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Thursday, Ap 25, ]946. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY ?OT/RNAL
! Oakland Bay 4-H "Can Do" Club's
:,,v PARTlC,OAT,ON History. Story of Surviving Trouble
0 Sincer 1H Activties ,,,. Mrs. ,,. 2,. Mer,'r at bast t,)start , club so the gar-
In spite of zfll our set backs clmm heing started helped altho
ur . lhc "Can Do Oakland Bay ,t-H none of them were or' a size to
.7:oh, Olub" ,. gott,ng o-thold. enter ,,,to contests.
Best .,,, s ..o boo i,, wit,, when we movel Ti, ey ha,,e ept .s too uy to
}01) INSURANCE to Oakland Bay there was no hold very many meetings during
. 4-H Club and it wan the first of the summer, but we had a few ill
tO ,hme. :1945, with only 14 days to npite of everything. I became ill
01 go before the deadline that year. and couldn't attend to the club
I c, alled a meeting inviting" any- as it should be, so Mrs. Knudson
i 0OD one iuterested in-t-H work. offered her help. Then at club
Mate CoIll] UITIZENSHI we signed up nine children for cant[) time Loren had his tonsils
n . e our club thqt day, of which three out so I cotfldn't stay with the
• O later dropped. The first meeting club at camp. However, I took
clu was June 1,t, 19-15. The other six. them over and Mrs. Knudson
-H ,, i$ ALSO Viola. Helena and Donald Knud- brought them home. so they were
ion, Edwin and Loren Mercer and all able to attend except Loren.
Dorothy Shoemaker, haw re-J In spite of the short year, Viola
)I) INSURANCE nlained loyal mentbern, We have. i Knudstnl won second prize for a
O O TO five new members now. They are dress she made and modeled in
Eugene. David and Lewis 1Wartin-! the Mason CounLy. Dress Revue,
dale. Dorothy Bye and Jimmy 1945.
WITH Hawley. We now total 11 mere- We suffered one great disap-
bert. pointment as we did not get a
EELL'S: -= ufUS*ea a The "Rake and Needle Club" charter, because three membern
was decided upon as a name be- sighed up and never attended
AUTO %LINSURANCE cause three members decided on meetings, which brought our
• the sewing project and the others points down too low. There was
229 S. 1st St. road Phone 30 had gardens staxted so it seemed ,otning to do except to grin and
, , ' best for that project. It was late bear it.
el /.. "---------. __ We began the new year with 1
-7------ a brighter outlook• Mrs• Knud-
: son, being an excellent seam- Above are pictured members of the Mason County 4.H Leaders Council. In the front row, left to
Congratulations to stress, became assistant leader right, are shown John MacRae, Mrs. Howard Bailey, Mrs. D. Pierce, Mrs, Thee Richert, Mrs.
and took over the sewing pro- Harry Newman, Mrs. Eric Sjoholm and Mrs. William Kempton. Back rowChrist Knutsen,
FL > . Mason County ject. Mrs. Robert Evans, Lee Huston, Mrs, Chris " Knutsen, Mrs. Clinton Okerstrom and Mrs. Paul
liiiii,L} AS my health seemed to be Hunter.
IPLAN AI ()O0-/4 4-H Clubs hindering the club work, I was
ou.uets ND ,&? ' ' SHELTON becomingoverKnUdsonthe boys.qUitev°lunteeredAtw°rriedleast toUntilt° givetakeMr'it Congratulations Sent C_)unt y. Clubs Mill Creek Club's
sE .,..r '. "at..--,"' ' PRINTING a try if he wasn't too busy. At By 4-H Club Agent Charles Meenach 1st Anniversary
ULATIONS TO O-l'-ffi=.-..'-.-__-. .-i first they had a time trying to
" ' Arri May 11
) Stationery CO. decide on a project and it switch- Cohratulation t. your first
.... Office and School ed from chickens to gardens and .. annual 4-H section in the Jour- vet
U ,... ,.. again. The name has been nil. Rural boys anti girls, it is
changed to the "Can Do" Club a grand start in coordinating pub- One of 'the 4-H €lUb, recently
AND Graham Theatre B.ldg. and we have four sewing" projects, licity for your own voluntary or- organized was the Mill Creek
78 SU pplies back
two calf projects, two chicken ii!}!!i! ..... ganization. Club, which will celebrate its first
projects and the remainder in gar- :.., i !:::.::,.:',I-., Yes, 4-H club work may, be di- anniversary May 11, 1946. Here
t0R den projects. :: rooted by the extension service, is the story of how the club came
Sell -- FOOD is What You While I have been ill and in the but it operates only as it meets to be organized.
Girls .. we are in business Luck hospital the Knudsons have kept YOUR desires and fits into the Mr, Okerstrom, the county ex-
• the club on its feet and attended needs of YOUR home and corn- tension agent, asked Mrs. Kemp-
sure in Saluting you as A TT leaders meetings, so we are not munity, ton if she would consider helping
"l-1 behind on these important things• Four-H clubs are voluntary .... to start L 4-H club in the Mill
I want to say in finishipg, that you join them because ,YOU want Creek nelg'hborhood. She agreed
AND GIRLS without Mr. and Mrs. Knudson to and because the things they a,nd the next afternoon stopped
all Your Projects there would be no "Can Do" Club do are things which interest you. the school children and asked
e Winners this yea,' or it would mean start- In your club work, you learn them if they would like to start
ing once again just before the througl new experiences, under a club.
deadline• I have no more fear for the guidance of your 4-H leaders, With Mr. Okerstrom supervis-
e N the club now as I know I have your parents, and the extension ing, the first meeting was held
some one to work with me in agents that help you You club- May 11. 1945. All mentbers are
'land Phone 109 A G E this pleasant work and only hope ':":: :i stei's kndw better than I that glad they joined; it is lots of fun
Phone 52 that every 4-H leader has some every rural boy or girl who does and we do things that are notes-
, "Knudsons" in their community, not take advantage of his op- saryto lclpus become better citi-
portunity to get into this vohm- zeus, The club has done remark-
Skokomish , ,sew;n" :>mm tary program in missing a bet ably well in the past year, in
Here is your challenge, 4-H spite of the handicap of not hav-
iF! BEST WISHESTo Chb 0rganizedl.i CHARLEST. MEENACI¢ membern and parents of Mason ingaelubhouse•The projectswe
Acting 4-I-I ClUb Agent county: "See that every boy and carried included baking, sewing,
Here ;- 1922 ..tale College of Washingtort girl in yotlr neighborhood knows livestock and poultry. We boast
about 4-H club work and is in- of having had all our members
.... vited to join in 1946. Let's make except one attend the annual
ASON The Skokomish Sewing Club A .." .:v-' Climbers 96 a banner 4-H year in Mason county 4-t-I Camp.-Two members
COUNTY 4-H MEMBERS was organized in 1922, and has . county!" received higtt honors for perfect
had a succession of good leaders. The clubsters who helped to put attendance. Several others re-
There are eight members in the Give **v ne"or* ....n- out his ,,-H issue of the Jo,,rnal ciye, honorable mentiou for at-
club this year--Ardella Irwin, helped a lot toward the .fulfill- tending all but one meeting.'
president; Mildred Dugger, vice- Their Activities mont of that chailonc May Maybe .,u know some o the
president; Francy Johnson, seere- other 4-H'ers in the county do members: Thomas P. Lee, Gladys
tary; and Pat Hunter, news re- Election of officers was held their part as well during the ecru- Lund, Karla Janssen, Elizabeth
porter. Other members are Na- Dell Swearingen, Nadine and El-
dia Barrett, Shirley Bailey, Nancy for our club. the Ivy Climbers 4-I-I lug 12 months.
' Cox and Darlene Moore. Club, during the first meeting if- _ ........................ lcenBernadencDrake, andVirginit'MarcelleaClarend°n,,
" . • They meet twice a month at ter Achievement Day. Results Alh.n
;./ the girls homes. Each girl plans were as folloWs: president, War- Mel Newman Tells an Ruby Kempton. We range in
' age from 10 to 17. As for our
her project according to her ren Duffey; vice-president, Jerome
y J
leader, a better one couldn't be
needs, ability and the material Eveleth; secretary, Merridee Wiv- Of Dair Pro oct found a,,l,o,e
and money she has for clothing, ell; sergeant-at-armS, Dick Me-
They try to have, a demonstration Affie. The duties of historian and by Mcl Newman '
at each meeting'• These demon- reporter were assigned to the A dairy project isn't, the 'eat-
strafions help them in problems secretary.
We decided on two goals for lest project a person could se-
lect,have bUtte likeit isn'tto theworklmrdeSt.with cowsY°U V}' e
that arise in their sewing, the year: (1) a better end of the [717
The important events of the year exhibit and, (2) every club and know or learn how to milk,
year are always well attended, member 10 years old or older to Feeding is one of the most ira-
Rally 'day in the spring, County
Club Camp and Achievement Day give at least one club demonstra- , ,
in the,fall, tion this year or of the eight Salute
On September.30 the club has members over 10 have already t-- h
t a fair in conjunction with the given their first demonstration.
Wc decided to have one bnsine:s.
'Y SHEET METAL Grange Booster night and display and one recreational meeting per e
]LF?oldEElSEorwner2 to their parents and friends the month the projects chosen by'our . !i
asCl°thlngwinningthey have made--as well 4 _H ,.,.,,ct-h
;hoot Metal IRY prize money, members are varied• They include -
garden, home repair, baking, sew-
Last year Francy Johnson won ing, boy's homecraft and live-
ARTIN HART, the county dress review contest, stock projects. Mhny members For Their Splendid Work
thus giving her a chance to com-
pete in the district contest where carry two projects. Helping Solve Our. War-
she receix ed a blue ribbon, One of the highlights this year
By giving a program and sere- was the banquet at Aberdeen Time Food Problems.
ing lunch at Grange meetings the andSp°ns°redco, foundation,bY the• Sears.RoebuCkhonoring two
• ./ill - members are raising money to
• . • I !I \\; , / send two club members to the of our garden club members. Long May You
i . " 'i' :: State 4-H Club ean0pat Pullman, Warren Duffey and Merridee Wiv-
[ " MRS" HOWARD BAILEY' ell'" f°r their blue ribb°n gardeaSLeader, raised last year. ,Another honor, Continue aud
I" ' -ilt I t,._ (;]*" _- -- " workCarryingwas overthe arrivalfr°m laStof theYearsKi- Fast May You Grow
. , 47. wants plaque, which was award-
" was sent away to be engraved' RUBE CONN
It .......... ......... !" . i / with our club name. Melvin Newman, 4-H Club mere- AUTO PARTS
j ! ) Last fall our clt., had an ex- bet of the Arcadia Community,
at the Shelton Valley Grange is getting nicely started in 2nd and Grove Phone 575
n Booster Night. We were surpris- Brown Swiss cattle, as is evi-
e 4 . hibit
,,, ed and delighted by the number denced by the above picture.
nemb-,,l,Z< / . nty of prizes we received which were Melvin started,with one pute-
s- e It's' a real inspiration to do better bred cow three years ago and
next time. Afterwards the vege- now has two purebred heifers
M [t tables were sold at auction. The besides the original cow.
e ason u proceeds, $5.50, started a Camp
[ e of the Eggs a d Milk H Clubs Fund to be divided among the
and members going to County Club portant Jobs with any livestock.
n " 4- Camp to help pay their fees. One can have the best cow' in
'Dj. .l timeOn FebruarYa 14 Wepartyhad a grand the woHd and still not get capac-
] .;n =.l)' roj at Valentine held at ity production from her if he
ectS i W,,oh Goes Into Our HAVE OUR FULL SUPPORT the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter doesn't feed enough of the right
] CR][ Bolling. We played games, had :l kind of hay and grain.
i ", A boy or girl who lives on a
i , R-CREAMED ICE AM AND refreshments and before we knew
it were on the way home loaded farm where cows are kept has
with Valentines. Time seemed to t a head start on those that live in
;incere Beast Wishes Is Produced by 4-H CLUBBERS Sincere fly because we were lmving so the country but have no cows,
much fun! :Three years ago I bought a
from , A hot dog roast at the home of registered Brown Swiss cow. She
• Best Wishes Mr. and Mrs. 5. C, Duffey was lWaS old but she had, many fine
CITj another recent highlight. A regu- qualities so I paid the price of a
lap business meeting was held be- [ younger one just for the cah, es
fore the games and "eats." Since she would have. I was lucky. The
]E MARIT e,d be Pleased to have You try i Sometime SANITARY it was a wet day we roasted our two calves she had were both
' RIN hot dogs inside, but that didn't heifers. Now with them I have
Phone 141 ER'S ICE CREAM BAR MARKET dampen our fun in the least, a good start towdid a herd of
Yours for a better 4-I-I, my own.
The Ivy Climbers 4-H Club,
fP$ :t0 :i[ (ANNERS! ' 'Litt|e Women' Offshoot
' " Of Another 4-H Club
• " " The "Little Women" are a
group of 4-H girls from 9 to 12
k DE . 'kT years of age in the Middle Sko- Will Give
M E Get Ready to Start this komishValley. Lastyearwewere
nning Pject . Retnembe{" part of a larger club led by Mrs.
• " Bailey an 0 meatier the girls have
already had one or more years
, work in clothing projects.
ING SUPPLIES Mrs Sjoholm is our leader this
year. We meet at her house the
first and third Fridays of each
Your Every Need. May all "month.
Our club is worldng on clothing,
be Blue Ribbon winners, and food preparation projectS.
,re;Pc+s,, We have had a demonstration at That's Betty Wickizer und e r
every meetirg so far. The offi- that Texas hat. (Maybe that's
cers are: president, MarilYn Bail-] what oaused all the shade that
;TORE &NK and MIN DURAND ey; vice-president, Janet "Hunter; [ made this picture'so dark). That
secretary-treasurer, Annette Bei-) fine looking animal is "Abra.
gr. j Phone 378 CASH GROCERY nek; historian, Audry Putvin, ) ham," a very good type beef
AUDRY PUTVIN, I sire that any Polled Hereford
-- . . Historian. t breeder could be proud of.
More 4-H Chb Hews
on Page 14
103 Railroad Aven'ue Phone 232
' r-
i i i i i i i
The Corner Dime Store
Congratulations to 4-H'ers
Jim Needham 113 Cota
i It ill i
for 4.H Chickens and Stock
Phone 28 BABY CHICKS 219 S. First
&nimai Medicines!
" [j,2." " : REMEMBER
Two Friendly Pharmacies in Shelton to Serve You
213 Railroad PHARMACY
Phone 63 329 Raih'oad Ave.
Prescriptions Phone 303
'Work Clothes Made To Stand Up . . .
Under the Strain of a Hard-Work 4,H Ciubber's Daily Schedule
Everything You'll Need in Wearing Apparel for Activity
When you get ready to put together that Blue Ribbon wlner, Girls, you'll find all
your needs on our well,stocked shelves so shop at--
Second and Cota
Thoughtful 4-H'ers
For Mother's Day" Gifts
Covey Building Phone 268