April 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 27, 1967 |
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is reopening
3, Under a new
a grand open-
name, Ralph's
ands for quick,
stated Ralph
of the Hill-
all areas
Walls, service
iry case are just
new features to
Store will also
a.m. to 10 p.m.
and Fire-
View, have
Lel 'Rob-
located in
have ever been seen in Shelton.
Now's the tinm, so waltz right
on in...
has a sale on shoes this week
that will astound you. Ted
Stroyzk, manager, has really cut
prices down to the bottom su
don't walk. Run!...
For Mother's Day think of
BECKWITH'S 'cause Guy Beck-
with, owner, has just the ring
for MotHer or Grandmother. The
ring features a stone for every
child, so check on it...
Fred Ferris of DIZEN FUR.
NITURE, was one of three men
from the Pacific Northwest se-
lected to attend a two week ap-
pliance service training school
in Detroit. He will return this
weekend from the sessions...
Uppy's Hood Canal Marina
announced proudly this week,
the addition of Mr. Wm. Hesse
to their staff as service man-
ager. He comes to them from
New Track
Is Unkind
Bowling Results:
To Build, gs +,.,.+ wo.+
Ill (;alrte: Lil Dale 206
Ill Series: Jane White
• The North Mason track team Accounting 1-% Jane White
lost two meets last week, but 540; Research 3-1, Davida Cac-
received some fine individual sat 495
performances. On Monday the }ggers 0-4, Norene Stevens
Bulldogs were beaten by Vashon 403; Lumber 4-0, Lil Dale 514
91-45, and were hunbled by Engineering 1-3, Carma Sylves-
Bainbridge Friday, 107-35. Both ler 381; Olympic :-1, Virginia
meets were on NM's new track. Fuller 505
The Bulldogs won only three Purchasing 1-3, Florence Knut-
events against Vashon, with zen 466; 1BP 3-1, Donna Cole-
Dave VanHorn winning two of man 514
them. VanHorn won the mile in Standings: Research 33-27;
5:14.5 and took the discus with Lumber 2-28 Accounting 32-
a toss of 103' 3Vz". The Bull- 28; Olympic 32-28; Loggers 30-
dogs' other win was in the 30 IBP 28-32; Purchasing 27-33
mile relay, which they won in Engineering 26-34
a time of 4:22. Vashon's Gulli- SECOND HALF HIGH:
edge won three first places, the Hi team series 2601 ...... Lumber
220 yard dash, the pole vault, Hi Team game--943 .... Account-
and the broad jump. lng
Against Bainbridge, the Bull- Hi Ind. series-582 .... Joan Sowers
dogs could pick up only one Hi Ind. game 244 .... Joan Sowers
firnt place, and that was by TOP LEAGUE AVERAGES:
Ray "Cuugar" Baker in the 440 Joan Sowers 162
yard dash in a time of 58.1 Jane White 162
seconds. Dave VanHorn took Lil Dale 159
• John's Richfield team mem-
bers will pick up the first place
trophy for the 12:30 Women's
League at a bowling banquet
The champs won the title in
a play-off with Shelton Union,
the first half winners, by a score
()f 1939-1853.
Donna Colenan of John's cap-
tured high game and high series
honors in the play-off with 224-
Witnesses Back
From Assembly
• Shelton delegates to the Je-
hovah's Witnesses assembly in
Aberdeen have returned home,
commenting on the three-day af-
fair as being "joyful" and "satis-
fying". John G. Gill reported
the peak attendance of 1,341
was reached Sunday afternoon
Low ................ 1:24 a.m. 7.4 ft.
High .............. 6:18 a.m. 11.1 ft.
Low ................ 1:36 p.m. -2.4 ft.
High .............. 9:24 p.m. 11.9 ft.
Low ................ 2:30 a.m.
High .............. 7:00 a.m.
Low ................ 2:30 p.m.
High ............ 10:30 p.m
Low ................ 4:54 a.m.
High .............. 8:54 a.m.
Low ................ 4:30 p.m.
High .............. 0:36 a.m.
Low ................ 6:36 a.m.
High ............ 10:18 a.m.
Low ................ 5:36 p.m.
High .............. 1:36 a.m.
Low ................ 8:00 a.m.
High ............ 12:00 noon
Low ................ 6:48 p.m.
7.9 ft.
10.2 ft.
-1,5 ft.
11.7 ft.
7.9 ft.
9.2 ft.
-.5 ft.
11.6 ft.
7.5 ft.
8.4 ft.
1.2 ft.
11.6 ft.
6.5 ft.
7.9 ft.
2.1 ft.
High Low Precip.
April 20 58 33 .25
April 21 59 43 .09
April 22 57 45 .01
April 23 61 39 .26
April 24 64 34 .01
April 25 63 43
April 26 51 33 .27
Readings are for a 24-hour
period ending at 8 a.m. as re-
ported by the Rayonier, Inc.
weather station.
Temperatures Thursday thru
Monday will average below nor-
mal with a warming trend to-
ward the week-end. Highs in the
50s, increasing to 60s by the
week-end. Overnight lows in the
30s and low 40s. Showery con-
ditions with precipitation near
Grade School
Meet Planned
Legal Publications
NO. 9429
In the Superior Court of the
State of Wasmgn for Mason
PI,Aintfff, vs. JAMES CI-I
TEAT, Defendant.
TF.AT, Defendant:
MONED to appear within sixty
(60) days after the date of the
xirst publication of this summons
to-wit: within sixty (60) days
after the 13th day of April, 1967,
and defend the above-entitled ac-
tion in the above-entitled court,
and answer the Claim of the
Plaintiff and serve a oopy of your
Answer upon the undersigned at-
torney for defendant, at his of-
fice below stated; and in case of
your failure so to do Judgment
will be rendered against you ac-
cording to the demand of the
Claim which has been filed with
the Clerk of said court. This is
an action for divorce upon the
grounds that the parties have
lived setxxate and apart for more
than two years continuously pre-
where they area having been second in the mile with a time Jean Reanx 158 WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 ceding the filing of the Clalm
the Portland al the public meeting. • The Kiwanis Grade School h_.^,_
a dance and previously associated with the of 4.59 minutes to be the first Phyllis Ziegler 158 am.. we_^ _., ..... ^... €^_ High .............. 2:18 a.m. 11.6 ft. Track Meet is scheduled for May "'"
Jantzen Beach Marina. He has Bulldog to break five minutes Helen Ri, ,, ,.y . , u ,. ,,, . . . . GREENVVOOD, SHIERS
Process of , .. ce 156 the hrsl time the color film, Low ................ 8.48 a.m. 5.4 ft. 9 at Loop Fmld. The event, m & KRUSE
the had 18 years experience in the in the mile this year. The mile . can tiartwel1156 "God Cannot Lie " being shown High .............. 1:36 p.m. 7.9 ft. which all county elementary x). V,DAV ¢=T=,a
Pment the outboard field and recently corn- was won by Bainbridge's Bill Virginia Fuller 15 ' • ..... ' " ........... "
to 6 last -ear The striking accuracy Low ................ 7.48 p.m. 2.9 ft. schools partmlpate, will begm at ,+,=,,o ,,,
he will con pleted the factory service school Collier with a time of 4:46.9. Mary Lou_Wicken 155 of t(ae ]3ible's prophecies was THURSDAY MAY 4 1 p.m. --*i'l'a(if ""
for fi." for inboard-outboard service... John Tarahochia of Bainbridge
=. ','," That's-30--for this week, but was a triple-event winner for :erheg'ptcOi/i!!!ip/y .hOa/ffw3. hs0tWncailS;allcYes°nn th:°.d(t?e f igwh .............. 3:204 :.m. 114.5 t t. • Youngsters upset by quarrels O2f2cl%%tPtt Office Address.
m.a .v s, remember, A lmnny well spent his fourth straight time as he ... . _ g ," .... : East. The factual evidence gave . . . " ............... :^ ' " ' .' of their parents have higher ae- P.O. Box 126
,,,t:onunue rned edged NM s Scott Butler In the
is in reality a penny ea . ' '" •. " ne.lsJ d nfl Kesearen tzno nail confidence that the Bible is corn- lgn .............. :.t p.m. 8.4 ft. cident rates than those in a Port Orchard. Waahlnffton
so... Shop in Shelton! You'll be javelin by six inches with a toss winners. " Diet:ely trustworthy, for our day. Low ..................... 8 42 p m 3 4 ft serene household. 4/13-20-27-5/4-11-18-6t
glad you did! of 154' 2", won the shotput at I1- --- -- ...mD., .-..q-.... _7___ : IL
may come -DL 43' 7V2". and took the 880 yard
the flowers run in 2:08.3. Dan Dusek showed
ay " a- .- his speed in the 100-yard dash J le • %% I
dld'"'the wrltern .me A Whopper as he won. it with a time of
Wers have .^ 10.35 seconos. ' $1100Dllance I)rlces/one u.'" '
n th " • A Tacoma angler, Gene Tra-
irlk e nouse vney, pulled a 14-pound Dolly a#..m---.
l,a',c wrote VarchUrl trout from Lake Cush-...__ .............. } 0 O l
:er"o or^.a man Sunday. The ,monster was IUU LIIP. 1 t.IPT
r thuu ,
'e' ." 30 in,'hes long. Cutthroats from .- ...- --+" +-- .-- ---" +" --+- -. --..-+ -" +- I m-m- m- + m- I
ba:( sge:tt o1+ one to 'A peunds w:re ident' - WORKING SHARE for sale or l l
Wnournecks ful lit th.', lake last w'ekend' as trade' Everett P00Yw°°d C°rp" t' Not at Eells & Valley t! i
r that . _ were rannnow averagmg about Phone Belfair CR 5-6572 after
our clo s,lgn one pound. 5:30 p.m. M 4/27-5/18
s by us at '---
,no doubt in | .........
,, ,vo o LOOKIN I
ag, daylight 0 # • 0
s this Sun- I for a USED CAR ? i ! Here s actual proof that you get more for your money at lower prices here... I
e full hour I :
r the night
' d,smaved I Check These[ i l I
,+o ao+o . ' " ' . I 10 YEARS A+O TODAY . I
the- . I 1965 DART 270 4-Door w0th Rad,o and Automat,c.
: ,t rouen -
e store to i Book Price $1550. i
re Manager r r I pB:ickt I
t"°ldin~l somem anof 'O" Ou P ce $1485 II" 2t&oPmrilli:?:;hEe:llf:t$3lJ;sy. ran this ad featuring the Hot- Todoy, you con buy fh,$ Hotpoinf
s bargains ! ' I Aufomuh¢ Washer for s160.95 less I
ou PUt this
f musts ' 1962 DODC;E 2-Door Hardtop ........................... ..... $995 ' !, I
as a 'eal 1 1960 PLYMOUTH FURY' 2-[baor ;Hardtop $495 ., , , ...... . + ..... " " "
end in th ' . , ond ,*hos mony odd,honol ,eo+ures,
,le W "e 1:...1958 FORD 4-Door .,....: ...... .+ ' ................ '. .............. $295 +
=+ DO 1 ! i
ent, t ,
:':::0 :0: I PAULEY MOTORS I
ek and l Front & Railroad Phone 426-8183 I
................................ I WASUrn I
'c n ','2.' :::7 7 I . l
• O ', 4" :.: :..: ::: ,'":;
oo o°['- t u 'i+ qiii ,0++';+++ +.++,:.;++ +:.++. ,+,+. + +'+++ .+,c-. .............. ......... Pus,+,+++0,::,+: " + + -fn I I \\;\ ' +------------il \\;1 +- ---1 III
i++i : +"+ + + -++ ...... +-- ,
,;1°1 ,,,u ,,-uU/ol/i\\; , ?
1l /jl :'J I :,.,
: I ( 00"11100I00 °°
i I ++
carefree fash|ons, Splashy (#.'+ ' ONL '
easy care jerseys, peppermint )1 ]1 / "
stripes. These and many more t','i ,t ' o. TO ++ MONT.S To ,AY I '!
in this better than ever selection I + " l
of carnival fashions. ] .j'.:',, , I
, =++,esma+ ,ook. o+ unior+, 1! I
Junior petites, misses and /%::: .I l ' ' , l
I . glOBBINi] i
1398 ! 7; ' 2nd & Cota treets APPLIANCES T¥ • STIIREO • FURNITURE ,,o,,.,,+.+ J |
Thursday, April 27, 1967 - Shelton.Mason County Journal - Page 5