April 28, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 28, 2011 |
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9 a.m., 2ne regular meet-
ing of the Board of Commis-
sioners Housing Authority
of Mason County will meet
at Mason County Commis-
sioners Chambers located
at 411 North Fifth Street.
2 p.m., The Lewis-Ma-
son-Thurston Area Agency
on Aging monthly meeting
of the Council of Govern-
ments will be held at 4419
Harrison Ave. NW, Olym-
pia. The meeting is open
to the public. Next meet-
ing will be at 9:30 a.m. on
Wednesday, May 4.
4 - 5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Reading Explorers, for
grades 4 to 6. Join a book
discussion group for kids,
ages 9 to 12. The first 10 to
register will receive a copy
of the book to keep. Please
register by calling 426-1362
and ask for the youth de-
partment. Sponsored by the
Friends of the Shelton Tim-
berland Library.
6 - 7:30 p.m., Shelton
Timberland Library pres-
ents Money Smart Week:
Credit Reporting 101, for
adults. Learn how credit
bureaus develop your credit
score and come away with
valuable tips to help your
credit worthiness. Present-
ed by staff of Credit Resto-
ration of Washington. For
more information call 426-
12 - 6 p.m., Shelton FFA
plant sale located on the
horticulture site at Oakland
Bay Junior High, questions
call 426-7991 ext 15605. All
proceeds go to Shelton High
School FFA.
7 p.m., Gospel Sing-
ers concert at St. Edward
Catholic church, 609 West
C Street, Shelton.
Saturday .......
9 a.m. - 6 p.m., Shelton
FFA plant sale, se pievious
11 a.m., Wild Felid Advo-
cacy Center of Washington
will have a volunteer orien-
tation at 3111 E. Harstine
Island Rd. N. Those inter-
ested in volunteer opportu-
nities at Washington's only
non-profit sanctuary for
wild cats are invited to at-
tend an orientation. RSVP
required: e-mail to mail@
wildfelids.org or call 427-
11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Earth
Day on Oakland Bay 3990
State Rte 3, Shelton. This
family friendly event fea-
tures local resource agen-
cies and volunteers working
to protect and sustainably
use the natural resources
found in Mason County. See
page B-4 for more informa-
1 - 3:30 p.m., keeping
your garden healthy: Gar-
den maintenance, weeding,
feeding, dealing with pests
and diseases. Presented by
the Master Gardener Pro-
gram, to be held at the Ma-
son Conservation District
450 West Business Park Rd.
Cost is $10.
5 - 8 p.m., Belfair El-
ementary PTA is having
their eighth annual auction
ice cream social at North
Mason High School Gym
and Commons in Belfair.
Music talents of Swing Fe-
ver will be presented. We
are raising money to buy
a touch screen computer,
math themed children's
books and new software
programs and much more.
There will be sundaes,
bubblegum blowing contest,
hula-hoop contest, silent
auction, basket raffle, door
prizes and live auction. $5
each or $15 for a family.
6- 10 p.m., Harmony
Hills' 25th Anniversary
Auction and Gala to benefit
the Cancer Program at Har-
mony Hill and help us reach
this year's goal of $100,000.
Featuring seated dining
with your choice of entree,
inspiring speakers and si-
lent and live auction items
to bid on, including a des-
sert auction. Contact har-
monyhill.org for additional
7 - 8:30 p.m., Prostate
Caner Awareness and sup-
port group for men and sig-
nificant others meets in the
Skokomish Room, at Mason
General Hospital. Contact
Bill at 426-2486 for more in-
11 a.m. - 4 p.m., Shel-
ton FFA plant sale located
on the horticulture site at
Oakland Bay Junior High,
questions call 426-7991 ext
15605. All proceeds go to
Shelton High School FFA.
7 p.m., The Equestrienne
of Mason County regular
meeting at Taylor Station
Restaurant, 62 SE Lynch
Rd., Shelton. Suzie Seeley,
MS, ARNP, Psychiatric Ser-
vices, will discuss equine as-
sisted psychotherapy - how
your horse reacts to you.
9 - 11 a.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Computer Classes: Com-
puter Comfort, for adults.
This class provides hands-
on training on the basic
components of computers
and using the keyboard and
mouse. This program begins
before the library is open.
Those registered will be ad-
mitted to the library for the
class. For more information
call 426-1362.
1- 3 p.m., Support Group
for Chronic Pain and Other
Invisible disabilities please
call from meeting schedule
and further information at
3 - 5 p.m., Shelton Tim-
berland Library presents
Wii Rock Wii-nesdays, for
teens. Play Wii and other
games, watch movies, and
have refreshments with
friends. The Friends of the
Shelton Timberland Li-
brary provide snacks and
supplies. For more informa-
tion call 426-1362.
Bar & Grill.
1180 E. Pickering Road
Spencer Lake --
more than a tavern
, OW_J ,7am-2am DAILY
Saturday, 4/30
Classic Rock with
The Usual Suspects
Moms Love Shellfish
h '
Open Mot er s Day
at 4:00 p.m.
nationally know
Chef Xirlh [:ailey,
A Wide Variety of
Seafood & Other Meat Dishes
with Chef Xinh T, elleys Asian Twist
(360) 427-8709 * Open for Supper Tuesday-Saturday
Downtown Shelton • Corner of 3rd and West Railroad Z
Courtesy photo
'Good Timber' songs and
stories of the west logger
Other Guys Theatre
Company, with the Royal
B.C. Museum, presents an
original musical theatre
revue featuring the songs
and stories of the western
logger. Good Timber will
be featured as a part of the
Mason County Forest Fes-
tival and is a fundraiser for
the Shelton Schools Foun-
dation. Shows are from 4
to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday
June 4 at the Shelton High
School Auditorium.
Good Timber is approxi-
mately 90 minutes long
and is suitable for children
aged eight and up. Tickets
are $12 and are available
at Sage Book Store, Lynch
Creek Floral and the Shel-
ton Mason County Muse-
All proceeds from tickets
sales will go to support the
Shelton Schools Founda-
tion, a recognized non-profit
organization operating for
educational purposes to
promote, sponsor and finan-
cial support instructional
and cultural enhancement,
academic technology, teach-
er and student support and
recognition and athletics/
activity programs within
the Shelton School District.
Old Timers' Fair 2011
, Admlssion:; 'Rides
• Entertainment
May 7 th & 8 th, 2011
Mary M. Knight School
Matlock, Washington
Saturday 9:00.6:00 • Sunday 10:00.4:00
ionl Howard
(360) 428:8781
Jill Hall
(360) 482-3382
Leroy Valley
(360) 426-5637
(360) 426-1509
Sell • Demonstrate • Exhibit
Old Time Motors & Machinery
Kids Slide (weather perndtting) " Stem Donkeys
Antiques • Collectibles
Child Activities • Music • Kids Carnival • Great Food
• J
i Come See Our 1st-Run I
Comer of 5th & Franklin
Water For Elephants
Dally 4:15, 6:45pm
Additional Shows
Sat-Sun 1:45pm
Frl-Sat 9:05pm
Fro. 4/29 - SUN. 5/1
BUSINE0000a i00:XPO
When: May 19, 2011 i:( i[[
190 W. Senti" Drive, Shelton, WA 98584
Time: Noon to 7:00p.m. :",
L,: I
/o, :YHoodCanal
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 28, 2011 - Page B-3