April 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 27, 1967 |
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DIANE BOURGAULT, one of the some 400 sixth graders
from Mason County schools who participated, looks
through a surveyor's transit at one of the stops on the
Sixth Grade Conservation tour at Panhandle Lake Friday.
Taking part in the annual event were the Soil Conserva-
tion Service, Christmas Tree industry, U. S. Forest Service,
Department of Natural Resources, Simpson Timber Co.,
Rayonier, State Garne Department and the Extension Serv-
ice. Sixth Graders from all schools in the county took
part in the tour designed to acquaint them with forestry
and trees.
County Purchases Three
New Vehicles Monday
I The Mason County Commis-
sion Monday awarded contracts
for two cars and a station wagon
for l.he County Road Department
after receiving and opening bids
on the vehicles.
The contract for the station
wagon was awarded to Kimbcl
Motors, whose bid of $3,035.12
civil defense department for the
cost of the receivers when they
are received.
They will be used as a part
,f the civil defense warning
Record Students Hear Speakers On Vocations
try-ely"curt .--r-'" ,o., vocational guid- ditions and advantages; and design, W. illia
ante conference for Sheltn High The arrangements at the high auto rrmchamCS, ^.
School juniors, sponsored by the school were made by Mrs. Jan- banking, Laurie. ''
/lllJ"////i Kiwanis Club, was held at the ice BrandstrOm,are a•F.c°unsel°r" culture,; Mr. l=
14igh School Wednesday "morn- 5hec?nW;t vocational grad computer scienCe-
, -- , ing. a ma e arranged for the business office p r_
speakers. Members of the corn- Kneeland; ea
iVembers of the class were mittee Maranville Cook cornlmtU
allowed to choose three vocations
in which they are interested and chairman, Dan Carl, Dr. B.N. Sheet.z; dentistrY,
MASON COUN'r¥ forfeit; Robeiet Simmons, Rt. 3, past week were to John Cruick- heard qualified speakers discuss Collier, Ivan Myers and Bob void; electrician, 71"
faun, electr0nicS' :U
Appearing tin the docket: in
Mason County Justice Court be-
fore Judge Glenn Correa dur-
ing the past week were:
Washington Sta, te Patrol
Constance Moore, St. Rt. 2,
Box 760, Belfair, allowing un-
licensed driver to operate motor
vehicle, $12 forfeit; Richard
Crittenben, 3031 Hollywood,
Bremerton, improper display of
motor vehicle license, $12 for-
feit; Henry Mourik, Brinnon,
over center line, $12 forfeit; Karl
Williams, .9,13 Hartford, Bremer-
ton, public intoxication, $25 for-
feit; William Tobler, Box 220,
Island Lake D r i v e, Shelton,
speeding $16 forfeit; Clarence
Binkley, Rt. 6, Box 498, Por
Orchard, negligent driving, $29
forfeit; Arvene Rickert, 208 Is-
land Lake Drive, Shelton, failure
to stop at stop sign, $12 forgeit;
Stephen Robertson, 915 Franklin,
Shelton, defective exhaust, $12
Drama Class
VVorking On
May 6, the Shelton High
School Dramatics Department
will pack up the band-aids and
dishes and head for drama com-
petition in Seattle.
The cast is primed (as is the
pump) and ready to embark into
the ever changing world of the
theatre. The company will be
taking the cutting from their
already successful production
The Miracle Worker.
The last time the play traveled
Debt Homan, who plays the
vigorous role of Helen Keller,
suffered a slight injury of a cut
finger, which bled all over
"teacher" and table giving the
rest of the company ulcers. For-
tunately the cut was very minor,
and she was able to continue.
Box 608, Shelton, over license
capacity, no valid driver's li-
cense, $44 forfeit.
Roger Heft, 2154 Laurel, Shel-
ton, no valid operator's license.
$12 forfeit; Herbert Balletti, 3319
59th Ave. S.W., Seattle, speed-
ing, $12 forfeit; John McCunn,
4211 27th Ave. W., Seattle negli-
gent driving, $29 forfeit; John
Essman, 215 Sweet Rd., Kelso.
speeding, $22 forfeit; Verna Rae,
Box 126 Hoodsp*)rt, speeding, $12
forfeit; Richard SharpeR, Box
153, Hoodsport, speeding, $12 for-
felt; Verner Wilson, 116 Apple
Lane, Bremerton, speeding, $22
forfeit; Carroll Kelley, Rt. 1,
Box 169, Shelton, failure to stop
at stop sign, $12 forfeit.
Sheriff's Offie, e
Robert Schletty, P.O. Box 243,
Allyn, drunk in public, $39 for-
felt; Robert Kirkendoll, Allyn,
drunk in public, five days in
jail; Robert Brewer, 1231V2 5th
St., Bremerton, drunk in puhiic.
$50 forfeit; Albert H. Parker,
201 Shore Dr., Bremerton, failure
to stop at stop sign, 512 forfeit:
Rita Jones, 2137 Washington,
Shelton, no valid operator's li-
cense, $12 forfeit.
Game Department
Gary Miller, Box 275, Belfair,
fishing in closed waters, $15 for-
feit; Patrick Wain, 128 S. La-
Fayette, Bremerton, fishing for
game fish without a license.
Appearing on the docket in
Shelton Police Court before
Judge Rolla Halbert Monday
night were Peter F. Dodge, Rt.,
2, Box 189, Shelton, no arterial
stop, $12 forfeit; Barry Petty-
john, Rt. 2, Box 162, Shelton,
drunk in auto, $22.50 fine, $2.50
costs; Robert Baldwin, 420 El-
Pnor, Shelton, over center line.
$15 forfeit; Mitchell Challendar.
Rt. 3, BOx 685, Shelton, exces-
sive noise, $12 forfeit; Walter
J Henry Jr., E. Pine St., Shel-
ton, drunkenness, 15 days in
jail, 12 suspended $2.50 costs;
Donald Hodgdon Jr., St. Rt. 2,
Box 195AN,.Shelton, no arterial
stop, $15 forfeit; James L,ester,
304 llth St.. Bremerton, minor
Like they say in the business, consuming liquor, $22.50 fine,
"the show must go on", and it $2.50 costs; Michael Malloy, 2111
did. Adams, Shelton, speeding, oper-
Now once again the breaking ating without headlights, $20
of plates and slapping of faces fine, $5 suspended; Carl T. Chap-
Firecracker ,,, be seen by more unsuspect- ingman'withoutShelt°n'headlights,Speeding' driving°perat"
The contract for two sedans inr, onlookers
f :o' Zh-, '.-= . ..... ; ,-o,-kina while license suspendefi resist-
whose hid OU$5,633.32 !:was, *ltJY¢. :: ''|111!1 }!lnll[ir. ?' hr *'at ttilr 'dotitttied" night" cer,ing arlst,.,. ngi.=,m nays, In jail an.zu ofh-sus
Other bidders on the whielcs ==" .... | .... rehearsals and are ready for ' " ; r ' ""
were Jim Pauley, Inc. and ':' the big day. ponded, $132 fine, $2.50 costs.
Pauley Motors.
The (.omnaission apl)roved th('
pl,t of lmke Christin(' after ;,
hearing on the plat.
The civil defense director was
given permission h) purchase
five: tone coding receivers, which
will be placed in schtxfls in
Ihree districts in the county.
The schtfls will roiml)urse the
Weather Bureau
To Honor Eckerf
Walter O. Eckert will be pre-
sented with a sl)ecial award for
his 60 years as a volunteer
weather observer at Grapeview
at the Shelton Kiwanis Club
meeting Tuesday.
The award presentathm will
be made by Hazen 11. Bedke,
director of the Weather Bureau
Western Regional office. Sal!
Lake City, Utah•
Eckert, who is in a Seattle
hospital may not be present Ix)
receive the award at the meet-
ing. If not:, his daughter, Mrs.
Francis Eacrelt, will accept the
award for him here and a
special presentation at. the hos-
pital will be arranged.
Eckert has maintained the vol-
unteer weather observer statton
at his home at Gral)eview since
shank, workshop, $300 and H•P•
Middleton, carport, $250.
Default Divorces
Default divorce gq'ant ed in
Mason County Superior Court
Friday were to:
Leona Smith from John Smith.
Ronald Devaney from Alice
New Cases
Oregon Mutual Insurance Co.
these vocations.
The speakers attempted to ac-
quaint the students with the
qualifications and preparation
necessary for the vocation, the
future demand and working con-
There were 34 speakers on
the program.
They were Don Hurlbert, agri-
culture; airline stewardess, Mrs.
Robert Polhamus, Tahuya; arts
Festival Window Confes÷
Entries Are Due May 5
bins engineed.'ib
forestry and lt,
Rings, Norm v-
Wermlinger; g°ve.2 '
Jim Rich, Breo:'i;[
ence, Frank l"
notates, twY
ance, A• I); : .
McClanahan; . t :
Johnston; m arine 2P
Denison; rnedtet¢;,
muslc 11
Foreman; ,.!1
against Rodney Cottrell, declara- head; nursing,
tory judgement. • ha r"
B.J. Seljestad against Charles . Mrs. Ruby Homehiek, Chair- notify Mrs. Homchick which win- O.ly.,pm; p a
togr rr,,
W eiraueh, personal injury• man of the 1967 Forest Festival dew you prefer by phone at amrCr; pPotesl
Window Committee for Shelton- 426-8667. The windows are being - ";'" -d sal#,e
SHERIFF'S OFFICE Mason County Zonta Club re- filled on a first come, first [:;aUslnenae andlq!
Charles Kline reported some- minded this week May 5 is the served basis. " net " - le:-][:
deadline for entries in the Win- The theme this year is "Forest HWil I te'" elllr ='i:,ing, ..;
Mabel Baker reported a cabin dew Decorating Contest. Please Fun '. The slogan Keep Wash- • ;" aT rcWtl
ington Green" must annear veterm Y _ ld
being vandalized, somewhere m the dsplay. Keep ,m, .... RowlaQ'"f"
Dean Ashton reported a cabin • . "" Larson a u= ,
entered and a; folding cot and u,y00ssem'-"" qJlrdlll4 Washington Green signs may be ......... .
a can opener taken, obtained from the County Ex-
Mrs. J.E. Cooney reported a tension office in the basement
summer home broken into. God H-re? |oqP- of the Post office in She,ton. | _..s,
Terry and John Austin report- Windows will be judged at | rylpla
ed heads from six freshly butch- 6:30 a.m. May 25. Judging will | =a.',fl]r
ered beef found, be on the basis of attractive | IIVE-IN '"L
Home Oil Co•, Hoodsport, re- Hear .. 00qmners arrangement and background, I ;M'il;s--Sout°
ported two 100-pound propane three points; originality, three | ......... /"
points ; variety, two points; | .... t
cylinders taken. I The King's Choral-Aires will theme, two points. I Iridav & 5:L -'
SHELTON POLICE present a sacred musical pro- A trophy will be awarded the | '-'/," ,= C
Vehicles driven by William gram at the Shelton Assembly sweepstakes winner with first, | "TMg, viq
Morris and Dan Kirk collided of God church, April 30, at 7 second and third place ribbons | plU[
at Seventh and Railroad. p.m. given in the following classes: l ,aaaP.Ht
Harold Young reported some- The King's Choral-Aires is a Industry, Schools, Senior Art, I arrv-dff
one threw a bottle through the sacred singing class composed of Junior Art, Senior Clubs, Jun- I plU# '
windshield of his car. young people from many differ- ior Clubs, Antiques, Granges, L__..._._.
Vehicles driven by Grace But- ent churches in the Olympia Senior Hobbies, Junior Hobbies, ------------- '
ler and Yvonne Scrogham col- area who meet each Monday Pop Art and Special. l
lided at Second and Grove. night for a one hour class at IF
Mrs. Glee Johnson reported a which time they study the back-
rifle missing from her home. ground in music fundamentals,
It was recovered as one which
had been found and turned in
to the sheriff's office•
A car" hit a telephone pole
on Ellinor SI. and the driver
left the scene before police ar-
A car driven by Robert Sailer
and a miotoreycle ridden by
Donald D. Lisk collided on Pi-
oneer way.
An apparent break-in attempt
at the Timber Bowl was report-
A car driven by Homer Taylor
simple vocalizing exercises, in-
struction in word enunciation,
voice projection, t h r e e - p a r t
sacred music reading, opportun-
ities in singing solo, duet, or
trio, and help in stage presen-
The King's Choral-Aires range
from Grades Four through Nine
and have sung in many churches
in the area Sunday evenings.
and a motor bike ridden by
Mitchell Challendar collided at Is In Viet Nam
5th and Railroad.
I Army PFC Jack L. Schuffen-
bauer, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Boy Scouts Lee Schuffenhauer, Shelton, is
participating in..','Operation June-
• met April
]I Cub ScootP, ack 12 • " ....... tion, City," the largest military.
17 with the [hme of the month,, oper.ation to. date in Vietnam.
"mountains.": . '
The Scouts, through the use The operation was launched
We re Mo¢I[
we will be in L
OUR NEW ....
2335 Olympic
(formerly Carlson's Tile and Fire i
!i 1
doors, and equipment, for your fit#£
We welcome you to come in
new facilities, where we will sell
Sylvania electronic products and
"After fifteen years in this
home we decided to clean
the walls and ceilings. But oil
heat had kept them so clean
it wasn't worth the effort."
Mrs• Don Isenhart, Wenatchee
Man's Hands
I Michael Thorniley, a game
patrol officer from Tenino, re-
ceived injuries to both his hands
when a firecracker he was
using in herding elk at the Ted
Riehert farm in the Skokomish
Valley exploded.
A game department spokes-
man said that Thorniley was
one of two men the department
has patroling the Richert farm
at night on a shift basis.
He just came on shift and had
gone to the corner of a field and
was lighting three firecrackers
on a stumt9 to frighten the elk
The wind was blowing, and,
he had lit the first firecracker
and was lighting the second
when the first exploded.
Four fingers and the palm on
his right hand were split and
one finger and the palm on his
left hand.
Hopefully the production will FLRE DEPARTMENT
leave a lasting impression of a April 24, 8:40 a.m,, Simpson
job very well done on those who Veneer Plant, dryer flue plugged
witness the "smashing" perfor- with creosote, ignited roofing,
Service Cen00er
Being Developed
I The Voice of l.x)w Income
group, which was formed as a
part of the local Community Ac-
tion Council program, has start-
ed a multi-service center in the
IWA building.
The group meets at 7:30 p.m.
on Thursdays with guest speak-
ers scheduled on the program.
The group is doing some work
on the building now in prepar-
ation for the service center.
Speaker at the meeting this
Thursday will be Dan Souse
from the Thurston-Mason County
Health District.
$100 damage•
April 19, 10:25 p.m., cat" fire,
Highway 101.
April 19, 6 p.m. fire in car
owned by Joe Musta.
Building permits approved by
the Mason County Commission
at its meeting Monday were to
D.C. Burgin, cabin, $200 Ron-
aid Belisle, cabin, $800; Leonard
E. Cole, shed, $100; Glen An-
derson, foundation and addition
to residence, $1,200; Ed Welsh,
cabin, $750; James Stiles, ga-
rage, $125; Lester Krueger ga-
rage, $1,200; Cascade Olympic
Construction Co., fire station,
$21,884; Harold Hagan, roof, $500
and S.R. Jones, garage, $500.
Building permits approved by
the city of Shelton during Ih(.
Fresh or Frozen Grain-Fed Beef and Pork
Y DIRECT 'Olb"25'b"50'b'l/4°r
I/2 Whole Beef or Pork
Special Cut
Freezer Steaks & Roasts
Double Wrapped & Frozen
OPEN 9 A.M. -- 6 P.M, DALLY
325 South First corers from Shelton Union
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 27, 1967
on the theory that national Viet
of paper mache mountains and Cong political and military head-
tiny volcanos, stressed keeping
quarters might be located in
the mountains beautiful, the area along the Canxbodian
Den 1 presented a skit on border.
preventing, forest fires•
Den 2 presented a skit on
LEROY'$ ....
keeping the mountains clean. " " ]) :
Festival Meeting
Bob Cat pins were awarded I
to. Mark Johnston: C, ene. Green- The Mason County. Forest 2335 Olympic" Hwy. N.
held anti Floyd SmRh. Festival Trustees wall meet at :
Jim Christie received a Wolf 7:30 p.m. today in the PUP Con- ,j
Is outl
RDE-38K, 30" electric,
3 colors or white.
• Frigidaire Electri-clean
oven cleans itself--oven
racks, too--automatically!
• Cook-Master oven control
starts cooks stops--all
automatically at times
you select.
• Full.width storage drawer.
Reg. $319.95
LOOK! Only
4% freezer-
FCDM-14K, 13.6 cu. ft. (NEMA
standard), 3 colors or white.
• Frigidaire Mini-Freezer
Refrigerator has 13.0 cubic
feet for fresh food.
• Automatic defrosting
refrigerator section.
• Flowing Cold Meat Tender.
• Instant Ice Ejector/Server.
• Deep shelf in the door.
Reg. $329.95
00258 °° 0028800
Modernize In
minutes with
Twin 30 by
RD-S37K, 30" electric,
3 colors or white.
• It updates your whole
kitchen the minute you
slide it into place.
• Two spacious 30" ovens.
* Cook-Master (lower) oven
control starts/cooks/stops
all automatically at times
you select.
Reg. $349.95
=298 °°
"Building Mason Coun÷Y"
1at & Pine 426.2611