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Mason County Concert Association
2012-2013 Concert Series
Held at Shelton High School Performing Arts Center
3737 N. Shelton Springs Rd. • Shelton, WA 98584
7 pm
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I A~ake Check Payable:
Mason Cotmty Concert Association (MCCA) ..................... Adult @ $60.00 $
t 380 SE Cottier Rd,
Shelton, Wa, 98584
l l%r AIore In#yrmation call 360-426-1842
or visit us at www.mccca.com
lndivich~al tickets can be pu~wha,~ed
at the door or Lynch Cr Floral
................... Family ~)) $125.00 $
(2 Adults, chiMren under 18)
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Total Enclosed~
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How did you heat" about us'?
Journal photo by Emily Hanson
Shelton pitcher Morgan Mitchell prepares to release the pitch during
the Lady Highclimbers' home game against Timberline on April 11 at
Mason County Recreation Area.
By E ILY HANSON w e r e n ' t at Mason Country Recre-
[~Friend FIRadk V-IPoster f-IBrochure " , [ cmi&@masonco~ntv,com scoring:.'•ation Area when the other
E~Ncwsp~per[]SandwichB°ardr-lOther ~1 ~:.:=2:: - S h e fastpitch fields are too wet
_:_ __ __ . _1 ~ , said this to play on.
In the last two weeks, the was a Goldsby said the pitchers
Shelton fastpitch team (2-9) m a j o r are having trouble getting
lost five games, improve- their footing on the turf and
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On April 11, Timberline OLYMPIA: ment for the players have to adjust
defeated the Lady High- Olympia ........ 9 the team, how they slide into bases.
climbers 9-2. Shelton .......... 1 after los-The final difficulty for
"They scored seven runs ing 10-0 to the team this season is how
in the third inning," SHS TOMORROW: Bellarm- young and inexperienced
head fastpitch coach Kim Shelton at ine earlier the players are.
Goldsby said. "I know people South Kitsap,this sea- "We're constantly break-
were asking why I wasn't3:30 p.m. son. ing old habits and reteach-
taking Morgan Mitchell Fin al- ing and recoaching things I
out (as pitcher) but Lynae ly, on Monday, Olympia de- don't even think about any-
Brown hurt her knee and feated Shelton 9-1. more," Goldsby said. "My
can't pitch. Morgan kept her "Olympia scored seven thing is that we show im-
composure and that's really runs in the first inning and provement and teams learn
tough for a pitcher." didn't score again until the we're not a pushover team."
On April 13, Gig Harbor fifth inning," Goldsby said. The Lady Highclimbers
outhit the Lady Highclimb- Despite the losses, she are scheduled to finish out a
ers 11-4. said Mitchell has impressed tough week tomorrow. Due
"They have a lot of se- her as the team's pitcher so to make-up games, the team
lect players and if they hit far this season, was scheduled to play each
to the gap, there's not much "The Olympia coach is day this week.
we can do about it," Goldsby going to pick Morgan tbrAt 3:30 p.m. today, the
said. his select team, so she's Lady Highclimbers are
On April 18, Stadium impressing other people as scheduled to play at South
won over the Lady High- well," Goldsby said. Kitsap and at 4 p.m. tomor-
climbers 7-3. The main difficulting the row, the team is scheduled
"We played them very team has been having this to play at Curtis.
well," Goldsby said. "They're season is single innings dur- "It's a day-to-day is-
near the top of the division, ing which opponents score sue with us," Goldsby said.
We couldn't hit the change multiple runs. "Sometimes they come ready
up to save our souls." "That puts us out of theto play and sometimes it
On Friday, Shelton game," Goldsby said. "Our looks like they're not ready
played Bellarmine competi- infield has been playingbut they play well."
tively, but lost 3-1. really amazing defense, She said the athletes
"Bellarmine didn't score though." have the capability to per-
until the fourth inning," Another difficulty the form well but they need to
Goldsby said. "They wereteam is having is adjusting believe in themselves more
not real happy when theyto the new artificial infield in order to do so.
~ ~.Y~Un'~'~r "It is hard to say how the Shelton girls will match up
girls will do," Nesmith said. at OBJH against Kent, the
Continued from page C-1 "Rugby is a much more pop- No. 4 team in the nation.
ular sport in Canada then "Kent is always in our
hosting Shawnigan Lake it is in the US. These girls sights to where we want to
School, a boarding school have had many more years be," Nesmith said. "Satur-
from Vancouver Island, B.C. to prepare, but our girls are day will be a good indicator
at Oakland Bay Junior High incredibly talented." of how much progress we've
(OBJH). At 1 p.m. on Sunday, the made."
Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason Count,
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, Journal - Thursday, April 26, 2012
The times for Mary M. Knight track run- correct last week. Snyder's time was 12.40
nets Michael Snyder and Austin Thompson while Thompson's time was 12.90. The
for the 100-meter dash at Naselle were in- Journal regrets the error.