April 29, 1965 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 29, 1965 |
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SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "ff.hristmaMown, U.g.A.', Shelton Washln
We Do...
Clean brake drums
Ldjust brake shoes
and repack front
inspect grease seal!
bSPect wheel
refill master
'.,k absorbers
end Camber
end caster
to factory
Lil Pipe
Lilliwaup Community Club
Start New Card Paty Series
By I,'r~mees C:Ltto ]were to fly to a.iropteal island off
I:)art.y held May 14, following the winter of 1964. Their son was their
monthly poth|cl{ supper and bus- guide and driver during their
loess r~meting of the club. 5,000 miles of travel about the
V¢inners of prizes Friday eve- continent.
ning were Mrs. Alice Reed and MR. AND MRS. R. L. Moffett
Dess t-hines, first; Mr~'~. William wevc dinner guests of their new
J. Everett and Karl Linscolt, sec- son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
end; Mrs. Itenry Mourik and Mrs. Mrs. Mike Byrd, in Olympia Sun-
Fred Martin, pinochle; Mrs. Frank day. Mrs. Byrd, who was married
S. MclnLyrc and Dess Haines, ].500 early in March in a church wed-
spades trump, and Svcn BragsLad, (~iug in ShelLon, is the former
the door prize. June Moffett,
Hostesses for the party were Builders of the attractive A-
Mrs. Henry Mourik and Mrs. Geo. frame vacation house going up
Moake. in tlm Starr White beach area
Armed with appropriate tools are tester and Da.ris Peele of
for cutting back the invading wild Renton. They are building an extra
growth, a small group of volunteer room to add more space to the
workers will tackle the job of A-frame main building.
cleaning np the little pioneer Lil- Cpl. Earl Abbott, son of the
liwaup cemetery Saturday morn- E. E. Abbotts, is reported to be
ing at 9:30 a.m. This will be the back to his regular army duty,
first of a series of work days, ac- following an extensive period of
:cordingto Mrs. John R. Aaro and ski training and competition as
Mrs. J. L. Catto, members of thea member of a U.S. Army team
Lilliwaup Comnmnity Club's corn- preparing for the 1968 Olympics.
Anyone wishing to help by spen-
ding ~ little time on this civic
project, may call Mrs. Aaro or
Carte. They hope to have
:he old cemetery nmch improved
Memorial Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wilison
and Mrs. Willson's mother, Mrs.
Alice Reed, returned Thursday to
their homes in Holiday Beach.
Mrs. Reed had spent the winter
near Victoria, B.C., an,i the Will-
son's brought her home, after a
visit up there with Mr: Willson's
brother, at Duncan, B.C. "While
there they had a visit from a bro-
ther, Glen Willson of Prince
George, whom they had last seen
m 1947.
Mrs. Ethel Schewill, sister of
Mrs. Willson, is a houseguest at
the \Villson home this week. Mrs.
Schewill came here from Arizona,
where she had been wintering,
and she will visit in the Yakima
Valley before returning to her
wllat Ed and Marjorie Furlong
called the gathering of some 20
relatives and close friendq to cele-
brate the wedding of their son,
V. L. Furlong, in Orange, New
South Wales, Australia.. The party
in their home was held Friday
evening and the time difference
was such that when they Lclephon-
eel to talk to the bride and groom
aL 11 p.m. here, it was 5 p.m.
Saturday, April 24, in Australia,
where the ceremony had taken
place just two hours before.
Miss Annette Machin, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Machin,
became the bride 0f the ymmg
geophysics engineer in a ceremony
performed at the Holy Trinity
Chm'cil of England in Orange.
Their recepLiml was held at the
Dundee Country Club. The couple
• New Deep Action Agitator--
cRates jet currents for "deep
action" cleaning.
• Jet-Away lint removal--needs
no lint trap.
• Jet-spin assures quick drying,
Jet-simple mechanism has
fewer parts for top depend-
Assigned to CISM (Consulate In-
ternational Sports Military), Cpl.
Abbott had been skiing in compe-
tition at various places in Eur-
ope before returning to his In-
telligenceduties near Munich,
Young Abbott reported Lo CISM
last Jan. 15, after a Christmas-
time visit with his fmnily at their
beach home near Holiday Beach.
A former student at Skagit Junior
College and Western Washington
Colege, he had won a number of
trophies in skiing competition dur-
ing his school years.
SEVERE COLDS, contracted on
shipboard during the last part of
their Pacific cruise, delayed the
return home to the C*final of Mr.
and Mrs. Allie W. Robinson and
Mrs. Zoe Sceva. With Mrs. Flo-
rence Ross, mother of Mrs. Lewis
A. Evans, and Mrs. Aimee Fuhr-
meistee of Tacoma, the Lilliwaup
travelers disembarked from the
S.S. Oriana Saturday. Mrs. Rob-
inson was under the care of a
physician aL the home of her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Burman in Bellevue, while
Mrs. Sceva was with her brother-
in-law and sialcr. Mr. and Mrs
Edward Knox in Tacoma. They all
hoped to be home by the middle
of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans returned
Sunday evening,% aft',r making the
trip to Vancouver, B.C. to mecL
her mother on ihe Oriana and
take her Lo her Seattle home.
They visited their daughter, Mrs.
Cliff Nelson, v~'llo \V~tS honlc froln
the hospital in Edmonds and re-
cuperating after a bout with pne-
Faith had a 1)out, herself, With
an infected tooth ()vet' ti~e weekend
and headed for her dentist's office
Monday morning. Her assistant,
Mrs. R. L. MoffeLL, i.ook over her
duties in the Lilliwaup Post Of-
Among the opening day fishing
trips was one to North Lake by
Mr.' and Mrs. Nell Vance, so that
Nell could join Arthur Burg, son
of Mrs. Vance in some lake fish-
ing. The Vances went into Tacoma
Friday to the home of the John
Burg family and Arthur met them
there and took them to his home
in North Lake. John and son Paul
joined them for the fishing on
Sunday and all got tlmir limit
in rainbow trout.
Mrs. Vance didn't fish, but es-
pecially enjoyed a visit Saturday
night when her granddaught'er and
her husband and three children
came from Tacoma. They are Mr.
and Mrs. Alhm Tongedahl, who
had neL visited with the Vances
~or some time. The Vances re-
tut~cd home Monday noon.
Despite the special efforts, in.
cluding buying new fishing gear
and building a raft at one of the
lakes, brothers, Jin~ and Tim
O'Ncil didn't gel their limit Sun-
day in Elk and jefferson lakes.
One of the trout, though, was
an especially nice 16-incher, and
it was a beautiful day to be out
in the ()pen.
Rest While Park boanouse was
a busy place over the weekend,
as fishermen consistentlY came in
.... in blacJ~mouLh
wzth then" hnuts
,- *.~ed was a 2 -
The largest fish u ..... 2
pounder, said MrS. Leon Baker,
who manages the resort with her
Mrs. Lulu Smith entertained her
bridge hmcheon gr~nleast '~(el¢"
Wednesday in h " ~,g
con Point Resort. Mrs.. • L. Lha-
mon was to be hostess to the
bridg~ piayers ,Wednesday of this
~: l~er indian Beach home
week at "~al'-h r, - '
. ~ ~Krs x~ p • arKer
. lvl.r.,~ an2~ n;; ;~'e here for a visit
Ironl Uall[ ? "o]fl
am "
• Ilk W " S Mrs
with the li~a ..... ".__ :,
Parker is a sister el ~v~s. Wok-
with trade
Shelloa psi a " 426.4393
Mason County"
Christian Science
Ledure S=heduled
Here This Sunday
• -.:+llal r(?quiroAll(~nts for
The spU~ .... It a .... ~2 .
. ,-~ ,~o t"1"0111 glu • , ~t(I sUHCrlng
L',:,ea.~ ' d at ' .'. ' •
wil, hc e.Wn"t .v 'n Sct-
cnce chllrcn set ;2., tlS ~llll(lay,
of the l~ll)le Lesson is
ii, sc.'p ", 1 a ,sages ,o
)resented are Ulesc verses
Ezekiel: "Make ytm a new
and a new spirit . . . For I
ave no plcas}~re in the death of
that dietn, saith the Lord
'od: wll~refore ttn'n yotlrselves,
and live ye."
Tllese related passages will be
l Self net in(1 h
l'ead fron "~.~" '~ } tlcalt
to t e Scriptures" by
:er Eddy: "The way to
tl~e nfiscry of sin is to
ruing . . • The belief in
eaLl~ is destroyed by the
which is the law of
of death, of harmon)
• d of discord,
instea ,, of Spirit in-
stead of the flesh (PP. 327 253),
.. , s
free and part pay care was given
at The Orthopedic in 1964. Al-
though this institution was found-
ed in 1907, the Penny Drive has
been the fund raising l)roject only
since 1932.
Easter being a beautiful day, if
home, people were outside and
not near the phone, so we did not
reach everyone to find out what
they did to celebrate the Holiday.
The Charles Bridges had a house
full of company. Bridges' brother
George and family were there and
Don Bridges, all of Aberdeen.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lohrer of
Longbranch and Olympia spent
and family of Bremerton spent
last weekend on their property at
Island Shores. Ottolee is math-
ematics teacher and athletic coach
at Olympic Junior College. in
We made an error in last week's
news. David Chaffee from Van-
couver who visited the Paul Chef-
fees during his Easter vacation
from a Vancouver high school, is
the Chaffee's grandson. David was
also a guest of the Ernie Byers.
Anyway, Mrs. Ernest Chef fee,
David's mother, motored up front
Vancouver last Monday and took
David home.
Mr. and Mrs. AI Pridham spent
Easter Sunday with the Carl Kim-
bela in Sheltol~. We stopped by
the Pridhams to visit and view
their garden. Although late in the
season for daffodils, the border of
different varieties of daffoails was
a lovely sight. Nearby, a flowering
crabapple tree of a raspberry col-
a driftwood piece hangs over the
mail box.
Continuing down the road to
the South end of Island the next
attraction, is the entrance to pri-
vate road to the Baunsgard, Bas-
sindale property. They cleared a
little meadow and in the midst
is a wild cherry tree in bloom.
No doul)t Sid or Nels plan to graft
it and make tim tree produce bing
or royM-ann cherries. On each side
of the road proper, entrance is a
tub made of slices of logs and
serving as planters in which are
growing yellow daisies. More of
us should do things to beautify
entrances to roads, makes it look
like someone lives within the road
who loves and cares for their
land. By the way the Sid Bauns-
gards spent the Easter Day with
their children in Lakewood and
Tacoma. Tl]e Nels Baunsgards and
Mrs. Bassindale had relatives and
friends visit them here on the
or, added attraction to the garden. LAST FRIDAY the McAuliffes
The Pridhams are busy getting were pleased to have their broth-
er-in-law, Michael Podielski arrive
fro~. 5g.~ :~i]ln Podielskt whn~o
home is i~ Santa Clara, Calif. is
employed at Hunters Point Naval
Ship Yqrds near San Franeiscx).
Returning to bis home in Cali-
fornia his flight from the Philli-
pines landed him at Sea-Tam He
left for home Sunday. Other news
front the McAuliffc Farm is that
Ell:~ is thrilled over owning a new
rhododendron! A most unusual va-
riety. She and M'ay Ticrney drove
to Brinnon on Hood Canal to the
Rhododendron Farm there, to ad-
:mire and purchase plants.
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Yates spent
the Easter week-end visiting with
friends and relatives in Auburn.
Ann is now making plans to go
east to her 50th High School re-
union. More about that later.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Schcnk of
Hoko near Port Angeles were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Budd
last week-end. All entered into the
project at The Maples of finishing
the fence for burro and finally
bringing the little animal to his
new home. A pot-luck and general
celebration was held.
Club is having an Antique Show
for the benefit of their scholar-
ship fund. The show will be M'ay
14 from 2 to 4:30 p.m. in the home
of Mrs. Maude Crosby in Shelton.
Tea will be served. Anyone wish-
ing to attend, should call 426-
The Joe Erignones have all
been down with the quick flu.
However they did go to tucir looni-
er home at North Bend Easter.
Now, according to Larry, whom
we met at the store, all are well.
Lucky are Thora and Gene Se-
ward! They have five beauLifnl
grandchildren ranging in ages
from 12 to 16, Molly, Sally and
Rickic Root are the Scwards
daughter's children, Judy and Guy
Seward the son's children. Taking
turns two of the clfildrcn come to
Harstine every week-end. They
have a fine time doing odd jobs
around the farm and waiting on
customers in the Punkin Centor
May 6 at 10 a.m. nmmhcrs of
the HarsLine Womens Club will
bring their sack lunches, brooms,
mops and scrub brushes to The
Harstine Hall. Thc annual house-
cleaning will be done in prepar-
ation for the Hardtimes Party for
Pickering women May 12.
The County road' equipment is
on the Island and we are glad Lo
see brush around dangerous curves
is being taken away. Likewise
Ferry ramp has been repaired.
Now, before winter, we hope the
road on mainland landing will be
raised, so the Ferry on high winter
tides will not have to land on
Mrs. Shcedys front porch!
Wiih Every Purchase Of A
* FURNITURE .- Bedroom,
Living Room Sets
IN 5 to
2rid & Cota
"Always The Best Deal, by George"
Ph. 426-4663