April 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 27, 1967 |
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left) and Joy Kilbourne
of the Independent
for the Mason County
Cancer Society, were
to Ernestine Fur-
k4eber s
Art Of
er [:lowers
aking was
Lrna Jos-
ng of the
Was winner
held in the
ill attend
the state
eet next Wed-
home of Mrs.
)n Mill Creek
Will again be
a friend if
Will also be
aething dif-
long for bank deposit when the above pho-
to was snapped. The money was collected
from local business houses by members of
the Soroptimist Club, of which Mrs. Kil-
bourne is president.
E> Delegates t.o the annual meet-
ing of the Tall Timber Girl
Scout Council, held April 19 in
Chehalis, elected new officers to
conduct council affairs through
the next three year period. New-
ly elected from Shelton are Mrn.
S.W Vander Wegen, president,
and Mrs. Olavi Aho and Mrs.
Louis Tylczak, board members
at large. Mrs. Calvin Poe and
Mrs. Stanley James were elected
to the nominating committee.
Other new officers are: Mrs.
William Souers, Olympia, vice-
president in charge of Field;
Mrs. Don Mills, Olympia, fourth
vice-president; Mrs. Ralph R.
Fields, Olympia, treasurer; and
lYh's. Le01ard Swanson, Winlock,
Mrs. Ted Benny, Chehali, Mrs.
LeRoy Cox, Toledo, Mrs. Revis
Smith, Olympia, Mrs. Kenneth
Stormans, Olympia, and Mrs.
Jonas Ehrlich, Lacey, Board
members at large.
The sixty one voting delegates
to the meeting voted unanimous-
ly for the motion to consolklate
all of southwest Washington into
one council, as requested by
the National Council. This in-
cludes the present jurisdictions
of Mt. Tahoma, Tall Timber,
Evergreen ancl Far West Coun-
cils, in addition to the Montes-
an() Lone Troop area. Richard
Fidler, regional advisor to Coun-
cils, was present to give back-
ground information and data on
consolidation. Delegates elected
to the organization committee
from Tall Timber are Mrs. Don
Mills and Mrs. Arthur Kramer,
Olympia, Mrs. Lee Shult, Cen-
tralia and Mrs. S.W. Vander
Wegen, Shelton.
Attending the annual meeting
from Mason Neighborhood were
lips in Mrs. Carl Anderson, Mrs. Louis
While Tylczak, M2rs. Clyde Medley,
tting Mrs. Pete Kruger, Mrs. Paul
Steenson, Mrs. Calvin Poe, Mrs.
else. Donald Putvin, Mrs. Stanley
James, Mrs. Richard Brewer
and Mrs. Vander Wegen.
Three of Shelton's adult Girl
Scouts attanded the training ses-
sion for Day Camp Directors
held at Fort Lewis last Friday
and Saturday. The two day ses-
sion was sponsored jointly by
Tall Tinber and Mt. Tahoma
Councils. Mrs. Jan Mills, Tall
Timber Council's Field Advisor,
was one of the trainers. Mrs.
John Connolly, Mrs. J.C. Thomp-
son and Mrs. Clyde Medley at-
tended from Shelton.
Theme of the meeting was
"Having Fun in Outdoor Liv-
ing". The total aspect of day
camping was considered, with
accent on recruitment of staff,
quality program, and what girls,
parents and staff should expect.
Mason Day Camp will be held
this year, under the direction
of Mrs. Connolly, at the Simp-
U.D T"Ed
Evergreen PTA, 8 p.m., school
Golden Age Club potluck, 6
p.m., Memorial hall.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cats.
Rebekah Lodge, 8 ll.m., IGOr
WARC rummage sale, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m., IWA hall.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 pro., court house base-
WARC rummage sale, 9 a.m.-
4 p.m., rWA hall.
Shell:on churches invite you l,
attend the church of your choice.
PUD No. 3 commission meet-
ing, 1 p.m., PUD conference
son Recreation Area, Mason
Lake, June 26 to 30. The initial
staff meeting was held Wednes-
day at the home of Mrs. Con-
nelly. The on-site staff training
will be held the first week in
Anyone desiring Day Camp
information may contact Mrs.
John Connolly, or any of the
troop leaders.
Ten Cadette Girl Scouts from
Shelton will organize into a
Show-How" patrol this Friday
evening at the home of the WARC b I"a'e
leader of Cadette Troop 33. Ca-
dette Show-How is a five day
l)rimiffve encampment held each
June: in the Capitol Forest area,
for Cadette Girl Scouts only.
Forming the Shelton patrol are
Debbie Deibert, Lorraine Fox,
Nancy Hembroff, Kathy Hanna,
Terri Bostrom, Patty Starkey,
Lisa Tylczak, Rhonda Thompson,
Leslie Vander Wegen and Alice
Tecklenberg. MAss Lois Sokolik,
Senior Girl Scout of Olympia,
will accompany the patrol as its
Festival Court
Attends Garden
Club Luncheon
Shelton Business and Profes-
sional Women's Club regular Three To Represent SHS A÷
meeting 7:30 p.m.- ...... homo of
Girls' S÷a÷e Are Selec÷ed
I Every year al this lime the McNeil; Beth Quimby, daughter
girls of the junior class of Shel- of 1V[r. and Mrs. George R.
ton High school look forward to Quiml)y; Alcoa Ruddell, daugh-
the selection of those who will let of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rud-
represent Shelton at Evergreen
Girls' State, a demonstration el
governmental processes SlXmsor -
ed by the American Legion
This year ten girls were
recommended by their teachers
t() the Legion Auxiliary judges,
who were appointed by the Girls
Stale committee, Lillian Norvold
anti Virginia Wallin.
From these ten, the judges
had the difficult task of choos-
ing three on the basis of citi-
zenship, leadership, scholarship
and physical fitness. The auxili-
ary is assisted financially in
this program by the Zonta and
Kiwanis Clubs.
Those chosen are Pat McNeil,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
• Spring flowers centered the
luncheon table with potted prim-
roses at each place for the
Shelton Garden Club's annual
Conservation luncheon held April
17 in the Methodist church.
Guests of the club for the af-
fair were the Forest Festival
queen and her court with their
chaperone, M, iss Alma Burke.
Mrs J.C. Bridger was luncheon
chairman assisted by Mrs. Craig
Eliot, president.
For the program members and
guests adjourned to the fireplace
room where A.R. O'Donnell,
technical assistant to the De-
partment of Natural Resources
showed colored slides and gave
one of the most informative
talks on conservation the club
members had heard.
During the business meeting
Mrs. Eliot announced the club
will hold its annual plant sale
on the Fifth street side of Safe-
way beginning at 8 a.m. today.
Household plants will be sold
Mrs. Bridger said she will
take reservations for the annual
Olympia Garden Club luncheon
to be held at noon May 11 at
the Tyee. Her phone number is
Mrs. Johnson of the Dirt Dob-
hers announced her club will
hold a plant sale this Friday
in the PUD auditorium,
Home Meat Slaughtering Unit
Cooling "k Cutting Double Wrap
AL HANSON, Meat Cutter
(Includes Hamburgers, Steaks and Roasts)
Phone 426-6779 Dayton Crossroads
Inquire About Our Locker Beef.
Mrs. Lodema Johnson.
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., court house.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
SRA card party, 8 p.m., Me-
morial hall.
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers restaurant.
City commission meeting, 2
p.m., city hall.
Fred B. Wivcll Post 31, Amer-
ican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial
Lions Club dinner meeting, 7
p.m., Taylor Towns Care.
Jobs Daughters, 7:30 p.m.,
Masonic Temple.
Jaycee dinner meeting, 6:30
p.m., airl)rt clubhouse.
Salvation Army truck in town.
Phone 426-2405 for pickups.
Voice of Opportunity Club, 1
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Welcorre Chapter OES Social
C'ub luncheon meeting, 12:30
p.m., home of Ada Travis.
Drivers license examiner, 10
a.m. - 5 p.m., court house base-
Toastrnasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers restaurant.
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Care.
Yacht Club business meeting,
8 p.m., clubhouse.
Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 p.m.,
PUD ' conference room.
DPW, 1 p.m., home of Dora
and Rose Fredson.
WW'I Madrona Barracks and
Auxqiary potluck luncheon, noon
Memorial hall.
dell; and alternate Karen Bodle,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Pal is a member of the Pep
Club, American Field Service,
French Club, Thespians, Student
Senate, and enjoys swim.ruing
and tennis.
Beth is a member of the
onor Society, School Senate,
Thespians, Pep Club, AFS, Latin
Club, Scarlet S, and participates
in vocal groups and tennis.
Aleca lists some of her activi-
ties as VCotxtwind Quintet. AFS,
GAA, Girls Club, German Club,
Honor Society, swimming and
Girls State will meet at Central
Washington State College in EI-
lensburg from June 12-19.
New Member Is Welcomed
By The Racllc,I Kno÷$ Guild
guild for the donation to the
hospital in Dr. LeCompte's name
Another thank-you letter for a
$50 donation came from Mrs.
Charles K. Wiggens, correspond-
ins secretary of the board of
Mrs. Ferguson, Mrs. Frank
Travis Jr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Frank were narrmd to the norrdn-
ating committee for officers for
next year.
Members will distribute their
. lVh's. Louis Grinnell was wel-
comed as a new member at the
April 21 luncheon meeting of the
Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild.
Mrs. Harold Nichols was hostess
in her home with Mrs. Grover
Brewster assisting. Guests were
Mrs. Pearl Dutcher and Mrs.
Donald Daniels.
1V'rs. George Cropper, vice
I)resident, conducted the business
meeting due to the absence of
the president. A discussion was
Heads Program In Germany
• Kathleen E. Greenwalt has
been chosen to act as Coordin-
ator of the American Women's
Activities in Germany (AWAG)
in Garmisch, Germany this year.
Mrs. Greenwalt is the wife of
former Shelton resident, Major
Randall A. Greenwalt, who
serves in the Foreign Area
Specialist Program in Garmisch.
The purposes of AWAG are
to encourage participation in
American women's club activi-
ties in Germany, to endeavor
to supply individual clubs with
guidance in club programs and
projects and to help American
women understand Germany
through the mutual exchange of
ideas between American wo-
men and German women.
of T I)e 1Yson County Chapter
WkRC :will hold a rummage
sale this Friday and Saturday
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day
in the IWA hall, 2nd and Grove
There will be a wwied selec-
tion of clothing as well as some
furniture. Saturday will be bar-
gain day.
hehl regarding the guild's fall
proect which will have Mrs.
Roy Baker as chairman.
Mrs. Harold Nordeng will be
Rachel Knott chairman for the
October 12 fashion show to be
[)resented by all Orthopedic
Guilds in Mason county.
A note was read from Mrs.
George LeCompte thanking the
program chairman of the Ger-
man-American Club.
The Greenwalts have two
children, Stephen, age two, and
Laura, one.
5th & Franklin
Bridge Club
• Winners in Monday night's
Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club
game, with eight tables in play,
were for north-south Gordon anti
Don Bennett, Mrs. Ed Dudley
and Rex Umphenour, Mr. and
Mrs. Wayne Soper.
For east-west winners were
Etta Rector and Stella Hillier,
Col. Dudley and Mrs. Rex Um-
phenour, Bob Eliot and Bill
All bridge players are wel-
Mrs. Greenwalt is also secre- conm to attend when the club
tary of the Garmisch Officers' meets at 7:30 p.m. each Monday
and Civilians' Wives' Club and in the PUD auditorium.
GEORGIA CLAYTON, an eighth grade girl at Shelton Jun-
ior High school, was elected president of the Northern Di-
vision of Southwest Washington (]iris' League (luring a
Penny Drive envelopes on the
cat side of Hood Canal. They c, onference held April 15. Five schools attending the Cou-
will meet at the home of Mrs. terence which was held at the Elood Canal Junior tItgh
Niehold at 1 p.m. next Monday schools included Miller and Hopkins Junior Highs of Abet-
to pick them up. Mrs. Charles
Allison will distribute hers on deen, Hoquiam Junior High, Shelton Junior High and Hood
Harstine island. Canal Junior High school. Theme of the conference was
The May 19 luncheon will be "Happiness Is " Miss Peggy Copp, Mason County ex-
held in the home of Mrs. R.M. " " " •
Slettedahl with Mrs. Douglas as tension agent was guest speaker. Mrs. Norman Remme
co-hostess, accompanied the group of 50 Shelton girls attending.
Helena Rubinstein
presents a whole new kind of face-lighting
Five make-up discoveries that
move you into a new world of
lights and gloss and brights.
L_ipshine! A never-before "Splitstick"--half gloss, half color. 6 shades
to light up in. 1.75
Eycshinc[ Shadow and gloss in one, The effect, a delicate glimmer of
color. 4 shades to turn on your eyes, 1.75
Vinyliner! The shining new eyeliner. Built.in brush gets it on like liquid
lightning! 1.50
Lashbrow! Great new e'
cake does if'all! 2.25
Neirs Pharmacy
426-3327 or 426-2165
Thursday, April 27, 1967 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7