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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 28, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 28, 2011
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Habitat executive director resigns By NATALIE JOHNSON Habitat for Humanity of Mason County announced last week that Executive Director Tammey Newton had resigned to pursue an executive management position at an IT firm in Bothell. Newton served as Habi- tat's executive director for less than a year. She started last August and, while habitat didn't an- nounce her departure until mid April, left at the end of March. "Leaving Habitat is cer- tainly bittersweet for me," Newton says in a press release. "Although excited fbr my new opportunity, I have such a passion for the mission of Habitat and for Mason County. I look for- ward to continuing to be active in the community." Before Newton was hired, various Habitat board members fulfilled the duties of executive di- rector. Board president Kelly Zoldack is currently filling in along with Habi- tat staff. Habitat taking appli- cations for a new execu- tive director, and plans to hire someone by the end of May, said Christine Roha of Habitat. Courtesy photo Tammey Newton served as the director for Habitat for Humanity,of Mason County since August 2010. "We'v e gotten quite a lot of applications - there are a lot of good applicants out there," she said. The application deadline is May 15. For more infor- mation on how to apply go to www.habitatmasonwa. org. Journal photo by Natalie Johnson PUD 3 Power Supply Manager Jay Himlie briefs the commission on a new settlement vote with the Bonneville Power Administration. PODs sa!/no, Bonneville changes the rules By NATALIE JOHNSON More than 81 percent of public utility districts (PUDs) in the state of Washington voted to approve a settlement with the Bonneville Pow- er Administration (BPA) to end a years long dispute over public power rates. However according to BPA's own conditions, 91 percent needed to sign by April 15 to validate the agreement. In light of its apparent defeat, the administration plans to change the terms of the agreement and try again. Mason County pLrDs 1 and 3 voted against the agreement. The agreement will be up for a vote in June that will only require 75 per- cent of PUDs to sign, Mason County PUD 3 Power Supply Manager Jay Himlie said. "I guess if you don't have success you just move the goal post and call it success," Himlie said. The BPA agreement was designed to end a years long legal battle with PUDs over what the public utilities argue are illegally inflated power rates. The rates are increased because of the residential exchange program, which subsidizes customers of pri- vate utilities with money from pub- lic power rates. While the program is perfectly legal, PUDs like Mason County PUD 3 say that the rates are inflated far too much. Th6 Washington State 9th Circuit Court of Appeals determined that between 2002 and 2007, the PUD 3 alone was overcharged $3,595,310 for their power rates through the residential exchange program. BPA's agreement, which has gone through several drafts in recent months, would, among other things, set the exchange rates for 17 years and prohibit utilities from bringing further claims against Bonneville for that time. • Earlier this month, the PUD 3 commissioner voted against the set- tlement. PUD 3 staff and commissioners are looking at their options for the future: One includes writing letters to commissions that approved the agreement, urging them to reconsid- er before the June deadline. "It confirms suspicions of how much you can trust Bonneville," commissioner Bruce Jorgenson said. PUD 3 staff members are also worried about what the split in votes could do to relationships between public utilities. "It's splitting public power - we no longer speak with one voice," said PUD 3 manager Wyla Wood. "Who knows what that will mean in the future?" I Shelton-Mason County 11l § 6 th Annual i00lant Sale! Datei May 7th, 2011 Time: 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Place: Our Community Credit Q' Union Parking Lot 2948 Olympic Highway North • Shelton Gillis Auto Center is proud to welcome John Ervin To our Sales Team As previous owner of Evergreen Auto Plaza, John brings decades of Mason County auto sales experience to our team. We invite you to stop by, have a cup of coffee, and say hello. [ West lS0 Hulbert Rd • Shelton, Washington  I SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF RESIDENCE Date: April 2 I. 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: I l-I 5 The Mason County Sheriff's Office is releasing the fi)llov, ing information pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Supreme Court decision in , which authorizes lax', enlorcemont agencies to int'onn the public of a sex ofli:nders release when; in the discretion ol'the agency, the release of m|brmabon '*ill enhance public safety and protecbon. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offonse that reqthres registration with the Sheri|ls Office in the county of their residence. Further, their previous criminal history places them in a classification level which rellects the potential to re- oflbnd. This sex offonder has served the sentence imposed on him by the courts and has ad,,ised the Masnn Couaty Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below. NOTE: ItAYNEN IS NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE! THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELLE F THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PURUC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legal attthority to direct where a sex ofl.nder may or may nor live. Unless courl ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live wherever he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until passage of the Community Protection Act of 1990 whh'h ntoldate5 le,  offender regLtrolion) that lay, enfi)rccment c ell kneA where they were living. In many cases, laY,, cnforccnlent is now able to share that intormation with you. Citizen abuse of thi intbrmation to thfcaten, intimidate or harass regisa.ved sex offenders will not Ix.. tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end lay, enforcemont's ability to do commtmity notilieations. We believe the only person who wins if community m)rilication emls is the sex olt'cnder, since sex offenders deri e their power through secrecy. If ynu have any information reardin current criminal activity of this or any other offender, olease call 911. For other sex offender information, http:i/, VERNON HUGH HAYNEN v . WHITE MALE-DOB: 03/30/68-5 07 -190 LBS, LONG BLOND HAIR - BLUE EYES Vernon HAYNEN recently registered with Mason County. HAYNEN is required to register as a sex offender for life due to u conviction on 11/02/1988 of StatutoU,' Rape I "a Degree and Indecent Liberties, King County Superior Court cause #88-1-03582-9. This conviction stems from HAYNEN at age 20, leading a 3 % year old little girl into the woods and raping her. The little girl resided in the apartment complex as HAYNEN, but was unknown to him. HAYNEN has al been convicted of probation violations as well as Failing "Io Register As A Sex Offender along with possession of a dangerous wealxm, ttAYNEN is considered an un-treated sex offender due to his refusal for deviancy treatment. Due to these "factors he is considered a HIGH RISK" NOTE: ttAYNEN is NOT on Dept. of Corrections supervision. Vernon HAYNEN is assessed by Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Level 3 Sex Offender. This is the highest level given In a Sex Offender, meaning thai the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. HAYNEN has reeistered his address as: Within the 1900 block of Washington Street, Shelton, WA i .llll ¸ SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT STATUS Dale: April 26, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 11-16 The Mason County Sheriffs Oll.ce is releasing the (   ( }ri intirmation pars(Inn{ to RCW 4.24.5,) ;md the Washingm State Sotnmne (,'nun decision in . which authorizes law enlbrcement agencies to inlbrm the public of a sex offenders releat.e when; in the discretion oJ'the agency, the release of information ill enhance public safety and proteclion. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense that requires registration 'ith the Sherifls Office in the county of Iheir residence. Further, their preioas criminal his(or2._, places them in a classification It',el which reflects the potential tom- oflbnd. This sex ofibnder has served the sentence impescd on him by the courts and has advised tl Ma.m County Sheriff's ()ffice tbal be will be living in the location below. HE 1S NOT WANTED BY THE POLICE AT THIS TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT IN'rENDED 1"O INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC" IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County SherilVs Office has no legal authority to direct whare a sex ofllmder may or may not li,.e. Unless court ordered strictions exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live ,,',here'.'cr he chooses. Sex offenders have al',ays lived in oar communities, but it wasn't until passage of tle Coramraily ProtectJol) ACt of 1990 (which mandate" sex offender regiMration) that law enlbrcement even knew where they were living. In lUSh',' ccs law enfiwcement is now able Io shale that information with you. Citizen abase of this ialin'mafion to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated. Further, such abuse could Ixtenfially end law enlbrcement's ability to do community notifications. We believe the only persofl who ins if communit) notification ends is the sex offender, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. Ifu b=ve n F jfl farmon reardioe current criminal eitvilv of lhb or any other offender, nleel €=ll 911. For other sex offender information, httl',//so.eo,mason,wa, usL ARTHUR LEE ROBBINS i ii WHITE MALE -DOB: 05/24/89 - 5 -09 - 390 LBS, BLOND HAIR & HAZEL EYES Arthur ROBBINS has recently registered with the Mason Connty Sheriff's Office as Transient/ttomeless within Mason County. ROBBINS is required to register as a sex offender duo to muhiple sexual assauh convictions. On 08/13/03. he pied guilt), ra h to Rape of a Child I Degree and Assault 4' Degree with Sexual Motivation, Mason Count)' Superior Court cause #03-8-00148-7. These conviction stems from ROBBINS at age 13. repeatedly raping a 3 ",'ear ol d little neighbor boy; and sexually molesting on several occasions, Iv,'n little girls, ages 4 and 7. These two little girls '.,,'ere known tn ROBBINS. In June 2003, when ROBBINS was 14 .','ears old, ROBBINS allegedly' sexually assanlted a 4 year old little girl. No charges were filed, but according to official records, ROBBINS admitted to authorities that tbo sexual assaults "probably" occurred because of his extensive illegal drug use. ROBBINS has an extensive criminal history to include Fsilar¢ To Register as a Sex Offender. Assault, Malicious Mischief. ThoR. /-larassment, and Obstruction. Due to these factom he is considered a HIGH RISK. ROBBINS is assessed by the Mason Count), Sheriff's ()ffice as a Level _ Sex Offender. This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the suliect is at a LIIGH RISK to re- offend. ROBB|NS has eivcB his slalq within Mason County as: Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA I News ubnaissions Accepted= Herald or Beacon Weekly deadline is Monday at 2 p.m. for most submissions. The Journal I • P.O. Box 250, Belfair, WA 98528 * 217 W. Cola St., Shelton, WA 98584 I Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, April 28, 2011