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Journa photos Dy Natalie Johnson
Lambs come when
called, pigs and
horses converse
and the pigs follow
the Sampsons like
dogs at this unique
Continued from page B-1
They shared this rec-
ipe for Flying Dog Farm
Lapskaus or Norwegian
cubed meat and potato
2 lbs. meat, well- and cut into 1/2 inch ........
cubes Lamb is traditional, but we actually prefer a Put eve
50/50 mixture of pork and lamb or pork and beef. m a big pot, bring
hour or two.
1 or 2 garlic cloves, thinly sliced Stir occasion-
6 stalks of celery, very thinly sliced. (These will ' ally to ensure that
melt when cooking, thickening the broth and im- the bottom n't
parting flavor) scorching. d a
Several cups of chicken broth, enough to cover little water ff it
by 1/2 inch 1 seems thick.
A pinch of salt (omit if using store bought broth) A crock-pot All
A few grinds of pepper, to taste f also work.
Continued from page B-1
that are homeless or in
need is difficult to know.
"When they do the cen-
sus it's hard for them to
get a good count," he said.
"With things like this you
get an idea how many
there actually are."
About 30 volunteers
from organizations like
the American Legion, Vet-
erans Service Organiza-
tion, Veterans of Foreign
Wars, Disabled American
Veterans, the Voiture 135
of the 40 et 8, Lions Club,
Rotary, Love, Inc. Mason
Transit, Mason County
Work Source, Saint Da-
vid of Wales Church, the
Saints Pantry Food Bank,
Masonic Lodges, Mental
Health professionals of
Mason County and many
others showed up to make
the event possible.
"I think it's great any
time we can help out vet-
erans," said volunteer
Michael Howard. "We're
veterans that help veter-
Laserinko said that
Mason County also
helped fund the event.
Their goal was to help
100 veterans in need.
"Even though Mason
County is a small county
and the resources it has
are unfor.tunately some-
times limited, we try,"
Laserinko said. "When
we're doing this we're re-
ally trying to get them a
little more than what can
be expected really."
Continued from page B-1
"Love Songs through the
Ages." On May 20 you will
find the choir at the United
Methodist Church in Shelton;
then on May 21 they will be in
Allyn at St. Hughes and they
will conclude with a perfor-
mance here on the island at
the community hall.
Nick Neuerburg sent in
a note a while back and I'm
finally getting to it. He said
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that there are two times of
year we typically see rise in
chimney fires - in fall when
chimneys that were not
cleaned over the summer and
they are used again. The sec-
ond time they see a rise in in-
cidents is this time of year for
those who have even cleaned
their chimneys in the fall but
are now getting towards the
end of yearly wood supply and
they start using more unsea-
soned wood to get by. Unsea-
soned or rain wet seasoned
wood not only add to the build
up of creosote but it also does
not have the heat value that
good seasoned wood has.
Another factor that adds
to the creosote build up is if
you have too large a flue for
the stove being used. This
lends itself to too much cool-
ing further up the chimney
which in turns leads to more
building of highly flammable
creosote. The moral is have
those chimney cleaned on reg-
ular basis. Judy and I have
had a chimney fire and let me
tell you, they are not fun.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 28, 2011 - Page B-5