April 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 27, 1967 |
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62 Attend Grange Friendship Night
HARSTINE-- Two ferries
were required to bring the
guests from the mainland over
to the Island last Friday eve-
ning for the second Friendship
meeting of 1967. Including those
from Harstine there were 62
Grange members and about 18 or
20 youngsters.
The program started out with
a candle lighting ceremony to
salute Grange Youth Month and
was followed by a three minute
mixer. After that Becky Chap-
man and Linda Waldrep per-
formed a baton act in costume.
Following this there was a skit
entitled 'The Human Ford'. This
'car' consisted of four passen-
gers, five children for wheels
and last but not least its hu-
man engine was beseiged by all
sorts of troubles, such as motor
failure, flat tires, running out
of water, blowouts, and of course
a motorcycle cop. This was Har-
stine's contribution to the pro-
gram. Next was a dissertation
by M.J. Robinson of Fair Har-
bor, titled "The Specialist-- The
Privy Builder" Which proved
very humerous. Then Agate had
a reading by Elsie Whet:am en-
titled 'Happy Saturday Night'
and a skit 'The Rummage Sale'
with Mrs. Hamilton and Jalmar
Auseth. Last but not least Twa-
noh presented a stunt with a
group of five men. They were
required to empty their pockets
onto a tray and then were given
a time limit to go and claim
their possessions. However, a few
items, such as, silk hose, corn-
"pacts, lipsticks, and pictures of
lovely girls were added to the
tray before the countdown
Afterwards luncheon followed
with each of the l)articipating
Granges contributing to it. Sand-
wiches of many varieties were
to be had and a choice of salads
and several cakes greeted the
visitors in the kitchen. Coffee
and punch completed the menu.
Stan and Ann Yates were
pleasantly surprised last Friday
when their daughter-in-law, Bon-
nie, arrived in the afternoon
with Stan's nephew, Willis Mc-
Cormick and his wife, Norma,
from Holyoke, Colo. This was
Willis' first trip to the Pacific
ir.j his visit he cut wood and ily was visiting
took care of many odd jobs for'
Marie. Be£ore Wilbur had much
more than gone, in drove Ma-
rie's granddaughter, Ileen Ja-
cobsen with her boy friend, Jeff
Myers. They too, stayed about
three or four days.
During that time they dr,.)ve
around to show Jeff some of
Harstine and called on several
.:ends. Ileen anti Jeff took a
side trip to Cyrstal Mountain
after" leaving Harstine to do some
skiing before returning to Eu-
Islanders extend their deepest
sympathy to Nels Baunsgard on
the loss of his brother, Peter,
last week in Arlington. A son
Donald, his wife and three child-
ren from Pasadena called on
Nels and Mabel last Thursday
while they were in Washington
for the funeral of Lmald's father.
Mrs. Chet Streckenbach enter-
ed the hospital in Portland last
Sunday evening for surgery.
She was only expected to he in
the hospital two to four days.
Also hospitalized last week was
Blackie Shadbolt. By this writ-
ing all his Island friends hope
he has recuperated and returned
A long-time friend of IN)nette
Glaser's from Elma, Margy Lee
Recarte, called on Donette last
Tuesday afternoon. Then l a s t
Saturday, Donette's c o u s i n ,
Francis Thompson of Olympia
spent the clay as guest of the
Glasers at Hallow.
The Cancer Fund Drive on
Harstine last week was headed
by Alice Budd. Those assisting
her were Florence Jerrells for
Pt. Wilson, Ester Gortz the south-
west side, Ella McAu]iffe took
care of Ballow and the lower
end of the Low Road while
Mary Baunsgard handled the
ferrylanding area of the Low
Road and Maxcine Waite col-
lected around Jarrells Cove and
North End areas.
The Stieg Gabrielsens of Ta-
coma came to the Island lasl
Sunday morning via 1heir Sail-
boat, 'Domani'. They have been
wanting to bring the large sail-
boat down for some time but
haven't done so preyi,m ly due
to a large fir" tree hanging pre-
cariously over their dock in
at the Yales
Lyle IIitchcock, son of Mr'.
and Mrs. John Hilchcock, his
wife, Marlene and their two
girls spent the day Saturday
at the Hitchcock home. They
were accompanied by Marlene's
folks, The Rx)scoc Pages. The
Pages were Ishmders for many,
many years before moving Io
Esther Gortz and M i r j a
Bridges drove to Olympia last
Saturday to help Esther's daugh-
ter, Bernice Schnable celebrate
her birthday. Two or three of
Bernice's friends from Shelton
also were there as was Bernice's
sister-in-law, lary Helen Gortz
and her two girls from Bremer-
Ted and Elsie Ness of Anacor-
tes were down last weekend
making plans for opening their
Marina on Jarrells Cove next
month, a bit earlier than they
have in the past
The George Waites hosted a
barbecue at their Island Shores
lot last Sunday afternoon. Their
guests included the Tom Tier-
neys and their guest, Buster
Graham from California, the
Gene Sewards, Helen Lamars,
Ben Rigney, George Howard,
Lois and Jeff Meeks, Mrs. Edith
Smalley, Bob and Vonnie Stam-
Coast. However, it wasn't Nor- Spencer's Cove. However, las!
ma's as she has a sister in weekend that obstacle was re-
Seattle whom she had visited moved by Glenn Yates and Otis
previously and loved this part Dwyer while the Dwyer faro-
of the country on first sight.
Since she returned to Colorado
she talked about the area so Legal Publications
much her husband finally had
to see it for himself. Like Norma
he too, found it to his liking
and they both hope to return
here to make it their home as
Soon as their five youngers are
out of school this spring. Nor-
ma's sister, Mrs. Verda Pearson
joined them when they came to
the Island Friday afternoon.
Sunday both the Stan Yates
and Glenn Yates families drove
to Auburn for a fam*ily gather-
ing at the Warren Yates home
in honor of the McCormicks.
Others on hand for the family
dinner included the Stan Yates
other son, Harley and his fam-
ily, and their daughter, Thelma
Freshour. Stan's sister, Lena
Coffman anti her daughter antt
son-in-law, the Dick Carmichels
of Snoqualmie. Norma's sister
and her husband, the L. Pear-
sons also were able to stay for
a short time. The Warren Yates'
daughter, Mrs. Mike Wiles, her
husband and their baby daugh-
ter, Stephanie, along with Mike's
folks, the Cliff Wiles completed
the group.
Elaine Fredricks and daugh-
ter, Shelia of Spokane spent
three days last week visiting
her mother and sister, Mrs.
Claire Wingert and Ruth. Dur-
ing Elaine's stay they spent one
night with her sister and family,
Mr. and M2s. Bill DePoe in
Shelton. A second night they
were the guests of Claire's sis-
ter, Mrs. Helen Brooks of Ft.
Wilbur Jacobsen of Eugene,
Ore. came unexpectedly last
week to spend three days with
his mother, Marie Crouch. Dur-
No. 547
In the matter of C.R.. No. 547
to .,.onstructo. or VIason
County Road No. 20 lnown lo-
cally as %hb Dewi[to road, and
more specifically located in Sec-
tion 1, Township 23 North, Range
2 West, W.M.
by the Board of County Com-
missioners that it is their inten-
tion to replace wood bridge with
2 - 50' x 13' 11" x 8' 7" pipe
And that said work is to be
performed by day labor .... instal-
lation; contract .... materials, in
accordance with the Washingon
State Standard Specifications for
Road and Bridge Construction as
,dopted by Mason County.
that the above described County
Road Project is necessary and
proper, and the estimated costs
of said project are herewith set
ou in detail as follows:
Engineering .............. $ 300.00
Road Construction .... $9,500.00
Total ........................ $9,800.00
The County Road Project here-
in described is HEREBY DE-
CLARED to be a public neces-
sity, and the County Road Engi-
and proceed thereon as by law
ADOPTED this 24th day of
April, 1967.
Board of Cotmty Commis-
sioners of Mason County,
John Bariekman, Chairman
Harry Elmlund
Martin Auseth
Ruth E. Boyaen
Clerk of the Board 4/27 it
The motel with the;00ction View
Panoramic view of serene mountains and
bustling lake activity... Just 5 minutes
from downtown, Univ. of Washington,
Woodland Park Zoo, or City Convention
Center . . . Large soundproof rooms and
suites, family units with kitchens, TV,
radio free parking, swimming
real. Commercial rates, major
credit cards accepted. _
!;': Group meeting
P,..., .'fag I
?.' ATwa,., 4-1900 lIggjfi., -." |
Legal Publications Legal Publications
General Construction
Mechanical Work and
Electrical Work
Sealed bids in duplicate for the
construction of Mason General
Hospital for Public Hospit'al Dis-
trict No. 1 of Mason County,
Shelton, Washington, will be re-
ceived by William R. Bats(one,
President of the Board of Com-
missioners, c/o Shelton General
Hospital, Fourth & Birch, Shelton,
Washington, until 2:00 P.M., day-
light savings time, Tuesday, M'ay
23, at Shelton General Hospital,
Shelton, Washington, and at said
office publicly, opened and read
aloud. (Combined Bids will be re-
ceived for General Construction,
Mechanical and Electrical Work).
Drawings, Specifications and
form of Contract Documents for
this work may be examined at
the office of Maloney, Herring-
ten, Freesz 'and Land, Architects,
A.I.A., 754 Central Building, Se-
attle, Washington, 98104, or at
Ihe following offices:
1. Associated General Contrac-
tors, 215 W. Harrison, Seattle,
2. Plan Bureau, 172 Mercer
Street, Seattle, Washington.
3. Associated General Contrac-
tors, 3820 South Pine, Tacoma,
4. At the Hospital District of-
rice at Shelton General Hopial,
Shelton, Washington, where the
same are on file, subject to pub-
lic inspection.
Prime Contractors may obtain
drawings and specifications from
the Architect's office upon de-
posit of One Hundred Dollars
($100.00). This deposit will be
returned to him upon the return
of the drawings and specifica-
tions, in good condition to the
office of the Architect.
Complete sets, on the deposit
basis, will be issued to Prime
Contractors only. Sub-contrac-
tors and materialmen will be is-
sued complete or partial sets, if
desired, on the payment of the
printing costs. All documents,
whether issued on the deposit or
cost of printing basis, must be
returned to the office of the
Architect on the day following
the date set for opening of the
Each bid shall be accompanied
by a certified check, cashier's
check or bid bond made payable
tc the Public Hospital District
No. 1 of Mason CoUnty for a sum
of not less than five percent (5%)
of the total amount of the bid
and no bid will be considered un-
less accompanied by such check
or bond.
Public Hospital District No. 1
of Mason County reserves the
right to waive any informality in,
or to reject any or all bids.
Board 0f Commissioners
Public Hospital District
No. I of Mason County,
4/20-27-5/4-11-18 5t
Legal Publicat|ons
state of Washington
Department of Natural Resources
Bert L. Cole, Commissioner
of Public Lands
Notice is hereby given that on
Monday, the 22nd day of May,
1967, commencing at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, at
the Shelton District Headquar-
ters, located at Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Washington,
by the District Administrator of
said District, the timber on the
following described state land
will be sold at public auction to
the hi.ghest bidder, to wit:
Application No. 31703
Winter Creek Sanitation locat-
ed approximately 9 miles by rcad
northwest of Shelton. The sale is
composed of all timber marked
with blue paint bounded by sale
area boundary tags and property
lines on part NV2 of Section 6,
Township 20 North, Range 4
West, W.M., containing 183 acres,
more or less, comprising approxi-
mately 376,000 bd. ft. of Douglas
Minimum acceptable bid: $9,-
Timber will be sold on a cash
or installment plan basis. Timber
must be removed prior to Sep-
tember 30, 1968.
On or before May 22, 1967, at
10:00 a.m., each bidder must
make a minimum deposit of
$958.80 in the form of cash,
money order or certified check.
Said deposit shall constitute an
opening bid at the appraised
price. Upon award of this sale,
the respective deposits shall be
A once.a-year opportunity for
Mason County
The Journal is now compiling its
,ecOn00d an6ual00 ViSitor's Guide ...........
to Mason County. Here is a
unique opportunity for you
to tell the story of your
business, product or
service to the thou-
sands of summer
visitors who will
soon arrive to
on file in the ,i
tar of said C0:
BERT L. v,
returned to the unsuessful bid-
ders. On the day of sale, the pur-
chaser must pay the balance be-
tween the bid deposit und the full
bid price plus a $5.00 bill of sale
fee, or may, if the purchaser so
elects at the time of sale, pay
an additional amount, to bring
the total amount of the deposit,
exclusive of fees, to equal 25%
of the full bid price based on the
cruise estimate. This balance may
be paid by personal check. Pur-
chaser must also furnish within
30 days of date of sale, a surety
bond of $1,000.00 to guarantee
compliance with all terms of the
bill of sale. All checks, money
orders, etc. are to be made pay-
able to the Commissioner of Pub-
lic Lands.
Accessibility: via public ac-
Complete contract and specifi-
cations may be examined at Shel-
ton District Headquarters, Coun-
ty Auditor's office, and office of
the Commissioner of Public
Lands, Olympia.
To be sold at Shelton District
Headquarters, on Monday, May
22, 1967, at 10 o'clock a.m.
Any sale which has been of-
fered, and for which no bids are
received shall not be reoffered
until it has been readvertised. If
all sales cannot be offered with-
in the specified time on the ad-
vertised date, the sale shall con-
tinue on the following day be-
tween the hours of ten o'clock
a.m. and four o'clock p.m.
Said timber on said land will
be sold for not less than the ap-
praised value, as appraised by
the Commissioner of Publie
Lands in the manner provided
by law, a notice of which is now
enioy our beau- /
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In the Su ;,
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By Aki
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Page 16 - Shelton-Maeon County J,ournal - Thursday, April 27, 1967