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Of the more than 1,000 whooping cough is a serious risk relies on responsible parentson the line is not worth the risks and replaced it with in-depth
whooping cough cases in to infants and others with im- and adults getting the Tdap vac- associated with the vaccine. "profiles" of community busi-
Washington, three were mune deficiencies, cine. nesses. Our staff has been hard
diagnosed in Mason County and Mary Selecky, the Secretary The typical side effects of Community profiling , at work on this section for the
more are expected. According to of Health for Washington, saidTdap are negligible compared The Shelton-Mason County past couple of months and we
the Washington State Depart- whooping cough can be "life to what whooping cough can doJournal is proud to present our hope you like the results.
ment of Health, Washington threatening for infants." Manyto a body, and a severe allergic revamped and upgraded Profile It may also be considered a
is on track to reach more than infants are too young to be vac- reaction is a less than one in a magazine, inserted into thispreview of our annual Visitor's
3,000 cases this year. cinated completely and both million possibility according to week's issue. Guide section coming out in
The Department of Health 2010 and 2011 had infant deaths the Center for Disease Control. After scouring previous edi-May.
claims these numbers have not due to whooping cough. Please get vaccinated, putting tions with a fine-toothed comb, Enjoy, and let us know what
been seen in six decades and The health of our community your friends and families lives we culled excessive information you think.
America? dies only add confusion to Mason County are lacking
the youngsters by causing and creating a "cesspool" in
them to think of themselves Hood Canal. Based on steps
"'NO such as Americans when they are taken over the past five
not. They are United States years, I would suggest Ma-
v,"'ace citizens. That is what they son County has infact taken
are fortunate to be and significant steps to address
should be proud of. marine water quality which
Editor, the Journal I know you are not an should be recognized.
The Veterans of Foreign American citizen Lea. Are Oakland Bay has had
Wars (VFW) Ladies Aux- you now a United States cit- hundreds of thousands of
iliary Youth essay contest izen or will you become one? tax payer dollars "invested
asked the question "WhatWe wish you much happi- by the county to stop what
is an American?" They ness here in your new home. had been a growing fecal
should have asked a ques- Vern Morgus coliform problem for the
tion that made some sense. Shelton shellfish industry, tribal
Why didn't they ask, "What members and the public.
does it mean to be a citizen " "yroun*'" has Current county commission-
of our United States?" That ers Tim Sheldon and Lynda
would help a fourth grader Ring Erickson with past
or any student, apparently taken steps Commissioner Ross Galla-
even an adult, learn for gher were instrumental in
instance, that there is no dd creating the Oakland Bay
country named America, to a__ress Clean Water District. Ac-
there isn't even a continent tions by that group stopped
named America. There arewater a growing problem.
no "American citizens" and Programs implemented in
did notbecome one.f°urth grader Lea Albaugh l ity cooperation with the coun-
qua ty's health department to
I hope that the Southside address fecal coliform have
district, which my familyEditor, the Journal included untold educational
lives in and supports with I am writing as a third seminars for the public on
our property taxes and the generation shoreline andseptic system maintenance
staff will correct this errone- tideland owner in response which has resulted in the
ous teaching so that all their to Mr. Grout's letter pub- ability of citizens to better
students will be proud to be lished in the April 19 edition understand the importance
and know they are United ("Comments Written Off'). of maintaining private on-
States citizen, as those two In his letter Mr. Grout (with site septic Systems and fixing
words United States, haveGold Coast Oyster) implies those which may be failing.
such wonderful meaning. Mason County's efforts to With support from Mason
The well-intended VFW ]la- ensure marine waters in County the Conservation
should provide contact and address information
for the Journal
District has installed aneor- departments experienced for Gold Coast to use state
bic digesters to help reduce deep cuts, virtually elimi- tidelands to grow oysters on;
farm animal manure run-off nating any ability to follow- DOH performs monthly sam-
as well as educate farmers on through with enforcementpling of waters where those
the unintended consequenc- issues. These cuts persist, oysters are grown to ensure
es of their operations. Ma- yet the economy is improv- vibrio outbreaks and fecal co-
son County is a direct par- ing with resultant activ- liform related diseases to not
ticipant in the current "Blue ity adding to the already infect their oysters which in
Ribbon Panel" created to un- immense pressures felt by turn infect humans; Mason
derstand ocean acidification county staff. This, at a time County requires very few
caused by deep sea upwell- when property values andpermits- if any- for aqua-
ing, a growing problem with resultant taxes received are culture related developments
far greater consequences to still depressed, leaving any in tidelands; and, Mason
Hood Canal's shellfish than increase in revenues andCounty provides very favor.
a few failing septic systems, ability to hire years away. able tax rates for privately
Of most significance for I will close by suggesting held tidelands producing
Mr. Grout to remember is Mr. Grout be grateful fbr the shellfish. Denigrating efforts
that these~ programs were immense number of tax dol- by politicians will not achieve
implemented during a time lars spent to fund all the pro- the end result we are all look-
when the economic environ- grams put forth in exclusive ing for -- clean and healthy
ment deteriorated at a pace support of the relatively small waters for everyone.
never seen in recent his- shellfish industry. DNR pro- Jules Michel
tory. All of Mason County's Vides favorable lease terms Shelton
Mason County has
opportunities for
growth in economy
ommunities that are successful look for-
,ward and see opportunities that others do
not see and plan and make things happen.
As our economy moves ahead we seek to foster
economic opportunities that make it possible for
our community members to both live and work in
Mason County.
As a community we are in the position to iden-
tify our competitive advantage
and to act on it. For rural com-
munities we must find niches
where we can compete in the
market place. A recent study
that I read indicated that the
Portland (Ore.) area lacks
industrial sites of 50 acres or
more. In other words if you
were a company seeking to
By MATT expand and had a site require-
MATAYOSttI ment of 100 acres they could not
accommodate your company.
It is our opportunity to see niches like this in
the market place and to fill these needs.
As the EDC's role is to identify opportunities
like this and to facilitate the success of our com-
munity by identifying places where we are able to
position ourselves for success in creating jobs for
our thture.
This year the EDC is working with Mason
County to advocate for the addition of "Industrial"
and "Commercial" land for future development.
In the coming weeks and months we will look for-
ward to providing updates on this process.
Matt Matayoshi is Mason County Economic
Development Council Director
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Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc.
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Telephone (360) 426-4412 • www.masoncounty.com
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nges or
ions woul
Johnny Toni Melissa
Johnston Earles Moore
"The only thing that comes
to mind is up in Seattle at
a children's park off to the
side a couple people were
smoking on a bench and
that bothered me. So I'd
like seating for smokers far
enough away to not bother
"There's not a lot for kids to "I would say to make sure "More toys, more bright col-
do at most of these parks, it is safe from anybody that ors and flowers. Maybe a
How about more things for could be harmful toward a water fountain for people to
kids to see or do. I think a child or adult." play in."
live band once a week would
be awesome."
County Journal is a member of
Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association.
$37 per year for Mason County addresses,
$51 per year in state of Washington but outside
Mason County, $61 per year out of state,
Owned and published by
Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc
Karl Sleight, publisherAdvertising:
Dave Pierik, Sr. Acct. Executive
Newsroom: Harvey Morris, ad representative
Jesse Mullen, editor Sharee Miller, ad representative
Natalie Johnson, reporter
Emily Hanson, sports reporter Front office:
Adam Rudnick, copy editor Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper
Margot Brand, circulation
Cricket Carter, mailroom
Composing room:
William Adams, graphics
Becky Corr, typing
Kelly Riordan, production manager
Travis Miller press operator
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