April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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29, 1965
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr stmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington
= ek -- It's A -
To(lay, Thursday, April 29 4:00
J]~y ~ Rotary Club h,neheon, noon,
,: Ming T;ee Cafo. lemb,
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 am., ) 3 c~
Tmlbel s restaurant.
® •
~5 Canal Court Anm,'anth rllm- ~,(t..
t~ tn]ll
, . , p '1]
nlorial ttall. • •
PUD plant and rmnnmge :m e, ] I)i~t I)obller plant and rmnrnage
:!i! 9 a.m. lo 4 p.m., PUI) au(tito,'-sale, 9 a..m. to 4 p.m., PUD Audi.
; ' • illnl, i Ol•itl,ll
ll~l~dp~c Olynipie League baseball, Shel- Saturday, May 1
a m to 5 p m police station.
~~1 Preschool t:;TA bake sale, 10
HP~UI-UIIVN ]1 a.m., Mode O'Day store.
WHEREAS music plays an l! Mt. View Com{mmity Chlh card
invaluable Influence in the life |[ party, 8 p.m., clubhouse.
lPleRed of our world;and IIPatrick T. Orthopedic Guihl
~. WHEREAS music is one of
Illummage sale, PUD auditorium.
.=,~ ~ the most sublime of humanll Fifth anmmlSheltonlnvitation-
pusuits and is subscribed to by I at track meet, eliminations 2 p.m•,
all races and creeds; and I]main events 7:00 l)•m., Loop Field.
lilll.~l~ll~lllit0v WHEREAS music is the lan-II .... Su!lda'Yl~e~lai~:v2e "ou to
ua e f all eo les an- . ii tsnellon cnul'c ,,' .Y
=Incl ¢e0fpe; g g o p p o one ot [[ attend the ~!hll]'!!!l of yore c ore' "
the greatest forces in creating Golt. Clubh.Jm'
-.4rTiwny. - - mon " an- ,, .,,.nnuaJ ~ne,mn P~ -
peace ana nar , y, a. [Icake breakfast, 8 a.m. to 1:00 p.
veoeration ot Musm UULnOS --Iland gl~ests invited
dedicated to encouraging young It " ~'~,,-d,,v ~|av 3
musicians, to increasing music- II PUD N'o:"h" al%.iss°io,; meetin
al knowledge, ano ~o aovancin9 I I 1 p m, PUD commission 1-oom.
American music ---.and its co- ~1 Cot=lty commission mccting. 10
operating organizations j o i n II • •
• ., a.m., rout thouse.
forces to d rect attentmn to the | ~ "'dg 1 lb 7'30 m,
~g~ ~il . .- SheltonBll eCt. P. •
dynamlic influence of music ii, I[ PUD Auditoriu~m
everyday living; I[ Tuesday, May 4
~~ ~l NOW, THEREFORE, l, Frank ,, Kiwanis Club hmchcon, noon,
A. Travis, Mayor of the City of 11 Memorial Hall.
Shelton, do hereby proclaim the 11 City commission meeting, 2 p.
~"~iil ~i!~ii~ week of May 2-9, 1965 as Na-]]m., city ball.
,.~-~k~!;f;~!:~i .!~!i!!~!~i!.::~:: tional Music Week and ask that | Fred B. Wivell Post 31, Amer-
~L~~ e""RRI*'×II~:W ............ all citizens of this community ilican Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall.
observe and take part in activi- [I Lions Cluh dinner meeting, 7
ties, recognizing the importance |lp.m., Shelton Hotel.
qmgnThe(ll0weKit .of music, musicians, and music- ]l Job'i~ Danghters. 7:30 p.m., Ma-
$~1000,=ul al organizations in the cultural Ilsonie Temple•
life of our City, and State, and I] Salvation Army tnmk in town.
the Nation, and World. I[ Phone 426-6564 for pickups or
Dated this 20th da- of Anril Illcave at 425 North 5th St:.
A O 1_q6~ ~ ~ ' 1{ Sl, elton Jaycees, dinner meeting,
.... _--" - |l 6"30 p m Airport clubhouse Bus-
/s/ F. A. TRAVIS, Mayor . "' ' " "'.
fit• ^f Shelton |]mess meeting 8 p.w..
~, y. u -. ' I/ Wednelhty, May 5
mason, t.ounty, I] Drivers' license examiner, 10
wasnington I[a.m. ko 5 p.m., police station•
;quare Theme' "Make Musk' Your I[ B.P.W. Chzb, 7:30 p.m. l, omc of
Keynote for Living" |[Maybell I)aniels.
|1 St. David's Episcopal Guild hm-
~cheon meeting, noon, at the
] ctnlrch.
[ Thursday, May 6
] Rotary Cltlb lunclleon,
|Mink Tree Cafe.
| Toastmasters Club, 6>t5 a.m.,
|Timbers I{estaurant.
/ Yacht Club business meeting, 8
] p.m., chibhouse.
| Navy Mothers' Chlb, 7:30 p.m.,
|Memorial Hall.
/ VVorhl War I Veterans aml Aux-
[iliary potluck hlneheon, noon, Me-
morial Hall.
An LI: N is a Licensed Practical
Nurse and an H.N is a Registered
Nurse. Viola Stormo, LPN, at
0THER,s DAY .... any gift occasion
Shelton General hospital, brought
it to our attention that w•e had
mistakenly identified her an an
RN in a pictm:c ill last week's
pat)er. The Journal regrets the
el']'or slid hopes Nl.lr~e Stormo
suffered no embarrassment from
our mistake which was due to a
Lake NahwalzelMan Found Guilty
Sees Crowd 0f Ins .._,:__., .....:__ L A• Carlson, co;,G =;-
Seniors Start Annual Bullthrowin~ Contest For{-, ]UI I~15~11i~1~11[ IJIlaViL~ {ings bond chairman said. Sales
• ,- -- ,-,. e~ ',"~ I I~.AL ..... @..-..1--_. I PORT TOWNSI~2ND Challcslin tile scate last month totaled
a:eacners; ~mve Auction Is Held At)ril 22 I rI:ili~[ill~li uIillav . . ~. .....~- "."i $5267 047.
.... • ~ McNeai, i'esi¢tent of ~lcDonalo "~ .... ~ .........
by .Debbie Rose couple opening's and if ~4A~lyoile is By Joaal] 'ruPlmr }Cove (between Ehlon and Brill-[I ------t
tlELFAIK-- Tile .~;enior ela.~;s has ii:l.ere.~ted he or slit..~:hould 'eont'leI I LAKE NAH~VATZFL - Tile L non) was found guilt 3' here last I I I
st ed the annu.d B • , ' " ~ ' "
.r ~ ::. 3 ullthrowmg Mr Corliss Qt difi( ~ ions arc: 1. I lishing season got off to a goo(t Thursday nighL of negligent driv- I ___ .,,,.__._ I
contest'in the I]al,s at noon Eaei] Next yo.t,' g.'.,des q-12 2 Begin stal•i l.tm. Snnday with favo'ahle I,,g. He bad bee,, at, used of ,t-II lfftH[lll 6 (¢alKI
teacher has ~.t jar where the stu- praeti~'{d hlst weei< of Au~,ustl :L Iweather. Many 'fishernmn chose t tcmpting t(i hit two men, William ]l "" i
dcnt.s put thou" money to the most l:hiy or finance your ow] ~inif()rln I Lake Nahwatzel for opening day. ] Casey and Harvey Silel)ardson, II ..... I
deserving teach(jr. The sludenls it) t $16 00 .i No net d to pl yGet :nu the first limits of tl~,. with his trucl¢ as t ley walked on]l ~y l£oa ulsen I
)ote lot tile tc, cnej,t}~(5 feel tells a musical ll]Stl'llln(!l]t All men bers]~ y, calh d to tha attention or ihis Ithe shoulder of Fhghway 101 near I| ~ o,,^~,,,,~, I
tile Dig esl; anQ Vql](ISL slori( " , ' • • t ' . ' ' ~lcN • '' • ' " "~ ....... "~"
• . g ...... s. "lhc will b( gl,l ted and ,ecmw~ crew.it - ],eporter, were Mr. and Mrs Ken- ] eal s home last Mmch 2~. |1 I
wlnnu]g Leacneln ~'tllll llave his or evaluated on dependability, coop- netll \Vagner and Mr. and Mrs. Judge A. C. Grady filled McNeal I 2cz, I
,,er name puLo , (.'- jln.nual 15nll- ration and per f, nuna,,ce. Ton, Brown of Olympia. Also mall- ] $110 and sentenced him to 20 I I ,,,... " I
throwing !ro.t.~ny wmea Is di!.~play- The P.T.A, Vaudeville was held I ing" a nice c'aLch Were HaPmon and ] days ill jail, suspended on eondi- II ,. I
eo }n tnc nail snowcas¢!. T!,is e,m- Saturday nighl al 8 ,(nl ;n tbe lT)hn Holtman of Seattle with 14It!on of good behavior II ~'ig~ll~ :;;:::2:." I
tesL Will IS, St [( r ai)otlt t l, ee ~ ' ' ,~ " " ' " "ish h tw l , . ~,,u,,s,,
" . . .. .. . .ugh school gvm. lhe talent on the I, , een t le n. Mrs. Jim Dav,s { A photog,'aph of t,,'e tracks on [I complaint,
s~ic, l~s.t{) be a hc~1.:o far, but this within the school ancl vicinity. IMonday aflernoon was go,~d]troduced by Deputy Sheriff Mar-/I [ :EI in newer I
s." . . • ... , , z.- . 't ," .'ls r g events for l C ' ' .' '~ ." • a. drove by the pair but that I[ ~::J/ ' " I
eo qUiLC a iew wcn l~.nown sollxS • ~ * 1 ' ' ' " "
"- - " .... o ,~'-" " " g • the lugh school students I ie and l Ot ler trailentes spending the lall foul wheels of his truck were [| ~li~/~ have meant |
~ne Dana a,so o," uont two sing.- coffee was m,ld following the" per- I weoke,,d at the Reso,'t were the Io- the pavemnt. Both Casey and II i.~---~,~, smaller I
ers who oio a song ano s~it num- fonnance in the c'~feteria for 25¢ { Carl Stensgaards, Renton, A. G. I Shepardson claimed neither "imd a {| rooms. And in a. small room, I
b31:rsTha?~dt~m~b:yj2;sted/°~vttlw° This is a last reminder to all tTho.!])P~OW.S, Lee Clol~ey's, and weapon. ]the main dec.orating problem I
.... Y" girls to get their dates to the ~mlm z~,v)ngsmn s, of ~remerton. I The case is the most recent of{| seems to be avoiding over- I
one. ............. nu'd m ........... Tolo. Tickets go on sale Monday I. l,"2nLyaynon rsland weF Mr. I sew, al involving residents of Mc-II crowding while still making the
--~-l/.,,, ~, ~,,,~ '_'" ,' st*Jj'~"~ =~,,~ ill the offie.e. The Tolo is May 7 .w. ~. lvllKei ano. a group or Iam- Donald Cove McNeal is currently II room functional and attractive I
bkUC[lOn WHS nel(l, IL , ai'Le(] aL t~ . " ~ ~, " ,', r' " " il r and lrienos ' ~. ,
lU the cif~tellt,,\lth the kmth 5 out on ,s
...... ll 10 30 ] ~.." , ~ . . } • ' '" . .... ] $1 o00 bail on a charge of I I You can ~i.ually "enlarge' |
~o~?(;¢i'~'~Jn:,'e: ~ctioned 'o'~lt]" ~]t~3 Baggerly Band supplying the mus-] MR. AND MRS. v]~ED S pri[lg- ]second degree assault over alleg-|| your rooms with iight or .pale I
...... t-; '" ~. ..... .~ • • ~.. ic. Tolo wcck will start next week ler m t~rinnon ano mr. ana ~rs./cdly shooting Casey last May 3 ]| colors, which cause the walls |
.w^n,tman,.?ary~.t,tm,) .t~co, ge:.~l: with many activities. Remember'[ t~onald Thomas of Snelton were |in the chest, though not serio[lsly II to recede, to "push back" away
,uw ~avtu zxuwa,~s,,, ~mua boys the p_'irl pays tlnlner guests ~unoay aL ule sonic inh, rino" hh,, a
~i,~il~, nha,a~n II f~rml Vnn 13n, lr ~t ~otxr inh n~ I
~:,ch~,.JudyTu~n~::..FL~ ~lf~. All Jumors and Sen,ors who a,'~ ]of .~,_an~ M,s: Ralp.h S2l,nge,_ [~gatnst Casey on McNeal's corn-II
colors b.vc a tendency to move I
-~ .... ~c.v, ~.u,~ ...... ._~.~, ~,,~,m,y commercial majors or are atLend-I, weeKena gUeSLS ac tile lJonle o1: )plaint that he was fired upon by
II in on you, and they should be |
~t.yer,. ~anoy vleury, o ez.t..~jmn,N . . , ing vocational school are to con-{ Jvlr. ano ~m's. ~rnel TVelt were Casev~ was. later dismissed. An- II u s e d " s,.ar.nobn i~,~ "i. ............ ~,~,,o~ I
t~lu t~ope, JoAnn ~cnlumgel, tact the counselor Mr Hawkins I Howard Weed and Mr. and Mrs. I othm ~t~ .... ~ ......i~ ~h .... II ....... I
St~vemp~eMier°, 2eerGfi~f!th,^DL- Also, all juniors'and 'seniors in-" I nto,l Mr: I II Select: }nrnituro that is rela- I
~'"; ";':'"%.. ~':"~2, ...';'2~'~", . Q~". terested, in any branch of health I and ~rs. r~ooert wars ana son ()z / sev~ over the March 27 alter ca- II j_...,f'vr~lv --~---li~rhf ._
~a¢~y, JnYl l~oa(1 l~lll nugnes l~ln Blcnleltorl
a- ~...~. ....... " ..... n.-l-,-"w--~ or nlcdlcal seicnee are to check| };2 ~l[ . . ..... {tion has yet to be heard in Qun-{{ andsmall ~ I
~ ~,,yn~lj,_~.a~{c.~,,~,, ~,~,~ ryu with the counselor regarding theI . onaay evening mr_ ana ±vn's. Irene hlstiee court. I I sealed, with ~ I
Ferreu, r~i~Kl wone, ~Leve ~lagle, IIealth Science meeting at the{Anarew me|at vie of MatlocK vis- -- - l i an enlnhasis Im
l l'~[ll~'' [ |
Bec!~y Lohmml, NolO.ha .Reynolds, University of Washington. lited the Tveits. } II on sl~h I ,~, I I
r~atny l~rice, ~.inaa DUttlCl(1, l-lar- THE KiORTH MASON Highl Sunday dinner g~msts at the l lab -e tl tails as open ~ ~w~'r~ I I
~Y MeKay, LalIy Fortncl Ma~sha ~ honlc of
. ' • "'. '" '" ' School third Quarter Honor koll ~. : Mr and Mrs. Clifford I~-~IIPI~I~M II " I \ ,I /I I
~ipu)n, KenBoad, Dave Dietz and has been announced• The Special ] Fo,•d wcre Mr. andMrs. F~ichard[ I~lt~t,¢lll~ll,~, {{~,~%~:_ ~ ~" J i
~eachers - Mr. Olsen, Mr. Corliss, Honor Roll of 3.5 and better in- ]Boothe and farnily of Seattle, Mrs I High Low Preeip. I I I
M" I1 " , " , , ~t ~t.f4n ......
~. Gruber, and Mrs. Spoo e~. The eludes Ned Cokclet, Patsy Bixen- Boothe s mother and father and April22 .............. 60 40 .05 I| .~u ,,¢ ;i,h;,,1, ~ |
slave auction altogethermade mann, Arlene Dahl, Susan Fisher ]Mrs. Ford's Grandsons, Tyler, ]April 23 .............. 62 a7 -- I I ;:,':G'/'.:T" I
$143.50. Franl~ Miller, Julie Anen KatylWade an[t Dave Boothe, ali oflAPril 24 .............. 60 46 .19 [I " Use ~allto I
was chosen captain o e Se lnger. The Honor Roll consists of]it Arcnie Kelle3 x~ ho is in Pacoma I ' ' . ............ 71. 43 "--- ]l ..,. l,,.,e;. :; .,.,,..: I
Class and Jay Allen was chosen P'ttlv Criss Barb'u'a I-||son ]General Hospital. He is inlnrovinffReadings are for a 24-hour pn'-II :='~ t'", ...... ~ ...... :9. ..... e,,e. I
captain ol the Junior Class Jay 0i, er",,l Willi'~;ns 'i~im'Prown J m-' ]ewu'v day " " °]iod ending at 8 a.m. /I *o nmp you, qua!lty
h e ' __ LUlelS ll VC cleaILa Ilne luI
Allen accepted the trop y on b .-is Harsta.d, Don Huson, Kathy [ Thev sl.ayed from Thu,'sclav to ] .................................l! nisl~i,~-'s 'in a rel:~al'k'lble ran'-; I
half of the Junior Class. MaybeLohnlan Nora Schroeder Andv/Sml'(lay at the home of Mr'and A snail's nice i~ estim~,toa tn/I o &. _ ; :.. 2 . ;-/s I
h" n will becon]e In tn ' " ' ' ' ' ' I • " r' ., ....... u~ o,.,dS ano pi'oporuons VlSlL
L is challe ge ' ' " Veiteh Sue Alien Chris Blxel- |Mrs Jerry Stone of I ederal Way be 23 inche .... 1 ...... II • , I
..... r ,1.,_ " ' ' '-~ / ' ' '" " "" "" ""'"" IIour SI10vqroonl soon an(lCllSCOV-
~llii~i~v~'l~'2tnlet:iuet~l'l~ye*~'t;fre'sh': }lJi;~5':~' ~o~::ii, cdt% ~/G~,i'%~','- /I .-.__ ' ~ , /I °l
ments for the workers. A large on Edinger, Marlene Hannigan,/I ll~tlI You Should Know , . . Illc. i.lom,OF ;(mr I
. eSL ( o q I y C ( CLI( n
part of the track was cleaned off. D'tn Heath Emily Meyer Karin II ~I~~ ~-~--.--~-~--=-~a ........ I II . " . • ' ~ •, • ~ I
Friday of this last week, the,R;,s,nussen,' NaneSr Sa{R'r', Carol ]l ~)~i)ii~!(ii~ U L I N I W i L L 0 U R ,/Ia~m, vap~e come in and see! I
Olympic College Stage Band lmi. Thompson Cindy T,'anm,ell Tim tl ~?~~ Ill~°uL~ ,l~.~,ays wc,eome I
' " I I ) liod , • ' r. ~z .l~x~.o;ss .... .--' Illson PUrl]ILl rc
on m sscmbly dlumg t~ te ~ ~ Z i ~tl Ii Allen
; ~'" ..... " " WiDe, ,l~nis e'tl ", .~v ,{1~~}! Anorew uarnegie once saio, ine ..... I
The stage band was on tour and Ardch, Betsinger Katie P, iair, Ken/i i best way to accumulate money is to F}| .------ ., |
had just returned from playing Boad, Charlie Dral.:e, Arletha Dn-{{ resolutely save a fixed portion of II I 1 • I
in seatUe. The DJ from the l.eal val, Jeff Fortner, David C, atlin /I your income, no matte," how sma /I I I _ I
,'lclio station in|rodllced the hand |lee Gi"iffith Alex 1-]',ight 1)qvid{I ~l~ii~}~;~!l the amount" L fe Insurance helns ~li I | 11"I_"11 ~ll' I
and direchr. The band played K(iwdcz~,k i~qars{la. Tiptol~ rt.Uv I ~i~{~i~7~itB you do that ~ Ill | I 11.6~1 ~1~ I
modern jazz. Also with the band White 13ol; Me~;er and-Susan I