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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 25, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 25, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pge 12 Leadership Leading Factor in Proper Functioning of 4-H Groups The great responsibility of in- spiring girls mti boys to become better fitted to meet their every- day .tasks is that whirl1 befalls -]:i' Club leaders This means that leaders must be well qualified to accept this challenge, These young folks are an ever changing group so leaders have in doing the particular job and must arrange time: t. conluet the project. Assisting with the development of boys and girls also has its cmnpensatioils for tlie leaders Besides building manhood and wo- manhood in 4-H members which i:: probably the greatest satisfac- to be prepared to meet tile vat'- tion, leaders are building them- mu, conditions, seh, es. They have sn opportunity The qualifications of being a } to h`+arn the tatcst facts and new good leader are many, A 4-H club [ methods in farming and lmmc- leader first must be interested in making'. They tlavc an opporttm- working with girls and boys. He ity snd' a desire .to increase their efficiency and skills as farmers must be a person who is highly respected ih the community, anc't must be on(; xm has tbe ability to 4'et along with people. Also a leaner must be capable of ac- cepting a challenge and suggest- ing ways of achieving an objec- lure. Leaders must be interested Calves. are entlmly off milk by middle of seventh week. You save at least 1,000 Ibs, on each calf.. It% safe, easy, econom- ical, and dependable. Helps prevent scours. Helps you get calves off to the start and grow them into big, Get a free Chart and see the simple r daily feeding instructions. /,/,, CALF and homemakers. The fact that leaders are volunteering their. time and services in a vohmtary program is sufficient evidence that there at'(,+ compensations for leaders The responsibility of the mem- bers as suggested arc: 1. Become famiIiar with ,I-H activities. 2. Inform community groups of what 4-H has to offer young folks. 3. Promote 4-H in the cemmun- ity, 4. Assist in selecting leaders and organizing clubs in the com- munity. 5. Assist with community 4-TI fairs. 6. Assist witll county fairs. 7. Assist with 4-H club camp, 8. Recommendations for better - program. Suggest features for older Club members. 10. Work with leaders to pro- mote harmony among members, parents and leaders. Clmraeter, Habit Moulding Object Of 4-H Programs I Moulding Character and person- al habits at their formative stage thru a program of activities that teach some of the various phases of homemaking and farming as well as health and recreation is the aim of a sound 4-H club pro- ...... 2_ gram. The home work projects of 4-H Established 1895 Success to 4-II Club Members Quatity Jerseys CHARLES H, WIVELL DAIRIES, Inc. H, M. Wivell,' Mgr, clubs includes sewing, home fur- nishings, poultry raising, canning, meal preparation, gardehing and livestock clubs. Each standard t-H club must have at least five members 10 years of age or old. er and an adult leader. This helps the boys and girls witi their pro. Ject work and guides them iv their business meetings. In order to be a successful leader he or ,she must have  vision of the 4-H Club program and its possibili- ties. 4-H club leaders are build- of manhood and womanlmod character and citizenship. Lead- orship requires time, effort, re- sponsibility, and sacrifice but the reward is great in seeing boys and girls grow and develop into outstanding members of their communities. An active 4-HClub is an asset to any community. The connty extension office will be glad to furnish detailed information of work. ++mm00A + + ++++++++ .Shoes Have A Rough Life Keeping Up with An Active &H'er But We Can Prolong Their Life with Our Expert Workmanship SHELTON SHOE REPAIR Graham Theatre Building WHEN IT COMES TO FARM PROJECTS 4.H Leads the Way It WHEN IT COMES TO +MECHANICAL REPAIRS You Find the Best Service at ME+LL CHEVROLET E. J. MELL First and Grove Phone 114 i ........ , . ,, ± i ,J t, ,, ,, , ,J , t i Con00atulations 4-H FROM 4t TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th and Cota Phone 128 +++ i ,,J ....  ............. SI-IELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ........................................................................................ 2--Exfeiisidii Dir6i:t0r's Message to Mason 4-H Clubs; 'Well Done,' He SaYs I4(,l'e Is ;] personal lnessllge to P | Here we see Shirley Abel and her canning project, one of four blue ribbon winners in last years contest. Shirley canned just a little over one hundred Quarts of frUit and vegetables last year. Other blue ribbon winners were Betty Newman, Elinore Brum. baugh and Pat Hart, This project is representative of what girls this age can do to help in the food preservation program. Now is Time to Become 4-H Member CAN EDITORIAL) Oh! So you are not a 4-H member? Then now is the time to join. All rural boys and girls from the ages 10-21 are eligible to become a member 6f a club that is really worth while and interesting. L Summer is almost here and it is time for the real activities of the 4-H'ers to begin. Cooking, making cloth- ing, raising poultry, livestock, and crops are just a few of the projects that are offered for you to take. And who knows but what that lush, red tomatoe or that trim looking suit would take $irst prize at the fair. Some of the objectives behind these projects are to develop leadership, agriculture methods, itizenship, love of nature, and ambition. With these accomplished four of the greatest goals will be reached; a head for clearer thinking, a heart for greater loyalty, hands to larger service, and health for better living. • O" S,ewln,. Project Winner Relates How She Got Started with 4-H Clubwork Frances JohnsOn, county dress review winner, is shown above wearing the dress she made and modeled in the county and dis- trict contests. In the district contest competition at Olympia, Frances won a blue ribbon. fourth year, I decided that by making my own clothes I could get them cheaper and more of what I want- ed. I didn't make anything until Christmas vacation and didn't make anything between then and the time I began to take sewing in Home Economics atschool. I do most of my sowing during the summer. This 'year ] made 12 things besides doing all my own mending +and darning. The fol- lowing are the things I made: a dress, two jumpers, three skirts, two blouses, two yarn dolls, a dickey, and an ironing board cov- er. by Frances Johnson Sko]komlsh Sewing Club I was 10 years od when mo- ther finally let me join tim much talked about sewmg club• This year was the very beginning of my sewing. I did mostly just lit- tle things like darning my stock- ings aud making such things as a pin enshion, sachet bag, slip, and embroidering a laundry bag, Three of these things I exhibited at the community exhibitinn and won first prize on all of them• I went to club camp that year and although I don't remember much about it, my record book for that year says that I enjoyed it very much. I don't remember much about my second year in 4-H work but I do, remember that I didn't have much of a 4-H spirit, in fact I almost qit in the middle of,the year. 'I guess I was already tired of sewing. I came down with a light case of measles and had to stay home' from school for a week or so. Instead of going to bed where I belonged, I sat up and made a blouse. Was I ever proud of that blouse? Somehow I managed to get through that+year completing my project by the skin of my teeth. I don t recall exhibiting anything that year. At the beginning of lay third year I wanted to malce a better showing but I found that sewing was no easy thing and that just discouraged me. Again I was about to quit but something just made me go on and I began to create a liking for sewing. I made a skirt, an apron, and sev- .eral potholders besides a great deal of darning and mending. I exhibited four things and woa first prize on all of them. When my record book was handed back to me it had "very good' marked on it. 'I thought if that was very with that in mind I started my 4-H Club Work Builds People and People Most Important Thing hy George C, Burekltalter, Adams County Extension Agent The most important thing in this world is people, If' we build people we build everything else. "our Club work builds people. Four-H helps boys and girls to build themselves. It helps them to develop their pro- Jectsto learn by. doing. They learn how to g'et:along with each other, They build character. Sim- ply to learn hOW tO make a dress, to bake a cake, to prepare agood meal, to raise a gardeh, to fatten a beef or pig is creditable but not enough. Along with those things members should' learn 'to appre- ciate life in all it ramifications. F0ur-H Club work is that part of Agricultural Extension wlfleh deals with rural youth. It does for rural youth what Agricuttnral Ex- tension does for adult men'nd women, I[ gives boys and girls, 20 tasks to do in agriculture, home making and community betterment. It gives them experience in being camp, part of an action club or experience, in exhibiting their products at county arid state fairs. Four-H Clubs can not function without backing from parents and tho entire community. Youngsters need encouragement. They like to know that their efforts are re- ceiving public approval. They like to feel, as any one else that their work is important. The best 4-H Club work today qs In the homes and communities where adults take an active in- terest in club activities. If your boys and girls are of club age en- courage them to avail themselves of thi opportunity to identify themselves with the largestyouth organization in the world otday, the Four-H Club. The most important thing in world ]{as(Hl (onnty'q loaders aud club- stors from E V Ellington, who is W:vdfingD)n's le\\;\' director of extension. May 1 send greetings to the n llll'ny ),+aSOll county local vohm- teat' workers ioDdcl's, assistant lerders, and clubsters. To Lho vohlnteel" worlcers and le/dt,+rs ;nes nlll(d of tile credit for the l'it/e 4--1 edition of the Join'hal. YOtll* llllS.[fJsb sol'vice, Ica(lerMIip and enthusiasm in de- veloping the local chubs was. I am sln'e, one of the pPIIHo factors in its success. One of your re- wards is in the satisfaction you receive in knowing a, •fob has been well done. To the 4-H ctub members of Mason county I send a warm per- sonal recognition of what this 4-I=I editffm of the Journal means to nle. It means tlmt 4-H work in your county is accomplishing its aims--to train the Head to Think, the Heart to be Loyal, the Hands to be Useful, and Health for Efficiency. It means that Ma- son county will contribute Js share of outstanding citizens, a few years from now, who as so nlany former 4-H lnlnbers are now doing will hold positions of influence and responsibility in their nation state and conlmtlu- ity I am sure that a great deal of their sucdess cmt be traced directly to the training and in- spiration which they received as ,t-H club members. Well done. Mason county! E. V. ELLINGTON, Director of Extension. Gardening One of Most Important 4-H Projects by Allan Brmnl)angh A very important project in the present 4-H program is gar- dening. This is easily understood when we think of our starving neighbors in Europe and other parts of the world. In their first year of 4-It gar- den wort menbers become ac- quainted with such basic funda- mentals ns seed treatment, prop- er methods of planting and weed- ing, and gardening in general. During the second year more emphasis s put on advanced de- tails necessary for a successful garden. This includes, among the more important items,, advanced work in the use of fertilizers, seed selection, crop rotation, in- sect control and classifyin soil. The club member should nake some profit from his garden in the second year of work. For their third year some mem- ber's turn their faro ly gardens into larger commercial gardens which, with two years of garden work backing, can be quite profit- able. However, the amount of produce from a garden can be increased even though the size of the garden remains the ame, Most third year members ar a2)le to plan tbeir gardens completely before actually starting work on the gardens. They learn how to test soil make fertilizer trials to determine the best mixtures for certain soils Besides learning to raise good gardens, 4-H garden members an participate in fairs, garden contests and many 4-H activities, such as club camp. Thus the gar- den project is not only oonstruc- live but t)opular among boys and girls. I gave two demonstrations this year, one at a regular meeting on how to make two different kinds of stitches and one at Rally Day on how to fit a pattern. I also entered this demonstration in the county demonstration contest and won first prize, I entered my pink pleated skirt and white blouse in the county dress revue contest and also won first prize on it. I am planning on joining the sewing club again this year and make some clothes that are more advanced and difficult to make. WE THINK YOU - ' r 4 H e s are Doing A'Grand Job and Hope You Keep it Up CLARENCE GRUNERT'S Chevron Service STATION First and Cota Streets DIRECTOR PARTICIPATION Our  Activties Best Wmh00 ,s ./:.)pD INSURANCE ,i¥i I:I+I "GOOD Mason CoHII00 ui ++ZENSHIP iii. o 4-H CIu00 ,T ,s A,so h l,,. )!b INSURANC E ' : TO o o LliiINSUR E WITH EELL'S: 01stead AUTO ,L ' INSURANCE 229 S, 1st St. road Phone 30 FORREST'S FLOWERS and CUT FLOWERS -- PLANTS -- FLORAL DE Wedding Corsage Bouquets -- Gifts for All SEND CONGRATULATIONS TO OUB MASON COUNTY 4-H CLUB BOYS AND GIRLS FOOD is What We Sell -- FOOD is What YoU So , . . 4-H Boys anti Girls . . . we are in business and We take Pleasure in Saluting you as Harold Sutherland Quality! in Farm Projects Results from Training ' ' Received doing 4-H Club Work, Phone 109 O Just as Long Experience Qualifies Us to Produce HIGH QUALITY SHEET METAL W 0 Shelton Sheet Metal Worl0000' 321 S. Third MARTIN HART, Prop. phone Luck 4.H AND GIRLS ProJects ELTON E Phone 52 BEST WI TO ."MASON COUNTY 4, TAYLOR JERS] FLOYD DAVIS, and 4-H Farm Projects OLYMIIA FEED STORE First. and Railroad James White, Mgr. jt Phone 378 ERsr. Ready to St Project . . . R SUPPLI Every Need. b,e Blue Ribbon k[&NK and MIN DURAI CASH GR( 1 \\; . , ?oO/s With Sincere Beast Wishes from " CITY _., MARIOT # Phono 141 Phone 21 of me Which Goes In SER.CREAME D I Produced 'by 4-H e e'd be Pleased to have Y IITNER,S ICE CI SHELTON MEAT & ICE and Succeed in It's Projects : To Increase It's'MembershiPi: