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[ m..o. eo..ty ] Learn about estate planning, wills
at Shelton Timberland Library
3undraiser for Senior lctivities Center uilding 3und
our support can
for all seniors
in 5helton
"Shelton Civic Center, 525 W. Cota Ave', Shelton,
Join attorney Roberta Armstrong at the state-licensed attorney who spe-
Shelton Timberland Library from 6-7:30 cializes in Indian estate planning.
p.m. on Tuesday and learn about wills and The program is a general one and is open to
estate planning, all. Time for questions and discussion will
Armstrong will cover the benefits and be included.
important points of planning an estate. The The Shelton Timberland Library is lo-
library closes at 7 p.m. and will only be open cated at 710 W. Alder St. For more infor-
for the presentation after that time. mation, call the library at 426-1362 or go to
Armstrong is a Washington www.TRL.org.
American .Red Cross to honor residents
The American Red Cross cy Peacock, chapter execu- Healthcare Alliance. Guests
Mount Rainier Chapter an- tive for the Mount Rainier must RSVP ahead of time to
nounced that it will honor Chapter, said. "They exem- 253-441-7615.
12 people throughout Thur- plify the power of the hu- The American Red Cross
ston and Mason counties for man spirit and the mission is a nonprofit, humanitar-
heroic acts at its 16th An- of the Red Cross." Jan agency dedicated to
nual Heroes Breakfast from The annual breakfast helping make families and
7:30 to 9 a.m. on Friday, at raises funds to help support communities safer at home
Saint Martin's University local Red Cross programsand around the world. For
Marcus Pavilion in Lacey. and services. The Chehalis more information, visit
"The Red Cross Heroes Tribe is this year's major www.rainer-redcross.org,
Breakfast recognizes those sponsor. Award sponsors w w w. t w i t t e r. c o m /
special people in our com- are Columbia Bank, Group redcrossrainier or
munities who go above andHealth Cooperative, Puget www.facebook.com/
beyond to help others," Tra- Sound Energy and TriWest redcrossrainier.
Offender graduates earn
GEDs through program
Washington Corrections Center, Garret
Heyns Education Center to be honored
Washington Corrections Center and Gar-
rett Heyns Education Center will honor Gen-
eral Education Development (GED) and voca-
tional graduates on Tuesday.
Washington Corrections Center offers basic
education through the Garrett Heyns Educa-
tion Center in partnership with Centralia Col-
Offenders can earn a high school diploma or
a GED through the education program.
Vocational programs are also offered that
prepare offenders for a specific occupation.
Some offenders will receive an Institutional
Sanitation Certificate.
This vocational program trains offenders
to provide services consistent with standards
and procedures related to institutional sanita-
tion and cleaning.
Offenders in the program will learn job mar-
ket entry-level skills in sanitation services.
Schools foundation
invites residents to
shredding event
The Shelton Schools Founda-
tion is reminding community citi-
zens that it is time to clean out
files and boxes and shred docu-
ments with personal identifica-
The foundation is sponsoring
an opportunity to professionally
shred the old documents from 10
a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday at the
Oakland Bay Junior High staff
parking lot on Wallace Kneeland
Boulevard. This will be a fund-
raising event for the non-profit
organization whose primary goal
is to enrich the educational op-
portunities of the students in the
Shelton School District. :~
A donation for shredding two
boxes of documents is suggested
to be $10.
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Page A-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Apn 26, 2012
#rj~' #~¢
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May.3rd vs. Portland Chinooks
May 12th vs. Bellingham Slam
Thurs. May 24th: , :vs. Portland Chinooks
Thurs. May 31st vs. Japan
Thurs. June 28th vs. Los Angeles
Tues. July 3rd, .... :,vs. .... Orlando:: Venom
Tickets available for purchase at the box office
or at the door (day of t~:~e event)
For season tickets please call 360-790-5165.