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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 28, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 28, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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..... %e [ .............. ..... ....... Robert Alexander Blackburn Robert Alexander Black- burn, 84, died April 17, 2011. He was born January 24, 1927 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada to Richard (of Leeds, England) and Mary. Leigh- ton (of Montrose, Scotland) Blackburn. He was proud of his heritage, the family states. In 1946, he enlisted in the Roy- al Cana- dian Navy and served as a Chief Petty Offi- Robert cer. Alexander He mar- Blackburn ried Den- his (Light- foot) in 1949. He worked as a machin- ist for the Canadian Pa- cific and Canadian National Railroads. In 1965, seek- ing greater opportunity and quality of life, Blackburn em- igrated with his family from Vancouver, B.C. to Califor- nia, becoming a citizen and later settling in Port Ange- les to raise his four children while working as a machinist at Peninsula Plywood Com- pany from 1970 to 1983. His family shared that he was an entrepreneur with a tireless work ethic who enjoyed in- vesting in real estate. He was an energetic, driven man who had numer- ous interests and hobbies his family said. In his ear- lier years he was a licensed pilot who enjoyed flying his Cessna airplane on the weekends. He enjoyed read- ing and had many anecdotes to tell his friends and family, often with hilarious commen- tary. He was an avid sports and commercial fisherman, so after his retirement in 1983, he and his wife moved to the ood Canal area to pursue his joy of the ocean and outdoors. Traveling in his motor home with his wife and friends was one of his fa- vorite pastimes. As a father and grandfather, he was im- mensely proud of and devot- ed to his family. He was a dedicated mem- ber of the Bremerton Valley Scottish Rite, Canal Court No. 79 Order of the Ama- ranth and a 36-year Free Mason. He was raised as a Master Mason in Port An- geles, Lodge No. 69, in 1974. In 2000 he was elected and served as Worshipful Mas- ter (president) of Union City He graduated from Bain- Lodge No. 27, near Shel- bridge High School in 1957. ton. That same year, he also He served in the United affiliated with Mt. Moriah States Navy from 1958 to Lodge No. 11. His brother 1962, during which he made Masons commented, "Scores two Far East trips on the of fellow Masons strove to aircraft carrier USS Ranger follow his example, he lived and cruised on the USS Lex- respected and dies regret- ington from San Diego, Calif. ted." He was proud to be as- to Norfolk, Va. sociated with the family of In 1975 he earned a bach- Masonic organization and elor of fine arts degree in felt along with his own faro- Industrial design from the ily it was one of his greatest University of Washington in accomplishments. Seattle. He worked for vari- His family states that he ous companies in the Seattle will always be remembered area including the Kenworth for his positive outlook on Company as a designer life and his endearing hu- draftsman; this was before mar. "Everyone who met computers, John Fluke and him came away with a joke the Xerox Corporation. He and chuckle. Even when his also served in the Coast and medical problems became Geodetic Survey, aboard the difficult for him, he never Explorer, now National Oce- wavered from his humorbus anic and Atmospheric Ad- take on life." ministration. He cared deeply for his He was a skilled wood- supportive family, attentive worker. His last employment caregiver Gloria from Lake was with a cabinet shop. In Serene Adult Family Home retirement, he enjoyed de- and all the doctors and nurs- signing and creating projects es at Everett Group Health and home improvement. He who provided such wonderful also enjoyed volunteering care to him over the years, with Habitat for Humanity He is survived by his three and the Hood Canal Lions sons, Richard, of Olympia, Club. He was a member of Robert W. (Connie) of Keizer, the Church of Jesus Christ of Ore. and David (Cheryl) of Latter Day Saints in Shelton. Port Angeles; daughter Bev- He is survived by his erly Blackburn Lueth (Bri- long-time cherished friend an) of Everett; 11 grandchil- Kathy McCord; brother dren and four great-grand- Wes Brubacher and friend children. Bobbi Chamberlain of Gey- He was preceded in death serville, Calif.; sister Alice by his beloved wife of 55 Thorn (Rod)of San Jose, Ca- years, Dennis, in 2004 and lif.; niece Lisa Thorn (Jason his eldest son, Randy, in Brown) of Santa Cruz, Calif.; 1965. nephews Michael (Thorn) A memorial service honor- Hannaford (Hosanna) of ing his life is scheduled from Carmichael, Calif. and Ada- 1 to 3 p.m. on May 22, 2011 men Brown and three grand- at the Union City Masonic nieces Machen Brown, Aria Lodge 27 in Shelton. and Audrey Hannaford. In lieu of flowers, dana- A service was held on tions may be made to the Wednesday Apri127, 2011 at Union City Masonic Lodge the Church of Jesus Christ of 27, P.O. Box 1614, Shelton, Latter Day Saints in Shelton. WA98584. Funeral Alternatives of Washington in Lacey are George Wa Iter handling the arrangements. Brubacher Clarence E, George Walter Brubacher, (Bud) Dooms 74, died April 22, 2011 at • Providence St. Peter Has- Clarence E. (Bud) Dooms, pital in 88, died April 19, 2011 at Olympia. Mason General Hospital of He was a natural causes. He lived in resident of Shelton twice in his life, the Shelton. second time for 14 years. He was He was bern November born Feb- 22, 1922 in Hebron, Me. to ruary 2, Earnest Hardin Dooms and 1937 in Matilda Jane (Davis) Dooms. George Sunnyside He attended school Walter to Rev. through grade nine in Mis- Brubacher Isaac M. souri. After leaving Hebron, Brubacher he moved to Centralia, and Ruth Hodgson Brubach- where he met Mildred Inez er. Jones. They were married in I- " 7 I I I RECEIVE PEI00LO. 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'5 ' Oysters ,, .,....' -- Prices mbct to cban without nice -- . m  a a-- c , . m Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 28, 2011 Centralia April 9, 1944. In 1955, he and Mildred moved to Shelton, where he built the Hut Drive-In and operated it until 1965, when he sold it. He owned Tommy's Tavern, in Elma for several years until he went to work for Simpson Timber  Company in Shelton. He was an avid hunter and fisher- man. One of his fa- vorite fish- Clarence ing places E. (Bud) was Cur- Dooms leT Lake in Eastern Washington. Alr retire- ment, he and Mildred moved to Republic, Wash. where they lived for seven years. In 1998, they moved back to Shelton to be near family. He is survived by daugh- ter-in-law, Donna Kinnaird and her husband Paul Kin- naird; grand-daughter Mi- chelle Schut and his beloved great-grandchildren, Calvin Schut, Cameron Schut, and Christopher Schut; sister, Trilba Cable in Mountain Grove, Me.; cousin Thelma Cheney and her husband Charles of Centralia and nu- merous cousins, nieces and nephews in Centralia. He was preceded in death by his parents, son Charles (Rusty) Dooms, wife Mildred, sister Julia Bucholtz of Mis- souri and brother Clyde of Centralia. At his request there will be no services. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date, notification will be published in the Journal. Ronald N. Forbes Ronald N. Forbes, 64, died April 18, 2011. He was a resi- dent of Tahuya. He was born January 30, 17 to Glenn and ¥i0lct Forbes. }f! He was a veteran and be- gan his filefighting career in the United States Navy. He served on the USS Ban Homme Richard and at Chi- na Lake Naval Base. After an honorable discharge he continued as a firefighter at Puget Sound Naval shipyard, Bangor, Hunters Point and Treasure Island. He mar- ried Joyce in 1986 and lived in Vallejo, Calif. be- fore mov- Ronald N. ing to Ta- Forbes huya. They renewed their vows earlier this year in honor of their love. Forbes enjoyed woodwork- ing, gardening and was an avid outdoorsman. In earlier years, he rode motorcycles and participatel in races with his brother. He is stawived by his wife, Joyce; children Steven Gunderson (Shelley) of Valle- jo, Calif., Jennifer Morgado (Mickey) of Fairfield, Calif., Brenda Hines (Manny) of Allyn, Glenn Hines of Man- chester, Michelle McBride of Rochester and Heather Forbes of Ariz.; brother Floyd Forbes (Linda) of Bremerton; sister Glenna Forbes (Lee) of Port Orchard; 12 grandchil- dren and one great-grand- child on the way. His ,parents, Glenn and Violet Forbes and children, Daniel Forbes, Joanna Forbes and Michael Gunder- son preceded him in death. No service will be held. The family would like to thank the Hospice of Olym- pia and requests that dona- tions be made to the hospice. Donald Duane Holey Sr. Donald Duane Holey, Sr., 73, died of natural causes on April 22, 2011 at home in Shelton. He was a resident of Shelton for eight years. He was born August 9, 1937 in Petersburg, Neb. to Lars Holey and Mary (Bish- • oP) Holey. He served in the U.S. Navy from September 22, 1955 to September 18, 1959 and discharge at the rank of EN3. He married Patricia How- ington June 6, 1981 in Se- attle. He worked as a carpet in- staller for Nielsen Brothers Carpets in Seattle and re- tired from there. He enjoyed fishing and go- ing camping with family and friends. He enjoyed garden- ing raising tomatoes was his specialty his family shared. He was a member of the lgle. nd he O et 8, He is survived by his wife Patricia (Howington) Holey in Shelton; daughters Diane Adams of Seattle and Kathy Depiro of Mt. Vernon; sons Mark Holey of N.C., Don Holey, Jr. of Seattle and Gary Slick of Bonney Lake; brother Robert Holey of Mil- waukee, Wis.; sisters Mar- garet Stahl for Fergus Falls, Minn., Anna Fjaud of Fergus Falls, Minn., Verna Stahl of Breckenridge, Minn., Nancy Haugen of Breckenridge, Minn. and Mary Inybretson of Libby, Mont. His parents preceded him in death. A service with a potluck is scheduled for 2 p.m. on Sat- urday May 7, 2011 the Shel- ton Eagles located at 411 South First Street, Shelton, WA 98584. Forest Funeral Home of Shelton is handling the ar- Don't you think (if you had 105 days to do a budget) you wouldn't need ., to add a special Russ Denney PANTORIUM CLEANERS & TAILORS Serving Shelton and Mason County for 84 years session? Monday-Friday 6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 215 South Second = 426-3371 William L. Merifield Jr. William L. Merifleld Jr., 64 died unexpectedly on April 17, 2011, of cardiac arrest. He struggled with Alzheimes. He was born to William Sr. and Virginia Merifield on February 28, 1947 in Rich- mond, Va. He attended Shelton High School and Green River Com- munity College, •where both of his parents taught. He earned his under- graduate WilliamL. degree Merifield Jr. while he was there and he continued to play in his rock band that he had started in high school. He was an excellent 12-string guitar player. He went on to Washington State University where he received his teach- ing degree. It was also in these col- lege years where he joined the Army and was honorably discharged after two years before Vietnam due to severe allergies. He married Vicki Reiman on August 24, 1968. After 24 years of marriage they sepa- rated then divorced. In 2002, he met Cathy Neth through a friend. They were married October 15, 2004. After teaching in Virginia for one year he moved to Shelton where he was hired at Southside School as the seventh grade teacher. He continued his education at Lesley University where he received his masters degree in Education. He was forced into taking an early retire- ment after 19 years of teach- ing at Southside School when a new superintendent came. He enjoyed collecting an- tiques, re-finishing old fur- niture, teaching, driving, tmv01mg, th0 0utd0or and sports.  favorite teams were the: Redskins: aid he Mariners. He drijoyed being with family and friends. He enjoyed singing and playing his guitar, watching sci-fi movies, westerns, and the history channel and collected baseball cards. He dreamed of someday having a 1957 Chevy Bel Air, baby blue and white. This was his favorite car in the whole world. He en- joyed music from The Eagles, The Beach Boys, The Doobie Brothers, and Air Supply. He is survived by his wife, Cathy Merifield of Shelton; his ex-wife Vicki Merifield of Shelton; daughters, Dava Wharton, Melissa Yost, and Alicia Binder all residing in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; step- son, Jesse Lytle of Shelton; brother David Merifield of Olympia and five grandchil- dren, Ashley, Alissa, Alexis, Brandon, Jessica and anoth- er due in December. His parents preceded him in death. A Memorial Service will be held at the Shelten at 2 p.m. on April 20, 2011 at the Christian Church on Arcadia and South First Street near five corners. In lieu of any gifts or flowers, please make donations to the Alzheimer's Organization to help with re- search for this life-changing disease at .Kodak .AP$ BatteriesPlus. tim5£ better