April 26, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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The Sons of the American Legion would like to extend our
most sincere thanks for all of the generous donations from our
local community businesses and individuals to the 2012 Spring
Dinner and Auction to benefit Pack 110 and Troop 110.
Special thanks to our Auctioneer, Gary Olson; Chefs Wes and
Gina Goldsby and Chris and Jil Hammond; and the 40et8 club
for their continued support of our Youth programs•
Alderbrook Country store*, Alderbrook Golf Club*, Arcadia
Small Engine Repair, Art Talks, Bank of America, Better
On You, Joan Bennett, Brady Landscape Supply Co., Inc.,
Bzbaker's Custom Cakes, Calm Cove Oyster Co., The Cameo*,
Carl's Pharmacy, Coffee Creek Espresso*, Coyote Canyon
Winery, Cut Rate Auto*, Diane's Driving School*, Feather
Photography, Frontier Computers, Dave and Amy Frost*,
Gillis Auto*, Vicki Gonzales*, The Hair Shack (Taylor Shrum),
Hair-We-R (Julie Stites), Hammond Forestry*, Hands On
Children's Museum, Hood Canal Communications*, Hood
Canal Marina, Hoodsport Winery*, Hunter Farms*, Isaacson
Supply Co., Rick Johns, Jr., Patti Kempton, Howard Leggett*,
Dusty Linder*, Little Creek Casino*, Marv's Auto*, Papa
Murphy's, NAPA Auto Parts*, Needful Things, Kim and
Kyle Nelson*, Nifty Thrifty Senior Center Store, O'Reilly
Auto Parts*, Alberta Osier, Patty and Cameron Osier, Buz
Payne*, Pettit Oil, Quality Resale, John L. Scott Realty, Pat
Richmond*, Jerry Rolling*, Dave Sabin, Salon at Union
Square, Sandy's Tax Service, Sew What Now (Patty Hughes),
Shelton Chiropractic*, Shelton Flea Market, Silver Rose
Emporium*, Ava Taylor*, Taylor Shellfish*, 2 Margaritas,
Union Paddle and Row, Union Square Dell*, Verle's*, Keith
Visser*, Walmart*, Butch Weston, Veronica Wilson, Yards of
Yarn, Yesterday's General Store
e "% Rg;: ....
Four Stars
The News Tribune
nationally known
........... Chef Xinh Dwelley
.......... DAI LY
(360) 427-8709, Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton • Corner of 3rd and West Railroad Z]
when you advertise in
(360) 426-4412
"Your Key to Any
Automotive Service"
Low Price
Plus -
Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentar
car wash
*Some gas cars slightly higher;
diesel vehicles not included.
2nd Shelton exit off Hwy 101
Adoptions cost $75, which Interesting individuals a•m. to 4 p.m• Monday Husky/Rottweiler mix,
includes vaccine, wormer, can call 427-7503 or visit through Friday. male, 3 years old
spay/neuter plus $10 city li- the shelter at 902 W. Pine The shelter is closed Sat- Rottweiler/husky mix,
cense. St. Dogs may be viewed at urday and Sunday. male, 3 years old
New dogs are brought in shelton.petfinder.com. Labrador/pit bull mix,
all the time• The hours are from 11 Current listings: male, 1 year old
Patrick and Shamrock are ready to find a forever
home. Their siblings have all found homes. After
being found in a cardboard box, these loving kit-
tens are looking for a special family that will share
love, warmth and provide the safety they need
and deserve. For information on Patrick, Sham-
rock and their other indoor only friends call 584-
0594 or leave a message at 426-2455.
Looking for a highly energetic dog with personality plus?
Look no further -- Pugsley is a 2-year-old Jack Russell mix
that fits the bill. Jack Russells tend to be extremely intel-
ligent, fearless, athletic and vocal dogs and Pugsley has all
of these characteristics. They have a tremendous amount
of energy for their size and are not recommended for apart-
ment or condo dwelling. Obedience training is definitely
recommended and this little guy is a quick learner so he
will undoubtedly be the star of the class. If you would like
to meet Pugsley please contact Adopt-A-Pet at 432-3091 or
aapdogs7@msn.com (emails are preferred).
Friday every Monday at the Harst-
7:30 -9 a.m., The Shelton ine Island Community Hall,
Mason County Chamber's 3371 E. Harstine Island
Board of Trustees will hold Road N. If you are looking
its regular, monthly meet- for a support group to Take
ing in the chamber board Off Pounds Sensibly, come
room, 215 W. Railroad Ave., and join us. More informa-
Shelton. Meetings are open tion please contact Marlene
to chamber members, at 427-3873.
6:30-7:30 p.m., Hood
Saturday Canal School District No.
2 p.m., 13th annual 404 community forums for
Habitat Spring Te~ and select-tug titb~hext super-
FaShion Fundraigin~ event inten~dent/pr~c'ipM. Cam-
at Faith Luth~ra~hurch mun'ity forums will be held
in Shelton. High tea, fash-
ion showand silent auction,
call 426-8134 for tickets.
10 a.m.-noon, Kidztown
at Olympic Middle School
for kids grades K-6; crafts,
games, breakfast, music, bi-
ble lessons, skits and small
groups to help your kids get
the most out of every week-
end. For more information
contact Melody at 427-9092.
7-8:30 p.m., Prostate
Cancer Awareness and Sup-
port Group for men and sig-
nificant others meets in the
Skokomish Room, at Mason
General Hospital. Contact
Bill at 426-2486 for more in-
9 a.m., TOPS 1402 meets
in the school library. All at-
tendees may ask questions
of the candidates and will
be asked to complete input
forms for the school board to
review regarding each can-
7:30 a.m., The Shelton
Mason County Chamber of
Commerce's Government
Affairs Committee will hold
its regular, monthly meet-
ing at Roosters Restau-
rant, 3001 Olympic Hwy
N., Shelton. This commit-
tee represents the business
community's interest at the
city, county, state and fed-
eral levels of government
and offers representation
on policy issues that impact
business, the business envi-
ronment and economic de-
velopment. Wednesday
11:30 a.m.-lp.m., Shel- 1-3 p.m., Support Group
ton Kiwanis Club meeting for Chronic Pain and Other
at Xinh's Clam & Oyster Invisible Disabilities please
House, 221 W. Railroad call for meeting schedule
Ave., Shelton. The Shel- and further information
ton Kiwanis Club has been 742-6566. Meet every other
serving the community Wednesday at the Mason
since 1924. Join the club for General Hospital conference
its weekly meeting, room.
Noon-1 p.m., The Shel- 6:30-7:30 p.m., Hood Ca-
ton Mason County Cham- nal School District No. 404
ber of Commerce's Am- community forums -- see
bassadors will hold their MOnday' ,
regular, monthly meeting7:30 p.m., non'denomina-
at Grove Street Brewhouse, tional, no collections, all wel-
203 S. First St., Shelton. come, teachingofJesusatEv-
The ambassadors serve ergreen Elementary Library,
new and existing chamber North Ninth St., Shelton.
members as greeters, pro-
vide a source of informa- Thursday
tion, assist at events and 7 a.m., regular meeting of
are positive representatives the Hood Canal Kiwanis, at
of the chamber within the the Hoodsport Timberland
community. Library, 40 Schoolhouse
6 p.m., The Hood Canal Hill Road, Hoodsport. Hood
Improvement Club will hold Canal Kiwanis meets every
its regular meeting. The Thursday.
community social begins at Noon-1 p.m., The Rotary
6 p.m., walking tacos ($5) Club of Shelton will hold
will be served beginning at its regular, weekly meet-
6:30 p.m. and a special pro- ing at St. David's Episco-
gram 'Union's Got Talent' at pal Church, 324 W. Cedar
7:15. All are welcome- one Street, Shelton. The cost of
does not have to be a mem- lunch is $10.
ber to participate. 7-10 p.m. John Lucas
6:30-7:30 p.m., Hood Ca- and Randy Linder will per-
nal School District No. 404 form at Taylor Station,
community forums -- see Restaurant and Lounge on
Monday Thursdays.
........ Contact us:
Grace Baptist Church ....
.., jbr thefitith of the ~qospel ~ eo Box I025, SMto,1, WA !)8584
~> ....... " Phone: C360) 462 l@l