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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 29, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 29, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PAGE 10 8 LTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL;--Publishe(l in "C, hr ,tmaatown, U.S.A.", Shelton, I li !: 'i a By Nadine Rhodes AGATE .... Cal Hoppet', Admin- istrator of Shelton General Hospi- tal, will be the speaker at the Pioneer School PTO meeting Tues- day night. The topic will be the Mason County Hospital District. All interested persons are invited to attend. Other important business will bf~' the election of officers for the next school year. The Executive Board of Pioneer PTO will meet at the ~chool to- night at 8 p.m. Agate Tip-Top 4-H Club met last Wednesday at the home of PTO To Hear Cal Hopper Kathy Dickensen. The major part of the meeting was devoted to judging cookies and seams which were made up in advance by the leader, Mrs. Martin Auseth. Alan Fitzthum and Brock Shard participated in a track meet with the Shelton Junior High track team. The track meet was held at Washington Junior High in Olympia la:~t Thursday. Mrs. Jack Shero attended the Tacoma Conference of American Lutheran Church Women, in Bre- morton Tuesday. Also attending were Mrs. Vic Auseth and Mrs. hwing Vik. 'I?HE SIXTIt grade class at Pio- neer School spent last Friday at Panhandle Lake. They were ac- companied by Roland Quinn. Boy Scout Troop 60 went on an overnight camping trip last week- end on the Skokomish river. The group is sponsored by the Faith Lutheran church in Shelton. The boys were Alan Fitzthum, Brock SharD, Brad Shero, Scott. SharD, Elwood Stout, Seibert Auseth, Wayne Bushak, Leonard Rice, Lee Geist, Bill Jones, Rick Fitchitt, Glen Lockwood, Randy Palmer and Jim Kelly. Accompanying them were Scoutmaster Carl Anderson and Assistant Scoutmaster Doug MaeWiliiams. AT TIIE MEETING of the Agate Grange Friday night cer- tain remodeling plans were made. The kitchen-rest room section of the Grange Hall is soon to be remodeled. Mrs. Jack SharD was appointed chairman of the Agate Grange float for the Forest Festival par- ade. Agate Grangers will keep in mind that the Pomona Grange will meet Friday night at the Sko- komish Valley Grange. by Dora Hearing MATLOCK--Many friends and relatives attended the open house Sunday at the Matlock Grange hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradberry's Silver Wed- ding Atmivcrsary. It was given by Mr. and Mrs. Merland Goodburn of Shelton, their nephew and niece.. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley were host and hostess for the pinochle party Saturday evening 9'x 12' Room Size Regular 21.95 EACH - I s" x 15" Decorator Pillows In asso,,ed shape,, ,o,.,,and des,gn,. Re,gular Value 99¢ Shredded Foam • bags t make your own pillows. Regular 59¢ Bag. IIII I I Quart size with cup cap. Perfect size for beach, picnics or beat. Value 2.39 Ironing Table Adjustable height from 23" to 36". With safety lock. Reg. 5.77 Ironing Board Pad and CoverSet Complete wlth fasteners. Value 1.10 I II L Reg. 3.98 Swing-Away Can Opener With wall fastener and magnet. III I I 24-Piece Stainless Steel Dinnerware Set Will not rust, stain or tarnish. 12 spoons, 6 forks, 6 knives. Pendant pattern. MANAGER --- S. HASTINGS Spring into Summer Savings! ifts for Morns & Dads & ALL smart bargain Dupont Values to 2.98 First quality In assorted sizes and blends. Cotton, plush viscose, nylon/rayon EACH blends. I I II Tier Curtain Set Reg. .ia w,, /Matching Valance 30 length in assorted colors and patterns. Flannel Backed ,, 11s mu .. 52 sq. d~_ i"lasTIc Reg t.9~ Table Covers $! ........ 52 x 72 . Reg. 2.98 [erful NON-STICK ~1 Teflonl Keeps grids clean for f~i!2 perfect waffles every time. t~ Automatic waffle baker in ~ contemporary design - with ~i~ heat indicator. Portal Vacuum Cleane Small size, light weight. Great ~ R Dinette Chair Replacement Sets LIKE GETTING A NEW CHAIR SET... AT A FRACTION OF THE COST. DECORATOR COLORS. SET 4 SETS Your choice of 1 # choc- olate or vanilla. PLUS I/s# of apposite flavor. Regular 69¢ II I IIIII 7-pc. Kitchen Dining Set • . . for cooking and serving with decorated handles. Dishwasher- proof! Value 5.95 II I I Guest Soap in attractive Apothecary Jar. Regular 98¢ 14 Oz. Bag Bubble Bath Assorted scents. Each bag good for 150 bathsl Bubbles of fun. Reg. 79¢ Value 5.49 I Steak Knife:] 6-knife set.., with brown molded Pakkawood dish. washer-proof handles. Sturdy, sharp, attractive. High quality, accurate and ~ttractive. Magnified dial. CHOICES OF COLOR Transistor Music everywhere you go. Regular 7.95 I I I 3 pieces- attractive and handy for parties. Salad Set Bowl with two servers, i:i¢~ !iia at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dawson. Tyler, Dave and Wade Boothe of South Bend spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford. Mrs. Watson Ross was hostes~ for the Matlock Ladies Club last week Wednesday. Joan Pike and Dora Hearing's birthdays were celebrated. It was decided to en- tertain the Riverside Club at a luncheon at the next meeting, May 5. The Club Ladies that attended Homemakers Council in Shelton Monday were Mrs. Lud Rossmaier, Mrs. R. E. Bradberry, Mrs. An- drew McGarvie and Mrs. Elvin Hearing. Mr. and Mrs. Curt Sell and daughter Margo, spent the week- end at Sedro Wolley with relatives. Carl Portman went to Seattle Thursday to be with his brother, L. D. Portman, who had surgery at St. Frances Hospital. We hope Dumont a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford and Tyler, Dave and Wade Boothe, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trenckmann, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradberry, Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaler. Mrs. James Pike and Mr. and Mrs. E1- vin Hearing spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Combs to make plans for a float for the Forest Festival. l~r. and Mrs. James Morgan of Shelton were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Moore. MIg. AND MRS. ALVIN Owens and family of Seattle spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hol- latz. Mr. a~d Mrs. Jasper and fam- ily also were callers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hollatz had a birthday dinner Friday evening in home of their daughter, Ginger, and Edward Hollatz, Mrs. Gladys Carter was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Valley spent Sunday evening with the Rodger Spalding family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Ross- mater and girls, and Mr. and Mrs. Larry Chamberlin and family, all of Shelton were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald May and son of Seattle were Sunday ~linner guests at the Kenneth Howard home. Mrs. J. D. Simpson of Bremer- ton brought her mother, Mrs. Sin- gleton, home last week to spend a couple days with her and the I. C. Ford family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Nye of Shel- ton called on Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Beaulah Gowan, Mrs. Lau- ra Lord and Miss Alia Russell, all of Shelton, spent Thursday after- noon with Mrs. Herbert Brehmey- er Sr. The Alvin Owen family of Seat- tle called on Mr. and Mr:~.'g- Herbert Brehmcyer Sr. Sunday evening. MI{. AND MRS. MEI{LAND Goodburn and children were sup- pet" guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. ~]. Bradberry Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Russin of Junction City, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Dailey of Portland, Ore., cousins of R. E. Bradberry i attended their silver wedding an- niversary party Sunday. i Mrs. Augusta Portma~ and Carl Portman spent the weekend in Shelton with Mrs. L. D. Portman. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Schwab of Hoodsport were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gwin- nett a~ Simpson's Salmon Hatch- ery. u Girls', Boys' State Re[ Named; Honor Roll For S ! • !;.(;!: TOM JEFFERIES LoretU~ Beerbower has been se- lected to attend Girls State. Loret- ta is very active in school activi- ties. She is Junior Class treasur- er, assistant student body treas- urer, Girls League president, and cheerleader. She is president of her local 4-H club, and assistant school librarian. She is also a member of the annual staff. Loretta is a 5 ft. 2 in. junior with brown eyes and brown hair. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beerbower, of Monte- sanD. Tom Jefferies is the boy select- ed to attend Boys State. Tom's ac- tivities include Junior Class stu- dent council representative, mere, ber of Men's Athletic Union, mem- ber of track team, and annual staff representative. Tom is also an Honor Student. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jeffel~es of Montesano. The Second Semester, six-week honor roll is as follows: Seniors: Dennis DeFoer, Kris- tine Graham, Nancy Stodden. Juniors: Vernon Buchannan. LO R ETTA I Sophom.ore~! Rene' Freshmen: Starks, Ray l April 22, went to games. The The boyS, theirs. . The Juniorg conference at ( ior College May 6 start at 2:15 a style by the followed by room will be GRADE 'I~e fifth a forcstry April 23. forest censer The honor roll is Sandra Dan Judy and Kathy Library Has 90 New Books, Planned For Parents Of 7th The SJHS library has just re- total of 46 cently been SUl)plied with 90 new roll. The books, 18 of which arc paper- honored sU back. Also occupying a new spacegrade tally in the library are a Goode's Atlns freshmen-~. and a Brewers' Phase and Faille.Creasey, aV The books cost a total of $280 received st~ be checked out of the library. "Do you. May ~1, at 7:30 p.m., an "open friend?", the house will be held for all parents a success in who will ~,a};e~ seventh grade slu'-' TI;e cast of dents , tt-'nc 'I g helton Junior gra'teful to i High next: year. Tile open houseand Mrs. S will take place in the auditorium, to put on ! w:thrCOffele i~e~Veddf~llot~mfg:the M~ Bzown p g, . t . I y . l stage and ty and administration that this meeting will be beneficial to the parents by increasing understand- ing of what the school has to offer. Parents will have a chance, to ask any questions thcy might have. The program will bc short, cov- ering such subjects as academic classes, rules, extra-cirricular ac- tivities and expenses encountered by the students. THE UNOFFICIAL honor roll for the junior high was posted Ap- ril 23. The freshmen led the sev- enth and eighth graders with a and Valley ties. Following comments on Mark experience. prcciated tl~ tel's, rY;eth good play Dabble joyed other '65 Ford's new standard 240-cu. in. engine is biggest new Six. Bigger than Chevy's, Plymouth's .... or Rambler' It's the Six that gives you V-8 "kicks" with six-cylinder economy! Test it now! .... ... FORD GAL~XIE. Test.oeand investoeein the best! See ./ 501 Railroad Ave, Shelto b