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Take a glimpse into Northwest history
'Immigration Then & Now' she felt lonely at first. "I was fortunate
to have found friends within the commu-
scheduled for today at library nity who took the time to not only teach
me English, but to also invite me to oth-
Witness the Northwest of a century ago er community events to meet people. I
through the eyes of an immigrant with found that Americans are kind, helpful,
"Northwest Passages," a live multimedia and genuinely care for one another," she
performance created by the Living Voices said.
theater company. Cheryl Heywood from Montreal came to
Then hear about the contemporary im-the United States 16 years ago, gaining cit-
migration experiences of local residents, izenship in 2007. Heywood decided to leave
The event "Immigration Then and Now"Canada shortly after the October 1995
will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. today at the Quebec referendum, when the motion to de-
Shelton Performing Arts Center, 3737 N. cide whether Quebec should separate from
Shelton Springs Road. Canada was defeated by a narrow margin.
The presentation, led by staff from Shel- "The year after the referendum, 30,000
ton Timberland Library, is free and open to educated and bilingual people left the prov-
the public, ince of Quebec. I applied to several library
"Northwest Passages" shows a dynami-positions in the United States, and I was
cally changing Northwest at the turn of the hired by Timberland Regional Library in
20th century with the expansion of the rail- May 1996," Heywood said.
road, the discovery of gold, labor struggles Octavio Sanchez came to the United
and world war told from the perspective of States from Mexico 34 years ago at the age
Julia Berg from Sweden. of 14. The eldest boy in a large family, he
When Berg's father sees the futility of went to work with his father in plant nurs-
farm life in Sweden, he moves the family eries in Oregon to support the family. San-
to begin a new life in Preston, Wash. The chez lived in a migrant camp and experi-
story follows the family as they celebrate enced the hardships of being an immigrant
both Swedish and American holidays, build youth in a small town in the Pacific North-
a new life and struggle against prejudice, west. He now serves as the volunteer presi-
When Berg becomes a nurse with Seat-dent of the non-profit organization United
tle's Swedish Hospital, she travels through- Immigrants of Shelton in order to support
out the Northwest interacting with African people facing the current difficulties of im-
American coal miners, Chinese immigrants migration.
in Tacoma and Native Americans on an In- Stella Heard left Kenya nine years ago
dian reservation. When World War I breaks for a better life in America. To escape pov-
out, Berg's oldest brother disappears in the erty, an abusive husband and the specter
war, her father is killed in an accident and of AIDS, she also had to leave behind two
her mother becomes ill during the flu pan- daughters. She settled in Shelton, went to
demic of 1918. Berg discovers her unique college and got married. She also met a cou-
staths as a woman with two homes, two ple that was going on a mission to Kenya;
cultures and two families, they brought the girls back to their mother.
Living Voices is an educational theater Heard and her daughters, now 13 and 14,
company that combines a solo dramatic became citizens in 2009. Heard, who con-
performance with a multimedia production tinues to think of the hardships of the chil-
combining theater, video and sound. Per- dren in her village in Kenya, is studying
formances invite audiences to view history International Relations at The Evergreen
from the perspective of a character who ex- State College.
perienced significant historical events. The Gunnel Svensson, originally from Swe-
company's website is www.livingvoices.org, den, completes the circle of "Immigration
Then and Now." Svensson has lived in the
Local Panel: United States for the past 55 years. She
Debbie Yuan, originally from China, has immigrated when she became engaged to a
been in the United States for 24 years, serviceman and later married him. Because
"I came to the United States in hopes she believed that it was the right thing to
of obtaining the American Dream," said do, she became a citizen in 1969.
Yuan in an email to the library. Immi- For more information on this community
grating to a new country with a differ- event, contact the Shelton Timberland Li-
ent culture and language, and no friends, brary at 426-1362.
'Final Friday'
Shelton Community
Cinema will screen its
monthly "Final Friday"
movie at 7 p.m. Friday at
the new PUD No. 3 audi-
torium, located at 2621 E.
Johns Prairie Road, Shel-
The upcoming showing
is the "Koch Brothers," a
documentary about the in-
fluence wielded by two of
our nation's wealthiest in-
There is no charge for
admission, but donations
are welcome with pro-
ceeds going to pay the
license fee for the films
shown, and to SOCK's
(Save Our County's Kids)
work to bring a YMCA to
For more information,
call 432-3229 or email
Shelton Community
Cinema is not associated
with any political or reli-
gious group.
Organizers will no lon-
gerbe showing our films at
the previous PUD building
on Cota Street.
Kiwanis clubs take part in
community service events
The volunteer members of Kiwanis Clubs of
Mason and Thurston counties will participate
in Kiwanis One Day community service projects
during April and early May.
Kiwanis One Day is an international day of
community service by Kiwanis clubs around the
world. Washington state has more than 400 Ki-
wanis clubs.
The local kiwanis organizations are:
Mason County Kiwanis clubs:
Kristmas town and Shelton Kiwanis on April
7 cleaned Highway 3 from the Shelton city limits
to Highway 101.
Additionally, Kiwanis members will be in-
volved in United Way Day of Caring on June 21
and are helping on the Matlock Days "Old Tim-
ers" events on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Members also work at the Catalyst Park
Food Bank Garden on Eighth and Harvard
streets planting potatoes, onions and prepar-
ing the garden beds for crops to be donated to
the area food bank. The project is in conjunc-
tion with other service organizations, and adds
hundreds of pounds of fresh vegetables for
those in need.
Kiwanis members also just finished hosting
the Missoula Children's Theater.
Pioneer Kiwanis:
The group helped clean up the State Route
3 intersection along Harstine Island Road and
has hosted a crab feed to raise funds for Pioneer
School students.
Hood Canal Kiwanis:
The group cleaned up trash on Highway 101
from Hoodsport south. Members will also be col-
lecting firewood for families in need and orga-
nizing a fundraiser at Hood Canal School to sup-
port student projects and scholarships. "Spring
Fling" was held at Hood Canal School on April
The dental team of Richard Downing, DDS
proudly welcomes the addition of
rgilI, DMD
Dr. Cargill, a Shelton native, graduated
from dental school at Boston University. He
is a licensed general dentist. He graduated
from Shelton High School in 2002, then
earned his Bachelor of Science in Biology
from the University of Washington in 2006.
Prior to attending de ntal school, Zach
worked for a year in construction with his
dad's company. He and his wife Margie
(who is also from here) are the proud
parents of Leif, who was born on January
the tenth this year.
Zachary Cargill, DMD
General Dentistry
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Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 26, 2012 - Page A-7
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