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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 26, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 26, 2012
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Program. There have been a earlier. Everyone over 50 Continued from page B-1 If you need help dig- ging and dividing or have plants to pick up, please call Barbara LaJune at 426-0494. Donations may be dropped off at the hall the day before the sale The Women's Club May Luncheon is coming up on May 3. Sandy Murphy is organizing the event and she has a message and a request to those attend- ing. The theme this year is "Mardi Gras" and the ladies are asked to dress in their number of large trucks using the Community Club's parking lot for park- ing and staging: This activ- ity has resulted in damage to the lot. Signs will be posted at each entrance to the parking lot restricting parking to hall activities after 2 p.m. Friday or bygaudiest party clothes. Ap- only. previous arrangement with petizers will be served The senior lunch bunch LaJune. The club will also at 11:30 a.m. and then ahas their May menu help you fill in your flow- fabulous luncheon will fol- planned. On Wednesday, erbed if you have empty low. If you care to bring a it will be serving chicken spots. For that help leave a guest Kathy Doherty willtetrazini, green salad and message with Arlen Morris, collect $5 at the luncheon, chocolate pudding with at 432-9712. Proceeds from Photos are now being whipped cream. The main the sale benefit island and accepted for the HICC menu items for May 16 hall landscaping, mainte- 2013 calendar. As in thewill be turkey with mashed nance projects and school- past, membership will vote potatoes and gravy. Then based horticultural pro- on the winning submis- on May 30, it ~ill be offer- grams. The group recently sions. The submission pe- ing up barbecued ribs and sent donations to the Pio- riod ends May 31. Pleasebaked beans. This will be neer School Green House send your photos to Billa great month to find your Project and to the Choice Burrows at burrow@ way to the community hall GPS Continued from page B-1 ~i~ "The key really, is tohave multiple teams, multiple locations," David Wagner explained. • "Kids will go to the police station and go into the crime lab," Valerie Wagner said, "there will be several businesses involved and the kids have to find those business- es with GPS devices. They'll have ~o walk about three or four miles to go to all the different events." Valerie Wagner said she believes the school system is behind the idea and they are currently working on building career ideas into the program. The outdoor adven- ture, she said, is good for the health of the students and the environment. "That's important to us," Dave Wagner said. They're treasure hunting in Union They found their treasure six years ago. The Waguers said they were tired of the fast-paced life in the San Francisco Bay so they answered an advertisement on Craig's List. "We found this and we knew it was the one. I love the ocean, Dave loves lakes and he wanted to retire in an area where there were cabins. Now we live in the middle of a forest and we play on the water. It's per- fect," Valerie Wagner said. Hood Canal Adventures is owned and op- erated by the Wagners through an arrange- ment with Alderbrook Resort in Union. "We do offer a wide range of outdoor ac- tivities," Dave Wagner explained. "From kayaking and paddle boards and we have a 21-foot Duffy Boat (electric touring) boat." The business was up and running when they purchased it but the couple brought their own adventure to their customers in the form of treasure hunts. "We've built a series of events where peo- ple can go out and search out spots in a geo- graphic area. What it really boils down to is using a GPS device," Dave Wagner said. The technology-enhanced sport is known as geocaching. "We use it as a team-building effort with 50, 60 or sometimes as many as a hundred people. We divide the groups into teams and they go out and try to use clues that are given GPS locations. That gets them close, and then they get to the cache itself," Courtesy photo Valerie and Dave Wagner found their treasure, a guiding business in Union. Now they guide treasure hunts. he said. The cache might be a treasure or infor- mation that leads the group to the next cache. The sport, he said, is family and business-friendly. "We see all ages, all fitness levels," Val- erie Wagner said. "We have grandparents, moms and kids, boyfriend and girlfriend." "Everybody does it," Dave Wagner agreed. "Most of our business is generated through the resort but we have brought people from outside the area." The couple attempted to make their sport a community-wide event with their Geocache Bash but the idea met with lim- ited success. "The idea was primarily to showcase Ma- son County, to send people to different areas, but we couldn't get enough local interest so we've decided to cancel this year - it would have been our third year. The businesses were really interested in participating but we just couldn't get the community involved," Valerie Wagner said. and their guests a~e wel- come. You can get all this great food for only at $3 donation. Mark July 22 on your calendar -- that is the date for the Turning Pointe golf tournament. It will be held out at Lake Limerick. The Peninsula Art Association is announcing their Artist's Reception April 28th at 2:00 pm to present awards won in our Spring Show. The show is open from now through April 27th. Viewing hours are from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm weekdays. The Spring Show and reception are located at 525 W. Cota in the Civic Center building in Shelton, WA. The winners and honorable mentions are as follows: Best of Show #602 ~Sunrise in Amazonia," Carmella LaRose Meyers. Category 100 Oil/Acrylic 1st Place #101 "Falling Flowers," Sharon Brocha. 2nd Place #113 "Mountain of Despair," Becky Knold. 3rd Place #117 "Streaming," Molly Penders. Category 200: Watercolor/Gouache/Ink 1st Place #205 "Vin on the Vine," Roxana Caples. 2nd Place #208 "Over the Moon," Lois Beck. 3rd Place #207 "Truffles," Lois Beck. Category 300 Pastel/Colored Pencil/ Charcoal/ Graphic 1st Place #318 "Rocklyn Summer," Donna Kruger. 2nd Place #312 "Franz and Khantane" Anna Hoey. 3rd place #307 "Embryo," Mia Schulte. Category 400 - Photography 1st Place #401, "Summer" Amber Defoe. 2nd Place #415 "Red Umbrella," Connie Simpson. 3rd Place #410 "Birds of a Feather," Trina Gustafson. Category 500 - 3 Dimensional 1st Place -- #516 "Nettle," Alice Durrie. 2nd Place #507 "Grandma," Elizabeth Williams. 3rd Place #512 "untitled," Linda Spangler. Category 600 Multiple Media: 1st Place -- #607 "Turtle Power," Shirley Cooper. 2nd Place -- #620, "Beach Grass," Molly Penders. 3rd Place -- #608, "Recycled Dream," Judy Arbuckle. Honorable Mentions: #115 "Golden Distance," Becky Knold; #116, "Midnight Dogwood," Trina Gustafson; #205, "Lily Pads," Roxana Caples; #306, "Tabitha," Susan Rivers; #311, "Col Polloi," Anna Hoey; #319, "Blue Street Caf~," LaDonna Kruger; #419, "Night Train at Winton, WA.," Joel Hawthorn; #417, "Love is Everywhere," Lori Heinzen; #406, "Skokomish Estuary," George Stenberg; #418, "A-Peeling," Lori Heinzen; #413, "Duck Contrail," Clinton Ferrara; #412, "Nisqually Barns," Clinton Ferrara; #506, "Serenity," Gerry Strong; #502, "Asian Urn," Dick Carlson. 16828 Saturday, May 19, 2012 Fashions provided by Chico's Event tickets are $20°° sold in advance at Lake IJmerick Country Club office (360) 426- 3851 Doors open at 11:30 a.ra. WA [ Come See Our lst--~k--u-n~ ~---~ " iffi. , ttUll0 CI D/A$ [ I 4z7 ' : -0~60 • 2517 Olympic Hwy N A k b F "/)~ 24-HOUR MOVIE INFO 4204oooII '~ www.$H ELTONOINEMA$.oom ~ I ~~ ~ [;',,,,~;;/;;;;;; ~. ":: C ...... f 5th & Franklin I~~ Lockout iJ I i[~~ AdditionalShows ~ I~~ l~ Fri-Sat 8:45pm l I~~ ~ ~ ', • "" l~ Sat-Sun 2:30pm • 100% Vegetable Oil, No Peanut Oil • Large Meeting Room Available -9pro I F~~~'o"o'~ tO Closing I~~. Fm 4/27 : SON 5/3 1 Jr::rd:ar Shelton's Best Kept Secret ii, April 26, 2012.7:00 - 10:00 p,m, John Lucas May 3, 2012 o 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. Rocky Holbrook Amplified Acoustic Guitar Easy Listening to Classic Rock Bring Your Voice Too~ 62 SE LynchRoad [ Shelton !.i 426-8501 Call 426-4412 to subscribe WANT to shop local... .. So advertise to inform them about what you have to offer. Start now! Call (360) 426-4412 227 W. Cota, Shelton Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 26, 2011 - Page B-3