April 27, 1967 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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• : i .......................
U H-- J, e-'¢WITH00
Phone 426-4412 il F- ]
Classified Deadline: 3 p.m. Tuesday | - --m.B n
For Sale For Sale For Sale Services
to wail carpet. Keep it new with wheels, fits Fords or $495; 9 ft. Caribou camper, ming, etc., done. Call 426-2749. 7th and Pine. Quiet, comfort-, mersley Inlet. Daylight base- rooms, fireplace, 2% lots, dock, doub Iplace, doubliyel(
with Blue Lustre. Rent electric Chrysler models, 7:75x14. Ph. sleeps 4, $495; One Whiteface H 4/27-5/4 able, furnished, unfurmshed, merit, two fireplaces, sundeek, play yard. Phone evenings 426- buildings- 1. ;--L
shampooer $1. Coast to Coast. 426-3878. S 4/13-5/4 cow, $160.00; one Whiteface One bedroom or bachelor drilled well, boathouse, fruit 3265. P 4/6-27 acres• 4264''_
4/27 heifer, $140.00; 6% yr. mare CARNATION FARMS breeding units. 426-2121. 2/9 tfn trees and shrubs. $29,000. 426- ,
PE-or --sle bes'nrservice le 4t96 f;89 next month, $F200./90). servtce. John Coo i262396• 2-BF_ROOM furnished apart- 3819 for appointment.__F 4/13-5/4 FOR KALI --- Equity in ,3 bed-, TWOTWO BF.B rt lt )
room-size rugs Custom-made rest. Jack Manley. Phone 426- --- ........ /u-/** merit for rent. Just outside room 1961 Rex_pando 10 x 55
draperies. We. measure, expert 3544• M 3/2 tfn HAY FOR SALE. McDonald's city limits Phone 426-8423 THREE _BFROOM split level mob!le home. TaKe .overpay- ucw'a0ig.
lnSuulauon xour satiszacuon farm Kamilche Valley 426 - " • home. Large fe_ced yard with men• ee a[ t,aKe xsaneua on der-tl:)ees .al_S1[i'
is ...... ;e ree estimates rE IN YOUR old furniture .... --- . . .:_ .." naces, remodeling and roofs, W 2/23 t£n woods behind. Near airport. Maple Beach Estates• 426-8484. .On..g
v^:":::': '.o ..... , n] • at Olsen Furniture, 4th and 7u. M 1/1 tzn phone Sears 426-8201. Ask for $9,500.00. 426-3227 -- S 4/27-5/18 : "t .
-- L. " "" ".'"--_-" Cota 4/14 tfn Norm Free estimates 2-BED .............. v .... ",v /o /1 parties. ''K#
sen 11rnl[ure, n ana ota " FOR SALE" Wood Shelton area ' .q /a edz om --/"""' "" "
fn ..... _ 4._-27 furnished. Cottage b re • Sout ."
426-4702. O 11/16 t FOR SALE: Lawn Boy lawn Cut any length. Phone 426- Both 6 miles north of Shelton. Ve as, Nev
¢ ,, , __ ,o- .. .. f.. mower. 21 inch. Phone 426- 2582. N 3/30 tfn WANT TO LEARN to fly? Twin For information call 426-4322. WATERFRO.NT home, a "must'. ARCADIA ESTATES, offers ter- Vegas, N?
r or nice 8540. Q 4/27 City Arways of Chehalls has M 4/6 4/27 4t t.wner says sell or trade" this rifioo--, ooi -ohio o - orcd
Kelvinator refrige at , N ' " older '.* ^'-- - -- --- ................... .. u
oa . n a642 CONSOLE WALNUT PIA O -- arranged to provide inetruc- u ,r,m* o ueroom
............ "-- . ........ uur ...... tJooa, ezzecuve Take over my payments of tor and aircraft at Shelton Air- r , ,., ...... home on 125' of no bank bulk- black loam river bottom tracts, PURDY P],
........... -- ....... headed re rt on Hammers also wooded acre tracts for only ....
/z-o/o and inexpensive advertising. $23.09 or cash. Almost half ,l,rt for your,convenience. Free close to downtown. Call 426- p pc: y - = '::ORI,
...... , ............. . ......... . Jtmt .......... call The Journal, 426- paid (6 mos. old) Moving, out learn to fly' program Friday, 4426. ,' M 10/8 tfn Icy Inlet. So, if you have a fair $50 down and $20 to $30 month- TRKASU,'
• .., -o n, ,oeo, /v trn of state Write box l, c/o The Ma 5 8 m movies, eve . eqmty. In a .2 or 3 bedroom ly payments. Includes water, Large two-b..e,
=ndion" $27%2'6-62'4. r ...... ,.- Journal. 4/20-27 onYwe'lcom. ation, Sheltron FOR RENT -- Two bedroom, home m nelton, Olympm, or electric] to rortv stream -? old. Ft
' H 4/27-5/4 rubber stamns for sale at The -- Flying Club, Clubrooms, Shel- an t r €- v, z .... 1 •
furnished apartment Edge- . ywhere within 50 miles of .................. .._^ ,,,,.o '1 hoP. 0,!''
"o .... ........ t-xrIC STOVE, $12; one ton Airport. Plan to attend and wood Apts., Shelton Airport. , we II be glad to consid .......... n''t-h(.t 'I
J urnm DU each ZZ7 wes
FOR A I'ttEE HOUR of beauty ' • • , ...... small bike $8 Phone 426-8597 find out how reas(mablv and Phone 426-8584. S 4/6 tfn a trade. (Will also consider aecune while aemana zor lana m- private ba¢wtKT[
call for a Merle Norman Cos- Cota. '/ ' D 4/20-5/11 conveniently you can ()btain -- anything else: car, truck, 'cat', creases. Get yourself a piece of a_roa.°nrontL,
rustic demonstration. Elaine's, your pilot's license. H 4/27 ONE BEDROOM house for rent, boat ,ou name it--we'll con ............................ h
phone 426-4582. E 6/4 tfn ,v,S'ortin"l, lll Goods..w.o miscellaneous ...... CHAIN SAW SHARPENING, ed.ransCall"426-4661. "'*'s'=''*" .... * .......... S""'"'4/6-27 nowSmer--Jalt')' aC°ntact Kurt Mana/.Tn" we:tU:u cannuw w,,Voffer avauameat reasonableWm:e G-ive-usf°r it?. Tiny ;- aa cal.cal. "
WRINGEr]. TYPE wher, ro- .., speedy, accurate, precision ...... " ......... prices. Request literature. 2 miles 950. , *
uuer, z mcn rtUA 'Iv z De - ' " grindin Now at Sac er Me ......... ENTS -- east of Shelton (Hillcrest) on %AROA 1"
. .... ' .. 15 7 TERRY TRAILER house, F,UN ....... Windbrea,.er g. g -
room sets. bllseellaneous items ........... u JJ -- u, r Sho- Hlllcrest Phone 426 z urnaea, moaern, sown]own. I
A-x conmclon sine s t r'none w ., . " Adults only InClulre 119 E Ce- FAM LY HOME Arcadia Road to sign. ARCADIA ,. in AF
426-2049 after 4'30 B 4/27 .......... ' ..P .' Jacket at city park. Phone 426- 4an /K --
.... v-zo umon aIter p.m. 3469 H 4/27 .......... zn dar, phone" 426-4895 or '426- in Union ESTATES, Rt. 3, Box 346A. 500an'dt-er'.
4 27 4 .........
WOOD..o..FOR SALE-- Belfair ..o CR... _M / -5/ .Aue. no tvxum -- .,gnt 4481. 3/16tfn 3 bedrooms, den, 2 baths, large Phone 426-3663 anytime. ;ULS S...
- ....... /o ,, SKIN-DIVING LESSONS, W.nte.00 grading, back filling, sewage garage with shop, 2 car carport. 10"2" *fn J??:£-v/"
3 BEDROOM, wail-wail carpe, Just 15 minutes from Shelton u evenings "
MUSHROOM COMPOST $6 a day evenings. Used wet suit; u u systems. Reasonable rates, full basement large kitchen Phone 898-2133 " 'J
yard Aed fir sawdust $4 00 a SCUBA 14 ft. fibre glass kay- Dietz Kadoun, phone 426-6893 and dinin.g area. Close to town, ' D 4/20-27 .l
" n - ' n ak kit $75 00 426 6877 7/22 tfn
truckload delivered i Shelto • • • "..,,. ,', ..... WANTED: Acreage within 10-12 city parK, secluded, $125 per
nd vicinity. 426-3000. VL o- miles of Shelton with 2 bed- me. Bill Carlson G.H.B. 426- i _. Jal
W 4/27-5/18 room home Preferably with . -: : avce 3831. G 4/13-27 | ram_ mi__l., t|t,
.... " ' creek" 898 2389" 4/27 5'11 and help on many matters 2 BEDROOM unfurnished duplex, A Dunn I mr. nemX "-
excellent condition; snare • " • " '
FURNITURE, ANTIQUES. Ev- _ --. ......... 7182 Martin Way. Phone 357-
(/rum et two ooy s DIKes Za
ergreen Second Hand Store .... : . .'.. IRONING DONE in my home 8771, Olympia. A 1/5-26 tfn newly redecorated, 640 Dear- ne /SV I .,,
ana zt inches; playpen; portam • born. 426-6570• S 4/27 f] ll/l IPl*
Dayton Road. Phone 426-2028• mx days a week. Phone 426-
W 1/20 tfn mangle. Call 426-2400. , .... 6420. 90¢ per hour. L 2/10 tfn BACKHOE SERVICE. Fill dirt, LOVELY COUNTRY HOME . .. f ./ i
x / O
t p soil, grvel, septic tanks MAPLEWOOD" 4 plex, deluxe Thl, 3 bedroom full basement A. ,x,ff / .1"
4 r'm u "r.".A.. U or tiANDYMA.N wants ]oDs. uJtean- inst--,l e.n .|. P.v...s two bedroom; coml)letely fur- home on 3%-acres as the edge of lk///--r //// &
1956 Fird rtckun -¢4500 Call u. r xou.. ± zL zrcn- i. o.H. oo. z. "--, ............ , --"
426-3109 eveninr" KS ...... B 4/27 craft, fibre ..... gla. bottom, steer- formationS' v ....... call' -v426.4278 ....... . " 6539. 2/23 tfn nmne,urap.es,, lnct .ut.es .appnances, _ t elecable,W/W carpets, townlook aiSlongt°PStimetn oUrto findb°°k'a betterY°Ull '-c)Jf"J"|] )n. ]] naL--at
mg wnce anu conLro;s. 426- B 3/30 tfn em c.f[, ;larn°rt., s..°rag e one. Carpeting, lovely fireplace, Y7 /''
FOR SALE .... Large selection 4906 anytime. C 4/27-5/4 SAND AND GIAVm, top BOIl,
of reconditioned ranges, re- - CERTIFIED DAY-CARE---Moth- peat soil, custom tractor work. o o. o e -cleary natural gas furnace heat, many -..._N- .*
frigerators, washers, dryers. B " , -,- vo zeJmoy er will baby-sit in my home. Johns Creek Sand & Gravel """ ..... r / fruit, trees garden, etc. ,It's go- / jr _,
Eells & Valley Appliance e acncomDer express, 20 .ft Fenced yard. Mrs. Georgene Co., phone 426-3552. 9/12 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT for mg for $16,000, so hurry. O I "L
............ ,tor R/5 tfn camn crumer, zun canvas, zzu Anderson. Phone 426-3552. rent. Downtown. Suitable for HAS DANDY FAMILY ROOM "1 - i:
.... h.p. Merruiser in-board-out- A 416-27 ............ all oftwo ..}ple. m.dl ly. We know you'll enjoy the cozy dd
GIRL'S BICYCLE, red Schwinn board with power lift. Price I'ltnlt) TMnl
American. Very good condt- below dealer cost. Contact MOTHER will baby-sit on Friday .l.;n n;;n " " R 4.- .. " family room with fireplace, small k: m _ .,,.|'i
rezreshment bar, in thiS attrac- rrop00l," !
tion, $20. Call 426-3802 after Dean Tabor, 611 Arcadia. and Saturday nights. Phone .... "",,'-.-r ...... /z7 n
6:30 p.m. B 4/27 T 4/27 426-8394. E 4/27 , ramxlng FOR RENT Furnished down- tire 3 bedroom Angleside home .... s i
town apartment. See manager, in nice residential district. Has .............. 1
-R-E o sale -- 426-6337 Apt. 3, 120 Kneeland. Phone many plus features, and is yours ! --- OWNTOWN LO. CATI0_N. heat.1
-- We specialize in quality shape. Call 426-2244. T 4/27-5/4 WANTED H 4/20-5/11 4t 426-3011. C 4/27 tfn for $15,500. Let's go look! The ht yen hot wa.er FL
compact furniture for your. , Standing" - ............... .M^.._ .... ,50.fireplaces, 2 baths, hardwood floors and a 0 :
mobile home At Olsen Furm- Sa mi .......... FOR RENT 2 bedroom house, HOME PLUS RENTAL
• w u tuauy LANK
Lure you're always welcome, II LIP I 1 CASCADE FIBRE ................ unfurnished. Call evenings 426- This comfortable 2 bedroom home you this pleasant home.
4th and Cots. 426-4702. L/}}rAK 134 H 4/27 near Bordeaux school also has
Chehalis, Wash. Houses Raised, Foundations .... a nice small rental on same prop-
4/14 tfn 748-3800 days 736-5830 eves
(LASTRON • EVINRUDE erty bringing in $40/month. This
FOR ALI; Chain saw, 2:wheel , .... .. , QWHLE R ..... 4/13 tfn , and Leveling Several Rentals Available:
Phone 426-8147/ Large 2 bedroom apartment, income can make your contract
tronlc piano. Phone 426-3766. ' "BOATS :& MOTORS 27 tfn downtown, furnished, including payment easy:$850°.. ' .............
heat, $85; I bedroom apartment,
V 4/27-5/18 Holesclaw • E-Z-Loade WANTED -- HOME AND 20 ACRES...
, Am. L L Little Dude HAND SAWS downtown, furnished, $60; 3 - 1
.- -- = & 2 bedroom homes, $60-$70-$80. Cozy 2 bedroom home near Lake
n,- 1,- I,- ..... Open Sundays GOOD & TABLE SAWS Call Dick Boiling, Himlie Realty Nahwatzel. Plenty of room. for
Bank Financing the family, yet near lake for
Hood Canal USED FURNITURE SHARPENED 426.2646 fishing; boating, swimming, etc.
USED or 1.714 Jefferson (Mt. View, $7950.
Marina APPLIANCES Phone 426-6.7 e 2/17 00F°r Rent COMFY DOWNTOWN HOME
FURNITURE Union 898-2252 Cash or Consign --"-------------------"---" This oler and very comfortable
Pets, Livestock FOR RENT: Nice light one bed- 3 bedroom home iS in one of our
KELLY ...--.....-.-.-....-.-.-_.____ room apartment, furnished, top residential areas. Has many
downtown. Inquire 718 No. 6th. plus features, including fire-
Used Cars place, best heating system, large
and FURNITURE GOODfamily RFISTEREDcow, fresh onlyJerseY'two _D 2/23 tfn landscaped yard, oodles of stor-
APPLIANCES O OWO= truck, aux- 1st & Mill 426-2411 months, 3/ gal. per day. Ph. MILL CREEK MOTEL has one age, etc. Its yours for $13,000.
lliary transmission, long wheel 1/27 tfn 426-8765. Mc 4/27 and two bedroom eottages. ARCADIA ROAD HOME . . .
R Call 426-4420. Highway 101 This comfy and cozy country
base, reinforced frame, 14 ft. POODLE CLIPPING and groom- South. 10/13 tfn home about 3 minutes from town
1 - Frigidaire refrigerator $49.50 bed. 426-3649. B 4/13-5/4 BULLDOZE ing. Black toy for stud service.
1- Hotpolnt eleotri?, range $45.00 Phone 426-2878, R 4/13-5/4 -- C has fine barn and outbuildings--
ideal for those wanting horses,
1 - Electomaster 40 range $35.00 some work. Phone 898-2260. ROAD GRADER Edgewood Apartments chickens, garden plot, etc. $8000.
1 - Speed Queen wringer G 4/27-5/4 Backhoe and Dump Truck ed Arabian stallion, chestnut, Shelton Airport INVEST IN LAND ...
washer, rebuilt - 15 hands, best disposition, 2 BEDROOM FURNISHED
6 runs. guarantee ........ $99.00 '60 Ford engine just complete- Work grade mares accepted. Call Sky- We have 120 acres fine farm
ly overhauled and others $125 Septic Systems Installed lark Ranch, evenings, 426-2851. Call 426-8584 land only 2 miles from town. All
I - Whirlpool auto. washer, cash, take over payments. 426- H 4/27 tfn 4/6 tfn • cleared and fend with nice
like new - 2 yes. old $75.00 3676. M 4/27-5/4 CsJJ stream winding thru property.
2. Swing rockers, REGISTERED AUSTRALIAN Even has 2 small houses now
excellent, ea. $35,00 ONE TON FLATBED truck, 9 ft. Terrier puppies for sale. Males R, E. Exchanges renting for $100/month. $36,000.
................ bed, $225.00. '54 Dodge, four- GENE'S and females. Also one West
1 . Daveno, good ................ $29.50 door, $80.00. Phone 426-8765. GRADER SERVICE Highland whets terrier, male. EXCHANGE -- What you have DANDY SUMMER HOME . . .
1 - Early American Sofa $69.50 Mc 4,,'27 Phone 426-6152. F 12/1 tfn Nearly new and cute 2 bedroom
1 -5 piece dinette ............ 20.00 ].956 CHRYSLER New Yorker. 426-4827 --- for what you want. Kurt
HORSES PASTURED. Hy and Mann, Realtor- Exchanger, cottage at the lovely Carlyon
Runs good, $125. W. D. Austin, 3/30 tfn feed provided. Bring them out 426-6592. 8/18 tfn . Beach development. Cozy fire-
O[sen place, pretty deck, snuggled in a
Rt. 3, Box 328. Phone 426-6517. anytime. $30 per month, pay- BACHELOR client want small wooded setting. Includes country
A .I/27 able in advance. Gordon Peder- house trailer. Has $3,000 equity club membership with all water-
1958 CHEVROLET for sale. Call Help Wanted sen, Rt. 2, BOX 931, Shelton, in 2 bedroom furnished house, front privileges. $12,500.
Furniture Co after 6:00 p.m. in evening. Wash. P 4/6 tfn Will trade. Call Kurt Mann,
Realtor-Exchanger, 426-6592. STORE AND HOME TOO . ..
426-3856. R 4/27 WANTED: Nurses aides, house- 4/27 Small grocery store, including
328 Cots St. Phone 426-4702 keepers, etc. Expanding oper-
A I Guaranfeed Wanted gas pumps, and 3 bedroom home
atLon• Please call collect. Olym- WILL TRADE 8,000 square foot about 14 minutes from town.
4/27 It ,, pia. Dial 1-491-2832 after 3 concrete block building with Good potential as only store in
., , . An. m, , p.m. A 4/20-27 parking lot for acreage or will
v v v v v v v v area. $12,500.
USED CARS BACKHOE sell. Keith Uddenburg, P. O.
Box 444, Gig Harbor. NEED LARGER HOME? .
'60 THUNDERBIRD H.T. INTERVIEWER SERVICE u 4/27-5/18 And have smaller one to dispose
Septic Tanks • Drain Fields of? Then here's the deal for
'60 CHEV. IMP. 2-dr. H.T. WANTED for part-time tele- Grading • Free Eltlmatel Real Estate ---owner wi]] take your homY u
Immediate Delivery '62 RANCH WAGON phone survey work. Give BILL NOLL on this lovely nearly new 3 bed-
phone number. Must have 426-4160 room 1% bath home. All carpet-
ed, spacious, lovely birch kitchen
'62 VALIANT WAGON private line. Not a selling 3/16 tfn DOWNTOWN DUPLA by own-
'62 CADILLAC 4-dr. H.T. job. Air mail letter includ- er. Just painted inside, very with built-in range and oven,
ing education, work experi- BULLDOZING good condition. FHA appraised large s e p a r ate utility, etc.
'63 FALCON WAGON ence and names of references $13,500• Consider any offer. $13,900•
'63 COMET CUSTOM to: American Research bu- DUMP TRUCK LOADER Must see to appreciate. Call for 300' LOVELY WATERFRONT
reau, Field Staff Depart. Culverts • Bulkheads appointment 426-2704.
'64 RAMBLER WAGON ment 7338 Baltimore Ave-
'64 GALAXIE 4-dr. H.T. hue, College Park, Maryland Herb Welch Construction L 4/20-5/18 andIn theincludesattractiVea dandySh°recrest2 bedroomarea'
HOTPOINT '64 CHEV WAGON 20740. 426-8349 or 425-8550 - Shelton 8 CHOICE LEVEL wooded lots full basement home. Ideal for a
4/27 3/9 tfn behind Robin Hood Inn on Can- group to purchase and divide for
10 Yell' '65 FORD CUSTOM al. Black top r(ad 2 sides, summer property. Cleared and
Free Replioement Water and lights to lots. Call has nice fruit trees. This iS top
Warranty '65 FAIRLANE 500 WGN. , i ii I I after 6 p.m. 426-6864. property and going for $32,500
I A-I Guaranteed 'WANTED M 4/20 tfn " ' ' actually the impr°vementsare free!
3 BEDROOM HOME. 1% lots,
fenced yard. 1% baths, fire- FINE BUILDING LOTS...
places, dishwasher, 1614 Mad- If you are planning to build, sug-
USED TRUCKS MAN, between the ages of 30-40 with manager ]son. 426.3188 after 5:30. gent you check with US for the
'59 GMC ½-ton p.u. capabilities to manage retail store in Shelton. Must F 4/13-5/4 rLght lots--we have them on
- Hillcrest, Angles]de, Downtown,
'62 FORD ½-ton p.u. have retail store experience. Top wages offered to LOOK ! ! VeryN°rthcliff'reasonableand Mountaintool BetterView'look
Other Used the right man. All applications will be confidential, now!
5lMl01mblllmm, $400 down, $70 Per month
,- - --- . --- -** Trucks---As Is Call 426.4447
Wmm,lmd, lblmimlWe RANCH STYLE BUNGALOW, 3
I '= '55 FORD ½-ton p.u. Con÷acf, Robe rf J. Murray acres, 5 miles out on Lost Lake
Road, pinkhouseonrlght. A Roy Dunn
'55 GMC ½-ton p.u.
Eells & Valley DODGE ½.ton p.u. Sat., April 29, between 1 & 4 p.m. atre.Seer00dayMgr" Skyl00e.00rive-Inor nightsThe" .
Appliance Center JIM PAULEY'S t--120 Cota Street or phone: Full Price EVEN,NGS CALL
2nd & Cota 8t. A'wood 4-642 in &ttle, Mond&y thru Friday 900 Don Brown -- 426-63S8
Phone 426-4663 BOB - BUS- BILL - DICK $12 , Roy Dunn -- 426-4601
Complete Home Furnishing 5th & Rallroaa 426-8,?.31 4/27 It I 4/27 126 Railroad Avenue -- Sheltml
Center .......... ,,w ,,
Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 27, 1967
And almost new and is located on Mt. View:,t-rl
versatile plan and the choice of quality
throughOUt:: ' There La 34 bedrooms, 1 b. !,, m,
and lots of storage. $22,300. '
This very choice low bank property is 400/;¢flh
southern .exposure and a wonderful vieW.. 1=
Shelton. Owner will divide.
This neat 3-bedroom home has had excellent
one of the finest ,iews in the Shelton area- d t pj
ciate the vast amount of storage, 2 bathS,
sized kitchen, plus a formal dining a7 tli"
with a GE furnace. Priced right at
$ ,
with minimum down on H[A financing..N i1' ii
Located on 75' of nice no-bank frontage on lr-:'
2 bedroom home is in mint condition. It h at of :
place in the living room, good drilled well, lot L
excellent landscaping and much more. jtl" )i;
contract terms with $2500 down. .1
IT'S "REDICULOUS" . .... . - i 1i
That someone asn t bougn nls neac-as-'y -ii w.
acroes from the airport. It sports wnll-t ,(/
b/b heat, attached 1-car garage and a big. ' II
nicely landscaped. FI-IA appraised at $8,'
$375 down and $62 monthly on FHA financing'
Here's your opportunity to pick out a choice
beach for those weekend outings. Priced at . al'
.ncinding tidelands) it be subdt00d0000
piece. The backland is approximately 800 e0
location for that weekender cottage. Let s r
Here's one that's easy on the budget and;
lng family• Right now it's a 2 bedroomdt.FIl
full b00ment and an attic for 2 more
bath. Only $450 down and about $80
out---see it today.
If you have been waiting for a near perfeC
this is it. This nearly new Angles]de hO ,e*(*,,I
family living you will reall avvreciate "ql¢'["l
' " ' Y -- elle',d '
Ing and drapes, convenient kitchen, exc
other fine features• Let's get together a" ',
agree that it's a dandy home.
This cozy 3 bedroom home is just a hop " $,i
on a garden sized tract of land Yours foJ #'i'
down on a real estate contract There'S I" r' ]
well too. We know you will like it so let' s t
A 3 bedroom home PLUS $250 per mort o
6 rental units PLUS 300 or more feet of . t
ful stream that's perfect swimming for ev'll t
PLUS a parkllke setting and room for egP0t 0 t
in, very good terms, only $19,500. That'S a" JR
Buy for the future now and seve $$$. od.O*
north east of Shelton is a l lit is t0,lSri; 0"' "
feet of road frontage. *lou.uu xmt p
Call now. ,
250 feet of excellent frontage with tidelan°-I :
low enough for investment buying, very : I
good paved roads. Call for details. j II
PARKWOoDll til 11; %`
A name you'll hear often and associate w f0f¢ l
Id US -
an living. A name maybe you shou f ,:
wlth a real future Now being offered fo
Why not see it! REAlly,
p,0, .:|!
1717 Dlymplc Highway N,
DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- .SKIP"
VlNCE HIMLIE 426-6501 DAV£