.00 Sale of maps ............................................................ " 5.%5 Total earnings .................................................. Automobile Tax .................................. $ 13,647.62 Automobile licenscs .......................... 21,804.13 Automobile title fees ........................ 1,313.50 I-lunting and fishing licenses ............ 618.00 St. Land leases and sales .................. 17,1.87.02 Free Serv. Rend ................................. 1,200.00 CLERK'S OFFICE: (Current Expense) Civil earnings .......................................................... $ Civil miscellaneous ................................................ Notarial certificates ................................................ Marriage rccording . ............................................... Transcripts on appeal ............................................ Probate fees earned ................................................ Probate miscellaneous .......................................... Cminal fees earned .............................................. Naturalization ........................................................ Miscellaneous .......................................................... Clerk's fees, law library ........................................ TREASURER'S OFFICE: (Current Expense) Tax deeds .................................................................. $ Certificates with seal ...................................... .* ..... SHERIFF'S OFFICE: (Current Expense) Fees .......................................................................... $ 187.65 Mileage ..................................................................... 248.65 Miscellaneous ........................................................ 5.45 • Total earnings .................................................. JUSTICE "OF THE PEACEFEES Fines,Current Expense ...................................... $ 509.25 Fines---Shelton General ........................................ 2,448.66 Fines--Statc Game ....................................  ......... 299.25 1,052.00 81.40 2.00 155.00 12.20 507,00 182.65 21.33 12.00 8.80 211.00 162.00 5.50 Value of acreage assessed  . ................................... $2,075,190 Value of improvements ............................ : ............... 557,600 Valuo of city and town lots ..................................... 456,873 V¢}lue of improvements .............................................. 885.930 V&luc of personal property ...................................... 1,774,659 A.,sessed by ,tate Tax Commission .... Value of and electric railroads ............... 149,046 V:,lue of telegraph and telephone companics .. 64,698 Jalu of electric light and power companies .. 33,2,14 Value nf steamboat companies ........................... 3,526 Value of all other ompanies ............................... 24,345 Total value if taxable property ........................ $6,025,111 $6,025,11.1. * $250 added to Valuation since Certificd to Board of Equalization. TAX LEVIED ON 1.945 TAX ROLLS .State-,-General ........................................... 004 $6,025,361.00 $ 24.17 School ............................................. 01.7 102.44 I4igher education ...... University . ................................. : .......... 1,17 7,152.01. College .................................................... 705 d,247.82 Westmm Wash. ColIege of Education ,207 1,247.21 Eastern Wash. College of Education .177 1,066.45 Central Wash. Col/cge'0f ]ducation .128 771.22 Total higher cducation .................... $ 14,484.71 Veterans' Compensation .......................... 065 391.64 Total state tax ................................ 2.490 $15,002.96 County---Current e×pense .................... 6.35(/ $6,025,361.00 $ 38.260.60 School ...................................... 550 3,31,3.87 Soldiers' relief ......................................... ]00 602,57 Tuberculosis llospital ........................... 600 3,615.16 Public Assistance ................................. 2.000 12,050,57 Public Health Po)ling ........................ 400 2,410,15 Total county tax ............................ 10,000 $6,025,361.00 $ 60,252,92 Cities. Road Districts and P,U.D.--- Road Dis(, No. 1 ................................... 3,000 $ 2,944..42 Y.oad Dist. No. 2 .................................. 3,000 4,976,12 RoadDt. No: i, • •  . .................................. 3.000 [,;320,97 .  '/ Cit, y oflhelton  ..........  ....... : ................ 1 5800. 35,994.10 >[Ll) No. I ...................................... 2,000 1,161.47 P,U.I). No. 3 .......................................... 2.o00 1.0,889.03 Forest fire pat' tax ............................. 6,389,12 Total tax ............................................ $ 65,675.23 TAX LEVIED ON 1945 TAX ROLLS SCHOOL DISTRICTS ! District Vailation 2 ............... 86,403 3 ............... 160.4.52 4 ............... 18i,143 8/309 ................. 80.733 ]o ............... 294.920 ll ............... 75,847 ].6 ............... 54,895 16/57 ................ 8,394 ]8 ................ 52,1Y0 2{) ............... 136,206 22 ................ 231.a55 25 .................. 133,87 42 ............... 107,370 43 ................ 67.363 45 ................ 435,134 52 ................ 40,491. 54 ............... 1.38.725 56 ............... 50,187 58 ................. 138,770 304;309.... ............ 38,584 118/304 ................ 29.140 30 .............. 8,1,410 30. .......... .. so,14o 3o6 ................ 61.,397 307/309 ................ 48,145 309 ................ 2,909,992 313 ................. 296,70 $2,075,190 557,600 456,873 885,930 1.,774,659 149.046 64,698 33,244 3,526 24,345 Non Total Total Gerll, SI)C, o),tl ldl, Jt htll ovy 3X 6 ........... 4 10 $ 868.00 G ............ 4 10 1,604.56 4 ........ 2 4 10 1,841.46 10 ................ 10 807.26 6 ............ 4 1,0 2,944.91 6 ............ 4 10 756.45 6 ............ 4 10 548.95 6 ............ 4 10 83,96 6 ............ 4 1.0 521.60 6 ............ 4 lO 1,362.02 6 .... , ..... 4 10 2,31.3.51 6 ............ 4 10 1,334.88 6 ............ 4 10 1,,073,66 6 ............. 4 10 673.63 2 .... 2 2 4 10 4,351.22 6 ............ 4 10 404,88 6 ............ 4 10 1,387,10 6 ............. 4 10 501.91 6 ............ 4 1.0 1,387.72 10 ............... 10 385.92 1.0 ................ 10 291.4.5 6 ............ 4 10 844.95 6 ............ 4 10 801.45 6 ............ 4 10 613.93 10 ............... 10 481.49 10 .... 1.5 ........ 11.5 33,'164.42 10 ................. 10 2,967.35 Total school tax ................................................................................ $ 64,617,74 Total state tax ................................................................................ 1.5,002,96 Total county tax ............................................................................ 60,252.92 Total district tax .............................................................................. 65,675.23 Grand total on rolls ................................................................ $205,548.85 Less local improvements ......................................................... 6,389.12 1 ..... Total general tax on rolls ..... ............................................... $199,159.73 RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS Detail ,Total Treasurer's cash balance Jantmry 1, 1945 ........ $447,318.20 RECEI PTS From taxation .................. : ..................................... $207,992.89 Miscellaneous sources ............................................ 1,143,374.42 Transfers .................................................................. 439,505.28 • Total receipts and cash balance .................. $2,268,190,79 DISBURSEMENTS Warrants issued .............................. : ....................... $864,623.18 Remittances to state .............................................. 23,614.07 Remittances to cities and towns .......................... 39,360.56 3% rebate on taxes ................................................ 5,328.56 Advance taxes ........................................................ 152,65 Fiscal Agency .......................................................... 407,906.84 Non-high remittances ............................................ 1,291.57 Tax contract ............................................................ 1,324.28 Tax foreclosure trust ............................................ 1.34.47 Warrant interest paid ............................................ 199.02 Bonds redeemed ...................................................... 27,900.00 Bond ipterest paid .................................................. 20,438.15 P.U.D. No. 3 Electric Bond 1941 ........................ 25,900.00 Coufity Road Investment ...................................... 40,000.00 Transfers 44,987.94 warrants outstana/ng" J an'Zi:"i'945 $439'5°5"28 439,505.28 Less cancelled since .................... 220.93 44,767.01 Grand total under disbursemcnts ................ Auditor's balance De(.'. 31, 1945 ............................ Warrants outstanding Dec, 31, 1945 .................. Treasurer's cash balance December 31., 1945 .... TREASURER'S CASH ON HAND Shelton Branch, Spattle-First ational Bank .............................. $307,246.85 $ 61.57 I Less taxes collected while rolls were being bal- i aced dposited in bank and'n0t 0egregatcd l' {mtii .1946 .............................................................. I Securitics held h Escrow Agreement between 'MaTson County Trcasurer, National Bank of Commerce, Seattle, and Seattle First National •Bank, guaranteeing deposits with S h e 1 t o n Bra.nch, Seattle First National Bank $ 30.000 City of Anchorage, 3V%, due 1942-51 50.000 State of South Dakota, 3%%, due 6-15-48 70,000 City of Tacoma, 3.1%, due ,1.949-50 90,000 U. S. Treasury, 2V%, due 12-15-53 10.000 State of Washington, 4%, due 1949-50 100,000 U. S. Treasury, 1%, due 12-15-46 150,000 U. S. Treasury, 2%, due 12-15-53 - 1951-1953 Issue $500,000 Totals ................................................................ Cash in vault ............................... : ............................ Securities in safety deposit .................................... Total cash ........................................................ No. 1664 NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL REPORT PETITION FOR DIS- TRIBUTION. AND DISCHARGE ()F ADdINISTRATOR. IN Tt41.; SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. (In Probate) In the Matter of the Estate of HEIMAN EITDORF, Deceased. Notice is hereby .given hat Ernest Reitdorf. Jr., Administrator of the e.tate of Herman Reitdorf, deceased, ha, file, d with the Clerk of the Su- tmrior Court of said County and State i finul report and petition for dis- tribution of said carats' and that Sat- urday the 4th day of' May, 1946, at 10:30 o'ch)ck A. M,, in said Su- perior Court, at Shelton, in aid County, has been duly fixed by our Superior Court for the .set" tlement of the said Final RePort, at which time the Court is asked to settle such report, distribute th.e. prqp- orty to the persons]ed .nereto, and discharge said Admmmtraor. . WITNESS, the Hon. D. F. WRIGHT, audge of the aove, entitles uourt, and tim seal of said Court affixed this 28 day of March, 1946. CLARE ENGLESEN', Clerk of said Superior Court. 4-4-11-18-25-4t $1,942.44:5.64 325,745.15 34,773,36 360,518.1 $307,185.28 471,06 $306.714.22] 14,753.04 39,051..25 $360,518.51 DETAIL OF TRANSFERS Reason for Transfer Transfer from Fund Apportionments  ..................................... State School Apportionments ' o -.-:-.' ...................... County School Apportionments ................................ Non-high School Resolution Co, Corn ............................. Forest Reserve Resolution Co. Corn .............................. Forest Rcserve Re,o]ution (3o. Con[ ...................... Public Assistance Re,ohttion Co. Corn ............................. T.B. Hospital tate Law ............................. Co. School Equalization Re,solution Co. Corn ................ Co. School Trust Fund Resolution No. 1 .... .................... P,U.D, o. I Genl. Resolution No. 11]'. ..................... P.U.D, No. 1 Gcnl, Resolution lqo. 135 ............ P.U.D, 1 LU.D. 1 Const. Resolution No. 1.38 ........ P U.D 3 Ren. and Repl. Resolution No. 137 .................. P U.D. No. 3 Const, Resolution :No. 130 ...................... P.U,D. No 3 EIec. Re:mlution No. 130 .: .................... ' P.U.D. /No, 3 E1ec. Icesolution No. 1:),0 ....................... P.U.D. :No. 3 Elec. Resolution No. 130 ....................... P.U.D. No. 3 Elec. Resolution No. 1.29 ..................... P.U.D. No. "3 Elec. Rcolution No, 1:,15 ....................... P.U.D. No. 3 Elec, Transfer to Fund " Amount,e School General .............................................. $194,208,40 Sctmol General .............................................. 13,946.52 School General ............................................. 6,727.46 " O County R ad .................................................. 28,682.92 County School ............. ................................. 8,000.00 Current Expense .......................................... 334.84 Public Health ................................................ 1,440.87 School Districts General ............................ 13,705.4 County School .............................................. 2,255.65 P.I:LD. No. 1 1935 Bond .............................. 2,400,00 P,U.D. No. 1 1936 Bond .............................. 600.00 P.U.D. No. 1 General ......................... , ........ 2,453.72 P.U.D. No. 3 Revemm .................................. 1,942.16 P.U.D. No. 3 Revenue .................................. 40,608.17 P.U.D. No. 3 1938 Bond .............................. 741.67 P.U,D. No. 3 1.939 Bond .............................. 373.34 P.U,D. No, 3 1940 Bond .............................. 160.30 P.U.D. No. 3 1941 Bond .............................. 4,664,35 P.U.D. No. 3 Construction .......................... 27,908.32 P.U.D. No. 3 Rev ......................................... 3,142.52 Resolution No. 132 ....................... P.U.D. No. 3 Rev. P.U.D. No. 3 1945 Bond .............................. 17,425.59 ResOlution :No, 130 .......................... P.U,D, No. 3 Rev. P.U,D. No, 3 1938 Bond .............................. 3,633.33 ResoluLion No, 130 ........................ P,U,D. No. 3 Rev. P.U.D. No. 3 1939 Bond 1,846.66 Re:oh,tion No. 130 ....................... P/U.D. No. 3 Rev. P,U.D. No. 3 tR.en. & Repl, Inv. P,U.D, No. 3 Inv. 1941 Ser, Elec. ChapLer 187-37 ................................ Roa.d Dist. No. 1 Ch;)pter 187,,,37 Road DL't. No. 2 C',avter ':.::7 I,Z:Z: EITZI,I..I::ZTZII:::::Z:Z Rod l:):,t. o. 3 StvAo Law ......................................... School Dists. Genl, , State, ........ ' ..................... Sctmol )iats. Genl. " > Schaol N('>, 309 ...................... School l.)iSfi, tgldg R,eol'ti(n S(llos ! t!',(t 309 ......... SQ. Dist. Bond Rcd. t'lcaotutisn (2(',, C orang' ........ ])Load [Lepair',(]tlIr. Cor're.ct error ............................. Tax.Foreclou:re Fund e oluLloll No 10 I .U.D. No 3 Genl t_,,::____= ............ : :.. -,:.:====:....:::.= ............................. P.U.D, No, 3 1940 Bond .............................. 801.50 P,U,D, No, 3 1941 Bond .............................. 1.0,000.00 I-.U,D. No. 3 1.945 Bond Inv. Reserve ...... 15,000.00 County Road .................................................. 4,114.14 Coun.ty l.oad ................. ) ................................ 6,164,52 County Road ................................................... 5,020.75 School District General .............................. 1.0,907.46 Noa-Hig'h Attendance .................................. 124.64 SehooI District General .............................. 759.91 School District General .... : ......................... 1,590.63 Count€ Road .................................................. 139.50 Current Expense .......................................... 123.20 P.U.D. No. 3 Rcv ......................................... 7,556.80 Total ....................................... $439,505 28 Fines--State Fisheries .......................................... 160.00 FinesState Highway Safety .............................. \\;1,224.37 FlnesState Parks and Parkways .................... t,224.37 Total fines ................................................ , ....... COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE': Sate of registers and records, fee (Institute) ..$ 1.00 Tempol:ary certificates .................. (Institute) .... 44.00 Total .................................................................. SCHOOLS: (School Dist. Gen.) Tuition from outside pupils, City of Tacoma .... $ 2,500.00 Rent of property ...................................................... 309.00 Sale of property ...................................................... 2,133.12 Sale of bus ................................................................ 2,746.00 Sale of school stte .................................................... 1.00 :Non Hi Apport ....................................................... 1,292.35 Taxes G. H. Co ......................................................... 274.80 Transportation ........................................................ 1,800.00 Indian education (hot lunches) ............................ 1,308,20 Indian Education (alloeation) .............................. 2,400.00 U. S. Reimbursement .................  .......................... 16,649.17 Recreational ............................................................ 1,745.50 Reflmds--Insurance ................................................ 143.66 Wash. Serv. vs. Kelly ........................................ 1.00 Oil barrels ............................................................ 16.00 Book fines. 309 .................................................... 74.31 Duplicate payments and over payment ...s ..... 49.0 Burroughs Contr ................................................. 5.67 Phone Calls .......................................................... 3,56 Gasoline, 54 .......................................................... 15.20 Shop Material, 309 .............................................. 88.12 Deposit - School Bus $341.00, Drag saw $92.00, Tires $80.00 ........................................ 513.00 Dep. on Bid. Sch. Prop ..................................... 30.00 Insurance ............................ Sch. Dist. Bldg.) .... 1,636.83 Trophy fund ........................ (Sch. Dist. BIdg.) .... 51.29 Donation, Simpson Reed &Co. (ath- lcticl .................................. (Sch. Dist. Bldg.) .... 10,000.00 Bid ;or School Property .... (Sch. Dist. Bldg.} .... 30.00 Interest earned on bond redemption fund, Refunds ............................ (Sch. Dist. Bldg.) ..... Appt. received from state ........ (State School) .... Appt. received from state .... (Co. Sch. Equal) .... Appt. Wash. Liquor Board ..(Current Exp.) .... 10% War tax ............................ (Current Exp.) .... Water Dist ..... (P.U.D. 1. L.U.D. Coast. Fd.) .... 1,869.20 194,180.49 13,705.44 15,486.95 10,474.82 12,500.0 Total .................................................................. Sale of county (deeded) property .................................. ( Current Exp. )....$ 908.00 Sale of county property .......... (Current Exp.) .... 4,174.75 Easement over Co. land ........ (Current Exp.) .... 2.50 Sale Timber .............................. (Current Exp.) .... 347.78 Admission tax .......................... (Current Exp.) .... 646.83 Dance permits .......................... (Current Exp.) .... 9.00 Dance licenses ................................ (Cur. Exp.) .... 88.25 Reforest yield tax .................. ICurrent Exp.) .... 13,57 Carnival Permits and Circus License and $ 4,584.20 $ 2,034.38 211.00 $ 1670001 funds B. Dep. $2.90, Tel. $2.06, Rental $50.00. Mat. $45.00 ....... (Co. Road) .... Sale of property, nmchinery $5.00, oil shack $5.00 ................. (Co. Road .... Harstine Ferry & fares .............. I Co. Road) .... Statc Auditor. gas tax ................ (Co. Road) .... Matured Bonds and htt ............. Co. Road) .... Payments on contracts.... (Tax Cont. Fund, .... Equipment rental ........................ (Co. Road) .... '*Equipment rental ............ (Road Dist. No. 1 ) .... Equipment rental ............ Road Dist. No. 2) .... Equipment rental ............ { Road Dist. No. 3 } .... Advance tax .................................... (Adv. Tax) .... C. D. Costs ........................ {Tax Forecl. Fund, .... Foreclosure ........................ { Tax Forecl. Fund) .... Foreclosm'e ...................... (Tax Forecl. Trust) .... State Auditor . ....................... Forest Reserve) .... State Auditor . ........................... (Harbor Imp.) .... Tnterest on delinquen taxes ....... (Cur. Exp.) .... Sale of rhaterial ........................ (Road Dist. 2) .... Sale of equipment ...................... (Road Dist. 2) .... Sate of equipment ...................... ( Road Dist. 3  .... Receipts-- Sale of water . ..... (P.U.D. 1. L.U.D. 1 Red.) .... Sal of power .................... (P.U.D. 3 Elec.) .... Sale of power ................ (P.U.D. 3 Revenue) .... Disconnt on refund of bonds .................. (P.U.D. 3 Elec. Bond'1941) .... Sale of power ...................... (P.U.D. 1 Gen.) .... Int. on 1941. Bonds (P.U.D.3 Fiscal Agency) .... Maturing '41 bonds (P.U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... Premium '41 bonds (P.U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... Refund '45 bonds .... (P.U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... Discount '45 bonds (P.U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... Dep. NY Chem. Bk. (P.U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... Sale of timber . ............................... (Co. School) .... Sale of timber ............ (Sch. Dists. Bond Red.) .... Sale of timber .................... (Sch. Dists. Bldg.) .... Sale of timber ...................... (Sch. Dists. Gem I .... Sale of timber .......................... (Soldiers' el.) ... Sale of timber ........................ (Non High Att.) .... Sale of timber .......................... (P.U.D. 3 Gem) .... Sale of timber ............................ (Road Dist. 2) .... Excise Tax P.U.D. 3 ................ (RoadDist. 1) .... Excise Tax P.U.D. 3 .................. (Road Dist. 2) .... Excise Tax P.U.D 1 .................. (Road Dist..2) .... Excise Tax P.U.D. 3 .................. (Road Dist. 3) ..... Excise Tax P.U.D. 3 ................ (Shelton Gen.) .... Excise Tax P.U.D. 3 .......... (Sch. Dists. Gen.) .... Excise Tax P.U.D. 1 ............ {Sch. Dists. Gen.) .... Refunds, containers .................. (Road Dist. 1) .... Refunds, containers .................. ; Road Dist. 2) .... Refunds, containers .................. (Road Dist 3 ) ...." Refunds-- Adv. Exp. P.U.D. 1 ('44) ..(CurrentExp.) .... Adv. Exp. City of Shelton._.(Current Exp.) .... Clerks Voucher Books ........ (Current Exp.) .... Damage and Claims (Hillier) (Current Exp.) $. 441.75 Election, St. Aud ....... '. ......... Election, Sch. 312 ................ Election, P.U.D. 3 ................ Publ. Estray ........................ Adv. Co. Sale ...................... Cruising Co, Sale ................ Dr. Fees and Co. Clerk ...... Bond (Clerk) ........................ State Examiner .................... $ 5,865.90 $ 45.00 $294,034.48 261.' 15C 7,40 31,99 8,03 8,00 362,60 17,42 3 68. 61; 3 122 61 • 91, 0"i'v°tal .................................. 99, 10 ;-u_. eneral "=;,..t Dists. General .......................... 1,993,ti:!" " ................................... 92,525,12:,'..' ................................................ 654,; on current taxes ................ 60.017,  axes 514.(, gency -- ..." .............................. ......... 2 ,',, 524'9,,0remittances":::):::[:::::::: 3_ ......... v97.8:'ty/¢' Electric Bond, 1941 ...... 225, n? aa Investment ................... l I ..5 80;I -tract I04:5I '°rcl°sure " "tst ................ :::::::::: 719,9S :I " ....................... 36,682.9 I 1 : DETAIL OF BON] OUTSTANDI 55.1 December 27, 1935; i: issue, $6,000.00; payable Decembe sold, State oi 31, 1945, $2,400.00. March 31, 1935; ise issue, $33,000.00 payable October 10 and to whom s 31, 1945, $23 , September 1, 1936; iss of original issue, No. 2; interest rate 5 term of bonds, 20 y Inc.. $5,000.00 ( 31, 1945, $9, 1, 1938; issued b purpose, constr and July 1: terrr Bramhall & Stein; a: $26,000.OO. 1, 1939; issued by purpose, constructior July 1; term o & Stein and ( $30,000.00. 1, 1940; isst purpose, 194 i and Janua sold, Bramhall 829 31, 1945, $9,000.0 1, 1945; is issue, $12,500:00, payable, January yes; to whom sold $200.00; amount of 2 Current Exp. ) .... 3 Current Exp. ) .... Current Exp. ) .... 53 Current Exp, ) .... Current Exp.) .... Current Exp.) .... 15 Current Exp. ) .... Current Exp.) .... 12. Current Exp. ) .... 2 Justice Court, jury fee ...... (Current Exp.) .... Mileage .................................. (Current Exp,) .... Sale of County Property .... (Soldiers' Relief) .... Sale of County Property .... (Non HighAtt.) .... Sale of'County Property ........ (P.U.D. 1 Gem) .... Sale of County Property ........ (P.U.D. 3 Gem):... Sale of County Property .......... (Road Dist. 1) .... Sale of County Property .......... (Road Dist. 2) .... Sale of County Propertyi.. ....... (Road Dist. 3) .... Sale of County Property ........ (Shelton Gem) .... 1' Sale of County Property ..(Sch. Dists. Bldg.  .... 36 Sale of County Property (Sch. Dist. Bd. Red. ) .... Sale of County Property .............. (Co. School) .... 199. Refor. Yield Tax ...................... (Soldiers' Re1.) .... Refor. Yield Tax .................... (Non High Att.) .... Refor. Yield Tax ...................... (P.U.D. 3 Gem) .... Rfor. Yield Tax ........................ (Road Dist. 2) .... 3. Refor. Yield Tax ...... : ................. (Road Dist. 3) .... Refor. Yield Tax ............ (School Dists. Gen.) .... Refor. Yield Tax ............................ (Co. School) .... Care of Patients ............................ (T.B. Hosp.) .... State Auditor ............................ (Public Asst.) .... Rental (Red Cross) .................. (Public Asst.) .... Refund, Adv. Exp. $30.00, Dental $4.00 .......................... (Public Asst.) .... 34,' Sale of Coal ................................ (Public Asst.)...: 40: Sale of Wood .............................. (Public Asst.).... 1, 1945; issued b of original issue, $ %, 2%, 2%%; inter t, 23 years; option, : bonds outstafiding " AUDITOR'S MAR] FUND AO 1. 1945 ........... sting year ............... 1,024.81 .................... 6,079.64 .................... ......................................................................................  ............. 36,682.92 71,559.23 .08 ........................................ 5,328.56 .................... "23,946.09 ................................................................................ 334.84 2,358.65 .................................................................................................... 3,446.91 ............................................................ " .................... - 1,440.87 OPERATION OF CASH ACCOUNTS ' DISBURSEMENTS Ca,h s=,=.=. R EC E I PTS warr&nt Rond. Bond FUNDS Jan, 1R46 Taxes Mls©ellaneous Transfers Tote! (:)dits Redeemed Interest Redeeme Interest State General .................... $ .26 $ 28.18 ........................................ $ 28.44 ................................................................................ $ State School ...................... 21.90 110.00 194,180.49 .................... 194,312.39 ................................................................................ state .niversity .............. ,1010 7,138.45 ........................................ 7,178.55 ................................................................................ State College ..................... 2384 4,243.68 ........................................ 4,267.52 ................................................................................ Bellingham Normal ........ 7.07  1,247.69 ........................................ 1,254.76 ............................................................ • .................... Cheney Normal ................ 5.98 1,065.13 ........................................ 1,071.11 ................................................................................ Ellensburg Normal .......... 4:.36 770.55 ........................................ 774.91 ................................................................................ State Game ........................ 30.00 .................. " 299.25 .................... 329.25 ................................................................................ State Fisheries .......................................................... 160.00 .................... 160.00 .............................................................  .................. Veterans' Compensation .... 2.33 . 391.82 ........................................ 394.15 ................................................................................ State Highway Safety .... 29.37 .................... 1,224.37 .................... 1,253.74 ................................................................................ State Parks & Parkways 29.37 .................... 1,224.37 ..................... 1,253.74 ................................................................................ 56.47 6,069.72 ........................................ 6,126.19 ............................................................................... Forest Fire Patrol ............. Forest Re.erve ......................  .................... 36,82.92 .................... 36,682.92 Current Expense .............. 19,808.91 39,643.35 47,615.01 458,04 107,525.31 Public Assistance ............ 1,747.77 11,551.81 12,854.75 .................... 26,154.33 Public Health Pooling .... 422.97 2,366.50 .................... 1,440.87 4,230.34 T.B. Hospitalization ........ 1,992.65 3,549.69 500.00 .................... 6,042.34 clerk'--- of county ............... | of other counties December 31, 1945 OPERATI( ................................ 1 Const. Fd... General .................... BUilding .................. ........................................... $ ! ::", , GENER Grand total miscellaneous receipts ........... l,llg":l,c:°Dist ' 309 ............ $ ;! ¢i, l:-5"Sch. Dist. 45 .............. 1 Rev. Bond Bemm .... _ .., .'; N^ _ '.U.D 1 (Spec ,,T ........ T,o.,,.. 0000000022und>" ............... : ........ 28,36 .................... $ 30I'!:;lt)39.2'U,D. 3 (1938) ........ 7,153.29 .................... ( 4,252.52 .................... ,,f_ . 3 (Electric) 1,250.35 .................... 1, ° ' UD ...... 1,:,., . . I L.U.D. 1 Red.) .. 1,067.34 .................... '.l.i 9'U'D. 3 (Elec. Rev. 772.18 ..................... , 318.00 31 " .............. 147.50 .................... 392.77 .................... 39 ::l 1,024.81 .................... 1,0 1,o ,:I BU 6,07')J )t- • ORIGINAL I[ 36,68 l,l atnen t - -s7,- 76,88 LI ;:lt ..... w,o, 24,28) j nt .............. $ 2,310.00 , ,: ..................... 7,200.00 2,351!:{ t, d.. of Eql... 55.00 4's00,.l .................... 8,58o.oo 41,277.28 37,784.07 ................................................................................ 3,000.00 3,864.49 ' 1,200.00 1,151.06 ........................................ County School .................. 361.08 3,579,83 239.11 10,255.65 14,435.67 .................................................................................................... 13,946.52 County School Equal ............................................... 13,705.44 .................... 13,?05.44 13,705.44 County School Trust Fd. 2,255.65 ............................................................ 2,255.65 ................................................................................................... " 2,255,65 Soldiers' Relief ........... >...- 1,283.11 599.95 38.41 .................... 1,921.47 130.84 .................................................................................................... County Road .................... 89,181.23 62.18 134,976.39 44,121.83 268.341.63 180,617.55 .................................................................................................... County Road Investment 40,000.00 ............................................................ 40,000.00 ................................................................................ 40,000.00 .................... Non High Attendance .... 824.68 10,664.50 1,349.20 124.64 12,963.02 ..................................... , .......................................... 1,291.57 6,727.46 P.U.D. No. 1 General ...... 5,541.83 1,220.34 32,061.39 2,453.72 P.U.D. No. 1 Re. Bond .... 1,464.49 ........................................ 2,400.00 " 1 Spc. Cons. Bd. No. 2 1,499.33 ........................................ 600.00 2,099.33 ........................................................... 475.00 ........................................ " 1 L..D. 1 Coast. Fd ......................................... 12,500.00 .................... 12,500.00 1,083.15 ................................................................................ 2,453.72 " L.U.D, 1 Redemp ............ : ................................ 261.74 .................... 261.74 ........................................................................................................................ P.U.D. No, 3 General ...... 31,476.15 10,686.85 699.75 .................... 42,862.75 .................................................................................................... 7.556.80 " 3 Ren. & Repl ............. 1,942.16 ............................................................ " 3 Bond Int. & Red. '40 2,560.20 ...................................... :. 961.80 1,942.18 .................................................................................................... 1,942.16 3,522.00 ............................................................ 360.00 ........................................ 6,600.00 ........................................ 3,0000.00 1,450.00 ........................................ 3,340.00 ........................................ 1,000.00 1,240.00 ........................................ 40,608.17 " 40,608.17 56,747.57 19,757.07 ............................................................ 36,990.50 202,204.30 107,604.62 ............................................................  ................... 23,707.08 17,425.59 ........................................ 10,000.00 7,425.59 ........................................ " 3 Bond Int. & Red. '38 2,225.00 ........................................ 4,375.00 " 3 Bond Int. & Red. '39 1,120.00 ........................................ 2,220.00 P.U.D, 3 Construction .... 12,699.85 ........................................ 27,908.32 P,U.D. No. 3 Electric ...... 41,299.70 .................... 14,172.56 1,275,31 P.U.D, No. 3 Revenue .............................................. 150,229.96 51,974.34 " 3 Elec. Rv. Ref, B. '45 ................... , ...... ., ................................ 17,425.59 ' 3 Elc. Rv. Rf, Bd. Inv ............................................................ 25,000,00 25,000.00 3 Ren, & Repl. & Inv. 10,000.00 ............................................................ 10,000.00 " 3 Inv. '41 Elec Bond .. 15,000.00 ............................................................ 15,000.00 Fiscal Agency .......................................................... 421,958.09 .................... 421,958.09 Harbor Improvement ...... Institute ............................ Tax Contract Fund .......... 1,036.74 .................... Advance Tax .................... 152.65 .................... Road Dist. No. 1 ................ 154.53 3,046.25 Road Dist No. 2 ................ 55.23 4,963.20 Road Dist. No. 3 ................ 25.10 3,426.66 13,9- 1" .............. 3,ooo.oo 2,2iIline '. ........... 2,776.oo :l.3U2;t  a. rs .......... 2,000.00 180,617:11 ,tuilding .... " ................ t. ,,. o Librar °,2^4,(}- I'Je.tiou : .......... CouCh/i:::: ::::::: ........... ':¢,oilding ........................ Oo !,'} "llll--" - " .................. ," 0 I" ¢) mstratton 2,650.00 ...... .......................... 1,a:tlag Atton, ey 1,725.00 ,.:: 1 ." ................... 9,510.00 445' ":j ............ ::.. 3,750.00 2'24 ,: ). ucation 90 00 40,000: *i00s Eqp: ............. : ..... 56,74' 131,31 tie; ................... 7,800.00 17,42 .;editu:=;.....'.. 10.00 "' mit .......................... .... i8:8000'! w c' ;er .......... 6oo.oo. 15,00, I 2i'ns .............................. 407,90o' I Taxes .......................... . .............. $ 52,056.00 ...... 4,114' 6,164' 5,020' 39 009' .................................................................................................... 10,000.00 .................................................................................................... 15,000.00 407,906.84 2,726.22 ................... 511.31 .................... 3,237.53 2,149,03 ................................................................................ 274.66 .................... • 45.00 .................... 319.66 225.5" .................... 378.19 ................................................................................ 152.65 .................... 1,17.89 .................... 4,375,67 ................ : ........................................... ' ........................................ 4,114.14 1,174.71 6,193.14 .................................................................................................... 6,164,52 1,806.23 5,257.99 .................................................................................................... 5,020.75 3,oo5.69 .................... 39,5o7.95 ................................................................................ 39,oo9.o8 .................... 1,179.00 ........................................................................................................................ . ........ g' 727.79 120.00 .................................................................................................... i)' ........... "'"'i 272.31 1,178.28 724.49 734.09 ............................................................ 734.09 ........................................................................................................... . ......... .776.44 ............................................................ 776.44 ....................................................................................................................... "976.11 ............................................................ 976.11 ........................................................................................................................ 134.531.60 48,814,89 35,210,37 241,845,82 460,402.68 407,791.91 198,94 ........................................ 351.48 11 032.10 15,574.15 1,329,52 14,015.88 .................... 30,919.55 16,212.71 ................................................................................ 759.91 1 485.34 5,1.87.08 166.17 .................... 6,838.59 ........................................ 4,700.00 304.00 ..............  .... 1,590.63 211.00 55.00 .................................................................................................... 139,50 .................................................................................................... " 139.50 655.46 .................................................................................................... 123.20 1,701.62 ................................................................................ 134,47 .................... 158.79 ........................................................................................................................ 41,32.50 ........................................ 8,000.00 8,032.50 25,900.00 .................... 419,3 g Firo Protoction Shelton General .............. 36,229.95 Port of Grapeview Gen .... 72 ....................................... Port of Allyn General 3.30 ........................................ Port of Allyn Bond ........ Port of Dewatto General Port of Dewatto Bond .... School Districts General.. School Districts Building School Dists, Bond Red... Law Library ................. , .......................................... 211.00 .................... Road Repair Guarantee .. 139.50 ............................................................ Tax Foreclosure FUnd .... 535.41 .................... 120.05 .................... Tax Foreclosure Trust .... 981.70 .................... 719.92 .................... Fire Protection Dist. 1 .. 157.69 1.10 ........................................ P.U.D. 3 EIec. Bond '41 .. 29,868.15 .................... 7,400.00 4,664.35 Total .......................... $447,318.20 $207,992,89 1143,374.42 $439,505.28 2268,190,79 $874,616.83 $ 199.02 $ 27,900.00 $ 20,438.15 $545,013.00 $439,505.28 _z. ¸ ....