April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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PA E B1TELTON-- ASON C0trNTY JOURNAL--Publlshed in "Chd mastoq n, U.[LA/.', Shelton, Washington Th
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Menus for Shelton Elementary
Schools and Shelton Senior
High Sch,eol
Week of May 3 - 7
Monday Hot dog on a but-
tered bun, beans, potato chips,
carrot 'sticks. fruit jel!o with
whipped cream and milk.
Tuesday 'I~u'key ;rod noodles,
egg salad sandwich oy peam~t
b u t t e r sandwich, vegetable
wedges, chocolate c a k e and
Wednesday .... Fried chicken,
mashed potaloes, Harvard beets,
hot buttered biscuits, oranges
and mill(.
Thursday Pizza, buitered corn,
cabbage and green pepper sal-
ad, fruit and milk.
Friday . Cream of tomato
soup, grilled cheese sandwich,
vegetable wedges, gingerbread
and milk.
Supplement Your Chhild's
Diet with Plenamine from
Prepp's Ro all
132 R.R. Phone 426-4642
Reservations Being
Made For Hood Canal
Ctub Birthday Dinner
Reservations for the annual
birthday dinner of the Hood Canal
"Woman's Club to be held next
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Shelton hotel are being made
through Mrs. Edward H. Jenner
in Potlatch and Mrs. Alice Dof
man. Shellon.
Mrs. Dorman is chairman of th;~
banquet committce which is com-
posed of Shelton members of the
club. Past presidents, charter
members and members ill gooc]
standim~ are slip, ibis to attend.
Bridge, 0inochle and scrabble
were played at tile card party giv-
en in the clubhouse last Thut's:L*tv
Proceeds were for the club schoN
arship fund. Mrs. Edward H. Jen.
net and Mrs. T. Bryant Miles
furnished refl'eshment.~ for the des-
sort Luncheon.
Bridge table prize winners were,
Mrs. Lee Hale, Mrs. Frank Robin-
sc, n and Mrs. C. F. Allen; the pin-
ochle prize was won by Mrs. Verne
L. Hill; scrabble prize by Mrs.
James Reeder; and the door prize
I)v Mr:< Joe Bailey.
We arc all capable of more than
we do. ----Mary Bal(er Eddy
Down Per Mo.
'64 International C-1000 Pickup $625 $49.67
Y2 Ton --- V-8 Engine -- 4 Speed
Trans. -- Wide Box --- Like New -- Low Miles
'62 International C-110 Pickup ..$520 $50.90
Heavy Duty V2 Ton --- 4 Speed Trans.
V-8 Engine --- Long, Wide Box
Bumper-- Large Mirrors 1
'60 International B-100 Pickup _$4 5 $52.89
~2 Ton -- 3 Speed Transmission
Completely Overhauled 6 Cyl. Engine
'60 GMC 9 Passenger Carryall ..$470 $57.96
V-6 Engine --- 3 Speed Transmission
Locking Rear Axle --- Heater
• i " *
'56 Internatmnal Ton Pmkup $250 $31.73
3 Speed --- Heater--- New Paint
'53 Ford V8 1/2 Ton Pickup
Heater -- Automatic
Full Price
'53 Dodge 11/., Ton Cab & Chassis ............ $395
2 S'peed A'xle --- Good 6 Cyl. Engine
Ford 1, Ton Flat Bed $295
'51 ............................
'50 GMC 3/4 Ton Pickup .............................. $295
'48 Ford I/., Ton Pickup .............................. $195
'47 IH llfi Ton Flat Bed ............................ $395
'46 IH I/., Ton Pickup .................................. $195
We Finance with
National Bank of Mason County
SOME LIKE IT HOT, some like it not so h,ot, but when Alice
Blocker serves her Mexican Spoon Bread practically everyone
asks for the recipe. As with most Mexican food, the degree of
"heat" can be controlled to individual taste by the amount of
used~= • • • • •
Alice Blocker always gets re-time during the many days there
quests for her M e x i c a n Spoon was.,..,snow on the ground this past
Bread recipe when she takes it wih'~'='-'XICANma
to get-togethers or serves it toI . •
1 lb can (2 cups) cream style
company. If yoU like cheese and a
little "zip" to your spoon bread ~ncu,~ milk
you will enjoy this recipe The e
• " hil' "" fll1/3 cup oil or melted shortemng
amount o~ e ] peppers tlse(:l W .) ~_ ~p.~..,.. ~...+~..
determine how "hot" the bread is. " ~qx~o:,e~t~'e;.~tt~e,Z'aad.
You can adjust to your own taste1 g " "
• ' cup corn meal
Alice and her husband. Jhn live ~ ts.p. soda
in the lVfatlock area surrounded by :½ tsp. cream of tartar
forest which provides in abund- 1 tsp. salt
ance for one of her hobbies, mush-
~m, os,zee,~,=,,CHRYSLER room picking, The soil in the area
~ma~ It gives rewarding results for an-
707 So. First , 4~3433 ..... :~ Shelton I/°thor hobby, raising flowers.
CHR~fSt~R '=--,i4=L~PMt~U~--- ~AI~I/k'NT ;it' She~!~ttl~o .likes to cook and has
| recefitfy ~aken Up crocheting which
INTERNATIQN~L TRUC~KS '| she ~found wimderful for filling
I I • I I
Mix and pour half of the bat-
ter into a greased and floured 9 x
9 in. square pan. On top of bat-
ter put 1 or 2 cans of peeled green
and red chili peppers• Top with
1 ~/~ clips of shredded cheese (re-
serve 2 Tbsp. for top}. Spread re-
maining batter on top of cheese
and sprinkle the 2 Tbsp. cheese on
top. Bake 45 minutes in 400 degree
oven or until done when tested
with toothpick.
If you don't care for hot food
just use one can of the green chili
peppers. Alice uses one of each
for flavor and color.
Simpson Timber Co.
Kitsap-Mason Dairy
Taylor Electric
Glenn Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Dick York
C & L Service
Cots Grill
Sloane Agency
Pastime Barber Shop
Lem Warren Refrigeration
Eagle Barber Shop
Coast to Coast Store
Pizza Garden
Pantorium Cleaners
Eells & Valley
Johnny's Music Box
Thackeray Electric
Clinton's Fix-it Shop
Olsen Furniture
Hedricks Sport Center
Grimes & McNeil
Shelton-Mason County Journal
Effie's Beauty Shop
Shelton Sheet Metal
Lamp Post
Mac's Corner
Smith's Cigar Store
C. C. Cole & Sons
Hi School Service
Stewart's Foodliner
J & J Service
Mamie's Grill
Apex Grocery
Doran's Shell
Wlngard's Sport Shop
O.K. Rubber Welders
Boon's Plumbing
Rex Floor Covering
Shelton Vet. Hosp.
Leroy's T.V.
Sunset Landscaping
Beokwith Jewelers
Hembroff Agency
Nell's Pharmacy
Robert Snyder Atty.
40 & 8 Club
Prepp's Drug
Mason County Stationers
LeRoy's Jewelers
Mann Realty
Shelton Hardware
McComb's Business Service
The Daily Olympian
Himlle Realty
Ziegler's Studio
Chris's los Cream
A. R,oy Dunn Realty
Evergreen Drugs
Mode O' Day
Sprouse- Reltz
Seattle-First National Bank
Jim Snedden Ins.
Helnie's Broiler
Mason Co. Sayings & Loan
Sears Roebuck
Pastime Tavern
M & S.Grocery
Taylor Towns Cafe
Verle's Sport 8h,op
Olsen's Barber Shop
Shelton Marine Supply
Home Decorating
Eacrett Lumber Co.
Nault's Maxwell
Ralph's Serv-U
Bernie's Barber Shop
Log Tavern
The Hut
20th Century Thrlftway
WoldeWs Chevron
Shelton Title Co.
Thurston Co. Federal S. & L.
J. C. Penney
Jim Pauley Ford
Dr. Radich
Timbers Motel
Batstone Funeral Home
Dr. Tokos
VanderWal's Garage
Hamlln's Hobby & Toy Shop
Angle Agency
Neuenschwander's Jewelry
Bettman's Men 8hop
Dean's Studlo
The Polka Dot
Shelton Electrio
D & E Enco
Western Auto
Cameron Hotel
Lumbermen'= of Shelfon
Western Parts & Machine
Mrs. Skagen's Launderette
Shelton Recreation
LaBissoniere Ins. Agency
Banner & Burnett
Gott Oil
John's Richfield
Ritner's Broiler
Shelton Union Oil
Merv's Recap
Shelton Printing
Bud Pauley'a Motors
Shelton Laundry & Dry Cleaners
Rod & Dick's Shell
Toney's Mobil Service
Cooke's Feed
Los Field's Auto Parts
Moll Chevrolet
Bingers No. 2
Western Farmers
Shelton Junk
~ob's Tavern
Lawton Lumber
Timber Bowl
Grant Lumber
Kimbel Motors
Whitey's Auto Body
Kelly's Furniture
Rayonier Incorporated
Boy Scout Troop 110
Ken Odell Scoutmaster
• This space courtesy Simpson Timber Co,
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts.
519 North 5th street, a girl, April
Mr. and Mrs. Roy York, 1232
Railroad avenue, a girl, April 22.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tygart, 315
North 5th street a girl April 26,
Mr. and MYs. Terrence Robbinsl
Route 1, Box 370, Olympia, a girl,
April 26.
Marriage Licenses
Applying for marriage licenses
in the Mason County Auditor's of-
fice this past week were:
Edward Erickson, 37, Tacoma,
and Lois Deck, 30, Tacoma,
Howard Clifford, legal, Burian
and Joan Grant, legal, Seattle.
Kenneth Stmons, 22, Potlatch,
and Judith Dempsey, 21, Shelton.
Loyal Bercat, 41, Bremerton,
and Ardell English, 41, Bremer-
Ralph Mackey, 32, San Jose,
Calif., and Judith Peterson, 23,
S TAr P~,O~N,
Conservation Luncheon Mission In The
Attracts Large Crowd Philippines To
•, ::: f :
Including Queen Pa|sy Be Guild Subject
Beautiful spring. . flowers, fr(,m~[ The program t the May meet-
the garden oi: Mrs. Craig Eliot: ing of St. David's Episcopal guild
[ dccorated tile tables for the ammal next Wednesday will deal with the
i Conservation hmcheon of the Shel- Mission of St. Michael and All An-
ton Garden Club held April 19 gels in the Philippines. Mrs. Oily-
tin tile Sllelton Hotel. Mrs. J. C. e,' Ashfm'd, who visited the mis- NEW
Bridger and Mi=~s Dora Fredson sion last. year, will be the st)eaR-
were co-cimirmen of the event, or.
A potted Noble F'i~ presented The women of the church have
by the Hoffert Tree Fa, m was at for se,'eral years made contribu- CHAIN
each place of the 35 members an(t Lions to the boxes sent to the. ntis-
[g'ues~s who attended. Honored sion. Odds and ends of yarn, rein-
; guests and officers were presented Uttllts of cott()ll material large MRS. PHILIP RKILLY Cholnsswcutttl
i .
w~th lovely corsages Iliad() by Mrs.enough for m:d-;ing a bhmse, sew- * * *
t'ercy Kenncrley. host luncheon was
f orisi ribbons A no
:Mrs. Henry Hansmeier, presi, ins suppiies and held in
are some of the items most need-the Shelton hotel April 20 honor-
dent, Introduced the Forest Festi- ed. Anyone having any of these ing Mrs. Philip J. Reilly, state
[val Queen, Miss Patsy Bixenmann can be included in a box now be- president of the Daughters of the
;and two of her princesses, Miss tng assembled should bring themPioneers of Washington. Mason
'!Teddi Travis and Miss Nancy to Wednesday's meeting. County Chapter No. 14 was h(m-
Stodden, with their chaperone, Lunch will be at noon wi!h Mrs.ored by her visit.
Miss Alma Burke. She also lntro- Pearl Dutcher and Mrs. Ed Me- Mrs. Reilly is a descendant of
duced i'.he speaker, Carl G. John- Gill serving as hostesses. The pro- Capt. Thomas Chtunbers who See us
son, Assistant District Adminis- gram follows at 1 p.m. brought his family am'o;;:; the
trator of the Department of Nat ....................................... plains in 18,t5, locating first in great neWS~.l
ural Resources, and his wit's. Oregon City then n]oving in 1848
Members were asked to inlro- NATIONAL MUSIC near Olympia to a place ,x