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April 26, 2012 |
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Michael J. Hernandez
Michael J. Hernandez,
49, died April 5, 2012, in
Upland, Calif. He was a
resident of Rancho Cu- He was a disabled vet-
camonga, Calif. eran who served in Special
He was born on July 15, Forces of the U.S. Army,
1962, in Riverside, Calif. serving in Korea and in
He is survived by his the Vietnam War. He was
.~ daughter a licensed practical nurse
Rosalie earning the Army Achieve-
[ ~~1 Hernandez ment Medalin the MASH,
[ ~~i~[ of Extort, Army Commendation
|~~1 Pa.; moth- Medal, National Defense
I ~~i] er Jennie Service Medal, Good Con-
I ~)/!] Hernandez duct Medal and an Expert
I ~:~:: ]ofShelton; Marksmanship Award.
I ~:( ] sisters He was a member of the
I :~>~;] Patsy Officers Club of the U.S.
Michael Martinez Army and was very politi-
and Lisa cal. He enjoyed being out of
Hernandez Sweitzer; doors, gardening, boating,
brother skydiving, guns and watch-
Anthony Hernandez; fiveing television. His family
nieces and two nephews all said he enjoyed talking to
of Shelton. people, was a good friend
No services are sched- to many and was an overall
uled at this time. good man and that he loved
his beloved pets, "Rosita"
Gregory M. James and "Christmas" the cat.
Gregory M. James,,57, He is survived by his spe-
died April 22, 2012, at Ma- cial friends Misty Dunbar
son General Hospital inof Shelton and Sue Chall-
Shelton. strom of Shelton; special
~ He was a children Ruby and Karrisa
resident of Dunbar of Shelton: brother
Harstine Richard J. Gregory of Love-
Island. land. Colo. and sister Diane
He was Davis of Minnesota.
born June He was preceded in
12. 1954. death by his parents, broth-
in Hennt- er Timothy and beloved dog
pin, Minn.. "Brandy."
to Donald A service will be held at
Gregory R. and a later date.
James Marcella Memorial donations can
(Sullivan) be made to the Republican
James. Party.
He attended Loveland McComb Funeral Home
Senior High School in Love- of Shelton served the ram-
land. Colo., and obtained ily.
his GED from Big Bend Online condolences may
Community College in be sent to the family at
1976. www.mccembfh.com.
Mason County property
taxes due by April 30
Mason County Trea-
surer, Lisa Frazier. would
like to remind the taxpay-
ers of Mason County that
property taxes for the year
2012 are due on or before
Payment is considered
timely if postmarked April
A property tax payment
drop box is located outside
Mason County building 1,
411 N. Fifth St. in Shelton.
The treasurer's office of-
fers credit/debit card pay-
ment services for property
tax payments by phone,
Internet and at the treasur-
er's office.
Visa, MasterCard, Dis-
cover and American Ex-
press are accepted. Wash-
ington state law does not
allow the treasurer's office
to accept the fees associ-
ated with paying by credit/
debit card.
He served in the U.S. i'i iii!!!!i!iiiii!iiiiiiiiii i iii!ii i(ii!i!!i i i!iiiii!iii'i ii!ii !!iiiii i i?:iiiiiiiiii!il i ):iii i ii !ii¸ ill i il
Army Special Forces and
was discharged at the rank ~e~ De~ ~s~
of staff sergeant. ~ M~dica] ~ ih Sea~iel
Official Payments Corpo-
ration charges a fee for us-
ing this service and will be
passed on to the taxpayer.
All payments must be
made on or before Monday.
Interest will be charged be-
ginning Tuesday.
The treasurer and as-
sessor's offices will be open
from 8 a.m. ~o 5 p.m. on Fri-
day and Monday.
iiii'i! !i i!ii !ii! i!!iiiiii i ii i!i i!i i i!
Send obituaryinformation to:
Deadine is 2 p.m. the Tuesday
before publication.
Shyla Rae SRfler
Shyla died peacefully at home
on April 9. 2012 after a brief but
courageous battle with cancer.
She was born May 28. 1949
in Bremerton. WA Her family
moved to Moses Lake. returning
to Port Orchard in 1958 where
she lived until graduating from
SKHS. She was active in many
school activities and served
as Honored Queen of Jobs
Daughters. After graduation, she
worked for the governmem and
settled in Juneau. AK working
for the Dept. of Fisheries.
She returned to Washington
and continued her career with
the State of Washington until
retiring in July 2011. She is
survived by her husband Jim
Sittler, daughters Stacey Rae and
Hilary Paige Gonia. son Jimmy
Sittler. her parents Robert and
Shirley Wlbbels. brother Robert
and Sandy Wibbels and nephew
Steve and so many close friends.
She enjoyed reading, gardening,
enjoying life to the fullest with
friends and family and spending
time playing with her dogs,
Sammy and Ralph. At her request,
there will be a gathering of friends
and family for a Celebration of
Life. Sat.. April 28. 2012 at the
Alderbrook Resort in Union. WA
from l - 4 p.m.
Paid Obituary Notice
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Raymond Riley (Jack) Wells
On April 15. 2012. Raymond Riley Ilack) Wells passed peacefltlly
from this life into the waiting arms of our Lord. his wife and all of
his brothers and sister,
He was born September 20. 1919. to Frederick Alexander Wells
and Viola Naomi Strohm Wells. the third child in a family of one
sister and 4 brothers. He spent his childhood in the small town of
Dixie. Washington, just outside of Walla Walla. Washington. At age
eight, while playing with blasting caps, he and his brother found.
he lost nearly all of his fingers in an explosion and consequently \
became known around town as "Three finger Jack". He graduated
from Dixie High School and unable to go into military service, joined
the CCC's. He married Rosalie M. Howe in Orofino. Idaho. on October 24.
1940. They spent 49 years together, raising 3 daughters, before her passmg in 1989.
He was a good. honest, hard working Clmstian man who provided well for his family. He was loved
by many who knew him especially his daughters, grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his mother, father, and wife. Sister Idela Doty. brothers Lyle, Murray,
John and Marvin. Grandchildren Jenny King and Kelly Coots.
He is survived by daughters Eva Mae Austin. Jacklyn Coots-Sanderson and Rosalie Kay McMillin.
15 grandchildren. 11 great-grandchildren and 5 great-great-grandchildren.
A memorial service is planned for 1:00 pro, April 28th at Faith Lutheran Church.
Pastor Brian Weinberger will officiate. Interment will be at Shelton Memorial Park.
Paid Obituary Notice
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Page B-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Th arsday, April 26, 2012