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April 28, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 28, 2011
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GIRLS Lady Climbers. drop match at Olympia By DEAN SIEMON Perry said the Lady After winning their Highclimbers tried to last two matches, the take some positives Shelton High School away from a match girls tennis team lost with a more experi- in a 5-0 sweep on Fri- enced tennis team. "It was beneficial day at Olympia High School. for my first year play- "Oly was a tough ers to see how good match," Shelton head they can get with coach John Perry said. some time taking les- "They are one of the sons and playing in top teams in the state, the offseason as well," So they shattered our Perry said. little two-game win- April 22 at Olym- ning streak we had go- ing." pia High School in The closest match Olympia for the Lady High- climbers (2-3) was in Olympia 5, Shelton the number-two dou- 0 bles match. Olympia's Catty Zhang and Sami Singles - Orchard Dretsh won in straight (O) def. Alexander (S), sets (6-3, 7-5) to Shel- 6-0, 6-0; Bautista (O) ton's Hannah Gordon def. Slone, 6-1, 6-0 and Desirae Klokken- Doubles - Kimmer/ void. Shelton's  Willow Sing (O) def. Hunter/ Walker and Kayla Ed- Fisher (O), 6-2, 6-0; wards were swept in Dretsch/Zhang (O) the number-three dou- def. Gordon/Klok- bles, so was Shelton's kenvold (S), 6-3, 7-5; Allison Hunter and Chan/Johnson (O) def. Anika Fischer in the Walker/Edwards (S), number-one doubles. 6-0, 6-2 Journal photo by Dean Siemon Shelton High School's Anika Fischer sets up to serve during a doubles match. I : :COMMENTARY Bringing back t le Supersonics Dean Siemon Professional sports teams move around more than some cities would like. About two years ago, the city of Seattle lost their Su- personics, well at least the franchise, as the team de- cided to move to Oklahoma City and rename them- selves the Thunder. I have heard of many teams moving to bigger cit- ies - like the Minnesota Lak- ers moving to Los Angeles. But why did they move to the middle of Sooner coun- try? It's not necessarily go- ing to have the right demo- graphic for basketball. The city of Seattle was robbed because now, their best basketball comes from that would have forgotten i; Washingtons m.on',sbaket- they exist f it wasn't for :ba|lJm and the WNBAs Blake Grin. " ....... Seattle Storm ... I rest my case. It was announced at the end of the regular season that the Sacramento Kings are leaving town and most likely heading for Anaheim, making it the third team in the L.A. area. Add that to the fact that the Golden State Warriors are moving to Oakland, there are four teams play- ing NBA basketball in Cali- fornia. There are plenty of fran- chises in big and small mar- kets that could benefit frc;m a move to the Pacific North- west: Without looking up on the internet, can you name one other starter for the Clippers? How about for the Lakers? Minnesota Timberwolves The T-Wolves are from the Western Conference but play in the same area as Milwaukee, Chicago and Indiana from the Eastern Conference. I'm sure a team that has Kevin Love and Michael Beasley would be welcomed up here. There is a lot of tal- ent that should develop over the next few years. Los Angeles Clippers There is no room for a second basketball team in a city like Los Angeles, espe- cially when team number- one is lead by a certain fu- ture Hall-of-Famer named Kobe Bryant. It would bene- fit the Clippers to have their own city instead of taking the second billing in an area New Jersey Nets Not really saying Seattle deserves such an under- achieving franchise like the Nets, but there is some- times a belief that a change in scenery is needed for ath- letes - why not teams? I hate to use this as an ex- ample, but when the Thun- der relocated to Oklahoma SUB BIDS REC UESTED Public Notice: 2011 Property Taxes Due by Monday, May 2 Mason County Treasure, Lisa Frazier, would like to remind the taxpayers of Mason County that property taxes for the 2011 are due on or before Monday, May 2, 2011 (April 30th falls on a Saturday). Payment is considered timely if postmarked May 2, 2011 A property tax payment drop box is now located outside mason County Building 1 at 411 N 5th Street in Shelton. The Treasure's office offers credit/debit card payment services for property tax payments by phone, Internet and at the Treasurer's office. Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted. Please note that Washington State law does not allow the Treasure's office to accept the fees associated with paying by credit/debit card. Official Payments Corporation charges a fee for using this service and it will be passed on to the taxpayer. As with all other forms of payment, credit/debit card payments must be made on or before May 2, 2011. Interest will be charged beginning, Tuesday, May 3, 2011. If you are age 61 or older, or are disabled, have an annual income of $35,000 or less you may qualify for an exemption from property taxes. Please contact the Mason County Assessor's office for an application at 360-427-9670, ext. 567. To better serve the taxpayers, the Treasurer and Assessor's offices will be open from 8-30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 28, Friday, April 29 and Monday May 2, 2011. First loss for Shelton boys golf, girls lose to Oly By DEAN SIEMON Shelton High School boys golf suffered their first match play loss of the 2011 season to Olympia, 130- 118, on Thursday at Alder- brook Golf Course in Union. Shelton boys golf head coach Mark Jensen said the Highclimbers (7-1) made early mistakes against one of the top teams in the 4A Narrows League. "I think our adrenaline was pumping a little too much for golf," Jensen said. "It was the first time in a big match for a lot of our kids." Shelton was led by Riley Lewis with 27 points in his round of 81 in 18 holes. Zach Lund contributed 26 points, followed by Alec Martinson's 25 points. With four sophomores and one freshmen, Jensen said the future for the team could be full of potential. "I think realistically, if they stay together, this could be as good of a team that Shelton has ever had," Jensen said. The boys team also de- feated Stadium 125-123 in a round of 18 holes. Alec Martinson led the Highclimbers with 31 points in a round of 77. For the Shelton girls, the Lady Highclimbers lost 97- 52. Shelton (3-3) was led by Jessica Lanman and Cait- lyn Ernst, each contributed 14 points. Olympia's top golfer was Jennfier Liedes with 33 points and was the nine- hole medalist with a score of 39. "The Olympia girls are tough as they have one of the best golfers in the state," Shelton girls golf head coach Lorna Martin- son said. April 21 at Alderbrook Golf Course in Union Olympia 130, Shelton 118 Olympia - K. McCauley 28, Thies 28, Nugent 27, Liedes 24, B. McCauley 23. Shelton - Lewis 27, Lund 26, Martinson 25, Gott 22, Cation 19 April 21 at Bayshore Golf Course in Shelton Olympia 97, Shelton 52 Olympia - Liedes 33, Parsons 18, Mercer 16, Staley 15, Brown 14 Shelton - Lanman 14, Ernst 14, Norton 12, Vil- lanueva 12, Nunez 0 City, they made the playoffs in their second season. t Dallas Mavericks If there was any one own- er that could make some- thing like this work, it's Mark Cuban because he's crazy enough to think that a move to Seattle was perfect for the franchise. There is already a main powerhouse in Texas and another high-octane team in Houston (they'll get bet- ter soon, I promise). Also, if Cuban was willing to buy the Cubs, what could he find wrong in rebuilding Key Arena? There is also the idea of the NBA bringing an ex- pansion franchise, but does Seattle really need to go through the pain: that has been suffered (and in some cases still currently suf- fering) by the Cleveland Browns, Charlotte Bobcats, Columbus Blue Jackets and Florida Marlins. Mason General Hospital Bid Package #MGH-4.A: Masonry Bid Package #MGH-4.B: Rough Carpentry Bid Package #MGH-4.C: Furnish Doors and Frames Bid Package #MGH-4.D: Furnish Door Hardware Bid Package #MGH.4.E: Install Doors and Hardware Bid Package #MGH-4.F: Overhead Doors Bid Package #MGH4.G: Operable Panel Partitions Bid Package #MGH.4.H: CATV Bid Package #MGH-4.1: Communications Cabling PRE.BID MEETING: April 25, 2011 at 10:00am BIDS DUE: May 10, 2011 at 12:00pro HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY OF WASHINGTON. Bid Phone: (206) 286-6697 - Fax: (206) 286-7523 1505 Westlake Ave N, Suite 500 - Seattle, WA 98109 - LIC # HOFFMCC164NC We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 28, 2011 - Page C-5