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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4&apos; Thursday, I ...... "7 ...................... ........... ( Current Exp. ) .... 111', ........... ( Current Exp. ) .... ad ............ (Current Exp.) ..... ............ (Current Exp. ) .... ........ ( Current Exp.) .... ........ (Current Exp.) .... 749. , ........ { Current Exp.) .... ............ (Current Exp. ) .... ,ns, Re- ['el. 82.06, ,15.00 ........ (Co. Road) .... ;hinery .................. (Co. Road) .... es .............. (Co. Road) .... 1,993. ( ................ (Co. Road) .... 92,525. ]1t ............. (Co. Road) .... ts.... (Tax Cont. Fund ) .... ...... ............. ( Co. Road ) .... ...... (Road Dist. No. 1 ) .... ...... ( Road Dist. No. 2) .... 524. ....... ( Road Dist. No. 3) .... ................ :..(Adv. Tax) .... .... ( Tax Forecl. Fund ) .... .... (Tax Forecl. Fund) .... 104. .... (Tax Forecl. Trust) .... ........ ( Forest Reserve) .... ............. (Harbor Imp. ) .... axes ........ ( Cur. Exp. ) .... .............. (Road Dist. 2) .... .............. (Road Dist. 2) .... .............. ( Road Dist. 3 ) .... ,:[,: !i>)(t/, < 25, 1946. OF DISBURSEMENTS ,NC.E Detail $ 28.36 to state) 102.50 318.00 .................................................... 14,495.68 COmpensation ........................................ 392.77 .............................................. 1,024.81 fund .............................................. 1,024.81 .................................................................. 147.50 Protection ............................................ 6,079,64 REMITTANCES ...................................................... $ 39,009.08 General ............................................ 351.48 on current taxes .................................. $ 5,328.56 .......................................................... 152.65 407,906.84 1,291.57 Bond, 1941 ........................ 25,900.00 ...................................... 40,000.00 ............................................................ 1,324.28 trust ........................ ; ................ :.. 134.47 Total $ 23,614.07 $ 39,360.56 $545,013.00 511, DETAIL OF BOND ISSUES AND 1,823. OUTSTANDING BONDS ).U.D. 1 L.U.D. 1 Red.) .... 261 ........... (P.U.D. 3 Bloc.)...: .... (P.U.D. 3 Revenue) .... 150 f '.D. 3 Elec. Bond'1941) .... ........... (P.U.D. 1 Cen.) .... 31,99: .U.D.3 Fiscal Agency) .... 8,03'. U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... U.D. 3 Fiscal Agency) .... 17,42 ................. (Co. School) .... 3 ch. Dists. Bond Red.) .... ...... (Sch. Dists. Bldg.) .... 61J ........ ( Sch. Dists. Gen. ) .... ............ (Soldiers' Rel. ) .... .......... (Non High Att. ) .... ........... (P.U.D. 3 Gen.) .... 6: ............. (Road Dist. 2) .... • 9: ..... .'. ....... (Road Dist. 1) .... 5: .............. (Road Dist. 2" .... ............. ( Road Dist..2 ) .... .............. (Road Dist. 3} .... ............. ( Shelton Gen. ) .... ....... iSch. Dists. Gem) .... ........ (Sch. Dists. Gen.) .... .............. (Road Dist. 1) .... ............. ( Road Dist. 2) .... ............... (Road Dist 3)....' f'44) ..(Current Exp.) .... 1 alton.... (Current Exp. ) .... s ........ (Current Exp.) .... 2 Hillier) (urrent Exp.) ..: ......... (Current Exp. ) .... ............ (Current Exp. ) .... ............ (Current Exp. ) .... 532 ............ (Current Exp, ) .... 16 ............ ( Current Exp.) .... ............ (Current Exp.) .... rk ...... ( Current Exp. ) .... ............ (Current Exp.) .... 12: ............ (Current Exp.) .... 5: ee ...... (Current Exp. ) .... ............ (Current Exp,) .... y .... (Soldiers' Relief) .... ty .... (Non High Att.) ...r y ........ (P.U.D. 1 Gen.) .... y ........ (P.U.D. 3 Gen.) .... y .......... (Road Dist. 1) .... y .......... (Road Dist. 2) .... 3 7: .:- ....... (Road Dist. 3) .... ,y ........ ( Shelton Gem} .... lq y .. (Sch. Dists. Bldg. } .... 36' r (Sch. Dist. Bd. Red.) .... .............. (Co. School) .... ........... (Soldiers' Rel.) .... .......... (Non High Att. ) .... ............ (P.U.D. 3 Gem) .... .............. (Road Dist. 2) .... .............. (Road Dist. 3) .... .... (School Dists. Gem ) .... ................. ICe. School) .... ................. (T.B. Hosp.) .... .............. (Public Asst.) .... 12, .............. (Public Asst.) .... l )0, .............. (Public Asst. ) .... 34: .............. ( Public Asst. ) ...: 40"q .............. (Public Asst.) .... mneous receipts Remittance By Troasurer Transfers TotA! 28,36 .................... $ 102.50 194,208.40 194,; 7,153.29 .................... 4,252.52 .................... 1,250.35 .................... 1,067.34 .................... 1, 772.18 .................... 318.00 .................... 3: 147.50 .................... 392.77 .................... 3 1,024.81 .................... 1,024.81 .................... 6,079.64 .................... ......  ............. 36,682.92 5,328.56 .................... 334.84 24 21 ........................................ 2,31 I.440.87 .................... 13,946.52 .................... 13,705.44 2,255.65 2,: 40,000.00 .................... 1,291.57 6,727.46 3,000.00 2,)53.72 7.556.80 1,942.16 2,2' . ................... 40,608.17 .................... 36,999.50 ................... 23,707.08 131, .................... 10,000.00 .................... 15,000.00 407,906.84 .................... 407 1,324.28 .................... 1, 152.65 .................... 4 1/4.14 4,1 6,164.52 6,1 5,020.75 39,009.08 .................... ................................................. 351.48 11,032.10 419,3 759.91 1,O90.63 123.20 134,47 .................... 25,900.00 .................... $5--,013.00 $439,505.28 PUBLIC ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Detail Public Assistance 2m ............................................ $ 12,050.57 Received frora State .............................................. 12,667.77 Total .................................................................... Expenditures .......................................................... Balance ............................................................ Public Health 004m ................................................ $ 2,409.14 Plus Transfers from T. B ........ : ............................. 1,440.87 Total .................................................................. Expenditures ............................................................ Balance ............... : .............................................. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL , , ,,  i ,,i ,m ,i i .l *' i it l , i m i i i i roll , , LEGAL PUBLICATIONS .1830, E., a distance of 1174.01 feet 1 equals Station 733+58.48 A h e ad: 4 to Engineers' Survey Station 48+32,2, ] thence on a 1910.08 foot radius curve Total a point on the north line of said to the left (the long chord of which .vv.-,r.v..-.vv.vvv.vv.vv. Sec. 20, said point being S, 89"36'80" beat's N. 66°30'30" E., 1561.92 feet) ORI) Eli ])I)IHBITI NGIUNNING E., a distance of 218.7 feet from the[ a distance of 1608.89 feet; thence N. h'r LAR(;E OF LIVI,',STOCK quarter section corner on the north ] 42°22'30 '' E. a distance of 420.43 THIS MATTEI?. COMING on to be line of said Sec, 20. (Exhibit A), feet to Engineers' Survey Station $ 24,7/8.34 beard on this 25th dsy of Marcll, 1946, Parcel 2t, Owner: Thomas Chapman, 758+87.8, a point on the north line o $ 24,538.55 .t tile hour of 2:30 €€clock p.m. at That poortlon of the SE¼ of Sec. 17, said Sec, 10 said point being N. 1t8" the office of the Conunissioners In the Twp..0 N., R. 3 W., W, M., Mason 03' W. a distance of 639.9 feet from Court House at Shelton, Mason Coun- County, Washington, described as be- tlle northeast corner of said Sec. $ 179.79 ty, Washington, upon the petition of ginning at the. quarter section cur- I0. (Exhibit A). Parcel 63-C. Owner: l'oward Qumlby, et al, for an order ner on the south line of said See, Mason County c/s Eugene P. "Wat- prohibiting livestock to run at large 17, running thence north 57.42 feet' son. That pol:Uon of the NW/t. of tile in a certain area; thence N. 42"58 ' E, 1509.44 feet NEA of Sec. 30, Twp. 22 N,. R. 1 AND IT APPEARING to the I]oard thence N. 3a<'45' E., 276.25 feet to W,, W, M., Mastm County. Washing- of County Connaissioners that notieo the Initial point of a tract of land ton which lies witidn a strip of land $ 3,850.01 of the hearing im this petition hits described as follows: From said ini- 100 feet in width, tile boundaries of $ 2,260.00 been given for tile time and in the tial point N. 35"45' E,, 260.33 feet; said strip of land lying 50 feet dls- -,5.i manner required by law, and the said tlmnee S. 51" E.; 419.98 feet; thence talit from, on either side i,f, and par- Board having examined tile petition, along Connty Road S. 39 ° W,, 240 allel to the center line of said strip $ and said bearing having been held feet; thence N, 53°45 ' W., 405 feet to of hmd, from the west line of said and the ]oard being fully advised in December 27, 1935; issued by School District No. 45; issue, $6,000.00; purpose, school building; interest payable December 16; termof bonds, 20 years; sold, State of Washington; amounts of bonds 31, 1945, $2,400.00. March 31, 1935; issued by I P.U.D. No. 1 Revenue; issue, $33,000.00; purpose, utility; interest rate, Payable October 10 and April 10; term of bonds,. 10, 20 to whom sold, The Public; amount of bonds 31, 1945, $23,240.00. r 1, 1936; issued by P.U.D. No. 1, Special Con- of original issue, $17,500.00; purpose, special con- o. 2 interest rate 5%; interest payable September 1 term of bonds, 20 years; option, no; to whom sold, Inc., $5,000.00 Graybar Elec.; amount of bonds 31, 1945, $9,500.00. 1, 1938; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of orig- purpose, construction; interest rate 5; interest and July 1: term of bonds, 15 years; option, no; Bramhall & Stein; amount of bonds outstanding De- $26,000.00. 1, 1939; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of original purpose, construction; interest rate, 4%; interest pay- and July 1; term of bonds, 20 years; option, no; to & Stein and Conrad BruCe & Co.; amount of $30,000.00. 1, 1940; issued by P.U.D. No. 3; amount of purpose, 1940 construction; interest rate, 4%; 1 and January 1; term of bonds, 15 years; sold, Bramhall & Stein; amount of bonds out- 31, 1945, $9,000.00. 1, 1945; sued by P.U.D. No. 1, L.U.D. No. 1; issue, $12,50000,; purpose, construction; interest payable, January 1 and July 1; term of bonds, 10 yes; to whom sold, McKay $10,300.00, Anderson $200.00; amount of bonds outstanding December 31, 1, 1945; issued by P.U.D. No. 3 Electric Revenue of original issue, $370,000.00; purpose, construction; 2%, 2£%; interest payable, January 1 and July , 23 years; option, yes; to whom sold, John Nuveen bonds outstfiding December 31, 1945, $360,000.00. AUDITOR'S MARRIAGE TRUST FUND ACCOUNT 1, 1945 .................................................... $ g year ........................................................ T.B. Hospital 006m, 3615.21 Cash on hand $1,440.87 ...................................................... $ 5,056.08 Minus Transfer to P. H ............................. : ........... 1,440.87 Plus Refund ............................................................ 500.00 Total .................................................................. Expenditures .......................................................... Balance .................................................. : ......... COUNTY ROAD FUND Overhead and Operations ...................................... $ 26,261.72 Maintenance .......................................................... 77,702.91 Construction ...................................................... .... 69,578.63 Total .................................................................. $ 4,115.21 $ 3,237.14 $ 878.07 .$173,543,26 tent .............. $ of Eql... AUDITOR'S OFFICE  MASON COUNTY SHELTON, WASHINGTON April 6, 1946 I, HARRY DEYETTE, Auditor of Mason County, Washington, do hereby certify the foregoing report to be correct. (SEAL) Compiled by MERNA MIFFLIN, Deputy Auditor No. 1805. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of GUY HATHAWAY. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned Philip E1wood Hath- away, has been appointed and has qualified as Executor of the Estate of Guy Hathaway deceased and that all persons havin claims' against the said estate are hereby required to serve the same ' duly verified upon the said Executor or upon her duly ap- pointed agent <or attorney named be- low at his office in suite 5 Govey Bldg., Slmlton, Washington the same having been designated as' the place for the transaction of the business of the said estate, and file the same with the Clerk of above entitled court to o gether with proof of such service within six months after tile date of first publication of this notice, to wit, April 4th, 1946, or said claims will be forever barred. PHILIP ELWOOD HATHAWAY, Executor of said Estate. 3015 5th St, Everett, Wash. 5. W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Executor, Govey Bldg,, Suite 5, Shelton, Wash, 424-11-18-25-4t CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Shelton calls for bids to be opened on Tuesday, the 7th day ,)f May, 1946. at 2 o'clock P, M. at the City Commissioners Rooms in the City Hall in Shelton, Washington. for --(a,) one. four-door sedan, credit in HARRY DEYETTE, Auditor Mason County No. 1811 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON For ]Y[ASON COUNTY In Probate In the Matter of the Estate of PATRICK E. LEE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' that the undersigned, Doris Lee Craddick, has been appointee an( haS qualified as Executrix of the last Will and Te.s- tament and of the estate of Patrick E. Lee, deceased; and that all persons having claims against the said de- ceased or the said estate are hereby required to serve the same, amy veri- fied with the necessary vouchers at- tached, upon the undersigned Execu- trix or her attorney of record at the law office of Chas. R. Lewis, Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shel- ton, Mason County, Washington, the same being designated as the place for the transactmn of the business of said estate, and file such claims together with proof ef service with the Clerk of the above entitled court within six months after the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit: April 11, 1946, or all claims not so served and fllec shall be forever barred, DORIS LEE CRADDICK, Executrix of the estate of Patrick E, Lee, dec'd. Bell Building; 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County. Washington. CHAS. R LEWIS, Attorney for said estate. Bell Building, 119 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Wash, 4-11-18-25 --5-2- d t ana)unt specified by bidder to be al- 51,00 lowed the. City on a tradein on a ]941 Ford Sedan Delivery; (b) one four- 183.00 door sedan. Separate bids shall be subnlltted on ......................................................................................... $ 234.00 above (a) and (b) calls. Bids shall state approxlmafe date of clerk of county ........................................................ $ 101.00 delivery. Clerks of other counties 66.001 Dated this 18th day of April 1946. ........................................ ALMA K. CATTO. ' December 31, 1945 ........................................ $ 67.00 Acting City Clerk. L, KepperL Defendant: 4-18-25--5-2--31. You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date WARR of the first publication of this sum- nmns, to wit, wit)fin sixty days after OPERATION OF ANT ACCOUNTS arch 28 1946. and defend the above Warrant Warral*t$ entitled action in the court Itfert*sifid Outatandind  OglstandiliG nd serve a copy of your answer ttl)OD Jan. 1, S4S f "" Issued TOTAL IdOOnled Cancellod Dot. l, 194B the undersigned attorney for platntiiY $ 7.064.00 $ 71,448.26 $ 78,512.26 $ 71,559.23 $- 25.00 $ 6,928.03 at his office address hereinbelow ................................ stated, and in ease of your failure so 1,599.91 24,538.55 26,138.46 23,946.09 2,192.37 to do, judgment will be rendered 204.83 2,260.00 2,464,83 2,358.65 106.18 ngainst you according te the demand ........................ " ................... of the complaint, which has been filed ............ 551.78 3,237.14 3,788.92 3,446,91 .................... 342.01 with the Clerk of said court. 130,84 130.84 130.84 ........................................ 15,107.87 173.543.26 188,651.13 18(},617.55 .................. 8,033.58 .......................... 122.61 2,026.42 2,149.03 2,149.03 ........................................ 55.00 55.00 55.00 ........................................ ..... ::::::::::::::::::::: ..... :843:53 35,981.34 37,824,87 37,784.07 .................... 40.80 1,322.12 18,621.50 19,943.62 19,757.07 186.55 .................... No. I Const. Fd ..................... 1,252.55 1,252.55 1,083.15 .................... 169.40 ............................................ 108,498.21 108,498.21 107,604.62 .................... 893.59 General .................... 14,502.83 409,341.14 423,843.97 407,791.91 9.38 16,042.68 BUilding .................. 2,668.46 13,568.97 16,237.43 16,212.71 .................... 24.72 ............................................ 120.00 120.00 120.00 ........................................ ............................................ $ 44,987.94 $814,623.18 $909,611.12 $874,616.83 $ 220.93 $ 34,773.36 GENERAL OPERATION OF BONDS Outlltandlng Bonds Bonds Outstandin PUrposo Dec, 31, 1944 Iisuod TOTA L Raid Dec. 31, 194$ Dist. 309 ............ $ 4,000.00 .................... $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 ........................................ h. Dist. 45 .............. 3,100.00 .................... 3,100.00 700.00 .................... 2,400.00 I Rev. Bond.. 24,440.00 .................... 24,440.00 1,200.00 .................... 23,240.00 1 (Spec. 9,5oo.oo .................... 9,500.00 ........................................ 9.5oo.oo .D. 3""{'1938")'":[:[[ 29,000.00 .................... 29,000,00 3,000.00 .................... 26,000.00 3 (1939) ........ 31,000.00 " 31,o00.00 1,000.00 .................... 3o,ooo.oo ). 3 (1940) .......... 9,ooo.oo .................... 9,ooo.oo ........................................ 9,ooo,oo 3 (Electric) .... 378,000.00 .................... 378,000.00 8,000.00 370,000,00 .................... I L.LI.D. I Red.) .................... 12,500.00 12,500.00 ........................................ 12,500.00 3 (Elec. Rev. 370,000.00 370,000.00 10,000.00 .................... 360,000.00 $488,040.00 $382,500.00 $870,540.00 $ 27,900.00 $370.000.00 $472,640.0{) I BUDGET ACCOUNT, CURRENT EXPENSE FUND ORIGINAL BUDGET AMOUNT EXPENDED Btary and Operation and (:apita! Salary and Oper.'tlon and Capital Sxpendituro$ Surplus or Wages Miintenan¢o Otla¥$ , Emer¢¢is TOTAl, Waoos Mintenanco Outlays Total Deficit 2,310.00 $ 665.00 ................................ $ 2,975.00 $ 2,295.00 $ 6].7.83 .................... $ 2,912.83 $ 62.17 7,200.00 1,450.00 ................................ 8, 650.00 6,130.95 1,338.31 .................... 7,469.26 1,180.74 55.00 15.00 ................................ 70.00 54.00 6.95 .................... 60.9]5' 9.05 8,580.00 2,025.00 286.50 900.00 11,791.50 9.512.45 1;854.36 301.34 11,668.15 123.35 3,000.00 340.00 ................................ 3,340.00 3,002.25 298.87 .................... 3,301.12 38.88 2,776.00 2,325.00 ................................ . 5,101.00 2,936.26 141.56 .................... 3,077.82 2,023.18 .......... 2,000.00 547.50 ................................ 2,547.50 1,326.00 475.89 .................... 1,801.89 745.61 .... - .................. 100.00 ................................ 100.00 .................... 21120 . ................... 211.20 --111.20 180.00 " 180.00 .................... 180.00 .................... 180.00 .................... "" .......... " ..... 10.00 300.00 310.00 292.00 .................... 292.00 18.00 . .................................. o ................... 100.00 ................................ 100,00 .................... 67.90 .................... 67.90 32.10 ...................... 60.00 ................................ 60.00 ................................................................................ 60.00 60.50 360.50 .................... 360.50 .................... 360.50 .................... 2,66.70 2,166.70  2,166.70 ........................................ 2,166,70 .................... stration.. "'"21650100 ...... 31695100 i[iiiiii[ .................... 6,345.00 2,4.64.47 3,782.64 .................... 6,247,11 ... 97.89 .................. 1,603.00 ................................ 1,603,00 .................... 823.37 ............ : ....... 823.37 779.63 368,00 ................................ • 368.00 .................... 169.00 .................... 169.00 199.00 Attorney 1,725.00 500.00 250.00 550.00 3,025.00 2,183.55 458.02 231.75 2,873.32 151.6.8 9,510.00 " 2,955.00 ................................ 12,465.00 8,983.55 3,075.86 ............. ' ....... " 12.059.41 405.59 3,750.00 795.00 ............................... 4,545.00 3,777.25 772.06 .................... 4,549.31 4.31 90.00 10.00 ................................ 100.00 13.50 ........................................ 13.50 86.50 Eqp ....................................... 600.00 .................... 600.00 ' . ....................................................................... 600.00 .................... 7,800.00 1,885.00 .... : ........................... 9,685.00 7,779.35 1,683.48 .................... 9,462.83 222.17 10.00 5.00 ............ 50,00 65.00 .................... 35.96" . ................... 35.96 29.04 890.90 .................... 890.90 --890.90 .......... 600.00 ................................ 50.56 650.56 582.68 ........................................ 582.68 67.88 110.00 ................................ 1].0.00 .................... 110.00 .................... ].10.00 .................... 5,600.00 ................................ 5.600.00 .................... 5,328.56 .................... 5,328,56 271.'44 Reb ................... 107.76 ................ 107.76 ................................................................................ 107.76 52.056.00 $ 25,451.26.1,136.'$---3;//.76 $ 83,021.52 $ 53.207.96 $ 2-$ ----a3'-9$ 76,716.27 $ 6,3O5.25 No, 4(;87. HUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. HARRY J. KEPPEIT Plaintiff, --vs.-- I-IELEN L. KEPPERT. Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to Helen The ohjqct of said action is to ob- tain a divorce upon the ground of cruel treatlnent. J. W, GRAHAM, Attorney, for Plaintiff. Office Address, Govey Bldg,, Shelton, Wash. 3-28--4-4-11-18-25--5-2-9-7t :No, 180I NOTICE TO CREDITOB, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON In the Matter of the Estate of G. R. MILBOURN, Deceased. Notice ia hereby given that the un- dersigned has been appointed and has qualified as administrator of the above entitled estate: that all persons hav- ing claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said administrator or his attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within six months after tl)e date of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication April 11, 1946. WILLIAM A. GLEASON. Administrator of said Estate Address Star at. 1. Box 458, Bremerton, Washington. JAMES MUNRO, Attorney for Estate Harrison Building - Bremerton, Washington, 4-11-18-25--5-2-4t the premises: NOW THEREFORE, IT IS I-IERE- BY ORDERED that no livestock and any kind, breed, or cllaracter be per- mitted to run at large within tile fol- lowing described area, to-wit: Sections 1, 2, 3, 10, & 11. Township .22 N., Range 2 W. Sections 30 & 31, Township 23 North, Ranie 1 W. Sections 25, 26, 34, 35 and 36, TWp, 23 N., ltange 2 W., lying north of North Shore Road for a distance of one 0) mile, and south of said rr, ad, to Lynch Cove (Hood Canal). IT IS FIJRTHER ORDERED fhat this order shall be published onca each week for fonr consecutive weeks, as provided by law. UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED this 25th day ef March, 19,16, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS- SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASH1 NG'ION. H. R, DICKINSON LYLE O'DELL ROY CARR. ATTEST: HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board. 4-4-11-18-25-4t No, 619. Supplemental Notice and Summons No. 5 for Publication. (Par- eels 11, 24, 32, 53 and 55, 63-C, 63-D; 64.. 67 and 68; 65. 69 and 74). In the District Court of the United States for the We,tern District of Washing- ton, Southern Division, United States of Anleriea, Petitioner, v. Certain land in Mason" County, Washington, and Stmpson Logging Company, a eorporatien; Margaret P. Alien; Jane Bred: Clara B. Grand: Frank F(,ss Grifflths and Edna Griffiths. IlLs wife: Hazel Hansen; Samuel Hiller and Jane Doe I-Iiller, his wife; Daisy freland; Mablc. I. Knauger; Bonnie I.emkt:; Henry A. Link; James tIcnry Link and Jane Doe Link. his wife on September 23. 1908: Lillian Dibllie Link. a widowk Oliver S. Link: WiN liam R. Link; R, W. Miller and Jane Doe Miller. his wife; Wilford B. Ohneck and Blanct)e B. Otmeck. his wife: Mary Scholfield; Jol)u Skel]y and Jane Doe Skelly, iris wife; Eugene P. Watson and Jane I)oe Watson. his wife; Henry W. Worttfly and Jane Doe Worthly, his wife: Unknown heirs and dcvisces of John Doe Ad- ams, husband of Daisy D. Adaals on July 29. 1944 dceascd unknown heirs and of Anne Jolmson Chaplnan, decetlsed; unknown heirs and devisces of Robert Chapnlan, de- ceased; unkuown heirs and devisees of Thomas Chapalan and Mary Mar- garet Chapman, his wife, both de- ceased: nnknown heirs and devisees of Hilda Josefina gehenius King, de- eeased; unknown heirs and devisees of John Doe Linsted. husband of El- len Linsted, decease, d; unknown heirs and devisees of Nora Chanman Ri- shol. d6ceased ; unknown heirs and devisecs of John A. Sebenhts de- ceased: unknown owners, )cing all other p(I'SO ns or 1)ar tie.'J unknown having or claiming any right, title, estat(,, lien t)r interest in the real estate described in the Amcnded Pe- tition on fih; herein, Rcsl)t)ndenl s, Nelice is hereby given I€)' tile above named rcsp(')ndents that on the 28th day nf April, ]944. the United States of Anleric' f.iled a petition in condom= nation, and on the 3rd day of May. ]945, filed an anlended petition in con- demnation in lhe above.entitled court and cause, By said proceedings the United States of Anlerica seeks to acquire the fee simple title te certain real property situate in M(mon Coun- ty. Washinlon consisting in the main of a right of wa for the Shel- ton-Bremerton-Bangor Naval Railway, a portion of whieh property is desig- nated h(.r'ein as /)al'r'(q Nos. 31. 2,i 32, 53 nnd 55. 63-C. (i',l-l): 6'I. (;7 an,i 68; 65, 69 and 74 and more particu- larly described in Exhibit A attached ltereto and hy this reference made a part hereof. The object of said peti- tion in eondel)lnation and anlended petition in coudemnation is to acqnh'e said real property for the United States +)f America for ihc establish- ment of railroad facilities and for other rehtted Naval pnrposvs, and to determine the just coral)onset[on It) be paid for, the taking thereof and the persons and parii('s entitled thereto. Notice is furlher give 0 te each party interested In Raid pro)erty i)r in the just compensation to 1)e paid theref()r that the 27th day of May, 1946. aL 10:00 A.I. hss been fixed by the Court  the return date en or before which |in a])l)eliranee m)lst be filed with the Clerk i)f the above- entitled Court at the United States Court House. Post Office :Building, Tacema, Washington, and a copy thereof served on the undersigned at- torneys for petith)ner at their address below stated, an(1 in case of your failure so to do default will be en- te)'ed against you. Witness the tlon- orahle Charles H, Leavy, Judge of tim IInitcd Ststcs District Court for the Western District of Washington. and the seal of said Court. Dated at Taeonla, Washington, this 17th day of April, ]946. Milhu'd P. Thomas. Clerk (Seal) by Edgar Scofiehl, ])o- puty. ()fficc and post of flee address: 6.),) Skinner nildtitg Seattle 1, Wash- ington, F. P, Keenan, Special Ass)st- ant to The Attorney General. Nona F; Cox, Spec.[al Attorney, Deparinlcnt el Jnst ce Attorneys for :[ etitioner, Parcel 11, All that tportion of Lots 7, 8 and 9. Block 7, according to the Recorded Plat of the. Amended and Corrected Phil of Shelton, a subdlvl- s ) o 'ion in Set;, 20, Twp. 0 N. R. 3 W., W.M., Maon County, Washington, whieh lies within a strip of land 170 feel in width, the boundaries of said strip of land lying 85 feet distant from on either side of and parallel to tile center line of said strip of hind, from Engineers' Survey tation 40+00 to Station 41+00;, nnd which lies within a strip t)f hind 135 feet ill width, tile botmdaries of said st, rip of land lying $5, feet distant ]'rent on the norlherly s de of and 50 feet distant fronl on the southerly side of and parallel to the center lint; of sad strip of land from Engince)'s' Survey Statf()n 41+00 to Station 424- 00 and which lies within a strip of laud I'i0 f'et in width, the boundar- ies o1' said strip, of land ]ymg 85 feet dista)It froI)l on file northct'Jy side of and 5.q feet distant fro)n on 1he soutlwrly side of and pnr'allel to the ct,lltel" line ef said s|)'ip of land, fron) Engineers' Survey Statiou 42-{-00 to Statitm 434-00, as said center line is now lolmted and staked on the ground eve)', across, upon, and/or a lhtccnt tt) the abc, ve described prop- erty; said center line Is me)re parti- cuinrlv described tm fellows, using bear r{g'S based ltl),+)l tl)c Washington Sttte Grid, North Zone: Beginning at Enrineers' Survey Station ]7,-t--2,1.8. a ))oint on the west line of See. 20, Twl). .0 N, IL 'l W., W.M., sltid poitt beiug S. 0°44'30 '' W.. a distance of 490.5 feet fl'onl /h( 11¢) ' hw?st or l(w t]ereof; thence on a 573.69 foot rad- i)ls I:UI'Ve t.n the. )'ihl (the lon hol'd Of wlti(h bears N 76+25'49 '' Ii" ,)56.90 feet) a distsnee of 580.7:) fe t: tlwnce S. 7,4+32 ' E., a distanee of 181 09 fee t td Engineers' Survey Equa- lion Station 24+86,61 Back equals Sta- tion 25-}-00,0, Ahead; thence cnntinuing S. 74°32 ` E,, a distance of 739,94 feet: thcnc( on a 573.69 foot radius curve to U e leXt (the Ionff chord of whlch hears N 84"03'15" E. 418.89 feet) a distance of 428,25 feet; th+,nce N. 62" g Fire Protection State ............................. $ 1.520.65 $ ............................. 969.26 ............ , ............. $ 3.16 606.48 .......................... 547,17. ....... 324.80 200.59 7 .......................... 8.13 .............  .............. 6.78 28.03 8.48 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 11.6s ............................ 4.69 ......................... 14.63 .... .33 $ • +. 8,163 4)251,94 $ DELINQUENT TAXES, REAL AND PERSONAL DECEMBER 31, 1945 County City 2,498.95 $ 564.35 1,162.24 211.67 707'.75 81.65 638.20 66.11 564.37 11.6.57 435.45 87.02 73.29 32.84 223.07 36.68 49.76 7.09 137.46 19.50 54.09 87.38 102.65 4.51 ---325.05 145,46 --17.37 .88 :18 .................... 6,305.04 $ 1)388,51 Road Port Nott-HIoh DlItricts Districts School 642,49 .................... $ 427.79 $ 305.63 ..............  ..... 259.52 :1.89.35 .................... 233:29 167.19 .................... 203.31 140.07 .................... 343.31 --i.20 13.9 .................... 11:30 ........................................ 24.16 .24 .................... 11.23 3.68 .................... 19.35 , ............................ , ......... 49.42 30.70 .................... School School Bistric$$ Bond 1,753.87 $ 90.69 $ 810.23 43.83 521.52 34.76 559.6,1 ................... 463.31 29.48 <l .'lrl 21.18 -- 167.94 .30 177.38 8.81 266.28 5.58" 73.08 ................... .35 ................... School P.U.D. NO, I P,U,D.'No, 3 Suildin] OVn¢ rl 95.31 $ 24.74 $ 44.63 38.77 34.79 42.19 193.40 27.03 104.81 16.:15 24.21 J8.57 304.74 2.93 --24.53 1.78 Gon@ral TOTAL 698.31 $ 8,317.15 242.]4 4,087.92 ( ]14.65 2,69.59 108.11 2,510.16 101.23 2,204.10 56.91 1,235.97 9.66 267.12 38.66 494.38 353.35 251.37 13]..68 112.24 6.15 10.98 .................... 1.12 --27.17 ...... : ............. .10 ........................................ 40.72 5.70 ........................ 20.55 ..'. ................ --23,45 ........................... . ............ 131,21 .20 .................... 323.27 .................... -1.64 .................................... ;.., 15.72 .46 ,22 ......................... :3.89 ................................. 2i .............................................. o.07 • 15 ................ ........................ . ................................ 8. .... ', ................................. : .................. ...... the initial point; which lies within a strip of land ]25 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip of bind lying 75 feet distant westerly fron), and 50 feet distant easterly from, and parallel to the "center line of said strip of land, as said eenter lioe Is now located and staked on the groond, ever, across, upon, and/or adjacent to the above described prop- erty; said center line is more parti- cularly descrlbed as fellows, using bearings based upon the washington State Grid, Norll Zone: Beginning at Engineers' Survey Station 48+82.2, a point on the south line of Sec. 17, Twp. 20 N., R. 8 W., W.M.. said point being S, 89°36'30 '' E., a distance of 248.7 feet fi'om the quarter section corner on the south line of said Sec, 17; thence N. 62 ° 37' E., a distance ef 512.52 feet to Engineers' Survey Equation Station 53+44.72 Back equals Statilm 53+51,66 Ahead; thence, oil a 1432.69 feet radius (mrve to the left (the long' chord t)f which bears N. 45°45'30 .. E., 830,98 feet) a distance of 842.92 feet; thence N. 28o54 ' E., a distance of 699.]0 feet te Engin- eers" Survey Equation Station 68+ 98.(;8 Back equals Station 68+92.30 Ahead; thence on a 1910,08 foot fad- ius curve to the right (the long chord of which bears N. 38*09' E,, 614.06 feet) a distance of 616.70 feet; thence N. 47o24 ' E,. a distance of 1028,90 feet to Engineers' Survey Station 85+ 37.9, a point on the East line of said Sec. I7, said point being N. 3°32 ' E., a distance of 109.1 feet from the quarter section corner on the east line of said Sec. 17. (Exhibit A). Parcel 32. That portion of the E & of ibe NWV) of ec. 9, Twp. 20 N,, R. 3 W., W, M., Mason County, Wash- htgton, which Lies within a strip of hutd 100 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip lying 50 feet distant from. on either side oF, and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, from the southerl boundary of the above described pi:()perty to En- gineers' Survey Station 147-{-00; and whieh lies within a strip of land 210 feet in width the boundaries of said strip lying 80 feet distant westerly from, and 130 feet distant easterly fron), and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, from Engin- eers' Survey Station 147+00 to Station 156+00; and which lies within a strip of land 180 feet in width, the bound- aries of said stril) lying 50 feet dis- tent westerly fronl, and 130 feet dis- tent easterly fi'om, and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, from Engineers' Survey Station 156+ 00 to Station 159+00: and which lies within a strip of land 150 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip lying 50 feet distant westerly from, and 100 feet distant easterly from, and parallel to the center line 6f said strip of land, from Engineers' Survey Station 159-{-00 to the north- erly boundary of the above described )ropcrly, as said eente.r line is now ,mated and staked on the ground, over, across, upon, and/or adjaecnt to tile above, described prol)erty; said center line is more particfilarly de. s(wibed as follows: Beginning a't En- gineers' Survey Station 11838.7, a point on tim south line of Sec. 9, W W M said Twp 20 N., R. 3 ...... point l)ein S, 87"32'30" E., a dis- tl)n+'t of 8,)6,0 feet frotu the south- West corner of said Sec. 9; thence N. 15°19 . E,. a distance of 4722,27 feet t,) Engineers' Survey Equation Sta-' tion ]60+40,97 Back eqnals 160+31,45 Ahead; thence on a 3910.08 foot radius curve to the ]eft (the long ehord of wltich bears N. 5*03' E.. 68(1,9 feet) a distance of 684,75 feet to Engineers' Survey Station 167+16,2, a point on the north line of said See..9. said point heing S 85°34 ' E., a distance of 2548.00 fcci from the northwest eor- nor of said Sec. 9, (Exhibit A). Par- col 53. t)wner: Charles W. Sebeuius, ot al 1736 Fourth. Bremerton, Wasti- ington, That portion of the SW of the NW/t of Sec, 10, Twp, 21 N,, }l 2 W, W. M, Mason t;ounty, wasn- ington, which lies within a strip ef ltmd t80 feet in width, the boundar- ies of said strip oF land lylng 70 feet distant northwesterly from. and 110 feet distant southeasterly fi'oh) and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, from the sofltherly boundary of the ahovc dese))ibed prop- trty to Engineers' Survey Station 701 +00: and which lies within a strip t)f land 160 feet in width, the boun- daries of said strip of land lying 5q feet distant northwesterly fi'om, anu 310 feet distant southeasterly fr(nn, and parallel to the center line of said strip of ]and, fronl Engineers' Survey Station 703+00 to Station 712-{-00: and which lies within a strip of land 165 f(;et in width, the boundaries of said strip ef land lying 75 feet distant northwesterly from, and 90 feet dis- iant southeasterly from, and parallel to the center line of said strip of land from Engineers' Survey Station 71")4-'00 to the easterly boundary ef the-above described property, as said center line is now located and staked on the ground, over, ae)'oss, upon, and /or adjecent to the above described property said center line is more par- tleuhtrly described as follows, using bearings based upmt the Washington St tie Grid North Zone: leginning at Engineers' Survey Station 697+08,9, a point 9 n the west line of Sec. 10, Twp. 21 N,, R, 2 W., W, M,. 8aid point bein K S, 1°.2.6 . W. a distance of ;168.1 feet )rom tne quarter secion corner 0n thc west line of said See. 10; thencc on a 1910.08 foot radl,us curve, t the left (the hmg chord of which bears N. 52°0252 ' E., 556,56 f,,,) . distance of 558,48 feel; thence N 4308'30 '' E. a distance of 147,49 feet to Engineers' Ul'Vey Equation Station 715]4 87 Back equals 715+ 16.35 Ahead; thence on a 1432.69 foot radius curve to the right (the lenff chord of which bears N. 66%3'30" E.. 1354.02 f,et)t} distancc of )187.50 feet: thence S, 89 21'30" E. a amtanee (ff 65334 feel to Engineers' Survey '.'mt{ign S]ati0n 733+57 19 B a c k equals Station 733-t-58,48 Ali e a ; (henc on a 1{);10.08 foot l'aditLs curve. to tiae left (the long ehoru el: wmcn ' ..... a " 16" 0'30" E 1561.9 feet) a disi.anee of 1608.89 feet. then(e N. 42 o2'30" E. a distance ef 420.43 feet to nineei's' Survey Station 7534-87.8, a I)ehtt on the north line of .said Sec. 10; s'tid point being N. 88°03 ' W., a distance of 689.9 feet fronl the norlhcat corner of sad See, 10. (EX ° b bi't ). Parcel 55, Owner: Charles W Sebcntns. et a1,1736 Fourth, lJrcn)- ci'tou Washington. That portion of the NFA4 of the NWVt of See,' 10, County, Wasnlngt)n, +wnlcn £1eB Wltlt in a strip of land 165 feet in wiatn tit(' boundaries of said strip of lain vin 75 feet distant northweste) l fren), and 90 feet d start southoa, t erly fi'om, and paralhq to the eente lilw of said strip of hind, from th, southerly beundary of the shove de s,qil)ed p.operty to Engineers' Surve Sta,liun 720+00: and' which lies witl)tl a strip of land ;120 feel in wid.t)t: (h, )/lUSdarics of stti0 SLrlp o[ lantl lynll ,}0 feet (lisiant northerly fronl, an( 70 feet distant seuth(;rl)' fi'om, an( l)arallel to the center I ne of sat( trip of land, front Engineers' 2q, ul; vwy Stathm 720+00 t Station :u- 00; ant wh eh lies within a strip e land 130 feet lit width, the boundal ies of said strip of land lying60 feet distant nortlt!rly fronl, and 70 feet dtst tnt southerly fi'oln, a)ld 1)aralhd to lhc center line of aid stril) of li n l. from Fngim!ers' Survey Staiio] 7, +00 to the +,ast,(,rly I)r)unuitrY it. tl c ahl)Ve dcscribc, d I)rol)erty, as saln center line i: now located and staked on tile. ,1 round, ovel', act0 ss , Ut )Oil* and/or adjacent to the above de- sciibed property; ssid center line is lnere particularly described as fol- lows. u:ing bearings based upon the Washington State' Grid, North Zone: Bcglnnhtg llt F, nginee)'s' Suryey Sta- tion 697++-08.9, a ))oint ou tl)e_:we:ut, l i[te of qee 10 Twp 2 N, R, 2 W..W. At,, ..... S ;1 ')6 W a uistan e Bald point b(' ng . o ,, ,, of 168.1 f,ot fl'oln th(; quarter section cernl]r on the' wes% line of said See. 10: tlo,nce on a ]{)10,08 foot radiu curve to tht) left (the long cnoru e) which t)ears N. 52+02'52 '' E,, 556,56 feet) a distanee of 558,,18 feej th*.l(j N. 4°08'30 '' E. a distance o a;a:(,.m feet/to Engilieers' Surve .vquauon 'Station 715+14,87 .Back 6quals 715-t-. ]6.:]5 Ahead; ?.bent(: on a ]432,69 foot radius curve to the right (the long chorti" (ff wil ch l.)t)tr N. 66°53'80 '' E,, 1154.02 fc'et) a distance )f ]387.50 feet: thehec' S. 89"21'30" E. a UlS- lance of 683.34 feet to Engtfle.ers Sur- vey E(luation Station 788&57.19 Bacx NW% of the NE)/ of said Soc. 30 to Engineers' Survey Station 979+00; and which lies within a strip of land 110 feet in width, tile boundaries of said strip of hind lying 60 feet dis- tent northwesterly fro)u, alld 50 feet distant m)utheasterly fronl, and par- allel to the (:enter lille of said strip of land. from Engineers' Survey Sta:- tien 979+00 to the northerly bound- ary of said Sec. 30; as said center line is now located and staked on the ground over, eeross upon, and/or adjacent to the above described pro0- erty; said (:enter line is more parti- cularly deseribcd as follows, using bearings based upen the Washington State Grid, North Zone: B0ginnlng at Engineers' Survey Station 941+]4.7, a point on the west line of aid Sec. 80, said point being S. 2°01 ' W,, a distance of 1525.2 feet from the north- west corner of said Sec. 30; thence on a 1432.69 foot radius curve to the right lit See, 30, Twp. 22 N., R. 1 W,, W.M., (the long chord of which bears N. 83°19'55 '' E,. 263,09 feet) a distance of 263,40 feet to Engineers' Survey Equation Station 948+78,10 Back equals Station 943-t-65,96 Ahead; thence N. "88°36 ' E,. a distance of 1371.42 feet; thence on a 1482,69 foot, radius curve 'to the left (the long chord of which bears N. 59'40' E.. 1386,25 feet) a distance of /446,67 feet; thence N. 80'44' E,, a distance of 768.45 feet to Engineers' Survey Sta- tion 979-4-52.5, a point on the north line  of ald Sec. 30; said point being S. 88o45 ' E., a distar, ce of 383.4 feet from the quarter section corner on the north line of Sec. 30. (Exhibit A). Parcel 63-D. Owner: Simpson Logging Co, That poTtion Of the S)fi of tile NW)A, and the NE of theNW of Sec. 30, Twp, 22 N,, R. 1 W., W.M., all in Mason County, Washington which lies within a strip of land 100 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip lying 50 feet distant fi'om, on either "side of. snd parallel to the center line of said strip of land from the westerly boundary of said Sec. 30 to Engineers' Survey Station 943+ 00; and which lies withtn a strip of !and 190 feet in width, the boundar- ies of said stril) ef land lying 95 feet distant from. on either side of. and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, front Engineers' Survey Station 943+00 to Station 9477.00; and which lies within a stri0 of hind 100 feet in width, the bonndaries of said strip ef land lying 50 feet distant from, on either side eft, and parallel to the center line of said strip of land, fi'om Engineers' Survey Station 947+00 to the easterly line of said NEVt of the NW)A, of said Sec, 30, as said center line is now located and staked en the ground, over, across, upon, and/or adjacent to the above described propery; said center line is n)ore partieuiarly described as fol- h)ws; ushg bearings based upon the Washington State Grid, North Zone: Beginning at a point on the west lint) of Sec. 30. Twp. 22 N., R, 1 W, W, M, said point being S. 21)1 ' W. it dis- lance of 1525.2 feet fronl the aorth- we:t C¢,Fn(H" ()f said St}(:. 30: t]tcnee on a 3432.69 foot radius curve to thc right tthe lon cho)'d of which hear N. 83°19'55 '' E. 263.09 feet) a distance of 263,40 feet io Engineers' Survey Equation Station 943+78 10 Baek equals Stattnn 943'+65.96 A h S a d: thence N. 88"36' E., a distant0 of 1373.,42 fl,ef; thence on a 1,t82,69 foot radius curve to thb left (the long chord of which bears N. 59°40 ' E,. :1.386.25 feet) Na distance of ]446.67 feet: thence* . 3044 ' E, a distance of 768.45 feet to Engineers Survey Station 979..{.52.5, a point on lhe north line of said Sec. 30: said point belng S. 88°45 ' E,. a distance of 383,4 feel: from t])e quarter section corm!)" en |,he north line ef said Sec, :40. (b2xhl- hit A). Plu'c+I 6'I. Tttat portion ()f the NEtA (,f the SEen, and the SE¥t <,f the NE¼ of Sec, 19, TWp.;22 N,, R. 1 W., W. M,. Mason County, Wash- ington, except the NWA of the SE£ of the NE)A which lies within a strip of land 135 feet in width; the boun(taries of sahl si)'ip r,f land ]yh)g 85 feet distant westerly fvonl, and 50 feet easterly frl)m, and parallel to the eentcT line of said strlf) (ff hind, fronl Enginee)'¢ Survey StatiIm 1000 --(10 to 'Station 1013+00; and whleh hen within a strip of land 235 fee in width, the boundaries of said strip of land lying 85 feet distnnt westerly from, and 3.50 feet distant easterly from, and parallet to the center line of said strip of land, from Enginctws' Survey Station ]013+00 to the north- crlv boundary of' the a}love described pr(pcrly, a8 sahl center line is now loedted and staked o11 the ground, over, across, upon. and/or adjacent to tim above described property; mtid center: line. is more particularly de- scribed as follows, using bearings 1)ased upon the Wash]tiglon State Grid North Zone Beg nnmg tit En- gineers' Survey Station 979+52,5, a point on the south line of said See. 19. Twp, 22 N. R. 1 W., W.M., said poutt being S, 88°45 ' E,, a dis- tance of 383.4 feet from the quarter section eorner o)t the south line ()f mild St,(:. 19: thence N. "30"4d' E,, a distance of 406,5(I feet to Engin- eers' Survey Equation Station 983.+- 59.00 Back equals Station 983+63.61 Ahead: thence on a 5729.65 foot rad- ins etu, ve to the left(t.he long chord of which bears N, 15o26'30 '' E,, 8022,19 feet) a distance of 3058,33 feet: rhone. N. 0"09' E,. a distance of 2027.16 feet to Engineers' Survey Equation Sta- tion 1034+49.10 Back equals Station 1034+48.11 Ahead; thence. 0u a 1910,08 feet rad us curve, te the left (tile long chord of which bears N, 0'05'57 E,, 3.39 feet) a d!stanee l[o3,3908f()etltl Engineer€ Sur.y StY" I .1 ,':F' , a point on the north line. ot satfi iec, ]9 Sad point being S. 89°11'80 '' E,. a distance ,of 1241,9 feet f)'om the quarter section corn(w on the north lhle of said Scc, 19, (Exhibit A). Par(el 67 C)nel.: Virgil C, And0rson, Box 773, Alt[vn, Washbtgton, That j)o)'- lion of the NWV.)':p) of the NEj) of See. 19. Twp,22 N., R. 1 W,, W. M., Ma- son CouetY, Washington, lying north of the 400 fo t right of way of the City of Tacl)nia Transmission' Llue, which lies within a strip of land /70 feet ill width, the beuudarics of said sh'p of land lying 85 feet distant fron'l. 0n either side of, and parallel tO the t:enter line of said sO'i]) ef ]and, f ,.in tl'i oUtherly boundary of the abtNe dc. cr'bed Pruperty to En- g ricers' Survey Statiiul 10254-00; and wlll( 1 es withtn a tt)qp of land 185 feet in widtll, the boun4artes of said strip of hind lying 100 feet distsnt westerly from, and 85 feet distant easterly fi'o n, and paralil to tle center llne ef said strip of land' from Ingineers' Snr)ey Station 1025+00 to Station 1026+00; and which lies wit]i- n a strip of land ]70 feet ill widlh, the boundaries ()f said strip of land lying 100 feet distant westerly fronl, and 70 fe(,t distant emteriy freln, and parallel to the. center line of said htrip of hind, from Engireers' Survey Slation ]026-4-00 to Station ,;10314-00 ; and which lies within a st 'il ef hind 155 feet in width, the boundaries of said st 'lp of land lying 85 d slant westerty from, told 70 hint dt.tant eashTrly from and paralhd to tlt(; (.enter line of said slr)p of Isnd, from Enghleers' Survey Station ]031-{.00 te the n.rthe, rly bounda)'y of the above described property, ss said center line is now h)cated and staked tln the gronnd, over. across, nl)on, and/or ad]iwcnt l,i) llte at)l'lv(, described prol)- e)'(y; said (xnttu ' line Js llol'e l)arii - t:abirlY deseribcd as follows, using heariligs hlLqe(l itpon the Washington St.ll,fi Grid, Ni)rth Zone: Bcgtnnhtg at Eilgineera' Survt',V Slathm 970+52.5, a point ert the. south line of said Sec, ,19, Twp. 22 N., R. 1 r, W.M.. taid palni: being S, 88 ° 45' E,, a, dlsiance 0f 883.4 feet front the quarter m'etion corner ()n lho, s()(llh line of aald See. 19:, thence N. 30"44" E.. a distance ef 4()6.00 fix(]; lo Enguleer.,¢ Slll,vey Etlua- ti,)a Station 9:1459.06 Bark equL s Siaihln 983+63.61 Ahea<i' ihcnvc c)n. a 5729.65 f( H. rallus curv, lo tlle liq't llhe long chord of which hears N. 15'26'30'¢ E., "]022.19 feel) a distanc lif 3058.83 i'e(*t: ihente N.: 0+0W E. tt distance i)f 2027.]6 feet t6 Engineers' Survcy Equalioit Station 1034-4-49,,10 ]ack (quals Station 1034+4g.11 Ahead; thence on a 1910.08 foot radius curve to the left (]he IOUg chord Of which I)eacs N. 0"05'57*' E.. 3.39 rect) a dis- tahoe of 3.;19 feet tO ngine(,xs' Sur- vey Statlou ]034-!-53,5. a )Joint' on tlle n, wlh line ()f stlid St'C. 19 sitid point being S. 89"1i'30" I*],, a distance (.,f ;1243.{) feet front the quat,tcr seet.lon corner on the north line ot said Sec, Page 11 19. (Exhibit A). Parcel 68. That p0r- tLonof tle W% of the SEt of c. , ,, Twp. 22 N., R. 1 W., W:M,, Ma- son County, Washington, wnleh IISS w!tJ).In . strip of land 155 foot In wtatn, tits noundaries of satd strip: of land lying 85 feet distant woster!y" from, and 70 feet distant eastrl, from, and parallel to the center nn0 of said strip of land, from the south- mqy boundary of tile above described pr.erty to Engineers' Survey Station 103,)+00:. and which lies wllhln a strip of land 160 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip of land Iying 90 feet distant westerly from, and 70 feet distant easterly from, and paral- lel to the center line. of said strip of land. frlan Engineers' Surv(,v .qt,{li,)) ]035+00 te Statio) o4000."'-';i which lies within a, strip of ht'nd 210 feet in width, ti)e I)oundaries of said strip of land lying 90 feet distant westerly from, and 120 feet distant easterly from, and parallel to Ihc cen- ter line of said strip of land. front Engineers' Survey Station 10,I0+00 to Station 1040+50; and which lies within a stril) of land 185 feet in width, the boundaries of said strip of land lying 65 feet distant westerly from, and 1) feet distant easterly from, and lel to the center line of said l'md from Engineers' Survey tatl 1040+50 to Station 1042+00; and which lies within a strip (ff land 175 feet In width, thboundaries of said strip of land 13hg 55 feet. distant westerly from, and ]20 feet dlstartt easterly from, and parallel to the cen- ter line of said stri Engineers' Survey staPtl° Station 1046+00; and which in a strip of land 125 feet in width. the boundaries of said strip of land lying 55 feet dtstant westerly fron), and 70 feet distant easterly from, and parallel to the center lhie of said strip of land, from Englnedrs' Sur-, vey Station 1046=t-00 to Station/056= 00; and whleh lies withln a strip o; land 110 feet in width, the boundarles of said strip of land lying 55 feet dis- tant fron), on either side 0f, and par- allel to the center line of said strip of land, from Engineers' Survey S- tien 1056+00 to the Northerly botu- ary of the above described prope 'ty, as said center line is now located and staked on the ground, over, across, upon, and/or adjacent to the above described property; said cen- ter line is more particularly described as follows, using bearings based on the Washington State Gridt North Zone: Beginning at Engineers urvey Station 1034+51,5, a point on the south line of See. 18, Twp. 22 N. R. 1 W,, W.M. said point being S. 89°11 30" E., a d stance of 1241,9 feet fronl the quarter section corner on t.ho south line of said Sec. 18; thence fm a 1910.08 foot radius curve to the left (tile long chord of which bearo N. 1l18'03 '' W,, 751,63 feet) a distance iff 756.61 feet to Engineers' Survey Equation Station 104208.11 Bac equals Station 1042+32,80 Ahead thence N. 22"39' W,, a d stance of 2175.17 feet; thence on a 1910.08 foot radius curve to the right (the long ch,)rd of which bears N, 0°19'15 '' E,, 3,490.87 feet) a distance of 1531.39 feet; thence N. 23"17'30" E., a distance of 1159.54 feet to Engineers' Survey Sta- tion 1090+98.9, a point on the north line of said Sec, 18, said point being N+ 88"31'30" W,. a distance of 2063,8 feet from the northeast crlrner og said Sec< 18. (Extdhlt A). lJareel 65, Owner: City of Tacoma. All that l:)O)'- thin of the City i)f Taeoma Electric Transmission Line through the NEl/ of Sec, 19, Twt), 22 N., R. 1 W., W, M,. Mason County, Wthington, described as a strip of land 400 feet In width, the bonndaries of said st)'ip of land lying 200 feet distant from, on either sid(?, of, and parallel to the center line. beginning at a point " on the west lille of said See, 19, a distance of 272 feet south nf the VceaL quarter cerncr t,lle)'+,(.tf; runnblg t.hent, e % r, 68 ° 30' E. a distance of 5857 feet. tliore t)r leas, 'to the east llne t)f sit d See, 19 wllich lies within it strip of land. 235 fl;,et ill whtth, the boundaries of 8aid strip of land lying 85 feet dis- tent westerly and ]50 feet distant easterly froin': and parullel to the celt- tel" line ef said strip of land, frQi,t the s(mtherly boundary of tim above descrli)ed property tt) ngineers' vey Station 0234-00: and whleh lie withtn a st,'lp of land 170 feet in width, the bnundarics of sald strip ef land lying' 85 feet distant from, on either side of, and parallel to the center line of said strip nf land, froln Engineers' Sitrvey Station ]023+00 to the northerly boundary ef iite ah()ve described proDerty, its said eenttr line i now hs,atcd and staked on tht ground, ovcr, aeress) upon, and/or adjaccnt to the al)t)vo described prop- erty; todd t!enter llnc is more parti- cuhuqy described as follows, using bearings ba>e.d ripen the Washington State Gl'ld, North Zone: Bogtlinhig at Engineers' Su)'vt y Statit n 979+52.5, a point on the south line of said See. ;19 Twp, 22 N., R. 1 W., W.M. said point being S. 88 ° 45' E,, a. distance of 38:],4 feet fronl rite quarter section corner on the south line of said Scc. 19; thence N. 30* 44' E,. a distance ef 406.50 feet to Engineers' Sutvey Equation Station 983+59,00 B a c |c etluals Station 983+63,61 A h e a d; thence on a 572965 loot radius curv tn the left (the h)n chord of which hears N, 15 ° 26' 30' E.. 3022,19 feet) a distance of 8058.33 feet; thenec N. 0 ° 09' E., a distsnce of 2027.16 feet to Engineers' Survey Equation ta- . lion 1034+49.10 Back equals Station 1084-o{-48.11 Ahead; tl enee ou a 1910.08 h)ot radius curve to the left chord i)f whieh ,hcar,s N. E., q.39 feet) a distance to tnglneers' Survey Stathm 1084 51,5, a point on lhc north line of sa Sec. 19, said point being S, 89 ° 1.1' t 80" F,,, a distance of 1241.9 feet front ' the quarter seeth)n corner on the north line of sitld See, 19. {Exhibit A}. Parcel 69. Owner; C. C. Eddy andE. R, Griffith. That portion of the SEW of the NW of Set:, 18, Twp. 22 N,, R. 1 W., W, M,, Mason County; Washingttm, wllich lies within'a strip of land 110 feet In width, the boun- daries of said strip Of hind lying5 feet distant from, on either side 0L and parallel to the center line 0f said strlp ef land, ss said center llne is ,now located and staked t)n he ground, over, across, tlpt)n an,d/0r adjacent to the above dcs(n'ihe, d prop, ei't¥; said center line is iiiore part}- cuhtr]y described its folh)ws, using bel{rings based on the WashingtOn State Grid, North Zone: t:eginnilg at Engine.ors' Survey Station ]034-{-1,5, a point Oil the south line of Sec. 1,B, Twp. 22 N.. R, 1 W. W.M,. said l)()lilt being S, $9'>1]'30 '' E., a di3tabCe of 12,13.9 feet from the quarter SeC- lioll corner on 'the SOUth lille of aid See. 18 thence on a ;1910.08 foot ra- dius curve to the left (the long cbord of which bears N. 11"]8'03" W., 751,68 feet) a dlstanee of 756.61 feet to En- gin(,ers' .Survey Equation Station 10;{2 +.08.3l ' elua]s StalL.l) Ahead: theuce N. 2239 ' lance of 2175.]7 feet: 1910.08 foot radius curve to t (the long cht)rd of 0°19'15 '' E., hibit A), Pare'el 74 Ohneek That lies in width. sald taut allel of bind, fronl of the above Eilglnc(fr¢ Survey Statit: and wltlch lies within a ]'10 feet in width, the I Sltid of land tant tile center land fronl lgngileers' ( 117,)+00 to Station :I J80  lies will,in it strip I)f d 150 l) wid/l'l the t)(n)ndarte, s of ill: lanil lying'75 l+cot distant either side. t)f. center line, of of the iS llOW roum;1 over, tleross aoent to the s.bove crty; ,said cente)' ]in cularly desc)ibed as boa)'in/zs based lln State Grid, Be Enfftn(,(!rs' y , poiilt on Wl). 22 N., R. 1 W.. poiut t)ttg N, 3"48'3(.)" Of 878,2 fee, i from the nor of said Sec, 5; d of (the lo'nl dis- htbtt A).