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Positions earned not deserved
Iwas talking to one of my
coaches last week and
they said something that
bothered me.
"I had so many parents
complain that I wasn't
playing their kid," the
coach said. "They said their
kid deserved to play be-
cause they were a senior."
This bothered me so
much because nobody de-
serves to play on any team,
especially not at the varsity
level. This is, unfortunately,
a statement that I know
many parents and athletes
will disagree with me on but
it's true.
All students have the
right to try out for any
sport, that's definitely true.
All athletes deserve the
chance to play on a team
but that's only true to a cer-
tain extent. Too many times
it seems that athletes feel
the fact they are seniors or
played on varsity the year
before makes them auto-
matic varsity players for the
next year and that's just not
true, especially for teams
that want to have winning
Only the athletes who
show up for practice, work
their hardest, do what
they're told to do and play
as team players deserve
to be on varsity. And even
then, when the coach sends
those varsity athletes to a
position they don't normally
play, they need to recognize
the fact that the coach had
reasons for moving them to
the new position and keep
their complaints to them-
A difficult part of being
a coach is dealing with un-
happy parents and I think
that most of the time, the
complaints regarding where
an athlete is placed on the
field comes from the par-
ents, not from the athlete
and this is just wrong.
Parents need to realize
that trying to fight their
kids' battles by arguing with
a coach's decisions will not
do their
any good.
Some par-
ents who
are influen-
tial an cer-
tain com-
By EMILY feel that
HANSON they are m
charge of
the team
and the coach is just the fig-
urehead and that's not true.
Parents should have no
say regarding what happens
on the field or in practice
beyond making sure their
children are being coached
to play the game safely and
are being treated fairly.
For clarification, simply not
playing an athlete because
they haven't earned the po-
sition or because someone
else on the team is more
talented is not treating that
athlete unfairly.
If both of those require-
ments are met, parents
should really keep their
comments to themselves
and focus on supporting the
entire team, not just their
own child.
A successful team is
like a clock. For the clock
to work, the cogs need to
move in rhythm and har-
mony, working together.
For a team to be success-
ful, the coach needs to un-
derstand the sport and how
to coach it properly, the
athletes need to listen to
their coaches and play by
the rules and the parents
need to raise their children
to understand success is
not about getting every-
thing their own way, but
about working as a unit.
Perhaps if all of these
pieces came together and
people stopped worrying
about what they deserve
and focus on what they've
earned, more success could
be found not just on the ath-
letic fields and courts but
in the world beyond high
school athletics as well.
SHS boys' golf splits
By EMILY HANSON and their No. i kid (Dom
emily@masoncounty.comFranks) is going to Stun-
ford to play golf," Jensen
said. "¢¢e didn't play well
The Shelton boys' golf and part of that was the
team split its matches conditions."
last week. He said the team
On April 17, the High- started their match off
climbers defeated Mt.slow but that Alec Mar-
Tahoma 59-3 at Meadowtinson came back and
Park GolfCourse. golfed the final seven
"There wasn't much holes well.
competition." SHS head "A few kids had trou-
boys' golf coach Markble keeping their balls on
Jensen said. "We played the fairway," Jensen said.
some kids in different Martinson led the
spots and put in a kid Highclimbers with a
(Nick Guyer) who doesn't score of 38 for 16 points.
play much." The Highclimbers'
Grant Cation was the next match is scheduled
leading golfer for Shelton for 2:45 p.m. on Tuesday
with a score of 40 for 14 at Fircrest Golf Course
points, against Bellarmine.
On April 19, Olympia "Bellarmine will be
defeated Shelton 73-63 one of the top teams
at Tumwater Valley Golf in the league." Jensen
Course. said. "It'll be a real tough
"Olympia is the de- match for us and we'll be
fending league champion on their course."
Tennis to play at 3:30 p.m. to-
morrow at home against
Continued from page (-3 South Kitsap.
The Narrows League
playing Stadium away Preliminaries are sched-
and with Klokkevold out uled for 2:30 p.m. on
with a strained shoulder. Wednesday at South Kit-
The team is scheduledsap.
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