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April 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 26, 2012
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Journal file photo Jacob Mortenson holds an oyster he found at Jacoby/Shorecrest park on Oakland Bay last June. State: Hood Canal shellfish growing area threatened By NATALIE JOHNSON ting a little high (in Hood nctta[ie@~asoncou~tS,,com, Canal 6.)" ........................................................................................ "A number of different stakeholders get the infor- A portion of the Hood mation,"Berbells said. Canal near Union, known The DOH identified nine as Hood Canal 6, recently threatened shellfish grow- made it on a list of threat- ing areas in its 2012 list, ened shellfish growing areas including Portage Bay, Port complied in a new Washing- Susan, Port Townsend Bay, ton State Department of Hood Canal 6, Burley La- Health (DOH) report, goon, Filucy Bay, Pacific Scott Berbells, of the Coast, Grays Harbor and DOH, said none of the nine the Naselle River. areas on the list are in im- There are 101 total shell- minent danger of closure, fish growing areas in Wash- "The bacteria is gettingington. higher and approaching "After we create our that closure limit," he said. threatened list ... we do "The station is threatened start working with stake- with a downgrade in classi- holders to develop coordi- fication." nated projects," Berbells Debbie Riley, environ-said. mental health manager The DOH has listed four for Mason County, gave aother Mason County grow- presentation to the County ing areas as "concerned," Commission Tuesday after- based on the identification noon on the DOH report, of pollution sources that "Because of the number could impact the areas in of boats in the area and the the future. fairly dense population, it is Those areas include the a concern," she said. Anna's Bay, Oakland Bay, Each year, the DOH eval-Pickering Passage and uates every shellfish grow- Rocky Bay. ing area in the state. "None of these are a sur- The evaluations include prise," Riley said. pollution source monitoring In the past the county at the shoreline and marine created a Shellfish Protec- water monitoring at set wa- tion District in the Anna's ter stations. The DOH takes Bay area to educate resi- samples six to 12 times a dents about possible pol- year. lution sources and to help After the department address the problem, Riley gets a minimum of 30 water said. samples, it can compile the "We did some very specif- threatened list. ic work there," she said. "That analysis defines the Pollution sources in Pick- classification of the growing ering Passage, which is the area," Berbells said. area between Harstine Is- "The threatened shellfish land and the Pickering area, growing areas list includes comes mostly from wildlife, marine stations where bac- Riley said. teria counts, mainly those "Rocky bay is one of those for fecal coliform, are ap- that is never quite right, it proaching levels in which comes and goes," she said. the DOH would have to The DOH list is intended downgrade the area," he to alert local conservation said. and public health organiza- "Our typical sampling tions of potential problem ~uns include a bacteria areas, so they can begin sample for fecal coliform, looking for solutions to pol- temperature and salinity," lution sources before the he said. "The levels are get- marine stations fail entirely. Madonna Alonzo Denise Franzel Amanda McClain Taresa Spencer Sue Amos Nichole Gault Amy McDowell Joel Sterling Tammy Anderson Jennifer Giles Kayla McLemore Pam Sterling Beth Benedict Ashley Goos Chris Middleton Katie Stites Jessica Brissette Idonna Gullett Kathy Miller Ed Sweeten Chris Buchan Rachel Haskell Rhonda Miller Lisa Tracy Kathy Burbidge Pete Havens Drake Minkwic Nyomi Vann June Byrd Tiffany Henningsen Berena Mullen Kimberly Vilter Robyn Canaday Catherine Hernandez Yolanda Munoz Travis Wagner Linda Canfield Machelle Hodge Gary Newbern Leslie Webb Peggy Chamblin Nicole Hodge Kaye Newman Roxanne White Chris Chase Kelsey Hopkins Leigha Ortiz Kristina Whiteley Sheri Chase Beth Johnston Todd Ostrander Leslie Wilford Micah Chynoweth Brianna Jordan Alicia Paulson Josh Wilkes Angie Cooper Kaleb Jordan Elizabeth Pearson Ron Wilkes Sasha Crane Ashleigh Kinnaman Cathy Pompa Stephanie Wohl Dan Davis Alexa Koester Teri Ramey Tracy Wright Dustin Davis Cathy Kretzer Maria Ramirez Carrol Wyatt Rod Davis Dustin Kruger Ginny Ray Rebecca Wyckoff-Lindsey Dawn Dececio Melody Larson Sharon Richter Hiromi Yamagishi Garret Effelberg Emily Lewis Pamela Rickard Carla Yates D'Lea Elkins Anita Madea Megan Ritchie Jennifer Yates Amanda Elmandolar Paul Malinosky Simon Rogers Sirena York Kimberly Espinoza Mary Jane Manuel Nichole Schubert Barbara Zion John Farmer Micalah Martinez Rachel Shreaves Kyra Zion Ila Marie Finney Scott Matheny Michael Simoneau Derek Zion Nathlee Foster Jherrica McCabe Anne Snyder Tanner Zion Thank you to the owners, Lester and Betty Krueger, and to the general manager, Rick Krueger, for setting and achieving high standards at Alpine Way. 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Se habla espa~ol • Approved by the Joint Commission. Healthcare's Most Wired Hospital, 2011 Shelton-Mason County Journal by Sarah Newman, D.C. ARTHRITIS SUFFERERS, GET MOVING! Due to factors such as an aging Baby Boomer population, a rising incidence of obesity, and increased longevity, an estimated half of the U.S. population will Sarah Newman, D,C. get some form of osteoarthritis in their lifetimes. This most common form of arthritis is a painful joint disease that causes weakness and disability, and often leads to costly joint-replacement surgery. However, osteoarthritis need not necessarily result in serious outcomes that too many sufferers simply accept as "an inevitable part of aging." In fact, the inflammatory disease can be successfully managed by losing weight (if necessary), adopting a generally healthy lifestyle, and exercising. The chiropractor can help osteoarthritis sufferers get moving by helping to guide affected joints through a greater range of movement. The word arthritis means inflammation of the joint and can affect a person at any age. NEWMAN FAMILY CItIROPRACTIC offers a unique approach to successfully treating pain and discomfort using non-invasive, non-surgical techniques. Our emphasis is to provide safe and effective treatment for patients and their families. We're located at 2211 Jefferson St., where we utilize a variety of patient specific chiropractic adjusting techniques. Call us today at 360.426.3886 to schedule an appointment. P.S. The chiropractor can help osteoarthritis sufferers break the cycle of pain that prevents them from moving, which is the first step in reducing pain. www.newma -Thursday, April 26, 2012 Page A-3